Enter Mr. Vegeta, the (Idiot)Saiyan who wants a challenge.



Seeing the other android look at him, he ignored it and instead surveyed the battlefield. His spawn's mother, Raven stared at him which only made him think about her bodily curves and when he had her going, that foul attitude. Her annoying daughter, Yang nearby to her. He glossed over Gohan, the great ape watching him in annoyance… that brat had done well to weaken that android. Piccolo, stronger than ever surprised him by his ability to keep up with the other android in battle.


The fool Yamcha, while powerful for a human was just a waste of effort, Tien though was much more talented than the fool. Krillin, that stuttering idiot… need he say more?


"Now none of you get in my way, the Android is mine to destroy. My training has paid off and my strength now eclipses that laid-back Kakarot. Allow me to show you all what a true 'Super Saiyan's can unleash in battle." now focusing on the android, sneering at it. Quickly floating down to the ground, his… 'allies' scattered, giving him and the android a wide birth. Staring at the android, time felt like it was standing still, Vegeta could see the machine calculating about the bout that was to begin. His eyes in turn watched the machine, glaring at it. His smirk plastered on his face. The android spoke up, neutrally.


"You have no chance Saiyan, your power reserves are no match for my superior design." Vegeta glared, flaring his Ki in preparation when the android flickered in another direction, Vegeta looked around, looking for the walking tin can but as he knew it couldn't be sensed, he scoffed. Powering up, he yelled loudly.


"Even if you hide, you won't escape this blast!" his Ki flared wildly as he held his arms in front of him, bent from his torso. The golden aura surrounding him begun to electrify, bouncing around him randomly as he gritted his teeth, his amusement easily shown. Finally, he yelled out loudly, the attack would destroy anything, anyone of his allies who got in the way, but they had better sense and already retreated further back.


"Haha… I've improved upon one of- Hguuuuh- my old techniques… Now! Feel the wrath of Vegeta! 'Galaxy Breaker'!" the beam, yellow in color which was ten times the size of its normal diameter fired upon the ground, the jagged rocks and crevices of this area will be annihilated, the android hadn't gotten away far enough for it to escape the range of such an attack-


"-Hah! You're come out to face me, good! Now become molten slag!"


(Winter Schnee-POV)


After returning Goku, Chichi administered the antidote to Goku first, giving her some too. She then headed to the battlefield again via 'Instant Transmission', finding Vegeta on the scene, she thought things would get better now that they had backup and Goku was now safely home.


"Did any of you, Krillin, Yang or Yamcha explain to any of others, let alone Vegeta that these androids absorb Ki-"she began, seeing Krillin itch his bald head in embarrassment, Yamcha begun to gape like a fish and Yang… well, she just rose both her hands up in surrender and nodded no, forgetting too as well.


"-What-"Piccolo looked back, glaring at her but she interrupted him, seeing that they hadn't made what was happening now start to worry her.


"-What… they haven't!" she replied in shock, feigning ignorance because like them, she too forgot, interrupting Piccolo.


The energy generated as it fired towards where the android now stood in defiance, she yelled out, holding one hand above her eyes to block out the wind and her hair, the energy also obscuring her vision with flashing white light.


"Shit! That overeager fool, we've forgotten to tell him that these androids can absorb energy!" Yamcha, Krillin, Yang all looked at her, they all knew for they were the only ones to hear it from Yamcha before on that island. They also managed to 'forget' to tell the rest of them… something which Piccolo immediately picked up on, he sneered at her before replying.


"From now on, make sure that kind of information is shared with the group! Vegeta excluded, that guy should have showed up earlier instead of arriving late- dammit!" Piccolo stopped speaking, the beam of Ki to which it should have exploded on impact instead begun to shrink and the culprit of course was the android who held its hands high above towards it, the Ki absorbed by its hands. Raven took off from where she hovered, up to Vegeta and Winter followed encase he got rough with her for any slight the arrogant bastard felt she made against him, even if they are fucking.


"You should have arrived earlier you idiot, these androids can absorb energy from the use of their hands." Winter spoke before Raven could reprimand him, he snarled not at her or his 'lover' but towards his own attack, realizing too late that the awaiting explosion he might have expected to happen not happened yet. Instead, the android looked unscathed, smirking up at Vegeta. Winter could hear Vegeta grinding his teeth in annoyance, but then the android took off in the opposite direction. On foot at an almost untraceable speed, Vegeta took off after it.


"Guys, the android is running for some reason, we've got to track it down before it destroys any other towns." Winter called out seriously, Raven took off immediately after her uh, whatever Vegeta is to her, while yang took off after Raven. Gohan, still in 'great ape' form, fired a mouth Ki-beam at his own 'artificial moon' technique and stood in wait for its effects to die down, so he could transform back.


Vegeta though looked to have flew in another direction all together.




Blasting another volley of Ki-blasts, the android dismantled through the attacks, laughing darkly, his fist knocking my jaw. Sent back in nearby rocks, all the while this overgrown Smurf continued to harass me using Ki-blasts through half-laughs and growling.


It then launched another of its more impressive Ki-attacks, the sphere created grew much larger than previous attempts, I used this time to afterimage towards the android, beginning to assault the android with a barrage of melee attacks. Using my all, I powered up briefly, wisps of red Ki randomly fluctuated from out of me, drowned by my golden Ki and aura. These more enhanced melee blows made the android flinch more, before A harsh kick towards its head knocked it backwards, dropping it to the ground while its half-cocked Ki-sphere launched itself upwards. The explosion that happened up in the air could be felt from even here, as I quickly gazed upwards, it was like seeing a nuke go off but without stem of the mushroom cloud, only the top part of the explosion which also begun to form smoke rings from out of the cloud of Ki. The lights shining down blinded me, so I instead switched back my gaze at the android, going back on the offensive.


"Grrr… pathetic attempt weakling! " Dodging my next blow, it retaliated with its left knee, the force of which made me almost throw up, I also heard my 'Aura' shatter from that one, my eyes shut briefly from the pain, but I reopened them, widening my mouth.


"... … … Haaaa!" the beam shot into the android's face as I was forced backwards from its precious blow, the hit struck true, detonating, soon the small explosion began to widen, engulfing the android in destructive energies, I used the brief pause in the battle to right myself up while also preparing for its inevitable counterattack.


".… Hrrrgn, shit… this thing is making me work. Good thing my lovely daughter gave me these, thanks… … ah, that hit the spot." I spoke, the damage begun to leave me, my muscles greatly expanded, and my Ki reserves rushed back to me, fulling me to the brim. Also, I felt even stronger again. Letting this thing chip away at me while I used it as a way to close the gap is-


-The Android rushed thought the obscuring smoke, looking worse for wear but not undone from my attack. Its hair singed very little, fluctuating into it as it done so too, our renewed conflict began to run rampart on the surrounding environment, ripping up rock, dust and affecting the air with our blows, manifesting shock waves and even forming impact craters from such shock waves even while above the land. Kicks, punches, even my head I used in the fight and noticed that while the android barely flinched from said blows, these flinches were becoming more noticeable, the blows were managing to push these machines backwards much more than previous-


It raised its brutish club-like arm and came down hard from above, clobbering my right shoulder which- ugh, shattered something, oh… nah, that was my Aura again, I'd have to be weary until my aura could be activated again, flaring my Ki for a second as I yelled. This managed to push the machine back slightly but it fought hard to right itself, its angry snarling face… those yellow soulless eyes stared hatefully at me as it renewed its effort in trying to kill me.


Flickering, I jumped behind it though it also retaliated with the same move, flickering in turn behind me which I-


-almost dodged, the axe kick barely scraping by my left shoulder, but I grabbed at the afforded limb, making my own play. Charging myself with Ki, I tried to swing the bastard around and when that failed and I dodged by afterimage its retaliating kick, I appeared further back. Out of breath for the moment, I took in huge gulps of air while the androids snarling visage adopted a smugger look, it then charged in again.


"Mate, you're a great training aid. If I could, I would plug you in the wall and use you as an accessory to compliment my training gym… though that ugly mug of yours would have to be removed. Alright papa Smurf, come here!" the fight renewed, its blows only mitigated by my careful and brief bursts of Kaio-ken or if I needed too, my 'Wrathful state'. The fight wouldn't end until I could punch my hand through this android with my 'base' 'Super Saiyan' form, without multiplying my power further from there.


It growled, yelling will a berserker-like rage as it continued to attack. Must like as rapid dog… And best of all, my strength continued to be conditioned by this brainless rot.


Android thirteen then placed its hand on my chest decently, before I could punch his arm down and off me, launching point-blank Ki-orbs rapidly onto me. The first explosion blew me back aways from it which also disrupted my Aura again, the further back I was, the more Ki-orbs missed me. The red orbs threatened to block my view of the android, who hummed in amusement, breathing heavily as I now begun to flicker aside into random areas of the air, the androids raised hand didn't move but its red Ki-robs continued to fire towards me.


 Gritting my teeth as its fist reared back was about to hit my face, the android was then knocked from the sky from another. It was Vegeta… the pounce. The bastard, what? This is my fight.


"H-Hey Vegeta! Fuck off-"


"-No Kron, you fool. You cannot even beat one android, of which I have already shown I can handle them-" Vegeta's smirk was knocked off of his face by the intense punch from the afterimaging Android, who looked to be pissed… and not at me but Vegeta interrupting our bout. In this, we are on the same side with this. Vegeta though was now inside a crater of his own creation… of which his body was used to dig said crater, but he wore a smug grin all the same, chuckling as he came to his feet while wiping his face of the blood.


"Alright Vegeta…" I created a clone quickly and then, the clone knowing my intentions appeared nearby Vegeta by afterimaging down to the fool. I then removed one senzu bean while the android looked to be flying right towards the downed Vegeta, flicking it down to my clone and then said clone of me disappeared, Vegeta with him. The android demolished the ground where it landed, no Vegeta and my clone gone, and it turned to me with intense anger. I sighed, speaking aloud while breathing out.


"...Bah, that idiot… almost ruined my fun… Welp, it goes to show just how much ahead of Vegeta I still am and how much he wants to prove he's my equal... Hah… 'Prince'... hoh!" The android instead charged towards me while I had myself a little chuckle.


(Winter Schnee-POV)


They continued to comb the rocky landscape, which as they flew more out from the initial battlefield that they fist fought these androids, the land got hillier, and the trees more pine than tropical. The hilly north, Winter hadn't had any meaning to visit North City though she could make it out from where she was, hovering over and searching every crevice for that android. Yang, nearby but closer to the ground and Raven near to the both of them were together while they continued to look for any signs of that android.


"-Alright Vegeta. You stay out of my way, next time I'll beat you to a pulp and leave you out to dry." the sudden appearance of Kron, no… A clone as it immediately dispelled and Vegeta found himself falling but caught himself with his own power, begun floating along with them. He didn't look pleased in the slightest, chewing on something hard, a Senzu bean as his Ki felt to be replenishing from what she could sense. He then immediately entered his "Super Saiyan' state and then scoffed at the three of them.


"What! Have you found that coward of an android yet?" he demanded, folding his arms and looking to Raven with a glare, which she returned with a smug expression.


"What's the matter, did the big bad prince get scolded-" Vegeta powered up, Ki enveloping him as he started his own search for the android. The three of them had a little chuckle before they got serious in their search.


Krillin, Tien, Yamcha and Gohan who was once more a boy and not a great ape, with Piccolo leading them were searching for a bit further ahead. Winter landed high up on a rock and looked around some more, though she then turned to the south as she felt Bulma and another power incoming. And nearby their Ki, she could also pick up another Ki from someone else. Kron's Ki spiked and then dropped occasionally from where and this other android continued to battle, the feel of his Ki showed just how powerful the android he was fighting compared to the rest of them.


Finally, ten to fifteen minutes passed while she half-looked, half waited for Bulma to arrive. Her advanced transport arrived, the PTO technology made Bulma's designs more advanced than ever, and their own improvements made for an excellent ship. It was why she arrived in practically no time flat, Winter though was wondering why she even came here. Blake and Weiss at least had the great sense to not show up to a battlefield and Pyrrha was proving herself this time around, in not showing up either while with child. But Bulma… now that was more stubborn than the rest of them, and defiant too… a workaholic, need she go on… though her mind made for some excellent witty remarks and their banter… well, she's a fun girl alright.


Bulma, who appeared to be with that slob Yajirobe in the seat next to her begun landing sequences and touched down V.T.O.L-style. Then they headed out the back, as the ramp came down and Winter landed nearby, Trunks was held by Yajirobe who then quickly transferred him over to her mother. Winter spoke up, concerned for the two of them.


"Why are you here? You're a big weakness right now, you should go home, or better yet, allow me to take you back." she could do it quick enough with 'Instant Transmission'. Bulma replied, while Trunks babbled.


"Gather the rest of the motley crew yeah, I've got some information that could help in your search. But first, here." Bulma handed over two printed documents, two pictures… one man on it.


"The pictures are of Dr. Gero. Now gather them up. I only want to say this once… Is Kron also-" Winter smirked, interrupting the woman who now looked to be flustered, speaking 'their' man's name.


"No, he's fighting another, more uh, advanced if I have to put a word to it… Alright, wait right here-" She was interrupted by the over-weight Yajirobe, complaining once more.


"-Well, hurry up lady… I'm getting hungry and I need to pee." Yajirobe snapped at her, she sneered at him which enacted a response of 'flight or fight' from the heavy-set guy, but she flew off to gather the rest of her friends and teammates. Gohan first…


"Hey, follow me, Gohan." the boy turned in surprise, he was focusing in on his task but no more…


(Ten Minutes Later.)


After flying with urgency, she managed to gather all but Vegeta but he too in the end arrived, looking frustrated. Bulma looked at them, quickly speaking up and loudly so they could all hear.


"Winter has the pictures, one is of the android with the beard, and one is of Dr. Gero. The picture of the android was taken from some security cameras on that port town where they first shown up, the one Winter's newly established company has brought out. The other is from a past picture of the Dr. When he was still a scientist for the 'Red Ribbon Army'. Do you all notice-"


"-Yeah, they are one and the same. So, what's the point of this." Piccolo asked, urgently as they still haven't found the android yet. Bulma replied.


"Well, last I heard from my dad, Dr. Gero had a lab which is hidden somewhere… uh, near north city. Some… cave or something, to which the old geezer converted into a laboratory. That's all I know but you should be on able to find the lab with this information I've provided. OK, Winter, you can take me and Yajirobe out of here." Bulma approached her ship, opening a locked part of it and then pressed the button for the capsule feature, returning her ship. Winter bent down and then collected the item before Piccolo yelled out.


"Alright, we've got a goal now. Now let's get searching!" Krillin replied, hesitantly as he itched his left cheek.


"Uh, but that Dr. Gero guy has to be long gone by now-" Vegeta interrupted him with a scoff, replying while sneering at Krillin.


"Shut up, this Dr. Definitely didn't fly there, we've been tracking the bastard on foot-"


"-Language Vegeta-"


"-Quiet woman! Now let's go, I owe this android my fist, having me run around after him!" they took to the skies, ignited in their Ki while Winter remained behind, to take Bulma, Trunks and Yajirobe away from here, the other power she sensed seemed to have gone to where Kron was instead.