Primal Saiyan.

My strength… damn… this is it… this is over the top…


"I feel like a brand new me. I need a name for this form… Super Saiyan Four isn't going to cut it... 'Super Saiyan Three' doesn't even exist at this point..., perhaps something like 'Primal Saiyan', to distinguish the more animalistic appearance…" I mused, tensing my fists while I jabbed at the air, the speeds at which were faster than I've ever reached before. What a badass form… I'd better get a practice for it; I have plenty of time to spend before I head home. What, with Cell being dealt with, I also need to see the limits of this form, and reign in my power.


"This planet… it is still cold as hell…" I looked around, the land had piles of rocks, there was a large lake forming within the massive crater, size of a city really in size as water still poured into it from the top. Ice and melted snow filled random parts and the volcanic tear in the earth still steamed from where ice and water tried in vain to combat the overwhelming heat, forming hot spring like formations scattered around the area.


Forming a clone, I looked over and seen a smirking version of myself, shadowboxing at the air while continuing to look at me. His punches and kicks tested the very fabric of reality as the wind almost looked to be pushed aside… instead of being blown. I spoke, intent to try one thing before we spar together.


"One thing, transform back and then transform into our new transformation." my clone replied, nodding at the same time.


"You just want to see if I can transform once again, alright. Let's both see how easy it is…" my clone focused, transforming out of the 'Primal Super Saiyan'. Then I see the concentration marring my clones face, his eyes closed briefly as he powered up and then focused. The clones Ki spiked, and the form was reached once more, a red hue covered his entire body as he transformed, lightning danced around his aura while the red hue dissipated and once more, my clone sported the 'Primal form'.


"Alright, let's see about further improving upon this desolate ice rock." the clone said aloud, smirking and I nodded, our bout would begin now.


(King Kai-POV)


Concentrating, he spoke through his antenna, concentrating on Goku. He waited until a connection could be made before he spoke within the confines of Goku's mind.


'Goku, there is a great disturbance in the southern part of the galaxy. A great power, similar to your and your Saiyan's power.' he waited, the connection being both ways, he heard Goku's thoughts as he replied mentally.


'Ah right King Kai, I was told that there might be a challenge in that same area of the galaxy by Trunks. My son and I were heading towards where Trunks and Vegeta are.' King Kai mused aloud before his antenna twitched, scanning the southern galaxy wasn't his domain but he could easily tell that the fighter there wasn't there anymore, or it was in hiding.


'Be careful Goku, this fighter is much stronger than even Cell was before Kron destroyed him. You ought to have him backing you up too…' King Kai remarked, hearing Goku's mental response.


'We should be fine, there are four of us and Kron is off world at the moment. Don't worry King Kai, if you find out anything else about this fighter, let me know. Bye King Kai!' Goku thought, King Kai broke the connection, sighing before he spoke to himself.


"Right, let's see if I can find this guy…" his antenna begun to twitch once more, King Kai begun to probe through the southern part of the galaxy once again.




Heading towards West City, he continued to search for the androids. He seen many prey, though not his main ones so he left the humans. No need to alert anyone to his presence for now…


"...Hmm, perhaps I should head to Dr.Gero's lab, there must be some kind of schematics- oh, that is Bulma…" he glimpsed with hawk-like vision a freighter-like airship, the driver was none other than Bulma, with… Winter, Kron's wife in the cockpit. He blitzed, flickering towards the ship and landed on its wings, smirking. He stretched out his right hand and a burst of wind energy pelted the side of the transport ship, blasting a hole in the side, he stepped in even while the ship begun to shake.


"Hello, I've come for hostages. Prepare to surrender or die, it matters not." Bulma, Winter stepped out of the cockpit, the ship was still flying, though it was slowly losing altitude. The elder woman, Winter seemed either mad or scared of him, he chuckled, the other on the other hand looked as if she would fall over dead from fear from the sight of his magnificence.


"I'm looking for the Androids, you know how this goes. So, where did they go?" he asked the white-haired woman first, the coward had instinctively stepped behind the wife of Kron even as she powered up within the confines of the ship. Winter replied, scoffing.


"You will have to kill us-" He narrowed his eyes, though they were interrupted by three others, it was Tien… his ally Chiaotzu and a blonde woman, Yang… according to his database, another alien.


"Hmm, have you all come to play, I would consider you all to give me what I want… I am, far more powerful than every one of you combined tenfold! You girl! Daughter of Gero's rival, you are a scientist, where are my androids! Tell me now, or you'll all be leaving this dimension for the underworld." he sneered, arms folded as his power slowly hummed, an aura of brown encircled his form.


"Tien, take Bulma and get out of here. Chiaotzu, can you hold him?" Yang yelled out, the bald midget tensed, and Cell found himself being frozen, the midgets Ki spiked as a red hue appeared around him. His face had lines of concentration and a thin blue aura covered his body. Cell found himself being restrained from an invisible force, though with a quick spike of his own Ki, flaring outward as he yelled while powering up, he was released while the plane stopped mid-flight, then falling to the ground.

"-Waoah!!" The girl, Bulma had screamed as she was caught by Winter, but his eyes caught sight of something she dropped… a remote. The remote was caught as a afterimage of Tien held a handout and flickered to near where Bulma is-




-Cell acted, intrigued by the device, that fact the woman looked worried for dropping it plus the way Tien held it delicately when he caught it. Cell afterimaged, laying his right elbow into Tien's lower-body, chuckling. Catching his head in one hand, he quickly retrieved the remote by force, ripping it from Tien's hand while he laid more blows into him. Finishing off Tien with a axe kick, which sent the man towards the ground below. Flickering to a further point back from them, he dodged a Ki-blast launched by Winter which sailed past him, exploding on the ground below, the detonation expanded into the sky which everyone felt from where they are. from where he was underneath them, hovering in the sky.


"This remote looks similar to the ones made by the good doctor… only, this is your work girl? Let's see… two buttons and a screen, what does this do? I don't suppose this would-"


"-Solar flare!-"


"-What!" Cell became blinded, momentarily as he felt his being been lifted by force, though no one was doing so physically. He felt Winter, Bulma's pitiful Ki signature vanish from the area.


"Kaio-ken times twenty-five, take this freak!" he assumed it was the blond woman, his eyes blinded, he still had the remote. Pummeled further, he felt a double kick land upon him and a woman grunting, Winter's Ki he felt once more and he opened his blinded eyes, squinting to see. They went for Tien and the three of them disappeared.


"There gone, but this… lets see here-" he clicked one button, the green one and the display turned on, a kind of radar activated on the screen and Cell's eyes adjusted to normal while he watched a red blip on the radar.


"Hmm… perhaps 'this' will lead me to those androids, it seemed like those weak fools were heading in that very direction. Thank you…" he sneered down at the device, blasting off in the direction indicated. His speed allowed him to arrive in the area, closing in on the two of them. A half an hour trip and his flight path left the city, heading to a quaint little town on the outskirts, similar to the one the other 'Cell' had done away with its population.


"First, let's dispense with this hiding. The town too…" he powered a couple of Ki-blasts to large spheres and threw them towards the town, intent on clearing the entire area of places to hide and the town itself. The androids will survive-


"-Kekeke." he laughed as the two explosions ripped the town.


(Android Eighteen-POV)


Twelve days passed since that hunk Kron dealt with the creature made in Dr. Gero's lab like them. That monster being annihilated, and they decided no longer to target Goku, they went on their own and begun to wonder. Seventeen, her brother insisted that they drive around some more, so she agreed with little to no argument, humoring him in exchange for getting new clothing first. Sixteen stayed with them, he was content to just sit and stare, whatever thoughts he had on the matter was his-


-The ground shook, her brother and Sixteen were also engulfed in the explosion though it did no damage to them, their strength was far above these mere blasts though the clerk she was buying her outfit from. Her brother, outside with Sixteen and her were the remaining ones left here. The explosion obscured her vision, blind green light dissipated, and she glanced towards her brother and Sixteen. The crater they now stood inside, overlapping another was what remained of the town, none survived, and the perpetrator could be heard laughing, a deep and familiar voice.


"It's Cell, somehow he survived!" Sixteen growled out, forming a battle stance in preparation. She assumed one too while Seventeen backed away, also doing the same. Cell looked at them, though his eyes lingered on both her and her brother.


"Shit… it's the freak…" Seventeen spoke out, quiver heard in his tone, Eighteen flinched backwards as Cell stepped forwards. Sixteen growled out, charging his Ki in an explosive way, shaking the environment while Seventeen and her also did the same, reluctantly, fear evident in both of them. Sixteens power deafened them almost as he yelled out mid-charge, continuing to watch Cell.


"You two, get out of here, if he absorbs you both-" Sixteen's explosive power-up was interrupted, Cell afterimaged into close-up to Sixteen and paused his energy gathering… with a fist to his abdomen. Cell's laughter could be heard as Sixteen was sent flying, the distance he forcefully travelled continued until he smashed into the side of a cliff.


Eighteen looked over briefly, Seventeen turned to engage Cell when the green freak disappeared, flickering over towards her-


-She felt the multiple blows, grunted with an eye closed as she retaliated back, fighting using multiple blows in quick succession which Cell took head on, her head was roughly grabbed, and Cell brutalized her face with his own. Headbutting her multiple times in quick succession, kneeing her in the stomach and knocking her into the ground. She managed to see Seventeen with her opened eye as he laid multiple volleys of his own melee blows at Cells back though they did not seem to faze the green terror while she also seen the Ki surrounded Sixteen blast off towards them at a rapid pace. Eighteen tried to get up through the pain inflicted though Cell stood on her and kicked her with his other foot, his right hand turned towards Sixteen, firing a barrage of Ki-blasts towards hi, putting him off his straight path towards them as he dodged while his other hand grabbed a hold of Seventeen, launching a Ki-blast at close range onto Seventeen's body. The blast tore a hole through his shoulder, underneath his left arm but before he could fall or retreat from the close proximity of Cell, his tail wrapped around her brother's neck. He sneered down at her while she could see his tail wrap around seventeen, tightening around his neck.


"My, aren't you eager to rejoin me, Seventeen. Just stay still you two…Kame…Hame… … Haaa!" he blasted with both his hands while standing on her and kicking her ribs with his free foot. The 'Kame Hame Wave' blast travelled towards Sixteen who dodged last minute. Eighteen launched multiple, pink-colored Ki-blasts with her free hands but Cell, unaffected, kicked her once more and she spat out both blood and saliva.


"I assure you my friends, I am much more powerful since our last encounter. Now… Seventeen, back inside you Go! Baahah haha" Cell laughed menacingly as his tail widened, expanded to fit her brother. She watched in terror, firing off more of her Ki she powered up withing her free hands, launching them a Cell which didn't do nothing to him in the slightest.


"...That tickled Eighteen, now… stay put." Cell kicked her once more, the last thing she saw was the bottom part of Cell's foot as it struck hard.




"Be with you in a minute Sixteen. Once Seventeen and Eighteen join their rightful place inside… Kekeke." he gloated, stepping off the unconscious Eighteen as Seventeen vanished from his eyes, travelling forcefully up his tail. He looked down onto his next target, feeling his Ki skyrocket into unbelievable levels once Seventeen was absorbed, blows from Sixteen were no longer felt by Cell. He used his tail as a battering ram, strike Sixteen across the face, sending him away once more, following up with a powerful Ki-beam he launched with one hand. The explosion engulfed Sixteen, Cell's tail expanded once again as he aimed it, ready to devour Eighteen and become complete.


Tensing into a Ki-gathering position, his power eclipsed into unfathomable levels, he begun growling loudly as another physical change initiated within himself and his appearance begun to morph once more, he wouldn't know just what his physical appearance would end up like, but he felt hi Ki and that… well, he won't be losing to Kron, nor Vegeta and Goku any time soon. The best fighters on this planet would kneel at his feet, moments before he dismembers their heads from their bodies. He would enjoy destroying them. First though, there was the matter of Sixteen. He turns, eyeing the elder model before speaking.


"Come now Sixteen, you stand no chance. Better to run off and warn the Earthlings yes, I am interested in testing myself in a bout against Kron once more." pressed Cell, making the foolish cyborg grit his teeth in anger, proceeding to remove his hands from his arms-


-The double blast came towards him, explosively ripping up the land as it traveled towards him at a incredible speed. The explosion engulfed Cell's vision though he done nothing to move, he was unaffected by such a weak attack, smirking while being obscured from the blast. Sixteen fired a continuous barrage towards his position, Cell's Ki kept him from being harmed by the blasts which continued to feed the ongoing explosion covering him in explosive energy. The crater forming underneath him continued to expand and Cell, cracking his neck spread out his arms, firing off his own defensive countermeasure, the ability he called 'Perfect Defense'. A green barrier formed around him, expanding into a dome of green Ki energy which easily eradicated android Sixteen's explosive barrage, undoing the explosion as the barrier expanded.




A green dome-like barrier expunged his barrage assault and Sixteen narrowed his eyes, reassembling his hands onto his arms in the meantime. Cell, arms folded and looking much more different in appearance, more handsome than the monster he looked like before, more arrogant too. This was bad… with Cell absorbing Seventeen and Eighteen, he had no choice, but to use his last resort. The nuclear explosive device within his chest in order to eradicate this fiend. Cell coughed, sneering at him before laughing. He yelled out.


"Sixteen, your only choice now is to leave and warn those Saiyan's, the very same ones who'd wanted to destroy you and the other two as I am now in an entirely different league now. Your other choice is to be permanently dismantled here and now; you stand no chance against my full might. Do not make me destroy you, that comes later my obsolete friend heh..." he laughed, floating upwards and Sixteen considered his options, he could try and fight him, but his last attack had no effect, he could try his last resort, but chances are that that wouldn't have any effect. His sensible option would be to warn the other fighters of earth and form an alliance to counter Cell and his ambition.


"What is your end game? Why spare me only for I to warn others, you could destroy me right now. My attacks have not left a mark on you." Cell replied, voice laced with self-superiority when he floated into the air more.


"I seek to test my true form, to get revenge on Kron and destroy Goku. Then nothing will stop me from cleansing the universe of the remaining filth. But I am a generous god, so warn as much as you can to take up arms against me, it will all the sweeter when I wrestle control of this planet form the self-appointed defenders of this worthless planet. Destroying this planet right now would only serve to bore me. Now, run along insignificant weakling, you have but one chance." Sixteen grunted, stepping backwards before taking to the skies, heading towards the place indicated in his database, the home and headquarters of his creator's rival, Dr. Briefs.