Androids Rebellion.



I felt sore, but my head laid upon something nice and cushion-like. Elevated good too. I got up and placed my hand upon, my eyes opened wide-


"-Eh, sorry about that Pyrrha. Your lap was nice, -urk- I might need a Senzu-" I reached down, though the bag was nowhere in reaching. I looked down but Pyrrha spoke, wrapping her arms around my head, bringing me into her chest and those nicely shaped tits of hers… which aroused me a good while longer than I was feeling from before.


"Winter took your stash. She's headed for the battlefield but left you-" she reached down the length of her very assets and pointed with one finger down.


"-one Senzu bean right… down, there. Eat up." she smirked, removing her finger to which I wasn't needed to be told twice. But as much as I would have like to ravish my very pregnant warrior wife, I had a battle to oversee and to do that I needed that bean. My tongue lapped the bean up from within he tits and I retreated from her shapely mounds before speaking through my eating of the bean.


"Sorry Pyrrha, I'd like to but I need to oversee the fight encase we lose someone. I should be there." I said, seeing her disappointment disappear as she nodded, sighing as she replied.


"That's… disappointing but I understand. Well, go and don't push yourself too hard. You should also rethink your using 'Super Saiyan' and uh, Kaio-ken together, you might be irreversibly damaging your body doing that, being under all that strain. I know all about strain, pushing myself back in Argus… uh, right. See you later Kron." I nodded, placing one finger to my forehead while also leaning forward towards her. Her serious face was replaced by her blushing, stammering one as I kissed her forehead before standing away from her.


"I'll see you later, Pyrrha. Tell Blake and Weiss, I'll be home soon. Tell Bulma, I won't be long either if you see her, she must be at work…" I then left her in the middle of the giant-sized lounge and reappeared near to where I felt Winter at. An explosion of considerable size met my eyes and I turned to glance around the area, looking around I seen the 'Z-fighters'.


I flew towards the others, their attention was on the subsiding dust cloud from the explosion but Vegeta yelled out just as I came over, towards Trunks.


"Hey, you fool. You missed. You're lucky boy, now stay out of my way. It's my turn. Look at your handiwork, those androids are still not scrap." Vegeta pointed down below at the three androids- now two as Seventeen just dealt with Dr. Gero himself. Android seventeen flickered in the trajectory path of the flying head to which was kicked off the androids body, catching Dr. Gero's head before he reappeared on the rock mesa with his sister and the head in his hand. Seventeen the looked our way, dropping the head of the scientist-turned android onto the ground and crushing the head between his left foot and the ground.


The other, eighteen went and lifted with no effort the sealed lid of the pod off of the pod and then out stepped Android Sixteen. Big boy stepped out menacingly but paid us no mind and instead I could tell he was observing his surroundings, those particular flock of seagulls flying overhead was where his interest held. The androids begun talking among themselves before they took off into the sky. Vegeta spoke, excitement easily heard from his tone.


"Where the heck are those tin cans off too! I'm right here, why are they not attacking me?" Vegeta growled out, mad. Krillin blinked, hovering to my right and yelled out in worry.


"They are heading in the direction of Goku's home. Gohan, I'm right yeah, your place is that way." Krillin turned to Gohan who nodded, worried also, I replied before they could get more carried away.


"It's fine, remember, we've got the advantage. So what if they know where Goku is. 'Instant Transmission' can easily be used for transporting Goku to another safe location while he recovers." I got a nod from Piccolo in agreement, Krillin blinked again and laughed slightly which sounded forced and Vegeta replied.


"I'm not waiting for Kakarot and neither should you Kron! After these androids are all dealt with and behind us, your next…" Vegeta warned, blasting off after the now flying away androids, they headed off to their 'canon' games to find Goku. Trunks looked mad, following along Vegeta. I knew this 'Trunks' wasn't my son, but I did like him. Before I got into this world, he was one of my favorite characters.


"...Well, let's go. Vegeta might be strong but if these androids are meant to kill us in the future like Trunks here suggests, we should be cautious. Being in saving range of that fool Vegeta should he come to death's door would be prudent." Tien added as Piccolo, Krillin and Gohan blasted off in hot pursuit.


"Besides, from what we've seen of these three, they destroyed their own creator. Are we sure they are even after Goku, follow Dr. Gero's orders in this?" Raven blasted off after Vegeta, followed by Yang. We who remained then followed along.


A five minute flight time, we caught up to them, Vegeta landed nearby to the androids and from what I could glimpse, begun to try and fight the androids. Eighteen moved forward, she looked be be about to follow along with Vegeta's intense desire to prove him my better and fight this android. Everyone landed on the road for which the androids had come in order steal a vehicle.




The rest of those friends of Goku's and Kron, Raven and her daughter followed him here. His mind however was on the three androids in front of him. He smirked, glaring at the three of them, his blood boiling for the thrill of the coming bout.


"So, there you three are. What, you've already run out of gas huh… what a pathetic set of kitchen appliances you all are." They turned to him, except for the huge one and the boy replied, casually.


"Hmm… you're here then, what do you want. If you're here to tell us where Goku is, you can forget it. We will find him on our own. If you're here for any other reason, well… wasting my time isn't a really good idea man." Vegeta smirked towards the android designated as android Seventeen, replying haughtily.


"Oh, I'm not here to waste anyone's time, just your borrowed time your all on, see… I've been in intense training in order to fight your kind and certain fools of my kind. You'll allow me to test myself against you, being appliances, you all don't have any choice in the matter. I don't like defected equipment." The girl then spoke, a small smirk of her own.


"Huh… your quite brave for someone- ah, that there must be why your all for acting like a big boy. Your friends have arrived, is that why you've managed the courage to talk tough to us in that manner. Shame on you, why don't you come back when your stronger." Vegeta sneered, replying while giving a half-look over his shoulder to the rest of those cowards, Raven and that arrogant bastard Kron.


"Tell me, would you all like to be recycled, I'm sick of looking at your soon to be broken mugs. Now, which one of you are going to be scraped first, if it'

S ladies first, I'm not one for taking it easier on the fairer sex." He heard a scoff from behind him, half turning as Raven spoke.


"He's right you know. Now Vegeta, discontinue wasting time and fight them already, if your feeling man enough that is. Stop this wordplay and show me-" turning fully, he replied, holding his left fist outward.


"Enough woman, get back and allow me-" the blonde android chuckled, cutting them off of their brief argument to which Vegeta fully turned to her as she mocked him.


"My, shouldn't you listen to your wife? Instead of arguing with her, why don't you try fighting me instead. Wasting our time, you big talk doesn't fade us." she begun laughing, annoying Vegeta before the other laughed along with her which ticked him off more. The third android stoically glanced around in whichever way, not bothering to look at him which was the last straw.


"How dare you, to laugh at me. Laugh all you want then… while you still can!" Android Seventeen stopped laughing, his smile still annoying Vegeta as he felt his own Ki fluctuate from his anger.


"...Tell me, are all of you Saiyan's so overly sure of yourselves, is Goku like you. Is this some way you try and hide your incompetence, having an overbearing ego. No wonder you argue with your doll of a wife back there-"


"-Shut up, he's not my husband yet, just the father of my son." Raven said, glaring, Vegeta growled out, the audacity of this machine


"Your kind is no match to our kind. Our superiority is above all flesh-lings like yourselves. You have no chance, why continue to bark at us, we've got things to do." Vegeta begun to shake in anger, explosively. He was but one push away from going all out. He yelled out, growling first to Raven.


"You! Raven! Get back now, and you android… your brief stint on this planet is at an end. I'm going to scrap you, your sister and that big oaf standing behind you!" The ground underneath him started to rip apart, with bits of tar and rock from the road lifting up as his Ki wisped around him, flashing. He heard Raven jump away. The android Eighteen smirked, arms folded now.


"This idiot talks too much. Hey man, your overdoing it-"


"-What was that!" Vegeta yelled, his blood boiling. The girl smirked, turning to the big oaf in the lime green armor, speaking casually to him.


"Number Sixteen, I want to see your power, show use what you can do. Destroy him and fracture that big ego of his." Vegeta smirked, they were getting serious now. He would-


"-I refuse." android Sixteen spoke, Vegeta smirked in turn. This android knew it's betters. He replied haughtily, his Ki somewhat calming down as he sneered at the androids.


"That one is an intelligent machine, it can see my power is so much higher than it that it will roll over, allowing me to destroy you all. What a joke, you androids were no threat…. That future boy is just a weakling. Now, which one of you two who seem to have bark, want to be dismantled first. Come now, I will no longer wait." The androids ignored him, speaking among themselves.


"Heh… he refuses, what a strange one." the girl stepped forward, arms still folded and a coy smirk tugging her lips.


"Never mind him, I'll teach this big mouthed fool a lesson. You really should have left us to our own. Now I'm forced to put you in your place." Seventeen added, looking at Vegeta's allies with amusement on his face.


"You'll have your bout, against Eighteen here. Though if any of your friends join, your bout is over and I and my sister will deal with you all. Finishing off all of Goku's friends would be quite a story to tell him when we find him." Vegeta smirked, his left fist hitting down onto his right fist as he replied, almost amused.


"Heh… these others are cowards, pacifists or fools. Or most of them are… they would not interrupt our fight nor risk their lives for my sake. ISN'T THAT RIGHT!" he turned, yelling out loudly to the rest, they were much closer than they were previously, standing high on a flat surfaced mesa overlooking the winding road to which Vegeta and the androids are standing on. Android Seventeen replied, smiling.


"I see. Well fine." the other he was about to fight, spoke tauntingly.


"Are you ready then… little man?"




"look at them, there about to fight." Tien spoke, standing near Yang. Piccolo replied, narrowed eyes watching Vegeta spout off towards them before. Winter pulled me away and whispered.


"Couldn't you just deal with them, that other android you were fighting was much more powerful than the ones known to us as No. Twenty and No. Nineteen?" I pulled her into me, twisting her body around as to hold her in front of me while taking in her scent. Even with the tinge of sweat on her skin, she smelled nice. Turned around to face the fight Vegeta was about to begin with Eighteen, I replied softly, taking note of Piccolo's twitching ears.


"Vegeta has a big ego, let him fight her. Trunks warned us before that these androids have an 'unlimited capacity'. I want to see first hand what he meant by that, with my own eyes." she relaxed, letting me wrap both of my arms around her before replying.


"Kron… what do you know…" Piccolo flickered nearby, looking at me seriously. Winter felt uncomfortable by his proximity and I released her to retreat from our conversation. I turned to him, eyes narrowed from spoiling my time with Winter.


"I know that Vegeta needs a attitude adjustment. I know that I was surprised with fighting against that android Thirteen, Fourteen and Fifteen. I know that should I step in, or anyone else here does so, Vegeta would recent us further or me in any case. No, leave him so we can learn just what he thinks is the maximum of his power while also learning of the limits of these androids." I also knew that me ending this now would not be good for the long run. Fighting these androids was how the 'Z-Fighters' grow to new heights, having opponents like these were necessary. Also Cell was also a factor, his power would be a challenge, bring us to new limits of our own power. With 'Kaio-ken, most of the 'canon' Z-fighters are much stronger than their original selves, they mattered more as combatants than in the 'canon' series. Plus, Androids Seventeen, Eighteen and Sixteen weren't inherently evil, like Cell, Frieza, Cooler and Cold was so they got a chance to live. Piccolo continued to look at me, responding quietly.


"And… will you step in, if that over-ego fool is in danger of dying?" I smirked, nodding with a shrug.


"I will, can't have the dragon balls be wasted on wishing the idiot back to life and all that." I replied, conversation over as I turned to the fight which had now begun. Keeping up with them easy. Watching them go at it, Vegeta punched Eighteen into the side of a cliff, flickering towards one another as they engaged in speed-of-the-light melee combat, utilizing their fists, legs and sometimes even head in the case of Vegeta.


"Whoa, look at the guy go, you know… we might have a chance in this, guys." Krillin commented, quiet wrong of him too but who was he to know the 'future'. Trunks also looked to have hope, watching the two down there trading blows, Vegeta was pushing her, though I believed Eighteen was only toying with him. Their bout clashed through the nearby cliff overlooking the valley and road below, Eighteen took off in another direction with Vegeta in hot pursuit. Another strategy of hers to tire Vegeta out.


"They have gone in that direction, shall we follow them?" Yamcha spoke up, I snorted in reply.


"No, they will be back. We stay out of their way, like Vegeta yelled out before. You don't want to be on his bad-side again, do you Yamcha?" I smirked at him ,he glared and turned away. Tien, spoke while pinpointing at the other two androids.


"Should we fight those ones, uh, down there?" Piccolo disagreed, subtly looking my way before he replied.


"...No, we need to see what these things can do compared with those other models. With Trunks word, these androids minus the third giant one are the ones from his future. We need to discover their weaknesses and strengths and that prideful fool is doing a good job of that. For now, until we need to step up, we wait." He said, arms now folded. Vegeta's Ki could be sensed getting closer, back to the initial battle field after some, ten minutes of fighting.


Their bout got more intense, their battle finally brought the road down in a landslide as they continued to engage one another. Vegeta launched several Ki-blasts at Eighteen, some hitting while others she was able to dodge with afterimaging out of the path of those attacks. Vegeta, not wanting to be outdone, flickered and they continued their deadly dance of melee combat. Fists, kicks, moving at speeds some here with me were unable to keep up with sheer concentration. It was why our group remained silent when they returned to the forefront of the battlefield, to which we continue to watch while slowly but surely… Vegeta was spending his Ki while Eighteen remained fully powered, if not looking fresh physically.


Piccolo growled out, in shock as he yelled out to those here watching.


"Look! He's getting weaker as this fight drags on, but that android, her power hasn't been affected by their bout. Is this… is this what you suspected Kron, what you meant Trunks?" I hummed, I didn't suspect of course… Trunks mentioned it too but I already knew, remembering from my past life. Of course I won't mention that so I nodded in agreement. Trunks looked at me, replying with narrowed eyes.


"Did you not tell Vegeta?" I huffed, insulted from him questioning me, glaring at him.


"Would he have listened, besides you should have said something too. Or you did, but still, Vegeta would have glossed over said information. But he's a practical guy, he will learn firsthand. The android will show him his limits." I sneered at Trunks, whose glare continued to pierce me before he turned back around, and I scoffed at Vegeta's attempts to fight back.


"Uh, guys… Vegeta is really taking a beating now-" I could see that Vegeta launched a Ki-blast, his signature 'Galick Gun' towards the girl but she flickered out of the way in time just as Krillin spoke. The explosion engulfed a large radius where she was before. The massive hole become the battlefield. Eighteen flickered behind Vegeta and the bout was about to become one-sided.