Taking a beating, Not Going All Out.



-Vegeta took an aggressive blow to his stomach, her right leg managed to lift him by the kick with little to no effort, she smirked at him which made him angry. Attempting to get up, the girls chuckle was the only warning when her foot landed on the back of his leg, near his ankle. A sickening crack was heard, Vegeta cried out in pain, lungs roaring to the sky as he fought against the pain, against her blows. The android, not finished with him had grabbed him by the scruff of his golden hair and then swung him around, reaching over her shoulder and slamming him down and down into the ground multiple times. His ankle injury made worse from every harsh slam his body made to impact the rubble and debris they fought over.


"Hey, are you finished now. You look to be in bad shape, why don't you stop screaming and take a rest… little man. Go, sit this one out-" Vegeta, not one for giving up, roared through the pain in his ankle and turned his body on the ground. One arm extended, he blasted her point-blank to her surprise. He chuckled, spittle's of blood dripping from his mouth and he went to stand-


"-Ugh, look at these clothes. You've ruined my outfit Saiyan. Allow me to see if you have any money to reimburse me. Come on piggy bank, open up." android Eighteen flickered into his view, from above as she came down onto his back, laying a few kicks into his ribs and then the last kick sent him flying into a nearby rock, impacting face first.


"What's the matter… you finished yet." Vegeta groaned, holding his stomach where he felt his cracked ribs while he continued to howl in pain…




"Alright guys, this is it. Vegeta needs help." Piccolo said. The Namekian removed his weighted clothing and blasted forward. The rest of them, blasted towards Vegeta, to help. Trunks rushed forward, his Ki skyrocketing as he went 'Super Saiyan'. Gohan was about to as well when I shouted to him.


"Gohan! You wait here, Krillin as well. Winter give the Senzu beans to Gohan. Krillin, get ready with that bag of Senzu beans too, we might just have a fight on our hands..." I spoke. Knowingly, the Z-Fighters were about to suffer a beat down, me included. I wanted to fight these androids but only using my 'Super Saiyan form. I had a feeling that my power-level should be high enough to win against one on one against these two. Sixteen though… possibly, he should be the strongest android here until Cell comes the androids would hopefully offer a nice 'Zenkai boost' if I fight them together, battles like this is why I trained. Winter nodded, quickly throwing the bag Jaina gave me of Senzu beans to Gohan.


Android Seventeen intercepted Piccolo, Raven too and though Piccolo was much stronger, their bout with Seventeen seemed one sided after an intense but brief engagement at the androids favor with Raven easily removed from the field of battle. Piccolo fought Seventeen like a demon, savage blows, grunting loudly after each of his attacks or attempts. Winter went to jump in, looking questioningly at me but I flickered in front of her, stopping her from going.


"You wait here-"


"-What, why would I-"


"-because I'm going to need room, Piccolo look's to be going all out. You know he's one of our strongest but look at him." I turned as she huffed, my grip on her tight hand lessening as I released her. Piccolo was knocked from the sky, firing down and into Eighteen's path, Yang and Raven while using Kaio-ken at their own personal maximum wasn't enough, Eighteen was able to defeat the two of them, less painfully than Vegeta. Yamcha easily fell in the first minute to Seventeen while Tien attempted to use his head, firing off his 'Dodan Ray' multiple times at Seventeen who flickered out of the way. Seventeen afterimaged behind Tien and held him in a vice-grip.


I entered 'Super Saiyan' state within a second, my full strength on display and afterimaged on down, flying towards Seventeen, who smirked up at me while continuing to hold Tien at the neck.


"Kaio-ken Times two!" The Golden aura of my Ki now had wisps of red run randomly through it, the Ki-Trail my speed left, a mix of gold and red. The android's eyes widened, my well-aimed punch onto Seventeen's head sent him downwards, releasing Tien in a weakened state from being choked. I continued the pursuit, darting at full speed around to where Seventeen would have hit and kicked him as he came towards me. Kaio-ken dying down, my body didn't feel that bad but after the fight with Thirteen, even with eating a Senzu bean left me somewhat susceptible to exhaustion when using the forms together. I called out, just as Eighteen had landed near to her brother.


"Alright Goka, Krillin, Winter… get the rest of the guys out of here. It's my turn to have a fight with these two-"


"-Goku?" Android Sixteen came walking forward, the other two looking at me with renew interest while the rest were forgotten in their eyes.


"Goku? Oh, you mean Kakarot. Nope, my name is Kron. Go back to your birds. Kaio-ken times two!" Moving forward, attacking the biggest guy, he appeared to try and intercept me, but my hit got him in the head which only made him bend backwards a little, he righted himself bending back down to face me. Sixteen didn't move, which made sense since he wouldn't want to fight me. The other two came at me together, while Sixteen continued to stand in place while the other two, Seventeen and Eighteen attacked me, our blows at speed of light-like intensity as the air around us sonic-boomed randomly.


"Nice, there appears to be a challenge among Goku's friends, don't you think so Eighteen?" Seventeen said causally, dodging my punch, retaliating with one of his own which I blocked with my extended fist, quickly bending said arm in order to use my elbow on the nearing Eighteen, clipping he cheek. She growled, renewing he attack and Seventeen suddenly held his hands in front, a shield of green appeared, blocking my melee attacks and sending me backwards like a missile into the ground. Kaio-ken had worn off and without it they were stronger but still, I would continue to use it and grow stronger from this intense bout, using them as my training dummies.




Eighteen called out to Sixteen, who continued to either watch them fight or looking at his surroundings. The attack from this Saiyan didn't faze him.


"Hey Number Sixteen, aren't you going to help, this one attacked you after all. Why not defend yourself and show us your combat prowess or something." she scoffed, glancing towards the big guy, Seventeen landed a left hook towards this Saiyan, sending him up when he afterimaged behind him and counter attacked with a axe kick. Flickering out of the way, Seventeen appeared behind the Saiyan and blasted him point-blank, hearing the guy grunt in pain.


'This guy isn't all talk like that Vegeta…' Seventeen thought, the Saiyan who introduced himself as Kron renewed his attack, his blows on Eighteen overpowering her at first, Seventeen smirked and proceeded to enter the fray, coordinating their blows together, he and Eighteen attacked in unison with prioritizing on hitting certain areas to weaken the Saiyan. Though unlike the rest, this Saiyan has some kind of 'shield', thin and strong which shattered occasionally. It also replenished rather quickly and when this shield was used, their attacks felt like they done less damage than when they are able to shatter this shield.


The Saiyan, flickering forward, headbutted Seventeen, he should be focusing on the fight, not thinking on trivial matters. Seventeen flickered to the back of the Saiyan and rushed him, landing blow after blow before the Saiyan could have time to turn. The resulting blows sent the Saiyan towards his sister, whose smirk shown how prepared she was for her part. This didn't happen though as the Namekian named Piccolo afterimaged behind Eighteen and landed a harsh right knock to the back of her head with his elbow, she had been sent flying, but the Namekian extended his elongating arm, the speed of its extending range allowing him to grab her mid-flight on the ankle. Seventeen turned to Piccolo and launched a volley of Ki-blasts his way, the Ki homed in on him, forcing Piccolo to release his sister-


-Seventeen grunted, glaring behind him as the Saiyan Kron attacked, his flurry of punches and kicks as he continued to follow along the struck Seventeen, who uncontrollably moved in the air in random directions.


"Heh… you are good Saiyan, but as you can see. My sister and I are neither winded nor fatigued by you all. You've also surprised us Piccolo, your power-level is far higher than Dr. Gero indicated in our data." The Namekian growled, replying.


"You and me. One on one, Kron… you can handle the other one. That third one looks to be a pacifist so finishing off these two first should be the first task." Piccolo looked towards the Saiyan, both of them looked to be tired and Seventeen noticed that the other two, the son of Goku and this Krillin were using the Senzu beans to heal their friends. Seventeen spoke up, smirking towards them while Eighteen floated nearby, he could hear her bemoaning about her outfit which he would joke about later with her.


"So, you two think you've got a shot. I can tell you're pretty tough, much more impressive than the rest of your friends. Is Goku much better than you two? What? I just would like to know what we should expect from the infamous Goku… destroyer of the 'Red Ribbon Army'." He looked down towards the seven others who regained their strength than to the girl on top of the hill watching them, sword sheathed but her hand gripped tight. The Saiyan rubbed his neck, breathing out loudly and then replied with a smirk of his own.


"Mate, your also pretty strong. So, stop talking and fight!" The Saiyan came towards him, Seventeen applauded his strength and begun to engage against Kron, his speed just a bit higher than the Saiyan. Their attacks sent out shock waves, strong enough to inflict damage onto the environment near to where the woman with the white hair and sword stood on top of the mesa, shattering entire cliff-faces. Seventeen used his own shield, Ki forming in his hand which extended outward when the Saiyan launched an intense blast of Ki, the beam hitting his shield, allowing Seventeen to take the attack head on. Obscured momentarily from the explosion, the Saiyan rushed inside but couldn't pick up on him which Seventeen used to his advantage. Flying down to him, his knee struck the Saiyan, he flew uncontrollably out of the dust cloud that slowly evaporated in the sky and Seventeen shot A few Finger blasts of Ki as he continued to fall. He laughed briefly, this is fun but seeing the state of this warrior, he wouldn't be able to keep up with him much longer.


Seventeen quickly glanced towards his sister who looked to be having a good time too, that Vegeta returned to the fight but Eighteen seemed to be having a easy time of it, Piccolo and Vegeta couldn't work together, and Vegeta acted domineeringly towards Piccolo which the Namekian would either ignore him or yell at him.


'Their teamwork is atrocious… not like ours, they seem to be fighting each other more than Eighteen…' his eyes returned to the Saiyan who peaked his interested, smirking again as his foot came down upon the earth where Kron lay. His left foot came down instead upon rock as the Saiyan flickered out of the way, using his own Ki-blasts in retaliation, Kron launched a huge volley of them towards Seventeen, the off-shoots even going so far as to interrupt Eighteens battle with those fools. After the intense exchange of Ki-firepower, Kron stopped, breathing hard and Seventeen spoke again.


"Your very good, impressive. But as you can see, I'm still fresh, no fatigue at all. Well, except for these clothes… You look like you need to eat a burger, Eighteen. Finish them, we've got other matters to attend to, our game..." He turned to his sister, who easily kept up with the two opponents of hers, as they continued their bout at intense speeds, blow to blow. She nodded, looking at him while fighting the two, keeping up and slowly dominating the two men in their bout. Seventeen smirked, turning to face the other one. He noted that everyone else whose had been healed previously had joined the woman on the hill with the sword and watched.


The Saiyan stretched out wide in a stance, focusing his Ki as he begun to howl. A quiet whisper, his voice got much louder as his Ki-aura expanded, growing brighter and larger.


Gusts of wind threatened to blind others, Vegeta and Piccolo were knocked aside but Eighteen from the distraction and Seventeen swept his hair out of his eyes a few times.


He rushed forward, Seventeen swept him with his leg, using his right fist to punch him in the gut but the Saiyan reappeared behind him, bring his leg down on his shoulder. Seventeen was able to catch the offending limb, punching it with his free hand aside and then landing his own kick towards Kron's gut. The Saiyan was sent back towards his sister, who awaited her turn, though Piccolo and Vegeta attacked her at the same time, to which she fended them off. The Saiyan used Eighteen's back as a sling board, bouncing off of her and heading towards Seventeen.


He fired off a volley of Ki-blasts, lobbing them like grenades towards Seventeen as he soared over to him, Seventeen used his Ki-Shield technique to disperse them and then retaliated with a swift kick towards the Saiyan's face. The blow struck, sending him back towards Eighteen who this time had dealt with Vegeta and even managed to blast off one of Piccolo's arms. Those two were out of the brawl and Eighteen was able to viciously kick the Saiyan down into the rock-filled ground with deadly efficiency. Eighteen then landed on him, feet onto his chest before striking him across the face with her boot which knocked the guy out.




"Well, that's over with. Seventeen, we really need to find somewhere to get new clothes." Eighteen said, stepping down from the now unconscious Saiyan, heading towards him. That girl of Kron's, Winter landed in front of her, and Vegeta growled, finding the strength to stand for another bout. Piccolo grabbed him, shocking him that he was overpowered… or weakened by the fight and the various injuries he obtained.


"He would not give up, the little man with the god complex, look at him Eighteen, he's eager." The girl android flicked her hair at him, sneering at him before facing the girl in front of her.


"You, that's a fancy sword. Do you think it would work on someone built like me, stand aside girl." Winter growled, rapier sword held high as she replied.


"..." she lowered her sword, the girl android walked past her while Vegeta could see the conflict on the woman's face, Piccolo spoke up nearby, to him alone.


"She's not going to fight her, she just seen what they had done to Kron, and I heard him telling her not to join the fight. She has the last of the Senzu beans too." he said, standing to full height. Piccolo's missing arm was the last thing on the Namekian's mind as he walked over just as the three androids took off to the sky. Vegeta punched the ground, he lost to those… runt's, he remained on his knees, waiting for Winter to finish with Kron.


Winter placed one of the Senzu Beans inside her unconscious husband's mouth and then helped him chew before throwing the bag aside and throwing one bean towards him, he caught it before popping it in his mouth and eating it. Felling the vigor return and his strength increased, he blasted off in frustration, howling loudly in anger before doing so.




I awoke, suddenly but the hands holding my head in place stopped me from moving for now. Winter caressed my face one last time, kissing my lips before spitting on the ground, she must have tasted some of my blood. I got up halfway, sitting on my ass while I felt my stomach, it hurt a bit but not as much as my face which felt like I got a boot to my face from a scrum or something. I got to my feet, hugging Winter who returned my hug, her arms wrapped tightly around me. Piccolo spoke up, Trunks looked to be about to blast off, I could sense that Vegeta took off right now too.


"Stop Trunks, leave him alone. He may have recovered physically but he has been acting arrogant lately, his pride has taken a hit too. Let him sort it out, his ego is the least of our worries." Piccolo snorted, before tensing as he regrew a limb, I heard Winter retch and I squeezed harder while lightly chuckling, my ribs still hurt.


"We worked so hard, so I know how he feels, still though, Vegeta should have worked together with us instead of charging in like a fool-" Tien spoke, angrily looking in the direction that Vegeta flew while Piccolo retorted.


"No, it wouldn't have mattered, we all went at them but they were too strong. That other one didn't even join and Kron got a good hit in on it, at his full strength but it wasn't even phased. We need to regroup, we need to come up with a plan of attack." Piccolo said, gritting his teeth in anger while folding his arms. Trunks looked pissed, but his face took on a thoughtful appearance, folding his own arms in turn while he replied.


"...It's strange, these androids are much stronger than in my timeline." Krillin, helping Yamcha to his feet turned to them, Tien helping Yang also turned around to Trunks while Piccolo replied.


"W-What, what do you mean!" Trunks continued.


"The androids were stronger than me but not 'that' strong, only slightly above me, they had the advantage though because they worked together whenever I fought one of them. These ones though… they feel two times stronger than the ones in my time. A rough estimate, though they proved that today with my easy defeat to them." Trunks snarled, grabbing his hands as he explained that. Raven replied, slightly roughening up Gohan's hair as she passed him by, Gohan healed her just before with one of the last Senzu beans.


"We need someone to watch them, while the rest of us continue our training. Doesn't the guardian of earth have the ability. While the rest of us get stronger, with the 'Instant Transmission' ability we can protect Goku and also use it to observe and attack the enemy, They are strong but there's only three of them left." She then removed her blade and swiped the thin air, channeling a portal of red to appear.


"I'm going to get some rest, then I'll see about continue my training." she then walked on through, heading to where only she knew. Tien spoke as she left, while powering up.


"Come on Yang, we need to pick up Chiaotzu and get back to our training. Yamcha, do you want to come with?" Yamcha replied, nodding and for once acted seriously.


"Uh, yeah sure man. My strength, it wasn't enough to even leave a dent. Lets go." Tien nodded, while Yang and Yamcha followed along Tien as they blasted off. Krillin turned to Gohan.


"What's say we get back, go see if your dad is alright Gohan?"


"Yeah, let's go. Winter, could you take us." he asked to which Winter nodded, moving away from me. I watched as she turned to me.


"What will you be doing?" I replied simply.


"Train, I'll also keep an eye on the androids with a clone. I've got to go see Bulma though, get one of them latest gravity chamber capsules she been making for Vegeta. I'll see you later, at home." I spoke, turning around and powering up.


"I'll go with you guys, see if Goku is healing well from the medicine I got him." Trunks said seriously, moving towards Winter, Gohan and Krillin


The clone 'split' from me and then took flight in the direction of the androids while I placed two fingers to my forehead, reappearing at Capsule Corp.