Cell+ Strikes.

Exchanging blows with Cell, our initial bout begun with Cell having the upper hand, he was much more stronger than me if I just used my 'Super Saiyan' form. He landed a blow to my face, which I took head on and launched my own quick blitz of punches, using my tail to wrap around his in order to stop him from jabbing me with the pointy end. My tail being somewhat 'invincible' to being removed from me, acted as a good way to keep his own tail out of the fight when I had the angle right. I landed an axe kick upon the top of Cell's pointed head and sent him into the ground, launching myself upon his body with my legs impacting his torso. Cell took the blow, flickering his tail to launch lightning quick jabs my way as I was on him, punching on him like a bag. Flickering out of the way from his tail strikes, I opened my mouth and launched A Ki-blast down towards him which he afterimaged out of the way in time.


Not stopping, I used times two 'Kaio-Ken' to jump much stronger in power than him, using my newfound strength to put Cell on the defensive. He narrowed his eyes on me, shouting.


"-S-Solar F-Flare!" I was blinded, blue light blotted out my sight momentarily, though since I was now blind for now, I sensed around for him and attacked with abandon.




"That inferior Cell seems to be fighting Kron…I know his Ki anywhere, thankfully his cells make up more dominant aspects of my genetic makeup…" Cell continued more slowly, though he first had to make a stop.


Master Roshi's Island needed to be removed.


"A prime island where Dr. Gero's enemies gather, whoever is here, I'll absorb or kill… less threats out of the way. Then, I'll blast that island to dust. That should weaken the defenders of this planet… hurt Goku too I suppose... hmph." he continued to fly in the relative direction of the island, keeping his Ki suppressed to a minimum so he'd get the first strike.


"Hmm… there it is and- oh!, there seems to be a huge gathering of them down there… High powers compared to the plebeians I've so far gorged on… what do I expect, these are some of the defenders of Earth, after all…" he sneered downwards, making a landing right in the middle of the island, in front of the wooden house's door.


A bald man came to the open door and paused, before he begun shaking in fear. Cell smirked, liking when his prey would act like scared rabbits.


"Greetings… my name is Cell…" he laughed, eyes turning to a number of others, notably woman… and children, oh… he would have fun…


(Winter Schnee-POV)


"Hey Bulma, I'm here." she entered Capsule Corp from the outside where she teleported to, entering the building without any hassle for who she is. She headed for the labs in the back, under the ground floor where she could sense Bulma, Trunks and the rest of the family. She seen Bulma wrapping up with her computer work as she stood up and took Trunks out of her father's hands, turning to her, she smiled. Pointing down at a remote in her other hand, she stepped forward both with Trunks and the remote while speaking up.


"Here, the remote. Take it to the guys yeah, I'm going to be coming with you. I want to see them androids-"


"-Bulma, you'll only get in the way. Stay here for now, encase we need another remote. Besides, you've got some work you could be doing, our companies joint project being one-"


"-You're a spoilsport but fine, I'll be in touch then. Say bye! Trunks!" Bulma waved Trunks hand, the baby boy looked clueless though it didn't stop Winter from giving him a kiss on the cheek, her husband's son was 'her' son too, after all. She nodded at Bulma, concentration once again… 'Instant Transmission' was such a wonderful technique…


Winter reappeared on Roshi's island though she noticed the problem immediately, as a disgusting creature, possibly an android, standing there near Roshi's house door, now staring at her. He looked at her, eyes zeroing in on her and then… the remote in her hand. He spoke up, quite amused by her sudden appearance as she tensed in a healthy amount of fear.


"My… another fly… for the spider, hello my dear. You must be Winter Schnee, an alien. The good doctor has not much information on you and-" Winter looked to her left where she stood on the beach, seeing a heavily pregnant Pyrrha, Blake holding her two babes, Jaina and Ursula protectively. Weiss held onto Wylla near to Blake, while Ren and Nora were side by side, next to their old school mates. She needed to save them, get them away but… there was Chichi and Roshi with Oolong and Paur inside the house… She'd… she would have to fight this thing.


She attacked, throwing the remote towards Ren who caught it.


"-My... my… what a pathetic creature you are… and here I was about to turn you all into snacks…" Cell dodged her attempt to fight amused though Winter used the momentum to flicker towards her family, Ren and Nora first. Her focus was in order for the 'Instant Transmission' Technique' and she surprised Cell, as she along with those she got to disappeared, reappearing at Capsule Corp. Ren and Nora, Blake, Jaina and Ursula. Weiss and Wylla. Pyrrha too. Winter disappeared again with a huff, reappearing at Roshi's island in time to see Cell absorbing Chichi with a cackle. She felt sick in her stomach. Paur and Oolong, along with Turtle cowered in fear while Roshi looked to be killed, his head twisted in a sickening angle.


"Ahh…" Cell mumbled, smirking at her as Winter yelled to the others, trying to get them to come to Turtle who was the slowest member of those left. Cell, continuing to drain Chichi as her body started to look thinner from the absorption, chuckled in his raspy voice.


"Kekeke Ah, you're a quick little morsel-"


"-Guys, get over here-" A purple beam, small but piercing, blasted t-through her heart-




The woman, lover of Kron died via his 'Death Beam' while he continued to finish up with absorbing the wife of Goku. The rest, sentient creatures are beneath him. A while absorbing the girl might grant him some energy, he still needed to absorb Seventeen and Eighteen before that other 'Cell'.


"Tut tut, little beasts… you get to live another day, I have more pressing concerns. So long!" he blasted upwards, he missed out on a big meal on the old man's island, what with Kron's wife ferrying them to safety with that useful technique, there was always next time.

"Hehe, let's not keep our guests waiting any longer. Here I come!" he said, his raspy voice been covered by a howl of laughter.




Showing off my strength, I kept up with Cell's blows, making him a little frustrated though he continued to attack me instead of going after the androids. Said, Seventeen and Eighteen hadn't run yet and Piccolo was with them and Sixteen. Paying attention to the fight, I landed a right elbow onto his abdomen while Cell retaliated with a deadly swish of his tail followed up with a flurry of punches, his raspy voice and the spittle's of his spit hit me as I got in a vicious right knee into the same spot I got him with my elbow, followed by a point-blank Ki-Beam, courtesy of my mouth.


The beam obscured his face momentarily, but Cell followed up my own attack with flickering above me and axe-kicking me down to the ground below. I landed fine, catching myself as I kicked off the ground and hit him, once again landing a blow into his stomach but this time with my hard-hitting head. The guy flung further into the sky from the hit but Cell, being a little stronger than me, recovered while cupping his hands in a familiar way.


"...Kame… …Hame… … …Haaa-"


"-R-Royal… … Spear!" 'his' blue beam of Ki radiated down upon my own beam of purple, hitting but not exploding as the beams, being pumped full of Ki by the two of us, fought for dominance. The waves of wind, Ki and light rolled off the point of impact in waves, a loud noise of energy-like sounds resonated in the area as the earth begun to shake to the two behemoth-sized beams of Ki as they pushed against one another.


The Intensity of the beams continued as chunks of earth, dust and even water begun rising and being flown outwards from Cell and I, I used Kaio-Ken times ten, the beam had gotten much livelier as it begun to dominate Cell's 'Kame Wave', much to his shock.




The beam of Cells begun to be engulfed by my own, steamrolling towards Cell as he didn't move in time, the explosion rocked the entire area with high intense gusts and bright lights of blue and purple, the sky dimmed black momentarily as the mushroom cloud, originating in the air begun to dominate the landscape. I held myself down into on the crater formed around myself as it slowly filled with trickles of ocean water which seeped over the sides of the destroyed shoreline, while the volcanic activity in the area which I sizzled out had begun again, though it was happening underwater as steam and multiple pools of ocean begun steaming from the heat. The explosion cloud begun to dissipate, and I noted the corpse of Cell, his tail falling not connected to his body while only his legs were left of him, they fell down onto the nearby cliff section of the island, landing with a thud. I sighed in relief for a minute, but my eyes narrowed as the legs of Cell begun to twitch and kick randomly, spasming at random intervals as the parts where the body had been singed by my beam begun wriggling.


Cell begun to regenerate at a fast rate, which at first, I thought to let him do so but after all this, and Cell was a dangerous entity, so I decided against it. Powering up once more as Cell's legs had gotten a bit more of meat and the beginnings of his torso had already grown back, I used every ounce of my power in order to call forth one of my signature attacks which I would send towards the remains in a controlled manor so as to not destroy the earth but… comp0letly annihilate Cell.


"... Tyrant's… … … Wave!" I thrusted both hands forward as a ripple of Ki formed into a wave of Purple Energy which rumbled towards Cell, engulfing the remaining bodily parts of him, in order to destroy every Cell… that Cell could regenerate from. The resulting blast exploded on impact with the targeted area, the resulting explosion rocked the cliff area of the island, and a spurt of larva began to leave part of the area while the bomb I'd dropped on Cell did its work. The crater forming from the dissipating explosion for good measure, began to fill with molten larva.


"...It's Done. Pah…" I spat out some blood from the blows Cell landed on me earlier and then powered down, my 'Super Saiyan' form and the 'Wrathful State' and I took a seat, watching my handiwork.


Cell was dead now.




Piccolo watched with a savage grin on his face and his left hand balled up in a fist as Kron done it, he killed Cell and stopped the monsters attempt to absorb the androids, stopping this monster from further harming the people of Earth. He continued to chuckle in delight as no more pieces of Cell had survived the second blast from Kron, it was overkill of course but… a creature which had Piccolo's Cells could regenerate, though Cell's ability to do so could be more effective than even the Namekian people almost degusted him at the way Cell would abuse Piccolo's cells. Piccolo decided that no, it wasn't overkill at all but… smart of the Saiyan, Kron had proved himself once again, taking out a threat to the galaxy. He smirked towards the androids remaining, Seventeen looked appalled from the power displaced by both combatants, as while they fought, the big guy Sixteen explained to the other two who it seemed couldn't sense Ki that the now dead Cell and Kron were more stronger than the four of them combined. And now, with Cell gone… These three, he supposed would be next. Though now looking at them, Seventeen had a look of shock and disbelief while the other, the girl… she also had some disbelief on her face though unlike Seventeen, she looked to be in agreement with Sixteen's calculations.


Piccolo grunted as he lost his smirk, slowly getting back to his feet once again as the area settled down from the force exerted to the surrounding area and he spoke up, looking towards Kron with a smile.

"You three still want to go after Goku… Now that you understand the three of you have no chance while Kron is on our side. The others, Goku included are in the process of the same training, give or take… they too will become strong as or if not more, then a little bit less than him over there. Your fellow android 'Cell' is now dead, be happy for that for he wasn't your friend, like he said before, he came here for the sole purpose of absorbing you and attaining his-"


"-He's dead then, what of it. Your friend done him in and easily, I might add. I was impressed by the lightshow… but now I'm thinking that your friend isn't that much stronger than you are and unlike myself and Eighteen here, we never tire." Seventeen said smugly, looking at Piccolo while Piccolo just grunted, glaring at him in turn.


"Your arrogance aside, you stand no chance, you'd better off getting out of here-" he felt intense pain, looking down as a beam passed through him from behind. Piccolo fell to his knees in shock, and he heard the raspy chuckle from… Cell. He could See Kron across the island, finished with Cell, but as Piccolo turned sharply while he fell to his knees, he made out the silhouette of Cell before he passed out from the intense pain, hearing the raspy voice of Cell chuckle from where he stood while the three androids with him turned towards him.




Watching as Piccolo fell to the ground, bleeding out from the tiny beam fired at him from behind, she and her sibling with Sixteen turned to Cell, another Cell with a greener color than the other one that the Saiyan Kron had killed.


Cell had struck first, his Ki felt intense as it radiated from him and the yellow aura surrounding him at wisps of red smoldering within it as his speed shocked her and Seventeen as his tail struck Sixteen, knocking him a ways back away from them before his tail elongated. The tip then turned into a funnel as it struck, engulfing Seventeen whole. This happened in but a span of a second, such was Cell's speed though she at first was confused by his presence now when the Saiyan-


"-Witness me Saiyan! I take one and then I'll take the other!" he laughed manically, as She watched in horror as Seventeen, engulfed inside the tail, had entered Cell's body, the bulge was absorbed at a fast rate as Seventeen seemingly vanished before Cell begun to transform, his form lighting up like a light bulb as he screamed. Kron appeared in an afterimage, landing nearby to her and Sixteen had flew back over after getting up from the crater he formed upon impact. Cell chuckled,


"Your wives are dying Kron, I'd b-believe you would want to save them all… seeing as I made a m-mess o-of t-things-"


"-What but-" Eighteen watched as Kron, looked to be concentrating while Cell started to change in front of them, mutating into something more. He continued to speak again, sneering as his face changed and his raspy voice got much more deeper, his words said through the groaning and growling of his transformation.


"Y-Yeah, Y-you've g-got -ugh- some time left, if you go, you could help them… Uh… that hits the spot. What magnificence! I've truly outdone myself-" Kron reached out, grabbing her and they flickered towards Sixteen, flickering again towards Piccolo's downed form before Kron placed a finger upon his forehead and disappeared with them, they reappeared on a strange location above in the clouds.




"You two, stay here and don't cause trouble. If you do, like that 'other' Cell is they way you two will go." I said, sensing from upon the lookout, no one was at Roshi's island while I could sense Blake, Weiss, Pyrrha and Bulma at Capsule Corp, my children among them. Winter though… I couldn't pick up. Heck, I couldn't sense Chichi nor Roshi too, his island… wait, I could sense the faint Ki signatures of Puar, Oolong and Turtle but that was it. I focused intently on them, before using 'Instant Transmission' reappearing on the island.


The three of them, scattered around the island part in different states of sadness, my wife Winter laid in a pool of her own blood… dead though I only seen the silhouette of her body which was covered by a blanket. There was a gust of wind and I turned to see that Chichi's clothes had moved suddenly from the gust, noting them without a body though… I knew now what Cell had done to her. Then there was the shovel, where Oolong dug like his life depended on it, digging… a grave.


I and Winter had always been together, ventured into space together and now she was dead, along with Roshi and Chichi. They can be wished back for they were killed, but… I was angry… and all hell broke loose as my Ki, my mind flicker like a switch clicked and then I snapped. Before I did, I blasted off from the island, my anger being flared by my power, and I landed on another island further away from Roshi's home.


 I lost it, a kind of habit... these days...