Garlic Junior, you fit inside A Bag Easily.

Landing on the lookout, Krillin and Gohan looked around and seen Vegeta standing there while Nail and Kron were beating on some strange individuals, four beings, no three… Nail blasted one with A Ki beam from his mouth which exploded its target.


Spotting Mr. Popo dodging from beams heading his way from-


"T-That's him! Garlic J-Junior!" Gohan yelled in fright, he had history with this being, Krillin knew but before he could speak up, the shocked look on Gohan's face made way for A growl of anger, he charged in and attacked.


"Hey G-Gohan!, shucks… oh no, I can sense Goku and the rest approaching!" Krillin turned, seeing as their friends were coming, they didn't have much time. Moving in, afterimaging behind one of the fighters Kron and Nail were beating up, his kick enhanced by Kaio-ken struck true, sending the the demon like A missile to the stone slabs of the lookout, the sickening crunch as Kron landed on the being's neck harshly while firing off two more blasts, homing in on the last two of them before each Ki-sphere impacted them and exploding.


"Krillin, leave Garlic to me! Get Gohan and hold off those approaching." Kron yelled out, Krillin nodded, and Vegeta turned to look at the approaching horde of their friends, now smirking as he tensed and begun to charge his Ki.


"Hah! Is that Goku heh… finally, we can finish off our bout and I will gladly take advantage of this condition of his! Kron, leave Kakarot to me!" he turned as the rest of their friends arrived, all feral looking- their eyes promised pain as they savagely surveyed them all. Krillin gulped when he noticed that Raven was also among the crowd, her eyes narrowed at his as they-


"-Shit! Gohan, I'm going to need A hand!" he said, dodging the fast but rushed series of punches, kicks and even Ki-blasts, their friends only attacked crudely, none of them looked to be using their heads in the fight or their more specialized energy-based moves on them, instead they would attack like mindless beasts. Krillin sighed out in relief as he dodged more blows from Yamcha and Pyrrha. Yang and Winter. Tien and Chiaotzu attacked Gohan as he came over and left Garlic junior in the capable hands of Kron, who looked to be having fun viciously picking him apart easily, his hair spiked up as he looked to in the Super Saiyan form of his and Goku's.


Krillin then caught A glimpse of Kron's daughter, Jaina and he felt bad about this next attack but the girl, even if only three years of age is already at the strength, he was on Namek, without Kaio-ken of course. He let Gohan fend off the little lass as he went for her mother, striking Blake in the back of the head which knocked her out of the fight. Luckily, she stopped training for now as to raise her own daughter before anything else.


"Gohan, go easy on the kid yeah, but try and knock her out!" he yelled out to Gohan who acknowledged him with A quick shake of the head. Krillin used Kaio-ken times ten and went about knocking out some of the others, He could sense Vegeta and Goku going at it underneath the lookout, somewhere in the sky. Taking out Tien first with A strike to his face, A blow to his abdomen and finally an axe kick raised above his head as he sent the three-eye warrior towards the lookout marble flooring, his impact knocking him unconscious. Nail appeared and went after two of the others, Pyrrha and Weiss, his attack easily sent Weiss downwards but Pyrrha, stronger than the girl was able to counter, taking an attack from Nail so she could counter, landing A series of blows towards him, it was lucky she didn't have her sword as that would have tipped the scales in her favor. 


Though Nail looked to be having an easier time than Krillin, he finished up with Chiaotzu who only attacked head on instead of using his head which made the fight quick and in Krillin's favor.


"Only Raven, Winter and-" he was able to dodge, instincts screaming at him as said woman had come against him, sending spittle's of spit onto his face as she hoarsely yelled at him after every missed strike, she landed A blow on him, but he grabbed her hand, tensing up as he squeezed and sent her flying downwards.


"Ah come on-" he yelped out as Winter got him from behind, kicking into his back, his spiraling from was met by the now recover Raven who attacked his falling form. Krillin landed his own blow as Raven's, one struck him in the face, they both were sent careening backwards with Raven's feet ripping apart the marble flooring while Krillin down A backflip to stop him from doing the same.


Tien dealt with, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Weiss and- -another attack to his back, this time it being Yang who he hadn't seen until now, she must have arrived now or was waiting in the wings.


"Damn, this is just getting better and better…" Krillin mused to himself, eyeing Raven, Winter and now Yang as they circled him like lions circling prey…. him. Tien, Yamcha and Weiss got back up and went after Nail who was still fighting against Pyrrha, so this fight had just begun. Gohan was busy trying to take out Jaina, but that girl was strong for A three-year-old, her mother and Chiaotzu was still out of the fight though which is good.




Easily annihilating Garlic Juniors henchmen and then the little bastard himself, I knew the little goblin bastard was immortal, so I didn't hold back, completely dominating the little cur and let Mr. Popo go and do his job. Seeing Junior trying to speak up, he pointed at A star high in the sky and I didn't look up, instead sending my boot into his face as I crushed his head. Instead of death though, the bastard only screamed in pain even while his head was squashed like grapes. HE couldn't die, being immortal but that was the real kicker isn't it, yeah, he is immortal, but it didn't mean he was 'invincible', the stupid fool… I will make him into A punching bag for my gravity room when this is all over and quite enjoy his suffering... seriously though, I wouldn't waste my time with the creature. But him floating in his own misery in that dimension would be the best outcome for this sack of shit.


"What's wrong? Oh… you can't speak with my boot on your face, can you…" I looked down and spat on him, then raised my right hand, calling forth enough power to destroy A planet. The sphere, glowed sickly purple and I dropped it towards him. Garlic winced as the glow approached him, but my blast which fell down suddenly spun upwards, heading for his star which if I remember correctly, was how he escaped the dead zone with. This should show him just where he is in terms of him versus me.


The explosion as the impact happened A few short minutes after my release of the attack, the glow of red before the planet was gone and I powered up another attack, to use on Garlic himself. The attack engulfed him, and I floated upwards away from the detonation.


I sneered at the downed form of Garlic and then left him there, he was in an immense amount of pain as I looked at him so I'd let him heal as he was immortal, his wounds should right themselves soon. Instead, it was time to send the rest of those corrupted by the 'Black Water Mist' off of the lookout as I wasn't sure if they had to be underneath the lookout for them to be affected by the sacred water, you know... specifics and all. Vegeta had Kakarot and they seemed to be getting closer and closer to the ground which is fine for the protagonist of 'Dragon Ball' but the rest of them need to be sent away. 


"I'll handle my girls first, Jaina seems to be getting A upper hand against Gohan, though only because he is holding back against her… heh, she's going to be A fighter no doubt about it." I reappeared behind her, A swift but calculated judo chop at the back of her head knocked my daughter out and I went after Blake next. She was already out cold, so I was able to 'instant transmission her and Jaina back to Kami house. Leaving them there on the verandah. My other daughter Willa was still inside the house crying, though she sounded more feral. Creating A clone, I left it to handle my youngest while I went back to the lookout.




 Kakarot came at him with the intent to kill, this battle was what he honestly wanted out from Kakarot the first time… exhilarating... A warrior's battle, though Kakarot couldn't offer A verbal tongue lashing as Vegeta tried to rile up Kakarot but he only offered savage grunts and screeches. Landing A blow and then sending Kakarot further downwards as their battle ruptured the clouds, he sent another Ki-blast towards him.

"Bah, Kakarot… you're nothing to me like this, no Saiyan bride, nothing… what A let down. You fool…" Kakarot couldn't reply, only offer grunts of animalistic nature as he continued to mindlessly assault Vegeta, only using melee against Vegeta. Vegeta sighed, the clown didn't or couldn't be the better term, take this fight seriously as he at the moment was just a mindless beast. But it was something for Vegeta and he gored himself on the fight none the less.


"This grows boring, heh… … … final flash!" he sent down his newest Ki-blast towards Kakarot and watched in glee as Kakarot met it head on, though it wouldn't kill him, it would send the mindless Saiyan crumbling down the ground easily enough, ending their fight. He won technically, but Vegeta knew it wasn't so much a victory as it was just Vegeta saving the day... with that bastard Kron. The other Saiyan the prince needed to put in his place.


"Now if only I can get him to fight me for real, Kakarot… and then Kron." he laughed, grinning as he looked towards the sky, seeing the lookout and the blue hue that begun to sprinkle down upon the planet, getting in his eyes slightly as he glimpsed back down.


"Now, where's that woman… I need A new ship, not to mention A meal." he said to himself, afterimaging further away as his Ki exploded from himself and he flew in the direction of the building Capsule Corporation.




It seemed his merging with Kami had no point in the grand scheme of things, the bottle dropped from the throne Garlic Junior left them on and out came Piccolo, but he didn't exactly feel like himself anymore. The jar shattered by his explosive Ki which knocked the bottle over and off the side of the throne. He then expanded and become his original size and his Ki was now not held at bay by the prison. He felt very much stronger together than before.


"You old fool, too quick to act… I no longer feel like Piccolo, nor Kami either… So, this is me… the original Namek. I feel great, this explosive strength on par with what I feel from that Kron when he only uses that 'Super Saiyan' transformation." he felt incredible, no invincible, no-


Walking into Mr. Popo while in thought, where he knew he would be in the back near the throne room, information inherited from Kami. He spoke to Mr. Popo as he finished with his task.


"Kami is no more Mr. Popo, neither is Piccolo either.  You're going to need another guardian of the earth." he said, turning around just as Mr. Popo turned to speak in surprise.


"W-What, but K-Kami-"he said still in shock, but he was already leaving away from the servant of the guardians.


"-And Piccolo have recombined together, I am neither of them. Find another guardian. You have easy access to the Namekian's of Namek so I'd start there. Until then, the earth's 'Dragon Balls' will be encased in stone." he needed A name of course, so he would keep Piccolo's one, looking towards Kron, Nail, Krillin and Gohan as he headed towards them.




"Look, it's Piccolo, seems he's fine after all. Hey Gohan, go and see if he's alright. We've been looking for the Namekian. Nail let's get Dende and that woman of Krillin's." Nail nodded, replying with a grunt.


"Fine then, let's go." Nail said, giving A glance over Piccolo A little much more than was necessary. Nail grunted and we disappeared, reappearing at the sight of Yajirobe, the cat and the broad in the middle of A game of poker. Startling the girl, Nail spoke up.


"Where's Dende, we're heading out. Kron, the girl." he said, and I nodded. Dende came over from the railing he was looking down from and headed over, face seemed to be in relief.


"Right, Dende… Nail, over here. Hold on to your lunch, girl-" she responded but was cut-off midway.


"-Huh? lunch!- gah!-" she screamed, as we all reappeared at the lookout and Krillin came over, looking relieved to see his misses.


"Marron, Thanks Kron for bring her here. Uh h-hey Maron, we're finished-" I interrupted as the two of them embrace, Maron started to yell but my words silenced the loud-mouthed airhead while Krillin glanced at me from where his head sat... between her tits.


"-Not yet. Garlic junior needs A send off. Isn't that right you little plebeian." I spoke up, the reformed Garlic tensed in fear but that didn't stop him from powering up, gritting his teeth as he sneered at me with the most intense fervor in his gaze. He was pissed, good then… open up that hole of yours, that 'Dead-Zone' so that I might send you into it you cunt.


"Y-You, how dare you, you and all your friends, no… this whole planet will be destroyed… sucked into the dead-zone! You will all suffer for your arrogance. No one beats the immortal Garlic Junior!" he yelled out, his power intensified as his physical body expanded in height and weight. My ear drums were briefly drowned out from Maron's screaming but Krillin held her in his arms with his head still lost in her breasts which I would have laughed if I wasn't pissed off at this little gremlin, the force Junior generated came to A fundamental conclusion as the power he unleashed begun to suck us towards him. No… that was the forming of the portal to that realm he can open the door to. Said hole expanded, enough for the punk so I acted. Afterimaging towards him, my kick enhanced by Super Saiyan, and the brief Kaio-ken was all it took to kick the cur in the head, inprinting my boot on it as he was sent spiraling to his half-opened door, the 'Dead-Zone'. I then powered up, using immeasurable amount of my power and sent A small sphere of Ki with that power after the goblin, it wisped through the closing portal.


"That was what I was waiting for. Now, guys, it is finished." I said, sighing in relief. That could have gone better but what's done is done. The little imp will suffer for eternity, good for me. I almost forgot about this shithead... It was lucky i was off-word when he decided to use that 'Black water-mist' brain-control shit.


"Piccolo, you seem different." I said as I now noticed from feeling his Ki, walking towards him and he snorted, arms folded, and he nodded while replying. Placing A hand on Gohan's head briefly, he spoke.


"Yes, Piccolo and Kami have combined as one being again. You all can call me Piccolo, it's familiar as my physical appearance is Piccolo. Seems easy enough for it to stick. You did good Gohan." Gohan smiled and replied, chuckling lightly.


"Thanks Mr. Piccolo, uh… are you coming to the reunion?" he asked, Piccolo smirked down on him.


"Sure kid, we can spar afterwards. I've grown stronger than before, I'm going to need to test my strength out on A worthy partner. Kron, I think everyone is ready, are you. We still need to gather those who were infected with the 'Black water-mist'" I looked at him and then shook my head, that Piccolo and Kami became one now was another change but I guess with him not joined with the now immortal Nail... honestly A good change the way I see it, it put Piccolo back on the map as A capable fighter in the battles to come. Wait, doesn't that mean he can solo the Androids now? Perhaps... if shit continued to remain the same which I bet would not be the case.


"Sure, we're all ready. Well, except for Krillin and his girlfriend. Look at them." I pointed, they were arguing or like, she was arguing but the ditz kept changing the subject and continued to make-out with Krillin and Krillin... honestly looked at A loss for words, figuratively and literally.

I finished up with moving everyone affected with the 'Black Water Mist' back to Kami's house using 'Instant Transmission' and used Roshi's KI as the go between, my clone keeping A watchful eye on them all while I sent another clone to retrieve Vegeta and Goku though Vegeta was long gone. Those two had A fierce but one-sided battle underneath the lookout, somewhat quenching Vegeta's thirst for battle but if I know that guy, he would seek me out next. Goku was picked up, but it looked I'm right as Vegeta left A while ago, his loss.


"Krillin, hurry up. We're leaving!" Gohan yelled out, waving over to him as he looked our way and took his girl friends hand before heading on over. Nail, Dende, Gohan, Piccolo and Krillin all placed A hand on each other's shoulder while Krillin kept his hand tightly on Maron's as we disappeared, vanishing. Reappearing on Roshi's island.


(Winter Schnee-POV)


She, along with everyone else waked up in A precarious predicament. They all seemed to be out cold, Goku looking the worse of them with his face beaten up and everyone in different states of shock. Her throat was dry, hoarse too now that she thought about it, and she went to speak. 


"... … H-Hey, Uh-" she stopped speaking as her voice came out very hoarsely, her throat sore too. Getting up, A lot of them went to get A drink but the state of the house was in disarray with the only thing in its proper place was little Willa's set up nursery, temporarily in this place for the reunion. Kron hovered over Willa and the nearby Jaina who seemed to be out cold still, sleeping peacefully. He spoke up.


"Right, everyone, there is an explanation for all this-" Kron spoke, but Yamcha cut him off mid-speech.


"-My throat hurts and I feel like I've been sparring." Yamcha said, coughing slightly after he spoke. Winter agreed with him and replied, looking at Kron.


"So, what happened, I admit I don't remember nothing." she asked, Kron then spoke.


"I uh, you'll have to get the information from Krillin, I've got to go change Wylla's diaper and take Jaina home. Laters much." he said and then everyone watched as he disappeared with his two daughters. She seen that look as he disappeared, knew it too. He didn't want to explain to them what happened, he was kind of A loner in the sense that he didn't really enjoy speaking to crowds but there was also something else there… he seemed quite upset about something. She would tell Blake and Weiss and then the three of them would confront him later at home in private. For now, though… where is Krillin, that dolt-

"Uh, Kron... I was beginning to like him... Uh, well. Guys..." Krillin began, he looked at them and begun to explain the past few hours in great detail.