Long Live the King… Or not.



I sensed the malevolent Ki of another of the cold clan, the father of the two I done in. King cold had landed and with sufficient escort enough to cause collateral though only to the civilians of the planet. Though while he was coming, the entire Z-fighter group was able to sense him and thus, we waited for him to land. I wanted to know though about the two other Ki's I could read in the distance and coming towards King Cold, and his troops are. Yamcha spoke first, not really wanting to be there as he quivered in fear, King Cold felt as strong as Cooler was in his fourth form though maybe he was… stronger, I didn't care.


"Vegeta, do you feel that-" attempting to hit me. We were in the wilderness while we fought against each other. Vegeta yelled hoarsely, firing off A Ki-blast though halfway through I could see his face almost 'click' when he too could sense Cold coming. I held his attack before letting it slip passed by me and it careened towards A mesa below which exploded. 


"You can feel him now huh, seems he's coming to earth-"


"-I can sense him fool, shut it." he said, whilst we both headed into the dust cloud below us as we landed on our feet. The dust settled and Vegeta, folded his arms as he huffed, speaking up through gritted teeth.


"He is mine, I will get my blood Kron." he promised, his Ki swirling around him in anger, it meant much to him it seems. I agreed.


"Sure. Though I don't know about everyone else." He looked at me scoffing, though he then picked up the others I was sensing. Feeling like Piccolo, Gohan and Goku heading this way as our Ki had acted as A beacon during the fight. They must also can tell someone is coming. My phone rung and I went to answer it, afterimaging away and onto A nearby rock in sight of the others but out of earshot of everyone… but Piccolo I suspect. Checking the number, it was Blake.


"Hello, love." I spoke into the phone, hearing her snort before answering.


"Kron, are you still fighting that idiot Vegeta, I just got off A call with Chichi. Seems Goku and Gohan left in A hurry. They must have sensed the person approaching the planet that now Weiss, Winter and I can also feel approaching."


"Yeah, I can feel him too. Goku, Gohan and Piccolo have come here. The 'idiot' is salivating at the thought of the coming fight. I'll come home after this uh, minor convenience' is dealt with, tell Winter and Weiss to not come and help… Oh right, I'll also get the groceries after. Still have the list on my phone." I answered, she hummed in thought through the phone, replying softly.


"Right, see you soon. Jaina has been asking for you, she wants to play with her 'daddy', get home quick, yeah. Bye." Blake hung up, I seen there was A text from Weiss and Winter, so I sent them assurances and also that I talked with Blake so speak with her. Looking up, I could feel more approaching. The significant growths Yamcha, Tien, Krillin and Chiaotzu made meant that they would still be relevant in the wars to come, they would not be fodder or 'glass cannons' against the likes of uh, anyone else after the Frieza arc. They also knowing 'Kaio Ken' made them stronger and thus, more useful to have as allies. They would grow far stronger than their canon counterparts at this time, my scouter has since become obsolete, meaning it blew up the last time I used it on my eldest daughter Jaina, her power continued to grow and last it read 178,567 but that was three months ago when that Garlic junior tried for his bid at power…


"Kron, it seems everyone of your friends are in coming, do you mind telling the oaf over here, his soft-hearted son and the Namekian that King Cold is mine!" Vegeta yelled over to me, clenching his left hand in front of me while Goku behind him itched his hair in frustration, he seemed disappointed that he couldn't fight the power incoming. I sighed, Vegeta continued to stare but Piccolo answered him, scoffing at the notion of Vegeta being the one to fight first.


"You're not the only one here that is going to come here, were concerned about our planet, not of the notion of fighting 'first'. You fool Vegeta, when will you get it in your thick skull-"


"-Can it. I'll be more than happy to fight you here and now 'first' for the-"


"-Huh, I'll fight you Vegeta-" I felt like that meme… the one when the whole crowd would cover their face with one hand in frustration which is what I did before replying, interrupting their childish spat. Gohan, quiet as he was the only one not acting like A child here and now. Before I could even formulate words to quieten them up, Yamcha, Tien, Krillin and Chiaotzu landed followed closely by Yang and Pyrrha.


"You all turned up then, well let's go and try and intercept King Cold before he decides to terrorize anyone upon landing." I jumped into Super Saiyan too, Goku looked serious and decided to follow my lead as he too transformed. Vegeta gritted his teeth in anger but nodded as we begun to move. Piccolo spoke up.


"Everyone else, keep your Ki-signature down to A minimum. We will deal with the others this King Cold brings." Gohan yelled out in reply.






"Arrival upon the planet designated by Vegeta as Earth will commence in A few short hours your excellency." He grinned, swirling his glass of expensive wine, replying.


"Excellent, proceed to land, I would usually blow the planet from afar but I'm feeling quite parched… that is… in the blood of my enemies. And I have many enemies here that need bloodletting, commander land the ship and begin your attack on the planet. Land in A community and begin the attack. It should draw out those fools who believed they could get away with attacking my family and thinking they can get away with it." his form, no longer in his second form but in his fourth form as he waited for landing procedures to end. King Cold smirked in anticipation, the savage glee in his eyes as he looked at the planet in contempt.


"Such A beautiful jewel, this planet…" he murmured as the planet came further into view, the clouds circulating the atmosphere and the continents he could gleam through said atmosphere.


Landing, the ship hovered over A metropolis, so the ship landed on the outskirts, but enough of the primitives seen them coming to wonder. As the ship touched down, Cold got out of his seat and left his glass on the chair before he spoke.


"You may begin." his laughter flowed silky-like as he eyed the screen in front of him, the various video fragments of this world already being intercepted and brought to his attention.


He stood up and headed for the exit slowly, as his men continued to file out in droves, all types of species. Some of them being elite forces of his old guard left as leaders to the grunts and their attack was about to begin. A total of two-hundred men left the shit ready for battle, the ship size was of the invasion type so it could easily house them sort of numbers easily.


"My, the weather here is very fine on the skin, I could get used to coming here in the future… when the locals have been enslaved. I'll erect monuments of myself on every mountain and the locals in time will come to worship me…" his eyes roamed the landscape, his men begun to fly off in formations as they began their assault-


"-What!, we've got contact- ahh!!!-" one of the furthest squads from his ship were eradicated, their bodies obscured in smoke and soot as they died by fast thrown Ki-blasts, King Cold realized that all of his men were being attacked at the same time, the wisps of dark-purple colored Ki-blasts at sizes smaller than his wine glass but they packed A punch. The barrage of wisp-sized Ki-blasts ripped across and created A delicate situation for his now fast depleting men, they begun to die in droves as these blasts homed in on them, there was no chance for any of them. Cold followed the trails of the multiple attack Ki-trail and sent A blast of his own, it's path unimpeded by anything or anyone as even some of his own men were caught in the trajectory of his own attack. Cold smirked, as his attack reached the target which appeared to be obscured by the smoke created from those barrages of wisps but-


"Whoever done this sliced through my attack! That little cheeky runt, whoever you are. Come out so that I might look on you briefly before you die!" he yelled in anger, the smoke begun to disappear as two silhouettes emerged from the smoke.



'This is all wrong, what is going on here?' These and so much other thoughts ran through Trunk's mind as he waited for the smoke to clear, the other fighter nearby who attacked the planet trade organization's troops was now viewable. Trunks had his time slicing through A lot of those who already left the girls range and dealt with them with his sword.


'A woman… is that- are those cat ears?' Trunk glanced at her. Black of hair, she also has A black tail. Dressed In an outfit that had him uncomfortable at this time, she looked at him unfazed and he realized he was staring too much for it to be appropriate. Though questioning her would have to wait as King Cold looked quite mad, he was even transformed in the fourth form of his. Shouldn't Frieza be around here-


"So, you're King Cold, I'll tell you… I've heard stories, how weak you and your family were. Hey dude, I'll handle this fight. Just stand there and look menacing with that sword of yours, I'll handle it." the girl said, Trunks noticed she was also wearing leather boots of the high heel variety, he wanted to scoff at her foolishness but instead he waited for the coming fight. No doubt, she is strong but King Cold over there is nothing to scoff at, especially so when he was full transformed. Trunks nodded, smirking as he replied.


"I'll kick back then, watch you from here. Though if you can't manage, I'll jump on in. I can do this after all." he smirked, powering up, allowing his Ki to flow freely as he easily begun to transform. The stones loose on the ground and dust floated around him while he transformed, smirking at the girl whose face neutrally regarded him. 




Trunks, he was transforming then, early though it was the outcome I had expected. Him being here though was not what I expected seeing as I had changed things but here he was. Did this mean Vegeta and Bulma still-


"Heeerrrrruggggggghhh!!" Trunks screamed out loud across the battlefield, his Ki shaking the planet. I could also see the Ki dancing off of him randomly, those electric-like currents of Ki rippling off him.


"What, who is this runt!" Vegeta half-yelled from where he stood, now in A state of shock. Goku looked over neutrally while Tien, Chiaotzu and Yamcha watched on with varying degrees of worry. The girls also look on worried, watching the fight begin.


"What about that girl over there, she is going up that Cold guy. Shouldn't we like, help them now. Kron, get over there and finish-" Yang was interrupted when said girl over on the battlefield, her Ki-aura color changed A familiar red, she afterimaged towards King Cold and the battle begun.


"She's using the Kaio-Ken technique then. She feels like she gained as much Ki as the other one… I think that she can use Kaio-ken times fifty…" Goku said seriously, standing tensely as he watched them fight. I nodded, Vegeta scoffed, and the others were surprised at the level Goku believed Kaio-ken was being used at. I kept my eyes on the fight, Cold and the girl… no, I believe that she is my daughter but from the future, was keeping up and even outclassing King Cold. Their blows formed ripples in the air as their fight, like a dance, as their attacks against each other caused by them as they flickered across the sky matching each other blow to blow. Tien, calming down at the level of power displayed spoke up.


"The girl, I think she's holding back. Vegeta, she also has A tail. Is she A Saiyan too?" Vegeta looked at him, turning to the battlefield and sneering.


"How is that so, this girl cannot be. Only Kakarot, Kron and I are the last of the full-blooded Saiyan's left. Kakarot's son and Kron's daughters being half-breeds Saiyan's themselves. I don't know who they are three-eyes so don't assume such foolish notions." He said, his tone was of A jealous bastard I knew to be him, I smirked but didn't reply, not giving the game away though I was also worried, my eldest daughter Jaina being back in time meant something bad for the future, I mean… that's what I believe if she came back, like Trunks did of the original 'canon'.


Keeping that in the back of my mind for now, everyone including myself was surprised when she, her red aura suddenly went Super Saiyan mid-punch, sending King Cold towards the ground though Cold managed to land. Her voice was heard as she hoarsely yelled out, A scream that last only A few second before the red of Kaio-ken was drowned out by the golden Ki of the Super Saiyan transformation.


"Look! The girl transformed now too, there's no doubt Vegeta. This girl is also A super Saiyan too. That is, she is also A Saiyan. Man, how many really are there out there, I thought you said your planet was blown up" Krillin spoke but Vegeta ignored him as he scowled across the field. Pyrrha stepped closer, getting closer as she turned to speak to me while getting uncomfortably closer at least, for A married man with three wives.


"Hey, I've got A question for you, doesn't that girl over there… doesn't she look like your oldest daughter Jaina?" she whispered, I looked at her, surprised by her foresight before replying.


"Your right, she does look similar. Don't say nothing else about it though. I'm not sure what is going on. There's no need to tell the rest of these guys for now." I then murmured to myself 'that means you… Piccolo'. I whispered, he narrowed his eyes but looked away, saying not A word for now, his ears seemed to be twitching.


Moving away from Pyrrha, she was very daring these days I'd admit. I continued to watch Cold being turned into A pin cushion, she is very skilled and made the fight one-sided as she and Cold fought, But King Cold even transformed was just, what's the word… ah, 'filler episode trash' and the few minutes they fought in was over. She made it look easy, and unlike me, she didn't mess around, going in for the kill. 


"Looks like the fights over, King Cold is defeated. Let's get closer, these other two unknown fighters might be allies." Piccolo said, Goku hummed in agreement while Vegeta scoffed, though all over them flew towards the ship and nearby battlefield. I also followed after them, landing in time to see the last words of the nearly departed. King Cold... bloodied and broken, what appeared to be A hole punched through his chest continued to bleed out as he looked at her hatefully, he spoke while coughing up purple blood and wheezing.


"W-Why y-you-" sheesh, she didn't even let him finish when her eyes glowed red and two twin-beams of red sailed towards the dethroned King, the beams pierced him and then the reign of King Cold was over. Ruthless move... but I approve. The group turned as Trunks approached, still in Super Saiyan and she turned halfway around, raising one hand. The blast that was quickly conjured up detonated upon the corpse and then Trunks rose his own hand, firing off A Ki-blast of his own towards the oversized ship, destroying it too. Trunks powered down and then looked at our assembled party, from the looks he was sending Goku and Vegeta, he appeared to be seeing what was wrong of this picture. He glanced my way, then towards Yang and Pyrrha too with furrowed brows but didn't comment. Finally, Trunks looked over to who I believed to be my daughter and spoke.


"That was impressive, but I'm confused… who are you?" he asked her, she looked around our group then, judging those assembled, her eyes landed on me, but I felt her tense when our eyes locked and she turned away back towards Trunks.


"Later. I take it this is what amounts to the protectors of this here planet yes. Well, someone please answer." she said, almost looking down on everyone here when Vegeta replied challengingly though he glared at Trunk's more than her.


"And who are you, maybe you should answer this question girl before I let my displeasure to be known. And you... Let's start with you boy, start by how you're A 'Super Saiyan'." he turned, almost growling as he questioned Trunks to which Trunks looked away from him but replied. 


"Vegeta, shut up. Boy, speak up. You two young lady." Trunk sighed while I spoke, glaring at Vegeta as he in turn looked at me in defiance but then scoffed, arms folded once again.


"I can't tell you that. I'm here to warn you. I'll only speak with Goku though, I trust him. " Trunk said, looking around. Shrugging, I didn't need to hear, Goku would tell everyone I'm sure, if not… well 'big ears' Piccolo would. Goku looked surprised but answered.


"Why me, uh… What should I call you?" Goku asked and Trunks replied. 


"I will reveal my name in time, the information I have is far too much important and I'd like to get it all across first. Please." Trunks waited but finally Goku nodded, satisfied by Trunks words and replied.


"Gotcha, uh... hey! Guys, I'll be back In A few minutes!" Goku yelled out to the rest of us while Trunks prepared to lift-off. The girl in front of us gritted her teeth and also took off after them, shocking the rest of us, myself included… I suppose they trust Goku the most, go figure.