Dismantled Parts.



"Were nearing North City. Will have to check these mountains for that android… Dr. Gero's lab entrance, keep an eye out for any man-made rock formations or cave entrances, will probably have to check them all." Tien spoke aloud to everyone. The group arrived in a mountainous area much closer to North City, much colder too.


"Also, if you find this android or the laboratory entrance, make sure to fluctuate your Ki as a signal, everyone keep your senses out for such fluctuations so we can all converge in on the one signaling the rest." Piccolo said seriously, finally stopping in place which Gohan, Krillin and the rest mimicked. Vegeta and Raven stuck together, both heard the instructions but neither worded their acceptance. Yang nodded, heading in another direction while Tien took off after her. Yamcha and Krillin went another way and begun their search. Piccolo looked at him before speaking.


"Seems like everyone has a peer, we might have a better chance finding the android on our own but then again, that's what clones are for." Piccolo split into three and Gohan nodded, doing the same. Piccolo then continued, the other two Piccolo's flying in opposite directions.


"If you find them Gohan, do not engage with clones, disperse them and follow my previous instructions." Gohan nodded, replying obediently.


"Right." His clones went in opposite directions while Gohan searched the general area.


Searching carefully, he and the rest of earth's special forces continued to comb the landscape, some thirty minutes, perhaps more time passed when Gohan felt Piccolo's Ki fluctuate, he immediately headed to the location and found Piccolo being held at bay from the android from behind, his clones arrived and immediately Piccolo was able to shrug off the android when the dispersed. Vegeta and Raven, with Yang arrived soon and not long after Tien and Yamcha too. They cornered the android while Piccolo yelled out to Krillin, who has the Senzu beans.


"Krillin! Give me one of those beans and quickly!".

"Uh, Right, Piccolo. Catch!" Krillin fumbled through the bag quick enough, Gohan watched as he tossed one bean towards Piccolo who caught it.


Placing it inside his mouth, Piccolo quickly ate, and Gohan felt his somewhat drained Ki-reserves returning to him. Piccolo then growled out to Vegeta who, ever slowly, moved closer to the android and him,


"You better stay out of this one Vegeta, this has gotten… personal. I will dismantle this machine, and you too if you get in my way. If it gets by me, feel free to jump in… Saiyan." Piccolo, while speaking had removed his Turban and cloaked clothing, the weight of each having dropped through and continued to fall into obscurity down below in these alps.


Gohan understood that right now, Piccolo wanted to avenge himself, destroying this android who got the drop on him and made sure he was at full strength when he done so. Vegeta though scoffed, replying.


"If you're wanting to die, well I don't care… it's your choice. But what if the android decides to drain you before it kills you? You'll become a battery for that thing and then make my job much more… annoying. Well?" Vegeta made a good point, though Piccolo replied, gritting his fanged teeth.


"That won't happen fool, I'll won't be holding back, unlike you and Kron, you moron's play with your food when you should just hurry it up and finish it quickly. Now shut up, get out of way." Piccolo clinked his neck in preparation, Gohan looked at him before his eyes trailed along to the android Piccolo was staring hatefully. It was smirking, which made Gohan worried… but at the same time, angry at its intentions.


Then Piccolo attacked, Gohan sighed out aloud as Piccolo shown his and Gohan's training progress, afterimaging across the sky and launching a savage blow, both arms downward onto the android's head as he roared, sending the android into the side of one of the many mountains in the area. Its body hit hard, impacting the cliff-face of the mountain, right passed Vegeta and Raven too, maybe a warning to Vegeta and his antagonism. Gohan heard Krillin speak up, impressed by the display.


"Man… that smarts, nice one Piccolo!" Gohan agreed, giving a small laugh as he beheld the start of this bout, Piccolo is great at not playing around. The android looked mad now, which suited Gohan fine. The android seemed to reconsider the bout but attacked in earnest anyway. Their blows flickered in random places of the sky, afterimaging to dodge or make their own blows against one another. Piccolo landed his own strike, cutting off the android's escape, snapping down onto it with a furious burst of blows in a row, knocking it from the sky. Flickering down, piccolo kicked upward, reappearing above the now fling upwards android before landing one final strike that sent the android down like a missile. The impact destroyed a small hill, leaving the android deep within the crust and Piccolo in the air awaiting the android to make its move.


It made its move suddenly, another attempt to grab at Piccolo to siphon off more energy but Piccolo managed to intercept his hand, holding it tightly before smirking. Piccolo wasted no time in dismantle the androids 'offered' limb and judo chopped it into spare parts. It was then knocked from the sky by Piccolo using a fierce kick, Piccolo spoke up once the android got to its feet shakily.


"You're a pathetic thing aren't you… A scientist with the 'data' of Goku inside you but you can't fight for properly, your moves are more calculated than homed in combat. And you call yourself the 'perfect being'" The android growled out, replying.


"This doesn't make sense, how are you this strong? The data doesn't lie, you aren't supposed to be at this level." It stammered in anger, furious in losing its hand, Gohan continued to listen as Piccolo verbally torn it to pieces.


"Heh… well, things change… my power increase, everyone here with me on my side, our strength increasing isn't your business. No, your business is where do I put you… electronics section of the junkyard or should we recycle you for spare parts." Piccolo looked down on the android, looking down on it in both sense of the word.




I think that Trunks was coming to me and the Android on steroids, that wasn't good… he'd definitely freak out. Though I didn't have any more time to ponder as my face was punched by the one-armed android. Heading straight through another cliff, out battlefield changed as we continued to battle in the direction where the rest of them battled the other two androids previously. Their craters and scorch marks upon the earth were beginning to disappear by our battle scars, the android resolute in killing me. Getting up, itching my head of hair briefly to get the rocks out of it, I afterimaged away just as the android touched down, trying to land a heavy kick on me. Instead, it opened wider the earth as it missed its target, me.


Trunks Ki got much closer, I could see him now as he hovered. The android turned too, looking at the newcomer, using 'Instant Transmission' to jump to Trunk's position, I greeted him for the first time since forever.


"So, your name is Trunks-"


"-Who are you, and I haven't seen that android before! Did I do this…" he said aloud to himself in worry. I gave the now approaching android a look before replying.


"You'd best step aside, we can have a chat later. Before you go, your dad is Vegeta, right?" I asked, curious. He blinked, looking at me disbelievingly before answering, his eyes drawn to the now inches away android, it fist seconds from impacting the back of my body or head.


"Wha- Yeah, that is uh, correct- that- there android is attacking you…" I nodded, the android was indeed hitting the back of me, flickering around but before I begun to speak to Trunks, I quickly but quietly used Kaio-ken to jump above and beyond the android… temporarily. Flickering behind the confused android whose blows were not doing nothing now, I brought the heel of my right foot onto the top of its heard and watched grinning while the android took off from the blow, uncontrollably smacking the ground.


"We can talk for a minute more… -pah-" breathing out as my power dropped back down to normal 'Super Saiyan' without the added Kaio-ken boost which is taxing even as a brief use of its ability.


"Right… that android, I haven't seen it before. You two for that matter, and some of Goku's friends too. I can't go back, so I'm here to help. But where is everyone else-" Winter then appeared, 'Instant Transmission' she turned to Trunks and then gasped in shock. But she coughed, looking towards the now charging Android.


"I'll take Trunks with me to the rest, yes. Nice to meet you Trunks, from the future." Winter grabbed him suddenly, as the Android flickered into range while she placed a finger to her forehead. Before Trunks could utter any words of protest, they disappeared and the android along with them-


"Uh, damn it, my fun's over." I said, I followed them by quickly searching for their Ki, following with the same technique and reappeared in a mountainous valley, the North City easily seen from afar.


Reappearing and sighting my target, I gritted my teeth and used my full power, Kaio-ken times twelve while my 'Super Saiyan' form was still unlocked and immediately attacked Android Thirteen with overwhelming might.


(Winter Schnee-POV)


Reappearing with Trunks to the others, she realized too late that the android must have hit them as they teleported, the androids hit continued, and Trunks was smashed into the ground point-blank. He withered in pain against the rock he impacted into too, but the android was then confused in the change of scenery.


Kron had followed them of course, then attacked the blue hulking android, initiating a brutal and quick string of blows to one another, their combat between the two renewed in this location. The others were nearby but out of range of them, the closest person she could sense nearby being Gohan to which she used 'Instant Transmission' to teleport too before. Landing near to Trunks, he looked to have broken his shoulder from the surprise hit that landed upon him.


"Your hurt bad, wait for someone who has the Senzu beans." Winter said, half looking at him and half watching the brutal bout happening above them, their fight attracted the attention of Gohan, Piccolo, Tien and Vegeta who showed up afterward. Krillin arrived not long, a few seconds after Vegeta arrived and headed to her and Trunk's location. Vegeta growled out, but turned around, Piccolo following behind him.


"The other android is getting away. Yang, Raven and that weakling Yamcha are after him, but it has not flown. Are you all going to watching this guy take out that-"


-Kron, ignited to power above his normal, exploded in Ki, then he shown just how much stronger than they all are when his fist penetrated the android's other arm, near the shoulder. Its arm removed, he then fired out an intense blast, his 'Tyrant's Wave' point-blank, destroying the android in the process. Some remains fell down onto the land below while the Ki-blast fizzled out. Kron, then fell. Winter flickered to his position, his hair returned to its normal black, he was out cold.


"I'm taking my idiot husband home, go after the other android-"


"-Let's move it, these aren't the androids from my time!" Trunks interrupted, Vegeta scoffed, flying in the direction they thought the android to be travelling in on foot, but Piccolo prodded further.


"What do you mean, there not the androids!" he yelled but Trunks took off after Vegeta. The rest besides herself and an unconscious Kron reappeared at their home back in west city. She took him to the house from where they appeared, Pyrrha on the couch stood up in worry, Blake and Kali were in the kitchen with Weiss following them along from the outside, she was in a white bikini. The kids were not around, but around somewhere else in the house. Blake left the kitchen, Pyrrha stood out of the way from the couch.


"Relax, he's not hurt. He overworked himself, I think. 'Super Saiyan' and then he went and used Kaio-ken to finish off one of the androids. Oh look, Senzu beans. Pyrrha, give him this one when he awakens. I'll be taking the rest of the beans with me.


"Alright, sure thing." Pyrrha pocketed the bean and Winter left just as the other three girls surrounded Kron on the couch, her index finger upon her forehead.




It watched from the outskirts, slowly trekking through the forest while it continued to glance around the battlefield it was in. The pine trees afforded excellent camouflage and cover from those over-powered earthlings and Saiyan's. Though for now it was weak, it managed to track them up here.


"...Gero's lab is not too far from here… This android I do not remember seeing, its body while destroyed should offer adequate nutrients. It glanced down, a calculated look in its narrowed eyes as it glossed over the arm-less, headless corpse with a hole in its stomach. The beings tail elongated suddenly, whip-like noise was heard and then its tails tip extended to now appear like a funnel. Hovering over the body.


"...Yum, the android might be offline but… it's power-sources are still attached, this will net me a considerable power boost…" its mouth salivated at the thought of it and then the sucking process begun.


"...I never considered that Dr. Gero would keep androids Thirteen to fifteen… However, even their model designs were added to my database, well now… they will help me achieve my perfection."




"Urgh, where is that bastard! Raven, you check down there." he called out to her, she gave him a glare but landed down near the base of a deep trench and begun flying around, looking. Vegeta looked around but go no sign nor any clue as to where that android disappeared to. Being the last android, Vegeta wanted to finish it off so that it was he, not any of the others. Yang arrived not soon after and begun searching another mountain area. Krillin and the rest soon followed, splitting up and searching too.


"...Blast, and if I try and smoke it out, it might just take that opportunity to feed on my Ki-blast. The retched thing." Growing frustrated, he then felt the fluctuating Ki of Krillin.


"The signal! If it isn't-" he quickly took off, shrouded in his Ki's aura, Krillin was there and looking into what appeared to be a cave on this particular mountain. Then the rest had shown up, Winter among them. The kid, Trunks he remembered he was called, spoke up with urgency.


"Hurry, we cannot let that android escape. If this is the lab, then the ones I'd warned you all about must be inside." Hmm… Vegeta was intrigued, more androids for him to decimate. He laughed aloud, catching everyone else off-guard but then he spoke.


"Let it get it's friends, I can take care of it. Why worry when I am strong enough to win against such put together trash." Trunks narrowed his eyes, but Yang replied.


"Ugh, Mom… shut your boy-toy up. Let's just finish this." Trunks blinked, looking at her and nodded. They went forward but Vegeta flickered to the front, stopping them from making his own pride wounded. These androids will be his to destroy and then when Kakarot and Kron are better, he would test himself against them and prove to them all that he was the strongest Saiyan.


"You'll do no such thing, I will not allow it. So, stay back or face my wrath boy, and you girl… If you try, I'll put you both in the dirt-


-They then heard more voices speaking from within, inaudible but heard from them on the outside. Vegeta smirked, more of these androids for him to deal with. He now needed to remove this door-


"-Ugh, you fool. Out of the way father!" Trunks yelled, shocking both him and the rest of them, not by that revelation though at least not much, but his transformation into 'Super Saiyan' and blasting the entrance, a thick door made of metal alloy. The door bent inwards and slammed onto the lab inside, the explosion begun to obscure their vision briefly but even that disappeared. Now, they all could view the inside of the very old laboratory, the android they were pursuing with two other androids with some features that were similar to each other.


"So, these are the androids, the one you're freaking about… Trunks. A girl with blonde hair and a boy with black. Their looks make them twins, don't you think boy… Now, time to deal with the-"


"-We need to leave, if they have awoken, then only with all of us can we have a chance to beat them! " Trunks said, the tone of his voice shown just how serious and worried he was about this situation.


"Even with 'my' own training, I do not think we have a chance yet. The androids… well, that one I seen battling Kron, that one was much more powerful than ten of the ones from my time put together… We've got to leave-"


"...Dr. Gero, did you end up scrapping the lowered number androids, besides you and android twenty." the black-haired android asked neutrally, it then suddenly swiped some kind of remote from the android they had pursued to here from its remaining hand. Said older-looking android replied hesitantly, looking down at the remote which was then dismantled into parts.


"N-No, why did you do that, my remote-"


"-So, you ended up using those inferior models after all, yeah." the black-haired android continued, ignoring the one designated as 'Dr. Gero' as it continued to question it. Dr. Gero replied more angrily.


"Yes! You fool, that was my only remote-"


"-Gosh old man, stick with the questions we've asked, that remote is gone and you will no longer hold us back." Dr. Gero yelled.


"Android Seventeen! You are my creation, you as well Eighteen, you will do as I say and destroy these interlopers. Then you will track down Goku and the rest of their friends and end them!" The girl spoke then, Vegeta watched as the blonde android smirked while answering.


"You, giving us orders? We already have orders, you have no way to 'reprogram' us now. We're only looking for Goku, none of his riff raff he calls friends. Unless they get in our way, that is. Then will be fine with roughening them up." she smirked, defiant and the other, Seventeen chuckled in agreement, still removing squashed metal from his hands. The girl then turned to another humanoid-sized capsule and replied.


"Are we letting this one out then. Anmd where is Thirteen, Fourteen and Fifteen?" she turned to the Dr. Gero android questioned and with her hands on her hips. In this, Vegeta replied smugly.


"Sorry, your other family members are dead, courtesy of a Saiyan named Kron." The three androids turned to him, but the two new ones shrugged off his answer with no care for them while the Dr. Gero model replied, surprised.




"Who needs them old man, they were inferior models anyway. Not unlimited energy source androids like me and my sister. But this one here…" Seventeen turned to it while the other, blonde android circled the other human-sized coffin-like machine. The Dr. Gero android was about to speak, trying to stop the two from getting closer to the other when Trunks, that fool went 'Super Saiyan' through gritted teeth while pushing both hands of his forward.


"-No! I won't let you release another! Haaaaaaaaa!" Trunks yelled out in anger while powering up to the 'Super Saiyan' state, powering up a Ki-blast in turn.