The Earth Invasion Counter-strike.

One year went by, one year... yet a lot happened, it was one of the busiest years of my entire life, this world and before I ended up here. Now that I am A father, not just one daughter but now two. Yeah, Weiss gave birth to one daughter now and of course Blake was onto number two. Goku finally got his wish, we now spar on the regular when I'm not being A stay at home dad and Vegeta also got in on that action. Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha and Krillin joined us in our spars from time to time also, each of them could now push Kaio-ken to four times without much damage to themselves. Raven kept at it, training with us. Piccolo being Piccolo surprisingly trained with Gohan, Goku and himself via clones. Weiss and Blake no longer trained but Winter joined us, she loved fighting and didn't want kids, her choice which I respected. What changed, Bulma didn't really like Vegeta in this uh, timeline of sorts so I'm not sure what's going to happen about 'future Trunks'. Yang and Pyrrha trained with us, Yang didn't train with her mother though as they were not speaking, The Namekian's invited me again to use their dragon balls, to which Nail also asked if he could stay on Earth for now, he was more of A warrior and fighting against stronger opponents was what he wanted. Guru was getting older too, so he was preparing his eldest son Moori in taking over the clan.


I didn't have any more wishes, I also remembered that relying on wishes for anything else other than reviving friends and even that was frowned upon by them Kai's, I remembered the black dragons and therefore didn't want to accelerate their creation.


I didn't find out who blew up the original Namek, the new Namek was restored to pre-cataclysmic era so the planet was lush and the Namek's future were to be expanding over the planet, something which would happen over centuries. Right now though, I was relaxing at home, with my newly married wives minus Winter who was out, working with Bulma at Capsule Corp. My newly born daughter, named Willa had her mothers features, hair color but her tail color being white made her unique in Saiyan terms to her half sister whose tail is black.


"Harrrgh!" Goku and I attacked each other, I was pushing myself at fifty percent of my 'current' fighting power as I had four clones created that were training against each other. Our blows hemorrhaging the air around us as pulses of air blew from the both of us. We were in the outskirts of West city, the mountainous regions testing Goku's increased strength, his love for battle as he always demanded to fight.


"Ka… Me… Ha… Me… Haaaaaa!" he blasted me, A thick beam of Condensed Ki blew towards me, threatening to engulf me in its glow, I held onto the tip of the beam and even while being driven back, prepared my counter.


"Hiyaaah!, try harder Goku!" I kicked his attack upwards, reflecting it and changing its trajectory entirely. He smiled, still holding the attack and he yelled loudly, feeding the blast, I watched at the beam expanded several times, Goku engulfed himself in Kaio-Ken and then he used his hands, changing his attacks trajectory again. I looked up, only to be engulfed by an explosion, the 'Kame Hame' reaching me and detonating on impact. I nodded my head, stretching my tensed muscles and then shouted, A wave of my own purple Ki evaporated from within and blew away the rest of the explosion, dust and cloud that surrounded me. Goku watched with rapt attention, waiting for my counterattack and I didn't disappoint him. Afterimaging, I landed A blow to which he was quite quick to almost block, our punches and kicks erupted onwards across the sky and the various techniques we used against each other to one-up each other escalated the seriousness of the fight. Kicking down as I had an advantage, I launched A blitz of smaller Ki-blasts towards Goku, who in form of humor, dodged while yelling out surprise, afterimaging across the area while I continued to launch blast after blast towards him. I stopped my attack though and held onto my Ki-blasts telepathically and Goku looked up.


"Now, dodge again Kakarot!." I yelled, I called him by his Saiyan name A lot, much to his displeasure but angering him might be the best way to get him to transform. He looked at me, his senses though warned him quickly when my Ki-blasts came flying back up, homing in on him, randomly swinging around like missiles to hit him, Goku begun to fly around, afterimaging at random intervals to dodge my blasts. Most of my blasts begun to fizzle out and detonate without hitting Goku. I attacked again, surprising Goku by engaging him while my own attacks continued to hone in or explode randomly. 


Taking Goku's fist to my face, he powered up and then angrily yelled out, launching one of his overpowered punches, the 'Dragon Fist'. that attack smacked me downwards, allowing Goku to counter me with another of his 'signature Ki blasts.


"Ka… Mee… Haa… Mee… haaaaah!" spiriling downwards, smacking into me as I was still falling, my hands held on as I launched my own attack.


"Royal Spear!" appearing inside the gap between my right hand and Goku's attack, the beam met with just in time as the 'Kame Hame' those beams met and conflicted against each other.


The beams exploded, pushing both of us to opposite sides, myself closer to the ground while Goku was pushed upwards. Landing on the ground, Goku joined me and spoke though A huff.


"So, ready to continue or is it Piccolo and Gohan's turn?" I asked, looking at the man whose strength continued to climb, even surprising me at first, though I had to remember who I was dealing with. Goku is A man of hard-work while I've taken short-cuts from day-one. Turning to gaze at the three watching, Piccolo, Gohan and Nail. I nodded before turning back to Goku.


"Sure, I've… got to go home soon anyways, it's getting late, and I promised I would be home early, I could leave A clone." A fifth clone. Goku nodded, looking at his son then at Piccolo, the three who were watching us train came in closer, Piccolo speaking up.


"So, you're finished then Goku… Kron. Gohan, you and me now. Let's see what you've got." Piccolo flew up, leaving his weighted clothes on and Gohan responded enthusiastically.


"Right Mr. Piccolo!" they took off and Goku responded, calling out to Gohan.


"Good luck son! so, Kron, I have something I wanted to show you, Vegeta isn't around but I have him beat, uh, you know what, I'll just show you." he said while smirking which made me surprised yet again in how he acted sometimes, I was trying to figure what he was on about when he powered up suddenly, tensing into A position of charging his remaining strength. Bending down, the land around us begun to shake and the loose dirt and rock begun to raise up into the air. His Aura Ki flashed yellow randomly and then he yelled out, I realized he figured out how to go 'Super Saiyan', his strength now overshadowed myself while I had four clones made as my strength was halved, for everyone of them I had made. The bastard had done it, of course he did... I shouldn't be surprised but yet... here I am, looking at him and keeping myself from appearing awed by his presence. The iconic look, this must be his second or third time because his demeaner had changed from his friendly self to A more feral-like serious look as he narrowed his eyes at me.


Goku finally relaxed as his Aura of golden hue danced around him in challenge, his Ki exploding out and his aura flared briefly, he looked impressive and just like how I remembered him when I last watched him. It is humbling, his face took on A more serious visage ass he tensed and he glared at me before speaking up.


"We should have A fight with these forms, in order to get used to their incresed strength. What say you." he asked, and I nodded immediately, hells we should have been fighting like this the entire time, I could feel myself become hungry for battle against A worthy opponent and right now, Goku was it. He and Piccolo were much weaker than 'canon' this time around, Vegeta too as he didn't get beat and even killed by Frieza which is what happens when you change 'canon'. Their training and Piccolo and Nail having not conjoined together also meant that Piccolo would need to train harder to become stronger than he is. Then, there is the deaths of Cooler and Frieza, and I having totally eradicated their bodies, I remembered that 'Cell' had cells from Frieza so… if King Cold even comes, 'Cell' would get his frost demon cells from him instead, but seeing as from what I remembered of Frieza, he was A mutant of his species while I don't think King Cold is so if Cell takes 'cells' from King Cold he just might be weaker. I don't know, that's just A theory. Shaking my head from that train of thought, I replied to Goku by yelling, instantly transforming unlike Goku's time it took to transform and I become 'Super Saiyan' too, my experience meant that I unlike Goku had my anger in check from my training with this form. He nodded seriously, looking quite impressed before he powered down as I spoke.


"We can, next time though maybe you should just go for it and try and take me by surprise, it would have made the fighting much more intense. We would need to train Gohan up too, he could benefit from such A form and the training will much better for all of us." I spoke, smirking. I powered up and then used the 'Multi-form Technique, A clone of myself appeared while also in 'Super Saiyan' form and then I spoke to myself.


"You stick around yeah. I've got some wives to appease." I then placed A finger to my forehead and disappeared, arriving on the outskirts of Winter's Villa.




With Kron gone and his clone fighting against Goku, both of them using those new forms of theirs, that of the 'Super Saiyan' as Kron and Vegeta called it. Right now, he elbowed into Gohan and took him down somewhat, their spar getting dangerously closer to the ground. He seen Goku transform too into that 'Super Saiyan' form which skyrocketed his power, Piccolo grunted in dissatisfaction, he needed to get much stronger to keep in step with such powerhouses like Goku, Vegeta's, Kron and Gohan... these Saiyan's really were out of this world.


"Masenko!-" Piccolo let those trails of thoughts momentarily disappear while he concentrated on fighting against Gohan. His yellow-colored Ki-beam came upon Gohan-


"-Masenko! Haaaah!"Gohan quickly retaliated and their beams impacted each other, fighting against one another for dominance, flashing bright light at their impact on each other where you could clearly see the attacks pushing up or being pushed back from each other. Gohan's beam was much stronger, and Piccolo gritted his teeth as he slowly but surely been pushed back. He released charging his attack and flickered out of the way of the beam that tore closely where he was before, Gohan afterimaged towards him, and their fighting in melee intensified, thought fortunately he still had the young Saiyan beat in melee combat, Piccolo's advantages outweighing Gohan's strength.


"Heh… you're improved much Gohan, but you're still not giving it you're all! Now come at me with the intent to kill or you will not get stronger than Kron or Goku... or Vegeta..." he attacked, viciously launching A lighting fast assault upon Gohan, using his physical strength, arm length and experience to overwhelm the young boy who looked to be fighting against himself as much as he fought physically against Piccolo. Piccolo heard Goku appear nearby, afterimaging as he spoke.


"Alright Piccolo, Gohan we've got one of Kron's clones here, I want you to fight against him and don't hold back either. Kron's clone will not hold back and also will not die if that is what you're worrying about son." Goku spoke, Piccolo scowled towards Goku, whose green eyes of the 'Super Saiyan form' looked right back, almost challenging. Piccolo grunted, glaring at the clone of Kron who looked at him annoyed before he spoke up.


"Right then Gohan, don't hold back. Fight hard or you will never be A warrior." he said, trying to get Gohan to push himself. Gohan looked conflicted but nodded and swallowed, before heading towards Kron and then he looked resolute before he attacked.




He awoke in the capsule Corp ship he hijacked, not to go fly off into space, he couldn't care less of the Cold Empire, even with Cooler and Frieza dead, there was still King Cold to deal with and he wasn't strong enough, loath he was to admit such A thing... at least, not yet. That bastard Kron was training with Goku, Gohan and the Namekian Piccolo. Vegeta had to get clones to fight from him, which while not perfect as they are weak compared to Kron himself, gave him A level he could compare to Vegeta wanted to surpass. Training alone at first, though it actually was that woman Bulma who had suggested him taking one of the spare ships in order to train inside, the gravity chamber was his new and only purpose every day, for A year as he continued to push himself to new heights, He however hadn't managed to obtain that coveted level all Saiyan's of old knew to be A legend, not yet at least but he felt he was getting close... Just one more level before he 'broke' through the barrier holding him back.


"A legend I must obtain, that Kron has one upped me, but I will rise above him and then I will show him and Kakarot that I am the strongest Saiyan!" he headed for the ships pantry which needed to be stocked up again within a few days soon or he wouldn't be able to continue training here. Taking A water out of the fridge and quenching his thirst, the ship made A noise which indicated someone was trying to communicate with his ship and thus himself, he would have ignored it but that annoying woman Bulma made it so unless he answered, the ship would continue to try to get into contact with him… and he can't destroy it either as it was A part of the ship, his training ground.


Grumbling, he took another swig of the water bottle and then roughly pressed the call button, transferring the call to the widescreen and the screen illuminated, showing the old man whose daughter reluctantly gave him this ship.


"Ah uh, Vegeta… we're just checking up on you, do you need anything-"


"-Ah… old man, yes… I'm going to need more food, get on with that why don't you and do not call me again! I have much training to do, you and your corporation can find me. Well, get on with it you stuttering fool!" he roughly ended the call, the old man bleeped out of the screen display, and he paced off, intent on starting his training for the day, early in the morning on the backwater world.


(Raven Branwen-POV)


Now that Summer Rose was brought back to life, someone she did not see even when she was dead either while up on King Kai's planet, Raven kept well away from her, her own daughter Yang and Tai too. She didn't want to deal with that mess, Tai and Summer got back together but Summer was weirded out that she was pretty young than Tai and just A little older than her daughter now but from the looks of things they made it work. 


She spent more time with Kron and his 'wives' that was also A mess too but unlike the other mess, she wasn't apart of such A formation, instead she kept on sparing with Kron, fighting with Piccolo too and even in rare times she took on Vegeta, who unlike the first two the self-proclaimed bastard of A prince brutally fought with her, which is Raven's preferred fighting style, how she like it. But seeing that as the esteemed, 'prince of all Saiyan's' was off on his own in some outback somewhere, training in A ship and more importantly, A gravity chamber, Ravern had to make do with the other two or bite her pride and shack up with him. 


Raven, flying right now to Capsule Corp to get her own ship, she had money saved and also in the last year she formed A friendship with the woman 'Launch' the blonde who helped Raven make A ton of cash as they spent time robbing the various banks in much of the cities nearby. Except for the metropolis cities in which those of her allies kept near to as they trained but there was plenty of towns everywhere and small port cities here and there where they could hit. Unlike Launch who had A field day shooting at police and civilians alike, Raven merely used her strength and loaded up bags and bags of cash without killing, which in her past she usually would do so easily enough. Raven from her actions formed for herself A kind of Notoriety as she was currently hunted from A good portion of the world's government for crimes such as robbery. Launch had A much worse reputation as Raven didn't waste her time killing anyone anymore, launch however didn't really hold back, firing on civilians and police alike though she couldn't aim for shit. That blonde haired idiot is also wanted for armed robbery, having managed not to even kill anyone either even when her intent was to. 


Though they were forced to split as Tien had come and put A stop to their crime spree, they were now forbidden to hang out and rob together as Tien told Kron who told… 


"Yang, that foolish girl, getting in my way. Well, let's see if Bulma will take my ill begotten gains and giver me one of them ships, I need to get much stronger." she gritted her teeth, the others were beginning to outpace her, she wouldn't be A weak, helpless woman.


Walking inside the entrance as she landed on her heals softly, she strutted through and forcefully pushed aside the glass panel doors before ignoring the front desk lady and entering the more private part of the building, where Bulma should be.


(King Cold-POV)


It would not be long now, his scientists were trying to track down where Vegeta went to originally for the dragon balls and knew he must have fought and lost against the planets residents if he went for Namek instead, there he would find Vegeta, and the others who got into his younger son's way and deal with them. He currently was flying through space, A contingent of his finest men accompanying him while he sat bored on his throne, awaiting the trip to be over with. They needed to locate the exact planet that those mysterious fighters came from and also the planets in which Vegeta attacked during his time in the PTO in order to track him and those other pests down.


The empire fell under his rule again relatively unopposed and as such, finding his sons killers was paramount with all the resources available to him.


"Heh… silly monkeys can't breathe in space all too well…" he said aloud, smirking. He didn't know what happened with his sons, they either killed each other or were killed by someone much stronger but these Saiyan's... there was A legend about them, trite as it may seem.


"...Hmph, I guess I'll be ruling again, which means I better get on and make me some more heir's…" Bah, he would get on that another time, he would have to make sure his next batch of brats would follow his orders more closely and-


"-Sire, we're going to be entering an asteroid field, we should-" King Cold glared, his eyes firing A tiny minuscule blast, almost invisible towards the one who interrupted his thoughts and then that alien was no more. The men around him slowly got back to work, double timing everything while he gazed out abroad the hardened encased glass of his ship. 




Relaxing in Winter's study room, being served A massive meal cooked by Blake, her mother Kali and surprisingly Salem too, who knew that lady could cook eh? Anyway, right now I was thinking about getting A shave when two sets of hand begun to grope my chest, going underneath my tank top and both my ears were being assaulted by tongues. I could smell Blake and Weiss, their perfumes and hear their moaning as I went on the offensive with my hands, assaulting their asses with my fingers, expertly dodging their lace panties when the door opened and Kali entered, she seen what was happening and somewhat shocked, though she quickly hid it and spoke up. The girls stood aside, and I caught wind of their outfits, both of them dressed up for some 'nocturnal action'. Who knew they had maid-cosplaying outfits... I sure didn't, Looking at Kali, neither did she.


"Blake, Weiss. Your daughters are crying. Blake, Jaina needs A changing I believe while Willa might be hungry. Go on ladies, Kron you too. You've got A lot of catching up to do, learning to take care of your children. Oh, keep on those outfits, yeah. " She clapped and added when Blake went to change but stopped from her mother's words. Kali looked dressed to be heading out from the looks of things.


"Get going ladies, Salem and I are heading out on the town for the night. Good night you three... Have fun." she said while winking, turning around. Blake sighed and then spoke up.


"Right then, let's get the girls settled and then we can continue. Winter said she was returning home soon, finished from work and she wants you as well. You can handle that right, Kron… Oh and, no clones either." Blake asked, coyly, smirking and Weiss added.


"He better, or I'm-" she yelped when I smacked both their rears and then replied as I stood up.


"Let's hurry then, the girls await their mothers. Hey, do you think they want any more siblings yet-" they both scoffed at my joke, whacking me on each of my arms. I chuckled at their expressions and followed behind them.