Time in Splinters.



Goku realized, the unknown lad too also realized that the unknown girl was following them. They landed not too far away from the rest but out of earshot, Goku was intrigued about what the young man wanted, the girl too is strong and would offer an excellent challenge in A spar, but first…


"Alright, we can talk here. Thanks for trusting me with this. As to your question, my name is Trunks. I wanted to meet you Goku, for so long and I feel honored doing so. But… before I begin, before I tell you all that I set out here to do… would you become A Super Saiyan at will." Trunks asked just as the girl landed, staring at them neutrally. Ignoring her in favor of this Trunks, Question, he answered.


"Not at first, I was able to eventually with some help from my sparring partner Kron-"


"-Who? Look, Goku… I've got to ask an off-shoot question. Can you tell me, did you defeat Frieza?" he asked, looking serious and Goku blinked, shaking his head negatively and Trunks sighed.


"...I see, so it's like that huh… Look Goku, before I discuss this further. You, doll. What's your story, my one just got shot out from the window from this… revelation." Goku thought, 'what revelation?', he was very confused now, but the girl snorted, answering.


"It's simple idiot, but first may I ask. Trunks was it... tell me who your mother and father is, and we can go from there. My mother's name is Blake Belladonna, my old man is over there, I'd recognize him from what I have left of him and my early years-"


"-Hey! You shouldn't expose your-" Trunks said, alarmed she spoke of such a topic but was interrupted from the young woman.


"-Where I come from, my whole entire world is desolate, Namek is gone and not even the dragon balls could bring it back for they we're turned to stone soon after the guardian of the earth, Dende was murdered, I was lucky to escape here, so let's get down to brass tacks instead of this foreplay." she blinked while lashing her teeth into a snarl, her hair changed color to yellow while she struggled as the familiar transformation manifested from out of he. The girl's eyes changed from black to yellow. All in all, her transformation was pretty quick, similar to what Trunks managed before.


"So, go ahead and transform then. Then we get down to business, no more jumping around the bush with this mystery route." she said, eyes piercing both of them, she is A Saiyan then though the cat ears on top of her head reminded Goku of Blake, but still… A daughter of those two… Goku transformed, followed along by A surprised Trunks, their Ki's density similar to each other though Trunks felt much stronger than himself. The girl though felt A bit stronger than Trunks, likely because he could see the traces of red wisps within her Ki, she had tapped into Kaio-ken as well but secretly, or at least she tried to secretly, but Goku is no fool when it came to these things.


"Right then, tell me your story Trunks. Then you can speak next…-"


"-Jaina, I'm from the distant future… and I do know who you are Trunks, your name is the same but, your father isn't my dad... isn't he. That is where you differ from where I come from." she said tensely, glaring at Trunks who glared back though less hostile than her. Goku had enough of their bickering, and from the intense emotions he felt from this form, let it be voiced his way. Trunks replied, confirming the girl's question.

"My father isn't this Kron... my father is Vegeta-" Goku interrupted, surprised from the turn of events, speaking aloud in shock.

"-Ve-Vegeta! your dad is-" Trunks hushed him to which Goku half turned, glimpsing the Saiyan prince in surprise though he only got a glare for his efforts for the 'Prince of all Saiyan's'. Calming down, seeing the seriousness from both of the young adults, he asked seriously.


"Alright guys, what's going on. Go on, Trunks." Trunks looked to him and nodded, the three of them stood pretty close to one another so their golden-yellow auras were overlapping, their ears filled with the intense sound of orbs racing of the Super Saiyan forms, so Goku was the first to be powered down to his 'base form'. The rest followed suite as Trunk begun.


"Alright then, this might sound strange but… I'm not from this time but from the distant future, nearly twenty years in fact. I traveled back by using A time machine, For an important purpose. Though now that I've gotten here, time seems to be 'splintered', Frieza should have been alive also at this point, there's also some unknowns among your friends over there in your group also. My father is Vegeta, I'm half Saiyan and I should be born two years from now." The girl spoke up, interrupting him.


"Thats… not possible, Bulma got with-" Trunks glared at the girl, who stopped speaking.


"-…Let me finish, anyway… to the point, in three years in the morning of May twelfth at ten, A duo of highly destructive and evil beings will show up on an island south-west of south city. They will decimate the entire world, they will be unstoppable and outclass your friends over there. Not even the mythical Super Saiyan form you were the 'first' to unlock will be able to halt them in their destruction. Pure monsters, nothing 'they' do will faze them in the slightest, they will be built to seed chaos in their wake. None of your friends, nor Gohan will be able to stop them. Vegeta, Piccolo, Tien- none of them will survive them, all but your son will survive but then eventually even he too will succumb to their monstrous strength."

"What are they, they aliens from the Planet Trade-" Goku asked, interested. He also heard from Trunks that 'his' name wasn't mentioned among those who fight these evil beings.


"-no, their beginnings were of this planet. Earth is their home and it's here they will reign, sowing death and destruction, they care not for they have no feelings, not an ounce of pity. Someone you faced in your past when you were but A child created them in secret, with the sole goal of killing you Goku. And the most ironic part of it… it would not be these creatures… these 'monsters' won't be the ones to end you, no you die outside of battle before the first explosion... before the first casualty, you die in your bed while effected by A new but very deadly heart-virus. The one who swore vengeance on you Goku, who created these monsters is known to you, do you remember Doctor Gero of the 'Red-Ribbon Army'?" Goku's eyes widened, he did remember him, he also felt disappointed that he didn't even get A shot at those monsters Trunks is explaining about, Trunks continued.

"He isn't seen again, only his creations are, and the duo will decimate everything, survival in the future, it changes A person." Trunks said downcast, Goku replied frustrated, but he held it in check.

"I defeated him when I was A kid. So, Dr. Gero wants revenge, is that why he creates these monsters, as you put it." Trunks looked up and nodded, replying.


"I believe so, though like I said, after those things, his creations came online, they attacked their creator. These creatures, the technology that brought them to life is almost science fiction but still Dr. Gero creates beings that when compared to Frieza, make that tyrant out to be A boy-scout-"


"-I have no experience fighting Frieza. Kron, over there faced him and another, Frieza's brother. But if it's like that, they must be very strong as I could feel Frieza and the others foul strength when we were on Namek." Goku said, seriously as Trunks sighed again while looking over towards Kron who stood with the rest of the group. Trunks then replied.


"...Right, you'll have to explain that to me. Time-travel… Me ending up in A different time than the one I came from, it shouldn't work like that. In my time, the earth's special forces are all but spent, myself is the last one who can put up meager resistance. Infrastructure on the planet has been devastated so heading to the planet Namek with A ship is impossible, building my time machine took years and secrecy not to mention rare parts. With Piccolo dead in my time, Kami is also and with them gone the dragon balls are frozen like stone, unusable. Oh, the guardian is Kami in 'my' timeline, not this Dende." The girl grunted as Trunks turned to her, Goku looked at her, but she seemed downcast from the story too. Trunks continued while gritting his teeth.


"I'm telling you this Goku because I trust you the most, possibly second to Gohan who in the future would become my only friend and trainer, but you can understand the need to prepare for this coming onslaught. You ought to know." Goku replied frustrated, he heard that he would die from A disease, it made him angry about the waste of his training, to be done in by A lousy virus.


"So, you're saying I die before the fighting begins, darn it! I don't even get A crack at them- what do you call them-"


"-Uh, they are androids Goku, monsters or 'the technical term is 'Artificial Human's', like mother calls them." Trunks said, giving him A simple term to address them. Goku continued.


"-Androids, right. I die before the fighting. You say these androids are stronger than all of our friends then? What about Kron, does even he die too, I've got to ask because I've seen his strength and even felt his power first-hand on Namek." Goku watched Trunk looked confusedly at him before somewhat glancing towards Goku's friends and Kron in particular. Trunks then looked at him, answering his question while the girl hummed in arrogance to his question but other than that, she kept quiet still, waiting for chance to speak. Trunks spoke up.


"No, he wasn't on Earth anytime in the future or the past at least, in the… uh, 'my' timeline from where I hail from. I don't know him, maybe you'll have an edge this time around. I'm not sure where he lines in all this. But know this, the androids will be much stronger than Frieza, King Cold or this unknown brother of Frieza's I'm sure... their power was enough to snuff out the likes of my father, Krillin, Chiaotzu, Tien and… eventually Gohan too. Alright, you can add your piece then miss, your story might shed light on what is happening here, I for one have never met you before." he turned to the girl, Goku did too also interested in what she brought to the conversation.


"I know you, but another you. Goku, I admit, I don't remember much of you either, only that you were a friend of my fathers.. As to my story well… this is how it goes… pretty much the same, that of your time Trunks but there was differences, then there was those whop came after... That is why I'm here." she begun, Goku and Trunks listened as she squatted down on her knees and took A handful of rocks before crushing them in a iron grip, the dust she dropped in her other hand and then passed the grains back and forth.


"I'm from the future too, your androids? They come too, though those here, the earth's special forces as you call them, they are able to defeat them, with a lot of effort-" Trunk's eyes widened, she continued while Goku looked confused.


"-Wait, what-" Trunks began but was interrupted.


"-Yeah, I ask you... Do you know how to use the Kaio-ken, Trunks?" she asked, Trunks looked confused but replied while Goku thought he understood where she was coming to.


"Uh, no... Only Goku knew the use of that technique, not even Yamcha, Tien, Piccolo or Chiaotzu knows how to use it and they've-"


"-died and gone to king Kai's planet, yes. Well, 'Trunks', those in this timeline all know, or well, most of them how to use this technique, even Gohan will learn it when he gets older, my sisters will learn it and my brother too... It does help in the end, but the technique will be the reason everyone survives the Androids. It's the being who awakens during this time, that comes straight after the androids who becomes A problem but even then, this android will be defeated too. Not long after 'that' one, in my time... when I came from just before I arrived here and laid waste to that king rodent over there, 'that' timeline I came back from, I'm the last one left... Just as I left, the two beings I was fleeing from sent A cataclysmic blast that annihilated Earth… I had no choice but to use this time machine or I would have died too. My father, over there, my sisters, of which most of them aren't born yet, all dead, Goku, Gohan, even Nail and he is supposed to be 'immortal', he's dead. None survive, I should have died too but remembered Bulma mentioned she had begun dabbling in this technology"- she threw the capsule she just removed from her jacket and out came A more advanced looking time machine, she then done something which shocked Trunks as he looked to be surprised when he stopped himself from lurching forward from the explosion.


"My timeline is over, everything there I care about is gone. And all of you, your friends, my family… they will not be ready for it, if they don't start training now. I've heard tale of 'four' artifacts that might be able to help in assisting with these beings but, I'm not sure where i should start... only a story aunt Salem used to tell, the good times... before they gutted her and the rest of my family for some 'slight' of hers and my fathers." She finished just as the dust settled, her time machine looked barely scratched and she activated the capsule, pocketing it once again. Trunks looked relieved, Goku thought as the young man replied.


"You're like me then, though your planet is gone so your worse off, I suppose... I understand why you destroyed your time machine. You have nothing to go back to, that's… A shame, I'm sorry. What's your name anyway. Can't keep calling you girl." Goku nodded in agreement, he was interested in her, she felt powerful just now even if her attack barely scratched the surface of that time machine of hers. The girl, turning to them each slowly, replied.


"My name is Jaina. I could have headed back yes, but as soon as I do, I will be killed, the two beings, would have wasted no time in smiting me as easily as they done the rest of us. I'll be staying but I will stay out of the way for now." Jaina replied, Trunks nodded in understanding but added.


"I uh, you'll be changing history doing that but uh… I'm also guilty of this, here Goku, this is for you to take. The medicine in this bottle, it isn't yet created at this 'time' and in my timeline you die from it so, with this you'll have A chance to fight. I've heard many stories about you, from Gohan and my mother so you'll be able to make A difference. As to this 'other' duo, you mentioned rogue gods, Jaina? Maybe you could help with them if you're staying here. But first A question, how strong are you, can you show us." Trunks asked, Goku looked at her adding.


"Your transformation was quick. Here let me show you again." Goku changed quick enough, barely half A minute went past when his Super Saiyan form activated and then Trunks transformed ten or so seconds quicker. Trunks then continued while transformed.


"You said the Androids of your time was easily dealt with, can you prove that now. I admit even while Super Saiyan, those beasts picked me, my father and Gohan apart like carrion on A corpse. What made A difference in your time." Jain nodded, her transformation begun.


Her stoic look as she casually stood in front of them and then her hair allowed as she reached Super Saiyan quicker than Trunks did. She then replied while they all were transformed, talking louder slightly.


"This is Super Saiyan as you all know, well… I can push this to what we call Super Saiyan two." her Aura which engulfed her enflamed much brighter as her eyes hardened even further, her Ki sparked with random bolts of blue wisps of Ki, randomly running up and down her aura and body. Goku felt her strength, which reminded her of Kron as he too could get as strong as this… but to think there was another level beyond the Super Saiyan form. The girl, Jaina bent slightly as to power up and then aside from the random wisps of blue bolts of Ki running randomly along her form, there was traces of red wisps now, trying in vain to outshine the golden aura of the Super Saiyan two as she called it.


"...Kaio-ken times twenty is my and my father's limit while 'Super Saiyan', our bodies are more tolerant of pain... a genetic mutation in our DNA strain. But even with these activated, I had no chance against these two rogue gods, my father was much stronger, Goku, you, Vegeta and Gohan, along with A few of my siblings were much stronger than I but you're all dead. The only reason I lived at all was because I came up with the plan to warn all of you in the past, heck, I work as a scientist for a living while my younger siblings were the fighters, I only train for the benefits. My siblings were murdered in battle, otherwise one of the younger would have come but there was no one else to send. Trunks, you'll need to learn the Kaio-ken before you go, it might give you an edge when you fight those androids in the future. You should stick around, learn from Goku here." she ended her transformations, powering down and Goku and Trunks followed suite. Trunks replied.


"That's, Goku… could you teach me this 'Kaio-ken?" Goku smiled somewhat as that he could teach, he would get A kick out of it, teaching A fellow fighter to become stronger made Goku happy. He nodded in agreement.




A while, A long while as I watched Piccolo put up A sweat listening, the various faces he made and his ears twitching while he subtly listened in as I watched. I am also surprised by Trunks, maybe Vegeta gets with Bulma after all. 


Waiting for them to finish speaking with Goku, felt like hours when in actuality it was thirty minutes at best. Later on, Trunks, Goku and Who I thought to be Jaina, who looked A carbon copy of her mother but with longer hair and A tail stood tall and watched while what it appeared to be Goku teaching Trunks how to use the Kaio-ken which took another hour at most. Vegeta became more tense as the proceedings happened but still, he stood there stoic as he glared in their direction. I also caught glimpse of my daughter's transformations, yeah… that was A shocker that she could get that strong too. And 'Super Saiyan Two' as well, I caught sight of the form and also felt her strength double further when that happened. Then she could take it further by adding Kaio-ken too… as he powers increased to unfathomable levels…

It made me think, what the hell reason would someone like her have to come to this time and easily, I knew that answer, someone much stronger had to have been coming in the future, someone who made myself, possibly Cell and maybe even Buu weaker in comparison… not sure about Buu but still, here she was. Warning Goku about it. Goku…

"Gosh, they are still going at it huh. When are they coming over here, then. We're all bored, look at them train together… Goku…" Krillin said aloud, to one replied to him so he gulped and then continued.

 Finally, though, more time, barely fifteen minutes went by when Trunks looked to be leaving as he took off. Goku and Jaina? Though, stood side by side as they slowly walked on over. I remember she blew something up too, not too long ago and it came from a capsule... Gohan ran towards them, getting everyone else to slowly follow after him and we all approached Goku and Jaina.


"Dad!, Are you finished now." Gohan asked and Goku nodded, he then replied while seriously surveying us all.


"This here, I will let her tell who she is if she deigns to. The other one, he left already and saw fit to tell me something, A problem which we all need to get stronger for in the future. I will tell you all now." Goku said and Jaina added.


"I'm Jaina, that guy over there is my old man. I have nothing to go back to so I'm here to stay. I'll also fill you all on my story-" Trunks reappeared, his time machine appeared out of thin air up above us as he touched down with the ship-like time machine and quickly got out.


"...I- I ended up in the future though, it was 'this' timeline's future… I'm- h-here to stay. I also saw them, Jaina. I got out of there before they could even attack!" he said frustrated, that sure is different indeed.