
The man held by the green and red colored beast continued to call out to him, Piccolo gritted his teeth in anger as he stepped backwards a step more before calling out to it.


"You'd be wise to let that man go… creature, release him at once. Your reign of terror is over. Leave this man be, I'll be stepping in for the human. If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get." Piccolo spoke seriously, glaring at the creature and seeing it's intelligence in it's eyes, watched as it dropped the man to the ground. The man begun to crawl over to him, a spark of hope shone in the heavy-set guys eyes.


"Oh thank you sir! That thing, it's dangerous! We've got to call the national guard, the marines! Heck, the pest control guys should come down here and exterminate that-" Piccolo continued to watch the beast, it continued to look at him before Piccolo could see a spark of amusement in it's eyes. Almost as if it was prelude to a joke only it knew-


-The creature swung it's tail and then pierced the man through the back. Piccolo watched transfixed as the man begun to struggle and the creature, well… licked it's beak. Piccolo then looked at the tail in surprise as it begun to bulge, moving as if it was sucking the life right out of the man. Said man, yelled in agony and Piccolo gritted his teeth, feeling the creatures Ki rise by a minuscule amount.


Slowly, while Piccolo hesitated to do… anything, just watching… seeing what this creature could do, what abilities it showed freely, as the man acted as his guinea-pig. The man slowly begun to be consumed by the creature, all the while the beast continued to eye him up, sizing Piccolo up for the next meal…


The clothes of the man, plus the money blew in the wind which continued to pick up, no sign of the body as the monster absorbed the entire being and then rasped out, sighing in… hunger…


"Hmm Hmm hm… Now, that the small morsel is out of the way, you're next… Piccolo." The monster's raspy words came out, and it also said his name to which Piccolo gasped in shock.


"W-What did you s-say-" The creature assumed a stance, very familiar to his eyes as it begun to chuckle aloud, before it then started to power-up in amusement, it's howls of exertion sounded animalistic as I growled. It's growls went long and louder the more it continued to power-up in front of him, Piccolo dashed backwards a ways and continued to watch the creature in front of him, not believing what he was picking up yet again. That Ki…


"What is going on!"




Finally arriving, he and Krillin landed upon Roshi's island but then they could immediately sense that Piccolo was getting into some action, his Ki could be felt and it felt different. Then, the other Piccolo could be felt, equally as impressive as the other one. But they couldn't sense who the two Piccolo's, possibly clones, would be fighting against.


"You feel that Gohan? Man, Piccolo sure has gotten stronger, it's like a beacon and he seems to be using clones of himself too. Imagine how strong his is with his full power, though he does feel a bit off as well." Krillin said in awe, Gohan agreed with him silently.


"But who is he fighting? Piccolo would not go all out like that unless he was training or fighting someone and I cannot pick up any more Ki signatures nearby to him…" Gohan replied.


"You're right Gohan, I wonder what's up- are you sensing who I'm sensing?" Krillin asked in shock. Yamcha heard them, coming out side too and speaking to them, not actually sensing anything himself.


"You guys made it, come inside. We've got something taped for you to watch. About- you guys, whats the matter?" Yamcha asked. Gohan turned to him, replying.


"Can you sense that Yamcha, i-it's that King Cold guy and Frieza…- I can sense Vegeta too, but… he didn't go in that direction?" Gohan asked, no sure what the heck was happening with Piccolo, who now was there with a whole group of fighters-"


"-Nappa!, I can also sense some of the others too, Tien, and- hey! Isn't that Goku there? " Krillin spoke surprised and Gohan flew upwards, looking through the window on the second floor. His dad was still asleep.


"... It can't be, my dads inside still, resting. It isn't him Krillin." Winter appeared, two fingers to her forehead, bring with her Weiss, Blake, Pyrrha, Kali, Salem and Kron's daughters, Jaina, Ursula and Wylla.

They went about their business while Yamcha, Krillin and Gohan looked at themselves, confused by the Ki they could no doubt read, none of it making any sense to them either…




"How do you know that Name creature, answer now!" the creature replied, not offended by being called 'creature'.


"Well… one might say that we're brothers-"


"-What-" the creature cut him off, laughter of the monster in front of him loudly sang out all the while Piccolo stared appalled, thing has to be lying?


"Cut that laughing out! Now then, if you think your finished. Explain to me what actually are you? " The creature looked at him unflinchingly, replying.


"... Why waste time explaining you fool, when you'll learn all in due time… See, you are going to end up like that morsel I just ingested before, So explaining to you is pointless." Piccolo growled, glaring at the thing in front of him, it's Ki… shown various fighters but combined into one being…


"No matter, I will still destroy you… whatever you are…" Piccolo glared while the monster just smirked, its beak-mouth and those eyes just looking at Piccolo like something to eat. The creature let out a chuckle which ticked Piccolo off, replying to him.


"You're more amusing than I'd imagined Piccolo, A real… comedian." Piccolo grunted, before smirking at the beast, replying in turn, trying to get something from this creature via their ongoing wordplay.


"Heh… well, will see if you feel the way when I squeeze the life out of you, you have no chance." Piccolo said. The monster, not one for letting Piccolo take the lead, retorted.


"Such a fighter's spirit, I will make good use of it, when we become one., Piccolo." Piccolo, or as he will keep that name, knew that the old Piccolo was gone, combined with the other two Namekian's and even Kami… he was no more Piccolo than… the thing in front of him, which weirded him out still.


"You keep calling me 'Piccolo' but you are mistaken. Allow me to introduce myself!" he let loose, his Ki exploded from within and the force of his power erupted from within ripped apart the immediate vicinity.


 Piccolo continued to smirk, his smoldering power continued to explode out of him, the creature was pushed back from the Ki expelled from his body. It looked surprised by his power but then glared in challenge, all the while Piccolo continued to prepare himself for a battle with this thing. His resultant power up caused a brief but bright explosion, finally as he was now full power. Obscured for but a moment, Piccolo grinned, sneering at the creature in front of him before speaking loudly through gritted teeth.


"The Piccolo 'you' know doesn't exist and unfortunately for you, he has ascended into someone greater." Piccolo taunted, the monster glowered at him in turn before chuckling. It spoke.


"I'm impressed Namek, you power is astounding. I'm sure you'll prove to be a satisfying meal…" Piccolo replied immediately, continuing to smirk at the beast in front of him while Piccolo's form continued to surge with energy, unrestrained.


"Don't count on it. You'll find yourself no match. You also made a critical mistake you fool." Piccolo yelled, it replied.


"Because, in having removed all the people of this town, I can now go all out and will not be held back by bystanders, seeing as you ate them all, you worm." it only laughed in delight. Piccolo raised a hand forward, whilst charging his Ki and focusing it into a concentrated blast.


Firing it, the blast obscured the entire battlefield and the creature arrogantly stood its ground, being pushed back from it's foolish attempt to try and block his attack, Piccolo continued to put more energy into his attack, the resulting explosion decimated the area in front of the 'Super Namek'. Awaiting for the dust to settle, his attack scarred the landscape, the homes and sky-high buildings in front of him were merely apart of the rubble now.


Rushing in, the down creature got to its feet in time to receive an axe kick from Piccolo, smashing it back into the ground, launching a mouth beam point-blank, hearing its growls. The thing blasted to the side, retaliation by trying to swing its tail at Piccolo with its piercing end, Piccolo dodged, flickering behind it. Launching a flurry of punches towards its back, the thing managed it's right appendage and pointed behind it while it received Piccolo's blows, the Ki-blast it launched Piccolo was able to slap away while the creature used the momentum from it's own attack to launch itself into the sky. Afterimaging in pursuit, Piccolo engaged the beast in fierce melee combat, lighting quick as they begun to trade blows. Piccolo use his left punch to bring up his left elbow, trying to smash into it's jaw when it flickered away, further back.


"Why are you running creature, I thought we were fighting?" Piccolo smirked, ready to move in and reengage when the thing raised one hand, two fingers on said hand were the only things up and Piccolo realized that he knew this technique.


"What! But that's-"


"-'Special Beam Cannon'!" Piccolo readied himself, before the beam hit he managed to whack it aside.


"The heck is this thing?" Piccolo suddenly glanced upwards as the beast rushed forward him, this time leading the fight. It connected it's first hit but only for piccolo to have the advantage, kicking it upwards while shrugging its attack off. Piccolo and the monster continued engaging blows, soaring ever higher at each hit inflicted upon each other.


Trading attacks, Piccolo landed a jab to the face, hitting and he grinned as the creature cried out in anger, flickering upon it again, Piccolo launched a faint. The creature readied itself for Piccolo's attack, when Piccolo suddenly afterimaged behind it and with a strong left kick, sent it careening towards the ground. A critical hit, Piccolo watched as it shot down like a meteor upon the earth.


The collision the creature made, left an impact crater which at the moment was obscured by rising dust and debris. Piccolo powered up another blast, intent on finishing the thing off, the blast he threw descended upon where the creature was at but, Piccolo sensed in time that the beast flickered out of the way, shocking him with it's speed. The yellow Ki-blast detonated and piccolo landed in a nearby torn to shreds street. The creature was waiting for him, smirking while the explosion behind them finally ended. Piccolo wanted answers so he decided to try and provoke the thing in giving up some answers, if he could. The thing shown it was certainly arrogant.


"...I must admit, I had you sized up as an abominable beast and I wasn't mistaken in that thinking. But you nothing compared to my own power." the creature only laughed, replying as it peered into Piccolo's eyes with it's lizard-like own.


"Heh… you appear capable as well. Though you have only seen but a glimpse of my 'full power' I haven't gathered enough energy from this pitiful town to bring me to my projected maximum… Though in saying that… my maximum is limitless compared with you, you foolish Namekian."


"So that's why you've been praying on these people?! in order to reach your full power!, which means-"


"-Oh yes, those morsels I've indulged in, while pitiful… are more numerous than the most strongest fighters on this planet...that is, in quantity. A buffet of life energy for which I can gorge on. But you little Namek, oh you'd make an excellent treat… I have to have you…" It licked it's beak while peering at him, Piccolo scoffed and prepared for another attack when the creature got into a stance while gathering energy.


"W-Who are you, what kind of twisted mind would send you to this era with Trunks Time machine?!" the creature looked confused for but a moment but then it laughed again, replying.


"I came here of my own accord, though getting here … as I left the time I was in warped around me, I was confused but by then, the time machine as you call it, took me to this time. But as you can see, my 'giant appearance' was much to large for that time capsule, so I had to shrink down. At the cost of most of my energy, meager it was but enough to deal with this 'Trunk's as you called him, I was able to regress into my larval form, encasing myself in a egg for protection as the machine worked it's stuff. I also realized that at the time the time machine could not take me back, and even if I wanted to, that pitiful contraption had only enough power for sending me here, not making another trip." Piccolo glared at the thing, it gave away some information but then it continued speaking, laughing lightly as it continued to gather energy.


" know much Namek, but there is still much for you to learn…" Piccolo glimpsed its hands, as it cupped them in a familiar way-


"Heh he he… Ka… Me… Ha....Me… … …" Piccolo was astounded, the thing was using the 'Kame Hame', as an orb of condensed energy formed it the creatures hand, continuing to charge the attack when-


"-Haaaaa!!" The beam, blue colored blasted for Piccolo but he was quicker even when surprised. He dodged out of the incoming beam, into the sky but he was intercepted himself by the creature. It grabbed him tight, wrapping around him and then spoke, amused.


"I've got you now, your life force is mine." It's tail headed right for him but Piccolo acted fast, launching a quick eye beam volley from his eyes, he managed to blast off the tail end of the monster, before elbowing it continuously while it become surprised by his attack and it's damaged tail. Letting him go, Piccolo launched more beams from his eyes, getting into close range with the beast and then emerging in melee. Forgetting it's tail for now, the thing fought Piccolo punch to punch, keeping up with Piccolo.


It's tail then burst in both green blood and from out the wound the tail healed in an instant, the thing chuckled before launching it's tail again, gripping Piccolo's arms tightly in a sudden attempt to hold him. Though this surprised Piccolo, he couldn't have time to think about as the tail then immediately elongated towards him, unnaturally as it then went to pierce him. Piccolo grunted, pushing himself over so it would hit his arm instead.


"You stuck me, you bastard. Now… l-let go now." Piccolo fought with his strength and was about to blast the creature again but thought against it, this might be a chance to gather more information. Piccolo felt his strength drain from him so this had better work..




A noise came from back in the van, sounding like No.16's sensing ability, which previously he told them about but half an hour ago. Him, no.18 and no.16 were in a van they took from some men, they stole it from them and ever since have been heading towards Goku's house at a leisurely pace. All part of the game, his game.

Seventeen being the driver, he heard Sixteen's sensors too but Eighteen spoke up as she relaxed in the passenger seat, looking back towards Sixteen.

 "Hmm, you alright there big guy?" she questioned seemingly interested in his quiet hmm, Sixteen being in thought and Seventeen pressed further when he didn't answer quick enough.

"Something the matter, Sixteen?" Seventeen listened intently, driving along a S-bend.


"One of those powers, which I have sensed from before is fluctuating in strength. Their power seems to be going down." Seventeen smirked, replying casually though he wanted to laugh.


"I told you before Sixteen, your sensors are malfunctioning. We really need to get you checked up… huh. Though the 'good' doctor is out of the question, seeing as he's dead and all." Seventeen chuckled returning his attention to the road while Eighteen scoffed.




I, within Oozeru once more tried to retain 'Super Saiyan' for a bit longer. Though I at first believed I could try and skip ahead with 'Super Saiyan' and using the Oozeru form to try and unlock 'Super Saiyan Four' but I think it doesn't work like that.


I am now capable in using Oozeru and 'Super Saiyan' together and in using them together, my abilities are getting more stronger, precise… but so far, I'd lose myself in mind whenever I held them together for too long. But if I stuck with them, I believe I could retain my mind…


"Let's try again. 'Super Saiyan', 'Oozeru' and fucking 'Wrathful State'. Push myself…"I used two of them before once again throwing up an 'Artificial Moon', before absorbing enough 'Blutz waves' for the change. The 'Wrathful State' added to my rage, but I continued to push against the animalistic instincts which as I turned into the 'Great Ape' multiplied. I got a good glimpse at my arms, which are golden in color and I finally realized that now, even at a rage that threatened to release on the white, limitless environment of the Hyperbolic time chamber, I was still sentient. Talking aloud, my animalistic voice growled out and I chuckled a throaty laugh.


"Hah hah hah… finally, it's been- what? Two month's? shit… a lot of time. Now, lets continue to power on up. With these two Gods coming in the future, I need every ounce of power I can get my Saiyan hands on…" I had plans to make my tail unremoveable via wishing for it with the Namek Dragon balls, though with Moor's ascension as the leader, fusing with Guru, he also upgraded their dragon balls to make five wishes, cheeky guys… I had another wish to bring the Saiyan's back, in particular Raditz but I might as well bring them all back, more chaos for the universe and all. Except Trules, that guy is a cunt.


"...Train now, make plans for Namek later. Cell is still out there, and he is a problem, seeing as I'm not sure which timeline he came from." Shaking my oversized gorilla head, I headed much deeper into the hyperbolic time chamber and got to it, starting with a thousand push-ups, as a great ape, that and gravity would do the rest.