The Androids Come.



Two years went by. Where do I start… Training? Check. Raising my three children with my loving and very 'giving' wives? Check. Being in the background for once, while Schnee Industries Corporation came to be just last year, quickly rising to the top and second only to Capsule Corp, check. My time being better spent through the uses of clones for which I could make a total of ten now. I dare not make more than that, encase there would be side-effects from splitting that many times. Right now, though, I was holding Jaina in the pool of the villa while she kicked her legs.

 "That's it, keep kicking. I've got you!" I said, encouraging her along while very slowly moving backwards. Mellowing out happen when you had children to which my life seemed to be In A better place than prancing around in space. My eldest daughter continued to kick with vigor, her form getting better. Finally, I released her hands for but A moment, watching her carefully while she stammered, and I found her grip onto my tail which I foolishly had wrapped around myself instead of just behind me.


"Come here. That was a good attempt Jaina, good job!" I said while carrying Jaina out of the pool.


"Daddy, lets fight now. Swimming is boring." She asked through A gulping of air as she collected herself. I threw her upwards and she hovered there, looking down. Learning to fly was one of the first lessons I imparted onto her and then there was her Raising out of the water by flying and then landing on the edge of the pool, I turned to Blake who was watching while holding Ursula above the water, letting our youngest get A feel for the water. She replied, looking quite stern to Jaina and myself.


"You can go, after lunch. Kron, I need your help with something later today." Holding Ursula as she left the pool the little girl asked to be put down which Blake did so. My youngest daughter Ursula slowly walked towards me, and I happily took her in my arms, smiling softly as Blake's eyes met mine. Sending her a kiss, I took Ursula and held Jain with my free hand as I led them inside to get a bath and then changed. Before I could commit though, I felt a huge spike of Ki, the surge happened quite close nearby and I turned, Blake, Winter, Weiss and Blake also felt it. Pyrrha came outside dressed in a red bikini and wearing some sunglasses with Kali who dressed more moderately. I turned to them, speaking.


"Kali, could you give these two a bath, I've got to check out that disturbance." she blinked, confused but Pyrrha spoke up, just as Salem could be seen exiting out the kitchen area also dressed similar to Kali. Kali nodded, replying.


"Sure, Blake. Give me a Hand, would you?" she asked, turning around after I handed over Ursula to her, she held her steady while Jaina followed after her grandmother, looking at me confused. While I thought, that felt like Jaina' Ki just now.


'So, Jaina from the future has finally called on me. I'd better see what she wants. I thought, Weiss and Wylla were now in the pool, and she sent me a look of concern to which I nodded at her in understanding.


"Kron, want me to come with?" Winter asked, Pyrrha then spoke up too.


"I could come-" snorting as I look at her, specifically at her belly to which she blushed, placing her hands over her stomach in realization, she must have forgotten for a brief moment or she was bored that being pregnant, she was off the roster for fighters for when the Androids come.


"Your pregnant Pyrrha, you stay here. Winter aren't you late for a meeting? I'll be but A moment. Where is Bulma now? No worry, I'll ring her." I said, taking off to the skies.


"Nope, Winter, your wife is with Bulma. I'm just a clone wife." she then waved as she left, I sighed before removing my expensive phone, brought by Bulma and given to me and others in my household.


Taking out the latest design of what Capsule Corp called 'Smart Phone's' which was ironic of A name as any. I called Bulma, she would be busy no doubt, but she should have some time for me.


"Hello, Bulma. I take it Winter is with you, with her running her S.I.C." I asked, Winter and Weiss begun a new company which Bulma's and her father's company helped to get them set up nearby in the same city. No longer A dust company, it is, from my understanding, a mining company but instead of dust they sent ships out into space. Space… they are a private company which has begun to explore into space, with ship designs similar to Atlas ship designs but with P.T.O technology, they are space worthy and perhaps ten or so sizes larger than the Remnant counterparts. The company, S.I.C or Schnee Industries Corporation and Capsule Corporation are pretty much allies. I don't know any of the details as it isn't mind field of expertise, but it kept Weiss busy instead of fighting and raising our daughter. Winter also was using clones to help manage the company to help.


"Yeah, she's here. We're being here all morning too! Where almost finished transporting the entire population from here, with the governments support and our finance's we've successfully brought out the entire island for A future corporate sight for your other wife's S.I.C. I got to say it's a smart move- h-hey trunks!" I heard babbling on the other side, smirking as I was also the father to Trunks this time around, putting A ring on Pyrrha and Bulma happened last year but different months, a private ceremony which only some of the others turned up for. Weiss, Blake and Winter were all for it too, Pyrrha was an old friend of theirs and they gave her their blessing but Bulma, that was a surprise for sure.


That happened out of left field, but Seeing as Winter, Weiss, Blake and Blake's mother Kali liked and respected her and Bulma shown signs, at least to them that she was also interested in me well... that happened. I tell you, clones made everything easy in regard to not neglecting any of them, spending time with any of them being A matter of how much clones I had while also keeping pregnancy births to A minimum because clones couldn't impregnate the girls. Nope… that job remained 'mine' and mine alone. Trunks was born six months ago, perhaps A different time than his 'canon' birth, not sure. Don't ask me what is going on for even I was confused. Perhaps, someone was messing with history? Or was I and the 'RWBY' side of things the cause? Yeah… let's go with that, until a better reason pops up.


"Right, I'll head on over later on. Trunks… I'll see you son." I said, only getting him to babble and then Bulma replied.


"See you hon." She smiled, I returned with a smirk.




She waited, her father was coming and after spending three years in this timeline training on her own, she would be glad to help the others with these androids, but the real threat would come after, shed decided to not bother lest her help bring weakness to the Earth's special Forces. But now, she has mastered Super Saiyan two after three years of training deep in the unknown regions of space, finding herself a planet and with her own Capsule kit, which housed her Gravity Chamber. Spending all of her time off this world for preparing for the battle to come, and thanks to not worrying about any of the 'current' threats of this time, most which hadn't yet become active, she could focus solely on getting a hold on the 'Second ascension level of Super Saiyan' or 'Super Saiyan Two' as she heard Goku describe it as when she first displayed it to him and Trunks. Speaking of Trunks, he was forced to stay on the planet and like her, made use of no 'current' threats to his life in order to train. But unlike her, he didn't have the techniques to leave Planet Earth wholeheartedly, so they briefly spent some time together while she imparted a technique of her father's creation. 'Aura Sphere' to which Trunks was able to use after a month of learning it, she then stole a whole lot of sweet potatoes and took Trunks to the Planet Yardrat which was where Trunks was taught the other prerequisite technique of 'Spirit Control' which then allowed him to learn the other technique.


Trunks was then left alone to his own devices and like her, maintained his secrecy away from the warriors of the current time, leaving the area's the 'Earths Special Forces' would not frequent for finding A place to train undisturbed. But now, Trunks returned to civilized society, and he awaited the others on a island port-town south-west of south city. The town called Papaya Town Amenbo Island is where Trunks would go to help the rest of the special forces, but here she was, breaking her own rule in not meeting her family or at least, her father. Blinking, she turned to the spike of Ki and watched as her father arrived engulfed in his purple colored Aura, he then afterimaged A close distance in front of her but not inside her personal space before she spoke up.


"You look like your mother, same check bones. So, why now?" Kron said after silently observing her, she nodded and but didn't reply, not one for small talk. She removed two Senzu Beans which she had cultivated herself using a very high-tech grower created by Capsule Corp in the future, which sped up the growth of the seeds and as it was future tech, she didn't even have to get a green thumb to get said seeds, just putting the plant inside the machine and then storing it in the futuristic Capsule is enough for her to have access to them.


"Senzu beans, I've got heaps of them stored and ways to get more. I want to see how strong you've become. A quick bout before you head off to fight these Androids. Then I'll leave again." her father looked at her, then her right opened palm before replying.


"...So, you're not going to be around for these Androids then?" her father asked, and she nodded, replying.


"Nope, Trunks will be though. I'm going to continue to train unopposed and then deal with some things. So, the fight, you in or out? I didn't come back to get to know you, your already dead in my time. I will be trying to figure out how to stop those two, before I back into the future though much earlier in order to try and stop them." she came off more demanding than she intended but the less time spent around her dad the better.


"It might not be the best time to do so. One hour then, where?" he said, she knew he couldn't say no. From what she knows of her father's side of the family, Saiyan's love to fight.


"Instant Transmission, I'll take you to A remote planet, more A moon than A planet as i have a clone there already. We can fight there." He shook his head as she hovered closer to her dad and then placed A hand on his shoulder with the other activating the technique from her forehead.




Gohan, Piccolo and Goku flew towards the location, the island where Trunks warned Goku about. Dressed In A new Gi, which Piccolo handed him, Gohan made sure to also dismiss his clones, especially the one doing his homework for he needed to be full power today for these Androids they would soon fight against. Their flight path, over the ocean and various islands, A sunny day with A few clouds but so far, their journey was unimpeded and silent. Listening to the wind and feeling it wash over his face, Gohan was determined to make himself useful in the coming bout. The fighting on Namek shown him that there was much to improve for himself and that -


"-Slow down Gohan! We're making good time, you don't want to wear yourself out for the fighting to come." his father yelled out, Gohan looked back and nodded, slowing down somewhat as he replied.


"Uh, yeah sure Dad." he then turned back facing the front, his hair had grown, and he cursed himself for not asking mother for getting her to cut it for him. Sweeping A few strands that remained in the crevices of his right eye, he breathed and continued flying though now he was aware of his Ki usage whilst flying.


"...For three years, three years we've bled, sweated and bloodied each other for the coming bout, for these… Androids, tell me Goku… just how sure are you that three years are enough, that our training was enough?" Piccolo said, his voice heard by Gohan as he silently listened in on them talk, his father spoke up, voice quiet before he raised.


"I'm not sure Piccolo, I couldn't tell you without getting a good look at them first. I think will know by then." father said, listening in, he sounded quite confident, but Gohan believed that they had A shot with all of them working together. Piccolo replied, sounding stoic as he spoke.


"If only we had more time to train, though you sounding carefree… I hope you don't regret saying that. We've done so much to prepare but I feel like we could have done so much more, Gohan though has surprised me. He improved the most out us three, you'd think." Piccolo sounded pleased, Gohan knew the tone and Gohan's dad replied.


"You think so too? I am impressed with his progress and so is Chichi! Well, his aca- uh, school stuff." Gohan laughed quietly to himself when his dad messed up the word academic but also felt proud to be spoken of with pride from his father and also, he felt very good making good use of those clones not just for his own training of his body but of his mind too. His mother barely gave him any grief since he first started leaving A clone home.


"Piccolo, how has Dende been, I've noted from the four star we keep inside the house that the balls have reset now that he's officially taken over as the guardian of the Earth." Gohan seen Dende A bit in the three years since King Cold came to Earth but not as much himself, a clone here or there...


"Yeah, he's doing alright. He has Mr. Popo guiding him and Nail also has shown up from time to time thanks to learning from the Yardrat people. It's A shame we didn't map out the island first before now, we could have gotten there quicker with the 'Instant Transmission' technique." Piccolo said sternly, Gohan hummed in agreement while Goku replied.


"Yeah, I uh, agree with you Piccolo. But with training-" Gohan begun to laugh as A figure was beginning to come clearer in the distance, the figure flying in the same direction as they appeared to be…


"Hey! I think that's Krillin guys!" he laughed, he didn't see much of his father's friends, but Krillin appeared occasionally when he sparred with them three. Catching up, he flew alongside a serious looking Krillin, bulked up to the max at least, physically. He wore the same Gi similar to his fathers but with the school of Roshi on his back.


"Hey, Krillin. Long time, no see. It's been a few months." Krillin blinked, turning sharply towards him and then he replied in surprise.


"H-Hey man, it has been a while brother. You're looking good Gohan, might need a hair cut though!" Krillin laughed while Gohan chuckled along with him. Father then caught up with them, speaking up.


"Hey! Krillin, so buddy… you think you're ready to tangle with these Androids, do you think your training prepared you for the coming fight?" Gohan looked at Krillin as he replied. Sighing, Krillin spoke up while looking towards the horizon.


"Ah, well… we've learned some good techniques and then applied some of them to our training, I'd think we have a much better chance beating Frieza or King Cold in a one versus one than whatever these Androids are but, I'm prepared." Gohan nodded, looking ahead and then they caught A glimpse of a cliff-face which begun to appear, as if it was a mirage.


"Hey guys, I see the island! Let's go!" Gohan said somewhat apprehensive but sped along much quicker in order to finally land. The other three followed along. They flew over the island and then Gohan like the rest, stopped to hover over the island and look down upon the town which looked more like A city than A small, settlement. A port town alright. Gohan could sense some people down there though, but the city didn't look that busy compared to what he'd think A city of this size would have.


"Huh, the city. Look! Aren't those Capsule Corp transport ships." Gohan pointed towards A few massive-sized designed hover ships built with the newest technology and owned by Capsule Corp and a few owned by Winter Schnee.


"Yeah… Didn't Bulma say something about her, and Winter was planning a mass-exodus or something along those lines. Gee, that was smart of them huh? That means that there shouldn't be anyone getting hurt or… killed in the crossfire." Gohan said, understanding why that new company made by their friends was buying up the land, or maybe it was just them killing two birds with one stone or something?


"Hey, let's head down there, I can feel Tien down there flaring his Ki suddenly before." Krillin spoke, pointing towards the massive mesa on the island and then as they reached the mesa which was flat enough to be landed on and being larger than half the island gave them easy view of the entire island. Yamcha, Tien, Bulma, Yang and Winter were on the largest flat portion of the mountain. Bulma though was holding an infant which surprised them all.


"We've been waiting for you guys for a bit. You guys are just in time, look down there as the last transport has been loaded up with civilians." Yamcha, who cut his hair shorter pointed out towards a large transport ship on the outskirts of the city, with a noticeably long and differently colored line of people awaiting to be boarded. Another ship was in the process of taking off, Gohan felt how many lives were packed on board. Tien spoke up then, while the others bar Winter gathered around them when they landed.


"We've been here for an hour already, I left Chiaotzu at Roshi's, he and I agreed that I would go and he would stay encase these Androids are to much for us to handle. Yang then snorted, speaking up while raising her hands, those weapons of hers armed themselves as she stalked forward.


"My mother won't be making it here. Vegeta is the reason, the guy gave me another sibling. Don't ask where that bum is though, he should have been here by now…" Yang spoke, while those gathered here become shocked by the news. But then there is Bulma… she shortened her hair to about around her shoulders and then the baby she is holding… them eyes are familiar…


"Bulma, are you going to introduce us. Your baby I take it." Krillin said, walking forward and taking a good look at the boy while Gohan also stepped forward as to check the toddle out with how eyes, not quite believing that Bulma now had A babe.


"This is Trunks, I named him and his father-" She began but Goku interrupted her, amused.


"-Wow baby Trunks! And his father is Ve-" Goku replied quickly, laughing but Bulma cut him off, confused.


"-Kron. What, Goku… what we're you about to say?" she asked confused while Gohan's dad started to stutter in surprise.


"N-Nothing. So, wow… he look's like a T-Trunks! Yeah, congratulations Bulma." Gohan's dad continued, while Piccolo and Yamcha snorted though for different reasons. Yang spoke then, to Winter.


"Wow Winter, another for that horn-dog of your's. Speaking of Horn-dogs, hello Tien, long time, no see-" Gohan watched as Tien's face wanted from rigid and serious to almost stuttering and he also spied A trail of sweat forming on his head which flowed down. Huh… So, Tien and Yang?




"Give me one of those beans." her hand covering her mouth as she ate a one of the senzu beans. Our brief fight shown me that I was well above her in strength, that is until she used 'Super Saiyan two'. I was also beginning to reach a limit with the Kaio-ken too, at least when I was using in conjunction with 'Super Saiyan'. My daughter didn't even use Kaio-ken with Super Saiyan. I'd better ask her about that.


"...Jaina, I've got to go and help the others now. I take it you'll be sitting this out then." to which she nodded, wordlessly while I continued.


"Just to ask, do you use Kaio-Ken as well?" she nodded, confirming she did before she spoke up.


"I do, though not while A super Saiyan of course. mentor Goku told me not to as it puts immense strain on the body, very much so as he has used it together in the past. You also do so too, right. Well, you must be some kind of lover of pain, I know that much from how much woman you've gotten with, how many woman I call 'mom'. You really aught to think about that. Kaio-ken and Super Saiyan mixed is for idiots and pain-lovers… or mutants… I was surprised by your use of it, I didn't know you could get it to times twelve while also using 'Super Saiyan'. You are dumb, father but I see where I get my silly ideas from." uh, maybe I am but while feeling the strain, my body was greatly conditioned in space from my training and somehow while using them together I could do so without falling apart.


She then threw one of the beans at me, I caught it and then chowed down, feeling much better.


"Alright, you've given me much to think about. And… you should introduce yourself to your mother at least, I wouldn't put it past her that she would kill me if I didn't try and get you to come home." I asked, she has been weird with the 'hiding' from us but then again, I did do the same while in the Ginyu-force. She gave me a look, something that Blake would have given me whenever I'd do something stupid in her eyes and she didn't want to encourage me to do so again, A look that promised I would sleep… well, not with her that night. Jaina then threw A bag of Senzu beans at my head, which I caught one-handed, her eyes twinkled with amusement, as she became enshrouded in her own Ki, taking off into space. Handling the full bag of Senzu beans, I looked around before deciding to leave. So, naturally… I left, sensing for Goku's Ki and I left in an instant.