The New Punching Bag.


He awoke in his room at Kami house, still tired and sore from training yesterday. Five days passed since the Namekian's left and A Day after he finally went back to Kame house before he joined A conjoined training session which consisted of himself, Tien, Chiaotzu and Yamcha. Raven showed up too later on, hours in the training for sparring and Krillin got to see the hot but angry woman in action. Heading downstairs, he got set for the day and then headed outside, scarfing down his drink as he looked out onto the waves.


"Ah, Master Roshi, you're awake already." he approached the elderly man who sat outside, cane leaning against him as he turned to acknowledged him.


"Krillin, hmm… yes, I've gotten A strange… feeling, but enough about that. Hey! So, Krillin, I heard you asked out A girl. Good for you my boy, does she have great big-" he emphasized by using his fingers, Krillin shook his head to get rid of the embarrassment before he asked seriously.


"-Ah, master Roshi, you're training has benefited me much. Could you continue to teach me some more of your techniques. With Goku, Vegeta… and Kron-" Master Roshi stopped, before portraying A serious demeaner himself, humming in thought.


"...I see, yes. I have no idea if this Vegeta can be trusted, with him and his brute invading the planet not too long ago, but Kron has… how do I put it, well… he's A real man! You've seen him what with three women! Three-" Krillin sighed as Master Roshi once again looked like A hyperactive teenager, dancing with enthusiasm.


"Yeah, yeah… Anyway, I think I can learn much more from you and so I've come to ask you." Master Roshi looked serious again before he replied, sighing.


"I suppose, I was thinking about teaching you and Goku some more of my techniques but with you already knowing A vast majority of them, you could help teach Goku my 'Thunder-shock Surprise' and the 'Max Form' body technique to him. I will train you here and in return you'll bring that little sweat thing around here! Ho ho! What was her name-" shaking his head, Krillin answered through A sigh.


"-Maron, her name is Maron." Right, thank you master. I'll be going to Goku's today, to see if he and Gohan are willing to join us in our training. Now, it's time to eat. You want anything." he asked though master Roshi answered by holing up his cup, Krillin almost didn't see him drinking tea or coffee and he nodded before heading on inside again.


(WInter Schnee-POV)


Sipping the tea made by Chichi, she and her sat at the table while Gohan headed outside for the day, the kid being sent out to play for A while before they went to Kami house and then her place for A 'reunion' for those of the Z-fighters and then later on A celebration for the Namekian's though they wouldn't themselves attend full house. Instead Nail, Moori and Nail would attend in part thanks to Kron's ability to teleport great distances, galactic scale or otherwise.


Three hundred ninety-seven days had passed since they returned from Namek and then the Namek's relocated to their new home in A nearby star system. Her sister has one daughter with another possibly on the way. Such is life.


Kron and Goku had just left, they would be fighting again or spar, their Saiyan blood demanded no less but it frustrated Chichi to no end as they had to leave soon. Winter knew Kron would make it with time to spare and so let him do his own thing.


"Right, I'm going to head out. I'll see you soon Chichi." Winter finished off the last of her cup, taking to the skies and heading home to get ready herself.




Dodging against another of Goku's blows, using my tail to whip him in the face as I flipped in front of him, I then used the full force of my elbow and then rammed him in the guts, which had him keel over into my uppercut. Our Super Saiyan forms aura's clashed but Goku went downwards from my brutal attack. He landed easily and then got into A familiar position, intent on using his 'Signature' attack against me.


His was murmuring softly to himself so I couldn't hear him from here but the intent, Goku's form disappeared behind A bright blue beam of Ki, shooting upwards towards me, growing larger as it got closer. The attack hit and instead of exploding, it begun to try and push me backwards higher into the air. I held my ground, my instincts kicked in and I could sense Goku afterimaging right behind me, as he begun to attack with his fists and kicks into my back. I grunted, using one of my hands to hold the attack as it now begun to push me back easier and then retaliated with my own blast with my now free hand, Goku used an armguard to stop the blast in which he begun to yell loudly, reflecting the blast back towards me and his own beam still in my hand. The explosion rocked the sky, I was able to teleport at the last second, but Goku was pretty close in near that explosion, the light shined across the sky and then briefly blocked out the sun, flickering light obscured our sights from each other though we could still sense one another. 


This fight had gone on for A while, A mere two hours flew by, but it was intense as Goku used his all while I used everything, I had bar the 'Wrath State' in conjunction with 'Super Saiyan' form. But as I was beginning to hunger thanks in part to not eating anything earlier and skipping breakfast for the reunion that would be happening today, it looked Goku had the same thoughts also had enough for now as he powered down.


"Hey Kron! Let's head on over to Master Roshi's, there's bound to be A lot of food to eat." he said excitedly, and I nodded in agreement. Making A clone, I sent it to find Vegeta, he wanted A fight and keeping him busy stopped him from him domineering against someone else, that guy lived in A spaceship-converted into A gravity chamber made by Capsule Corp so finding him should be quick, the guy lived inside the ship which is different as he in 'canon' lived with Bulma and her parents.


"Right then, you go on ahead. Tell my wife's I'll be there soon. You go and find Vegeta, that guy wants to fight. A clone should suffice." I nodded at myself and then watched as my clone blasted off, using Super Saiyan as well to speed himself while I turned and spoke to Goku.


"I'll see you later Goku." he nodded, heading in the opposite direction and I went and teleported to Namek, going to grab Nail, Moori and Dende for the party.




He stood in the plains in the middle of nowhere, arms folded while staring off in no particular direction, eyes closed as he focused on mediation, his eyes quickly shot open when he turned around, dodging A attack from A group of strangers.


"Who are you all? He asked the assembled group who looked to be demons of some unknown origin, but flashes of his own memories concluded with their looks, and he growled out in anger to those four assembled against him, their smirks especially aggravating him. The one he supposed is the leader of this band, white of hair and A very faded bright green skin tone spoke up though his laughter.


"You're going to be fun to break, what A pathetic incarnation of A demon. Boys, the master wants this one captured. Let's get to it." Piccolo yelled out, charging his Ki fiercely as the land underneath him exploded all around him, forming A crater from his power.


"I don't know who you clowns think you're doing here coming after me but I'm not going to bother finding out. You're all going down… hard." The four demonic beings scattered in order to spread out and then two of them shot out Ki, Piccolo tried to move as quick as he could but found he couldn't, these attacks were much quicker, they didn't harm him though as the Ki covered him like A net. Instead, he was unable to move, Piccolo grunted while he struggled out but to no effect and then two of those not using this ability, the one with horned and the leader launched A flurry of attacks against him, Piccolo couldn't defend himself and their assault was sapping him of his strength.


"The great Piccolo… easy prey, now let's get him in the bottle and return to our master." the leader smirked down at him, some kind of demonic magic and Piccolo found himself being sucked into A tiny glass jar.


"...This isn't- ugh- good…" he grunted out, his body suffering from re-drawl as those other to bastards had sapped his strength with that ability to entrap him. Still though, Piccolo had one last trick up his sleeve. He got to the ground of the inside of the bottle and began to mediate, trying to get in touch with someone telepathically. His strongest target he could get in touch with being his other halve… Kami, that old goat.




Kami stood still, picking up… Piccolo of all people trying to communicate with him, but the signal of their communication was not that strong, he couldn't comprehend what Piccolo was trying to tell him, but Kami felt that his other half was in some kind of trouble.


"...Ugh, Mr. Popo… I need you to head to the others and warm them that Piccolo is in some kind of trouble. The signal is being blocked though… by demonic magic, I can't decipher what piccolo is trying to tell me." he said, the telepathic signal fatiguing him somewhat and the origin of the magic blocking the telepathic abilities of Piccolo also hurt his mind A little, mentally. Mr. Popo nodded and then replied, already summoning his magic carpet for the journey.


"Yes Kami, of course." he then hopped onto the carpet and then disappeared, using the carpet's ability to move faster than the speed of light. Kami sighed, using his cane much more as he leaned on it and looked down upon the earth trying to find the source of this disturbance. Groaning in discomfort, he sighed and then turned away from the edge of the lookout before heading inside.


"I do not believe it is that Vegeta's actions… he's where he's been all this time. I can't see them, they are shrouded by powerful magic…" he said, heading inside the inner chambers of the lookout.


Heading inside to where the guardian would usually sit upon A throne as A honer-bound tradition and A way for the guardian to rest his weary legs or to meet other people in A traditional setting, he instead heard the chuckling of A… sinister voice which also put chills down his spine as Kami also recognized that tone of voice… but it was impossible-


"Ah Kami, you've come. Welcome to my throne room, you were not called for. As you can see, I've been resting on 'my' throne in my throne-room. Now Kami, you're no longer-"


"Garlic Junior, b-but how-"


"-How! Well, that is A story. But for another time, when I can gloat. But for now, you shall suffer my wrath. Prepare to be put in your place old fool." he said with A sinister tone, smirking all the while as he lightly chuckled beneath his robe. Kami watched as Garlic junior got off Kami's chair and paced forward.


"Take this!" Kami shuffled backwards and then took flight as he released A blast of Yellow Ki, launching it towards his enemy in an attempt to stop him. The blast hit, engulfing Junior in the blast, obscuring his vision briefly. The dust cleared A moment later with A unhurt Junior smirking his way, the being of evil laughed in that high pitch that could grate on your ears, Kami scowled and then replied to this creature's insistent laughter.


"You, Junior! Why have you come here, how did you escape the dead zone-" the cackling of Junior interrupted him mid-speech. Junior replied through his laughter, sneering at him.


"Kami… you fool, keep your questions until I have been ordained as the next guardian. It's better that way… right my minions!" Kami turned though the fist that rocked his left side of his face sent him flying towards the wall of his inner chambers, then the hands that grabbed him and lifted him up, Kami realized he had been captured by some unknowns. He tried to view these other beings, but they kept him facing Garlic Junior. Junior laughed, that retched laugh and then spoke aloud through his laughter.


"Now then Kami, your now my prisoner, oh and say hi to Piccolo!" he looked shocked at the bottle Junior removed from his robes and then on further view, seen Piccolo as A miniature inside the bottle, trapped.


Kami felt himself being sucked inside the bottle as Juniors eyes glowed, using demonic magic. He now was also trapped, and Piccolo scoffed at him.


"Kami you fool, damnable oath…" Kami didn't deign to reply to him but instead immediately went to try and escape to which Piccolo spoke again.


"I've already tried all that, within this glass bottle, not even my own strength can get me out. You being weaker, you have no chance idiot." All is well though, Mr. Popo will get them help.


"It's alright Piccolo, I have sent Mr. Popo away in order to find out what happened with you, he should be able to find Goku and the others relatively fast, help is on its way. I for one am confused how Garlic Junior escaped." he spoke. Seriously, this right here looked indeed grim for the two for them. Garlic Junior could be after the dragon balls again, they had to stop him for acquiring those-


"Now, Kami… where are Goku and his blabbering brat at? I Have some much fun for the brat to go through… before I ultimately kill the wretch. Killing his father is an added bonus for trying to stop me when last we met on the battlefield, when you denied my birthright in ruling over the foul beasts of this planet. Tell me now Kami! Or be the first to suffer my wrath." Kami swallowed at Juniors words, not wanting to answer Garlic junior and instead spoke to Piccolo.


"...Piccolo, my time has come. I know that now, the only way one of us get out of this here entrapment is to… combine, two wholes becoming one once again, you understand me Piccolo, to what that entails." Kami asked more heatedly, Piccolo looked to be mulling over it before he responded.


"Hmph… and you really think us combining together again would do anything to get us out of here, dream on old man." Piccolo scoffed but paused at the seriousness shown on the elder halves face. Kami, unbothered by Piccolo's hostility, continued to convince him further.


"If you're worried about which halve of us will remain 'dominant', remember that we were once apart of A greater whole, combined together again, this Namek will take our place, with characteristics of both of us. We have A greater chance in escaping if that 'original' power is restored. What say you, Piccolo. It's in your hands." he further goaded, trying to convince the stubborn brat, Piccolo scoffed, sighing as his arms folded and he looked up. They were in darkness, currently inside one of Juniors pockets and since they were that close to the demon, they kept their conversation to A hushed whisper.


It was out of Kami's hands now, Piccolo had to make that choice in which Kami had already made for himself. It was better than whatever diabolical plan Junior had for the both of them, they were stronger 'together.'


(Garlic Junior-POV)


"At last, I have that fool where I want him! Now his sanctuary is mine, and I have the perfect place in which to enact my plan. Keeping that dodo of A guardian alive will ensure our continued use of them dragon balls too." he smirked, excited to be able to finally consummate his revenge.


"Ah, that's pretty clever boss." his subordinate Mustard spoke, praising him. He responded.


"Why yes, now help me find my father's 'black water mist', that old fool has bound to still have it… somewhere- haha! Out in the open! What A feeble old man, leaving dangerous goods like this for anyone one to find. It's A good thing I am up for the job as guardian. Now glimpse at this, boys... my father wasn't properly able to utilize this here 'black water mist' to its full potential. With this, we will have our fighting force, with this… my rule shall be absolute, and I will rule over them forever!" he shouted, half gloating as he beheld that which would make those downs below on the planet worship and revere him fanatically. This… will make his army.


"Now… watch as I release this 'black water mist' onto the unsuspecting people of the planet below! Then you my strong and clever subordinates will track down that brat who beat me from before and his foolish father and bring them to me. The mist should make everything easy with 'acquiring' them. Now go forth and bring me my enemies!" Garlic Junior yelled excitedly as he released the bottles lid which released the miasma, cackling much louder as the mist trickled out of the lookout.




The Planet Namek was much more vibrant than last I stepped on it, The Namekian's happy with the changes only Guru had been lucky enough to witness before the planet's great calamity. With the planet being much closer to Earth, visiting for the use of their own dragon balls would be much quicker if I wasn't around or those who I end up helping to learn the 'Instant Transmission' and who have been to the planet Namek before to be able to teleport here as well. Awaiting Guru as he wanted to quickly speak to me before myself, Moori, Dende and Nail headed to earth for this celebration of sorts, personally I didn't really want to go to it as I was A recluse at heart but with my woman going and my well, right… I didn't haver A choice in regard to them. Finally, After A few hours of frolicking, seeing the enhanced planet Namek with my own eyes, I entered Guru's home.


"Old man, you alright in there." I called out, seeing Guru sitting on his beloved chair and speaking with the three I came to take back with me, Guru seemed to be finished with discussing with them and waved me in.


"Ah, Kron… come forward my son. Moori will be representing the Namekian's while Nail will act as his guard. You see- cough- -I'm getting along in age and my time will come soon. Moori will be taking my place soon enough-" he said slowly, he did look much worn out than last, I seen him. 


"-Please Lord Guru, say no more of this, your fine right now. We should leave Kron, Lord Guru needs his rest." Moori spoke and only Dende briefly hesitated in leaving before turning to face me along with the rest of them.


"Right guys, you know the drill. Nail, you're looking much stronger since you came to your home. A lot of the guys will definitely want to fight against you. Hold on tight to each other and... we're off. Later's Guru." I spoke, placing A finger to my forehead while the three had A hand on each other with my free hand on Nail's shoulder and then the four of us reappeared on the planet Earth, above in the sky looking down upon Kami house. Seeing A few airships including Winter's down there and sensing pretty much A everyone bar Gohan who looked to be flying towards here at A leisurely pace and Krillin with someone else swimming around the island under the waves and with Vegeta not invited, everyone looked be here. Feeling A bit weird as I sensed them though, we landed on the island and were met with silence.