On The Prowl.



Laughing as he ran away, trudging through dense undergrowth in a nearby forest from Ginger Town, he thought about the encounter with Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin and… that unknown woman.


"My… things seem much different in this timeline, I have no data on the woman… Piccolo is also stronger, though that could be attributed to other anomalies… But no matter, I only need to gather my strength for a little longer, before I track down Seventeen and Eighteen." he smirked, landing onto a road, looking down at a nearby town called-"


"-Hey, you. Over here… Yes…" Cell was interrupted, though he knew that voice… it was him? Turning over, he glimpsed another Cell, green of color and smirking at him. Cell then approached this Cell, cautiously though also curious. The Cell, near the tree smirked, it was the same as him but like he noted before, wasn't red like him. This new Cell spoke up.


"Hello Cell, impressive bout, I'm impressed... I got here in time to see you flee though, a smart move if I do say so myself. This Piccolo is very impressive compared to what I have in my database." This Cell said. He himself replied in turn, interested in this 'Green Cell'.


"Ah… I see, you too have come from the future… what an… interesting occasion, though I hope you understand that the androids Seventeen and Eighteen are mine-" 'Green Cell' nodded, folding his arms, as they looked into the sky, seeing the four fighters 'Red Cell' had finished fighting with before as they flew away from Ginger Town.


"-Yes… Yes… I believe we have a destiny to create. I will allow you to do so, heck I'll help too." 'Red Cell' replied sharply, interrupting 'Green Cell'.


"What do you mean you will help? I can manage by myself in absorbing both of the androids, it has to be me!" he said, glaring at the 'Green Cell' who continued to smirk in front of him. 'Green Cell' replied, tsking as he did so while wagging a finger from the arm which sat overlapped his other.


"I meant, if we both go after the androids, each of us absorbing one of the androids… just imagine how much power we… or shall I say 'Cell' shall have when one of us absorbs the other? You see, where I'm from, I took on the cells of Kron, his wives, Goku, Nappa, Trules and his goons, Vegeta, Krillin, Tien… King Cold and Piccolo. Among others not worth mentioning, I am more… cautious than what I have seen of you. Thanks to cells taken from Kron, Turles, Piccolo and King Cold-" 'Red Cell' interrupted him, narrowing his eyes.


"-Get to the point. Perfection does not wait, even for me." the 'Green Cell' nodded, replying.


"Like I said, I am more cautious than you, I have already absorbed the nearby town to Ginger Town, and two others while looking for the androids subtly. I thought they were here, which is why I watched your bout from here. It is why I'm confronting you now. With two of us, absorbing towns and targeting the androids, we can become more powerful than even our respective super computers could comprehend us reaching. Thanks to you, they will be looking for you… Goku and Kron's friends… the fools, you can go about absorbing towns, but I'd imagine Piccolo, seeing that he was more than a match for you would be hunting for Androids Seventeen and Eighteen with his newfound strength. There, that is when we will intercept his attempt and absorb the androids. Then-"


"-We absorb you into my being. I see…" 'Red Cell' replied, smirking before laughter came from his beaked mouth. Chuckling, he replied.


"You say you've already taken three towns worth of people… that would make you stronger, though I was able to absorb the remnants from 'Android Thirteen', his power had made my own on par with this new Piccolo." 'Green Cell' blinked, before replying.


"Yes… Android Thirteen… an android with the ability to absorb both android fourteen and fifteen. Kron was a fool to leave you remains to gorge on. So, with all this in mind… Cell to Cell… brothers?" 'Green Cell' extended a clawed hand to him, and he nodded, replying.


"Hmph… Brothers…" they shook, and their pact was made.




He tracked the fluctuating power until he ran into Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, Yamcha and Winter. They landed where Piccolo explained what had happened. Vegeta, at first questioned Piccolo, not believing it was the real Piccolo, but he then explained that he fused with Nail and some random Namekian Vegeta cared not to remember.


"So, this Cell, you fought him then. Was that why I could sense King Cold, Goku and even Frieza too? How bizarre." Piccolo nodded, replying as he punched a tree in anger.


"Yes, this Cell wants to absorb androids Seventeen and Eighteen in order to reach it's perfect form. We need to stop him. We have two choices, we can either hunt down this Cell or track down Androids Seventeen and Eighteen because destroying them, Cell will not be able to absorb them." Piccolo looked all of them grimly, before continuing to speak.


"If you want my opinion, I say we find Cell because he will be easier to find, he's also alone which will make it easier to take him down. The other androids do not seem to be destroyers like what Trunks mentioned to Goku, they are definitely different and seem to be keeping a low profile as they search out Goku. We should have the chance to train some more in order to destroy them too, With Winter here having moved Goku and his wife to Roshi's place. But, whatever we decide, lets decide quickly and now because there will be no stopping that Cell when he is complete… his power is overwhelming, even when I was a match for him. He also has most of our techniques, including yours Vegeta." Vegeta scoffed, arms folded as he replied.


"Stop him? As long as this Cell deals with the others, it would make the battle easier. Let the androids destroy each other. One opponent is better than four." he then continued turning away from them.


"I will defeat these androids, make no mistake. You are powerful Namek but I will ascend… ascend to a much higher level than you and that fool Kakarot… and that bastard Kron! Then none of you will be a match for me, now stay out of my way!" Vegeta then took to the sky, flying off to formulate a training plan.


(Winter Schnee-POV)


They watched as he left before Winter spoke up, garnering looks from Yamcha, Krillin and Gohan as she spoke to Piccolo seriously.


"Piccolo, or is it Nail-"


"-Piccolo shall suffice, now what is it." he said, turning away from them, she folded her arms before placing one on her rapier and the other on her hip.


"Where is Kron, I cannot seem to be able to find him. I had thought he would be here, with you. Fighting this other android." Piccolo turned to her, blinking before he replied.


"...Right, he went inside the Hyperbolic Time chamber. It's been quarter a day already so he will be out of it sometime in the morning. Which… that might be our only hope. Training in there, would give us an advantage." Piccolo folded his arms, looking to be in thought. Winter replied, speaking to them.


"Should we head back, to Kami's place for now then. What do you want to do Piccolo?" she asked who, still in thought for a minute, turned to them and replied while growling.


"I'm going to search for Cell, the rest need to head back to Dr. Gero's lab. That Cell is one of his creations and he mentioned that the lab was vast, there's bound to be another lab either nearby or underneath the destroyed lab on top." Krillin and Gohan nodded, Krillin replying.


"Are you sure Piccolo, I mean, Trunks blew that place to high noon." Piccolo nodded, adding.


"Yes, Cell was so sure of my impending death that he told me while looking at me like I was his meal. I'm definitely sure now go! Make sure you all use the Hyperbolic Time chamber in order to train after you deal with the lab, find this timelines Cell and end it before it gestates." He then bent, power engulfed him as his Ki ignited around him before he took to the skies. Winter replied, nodding at the three of them who looked about to be heading back up north.


"I'll come with you, another pair of eyes. That way, I can take us back to Roshi's place after." the three of them nodded, with Yamcha adding.


"Alright, cool. Let's get going then."




Arriving at Capsule Corp with his mother, Bulma got to work immediately on the evidence that the recovered while he took out the spare Time capsule. He felt the various powers that were fighting, among them Frieza… which didn't make sense, but he travelled with his mother to Capsule corp. Now though, he decided to head out to Kami's house, to find the others and to inquire about the Ki of multiple fighters all in one area. Snapping out of thought, he spoke to his mother.


"Uh, Mother… I need to go, I will see you later but there are things I need to find out. About the Ki I could sense. I hope you can understand." she turned to him, smiling while replying.


"Sure, I'll keep in touch and call when I find anything. Good Luck Trunks." she tapped his shoulder before returning to her work, Trunks then headed on out, using the technique Jaina helped to teach him by taking him to train under the people of Yardrat. Reappearing, he seen that Roshi, Oolong and a woman who looked like Jaina was sitting on the couch, startled by his sudden appearance.


"Uh, Trunks. Take a seat, we've got this tape we've finished copying from the news. You might want to check it out." Roshi spoke, grabbing the remote and rewinding the television. Trunks turned to the television, grabbing a seat near the woman Trunks figured would be Jaina's past mother. Blake is her name according to Jaina.

Watching the tape, he proceeded to understand not much, though he was sure that whatever had taken his time machine, was the same being that caused this destruction. A tense twenty minutes-worth of tape, he stood up as another lady, with red hair gave him a plate of dinner, he almost drooled from the smell alone, he definitely is hungry for a home-cooked meal.


"Thanks ma'am." she smiled, replying as she went about the couch and headed back to the kitchen.


"You're welcome, now eat up young man." she spoke as he shyly nodded, she then went about preparing other plates with another lady who looked like Blake and Jaina but with shorter hair and a more mature appearance. He took his meal outside and consumed it, looking out to the sky in thought.


Finished in ten or so minutes, after returning his plate he headed out towards Ginger Town, full speed as a super Saiyan. Flying for a while according to his watch, he felt someone's Ki, concentrating better on it he spoke aloud to himself.


"Hmm… ah, that feels like Piccolo. He's coming this way." Trunks mused aloud, feeling for Piccolo's Ki. Seeing him flying for him, Trunks stopped in front of him. Piccolo in turn told him what had happened at Ginger Town, about Cell and also Dr. Gero's lab. For ten minutes they talked before Piccolo went on the hunt for the androids. Trunks decided to head to Dr. Gero's lab, feeling for the Ki of Gohan and then he used 'Instant Transmission'.


Surprising Krillin, Yamcha, Gohan and Winter as they looked at him. He spoke.


"Hey guys, have any luck yet?" Trunks powered down, his hair lost its golden hue. Krillin replied, nodding 'no'.


"Not yet Trunks, we've just arrived. Though, look at this here ruin. Well, lets get started…" Trunks turned, narrowing his eyes before he lifted his hands. Firing off weak Ki-blasts, strong enough to turn rocks to rubble, the others watched him before following suite. Taking not too long, with the five of them, they found an entrance.


"Look!, over here." Trunks said, turning to them, Krillin and Yamcha laughed while Gohan called out to Winter who was further away. They came over and Winter spoke.


"Let's go down then." Trunks nodded, replying.


"Yeah, though don't blow the place up. There might be schematics that can help us with stopping the Androids. So be careful guys." they each flew down into the darkness. There was still power down here, they found the supercomputer which also had a tank of what appeared to be an organism inside floating, this must be Cell... it did look like him as a runt from what Piccolo said about the creature, it looked insect-like with green and red colors, though this one only appeared to be green. It matched the look of the creature they found outside his 'future' time machine found out in the sticks. Looking around further, Trunks came across a desk, on it looked to be some interesting findings with among them being schematics for the androids themselves, particularly the control remotes for androids Seventeen and Eighteen. This is gold.


"Look! Here guys, this is what we've came here for. Information on those androids, androids Seventeen and Eighteen looked to have ways at shutting them down that Dr. Gero had encase they rebelled. A pity he didn't have a backup around here, but my mother will be able to make something with these, I know she can." he said smirking, Gohan replied happily as he jumped with joy.


"Alright Trunks, lets get out of here. Blow this place up from the outside." They nodded, Yamcha heading out first, followed by Winter, Gohan, Krillin and then finally Trunks as he gave the lab one last look of triumph.


After they stood upon the surface of debris, rock and broken concrete, the five of them hovered up into the air, powering up their most strongest Ki-attacks before launching them in succession upon the target area, the destruction caused was definitely enough to level the entire lab below the mountain. They watched the explosion in good moods, before Krillin turned to them all as he spoke.


"Shall we head on back now, or should we find Piccolo and support him?" Trunks nodded in disagreement, replying just as the cloud of dust begun to subside, the impact crater from all their blasts created a massive ravine which went down to the depths, erasing the entire lab leaving only rock and rubble.


"I've got to get these schematics to my mother. Bulma would be the only one capable of reverse-engineering these designs into something tangible for us to stop those androids. I'll head there, you guys should check up on Goku for now. And… thanks for the help." he nodded at them, Krillin and Yamcha chuckled and replied with a thumbs up at the same time, which made them and Gohan chuckle even more from the same action used while Winter only nodded towards him, still serious. 


(Yang Xiao Long-POV)


Tien, Chiaotzu and her reached their place up in the mountains. Launch was inside, the blue haired version for which even to this day, weirded her out that there are two sides of the woman. Landing, Chiaotzu went to his room while Tien turned to her.


"Let's get started, we need to get stronger. Hey Launch." he added, waving to the blue-hair woman for which she waved back without a word, still busy drying the dishes. Snorting, Yang followed him out and tapped him on the shoulder.


"So, should we use it…" Tien blinked, replying.


"It?" Yang pulled out a capsule case, opening it and pulling out the capsule labeled '1'.


"This here, I got from Bulma. The last design in gravity chambers made by capsule Corp, up to four-hundred times gravity. I got this for free, though I owe Bulma a few favors… here and there." she explained, they flew up and landed on the nearby grassy mesa, overlooking the tranquil land they lived on. The nearby waterfall near their place reflected a nice contrast to the landscape. Yang then threw the capsule on the flattest area of ground, the smoke obscuring the area briefly before a solid building appeared. She whistled, nodding to Tien.


"You ready babe." Tien nodded wordlessly, heading inside, a serious look on his face while he stretched.


(Blake Belladonna-POV)


Sitting outside, they were having a barbecue when Winter, Gohan and the rest appeared floating up in the air. They landed, heading inside. Herself, Weiss and Pyrrha sat on some quickly set-up chairs around their bonfire while Kali and Weiss's mom, Willow stood nearby and talking with her mother. Salem was inside the capsule house they set up for her, resting. The three children were also inside their capsule house.


Ruby, Qrow and Yang and Rubies dad Tai were invited and would arrive within half a day. Though Ruby would arrive with Bulma, she is still working security for the Capsule Corporation after all. Winter came back out the house after a few minutes, heading on over.


"Girls, Kron is not going to be here for at least half a day. Kali, I will be having a shower. I will then help you out." Blake watched as her mother nodded, Winter head on inside their large capsule house. Weiss elbowed her, whispering.


"So, I guess with Kron not coming here, there will be no-" Blake elbowed her in reply, smirking.


"Shush, you'll make Pyrrha over their blush like the maiden she continues to act like." Said girl, did so as she felt her swollen belly, Blake spoke to her then.


"So Pyrrha, feel any kicks yet?" she asked, standing up to sit with her and Pyrrha replied.


"Occasionally, my little boy is pretty vigorous-" Weiss interrupted her, putting down her phone to look at her.


"How do you know it's a boy Pyrrha?" she looked out, replying with a smile. 


"I have a feeling… anyway, look. Winter's out." Pyrrha spoke fondly while rubbing her stomach. Five minutes of idle chatter passed and then Pyrrha pointed towards the capsule house, Blake removed her hand from Pyrrha's swollen belly that she was feeling for baby kicks and stood up, heading inside Kami's house. Weiss called out.


"And, what about Ren and Nora, where are they? Are they coming?" Weiss asked the two of them, Pyrrha replied.


"They are, they should arrive within an hour. Honestly, that girl… Nora has been training harder than even Yang. It was weird when she and Ren decided to sit out these androids. I understand Ren though, he works with Ruby after all." Pyrrha spoke, taking another drink from her water bottle. Weiss looked at her, calling out to her.


"Where are you going?" Blake turned, half smirking.


"Seeing what's happening. With the others." she turned back around, heading inside. Gohan, Yamcha, Krillin, Roshi and Oolong sat around the couches, discussing while the television was paused on a scene of 'Ginger Town' from the news. She waved at Gohan, who looked at her before Chichi came down the stairs, in an urgent rush. Goku's wife and her friend spoke aloud at everyone in the room looked towards her.


"G-Guys, take a look at Goku, I can't find him." she hurried them all inside, the room was empty. They looked around, Gohan spoke up, nodding at the window which appeared to be half open.


"Look, the window-" suddenly, an explosion shook the entire house, outside the window there was a mass of waves rising sky-high into the air. Blake could also see A beam of blue light, glowing within the two massive waves. Gohan and Krillin flew outside, while Blake followed after. Seeing the back of Goku's back, his hair which reminded her of Kron, she remained silent as Chichi came bounding out the house, with everyone else here gathering around and looking at Goku. He's finally awake.


"Goku!" Chichi ran to him, Goku turned around with a bit of surprise though his eyes softened when they lay upon her. He then turned to the rest of them, smiling. Taking Chichi into a hug, he spun her around and accidentally launched Chichi up into the air which while dangerous was also amusing, Goku probably wasn't used to his strength yet from the long time spent in bed. Said woman screamed before he caught her, putting her down.


"Hey there!, Gohan! You're here too. Come here son!" he got to one knee and then hugged his son. Roshi spoke up, coughing.


"Goku, it's bad out there. There are other androids, things look grim…" Goku looked at him, replying seriously as his face took on a pensive look.


"I know… I heard everything in my dreams, the perks of training on planet Yardrat. I know what we must do. We must train for these androids, they are too strong even for me, Vegeta and... Kron… Piccolo feels weird again, like when he first combined with Kami once more. Even he felt like he struggled in his bout with this strange android." Goku absentmindedly took his tied blue obi in both hands, tugging on them tightly. Winter added.


"Piccolo said Kron went inside the Hyperbolic time chamber some time ago." Goku nodded, turning to Gohan.


"...Gohan, come here son. Guys, where is Trunks and Vegeta… Never mind, I can feel Vegeta, and I can sense Trunks heading in the direction to Capsule Corp. Alright, hold on Gohan, we've got some training to do. The rest of you, you're better off using the gravity chamber capsules for now. I'll see you later." Gohan walked over with a nod halfway and anticipation on his face to be spending time with his father along with Goku's speech while Chichi looked worried. Goku then took himself and Gohan via 'Instant Transmission'.