Hyperbolic Time Chamber Abuse.



Reappearing, he and his dad reappeared at Capsule Corp. Here to pick up Trunks, they headed inside with dad leading them. Heading inside, Gohan waited while his dad went towards the sectaries desk and begun talking with the woman, a moment later his dad turned and gave him thumbs up before heading deeper into the building. Gohan flexed his fists for a bit, waiting for only ten minutes before Goku and Trunks come back together, Trunks nodded at him which Gohan returned with a smile.


"Alright Gohan, Trunks hold on now…" his dad said, he seemed too deep in thought or perhaps was sensing for Vegeta's Ki. They disappeared and reappeared in an instant, in a desert mesa, Rocky Mountains and nought any debris. Vegeta stood on a rock, just staring out into the sky. Nearby, there was a capsule building for a gravity chamber, Gohan felt Raven's Ki and Vegeta and Raven's son within. Raven came outside, holding a babe as she flew slowly towards them, the kid looked just like Vegeta, down to his hairstyle and Saiyan tail. Goku approached her first.


"Hey Raven, what's the kids name?" he stuck a finger lightly in the babe's face and made silly noises, Gohan chuckled while Trunks looked on emotionlessly. Raven replied softly, looking at her son.


"His name is Tarble, named after his dead brother-" she flicked a thumb in Vegeta's direction when Vegeta turned, interrupting her.


"-Kakarot, what are you doing here. Why have you come?" Vegeta demanded, turning to Goku and glaring at Gohan's dad.


"Vegeta, I have an idea in order for us to all get stronger for these androids. Will you hear me out?" Goku asked, Vegeta snorted while folding his arms.


"What? You believe you know more than I do? A veteran who fought countless battles? what idea you fool, Spit it out now!" Vegeta tensed, waiting for Goku to reply, Gohan glared at the arrogant ass while Raven scoffed, flying back down as Tarble begun to get upset from the yelling.


"There is a room up at the lookout, called the Hyperbolic time chamber. You can get a year's worth of training within only a day's worth outside the room. Piccolo said that Kron is already inside this room-" Vegeta coughed, replying in anger.


"-That bastard! He never thought to have told me about this room. I'm going to kill Kron and-" Trunks replied, interrupting Vegeta as the prince of all Saiyan's Ki spiked.

"-As it stands, you wouldn't be a match for him-" Vegeta smirked, replying as he once again folded his arms.


"-Was I asking you? What give's you the right to speak to me like that?" Vegeta spoke, sneering at Trunks. Goku replied, neutrally as he stopped Trunks from replying.


"In another time, Trunks would have been your son Vegeta. In fact, this Trunks here is the son of you and Bulma-" Vegeta gasped in surprise, speaking up with a shocked look on his face as he turned around sharply to face Trunks, Raven looked amused by such a notion as she mumbled something to herself and her son while Trunks looked quite shy under Vegeta's gaze.


"-W-What the- forget it. Boy, if you're my son from another time, that means your mother is Bulma. I never got with her as you well know. But if you see me as your father, I will respond in kind… as your father but i don't like slackers. Though you've proved to be a capable warrior of no small renown, destroying King Cold with no effort. Hmph." Gohan sighed, while Trunks nodded and Goku replied.


"That's good Vegeta, because the Hyperbolic time chamber can only fit two people at once. I'm going in with Gohan, so you'll have to go in with Trunks." Vegeta nodded, replying.


"I can ascend quicker that way… fine then Kakarot, but I will enter first, before you and your brat." Gohan resisted the urge to roll his eyes, but Goku nodded, speaking up.


"That's fine. Alright then, uh… will Raven be alright, with your kid and all. Uh, little Tarble?" Vegeta turned to where she was, inside the capsule gravity chamber which also housed a living area, for which housed their baby. Vegeta slowly drifted down and then called inside the capsule building, Gohan, Trunks and Goku followed him down.


"Hey! Woman, we're leaving. If you want to come, come out of there and now. Bring the brat too, where not going to be leaving my training room here. Woman, I might need it!" Vegeta called out, a moment later Raven came back outside, her babe wrapped in a red blanket, and she moved nearby to Goku while Vegeta accessed the controls for the capsule from a closed control panel on the outside, pressing it before it packed itself up into its capsule form.


"Right then, will you come Raven?" Goku asked, but she shook her head, removing another capsule and throwing it. This one being an airship. She then spoke as she slowly entered the ship from the bottom.


"No, I'll be going to Roshi's and dropping off the brat. I will meet you there later, I'll bring Winter and some of the others for the Hyperbolic time chamber, more of us using the room now will help in the long run. That fine with you Vegeta." she growled at Vegeta when she spoke for which he snorted, paying her no more attention as he turned to look at Gohan's dad.


"Let's go then Kakarot, use that ability to take us and be quick about it." Goku nodded, concentrating as he focused on uh, perhaps Dende up on the lookout or Mr. Popo before they vanished from the desolate mesa location.


Mr. Popo stood there, not surprised in the latest as to their reappearance on the lookout, Dende looked to be concentrating on the happenings on the planet but turned to great them with a smile and nod, Gohan sent Dende a quick nod when the young Namek turned to acknowledge them but then he followed his father, Vegeta and Trunks while they all followed along behind Mr. Popo.


"Come, this way. The room is occupied for the moment, only about half an hour left to go before Kron leaves the room. The room itself isn't very luxurious but there is enough food and supplies to last two people one year. There's a bathroom, toilet and a bed. The initial room you'll enter before the chamber of the training area is fragile so be sure not to train nearby it or you'll lock yourselves inside the room forever. Kami Dende has planned for the room to be upgraded later on, to make it usable by the same person more than twice and to strengthen the doorway so it won't be damaged by an accidental Ki-blast but as of now you'll have to make do." Gohan's dad replied, blinking.


"Uh, Mr. Popo… will there be enough food? With Kron already inside, eating everything worth for two by himself?" Mr. Popo replied, nodding.


"Yes, I've collected a huge amount of food for which I've stocked away on the lookout. Good meals for training, everything the grown body needs. The room will be stock prior before the next to use the chamber enters, by myself." he answered stoically, watching the clock above the door.




Locating Cell should be easy, but the damned android could hide his power pretty damned well. Piccolo made one clone of himself to try and speed up the process of locating the monster, but he always was one step behind. Cell left a litter of clothes blowing in his wake at the two towns he has since attacked since Ginger Town.


"Damn this bastard!" Piccolo growled out, though he turned as he sensed Krillin and Yamcha approaching, Winter too. Their forms engulfed in Ki as they arrived by 'Instant Transmission'. Winter spoke up first, though Piccolo continued to try and feel out Cell's location with no luck.


"Goku's woken up Piccolo, we've decided to help you out and find this Cell. He's going to be training and getting up to speed." Piccolo turned to her, then the other two before speaking.


"Fine, I have a clone looking too in another town nearby. Winter, you can make a clone too, so send one to the town just east of here. The rest of you, split up and flare your Ki encase you run into this android." Piccolo said and then Krillin spoke as Yamcha nodded, flying off in another direction of the current town they hovered over.


"Sure thing Piccolo, good luck." They split up but all that they could find was the remains of the victims of Cell.


Another hour of through searching, they almost got lucky but Cell seemingly vanished, in hiding once again. They all meet up at a airfield and reported on their finding but none of them, not even with extra eyes using clones did they find Cell. He was way too quick and only grew stronger the more people he drank like milkshakes. Piccolo got angry both at himself and at Cell, powering up instinctively from said anger.


"Cell! You bastard, I'll find you! I'll ram my hand down your throat and rip out your Kami-damned spine-" Winter interrupted, visibly shaken by his display but her eyes hardened at the same time.


"-If we cannot find this android, what of the other ones? We know where they will be or should be. Let's us be done with them, we could ambush them at Goku's place if they have not yet arrived. I sent a clone there before, my clone should be able to be used to 'Instant Transmission' to." she said, Piccolo looked at her, she made a good point though he replied, dejected.


"...Hrrgh, fine… Let's us go there now. Alright everyone, get over here… Winter, do your thing." Piccolo growled out, she nodded neutrally and begun to concentrate while Yamcha, Krillin and Piccolo himself all touched each other's shoulders with Yamcha touching Winter's shoulder. They reappeared at Goku's house but found that there were no androids here either. Winter's clone was looking through a pink van that Goku would not own. The van though, a civilian vehicle of the on-road type parked in front and likely abandoned was very telling though. Piccolo growled out, speaking up while Winter's clone dispelled at their approach.


"It seems they have been here, though I suppose they are looking in another place." Krillin replied, visibly worried.


"If they came here… they haven't found Goku so the next place they would look, would be Roshi's island! Winter, let's get back there on the double!" Krillin yelled out, Yamcha looked startled, and Piccolo gasped with a grunt. But now they had a tangible plan, Piccolo would be able to handle fighting one at a time but everyone there would get in the way... he would need to take the fight elsewhere if and when they show up at Roshi's place.


"Hold on now, the Ox-king is somewhere around here-"


"-Ah, howdy folks." the giant of a man came out of the building, Chichi's father looked quite worried about the state of his daughters and son-in laws home.


"Ah, where is everybody, I found my families residence in this here state, uh-" he frowned at the abandoned vehicle and went to lift it when Piccolo replied in a huff.


"-Old man, you're coming with us… get over here and hold… still!" Piccolo yelled out, the man looked worried but complied with his threat. Winter concentrated once again, replying.


"...OK, hold… one!" once more, they teleported across Earth to Roshi's island.


They all arrived at Roshi's once again, Piccolo made while the rest dejected in their search but optimistic about their switch to letting the androids come to them. Though with the Ox-king here, he went to look for his daughter while the rest of them waited for the androids Seventeen and Eighteen to arrive, with that other, bigger one too. Piccolo spoke loudly, getting everyone's attention as they sat and ate this late at night with the barbecue ongoing on Roshi's island.


"Everyone, the androids have come and gone to Goku's house. The next likely place they will come is here so don't panic. When they come, I'll make sure to fight them in another area. Krillin, get a hold of Tien, Yang and Raven-"


"-I'm here already, just had to drop off the brat. Pyrrha, you watch my boy would you. I've also been training so I might be able to help with the androids. I can bring the Kaio-ken up to forty-two easily, forty-six with strain too." Raven said, arms folded as she stared at him, Piccolo nodded before replying to everyone else.


"Those here that will not fight, keep out of the possible proceedings, that means talking to the androids. I'll handle it…" Piccolo then went to lean against Roshi's house and shut his eyes, having a rest for the first time in almost a day.




Draining another town, the Cell of red coloring was the target for which Piccolo hunted for while he himself gorged on more towns, three since he met with the 'red' Cell. Moving through the slums of north city, taking out one block at a time. Using stealth, Cell was able to slowly drain those within a block without giving away his position. If he had to, his tail would be used to knock out multiple victims before they could run away from him in fear. Cold and calculating, he didn't have time to play with his prey so if he could avoid it, he would kill the target first with a quick jab of his tail before he would use its sharpened point to kill many more in quick succession. Absorbing them after would only be a thing of time.


The other Cell, he hadn't seen since they last spoke, but their goal remained the same. Gathering enough power before going after the androids and absorbing them while also feeling for those hunting them also, encase they found them first. 


Hiding among an alleyway, clothes of his fallen victims littered the streets. Cell looked up as he felt Piccolo's Ki move to another place, with that white-haired woman, Weiss or Winter... he supposed she was from what his database told him, the weakling Yamcha and the other weakling Krillin.


"Hmm… have they tired of hunting my associate down, well… I will double my efforts in draining this here town! Heheha. You foolish Namek, he has no idea that there are two of us! Well, let's keep it that way… messing up this late in the game would be… embarrassing…" he chuckled, only the noise of city-life along with his metallic-like steps filled his ears... his prey barely made whimpers when he got done with them.




The last time was close, Piccolo though couldn't find him when he'd actively hid his power. After Ginger town, Cell took out one more town before ending in the latest town he currently was inside, hunting his prey. Though for now it seemed Piccolo and his band of riffraff had given up on him for the time being.


"Ehhhh… I'll have to keep a close watch on that encase Piccolo goes after my ultimate prey…" He sneered at the man underneath his right foot while his tail lashed out at another nearby, penetrating him to which the man screamed as his life-force begun to be drained. Licking his beak as he continued to look down upon the other man, once his current meal was all gone, he lashed his tail into the open underneath his three toed foot and begun to drain him too.


"My strength has since risen higher than even Piccolo, I'll bide my time until I feel ready to search for the androids. There's that other Cell too… I haven't seen him since, he is no doubt using my being the prime target of Piccolo's searches to gorge himself… I'm not sure as to his true plans… only that he too desires 'perfection'." Cell felt his foot hit the ground as the man he drained energy from was no more for which Cell begun looking around again, in search of another target to make a meal of.


"No sense in slowing done now, I'm going to need every ounce of strength from these weak peons." Cell smirked as his gaze narrowed onto a bigger group of people, aware of the disappearances but not yet of him, he struck with precision, knocking out a good bunch of them while his quick reflexes and tail strikes knocked down more of them, oh yes... he would feed well…




In ten minutes time, they as in himself and Trunks… his supposed son from another 'future' would enter the Hyperbolic time chamber in order to ascend to higher, never before seen levels of power a Saiyan should be capable of reaching. Once again, Kron has proven just how arrogant he is, in not telling him of this training facility up on this floating platform Kakarot had explained belonged to the guardians of planet Earth. Vegeta wordlessly grunted while hearing Kakarot prattle on about the place, but his eyes kept on the clock above the door with barely contained fury. The gaps in their power better not be even higher than before or Vegeta swore that after these androids, he will use this room again… and then once and for all beat Kron and then, Kakarot down in battle. He smirked at the thought of it, no doubt Vegeta believed his strength will eclipse the rest of his surviving members of his proud warrior race. He-


"-Ah, look Vegeta… the door, it has opened!" Kakarot got to his feet while his brat and Kakarot's brat went to stand side by side Kakarot in preparation of Kron's leaving the chamber. Vegeta scoffed in reply, standing up as he folded his arms, eyes intently watching for any signs of movement.


As the door came to a halt, a tense moment passed as they finally seen the outline of Kron himself. His hair the same as ever though disheveled, the hair though indicated that Kron was a 'Super Saiyan', he appeared to be very much more bulkier, perhaps bigger than even Nappa was when the good general was still alive. His eyes, piercing green as Kron regarded them all as he stepped out. His outfit, Saiyan armor and battle suit were worn down to be no more than rags and then he stopped in his tracks.


"Kakarot, Vegeta… Trunks and Gohan, are you here to train. Well, I'd wait for Mr. Popo to refill the room of food. I ate pretty good, being by myself." he smirked, Kakarot replied.


"There's a situation on earth, there is another, more dangerous android capable of absorbing the other androids. To my knowledge, Piccolo should be able to fill you in with the rest." Kakarot said as Trunks stepped aside when Mr. Popo went on through into the time chamber with a case, the logo of Capsule Corp etched on its side.


"Then, Piccolo is who I'll speak to. Word of advice to those who go inside, don't train near to the entrance or you might blow the door up. You'll end up trapped forever. Oh, and if you can, clones make getting stronger quicker inside this here room. At least, it's felt that way for me. Other than that, don't treat this room as a holiday, you'll also get the best results the deeper you tread inside the dimension but try not to lose sight of the entrance, becoming lost-" Vegeta growled, stepping past Kron and Kakarot as Mr. Popo left the room.


"-I can handle one room! Now shut up with your useless talk, mark my words, Kron. After these androids are dealt with, I will have my bout with you. To think you would-" Vegeta felt the strike into his stomach though he didn't even see Kron move until he now was in front of him, but he most certainly did feel his Ki spike briefly. Kron replied, smirking. Mr. Popo came out the room soon after, finished stocking up the room no doubt.


"Honestly Vegeta… you'll never surpass me. You're a disgrace of a prince, perhaps you'll learn that soon enough-" Vegeta gritted his teeth, stepping up when his 'Son' Trunks pulled him back just as Kakarot stood in between them.


"Knock it off you two! Remember, where on the same side." Vegeta breathed out, borderline-sigh as he replied while grunting, not looking at either of the two full blooded Saiyan's, insulted by Kron's words but not showing it.


"Silence, we're wasting time…" he walked towards the room with Trunks in toe, though he did hear Kron's last barb.


"Yeah, we are wasting time… or rather, you are my prince…" the next sound Vegeta heard was of the large door of the time room shutting closed on them, their eyes brightened from the bright white location.