Two is more Terrifying than One Is.



Vegeta needed a real attitude adjustment. Though for now I will put up with the arrogant ass, I decided to head to planet Namek, but first I would need speak with Dende. I didn't have five wishes but, I guess I could come up with some others on the spot. Seeing Dende glance down upon the earth, seeing his antenna twitching was when I spoke to him.

"Dende, get me into contact with Moori, I've got some wishes I'd like to get made. Ask him if I could use-"


"-Wha- oh, yeah. I will do… just wait a minute… … … right, I've got into touch with Moori. He told me that you should go to Namek, it will take at least an hour to gather the dragon balls so if you like, he can make the wishes for you." I thought about that for a second or three and then replied, made up my mind.


"I'll go instead, so far I've only got two wishes, thought there might be more afterwards when I think of them." I said, Dende nodded before returning his attention to the earth below. The conversation ended, I felt for Piccolo and then used 'Instant Transmission', teleporting to outside Roshi's. It was dark, passed midnight but I could see Piccolo mediating outside the house, speaking with him first shouldn't take too long. I landed and seen the whites of Piccolo's eyes lit up as he seen me, my golden aura from 'Super Saiyan' made for an excellent night light and my Ki he easily felt as I wasn't hiding my strength.


"Your back Kron, get some rest and then prepare to move out tomorrow. We need to find either Seventeen and Eighteen or find that bio-android Cell. We have to find one or the others to get all of them." Piccolo spoke, standing up from his meditative position.


"Alright, that's a plan. I've got to go to Namek within an hour, so I'll be back in plenty of time." Piccolo replied, narrowing his eyes as he spoke.


"Why, what wishes are you going to be making this time?" Piccolo questioned, I replied, kicking some sand on the beach where I stood.


"Some mundane ones, some pretty serious ones… no need to worry, I don't plan on wishing for immortality or something like power. Don't worry, I'll not take too long. I guess I'll head over there now." Piccolo looked upon my face, searching for something… before nodding.


"...Fine, hurry up. The longer Cell lives, the stronger he becomes." I nodded, concentrating again for using 'Instant Transmission' and I felt for Namek… then for Moori himself. Searching complete, I teleported to Namek and seen Moori with some other Namekian's. There, already they had gathered four of the dragon balls and Moori turned to acknowledge me, speaking up with a grin.


"Kron, welcome back. The rest of the dragon balls will arrive momentarily. Take as seat and wait while I get ready to summon the dragon." nodding as I agreed with him wordlessly, I looked around and then sat upon a knoll, laying down on the grass while still a 'Super Saiyan'.


Ten minutes later, the last three Namekian's arrived, carrying the last three Namek dragon balls and placed them around for Moori to caress, the elderly Namek and leader of Namek, fused with Guru begun to speak aloud in Namekian. Then as I gazed outward into the sky, it got dark as Moori finished and the balls glowed with yellow-colored energy which burst forth into the sky, the dragon formed out of the light and then Porunga formed. The great wishing dragon gazed down towards Moori, and the elderly man turned to me.


"Your first wish my boy." I got up quickly, speaking loud and clear for him to hear.


"I wish the planet Plant be restored in its original spot in space." Moori spoke, the big guy's eyes glowed red as he spoke.


"Your wish be thy granted." Moori turned again as I continued.


"I wish the planet Sadala be restored in its original spot in space." Once again, the dragon's eyes glowed as he once again spoke in a neutral but clear tone of voice.


"Your wish be thy granted." Moori turned again as I continued to speak loudly.


"I wish my tail cannot be removed from me either by pulling it off or cut off by someone else." I said while Moori spoke to the dragon, which… once again, his eyes glowed with red colored energy.


"Your wish thy be granted. Your next wish." Moori waited once again, turning to look as he listened for me to speak.


"I wish all the dead Saiyan's killed in the last thirty years except for Turles be revived on the planet 'plant'." I spoke up loudly, Moori turned to relay my wish as the dragon listened intently. Finally, after a brief few minutes of pondering my wish, the dragon's eyes glowed, radiated with red energy.


"Your wish cannot be granted for too much of these you speak for are evil, it is beyond my power to revive so many blackened hearts. Make your next wish." I shrugged, seeing no point for reviving the planets back, perhaps I should have made this- no, if I did and they did revive, they would have died again, floating in space...I thought about this one, a little longer than the other wishes, I spoke up loud for Moori to relay.


"I wish my body can handle the strain of using the 'Kaio-ken' with any variation of 'Super Saiyan'." With this, I should be able to abuse 'Kaio-ken' with 'Super Saiyan' with impunity, crushing all my foes. The dragon quickly replied, eyes glowing with red energy as he spoke.


"Your wish cannot be granted, the 'Kaio-ken' cannot be manipulated for a mortal to abuse. It is an ability made in the other-world, by a Kai. You have no permission. Make another wish or I shall go..." IK gritted my teeth, so I couldn't abuse Kaio-ken any more than I can now… Another wish…


"I wish to have a mutants worth of S-cells within my body, making me stronger." I would try for this wish. The dragon's eyes glowed once again as it spoke up.


"So be it, and for your last wish?" I shrugged, seeing nothing else i could wish for at the moment so i replied.

"Great Porunga, I wish the planet Sadala was moved to a system close by to earth." the giant dragon nodded, eyes glowing a fierce red and he barred his teeth in exertion before he replied loudly.

"...Your wish thy be granted. Very well… Farewell." the dragon then begun to vanish into yellow light and the dragon balls blasted up into the air, before splitting up and heading into random directions of the planet. I turned to Moori and nodded at him, speaking up.


"Thanks for this Moori, I owe you another one." Moori replied, grinning while the rest of the Namekian's split up to go search for the dragon balls. Moori replied while he slowly raised into the air.


"It's all good my young friend, come back some time. Until then, look over Dende and Piccolo for us." I nodded,


"I'll see you again Moori." concentrating intently, I felt out Piccolo's Ki and disappeared from Namek, reappearing floating over Piccolo. Reappearing on the beach, Piccolo nearby stood to his full height as he looked at me.


"Well, is it done, whatever you set out to do?" I replied with a nod. Piccolo continued.

"More or less, though some of my wishes couldn't be done. I did waste one in a good cause but that is it. We leave a daybreak, I suppose you're hungry. I suggest you go eat to keep your strength up. Then we go after the androids at sun-up." he grunted, folding his arms once again as he leaned against a palm tree.

 "Alright, I will keep an ear out."" he grunted, eyes closed as he took a mediative pose, sitting under the palm tree. 

Heading inside the place, it was dark and the sounds of heavy breathing, those around on the couch were asleep so I figured I'd find another place within the place. Finding that the sofa chair could fold back, I decided to sleep on that.

Thinking on my wishes, I didn't know what I was smoking, thinking about bringing all of them Saiyan's back. Most of them were most likely evil bastards, heck, Nappa and Raditz proved to be evil enough, even if I liked them as uh... well, not friends but... ugh... But Sadala... that planet would be of use to my Winter's company, for in the future when she has made enough infrastructure to start building within space and the like, making colonies, I figured that with the wish already been made, i could profit from that planet or well, Winter and her new company, 'Schnee Industries Corporation' would profit from such a planet already within reach. 

I decided that afterwards with this whole Cell business, I would scout out the planet and claim it for the family. That would put 'Schnee Industries Corporation' on the map as a colonial enterprise and perhaps would provide for my growing family for generations to come.

"...Shit, let's get some sleep. Too bad Raditz man, but you're staying dead... at least, for now..." I whispered, amused for some reason, until i closed my eyes and let all thoughts leave me... drifting off.


I slept inside Roshi's house peacefully and for a decent number of hours too. I felt rested and hungry... but seeing that i still had access to my capsules with fridges that Bulma packed for me, I had no need to worry about eating Roshi out of home. I headed outside and glanced at the capsule home with all my woman inside, my children too. Not, not wanting to accidentally wake any of my wife's, or my children with my appearance now so I headed around the building and released one capsule of a fridge and got to feasting like the pig I and my race are. I kept 'Super Saiyan on too, even while sleeping unconsciously, which Piccolo commented on now as he approached from the back of Roshi's place nearby, eyeing me in disgust as I feasted.


"You're still A 'Super Saiyan', is that what you've trained on inside the chamber?" he asked, sitting in front of the television while Krillin, Yamcha and Oolong continued to sleep. Ren was on the couch, having arrived with Nora hours prior, drinking coffee.


"Yeah, one of the things-" Piccolo Angrily yelled, cutting me off, Piccolo was watching the news quietly, the guy sat right in front of the television which to me, was funny.


"-Curse you Cell- Hmmm" he turned, I as well as we heard someone landing on the island but couldn't feel any Ki presence. I turned to Ren, speaking.


"It was nice seeing you again Ren, you'd better off waiting inside, alright man." he responded, evenly.


"Sure thing, good luck." Piccolo looked outside the window and stammered in shock before turning around and kicking Krillin and Yamcha on his way outside and I followed him along Piccolo further called out to them.


"Get up! We've company!" as he stepped outside. Android Seventeen spoke, arms folded as he smirked at Piccolo and then his eyes narrowed on me but then he relaxed again.


"Hi, can Goku come out and play, we've come on a long trip just to be denied now. So, how about it Piccolo, is Goku here?" Piccolo growled, while Yamcha, Krillin and I stood our ground for which Piccolo spoke up, more to us then the androids.


"I will handle this, stand your ground." I felt my right arm being grabbed, noting that it was Weiss, who looked still dressed in her pajama's, I made sure she wouldn't end up in any crossfire but well, I figured Piccolo would handle where the fighting takes place, like in canon so I carefully held Weiss with my right arm. Android Sixteen then spoke, looking around as if he was scanning the area, his head swiveled from place to place with a calculating look in his eyes.


"...Son Goku is not here." Seventeen turned annoyed to him, replying.


"Not here? Figures…" Piccolo interrupted, growling as he spoke.


"Goku's not here but perhaps I can take his place." Piccolo inquired, which android Seventeen smirked, replying.


"No thanks, but… tell us where he is and I might change my mind, that is, in fighting you before we go after Goku again." Krillin mumbled out-loud, more to himself than to anyone of us.


"This doesn't look good, h-how did they even know of this place?" Piccolo, ignoring Krillin's outburst, responded to Android Seventeen, more calmly though he looked quite tense altogether, ready for any fight that might break out in any moment. I continued to suppress my Ki, even while in 'Super Saiyan' in order to keep up appearances and to surprise the true enemy… Cell.


"Goku's gone now so why don't you all get lost-"


"-Now, now… it's not very nice to talk to your guests that way… you know" Seventeen smirked, eyes narrowed even while he continued to mock Piccolo with a coy smile. Piccolo, instead of getting angrier, breathed out a sigh before smirking in turn, looking at Seventeen primarily as he spoke.


"...Alright, have your way then. There's an island over in that direction, no one on it to bother us. Let's do this over there, you and me, what say you… android?" Seventeen responded evenly, not really too bothered by the proposal.


"You guys never learn… Well, who am I to not agree, very well then… If you really want to." Seventeens said just as Piccolo turned, looking at the gathered crowd, I briefly glanced as Weiss was joined by Blake, Winter and a heavily pregnant Pyrrha, Nora stood off to the side with her… that weapon of hers, though I forgot the name of it. Piccolo nodded at me before speaking, turning his gaze to everyone else.


"Everyone else besides Kron, you guys stay out of this. This is our fight now. Krillin, no… Winter, get Tien, Yang, and Chiaotzu encase we need them for Cell." Krillin nodded, while Winter agreed with nought a word, instead disappearing with 'Instant Transmission'. I begun to walk away when I felt my head been pulled down, Weiss capturing my lips with hers, her eyes closed while mine open. I noticed that as Piccolo and the Androids begun to fly off, Blake and Pyrrha stood nearby to Weiss, no doubt waiting for their turn. Nora looked quite amused by it all.




Continuing his reign of terror on the populace, he felt the other Cell, his unique Ki approaching him. Cell was no longer hiding his Ki, so the other Cell found him. Looking over when his tail had finished absorbing another human, the Cell landed nearby with a smirk.


"Hello Cell. I've gotten something, something that might interest you immensely." the green Cell said, while Cell replied confused, was this Cell going to mention the androids or something else?


"There was something I failed to mention, that of our biology. You see, Dr. Gero made great strides to incorporated Saiyan Cells inside us, as well as well as the 'demon' Piccolo who he later learned was not a demon at all, but an alien." green Cell spoke, of course, Cell indeed knew this all too well what Cells were used in his being. The green Cell continued, powering up.


"Dr. Gero further learned that Saiyan's, after a life and death battle, got much stronger and that the Namekian Piccolo could regenerate, even limbs… Do you see where I'm going with this… Cell" Cell understood but replied all the same.


"And, what's your idea… Cell, I'm certainly ready to track down my prey." the Green Cell smirked, chuckling as he spoke.


"Allow me, I want you to blast me, with your strongest attack. Go ahead, let me prove our superiority to you, right here and now!" green Cell stood still, chuckling like a madman as Cell himself started to chuckle, powering up as he did so.


"...Fine, show me your plan… 'KA… …ME… …HA… … …ME… … ...Haaaaaaa!!" his blast, using his strongest attack and a huge amount of his condensed Ki, blast forwards as the green Cell stood still, taking the blow head on…


Obscured by his own attack, he glared straight ahead as the flashing blue light exploded on impact, he could hear a sudden screech from the other Cell and after a tense minute from which his own attack had begun to disperse, debris and dust clouds faded or fallen onto the ground as the area settled. There, on the ground lay the green Cell, though only his bottom half. Cell looked down, disappointment in his eyes and he spoke to himself, looking at the remaining corpse of the other Cell.


"...Well, since that didn't work, his remains would make a decent snack- Oh… what's this?" the 'corpse' begun to shake, and Cell felt the Ki from the 'dead' Cell eclipse his own. His eyes widened in surprise and then… understanding the other Cell's plan, when before his very own eyes the corpse of Cell begun to regenerate and before long, the other Cell had reformed and looked up at him, flexing his remade muscles and newly grown head and neck and upper half of his body. The regrew Cell then spoke, chuckling with renewed vigor, as he spoke.


"So, you see Cell… Saiyan Cells within us made my strength increase and it wasn't a small increase neither while Piccolo's cells have made for healing us from a life-threatening situation all too easy but… we do require energy to do so, not so small amount neither. Now… do you want a boost in strength as well… Cell?" Cell and Cell begun to laugh, their raspy voices drowning out the half-destroyed warehouse they stood inside. Cell finally asked the green Cell, the one question that had him confused as to how he knew this could happen.


"How did you figure this out Cell?" green Cell replied, stopping his laughing spree.


"Why, I'm smarter than you, it's in the genes we've inherited from those our Cells are made up of." The two Cells chuckled.