


Struggling against Cells grip, their fingers locked together as Cell continued to drain his energy from his arm, Piccolo knew he was in trouble. Though he did have one last trick but first, it was time to continue to milk this monster for information while it thought it won.


"J-Just Who are you?" The monster smirked, replying as it sneered at him before chuckling a throaty laugh.


"My name is Cell, seeing as you're going to become one with me in a but moment or two I can. I am an android. A superior bio-android-" P{iccolo suddenly rushed forward instead of the pulling motion he was continuously trying to achieve, which allowed him to headbutt this 'Cell' in the face, free, Piccolo ripped the tail out of him before using it to swing Cell backwards. Piccolo then landed further back, holding his damaged arm and decided to admit defeat as to learn more from thing thing. This Cell looked at him hungrily, speaking up with its raspy voice.


"Hmm… you were lucky, a sneaky little shot but only for the moment Piccolo. But seeing as your arm was not long ago my snack, you'll be hard-pressed to beat me… why delay the inevitable. Join us…" it spoke, chuckling at Piccolo's predicament while Piccolo instead spoke telepathically


'...Gohan, send for Winter. I might need some backup.' he spoke, telepathically, reaching out to Gohan with his mind. He heard after but a moment, Gohan's reply.


'I will tell her, should I get some of the others too? I can come help.' he replied, Piccolo replied, glaring at Cell.


'No, Winter should suffice. Also, tell the rest of the guys that Kron is unavailable for the day, he is inside the Hyperbolic time chamber.' Piccolo cut the connection he had with his friend, before speaking to Cell, admitting his defeat as to learn more from this arrogant wretched creature. Cell himself continued to spout his superiority even while Piccolo was telepathically communicating with Gohan.


"-Face it Piccolo… you're done. Time is up for the Namekian… You will feed into my perfection I'm sure…" it smirked, licking its beaked mouth once again and taking a step forward. Piccolo held his damaged arm, inwardly smirking while on the outside, he went against his pride.


"...Yeah, yes… you're right. I have been bested, I am no match for you, I can see that now. I can't fight without my arm, my strength has been sapped… I have no choice… but to surrender…" he glared at the thing, who at hearing his words, laughed in delight, smirking while it took one more step forward. It then laughed, harder and longer than before, sneering at him.


"So… you've finally realized the futility of your resistance of me, it is a shame and yet… not even a Namekian warrior of your caliber cannot help but to admit defeat to your superior. I am pleased with your decision. Pride be damned, isn't that right… Piccolo. You see, I happened upon your lot earlier, I seen a warrior, Saiyan of unknown identity fighting against an android of which I have never accounted before, though I knew the identity of this android… Android Thirteen… which according to my data was scrapped for parts… but imagine my surprise when the precursor of my design was up and running, fighting another Saiyan warrior I haven't come into contact with. So, I absorbed the remains, which turned out to be a great idea, its remaining power become my own." It gloated, further adding.


"It is why I have more red color in my physical visage, I arrived in this timeline with no red coloring… yet just look at me now! We will thank that Saiyan for providing me with such an excellent meal, that blue android I took as a meal. Not enough to help achieve my 'Perfect Form' but-" Piccolo, appalled at that tidbit of information, that this thing was watching them back then and took the remains of that android Kron was fighting against, but that this thing had another form, it calls 'Perfect'.


"...This 'Perfect Form'… how do y-you achieve it… honor my last requests, my last questions of curiosity… how can I sense Goku's power in you, Vegeta too and even King Cold?!" It looked at him, considering on whether or not to tell him before… it laughed at him. Piccolo continued to clutch his arm, slowly but very carefully as to not be sensed in order to build up more of his Ki to regenerate. He also wanted to appear 'defeated' to this insect-looking freak to which he succeeded when he noticed 'Cell' laugh at him.


"Fine, I have told you most anyway. And since it is your 'dying' request… well, I can accommodate your curiosity…. Like I said before, I am Cell. An advanced 'Bio-Android' created by Dr. Gero-"


"-You're an Android? I should have known…-"


"-I am the single greatest achievement of my creators will. You see… in his efforts to create the ultimate fighting organism, Dr. Gero devised a means for which he could fuse the cells of the world's greatest fighters into one and then cultivate that cell into a singular and invincible entity. An ultimate superior being to which all of the Doctor's plans would be achieved. Unfortunately for my creator, however, he soon realized that his project was far too complex to be completed during his lifetime… As such he diverted his attentions to some more… immediate pursuits. He programmed his supercomputer to complete the enormous task of cultivating my being. The computer worked tirelessly to complete this task, the fusion of cells gathered from the mightiest fighters of this planet, warriors such as the Saiyan's Nappa, Vegeta and Goku and the half-breed Gohan. And… as you have seen from before… Cells have been taken from even you Piccolo… your regenerating abilities are known even to me and by that look on your face, you think I don't know what you're doing." Cell sneered at him, Piccolo looked worried now, he gathered his strength and regrew his limb, but Cell only watched, smirking at him. Piccolo continued to feign Ki-depletion by breathing heavily, though he did feel that what with most of his strength sapped from both the fight, the Androids attempt to absorb him and now from regrowing his arm, he would have a tough time.


"You look even weaker Piccolo… but allow me to continue, your foolish attempt at gathering Ki to regrow your arm has cost you. So, as I was saying… Some of the warriors, Tien, Yamcha and Krillin have also been incorporated into my design. Though the computer had made some of the other cells, most notably Goku, Vegeta and yourself at the forefront of my design, it combined all into a singular cell, some were more dominant than others though everyone of the cells retained some aspect of their own genetic element in the final design, bringing it all together into a combined cell." Piccolo looked at him, before understanding dawned on him.


"Heh… I see, I understand now. You learned the 'Kame Hame Wave' through Goku's cells." Cell smirked at him, replying.


"Correct Piccolo. Correct… though Vegeta wasn't the last cells I would inherit. From a fortunate turn of events, Frieza paid a visit to Earth-" It spoke but Piccolo interrupted.


"-Frieza? You mean his father King Cold?" Piccolo questioned, but Cell shook his head, smirking.


"No, in the timeline I 'originate' from, Frieza and King Cold both come to Earth. I take it from your reply that Frieza didn't make it to Earth in 'this' timeline? Well, that is no matter of mine. I am already created, and time is a fickle thing to change… As I was saying though, Frieza though he was mostly machine at the time and Cold were the some of the last cells I had inherited, curtsy of the supercomputer the good doctor programmed to work on my creation. These two alien's cells added to my genetic makeup." Cell laughed, chuckling at Piccolo's face. Piccolo grunted, snarling at him but replied.


"Tell me, how did Dr. Gero even get the cells? There wasn't anyone suspicious around, I couldn't sense no one waiting in the background to come and pick up samples." Cell perked up, replying as it relaxed, folding its arms as it replied to Piccolo's query.


"There is a simple explanation for that my friend. I'm sure by now, you already know of Dr. Gero's actions to spy on all of you via his spy-bots. These… these were the instruments of my creation. They worked tirelessly to collect the samples of my creation, very… very small and insect-like as to not arouse suspicion, they have been gathering cells ever since the Red Ribbon Army was defeated and the good doctor vowed revenge on Goku. So, every battle… ever since the times of the 'Red Ribbon Army' they have been gathering, awaiting at battlefields to make their move to collect samples. And your battlefields were filled with a font of sample for which they could easily extract cells from. See Piccolo, up there? Can you see it?" Cell then pointed upwards, Piccolo followed with his eyes, squinting in the direction Cell indicated and then his eyes widened. Cell continued speaking.


"It is waiting for more opportunities Piccolo, to gather even more cells for it's good work. Can you see it?" Piccolo glared at him as Cell continued.


"Quite remarkable, don't you agree?" Piccolo launched a yellow-colored blast towards it and watched in glee as his attack annihilated the speck of a machine, nothing was left. Cell though only laughed at his attack.


"You know, it is one of millions. Manufactured from scrap, easily replaced… millions are on this planet, and you won't even find them all. They will continue to take cells from every bout, you cannot hope to destroy all of them. It is a wasted venture. A laughable display really, as the computer would have all it needs even now in the lab." Cell chuckled, Piccolo though replied, while glaring at Cell. They destroyed the lab… that is, unless he had another one somewhere?


"You're wrong there Cell, Dr. Gero's lab went up in flames. There's nothing of the lab and therefore, nothing left of your past self." Cell replied to Piccolo, amused by what he said, taking another step forward.


"You'll be happy to note that, while the top of the lab has indeed… gone up in flames as you've so eloquently put it, the lower part of the lab remains intact. The Lab size is vast, and I know you noticed that when you and your foolish friends went and blew it up. Thought you might want to know… Though telling anyone else isn't going to happen, what with you about to become my snack and all." He sneered at him, Piccolo glared in return.


"Even if I cannot 'warn' them, as you say… They would find it eventually, they aren't dumb… If they want to find any perceived weaknesses for the androids, one or more of them will return to the place where they were built and pick through the rubble. They will find the rest of the lab." Piccolo said, though at the same time, he got into contact again with Gohan.


'Gohan, there might be a problem. Someone, like Trunks should go and pick through Dr. Gero's lab. Even while in ruins, I've found out that there might be more areas of the lab that hasn't been destroyed.' He Said telepathically, before cutting the connection again before Gohan could respond. The Bio-android spoke up again.


"Now then Piccolo, you've admitted you've lost. Now stay still. The chat is over and as much as I enjoyed seeing the horror upon your face, I am a busy man. I have-"


"-Just one more question then. Why are you here, why did you come back to this time from the future? What, not enough 'life-force' for you to drain… you parasite? Them other androids killed a majority of the planet at least, according to Trunks." Piccolo yelled out, Cell scoffed though and replied as is took just one step forward again which Piccolo match by going two steps backward.


"My you are full of questions. An excellent question little snack... Yes, your right. human life-force doesn't give me not near enough an amount to which is worth wasting my time draining. Though in vast… vast numbers, human ultimately lack the energy to bring me to my 'Perfect Form'. Though in my time from hence I came, Somehow Trunks was able to destroy them, Androids Seventeen and Eighteen, I do require these two Androids to become complete. This is why I am in this time, as you put it… to consume them in order to achieve my 'Perfect Form'. And like I said before, I did get a head start by draining the remains of Androids Thirteen which was a precursor design of my design. It itself had already consumed androids Fourteen and Fifteen so I naturally absorbed some of their power too. A great bonus yes, but Seventeen and Eighteen are my reason for coming back to this time." Cell laughed again, stepping forward one step.


"T-Those other androids! B-But, then you are-" Cell interrupted, chuckling in its raspy tone.


"-Yes, I have come to this time for but one purpose… To absorb Seventeen and Eighteen. Only then, will my Full power… my sole purpose besides killing Goku can be achieved. So, now you have it." Piccolo responded, still confused.


"B-But, then how did you know to come to this time?" Cell replied quick enough.


"I didn't, Trunks had pre-set the coordinates as he too was about to use the time capsule for whatever purpose that fool had in mind. I only pressed a button, though I had to regress to my larval form in order to even use the capsule. I did so and had to gestate for a few years when I arrived in this time, to gather my strength and regrow to my battle-form you see before you." Piccolo nodded, inwardly in thought. Cell added.


"The last thing I will tell you is, without absorption of Seventeen and Eighteen, I would never achieve my 'Perfect Form' so in coming back here, I will have equal opportunity in taking them both. Once I do, the supercomputer predicted that I would become the most powerful being ever to exist in the universe!" Cell chuckled while Piccolo snorted.


"Though in saying that, it could just be the Saiyan blood and Frieza's blood running through my veins doing the talking. Now… have you had enough of talking. I admit, speaking of my superiority was rather fun, but I do have to seek out my brother and sister Seventeen and Eighteen… You see, we do have a reunion after all, thinking about it makes me… hungry! Hah heh hmmm" Piccolo understood. And then he looked in the sky, where he could see Winter Schnee, Krillin, Yamcha and Gohan floating above them. Their Ki couldn't even be picked up for they were using their very fine-tuned Ki-control in order to hide their power levels from even Piccolo.


"I am finished speaking Cell. I also thank you for your dialogue, it will shed some light on things when I explain it to the rest of my allies-" he nodded up to them, to which they landed. Cell turned in surprise, before turning back to him in anger.


'You've been stalling for your friends to get here!? I didn't even sense these weaklings. What the heck are they going to do-"


"-Shut it creature. I hate bugs like you, you ought to be squashed." Winter said, looking degusted and Gohan added.


"Piccolo, here! Catch!" he threw him a bean, Piccolo nodded before quickly consuming it. Cell scoffed, looking at them all as he jumped backwards to get some distance.


"Your friends and you Piccolo still don't stand a chance against me. E-Even with your numbers-"


"-is that fear I hear in your tone you parasite? Prepare to die, I'm more than a match for you and thanks to my friends… I'm now at full power once… again! Hurrrrrghhh!" Piccolo begun to power up, shocking Cell and he jumped back again. Their battle begun once again.


(Winter Schnee-POV)


She didn't know Piccolo could telepathically communicate with them, though when Gohan had told them about his predicament, she believed every word for if it came from someone like Piccolo, it wasn't lies and Gohan begin the one telling the story made them believe him as they knew of their friendship. Piccolo and this… thing named Cell, she and the others who arrived here had heard him call himself Cell.


But right now, Piccolo seemed to be almost equal with the creature he fought against.


"Should we, you know… get in the fight?" Yamcha asked to the rest of them. Krillin replied, not taking his eyes off the fast-paced fight.


"Not yet, Piccolo seems to be on par with this thing. Now, Gohan… you mentioned that Piccolo got into contact with you, about searching out that Dr. Gero's lab-"


"-Look, Piccolo got rid of the things tail!" Winter interrupted, hovering up into the air. Piccolo then launched a volley of one of his 'Hell-zone Grenade' technique towards Cell, She then continued.

"Lets go!" She jumped into the fray, the other two three nodded and then the four of them begun to attack Cell, Piccolo smirking as he yelled out at the android.


"Your not going to get the chance Cell, your outnumbered-"


"You've all got spirit… This unknown girl… whats your name?" Winter glared, replying.


"Not that it's any of your business but it's Winter." She replied, the creature smirked before kicking back from Piccolo, up into the sky.


"Well it's been fun. But as I've explained to Piccolo… or whatever he goes by these days, I have a date with my two siblings. You know, dinner plans and such so with that all… Here's a parting Gift!" He then used a technique, to which Krillin yelled out in shock.


"T-That's the S-solar Flare-"


"-'Solar Flare'!!" Cell rasped out loud, their sight was then blinded by a blinding white-blue light.