Meta-Human Assault.



Kron appeared via 'Instant Transmission' appearing in the sky nearby them and looking down. Seeing him first, he spoke up excitedly, seeing another to be able to fight against these so-called androids. Dad spoke to him while grinning.


"Kron! You've arrived. We've just arrived an hour ago." he said, Gohan added.


"It's almost ten." Gohan then heard someone, no… Bulma gasp in surprise then she began speaking very baby-like to the baby Trunks. Kron landed nearby Winter and then Gohan turned to not eye them kiss, before hearing Bulma respond.


"Here Kron, hold your son. I've got to make a call." she then walked further away, possibly to speak to some on those pilots whose ship is yet to leave yet. One last ship, then the area should be safe.


"Winter, this land… the city you've brought, do you mind if any of it's damaged or shall we try and lead these androids away from here." he turned to eye Winter, who was in the middle of been smooched by Kron briefly before he continued to bounce the baby around, playing with the little guy. Winter answered, looking at her tablet which she was using, before answering.


"If you can get them androids out of here, that should be the goal as there are still a lot of people inside the city. Even with buying out the government who in turn, will buy out the population of the city, there are those who either resist our attempts at buying the place or others who have yet to be evacuated yet because of transport shortages. So, if you can help it… we all should try to lead these androids out of the city." she answered, not giving them eye contact and wearing glassed while she smacked away at the tablet screen. Sighing, she then placed the device on a nearby crate before speaking to Bulma who had finished with her business.


"I've left the tablet there, my glasses too. Look after them, I'd rather not get another pair this soon." Yamcha was heard snorting, bemoaning of the unfairness of having a- what's a harem? Gohan turned when Krillin spoke up.


"Hey, there's a small craft incoming, feels like a lone person. They are definitely not an android by the feel of them- though they feel vindictive…" Gohan, Piccolo and Tien turned to watch with Krillin while Kron was heard snorting, still on the ground and playing with Trunks. Then there was his father who finished speaking with Kron return to the edge of the cliff with the rest of them.


"Who do you suppose you think this is?" Yamcha asked, pointing and Krillin answered. Yang only snorted but didn't answer.


"No idea… someone weak by the feel of their Ki." Krillin said which Gohan heard Kron snort in amusement from where he sat.


Finally, the craft came overhead before coming down, vertically lowering, landing in front of them. It was another of father's friends, the fat one they'd seen hanging out with Korin.


"Hey! Yajirobe has come to help us. We could use the help." Goku spoke, happy to see another friend while Yajirobe snorted, leaving his hovercraft.


"Nah… not me. I've come on behalf of Korin, that old cat… told me to give this here bag to you lads. There be Senzu beans inside. Don't mind, I took a few of them, I was hungry." he then burped, handing a bag off to Goku, who looked at him in surprise. Taking the bag and juggling it to check the contents, Goku replied.


"Ah, yeah right. Thanks for these and thank Korin for us, we definitely need these. Give my best regards to Korin Yajirobe, your welcome to stay for now, the Androids might show up soon."


"Nah… I'm off, there be some other stuff I have to do for Korin, then I eat. Catch you later Goku, don't get yourself killed or something. Best of luck to you all and that." he then walked to his vehicle, powering it up. Gohan then watched as his father then asked again.


"Hey, Are you sure, we could use your help to look for these guys." Yajirobe looked back, snorting before he replied.


"Hell no, man I've got goals in life. And to get to my goals, I need to stay alive, these androids would turn me into a pincushion or something. You idiots can handle them, I'd expect. Smell you later." the guy took to the skies in his vehicle, flying in the same direction he came from. Tien then spoke up, looking serious as Gohan turned to him. Father and Krillin looked at him also while Tien spoke.


"You guys, we've been here a while and the time, it's passed ten. Where are these androids then? Do you believe there even coming or was there some kind of change, or maybe we've got the wrong place. I haven't even felt any Ki from them either, they are not down there, or we would have already made a move to combat them. So, where are these things?" Tien made a good point.


"Yeah, your right. I haven't felt any other powers in the area, none whatsoever." Gohan replied, looking down and checking the city again for confirmation. Yamcha was heard then, he moved closer to them before sighing loudly, speaking up.


"Huh… and to think, I believed that kid… Welp, looks like we've been told wrong guys, now… what say you guys want to head and watch a ball game-" Bulma then interrupted him, she once again had Trunks in her hands, holding him as she checked her watch.


"Guys, maybe the time has changed, or maybe you're all early? Don't be so literal and just wait a while longer, there's bound to be news in regard to these machines attacking somewhere, you've got to be ready for when they do. Would you rather be ready and, in the area, or not ready and somewhere else on the off chance these machines turn up and begin their attack on innocents.?" Bulma made a good point also, they had all day to wait for this was what they trained for, and they needn't miss it. Yamcha though spoke up condescendingly, haughtily replying.


"Nah… we've would have sensed them in that case. Everyone here has keen senses. If they didn't attack, we would be on scene quick enough." he said smirking, but… that was when they heard the explosion as everyone bar Kron, who was now standing at the forefront with them, and Piccolo who instead growled, had all gasped in surprise.


"Way to jinx it Yamcha, you pushover." Yang spoke aloud, while Yamcha stuttered.




Yamcha… Yamcha… Yamcha, such a meme on legs. Though the sight in front of us did have me flabbergasted but I hid it enough from the others. I immediately homed in on the area and seen the specks floating in the air. Five… Five of them and naught any more or less. Five Androids, Five.


"You guys looking, I spot five of them. But I cannot sense them at all…" I spoke up, point into the general area as the explosion on the horizon begun to clear, still flashing in our eyes as it partially obscured the city below and the sky above. These Androids should be fun to fight, there were five of them two so getting rid of three of them should be a good goal for myself… though I wonder what androids they are. Perhaps the movie androids?


"-That's Yajirobe's transport!" Krillin yelled, I watched as his ship came down slow-like, leaving a trail of smoke and destroyed parts in its wake.


"Alright, Bulma… Make sure you leave-"


"-I've g-got to be h-here to coordinate the workforce d-down there!", she spoke, stuttering while she tried to hush my only son, my son… Trunks, one of my favorite characters in a past life, now I'm the father of such a badass… takes time getting used to that compared to my other children for they were born and came to be not because of being a part of a show or manga, to me they were my children while Trunks... A hero, now my son. I felt honored by being his father... Heh, sorry, not sorry Vegeta...


"Still… Winter, you stay with her and encase you need to leave you can use 'Instant Transmission'. Guys, they are heading down into the city-" I pointed, as the five dots blipped quickly, landing within the city limits.


"-As you've no doubt come to the conclusion, we can't sense these bastards." I spoke, Krillin replied.


"We've got to get down there and comb the city for them. Which should be made easier from not having to deal with a cities worth of population but don't forget guys, there are still civilians down there." everyone nodded, including myself. My wife Winter brought this place for her business but there were still people down there.


"Right guys, if you run into the Androids, don't fight them, instead, warn the rest of us by flaring your Ki." Goku said seriously, Gohan and Krillin nodded seriously, Tien and Piccolo too while Yamcha that fool muttered something inaudible.


"Right, lets go." I said, I had a bag of Senzu beans tied around my bodysuit which I wore. My armor was looking a little worn from the bout with my 'future version' daughter, but the bag will be there tucked near the pauldron and tied securely.


"So, we're going to be looking for them the old-fashioned way huh…" Piccolo growled out, tensing his Ki. Goku then replied.


"Yeah… Bulma, look after these while you're up here-" he tossed his bag of Senzu beans towards her, but Winter intercepted them, standing in front of her. Winter updated her wardrobe these days, wearing white still though her uniform outgrew her and also was old, so she opted for a white robe-like GI which reminded me of them samurai's in the moves though she rocked the look as a sexy sword-wielder. It also had the S.I.C logo on it and her swords still clung to her hip and she grinned when she noticed I was checking her out. She then smirked my way, jiggling the bag- heh… horny minx… I turned as Goku continued speaking.


"Gohan, you go and find Yajirobe and bring him back here. Bring him a Senzu bean encase he's hurt." Goku said, seriously.


"Right dad." Gohan spoke up, nodding in confirmation whilst blasting towards Winter who, one step ahead of him had already threw two of the beans at the kid who caught them and then flew off after the smoke trail where Yajirobe would be.


And remember, signal the rest of us for help if you so much as glimpse these Androids, we're all going to need to be on our toes for them, especially if we cannot sense them. They can easily get the drop on us." Goku said, the rest of us agreed and even I wasn't going to risk it even with my strength. Who knows what changes came about even now with one already. Piccolo, having enough of the talking, growled out loudly, seemingly having enough of all talk and no action.


"Let's go then!" We then headed downward into the city below.


a minuscule amount of time later, I landed on the pavement of a empty street and decided to help myself to the store nearby, heading inside and seeing that the door was unlocked and even the power was still on, headed to the food section and grabbed a quick meat from one of the hot served areas within the gas station.


"A pie eh, no, I'll grab another… yeah, that fight with my daughter from the future has made me hungry." I helped myself and then this time, I got serious, wandering around the street, on the lookout for these Androids. Eating quickly, I then made one clone to make the looking quicker.


"Hey, you dispel when you find these guys. I will know instantly where they are, at least the last location." I told my clone while also consuming the last bit of mince pie, while my clone nodded, smirking.


"Sure can, I'll be going north then." my clone then begun hopping onto a building, moving swiftly with his jumps and I finished eating.




Checking the street in which he landed, he seen a few S.I.C trucks driving civilians through the city but no androids.


"Shit… where are they?" he continued to survey the area but decided to head to higher ground, jumping up onto a building in order to survey the area more thoroughly.


 "…Nothing here, whelp. I better check over there." flying upwards a bit, hew landed on a slightly higher building to get a much better view.


"Naught anything here either. Just more of those S.I.C guys running around. Winter's worker force." He sighed, grimacing in frustration while his third eye also surveyed the area but… nothing.




"Nothing here… hey dude! You seen any strange characters around here?" he questioned the S.I.C worker but the guy just pointed at Krillin himself.


"J-just you s-sir!" he then left the area, heading towards one of their trucks and driving away with a empty cargo.


"Nothing here, empty streets… which is-" he heard an explosion, turning to view as a plume of smoke and fire arose in a direction but-


"-I c-can sense someone in trouble!" Krillin then took off in that direction of the explosion, hoping that the others will also be heading in the same direction to back him up.


He landed, seeing Yamcha been held up into the air by a older man, the man had weird clothes with his hat having a very familiar symbol-


"-The red Ribbon insignia! Yamcha-" he was then knocked to the side, punched through a brick wall, kept on punching through other walls before he managed to stop himself. a purple skinned dwarf with a green hat swung at him, then reappearing via afterimage and kicking him upward, through another building and he kept soaring now covered in debris and glass.


"Hrruk- g-guys-" another, white skinned leg came sailing down upon his head, sending Krillin back down and penetrating the ground, the concrete shattered upon impact.




He met with Goku and Tien though Tien looked about to have gone after Krillin, but Kron stopped him by placing a hand on Tien's shoulder and then blasted after the other two and Krillin, they seen him being kicked around by two others, must be some of these Androids. The two in front of them, the elder-looking one threw Yamcha aside like he was nothing.


"Tien, Get Yamcha a Senzu Bean and get him to safety." Goku gritted out, Yamcha looked to be on deaths door, but Piccolo could tell he still had enough fight left in time for Tien to save him.


"Right." Tien nodded, heading cautiously to Yamcha's side, warily of the two Androids in front of them. Taking Yamcha without mucking around, Tien took flight, heading for their previous location at the hillside.

"We're counting on you Tien." Goku said seriously. Piccolo glared, speaking up through clenching teeth.


"So… these are the 'big bad' Androids, the ones we've been informed about. Kinda funny looking if you ask me. Hmph." The one, elderly-looking Android looked inquisitively at him before speaking up.


"Hmm… Well, now, I find it really surprising you know we are designated as Androids. Of course, what's almost as surprising as that tidbit of information is the fact you are also on this here island, one we've picked out randomly as a way to bring you, Son Goku out of hiding… Tell me, how did you know we would come to this exact place and this exact time?" Piccolo glared, replying to this Android with a yapping mouth.


"If you want to know, why don't you try to make us… If you're so tough that is…" Piccolo and Goku listened as the elderly-looking Android immediately replied again in a deadpan tone.


"...Very Well. Androids fourteen and fifteen are currently engaging the dwarf and the Goku-lookalike named… Kron…" Piccolo and Goku heard a explosion go off in the background, near they sensed Krillin and Kron are currently at, it seemed Kron was engaging Androids in that vicinity though what numbers, they couldn't tell. Goku turned to Piccolo, seriously as he half-whispered.


"Winter and Bulma has done a good job evacuating this city but there are still heaps of people still here, we need to lead these Androids out of here-" a explosion rocked the northern part of the city where Kron and Krillin are at. The Android doing the talking, the old man look-alike interrupted Goku.


"-Yes… it is crowded here. Casualties we neither care, nor feel any remorse about. But yes, this here land is crowded with concrete buildings and empty vehicles. Allow me to make us some room." Piccolo's eyes narrowed on the Android, but the Androids eyes glowed red and then it begun an assault on the city. The Android made it look easy as it's eyebeams begun to decimate the entire concrete jungle of the city and begun to rip up buildings and other city assortments in its wake. The explosions are very powerful from what Piccolo could sense of them, going off around him and Goku.


"Noooo! Rrrgh!!" Goku blasted forward, punching the one doing the attacking in the face which only slightly pushed the Android backwards, exposing the top of its head which looked or appeared to be a brain…" it turned around, looking at the offending hand of Goku who stopped in front of him, arm still outstretched as Piccolo could hear him growl. Piccolo moved forward while in his stance, ready for another attack.


"...Hmph, do you disagree with my methods?" the Android asked, neither serious nor worried about hearing the answer, though Goku replied explosively, his words laced in anger.

"Leave these people out of this!" growled Goku, his Ki begun to flicker in his anger. For the first time since they found these two- another explosion nearby though Piccolo could tell it was further away from the city now. The white, clown-looking Android with a heavy-set appearance spoke up, showing the first hint of emotion Piccolo believed these machines didn't have… this one was goading Goku.


"There are no more people to leave out." it smirked, showing more emotion while the elderly-looking Android turned to their right.


"...Android thirteen, stay with fifteen and fourteen. They are currently engaging another Saiyan. Kill that one and then return to primary directive, echelon code, 43tf28v" Piccolo and Goku turned, following the eyesight of the Android as another Android stood at the side near them, dangerously close to them. This one, looked to be a proper warrior compared to the non-seemingly innocent elderly and Buddhist looking androids, though these two had shown how dangerous they are, Piccolo almost forgot there were three others. This android though smirked at them, speaking.


"Aw shucks, that there be Goku then, I've got orders to kill that spiky haired monkey boy right there-"


"-you know your orders, just like us all. But first you must be in the immediate vicinity fourteen and fifteen, the good doctor's orders were specific." The Android dubbed thirteen, Piccolo seen it eyeing Goku and him with narrowed eyes, before he turned to smirk at the Android who seemed to be in charge.


"Right'o, my brothers might need me. Hic, I'll deal with the Goku look-alike with the chrome-domed dwarf supporting him, then I'll finish my designated mission and kill this here Goku fella, yeah." this thirteen blasted off, Goku stepped forward.


"You may lead us to a place of your choosing, this here island will soon become a battleground I believe, too much fighting and the island would cease to exist as a place to fight on. So, with that in mind... lead the way… Goku." Goku and Piccolo spoke mentally.


'Goku, these guys know all about us. Maybe you should question this one as he seems to like the sound of his voice.' Piccolo mentally spoke, Goku's voice could then be heard in his own mind in reply.


'I'll ask, but what about Kron and Krillin… should we go and help them, maybe get them all together, teamwork should let us to win this fight as they unlike us are outnumbered.' Goku then spoke loudly to the Androids.


"How do you know our names?" the Android replied without a hint of any expression.


"We know all of you. The one I dealt a blow to, Yamcha, the one carried him off… the one named Tien. Yes, even you Piccolo…" Goku then replied, anger laced his words.


"Follow me, we're leaving. Will get acquainted later." Piccolo and Goku exploded with Ki, flying upwards, Tien seemed to have returned and nodded at them though narrowing his eyes on the androids.



"No, Tien, we're heading to another location to fight. Follow us." Piccolo said seriously, to which he nodded wordlessly.