The Origin’s Of these Androids.



"Look, it's my dad, he's leading the androids away from here." he looked at Yamcha and Winter. Bulma with Trunks was nearby and Yajirobe was now fine. Krillin and Kron were engaged with another two androids though then they see them heading in another area while fighting. Kron and Krillin seemingly leading the other three in the same direction but at A lower height, they were fighting over the ocean unlike his father and Piccolo.


"Oh no you guys, we've got to warn them. When that android had a hold of me, I could feel my energy being drained. They can somehow drain the energy of their targets!" Yamcha said aloud, a hint of fear laced in his voice. Winter spoke, turning to Bulma.


"I'm going to leave you with the rest of this. I'll make A clone and send it home to get my sister to assist you if you'd like Bulma, the androids have cleared some of the island for rebuilding, pretty soon this place will be a ghost town and ready for expansion." Bulma responded neutrally, holding her son.


"There's no need, I've got a kit of capsules on me, inside this here capsule-" she showed, before throwing it on the ground with then revealed a briefcase with the capsule Corp logo on it. Bulma continued.


"I'll be fine, Yamcha… Gohan you go and warn your father and Piccolo." Winter then replied.


"i guess I'll go tell Kron." Gohan and Yamcha to the sky while Winter followed behind them A few seconds after.


Meeting up in the air, the three of them blasted towards where his dad was leading.




-Flickering, I landed A left-handed jab at the dwarf android, it bounced towards Krillin whose Kaio-Ken was ignited and he managed his own attack though the dwarf blocked it with his own fists. When I found Krillin in the city earlier, he was heavily wounded, so it was A good thing I had A bag of my own Senzu bean… He stuck with me for now, we also spotted Goku and Piccolo leading away the 'original' androids while I got these three.


The other android, the pale-skinned one launched itself at me and attack with vicious intent. We engaged each other at point blank, our blows hammering away at each of our quickly set-up defenses, he was the melee android of this duo I believe.


-I was then hammered from behind, the android afterimaged much quicker than anticipated which sent me almost into the ocean. I hovered as I stopped my decent only to almost be barraged by the pale one launched a barrage of cyan-colored Ki-blasts down upon me like rain drops. I began to dodge in random directions, afterimaging myself from his attempts to blast me, flickering nearby the ocean and slowly ascending upwards. Explosions only created fierce sea waves and the random small archipelago island we were beginning to fight over were the only indication of the attacks power at least visually as these little mini-island were reduced to nothing.


"K-Kron, should we go and get h-help, these-"


"-Everyone who could make-" I pushed Krillin aside, as the other android added to the others attempts to hit us, Krillin flickered away in random directions while I done the same in the opposite direction before using 'Instant Transmission' to head to Krillin's side.


"-You need to go and warn Goku and Piccolo, those androids. Also, did Kakarot bring his medicine, it's strange that he hasn't got sick yet, don't you think?" Krillin didn't have time to reply, more small bolts of Ki continued raining down on us, the never-ending assault then ended, as another android joined the fray. Could I take on these three? Possibly, combination transformations should work against these guys…


"Ah, look there's another one, are you sure-"


"-Get going and tell my wife-" Winter flickered in front of me looking sideways up in the air at the androids before she spoke quietly.


"The androids can somehow absorb energy, or so says Yamcha." I nodded, quickly replying as the threes amigo's begun to move in our direction again.


"Right, Krillin… Winter, go and help with the other two and get out of my way. I might need to go out and I can't have you or my wife being in the way. Now beat it." Krillin nodded, while Winter Grimaced in defiance but A swift glare at her had her scoffing, placing her finger on her forehead while reaching for Krillin. Krillin spoke before they left.


"Man, good luck… you know, you're alright Kron. I uh, good luck-" sighing as the three Androids were but a moment in melee range, I replied to Krillin though I was looking at Winter when I said this.

"-Yeah, yeah… you can suck my dick later. Winter, get going love." She and Krillin disappeared as Krillin begun stuttering-


-The third android, thirteen I remembered attacked first, sending A blow into my face and the other two added their own melee blows, like a game of ping pong as I was launched at one and then another of them. Their attacks hit hard, harder than Cooler or Frieza could manage, harder than even my facing my own clones while sparring. This was going to be A real fight, something to which I could use everything I've got inside my Saiyan veins. The only advantage I had right now, being used like a ball for these three was that I had my Senzu beans so I could fight for a long while. Finally, I flickered via afterimage behind the pale-skinned one, retaliating with my own attack, then I charged my Ki to the surface using the brief respite I had in order to ascend to 'Super Saiyan'.


"My, he appears to have gone blonde… not in my databanks is it, fourteen, fifteen… what A queer sight. I do hereby declare that you shall be our warm-up before we assist nineteen and twenty in dispatching of our prime directive. You-" I afterimaged behind him, my fists intertwined as I sent my hammer down upon the back of the southerner sounding cunts head, he turned but was still knocked downwards but he appeared to have stopped himself before hitting the small island underneath him. The other two used this as an opportunity to strike, I engaged them both with the bigger pale one being the main melee competitor while their other, purple android attacked me with both melee and his own Ki-blasts when it could get a hit in. Afterimaging along the archipelago, the island was becoming bigger while our fight continued to head in the general direction of the others, fighting to my best and still these guys could keep up, I didn't know what to think about that, but I knew from the attack and their own that I had the slight edge in this fight now… at the moment at least-


"This one has got guts, so we shall work together brothers, let us outshine this here lightbulb!" now, with three of them, even I was having a hard time in this bout now. The android with the ascent I somewhat remembered being the leader of this trio.


Their attacks, working together was enough to get me off my guard, they'd attack whilst I tried to resist, flickering randomly in order to get some space which the in turn would enter again, the fighting brutal yet exhilarating. 


"Stupid Androids, take… this! 'Tyrant's Wave'" the Ki, spread out into a wave, blanketing the three of them, though two of them punched through and proceeded to retaliate, smacking me both in the face and the body at the same time, sending me harshly into the shallow waters to which I then continued to drag, hitting the land of a small island, the water parted ways like the power of god but then crashed back down upon me.


I blasted out of the sea, dirt caked my face and salt tasted water in my mouth, blood too as I spat and could see the red tint- they were upon me again, my 'Super Saiyan' ability needed another boost…


"Kaio-ken times twelve!" the immediate effects, I could now retaliate much quicker than their own moves, split nanoseconds as the dance was now more even.


Though this would wear me out, the advantage now was in my own way and I managed a lucky punch onto the bigger pale android, sending him into the ground like a meteor, the explosion gave me enough time to deal with the smallest, the grape-looking dwarf with the swagger and I attacked him, getting into close range, my hands mere inches from his body when the Ki I'd charged in creation of my next blast, A pin-point 'Tyrant's wave'. The close ranged attack from what my ears heard, was a success as the attack washed over it and I could hear the tell signs of the machine beginning to malfunction-


-A Ki-blast, red and fierce blasted me in the back, the explosion sent my feeling rocked, and into the other pale android as he begun a fierce assault, the fists and kicks barely able to see in their intensity and speed. Somewhat off-balance even in the air, I responded in kind, finding my own bearing even while the blast that hit the side of my back still burnt and I felt the air there too, seemingly the Ki-blast destroyed my Saiyan armor to leave such a burn. I and the pale one engaged, while half of me tried to be weary of the other one. Looking down, I seen the scattered remains of the third, smaller pip-squeak Android and I smirked inwardly. Focusing on this one, who continued to attack me with reckless abandon, I realized that the other was deliberately staying out of my eyesight but for what? I had no clue.


'Actually… doesn't that redneck hillbilly punk android absorb the others somehow… It's been years since I watched this movie involving these guys, that and that movie wasn't really good to begin with so it made sense remembering that one would be harder. A sphere I felt come at me, red and small in diameter it barely missed me and singed the top of my hair, launching towards me but flickering, the pale Android continued to engage me and tried its own Ki-infused blasts with fists on me while the rednecks Ki-blast spiraled towards the mini island we'd just passed over before, the explosion pushed the pale one into me briefly to which I afterimaged behind it while axe-kicking it downwards. The explosion from the others blast, expanded to an immense range as the red-colored Ki explosion expanded to the overwhelming size of a mountain. The attack made the ocean and what little remained of the archipelago around use begin to be sucked into its diameter.


(Winter Schnee-POV)


She and Krillin caught up with Goku, Piccolo and Tien. They wearily passed by the two Androids though then, above these more decently sized islands, the android doing all the talking spoke up while they all are in flight.


"I'm beginning to become impatient, we're you leading us to?" the tone sounded neutral, Winter turned to look back as A dome back where her husband Kron was fighting those other three androids, the explosion lighted the horizon and then everyone else felt the shock-wave winds encompassing such a blast, even here they felt its force. Well, except for the androids, who then stopped above one of the biggest islands of this archipelago.


"...Very well, this is far enough. My fellow androids are engaging an equally impressive force, but no matter. I know my fellow android thirteen will prove his programming and superior augmentation. It's quirks and failed design flaws non-withstanding. But we fight down here." The two Androids lowered fast, their speed causing A sonic boom as they almost touched down, where the two of them then slowed down against the speed in which they descended, upon landing they kicked up clouds of dust. Winter and her allies landed near to each other, and Winter noticed that Goku seemed to have worn himself out in their flight… somehow…


Winter looked at her allies who've turned into friends over these past few years. Piccolo was seen glimpsing the surroundings, this landscape was jagged and rocky, the island seemed to join up with a bigger continent she just realized now. Piccolo then spoke up, sounding serious like always.


"We mustn't underestimate theses Androids, they've must have thought this battle location out thoroughly with their machine-programming." he said, scoffing as he glared at the two. Winter wordlessly nodded, looking over the location again… she too could see how the land could be used, in a battle. Plenty of cover and places to hide, ambushes could be carried out easily by these androids as they cannot be sensed. Goku, Winter seen was breathing heavily for- of course, he was suffering from that 'heart disease' that boy Trunk's mentioned- Trunk's… Bulma's son is named…


"...Of Course…Uh, Goku… You look terrible and you haven't fought yet. Have you got your medicine on you, or do you need to go home for it?" Winter asked, Tien, Piccolo, Krillin and Gohan turned to her briefly then their eyes turned to Goku who looked at her in turn. He himself then realized what was happening as he spoke.


"...Uh, no I left it home. But it is a quick trip with 'Instant Transmission' with Chichi home. So, androids, how did Dr. Gero make you all and with strength I suppose is higher than the likes of Frieza, Cooler and Kron… Right now, I can feel our friend struggling against your 'fellow' uh, android right now… So, how has he done it?" Goku asked, the older-looking android responded.


"Hmm… I suppose if that is your wish, though I doubt the information will matter to you all much in mere moments when we grind you to a pulp. Of course, if this what you to hear before you die… I will tell you then. Goku, you have been under close surveillance for a long while, ever since you dismantled the 'Red Ribbon Army'. The culprits behind such intense and constant observation techniques are the use of miniature ladybug-disguised spy-bots that have followed you since you were but a boy, since the eleventh word martial arts tournament. Up until you disappeared. Theses spy-bots were calibrated to home in on your strange and distinct energy signature wherever you went on earth." the android paused, looking at them neutrally before continuing.


"You're fighting techniques, studied… the secrets of your energy-based attacks… revealed. Over the years doctor Gero followed 'you' Goku, he followed you… your many battles, with Piccolo… those so-called 'Saiyan' warriors, he witnessed your skills developing at a remarkable rate. He watched you as your power eclipsed all prior readings at those times, creating new uncharted heights the good doctor continued to keep track of. And by watching, he learned, his spy-bots also collected blood samples too, for study. You were studied until Doctor Gero gather enough information to create the perfect deterrent to you Goku, a perfect being capable of destroying you down to the molecular level. He has succeeded." he paused again, the android glared before continuing.


"Yes… destroy you, the way you destroyed his 'pet project' the Red Ribbon Army, his goal of world domination on the backburner until his revenge can be carried out. Meaning you die, Goku." The android then listened as Goku responded. Winter seen Goku breathe harshly before he spoke.


" So, this is just a grudge then." the android nodded in agreement, replying.


"Yes, revenge which will be consummated with your death. Us, his creations will realize his dream" Piccolo then replied, grunting as his gaze narrowed, Winter looked at him before returning her gaze upon the androids while she continued to be on guard.


"So, you, the fat one and those Kron is fighting are these perfect beings I take it. I can still sense Kron, his strength is immense. It is flaring wildly but all the same, as I can still pick him up means he's still fighting. Could be winning for all I know. I think your 'good' doctor has underestimated our resolve." Piccolo smirked while the Geezer android responded, looking slightly offended.


"Don't be absurd. Androids fourteen, fifteen and thirteen are inferior to us two here. But their special ability… their innovative design flaws are backed by one great feature built for number Thirteen. Android Thirteen gets stronger by 'cannibalizing' his fellow fourteen and fifteen after A certain amount of damage has been inflicted upon the two higher numbered androids. Your friend… this Kron… will die, in which case Android Thirteen will then carry out its main objective, which is finding and killing Goku here. It's only a matter of time. Androids are superior to you Goku, your friends… you all cannot possibly match our fighting prowess. A shame that the good doctor couldn't live to see this day."


"...You've made me curious. Did Doctor Gero study me while in space, and after I returned to earth?" the Android scoffed, responding with narrowed eyes.


"There was no more need. The spy-bots may have carried out their second objective, collecting blood samples of 'your' fights Goku, but by your departure to this 'Namek' Doctor Gero had all the data he needed, most blood sample were discarded after they were proved to be unneeded, it was assumed that your power would continue to reach new heights, and this was calculated and factored into our design perimeters. Piccolo and Goku smirked, Tien looked at them both, tensing as he looked at the Androids while Winter smirked, understanding somethings. These spy-bots were only studying Goku's battles, the blood left at 'his' fights. Doctor Gero was obsessed with Goku, the rest of them were merely those who Goku might have fought in the past, Piccolo and Tien, Vegeta and those Saiyan's. After Vegeta, the other two Saiyan's and then that other Saiyan came with his alien pirates, Doctor Gero stopped studying Goku, and must have discarded many blood samples after they had returned from Namek… it made her think though, there were many different species to which these spy-bots could have cannibalized for samples, among them that King Cold. Finally, Goku spoke up.


"You might think you know everything about me, but really… you're not even close." Piccolo added, scoffing.


"I guess your creator missed the best part of Goku's so-called height of power to which he has reached, does your so-called calculations have information on Goku's recent ascension into a 'Super Saiyan'?" the android replied, confused.


"Super… Saiyan?" Winter watched like the rest of her allies as Goku powered up and his body begun to bulk up, his speed in turning into that form had increased much since the last she'd seen him. Goku yelled, his eyes alight as they changed from black to green and his black hair, same shape as her husbands ignited while sticking upwards, now golden blonde. Goku's Ki surrounded him as the golden aura blasted outward and then Goku got into a fighting stance. Goku spoke, tensing slightly as he glared at the androids.


"You guys, stay out of this fight. Spread out and give me room. These androids want me, and for some reason they are even deigning to fight Kron too-"


"-Your friend, this Kron is merely a target because his physical appearance is quite similar to your own. You Goku, your blood relatives, Doctor Gero's ambition will be achieved once you and yours are dead. If alive, he would not stop until every ounce of your blood has been sampled and your body used for more Androids. Your 'impressive' strength increase is no concern to us. We shall demonstrate this, or should I say Nineteen shall demonstrate this." the so-called 'Nineteen' nodded in confirmation as it stepped forward, readying for battle.