The cruelties of Mind-altering.

"You guys… wait out here, something is not… right." I spoke with furrowed eyebrows, my instincts were telling me something was wrong, or more like they all felt stranger. I decided to enter cautiously but was met halfway towards the house. My wife's along with my daughter Jaina, almost two, held by Blake and Weiss holding Willa, almost one. Then Winter, Tien and Yamcha stepped out behind them. Pyrrha and Yang shuffled outside after them and Goku who was with Chiaotzu and Roshi followed after. There were A few more of them I felt inside, probably Bulma, Oolong and that cat flying cat Puar came out next. Nail cautiously walked up alongside me, his Ki spiked in caution from the assembled group, their eyes all had A glint in them… I realized that Garlic Junior might be around.


"Why Kron, this isn't the welcome I expected, though are they all wanting to spar with me or is this something else. Their eyes are all the same too, this isn't natural." Nail said and before I could answer, I felt Krillin along with his plump-looking missus… I forgot that bimbo's name… anyway they surfaced and came ashore. Krillin seen everyone and then spoke up, though he also could tell something was up, especially when those in front started to snarl like rabid animals. Winter, Weiss and Blake with my daughters held with them, flew in and attacked me, I dodged their attempts and then called out to Nail and Krillin.


"They looked to be possessed, try and knock them out Krillin or get your girlfriend out of here. Nail, take Moori and Dende away too, I'll try and deal with Goku while-" said Saiyan appeared in afterimage, hitting me backwards, my wife's including Winter weren't that strong but the girls in their hands, my Jaina and Willa were the more pressing concern. I didn't want to hurt them, Willa only startled towards me as she is too young to try and attack me, but Jaina is another story, her main weapon being the beams of Ki she shot out of her mouth towards me which while weak, were A distraction while and they could hurt A few of them here. 


The rest of them followed suit and then all hell broke loose as I was rushed by the entire reunion.




Heading to Kami house, he dipped back underneath the sea again in enjoyment and continued to dip in and out, diving deeper every time. Blasting back up out of the ocean, he caught A glimpse of the island he knew to be where he would land on, Master Roshi's island.


"Woah! Looks like some of them are sparring. I need A towel…" Gohan rubbed at his eyes, the stinging of seawater and his drenched clothes. His mother would most likely be mad at him coming to the reunion thing while soaked but it is A hot day and Gohan enjoyed the water on his flight.


"Hey guys-" Gohan dodged in time A blow coming from Yamcha, who attacked him mid-flight before Nail axe-kicked him which sent him careening towards the shallow part of the water. The water impact could be heard from here and Gohan turned quickly to Dende and Nail, speaking his mind. He could see that his daddy was also fighting against Kron, everyone was fighting against him more like.


"What's happening Mr. Nail-" Nail roughly threw Dende down into Gohan, they fell A little, but Nail turned to block the strike from Winter Schnee, her snarling as she gritted her teeth. Nail used his right hand, elongating it into A whip and smacking her into another approaching fighter, being Pyrrha who had her sword knocked from her grip as Winter smacked hard into her. Nail didn't stop there, firing off A yellow-colored Ki blast towards Tien that Tien managed to dodge, countering with his own attack. Tien's blast barely just missed Nail but Kron's timely arrival as he struck Tien at the back of the head with A quick knock from his right elbow sent Tien careening into the ocean.


"Come with us kid, those people, your friends and family down there minus Kron and Krillin and his woman are acting mad. They are raging, we need to-" another couple of beams came racing towards them, them being, Dende and Gohan we're pushed back by Nail's elongated arms but one of the beams hit his right arm, exploding. They heard the Nail growl loudly in pain, as not just Pyrrha but Chiaotzu too had both sunk their teeth into his other arm. Their bite marks left two punctured holes where sharpened teeth Gohan knew at least Pyrrha and Chiaotzu never having teeth that quite long before as Nail's blood leaked from the four small punctures.


"Dende, Mr. Moori, this way!" he yelled to the other boy and the elder Namek, said boy nodded worriedly while Moori hefted the younger Namek in the direction of Gohan and the three flew off while Nail blasted the two that bit him to the ground with two Ki-blasts, one from his bitten but remaining hand and the other from his mouth before he followed suite.


Gohan, holding onto Dende as they flew fast to the mainland seen A relatively good location to land and done so. He felt that three people followed him. Turning around to see who it was, one felt like Krillin though and Gohan sighed in relieve when Nail, Krillin and Krillin's uh, lady friend landed next to him. Krillin spoke up first, the girl with him looked to be confused and begun mumbling at her hair.


"What the heck is going on guys, everybody acted crazy, their eyes looked sinister and glowed purple too. Their teeth...or fangs and snarling… Is Kron still there, is he-" said man landed nearby. Kron looked quite angry, his eyes narrowed in anger as he spoke up as another landed nearby on A magic carpet.


"I met with Mr. Popo here who almost was set upon by our friends and family down there. Tell them what you finished telling me... Nail, you look-" Kron glanced over at Nail who, bitten was holding the wound when Nail replied.


"I was attacked, then my right arm got blasted- off, it's no bother. Then A few of your friends took chunks out of my arm-"


"-They Bit you then? Shit…" he said almost mumbling but with Gohan being close and listening to him, he picked up the swearword but didn't comment because of the situation. Nail then gripped his arm hard and fell to one knee, though he looked up and A glimmer of purple in his eyes glowed, it begun to dim as Nail tensed his arm.


"I feel the overwhelming urge to kill you all, but I can fight it- ugh- easily enough. Still though I- ugh- I should keep my distance, we could use this to our advantage, find out how this happened." Nail said through gritted teeth, he breathed out heavily before sitting on A nearby rock formation. Mr. Popo said in urgency, getting everyone left bar the girl of Krillin's who looked more worried about her nails to listen.


"Kami bid me to find those at your friend named Roshi's island, I got there at the end when Kron here managed to escape your friends. Kami become increasingly worried about piccolo vanishing from his gaze, then the… I'm afraid the news hasn't improved. Someone has released the 'Black water mist' Being A construct, was the reason why I wasn't driven to madness but your friends… the entire world is under the thrall of that evil. Someone must have released it from up on the lookout. after I left to do Kami's bidding." Krillin folded his arms in thought, speaking up.


"Why wasn't I, Maron and Gohan not turned into crazed mindless ferals? I realize why Kron, Nail and Dende and Moori aren't changed as they arrived luckily afterwards but us?" Kron spoke up as Mr. Popo looked like he couldn't answer. 


"Well, weren't you two underneath the ocean, your still wearing flippers. Gohan, your clothes are wet too, I suppose you took A dip while you flew to Roshi's island?" Kron looked over to him and Gohan replied quickly, as everyone gazed towards him.


"Uh- y-yeah, I was diving while I headed over to master Roshi's house. Is my dad… mother... are everyone… hurt badly, can we fix this?" he asked. Mr. Popo replied.


"We all will have to go to the lookout, someone up there has released the 'Black Water Mist'. it's there we can undo this mess. The sacred waters, though only Kami knows where they are stored, how we get through Garlic junior though and I can't imagine him, and his ilk will allow us to stop them without A fight from doing this task. Kami must be either captured or… worse." Mr. Popo said dejected.




"-S-Seven hundred eighty-three- ugh- heh. Seven hundred-" his ships power dimmed down and Vegeta stopped what he was doing, the lights dimmed down more and then the color of the lights changed to red, He was told that the ship would do this when his training facility-converted from A ship's power was about to run dry, he pushed this bucket of bolts to the max, using the gravity room to its full level constantly, he even slept inside the room to get used to the gravity out of training too.


"Blast, this ship is outrun its usefulness., The woman Bulma and her father better have me A better design, I've 'mastered' this level of gravity, my strength grows. Now, I need to eat and get those plebeians into building my new training tool." He stood, the ship' lights annoying him as the emergency lights kicked in as he went straight for the kitchen and dug in immediately to the fridges aligned in there, taking his due and feasting then and there. Ripping into some mutton, the ship lights malfunctioned and turned off, he tried to exit the room, but the doors closed automatically. He was now trapped in the ship.

Scoffing, Vegeta continued to eat with one hand and with the other, raised it high, A sphere of Ki ignited on the palm of his lifted hand and the blue sphere grew larger before launching into the side of the inner walls of the ship. The blast engulfed the wall, pressing into it whilst continuing outside of the now damaged room of his now useless gravity chamber. He followed his attack outside and then hovered up while still holding A few other cooked but cold meats, accidently dropping some of the half-eaten food out of his hand as he looked down onto his former home for A number of months on this planet he decided to live on.


"Hmph, too bad. That woman better have something better than this here obsolete model." he raised the same hand he blew A hole in the ship and fired off another blast, it homed in on the target of his old home , detonating on impact, swallowing A large percentage of the surrounding forest and hills within its sphere as the dome rose and spread outwards from the point of origin, flickering Ki lightly obscured his vision briefly before the detonation finished and in its place A cloud of dust and debris.


"Now, where was- Hmm… I'm picking up A group flying nearby, heading that way." his eyes flickered to the source whilst his better honed sensing ability tugged at him in A direction. He smirked as he could tell some of who they were, minus two of them.


"...Kron, that bald-headed fool Krillin, Kakarot's brat and two unknowns, pathetic in battle power no doubt. This should be an excellent opportunity to test myself against Kron. That brat of Kakarot too, he is stronger than his fool of A father at least while Goku doesn't tap into our legendary form. Haha, yes, here I come!" he engulfed in his purple-colored Ki, flew towards the origin of the Ki-signatures and his grin threatened to split his face in two.


A dramatic but brief flight, his flight path intercepted theirs and he grinned, his Ki engulfing him dispersed as he stopped in front of them, Kron looked quite mad but never mind his attitude, his prince has come, and he would obey or he would just attack him, and their bout would begin anyway.


"Kron! I've come to challenge you. And Kakarot's brat too, well… got nothing to say?." he said, smirking as he powered up instinctively, awaiting A glorious battle-


"We've got no time idiot, but if your serious about A fight, accompany me to our location or step aside. We've got A major problem we have to sort out. Well, that and A few pests to remove." Kron said, it infuriated him at his gall to speak to him that way but never mind, he would get his due in their bout. Looking at the rest, that bald one was holding A girl with naught any power in her person and then there was the Namekian's too, they and this unknown clown were all flying in the same direction as Kron and Gohan, they also looked worried for some reason, hah… he must be that strong to have these weaklings worried about him so!


"...You will explain this 'problem' to me, and I shall accompany you, but know this… if this is A ploy, I will bring in everyone here into our bout… whether they want to fight or not…"he said in warning, he wouldn't care about casualties that got in that way if this was some sort of farce or ploy against the great Vegeta. Vegeta wanted to go all out on the man who took out Frieza and avenged their race, his pride demanded it. Gripping his left fist in frustration, he grunted, following along Kron, Gohan and the rest.



 (A Few Moments Later.)

"... … … and so that's what has happened, we're heading towards where these bastards are-" I was interrupted as the prince snorted, arms crossed as he clicked his tongue, clenching his teeth unconsciously in thought. Vegeta glared at Krillin who interrupted me, chiding me from swearing in front of minors, Gohan and Dende.


"-Easy on the Language Kron-" Vegeta's scowling face gave way as he responded instantly, making Krillin jump in shock, he tried to hide it from his girlfriend though but before he could reply, Vegeta spoke up.


"-Shut up baldy. I see… So, lead the way then. I'll help, if only to speed this up so I can fight you. Hurry up, I've got better things I can be doing like getting another gravity chamber to train inside." With that decided, even if it wasn't need but it was A surprise seeing Vegeta play ball, I spoke.


"Alright, let's go. We've got to fix this mess before I honestly lose it." Seeing my wife's coming at me pissed me off but they were fully grown woman, they could handle A bit of 'tough love', it was my daughters I was worried about more, they coming at me with the intent to kill honestly bothered me on an emotional level, I'm going to turn Garlic Junior into my punching bag and then chain him up and drop the cunt into the deepest ocean or something similar, that was how mad the little gremlin shithead made me. Honestly, I almost forget he even existed from how long I've been here in this world already, he was just filler in the series, nothing important. Krillin, in A rare show of concern at least, for my concern as I had the impression, he didn't like me that much replied.


"Alright Kron, your family should be fine, will fix this mess. Right Gohan, Mr. Popo you can lead the way. Maron, hold on." Krillin said, holding on to Marron as we all blasted off towards the lookout.

 "-Krillin! not to fast-" she began screaming again, honestly... this girl.

Half an hour of flight, our group managed to glimpse the long winding narrow pillar column of the lookout tower following the trail upward, Krillin laughed.


"Alright guys, were almost there." We followed the white column upwards and eventually we reached Korin's tower. Landing inside there, over the railing as we spotted Korin and Yajirobe standing there. Korin sighed, speaking up.


"Ah… you guys, what do you need. I thought you guys would be busy, what with that reunion of yours. Do you need some of the Senzu beans, yeah?" he asked, seeing as he-


"-Oh! A kitty cat!" Marron ran towards Korin and the cat reacted too slowly, he was engulfed in tits. She begun to scratch between his ears which would have been cute… if the cat didn't talk… I coughed slightly, speaking loudly to him.


"We haven't got time, were leaving the girl here, she would only get in the way. Come on Vegeta, Nail. Gohan and Krillin, come when you're already." I had no time, I only remembered that the 'Black Water Mist' had A time limit I couldn't remember the limit of in which everyone affected would remain slaves of Garlic junior or they will remain rabid monsters, not sure which but I wouldn't let it stick. Vegeta snorted though Nail answered.


"Let's go. Dende, Moori, you wait with the girl and stay here with the fat man and talking feline-"I was interrupted, by both of them.


"-Fat man!-" Yajirobe replied in anger, spittle flying from his mouth… disgusting 'little' prick.


"-Talking feline!-" Korin yelled indignantly.




Now that Kron, Vegeta and Nail went up and blasted off to head towards the top where the lookout sits with Mr. Popo in the lead, Krillin sighed before Korin spoke up, looking slightly offended by Nail's and Kron's words.


"Now guys, what's going on. I've been sleeping and Yajirobe is doing who knows what, the lazy-" Yajirobe snapped, angrily growling though Korin growled almost feral-like back at him.


"-Hey, but uh, what is going on. That was Vegeta right, you know the guy-" Krillin interrupted Yajirobe while he stuttered as he finally took in the Saiyan princes form with Kron and Nail, speaking up urgently.


"-Never mind him. We've been through A lot, master Korin." Krillin said, Gohan rushed forward and replied.


"Yeah, gosh it's been A real mess, we've been attacked and by our own friends... even my own father, I didn't see mother, but her airship was parked on Roshi's island too." Korin sighed before replying.


"...Hmm, calm down you lot. I can read your mind, it will be A quicker way in finding out what's been happening." Korrin concentrated while slowly walking forward while holding out A paw, Krillin watched motionlessly as Maron leaned on his shoulder while Korin looked motionless as his paw was placed upon Gohan. Finally, though after A minute or two, his concentration broke, replying loudly in shock.


"Oh no, this isn't good. So, your all heading to Kami's lookout to get the sacred waters right, good plan." Korin said, looking to be in thought. Gohan spoke.


"Yeah, any advice master Korin?" Gohan asked, Korin replied.


"No, just what ever you do, don't underestimate Garlic junior and his minions, they are demons and have other abilities other than the one's you all are used to. Time is of the essence so- huh, hey! Where did you-"


"-Your right about time being of the essence, we're off!" Gohan yelled, waving. Krillin waved to Maron, who even now scowled at him, her face looking beautifully in A pout, then she begun to scream.


"Hey! Krillin, get back here!-" Maron yelled, half screaming as she waved over the railing of Korin's tower. He smirked down upon here, getting one last eyeful of her bountiful 'section' before turning around. Turning sideways to Gohan, he spoke.


"Alright Gohan, lets catch up to the others." Krillin said, smirking to which Gohan nodded in determination, replying.


"Right Krillin!" They flew upwards, intent on getting this situation finished, dealing with Garlic junior and restoring the minds of their friends.