The Legendary Saiyan of Legend…



Touching down on an unfamiliar planet, the ship commander by Paragus and his goons, he, his son Trunks and the late arrivals who arrived via 'Instant Transmission', Goku and his son Gohan awaited for the ship to allow them to depart. The ramp came down and they left, Vegeta listened to the prattle of Paragus as he led the way, a sizable force of PTO remnants and Paragus's forces awaited them, he paid them no mind while they assumed positions of reverence, bowing or saluting him as they approached what appeared to be the headquarters of this elderly Saiyan.


Breaking out of his musings, he noted the younger Saiyan standing at the entrance, neutrally watching them, dressed in some kind of barbaric coverings and braces, he even wore a crown-like piece on his forehead. Vegeta scoffed at him, he looked ridiculous, and Paragus spoke up, humming as he noted him looking at this other Saiyan.


"This is my son Broly, he would answer to your commands sire, a capable lad. He will help you track down the 'Legendary Super Saiyan' if it pleases you. Shall I take you around the fortress, show you all the amenities and the throne room sire?" he asked, as the now named Broly got into step behind them. Kakarot, Gohan and Trunks were far back, strolling at a snail's pace, the fool Kakarot…


"It has been a long time since Frieza destroyed our home planet. Ever since that day, it has been my greatest desire to rebuild the Saiyan empire, not only for the sake of reuniting the survivors of the Saiyan race but also to avenge, and honor your father, the late king. Now that you've decided to join us here my King, my life-long wish has finally come to pass." Vegeta only scoffed, not least bit interested in this fool.


Standing near the entrance, he didn't want to wait any longer, finding this 'legend' and killing them was his one purpose on this desolate rock, the peons this fool Paragus brought with him, he'll deal with soon after he proved his overwhelming might. This unknown Saiyan would be his first test, Kakarot being here would play well into his immediate goals soon after, beating him in a bout being another of his goals.


"These men are at your disposal sire-" Paragus was interrupted when one of his men sprinted forward, dropping to his knees as he got Vegeta's attention.


"-Your majesty! your majesty, the 'Super Saiyan' has appeared on planet Totokama!" Vegeta turned, excited as he grunted out.


"Excellent, so the fool has shown himself, I'll handle this now. Broly, you come with me." he seen as Kakarot, Gohan and Trunks caught up to them, Broly however paused his in his stride beside him and turned to Kakarot. Vegeta paused, eyeing them both while Broly's Ki spiked at the sight of the clown, Vegeta smirked, he didn't blame Broly to be offended by Kakarot's appearance. Paragus run over, pushing through some of the PTO grunts in service to him as he held out a strange gauntlet towards Broly, which appeared to have calmed the giant Saiyan down somewhat.


"Hurry up Broly, where leaving. Kakarot, stay out of my way. This is my fight, stay here for now." he continued on, not spending another minute waiting for the fool Broly as he-


"-What!" Vegeta turned to look, shocked as the previous weakling he believed to be as this Broly begun to power up, growling in anger. His Ki jumped from a speck to this much!


"Hey Broly! Calm down my son. You need to r-relax!" he said, still holding up his right arm while the gauntlet on it glowed a sickly green.


"Urgh… K-Kakarot! Ugh rrrrgh- urgh…" Broly growled out, struggling from the green glow of the gauntlet Paragus held up while Vegeta watched, interested in this hidden power shown, but also skeptical about Paragus's prior words.


"Urgh… Ugh rrrrgh- urgh… haaaa." Broly seemingly calmed down at the urging of his father and Vegeta look on, confused, sighing, he spoke.


"Let's go Broly… I want to find this 'Legendary Super Saiyan' and quick." He barked out, no longer bothered by the passiveness of Broly, the Saiyan grunted before following his orders as they walked to the ship.




Looking down at the unconscious Tien, she stood along with Chiaotzu while Yang and the newly arrived Launch looked him over. Winter looked at them, turning to leave the room, she needed to get in touch with Kron and fast. Good thing he left a clone and replaced it each time it dispelled, or they wouldn't be able to get in touch with him. Seeing Bulma pacing worriedly, she spoke.


"Hey, where's Kron's clone anyway, he isn't here at Capsule Corp, is he?" she asked, pressed for time as Bulma snapped out of it, their mission to track the androids a failure and now time is of essence. Bulma mused aloud, adopting a mock thinking pose as she answered.


"Pyrrha has Kron's clone… ah, you know, pregnant ladies have needs after all-" Winter said, forcing an awkward chuckle out of herself, not unlike her usual calm self, blushing slightly and Bulma nodded, understanding as she blushed too. Winter then coughed, replying.


"-Where are they though! They around here? I can't sense them, seeing as they are hiding their Ki. Fucking like rabbits… we need Kron back from wherever he went to, that man… I don't really enjoy space travel, I wonder why he does?" she said with affection, smiling though she narrowed her eyes on Bulma at her giggle, adopting a more serious composure.


"I gave him, that is, his clone a spare cellphone to use, Pyrrha has it. Ring this number." Bulma quickly wrote onto a ripped page from her notebook and handed it to her, Winter sighed, looking the number over as she typed it onto her phone and begun to ring the number. Kron's clone answered, she could hear him breathing aggressively, huffing while he spoke and Winter rolled her eyes, not in the least bit interested now… What, with Cell here. She also took note of a muffled moan through the phone, Pyrrha's voice which amused her before she replied.


"What do you want? I'm currently occupied with training-" the clone said, though Winter snorted, replying as she cut off the lying clone.


"-Kron, I need you to dispel now! Cell is alive and intercepted our plan to deactivate the androids-" she demanded, wanting her actual husband back on the planet and off the rock he currently was on, knowing that a clone of his technique would transfer memories over. Kron's clone stopped uh, 'thrusting' on the other end, interrupting her.


"-What!? why did you try to deactivate the androids for- alright, fine I will dispel. Sorry but- Pyrrha, will finish this later. I will dispel, the original ought to know he failed. Has Cell gotten the two androids?" he asked while Winter frown, not sure but it could be possible as the device they were using to track them could have led him there…. if he had any clue as to how to use such a device.


"It's highly possible, now go! He is definitely out of our depth for the rest of us in terms of power. Hurry up, dispel now!…" Winter said, hearing Pyrrha through the phone swearing in annoyance in being interrupted as Kron's clone hung up amused Winter somewhat, before she began thinking about their current situation. Bulma looked upset, her plan to help, deactivating the androids was her plan... though she also chuckled as well about the 'training' the clone and Pyrrha were going through, replying suddenly with an annoyed yell.


"Pyrrha is a liar, she said she was taking Kron shopping, that girl… It was my turn-" Winter hummed, not really concerned for sex now, replying to the woman.


"-Never mind that Bulma, Cell is out there and he's complete. Don't worry though, Kron should be back in a few minutes." Winter took a seat at the couch and Bulma handed her a cup of tea.




My clone on Earth dispelled, I knew now that Cell had survived our bout, his persistence for survival surprised me, though maybe I shouldn't be, that guy did survive self-destructing after all. Next time, I should ask someone like King Kai, he should know if that bastard checks in at the check-in station in the otherworld with King Yemma. Though now, with Piccolo's regeneration, and multiple Saiyan blood addition's including my own, made him an annoyance. Though this Cell only has King Cold's blood sample, that was still the progenitor of Frieza's bloodline, so I guess nothing has changed in regard to those cell's running through Cell.


"You dispel too, were heading back-" I felt a mental connection, my mind was intruded on, and I heard King Kai's voice. Holding up a hand to my clone, both of us powered down from the 'Primal Form' and my lone folded his arms in a huff while I heard mentally King Kai as he 'spoke'.


'Kron, you have to assist Goku with his search for the 'Legendary Super Saiyan'. Already, a good portion of the southern galaxy has been decimated by the 'Legendary Super Saiyan'. I've felt his power, you're going to need to help your friends in this, I believe he is too much for even Goku, Gohan, Trunks and Vegeta combined.' I heard King Kai's voice, listened intently as I replied mentally.


'Is that so… Perhaps, sure. Give me help sensing them from here, with your help I will be able to use the 'Instant Transmission' to find and reach them within but a blink of an eye.' I replied mentally, speaking up to my clone.


"You head back, find Cell and challenge him to a bout. See how strong he is, but don't aggravate the fickle bastard to the point he tries to blow the planet." my clone replied.


"Sure. I'll put him through his paces, but I won't use the 'Primal Form' unless he decides to destroy the planet or worse, tries to kill anyone important." my clone placed his fingers to his forehead, disappearing a moment later back to earth while I heard King Kai within my mind once more.


'Alright Kron, focus with your technique and I'll help guide you to them.' I sensed for Kakarot and found I could sense him somewhere in the southern part of the galaxy. With King Kai widening my ability to find others Ki, King Kai helped to guide me, and I pinpointed Goku's Ki. I felt myself reappear on the planet; King Kai added mentally.


'Good luck Kron. I'll await your victory.' I felt king Kai's mental intrusion leave me as I got my bearings on this strange yet familiar war-torn world, I found myself on. Sensing around, I felt Gohan, Goku and Trunks nearby while Vegeta's Ki fluctuated in the distance in space, he must have taken the ship in order to find the 'Legendary Super Saiyan'.


Taking off to the skies, I tracked their location and arrived in but a few minutes, keeping my Ki high enough so they could feel my approach in turn. The three of them were feasting out in the open, a Capsule fridge being emptied as the three of them at like Saiyan's. Goku turned and acknowledged me with a wave of the hand, a smile and some food falling from his overfilled mouth.


"Chew Kakarot. I suppose Vegeta is out somewhere in space, looking for this 'Legendary Super Saiyan', that right. King Kai told me you guys might need help." I took a look at the massively sized fridge and helped myself to a good serving of a prepared meal inside. Goku ate and swallowed, replying while eyeing up more of his meal as he looked at me.


"King Kai told me that this 'Legendary Super Saiyan' is really strong, seeing as we missed Cell, we wanted to test our newfound strength against this guy. Vegeta isn't going to be happy you're here, he insists he gets to fight the 'Legendary Super Saiyan' first." I nodded, knowing how Vegeta is like these days, and I replied, putting down my chicken.


"Cell is alive, he is more cunning than I thought. He has also succeeded in his task in acquiring the androids. Though I'm not sure how as they cannot be sensed. Winter was insistent that I return to face him so we aught to fin this 'Legendary Super Saiyan' and deal with him quickly." Gohan replied, standing up in surprise, dropping his meal.


"Dad, if Cell has survived, shouldn't we return home. He could hurt mom again." he said worriedly as Goku stood, placing a hand on his shoulder to comfort the young lad while Trunks gritted his teeth, narrowing his eyes.


"My father is more interested in the 'Legendary Super Saiyan'. He took off and left us here. I don't think you've noticed but there are a lot of the Remnants from the Planet Trade organization on this planet, working for that Paragus. I don't trust that man, Saiyan or not. I've heard stories of how my old man used to act prior to his settling down with my mom, uh, in my timeline." Trunks spoke, looking towards me confused and I didn't blame the lad, whose version of himself is my son in this timeline. I replied, taking a good look at the so-called capital of this planet, the headquarters of Paragus in his plan to kill Vegeta, using that massive meteorite heading towards this desolate wasteland of a rock.


"Well, I sent a clone towards Earth, I will know soon enough just how powerful Cell is. Besides, I have another trump card to use if need be. I've been training ever since I left Earth to better master it, Six days of training. How did your training go, you three?" I asked, changing the subject, for Gohan's benefit than any sort of need to speak, seeing as I'm still quite shy and don't enjoy speaking much still. Gohan, pleased by the change in topic replied with much enthusiasm, his Ki sharpened and rose suddenly as he transformed to 'Super Saiyan one'.


"I've gotten in good training with dad in this form, we should spar… you know, after all these bad guys are dealt with…" Trunks patted him on the shoulder, and he added.


"I and my father have improved the 'Super Saiyan form' and now we can push the limits of the transformation though we lose speed in doing so." he tensed, transforming and then his strength continued to rise as his physical appearance bulked up, the ascended form from what I remember of the anime.


"What about your studies, you keeping them up, using clones still?" he nodded slowly, replying after he took a swig of his drink. Goku got to his feet in a quick jump and begun to stretch.


"Yeah, using clones make it easy to fulfill my mom's quota for her studying material. But enough about that Kron, I'm more interested in sparring. We should have a sparring match, while Vegeta is out in space." at his words Trunks smirked while Goku turned sharply our way, mid-stretch with a goofy smile. I shouldn't indulge these two but fuck it, my clone on earth need only dispel before I head on back and fight him myself. I was rather interested in crushing Broly, seeing as Piccolo would not be available for these guys, neither is Krillin though he wasn't much of help from what I could remember for this Broly.


"Fine, I can bare to spar with you three. Will make it three on one, you up for it Trunks?" I gotten to my feet, smirking while Trunks replied with a chuckle as he too stood up, assuming a fighting stance.


"I'm up for it, though shouldn't we worry more about Cell? That monster could possibly destroy Earth? Even with your clone there, you and your clone are at 50% your maximum. Why take such a risk, we should be able to handle this 'Legendary Super Saiyan'." he had a point, future Trunks growing up fast was a part of that plus he really is a genius.




The so called 'Legendary Super Saiyan' didn't show him or herself to them, he and Broly returned to the planet. Scoffing at the time wasted, he returned to Paragus's headquarters for a short rest. Paragus was driving his patience with his incompleteness but for now, Vegeta would permit him live. As a Saiyan, he was in lucky to keep his life, for now.


Interrupted, he awoke during his rest, realizing it was dark and hearing a scuffle. Feeling Ki spikes, Goku's and an unknown but fluctuating Ki, Vegeta got to his feet and blasted out of the window of his assigned room as he followed the devastation and Ki signatures. Goku, the clown, was dodging in a shameful display, not in the least taking this fight seriously while his opponent-


"-Broly! What is-" Vegeta felt the pathetic Ki of Paragus fly up towards him, a sense of urgency heard in his voice.


"-Sire, my son… he has taken some slight from your friend. I will deal with my son-"


"-Whatever… make sure he doesn't disturb me again, I need my rest." Vegeta scoffed, narrowing his eyes though he continued to sense Kakarot and Broly's Ki. Broly continued to grow in strength, his savage and oafish attacks missing their mark, instead scarring thew landscape of his new empires throne planet, Vegeta had a good window to watch their little bout from his well-furnished room. Paragus blasted off over towards him and that same glow he seen before had appeared from that gauntlet, enlightening Broly's face briefly and then the brute with few words Ki dropped back down to what was what Vegeta proposed was Broly's relaxed state.


Broly and Paragus went the long way back and Vegeta flew closer to Kakarot.


"Stop clowning around with Broly Kakarot. He at least is a loyal Saiyan, unlike some." he said, Kakarot only looked amused by his words, like speaking to an idiot and Vegeta found himself smiling before he realized and instead scowled, flying back to the headquarters to get some rest, finding that Super Saiyan of legend and defeating him being his immediate goal.




His son… so much anger for that Kakarot… he glanced over, Broly was still fighting within himself, his anger threatening to burst out. He kept an eye on him for another moment before he left for his own room. The massive astronomical object would arrive in but a day or two and then his revenge will be done at last.


"Soon son, just hold out until then." narrowing his eyes on his son once more, he remembered that Saiyan, his name… Bardock, he had a son… on the same day his youngest was born. Perhaps that is the reason Broly is going after him, for some unknown slight for when they were but infants... ah, ridiculous... Broly is a but a primal Saiyan, hellbent on destruction even more so than most Saiyan's both before Frieza's destruction of our planet...




During his search for Kron, he begun to test out his new form, shadowboxing with himself only went so far though, though he was certainly impressed with his newfound speed and power, the Ki within him flowed overwhelmingly. But as for destroying the earth goes, he could do it certainly, but why waste all that potential? This planet has an abundance of strong fighters, ready for the beating, ready to be put to the test against his newfound power, a great abundance than most other planets he believed, could boast. King Cold's cells within him certainly could tell him that.


"This is pointless, I'd sooner get Kron's attention if I destroy this planet than wait for any sign of his return from his trip into space… killing his friends and family should get his attention..." Cell mused aloud to himself, arms folded when he blinked-


-He was struck in the face, his arms folded flailed wildly as his body became a missile, carving up the field of greenery he stood in while brooding. He sensed and realized that Kron had arrived, his Ki appearing in a blink of an eye. He got back up, blasting the ground and using the momentum to blast him upwards, striking against Kron's chin, his face also got hit by Kron's right fist. They engaged, a fast barrage of melee blows, matching one another and their intensity slowly rose in ferocity and speed. Testing himself, Cell smirked though he was put out by Kron's own smirk. He flashed his teeth in a half smile half growl, suddenly placing a hand forward on Kron's chest. Firing off a blast point-blank, Kron afterimaged behind as he felt the kick of his opponent's leg though he flickered in behind, resuming the melee bout.


"It is so good- to fight you once more Kron! As you can see, I have improved-" he blinked narrowing his eyes while firing off a volley of 'Eye Beam's'. Kron's hair ignited into the golden color that those monkeys were known to flash into, and his speed improved by fifty times. He smirked, easily matching his speed and their fighting got more intense, which is to Cell's own liking.

Cell maneuvered his arms to block briefly, tanking a hit from Kron before laying into him, wrapping his arms around Kron and slamming his head down onto his face, the shattering of glass could be heard as a seemingly unnoticeable force-field surrounding Kron had cracked from that brutal hit, though is seemingly begun to knit back together. His hit barely hit before Kron flickered behind him though Cell felt him and hit him with the back of his elbow which struck. A direct hit, though it only seemed to anger Kron and Cell smirked, bring down his right leg upon his shoulder in a deadly axe kick but Kron caught him, punching the inner thigh of his leg and begun swinging him around.


Cell fired off eye beams towards Kron though at the rapid speed in which he was been swung, he hadn't managed a hit- his rapid motion sickness come to an end, instead he ate dirt but Cell quickly got back up, blasting the ground with two hands, blasting upwards. His green colored Ki swelled within him, flashing outward as he blasted upwards even higher to where Kron is, slamming into the Saiyan mid-flight, right fist thrusted forwards at Kron while Kron's own punch met his. Engaging once more, their bout spilled out into the nearby town, empty from their fight by fleeing humans.


"Kame Hame… Haaaa-" Cell yelled out, smirking.


"-Royal Spear-" Kron spoke without any fatigue, holding to hands forward.


Their beams of Ki struck at the middle of them, the both of them were pushed back away from the middle as they fought for dominance, feeding more Ki into their respective beams. Cell easily pumped more Ki into his attack, which was met by Kron's own beam bulking up in size and power to match his. The lights of blue and purple flashed harshly from the point their beams met, which could be seen covering a wide area, blocking out the sun's light for now.


The beams collision ended as they detonated, the explosion expanding and obscured his vision, Cell begun to sense for Kron. While the detonation impact worked its way to dispersing. they both flickered into melee range once more as they engaged trading blow to blow. Kron's Ki had skyrocketed once more, his golden aura now had ripples of lightning within, and Cell found himself being met in more equal footing with their fight. Breaking off suddenly, they flashed away from one another, and Cell spoke, laughing as he narrowed his eyes on Kron.


"Ready for round two Kron?" Cell watched with glee as he scowled but before he could reply, a flash ignited from out of thin air as the warriors Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, Winter, the blonde Yang and some unknown woman.


"You guys, get out of here." Kron said, never taking his eyes off of him and Cell stared at the line up of potential fighters arrayed against him. He had an idea, a very silly one but one that could prove to amuse him, he wanted much more from this planet yet...


"Kron… as much as I like fighting against you, you seem to be pushing to your limit and while impressive I suppose you could do better with some more training. So, I propose something, now don't get me wrong… I would like nothing better than to utterly annihilate you, but I have a thought. What say you to a world tournament?" He looked, watching Kron for his answer while his allies looked between them.