The Super Android thirteen.



I threw a barrage of purple-colored Ki blasts on mass, the Ki-spheres homing in on the two remaining androids, with Thirteen throwing its own in retaliation. It was now a game of dodgeball, with all three of us flickering randomly across the decimated battlefield while I continued to try and deal with the two. One less, whenever I tried to send an oversized Ki-blast to decimate and completely destroy the destroyed dwarf android, the two of these ones would put their all into destroying it, protecting the downed one's downed form.

Afterimaging, I suddenly ignited explosively, managing to inflict considerable damage to the hillbilly android. With Kaio-ken briefly used, times twenty, I managed to brutally puncture the guy's right arm, to the point to which it now hung and couldn't be used anymore. For good measure, I flickered to him again and punched, while holding A Ki-sphere within my left hand, exploding the limb off his body. I was now making headway.


"Ya!! the heck man! My good arm, this here is your end. Fifteen, stand still." Fifteen, the pale android looked at his fellow android before then other blasted A considerable sized hole through its head, the attack wasn't dodged, and I watched flabbergasted as the now one-handed android smirked at me. He was down an arm, down another teammate and he had the audacity to smirk at me… it made my blood boil, this arrogance… and from a machine.


"Now boy, see as I show you the proper course of your life. Which has come to this point, Now undone by superior technology. Hnngh, haaa!" the android tensed, beginning to charge its power while laughing and I watched alarmed, already charging up two fully powered 'Royal Spear's in both of my hands in order to try and deal with the two downed androids.


"hnngh yaaaa!" my two blasts, aimed at both of the bodies shot straight towards their targets while the android across from me smirked, charging much more intensely. I watched too late that as my blasts engulfed each downed android, I could see with my eyes four specks of machinery, two shooting from each body towards android thirteen.


Then, the android begun to expand, not just in size but in power. The size reached three times the size it was and then its skin pigmentation changed from normal into a fierce blue, its hair from blonde to a harsh red. It no longer had irises and the eyeballs themselves now glowed yellow. He didn't grow another arm, thank God... but all in all, he was now much uglier than before-


-He flickered towards me, his one good arm smacking me downward and he then landed his left boot upon my chest, I cried out in pain, quickly using 'Instant Transmission' to disappear behind him, but the blue-bastard retaliated, while grinning, sending me down into the ground again. It then tried to stomp on me but I blasted away quickly along the ground. I afterimaged, meeting its own flicker as I was able to over-punch him, my kicks matching its own in intensity, but the strength… this guy didn't even flinch where as my strength was used and I felt every hit, this androids body is much more stronger and every hit felt like punching a brick wall.


Kicking backwards, by using the androids face as a kicking board, I blasted away, launching a barrage of Ki-blasts which homed in on it. It scoffed, flickering or whacking aside the Ki-blasts like pests, before charging an orb of its own. Which started as a speck in front of its chest before expanding to half the size of a car.


"... … Royal… … Spear!" I launched my own attack though all I heard from the android was a throaty laugh, throwing its own attack at my own beam. The sphere versus my beam fought for dominance, my beam very, slowly pushed back by the androids red-Ki ball, my instincts screamed at me when in an instant, the android afterimaged in front of me, cutting me off from charging my beam with Ki, sending me down in the ground below. Landing onto the earth, forming a crater. The android chuckled, trying to land on me with its feet, I was about to move when two familiar women double teamed it from the side, their kick enhanced by their use of Kaio-ken.

Raven Branwen and Yang Xiao Long… here and together, which meant that in Raven's case… Vegeta was either nearby or he was nearby Goku and the rest of the Z-fighters.


I got up, taking the now offered time to power up my Ki, taking out a Senzu bean and eating it quickly which restored me too full. Feeling more stronger but not to the point that I was eclipsing this 'Super Android', I called out to the two who helped me gather time just as the android rose to its feet by using its only hand.


"Thanks for the save. Raven, I didn't know you're fighting with us. Don't you have a kid-"


"-another Kid." Yang interrupted while Raven scoffed, and I continued.


"Another kid-" Raven growled, interrupting me while Yang sighed.


"Shut up, I left my son with your other wives. They have practice rearing kids, they can help me out while I fight these androids." The android in question begun chuckling and then spoke up, a deep metallic sounding voice which grinded my ears the wrong way.


"Ah, disgusting. I hate woman. They are a inferior sub-breed of your inferior race. I would be more than prudent to off these so called 'woman' but alas… I only have eyes for you, Saiyan. So, if you value your comrades lives, you would be intelligent to remove them from the battlefield. After all, I'm not unopposed to removing roadkill from my ideal target, Goku look-alike." It spoke, chuckling, not even damaged in the slightest. With my renewed strength, I quickly yelled to the two and then told them while the android readied another Ki-attack.


"You two, get out of here. Yang, take your mother and go and help Goku. Raven, it's good seeing you but I can handle this fight now, I'll manage without distractions. Make sure my Winter goes and collects Goku's medicine, he might need it. "Raven narrowed her eyes, as the sickening glow of eerily red Ki speck formed by the android begun to expand to a much greater size, my own Ki I was gathering in retaliation as I begun forming my signature attack in kind.


I knew he was just toying with me, even with one less hand the android was capable of killing me. Though I had some trump cards, I would wait as I also had easy access to 'Senzu bean's, the full bag on me is an testament to that fact. I will milk this fight for every scrape of potential I could get and then turn the-


-the guy charged another sphere, slightly larger and then held its lone arm outstretched, I responded with my own 'Royal Spear', fully charged and using every ounce I could spare for such an attack. Keeping my eye one the android encase it decided to flicker to my side again, focus is also kept on my beam which even now attempted to dominate the android's own sphere of energy.


Still, the android was stronger than me, it showed with its sphere very… very slowly pushing back my beam. Its chuckles could be heard from here.


"Hahaa, puny Saiyan. Even now, I can see your struggle. Your time is almost spent!" it laughed mockingly, charging its power more and forming another sphere. The Android rose upwards and then looked to be making another attack to be launched overhead of my own attack, which even now I continued to put my all into in order to try and overpower the androids own Ki-sphere.


"Gahha haha look, another one!" it launched its attack, another sphere and I grimaced. I had no choice then. I focused on my hate, my anger and then used the 'Wrathful state' in conjunction with my already activated 'Super Saiyan' strength which allowed me to overpower its first blast with my now stronger 'Royal Spear attack', I then afterimaged behind the android, kicking the back of its head which caused its new attack to misfire into where I was previously. Then I flickered backwards before deactivating the 'Wrathful State', feeling the strain that caused me within A brief but intense number of seconds. Going for another 'Senzu bean', I ate it while the android arose back to its feet from the oversized crated it formed, and I heard it growl in anger.


"You alright there, 'Blueberry'. What, you've haven't had enough yet?" I mocked, the 'Wrathful state' was the boost I needed to beat this guy, but I had to be careful not to overuse it, the strain I gained from using it together from 'Super Saiyan' and even while eating a Senzu bean, could be felt.




Afterimaging, Goku and the Android called Nineteen engaged in probing attacks, predominantly melee exchanges, their blows sending shock-waves unseen throughout every direction from point of contact upon each other.


Flickering, Goku appeared behind the somewhat shocked android and then sent the machine into the ground with a deadly ace-kick. The android yelped while being launched into the ground, forming a crater by the impact.


He then reappeared at ground level, sending A kick to the downed creature, Goku made it bounce from the ground before A sharp left elbow shot sent the android bouncing further away. The android stopped mid-shot and floated, righting itself as it charged at Goku in retaliation.


Punching, Goku got a lucky shot in at the android's face, its head bent down and he then uppercut it, Goku then used both hands like a hammer down upon the top of the android's head. The android was forcefully bent down, a sickening angle but it raised its head again, gritting through its supposed pain. Goku then back pedaled, dodging a series of punches from the android in turn, it then sent a twinned blast of Ki from its eyes, though Goku flickered out of the way.


An explosion rocked out on the horizon, coming from Kron's battlefield, Goku could see it appear in front of him while the android half-turned to observe. The explosion, the size of it could be felt from here… Goku breathed heavily, it seemed Kron used a burst of Ki and his 'wrathful form' momentarily with his already activated 'Super Saiyan' form. Though it felt like he was still fighting, the android over there being able to stand up to that strength of Kron's. Focusing back on this android, Goku prepared to move in onto the android again.


"Harrrraaah!" Goku flickered, moving via afterimage in order to attack the android while also quickly moving in it as it turned to him fully now and then prepared itself. They then continued their dance though… Goku felt he was getting weaker in this bout, his strength was being slowly sapped and he knew it was the 'heart virus' at work.


Goku still had the advantage against this android, sticking to melee combat, which was working, the damage he inflicted over the course of the short-paced battle had shown this. He sensed two new arrivals, Raven and also her daughter Yang but paid them no more mind, focusing on the android fully now. During the now timely bout of theirs, Goku begun instinctively holding at his chest whilst taking heavy breaths when he could do so freely but the android, even whilst looking quite damaged by his work, continued to get back up in defiance.


"Gakkh-" Goku wheezed, glaring at the android whose face just stared at him neutrally, its focus solely on him as it prepared to attack in earnest now that the fight had paused at least, from Goku's side.


Goku then fell to his knees, gripping his heart more urgently as his labored breaths and the pain he felt begun to worsen. The android didn't stop its approach, kicking his head, sending Goku sky bound as he clenched his eyes in pain. The android flicked above him, Goku heard the android laugh in its distorted effeminate voice and then felt the kick which sent Goku back towards the ground. He implanted into the earth, forming a crater underneath him and Goku felt his 'Super Saiyan' form slip from his grasp. The pain too unbearable to go on.




He, like those here stood watching in despair as his dad hit the ground like a missile. Then as his 'Super Saiyan' form dissipated. He looked to be in really bad shape. Raven, flickered onto the battlefield with a growl, her Ki glowed fiercely before changing to red of the Kaio-ken as she yelled out. Piccolo also prepared himself, removing his heavily weighted turban and cloak in preparation.


"Kaio-ken times twelve!" then Gohan watched, as she flickered to Goku's side. Afterimaging towards the android, it then smiled and was able to counter her attempt at a punch, hitting her in the gut which launched her backwards into the sky. Raven was able to stop the momentum inflicted from the android and then attempted again another attack.


"Alright guys, Goku is in trouble and Raven hasn't trained in a while since giving birth to Vegeta's kid. Let's get in there." Tien yelled, powering up. Piccolo, Gohan and the rest nodded while Krillin went for the Senzu bag he was holding now, getting out a Senzu bean for Goku. Piccolo went after the android with the ugly mustache and surprised them all when he was able to keep up with the android, much like his dad was able to pull of before while a 'Super Saiyan'. Krillin voiced it aloud, surprise laced his voice.


"Oh right… Piccolo and Kami combined during that brief stint with Garlic Junior, remember guys. That must have made him much more powerful. Look at him go!" Krillin then shook his head, heading towards Goku's downed form. Winter, Yang and Yamcha came to Raven's help and the fight expanded into a big brawl. Flickering, Ki-blasts heading every which way in attempt to hit their targets, their team kept on working together, trying to give Goku some time but really, from what Gohan could see of his father… it wasn't getting any better even when he took a Senzu bean and downed it. Winter landed nearby to Goku, leaving the fight with android nineteen and then spoke aloud.


"I will take him, "instant Transmission' will work wonders here, I'll be quick." She then flickered towards Goku, his condition worsening but Piccolo responded before she could disappear from the battlefield.


"Make sure you take some of that medicine too, if you're going to be handling him. Alright, now get going!" Piccolo growled out, focusing in on the fight with the Android twenty. Winter then bent down, placing one finger to her forehead and then she and Goku disappeared from the battlefield. Gohan decided he needed to help much better and what better way for him to help then going full Oozeru, and making one clone for added brute strength. He used the technique, to which Kron taught him and started powering up a 'artificial moon' within the palm of his hand, watching its shape expand into a sphere, he then launched it upwards and quickly used the 'Multi form' technique, creating just one copy of himself.


"Now… I've learned the Kaio-ken too… up to times twelve so… I… will wait… until… I…" Gohan stopped speaking and then he and his clone begun to transform, slowly but surely into their 'ace' ability which has been honed from use, from help by Raven, Piccolo and Kron.


"Ugh, g-guys, Gohan-" Krillin started but Piccolo grunted out, hitting the Android at the same time with an elbow strike which sent it backwards briefly.


"Concentrate on the fight Krillin! Gohan knows what he's doing, and he can easily keep his mind while transforming thanks to his efforts." Piccolo then focused on the android twenty, fighting as fiercely while the android continued to counter his blows with its own. Yamcha, Tien, Yang, Krillin and Raven all had their own Kaio-ken forms activated, using their maximum amounts to which they could push themselves without being torn into shreds and were still barely able to keep up with the androids, their strength was now easily shown to be as monstrous as they were warned about.


"Alright, allow me to fight the clown-looking one. Me and my clone should make easy work of it." Gohan growled loudly, his voice animalistic in tone and then he and his clone growled fiercely while speaking the same words.


"Kaio-ken times twelve!" Gohan, even with only half of his strength felt much stronger now than ever and immediately pounced on his prey. Bulky, a giant and even with all that he was much quicker than ever, his Ki which engulfed his hulking beast form ignited into a red hue and he clashed, punching the android nineteen downwards like a volleyball into the earth. Not stopping there, he attempted to stomp the android but missed, barely hitting it but hitting it with his fist instead, knocking it to his clone who retaliated before the android could flicker out of the way.


"Take this machine! Yaaarrrhh" his clone punched nineteen with a strong left punch, a direct hit which sent it spiraling towards Gohan. He waited for another shot, but the android flickered mid-hit, above the two towering great apes. Smirking, there was drips of its… uh, blood or whatever these things have but Gohan smirked, which would have looked more fearsome and shown his rows of sharpened teeth as he jumped upwards, more than height enough to wipe that smirk off of the android's face, hitting it with both of Gohan's fists together, crashing down upon its head. The android was surprised by the easy maneuver Gohan could do even while this size which allowed Gohan to easily use his right knee to hit the now falling Android backwards into the air. A sickening crunch could be heard, and Gohan realized that his attack done much more damage than he thought it would. He then spoke aloud to his clone, seeing now more use for it and with Kaio-ken dying down for the moment.


"You can dispel, I will-" Gohan, the entire battlefield was interrupted when the Android up in the air was dismembered, but not by him. They all looked up, even Android twenty. The head of android nineteen was held in the hands of Vegeta who smirked downwards upon them all. Gohan with his much better hearing heard Raven say 'Arrogant baby daddy' though she said it with no malice and Yang even was heard pretending to belch. Vegeta then spoke, he was in 'Super Saiyan and easily squashed the head of the Android, laughing down at them.


"So… these are the 'scary' androids huh, what a joke. I should have headed to Kron's battlefield instead, he at least seems like he's struggling even now… Gohan, you do your Saiyan blood proud, you are more a warrior than that foolish father of yours." he begun to wipe his hands of the specks of rust, oil or blood and the remnants of Nineteen's facial head. Raven whispered under her breath, Gohan heard though with his enhanced hearing.


'...I'm going to have to punish him later, he can look after his kid while 'I' train…' Gohan almost laughed but held back, it would come off as more menacing in this form.