Super Gohan.



Gohan stood up, sensing that Piccolo was being healed, he ran to where Dende hovered over Piccolo, in the process of healing him. Though he paused momentarily as he caught sight of the androids, standing a ways further away from Dende and Piccolo, looking on. The girl, Eighteen looked to be in a state of shock but from what, Gohan didn't know while the other, Sixteen looked on stoically.


"Gohan, wait- huh." Gohan turned, seeing his father approach the androids and himself and seeing the state of Piccolo, his friend Mr. Piccolo was waking up. The lady android looked spooked, but Gohan heard his father speak up, his voice had an edge that easily told Gohan that his dad was serious.


"You. I guess you two would like to end my life huh… in accordance with your creators wishes." Goku spoke, as Gohan tensed, standing backwards once as he watched the androids, their gazes locked onto his father. Mr. Piccolo stirred, reaching to his chest in a quick motion, where the wound was before and then he leaned upwards, staring at his surroundings. The big android, Sixteen spoke slowly.


"... While I would be in completing my objective in destroying you, we cannot let Cell absorb Eighteen, he is gone well-beyond his programming. I believe by my calculations, he would be capable of destroying the universe, should he combine with Eighteen here as well. The other Saiyan, designated as Kron had quickly taken both us and Piccolo's unconscious form to this place, which isn't in my database. Where are we?" he questioned, looking around. Gohan relaxed somewhat as the androids now seemed to be not going out of their way to hurt his father, they seemed different to the androids the future Trunks had mentioned, how the ones in his time slaughtered the civilian population and even them too. They though… they didn't seem like killers, at least to Gohan…


"Dende, what is wrong, why are the androids here. Why did Kron bring them here?" Gohan's dad asked, seeing as Piccolo finally had gotten the required healing he needed, Dende replied, looking at them all grimly.


"Cell was destroyed, though when he was, another Cell headed to Roshi's island. I'm sorry Goku, your wife, your mentor and Kron's wife was murdered-"


"-Chichi-" Goku cried out in alarm, shock baring his face as he tensed up while his eyes… dads eyes teared up. Gohan didn't know many tears, as his own vision became clouded from his own tears. Gohan cried out, anguish and anger laced his hoarse words.


"-Mom!" Gohan heard his dad speak in shock too as Gohan had yelled, shock and denial in his tone, his dad tensed but Gohan didn't care, he was... sad, mad, he…


"Urrhreeewwaah… … eerrruhuuuh-" Gohan begun to cry… he fell down to his knees and his hands placed upon the white marble floor of the lookout, he brought them down and up, punching the ground in anger.




His wife… killed, he was angry but his son… he too was in pain, the sky had darkened and Goku could see that his son was changing. The sky now randomly flung down bolts of lightning as the androids, Dende, Piccolo and himself looked on. Goku's jaw clenched, sensing that like Gohan, like himself… Kron too was suffering, on a nearby island to Master Roshi's island. Like Gohan, Kron's Ki appeared to spike to a high degree, Goku held back his anger in lieu of the changes of Gohan who, both cried out his pain of the loss of his mother and there were flashes of the Saiyan within him, his son's eyes narrowed in intense hatred as flashes of yellow-colored Ki and Gohan's hair raised, glowing golden yellow in moments, the change was occurring. The change Goku wanted to help Gohan overcome within the Hyperbolic Time-Chamber, now he was experiencing and in anger. Chichi… Roshi, and… he couldn't sense Winter anymore, so she too would have to be revived with the dragon balls, along with those murdered by the evil monster Cell. Goku briefly felt hatred for the monster, but held himself back from the tipping point lest he and Gohan brought down the lookout around them in their combined emotional reaction to their-


"Urrhreeewwaah… … eerrruhuuuh… … Raahhrrahh!" Gohan had yelled a final time, his Ki exploded, and his Ki turned a golden yellow while his hair stuck up in the same way his hair would in a similar pattern.


His strength, now empowered by the 'Super Saiyan' transformation, his son continued to sob, Gohan stood in a crater of marble and plaster, the dust kicked up by his Ki in waves. Goku slowly, tentatively approached his son who turned to him, eyes stained with tears, looking at him in warning. Goku, approached still and then slowly wrapped his son with his arms and embraced him, engulfing him in a hug.


Gohan powered down, hugging him back and Goku thought, he and his son would train. After Vegeta and Trunks, it would be their turn… They couldn't beat Cell now… Kron though...




Smiling smugly, he flexed his arms and tense his muscles, kicking at the air in a display of shadowboxing while feeling his strength. Kron, the fool, had taken the other android in which he would have to hunt around for it, his other half.


"A pity about that other Cell, the fool… though I knew he would stand no chance against Kron… the Kaio-ken is a technique unlike any other, and I have the ability to use it. Hmm… I can feel three powers heading this way… I'd love to get a test in with my new strength. Though these three will be child's play." he chuckled, his deep hoarse voice filled the air and he watched, arms folded as the three known as Yamcha, Tien and Krillin landed on the ground. Their shocked expressions, laced with fear in noticing him as Cell had hidden his power shortly after he transformed to this next stage in his ascension to perfection. He spoke, sounding quite amused as they tried to put on a brave front.


"Welcome brave fighters, you'll do." the one with the third eye replied, looking around the island which was on the brink of collapse from volcanic activity.


"Y-You, where is-"


"-Hmph, your time is up-" he afterimaged, a swift kick, enhanced by Kaio-ken struck the one known as Tien behind the head, knocking him towards a Ki-Made deep crater, he struck true, the rocks collapsed around him. Cell smirked, that blow hadn't killed Tien, though he was out cold.


Cell intercepted Krillin and Yamcha launching their own attack, not in the least bit bothered by their attempt.


"'Wolf Fang-Fist'"


"-'Destructo Disk!'" their moves were easily dodged, though he needn't not to. Cell halted, sensing another attack, much more formidable behind him, he turned and flickered out of the way as a beam of Purple Ki swept on down, the beam then glided over the island, heading out to see and exploding in the distance.


"Ah… Kron, did you have much time, to save that white-haired wife of yours. A pity I couldn't savor her… taste." he smirked, Kron didn't reply. His Ki, aura waved off him in droves, his Ki seemingly electrified with random bolts of blue bolts of energy, staring him dead in the eye.


Turning, Cell smirked as he sensed his other half, he must have survived. The 'Red Cell' came out of the ground, scorched but in the process of healing the last part of his right arm, hovering towards the newly and improved Cell, himself.


"You've survived then. Well, come here. You know…" Cell sent the weaker Cell a coy smirk, which Cell nodded. Kron launched an attack, vaporizing the weaker Cell in one blow, or where he was standing previously as he had flickered away in time. Cell then turned to Krillin and an idea tugged at his mind. Afterimaging after a series of Ki-blasts sent towards Kron, who knocked all of them bar one aside, the last he held in his hand before dissipating it with a closed fist.


The weaker Cell was pierced by 'superior's' Cells tail and he begun to absorb him, smirking at Kron, he sucked the energy out of the other Cell quite fast, then as Cell begun to shrink, he exited his tail and then widened it to absorb the rest in one fell swoop. Since Cell had gone through another Zenkai, he had gotten that power from the now absorbed Cell and he felt stronger than ever, his Ki a shade of golden yellow.


"Now, Kron… where is my muse, my last piece of the puzzle before I-"


"-'Royal Spear'!" his eyes widened as a beam, purple of color with yellow aura and random wisps of blue lightning running along it launched towards Cell who, grabbed on with both hands, holding it at bay… though he felt he was losing ground in a minuscule amount of time.


Holding on, he used Kaio-ken times forty, overpowering the blast as he kicked it upwards, the beam glided into the sky, leaving a trail and eventually it was just gone, as the trail shrunk from how far it was now.




'So… 'this' Cell had the Kaio-ken technique… it made him all the more dangerous, for the others. My 'Super Saiyan Two' form wrapped around me, my anger much more prominent as I glared at the smirking Cell in hatred. Cell finished absorbing the other one though it wouldn't help him. But I'd better make sure to eradicate the entire being of Cell or he would no doubt regenerate, getting stronger in the process.


Turning up the heat, I charged forward and engaged the smirking android, his ugly face getting on my nerves. He kept up with me, his Ki aura laced with red wisps, he met my melee assault with his own, as we engaged one another. I sensed Krillin and Yamcha nearby with Tien, pulling him out of the hole he lay in, calling out to them.


"Get out of here now! I'll end this once and for all, you three are in the way!" I yelled angrily, not bothering to look at them, instead keeping focus on the green menace in front of me. He killed Winter, he would die, and it would be me to do him in. Engulfing into the 'Wrath State' I then added on times twelve of Kaio-ken to the mix, feeling my strength skyrocket the android in front of me, seeing him wretch in shock, his smirk gone. My fist, faster than he could act upon had hit him critically in the stomach. Cell begun to cough.


Holding his stomach briefly, I landed an axe kick upon the top of his twin horned head in the center, he bent down and continue to cough, I could just blast the bastard into oblivion now but there was Seventeen who needed to be released from his stint in Cell. L hammered into his gut, blow after blow until his coughing became heaving and he begun to wretch out spit and blood in non-equal measure.


"Y-You bastard- Ugh -" he heaved a big loggie up while his throat enlarged to the size of a person when he spat out a comatose Seventeen towards the decimated island below, rolling down the cliff nearby.


He was done.


"... … … 'Tyrant's Wave'" I fired out a blast, which instantly engulfed Cell at close range, the blast continued to travel on, and I could see Cell disintegrate from within the Ki-move. The blast travelled, engulfing an uninhabited part of the island and obscuring the area in a nuclear-sized explosion. Dust and debris kicked up from everywhere though I flickered towards Seventeen, grabbing him before my blast could consume him too, Tien was held by Yamcha as he and Krillin watched my attack with a kind of awe, you'd find on a couple of idiots i told to run previously. Flickering towards them, I spoke up whilst holding Seventeen and powering down my transformations.


"You did it, look at that island… barely one at all now, the water is rushing to fill the hole you made when the island was turned into dust." Krillin pointed, Yamcha then spoke.


"You saved that android, shouldn't we... destroy it now?" he asked, glaring at Seventeen and I frowned.


"We could, but I don't think it's really needed. He doesn't stand a chance against me, let alone from the likes of Vegeta and Goku when they begin their training in the Hyperbolic Time-Chamber." I turned to look with a critical eye towards the intake of rushing water, entering a crater-sized hole where half that island used to be while multiple outlets of hot magma flew either onto the other side of the island or ran into the sea. I searched for Cell, seeing if he survived.


"You sensing for Cell huh… Well, I can't sense him man." Krillin said, looking around serious as hies eyes darted around the battlefield. Yamcha added.


"Now what. I don't know about these androids being left alive-"


"-It is fine, Goku would say the same thing I'd bet. Now, you guys, hold onto Tien, I'll take you all to the lookout. Winter… she was killed, along with Chichi and Roshi-"


"-What, master Roshi, Chichi and Winter are-"


"-But the dragon balls guys, it is fine-" Yamcha hushed under my glare, even if he was right, I still lost her. The Saiyan within me was glad at least, some 'use' had come from her demise but that sounded so wrong to be voiced out loud, making even me sick that I thought like that. 'Super Saiyan Two' though was progress. Now that Cell is gone, I'd like to try and get 'Super Saiyan four' I think I know how, I just have to uh, 'keep my mind' in the instance I as a Oozeru transform into a 'Super Saiyan'… But perhaps, I'd be better off finding some remote planet to do so, encase I destroy the planet.


Reappearing, I left the guys, heading towards Roshi's Island. To pick up Winter's body before those three bury her.




His son and he had gone about a gruesome training regime, their time was up, and they prepared to leave. He would take on those androids and destroy them with his newfound power, he was more than capable now. He smirked, as Trunks pushed open the door to the outside of the chamber, seeing that Gohan, Goku, Krillin, Tien, Yamcha and Kron stood there in various areas, seemingly all locking on to them both as they exited the room.


Trunks was rushed from the brat Gohan, his son's hair was longer. The boy would need a cut. Kakarot, Kron… they looked at him neutrally, while Vegeta smirked. He folded his arms as he crossed the space between Kakarot and Kron, standing in front of them. He then glimpsed that blonde hair, that android bitch-


"-What is she doing up here!" he yelled in anger, pointing towards the android who made him her punching bag. The girl looked amused by his anger, though she didn't reply, looking towards the three of them. Kakarot spoke first, sighing.


"Things have changed Vegeta, we've had time to talk while up here, my wife along with Kron's wife and master Roshi were killed. Along with countless others to Cell-"


"-I don't care about that, these two made a fool of me, that third one did too by not even taking my bout seriously, standing there all menacingly. Why I should have thew right to turn those three rust-buckets into the trash they are." Vegeta glared at Kakarot, seeing Kron look at him with nought any emotion while Trunks looked at the androids with suspicion but also… he looked to be hearing out Kakarot.


Kakarot and Gohan stood aside from Trunks and himself, waiting for Mr. Popo who hauled a couple of Capsules with him into the room, re-stocking it for them. He turned to the androids again, eyeing them up. The girl looked fine, if in different clothes, the male one looked like he went through a grinder and was spat up. There was some damage on the bigger one too, but not much. Kron's outfit looked roughened up too, indicating he too been fighting. That Cell he heard about, but never met was also another target for him-


"-You seem strong Vegeta, but I can assure you, I'm now much stronger than you. I've reached another level. All your effort, to your benefit, isn't comparable to mine. I lost someone very much loved to Cell, which is why I utterly annihilated him. Those three, I'm not sure in what they plan on doing, but if they decided to go after Kakarot here, they haven't done so now. Sure, they could be waiting for an opportune moment, though now that-" Mr. Popo came out, nodding to Kakarot and his brat to which they then turned back to the rest of them, nodding before heading on inside to train. Kron continued.


"-Their time to strike is up. Let's go Vegeta." Vegeta looked at him, eyes narrowed, replying.


"Are you saying what I think your saying?" he said, tensing in anticipation. Kron nodded, walking out of the area, passed the androids who looked at him with some admiration, the third Sixteen, looking at him neutrally.


"Let's go fight it out. Somewhere else." Kron took off, which Vegeta, all too eager to test himself and also question the Saiyan about what happened while he way away.




Watching Kron and Vegeta take off to go do battle, he sighed in relief that a fightn would brake out there and then. The three androids, they stood aside awkwardly while Vegeta glared their way but followed after the other Saiyan. Kron losing hi- 'one' of his wives to Cell, made the wish for reviving all those lost easier. They would revive everyone killed by Cell with the dragon balls, though he, Tien and Yamcha had to get into contact with Bulma first, and to find the rest who was on Roshi's island.


"I don't know about you guys, but that could have ended another way… Vegeta sure is hot-headed-" Trunks interrupted looking more suspiciously at the three androids standing off to the side, as if waiting for something.


"-What about them three, you guys. I doesn't really… appeal to me that out of the three of them, two of them look like the destructive androids of my timeline, it's a wonder they haven't killed anyone yet, unlike that other creature from the future-"


"-Uh Trunks, there was 'two' Cells, though they teamed up, both were defeated by Kron, one of them absorbed the, uh- Seventeen over there, Kron got him out somehow and destroyed Cell. The other Cell was absorbed by uh… well… it doesn't matter now, Trunks. But my dude, you look like you need a haircut- and a shower!" Krillin said, trying to lighten the mood, Yamcha slapped Trunks on the back, adding.


"We could use help gathering the dragon balls Trunks, also… we need to find out what those three want to do, you being here, seeing as Vegeta and Kron have gone and Goku entered the Hyperbolic Time-Chamber with Gohan, well… you're the only Saiyan we have left encase they want to run amok-"


"-We're here to fight Goku. Do not worry though, we have since thought on of our purpose and want to fight him fair and square, not to the death. After that, well…" Sixteen stopped, looking to Seventeen and Eighteen. Seventeen coughed, answering first.


"I wouldn't mind fighting that Piccolo again sometime. I know I can beat him the next time we fight." Seventeen smirked, looking towards Piccolo, who scowled at the three, ah… yeah, I forget he was hanging around here with Dende. The pretty android, Eighteen scoffed, looking towards them.


"Unlike these two, I care not to fight Goku. I have other aspirations in life now, no Gero, no more orders." she folded her arms, Krillin nodded, Piccolo replied.


"Well… keep out of trouble, that Cell was much more stronger than you three, now Vegeta seems to be more stronger, you will have no chance beating them." Piccolo walked over, turning to the rest of them.


"I'll help, count me in." Krillin nodded, a smile tugging at his lips.