Broly the Indomitable.



Broly is a mindless brute, the guy shrugged off every hit bar the ones Kron was laying into him. Though even now, he continued to try and break free off of Kron's attack and target Goku. He and Gohan still had their 'Super Saiyan' forms up, but even with their help, Broly would only barrage through their attacks. Now though. There was a chance as a particularly brutal hit from Kron and by Broly at the same time sent both of them back away from each other. Gohan nodded towards him, and they powered up.


"... 'Masanko! Haaaaaaaaa-"


"-'Super Buster… … Cannon' Yaaaa!" their Ki blasts targeted at Broly hit their mark, Broly turned to them, looking towards the both of them with a neutral look and he was engulfed in a mixture their Ki blasts, combining into one massive explosion.


"Heh…" Vegeta grunted out as he begun enshrouded in electric-like Ki, dancing around his form and he held his hands in a charging pose before he thrust forward with his chest with a grunt. The Ki wave released blasted forward, adding to the already exploding Saiyan within, obscured from their vision.

Kron folded his arms and only watched while Goku appeared nearby to Trunks and Gohan, he looked quite serious.


"Guys, Kron can handle this fight. We need to stay out of it. I would try to say so towards Vegeta too, but you know… he wouldn't listen-"


"-Broly blasted out, surrounded in a green sphere as he chuckled, heading straight towards Goku. Broly pushed his chest in a thrust, out as a barrage of small spheres of green colored Ki blasted out in quick succession, Goku, Trunks and Gohan flickered out of the way. Afterimaging still as Broly continued to release very small Spheres which, as they missed and reached the ground down far below, riddled the landscape with large domes of exploding energy, hearing the savage grunts and even maddening laughter of Broly as he continued on his warpath towards them-


-Kron afterimaged within the back of Broly in range as he struck downward with a strong axe kick upon the madman's shoulder which shook Broly out of his mindless volley. Broly grabbed his leg and swung him a bit, Kron retaliated with A Ki beam to Broly's face, the beam came from Kron's mouth at point-blank range, but Broly only grunted in annoyance as his arm tensed against the beam, slowly beating Kron's attack back as Broly tried to punch him in the face.


Trunks watched as their brawl begun once more, Broly continued to wrought destruction with his bursts of Ki, firing off another volley at Kron now. Trunks seen how Kron was able to knock aside those green spheres and stepped up his game, Kron's speed increased, and he laid a critical blow against the back of Broly's head.


"Haaaaaa!" Broly growled out, Ki engulfing him in anger, and he launched a strong beam towards Kron who managed to hold onto it as it slowly forced him backwards. Broly used this chance to turn his attention to Goku once more but the beam he sent towards Kron quickly retraced its steps back towards Broly as another beam of purple-golden Ki rushed head-to-head with the apposing green beam of Ki, smacking Broly in the body area, engulfing him in an explosion which swelled pretty far out. The wind hammered upon Trunks, Gohan and Goku, Vegeta too as the explosion erupted. Kron begun tensing once more, his Ki electrified as bolts randomly and rather quickly in fast bursts while he charged another blast. Kron's teeth clenched as he growled out, yelling loudly which they were able to hear even through the strong gusts of wind blowing away from the previous impact, the explosion just dying down and Broly was now able to be seen as he cackled madly.


"... … … Royal Spear!" this time, another beam, which as Kron had more time to charge this one, it swelled to a massive girth as it raced quickly towards Broly while he just stood there, only just now cleared from the last explosion, now just seeing the attack with his own whited eyes. This blast from Kron blotted out the sky with its massive explosion, flashing light and Trunks closed one eye, feeling himself been pushed backwards somewhat uncontrollably while he fought against it.


"Gosh! Dad, that attack… is Broly done for?" Gohan asked through the strong gusts, holding his own arms up to block out the blinding light from the explosion of energy. Trunks heard Goku only murmur, not too sure perhaps as to what to say. The question was answered a while later while the guts of wind and the explosion begun to die down, the sky still dimmed dark with lightning bolts randomly filling the sky.


His father blasted forward from where he was across thew other side from the battle, Trunks tensed in surprise and Goku spoke up, agitated.


"Vegeta, stay out of it-"


"-Shut up Kakarot! Kron, finish off this bastard and hurry up, or if you can do so I will step-" Broly burst forth, he was heavily wounded, and his clothes were barely any better than himself but the animalistic smirk on his face shown just how dangerous he still is. Trunks yelled out in worry when the backside of Vegeta was punched, Vegeta painfully contorted in a weird angle and the punch sent me spiraling downwards like a missile.


"Father!" he looked on, while Broly and Kron joining together once more, engaging in a brutal melee exchange. Broly turned his fearless gaze back towards Goku and then kicked back from Kron while Kron paused his own fighting. They both begun to yell loudly, their Ki both growing.


"They are powering up… I will not stand aside anymore!" Trunks yelled out, mad at himself in not helping Kron against this monster. He begun to also power up, though Goku tried to get him to calm down, but it was for nought.




Inside the Hyperbolic time chamber with Raven, she and him paired up as they have had training in the past, they could work together well enough… It also beat training against clones too, she landed another strike against him which snapped him out of his thoughts.


Dodging the strike, he heard her growl out, afterimaging behind him with Ki swirling within and outward her body. She tensed as Piccolo prepared to retaliate, as she yelled out.


"Gatlick Gun! Haaaa!" her beam rushed forward, and Piccolo smirked, holding out two hands and grabbing onto the beam, feeling himself been pushed though he resisted to move from her beam. He growled loudly, Ki engulfing his leg and he kicked up, knocking the beam out of its trajectory and sending it who know where in the sky, it's trail seemingly vanished the further it got away from their bout. Raven, not perturbed, rushed in engulfed in red-colored Ki, her speed increased, and they landed blows upon one another in a flashing of speeds as they engaged.


"'Hellzone Grenade'" Piccolo kicked her in the face forcing her to grunt, and he powered his Ki, burning with energy. Dropping back, he launched flurry of yellow orbs towards her. Raven, now with her sword in hand she took the brunt of the attack and cut her way through an explosion, flying while engulfed in Ki as she charged forward. The rest of the Ki explosions went off and Piccolo fought against Raven in melee once more.


She is a definite challenge but…


"Haaaa!" Piccolo heard her yell out suddenly, placing both her hands on his chest and blasting him with twin Ki blasts, which sent him backwards and herself too had been pushed from the explosion. They landed a way from one another, and their bout paused as he folded his arms.


"Raven, I want to learn the Kaio-ken. You can teach me, yeah. I would have use with such a technique." he said, glancing towards her while Raven thought about it. She looked towards him and nodded, splitting into a clone. The cloned Raven stood aside as Raven replied.


"Fine, but I'd rather continue to fight against you. Make a clone and they can sort that out. OK. Now, let's continue our bout." the real Raven got into a fighting position while Piccolo finished creating his own clone. The two clones then flickered away and headed to another part of the dimension.


(Winter Schnee-POV)


Winter, Yang, Tien, Krillin and Blake sat around a table within the lookout. Dende looked grim, monitoring the situation with Cell. Bulma had set up a satellite dish on the lookout and sat within a capsuled house she placed on the lookout, monitoring the television for word of Cell.


With Weiss and Blake here, along with Bulma and her babe Trunks, their children stayed with Chichi at her home though they did also have Pyrrha staying with Chichi. Salem though returned to Winter's Villa as to keep an eye on the place. Kali, Blake's mom also went with Pyrrha in order to watch her granddaughters. Things now were in motion with Cell seemingly wanting to fight them all, they had access to the Hyperbolic Time chamber and with Piccolo's return from Namek, he and Raven entered. She left her son with Bulma, the babe of Vegeta seemed to be a cute kid, who knew someone like him could have one.


"I wonder when Goku and Gohan are getting back? Man, they need to train too. With only nine days, we need all the strength we can muster from this room." Krillin sighed, speaking aloud to their gathering while they waited. Tien replied, arms folded in a grimace while he looked at Krillin.


"Trunks too… oh, Vegeta if you count that guy too. To think, Cell survived Kron, he better get back with the others and soon. Soon Piccolo and Raven should be finished, I'm going in next… Yang? You going to train with me?" he asked, Winter gave a grin when Yang pulled Tien closer while answering, almost suffocating the guy with her cleavage.


"You know it, a pity Chiaotzu wanted to sit this coming fight out, but it gives 'us' time to… train." she said deviously, and Tien coughed, finally breaking free from her hold. Krillin begun to chuckle at the sight, and he replied.


"I guess you and I will be going inside together huh, Winter? Or am I going in with Blake?" he turned to her, Winter took another sip of her sake, she got from a capsule and replied.


"Yes, we should be in similar power-levels. My sister and Blake are also good friends so they will push themselves, seeing as they have been playing house all this time. Who else is coming here, what of Yamcha?" Winter probed, though he is weak, Yamcha has potential, especially with the 'Kaio-ken'. Krillin replied, sighing.


"He's going to Korin's right now; he'll be back soon. Getting another batch of Senzu beans. He'll be back." Krillin took a drink of his own sake. They continued to relax, Winter just hoped that Kron returned soon, or Cell would very well kill them all, even with their last days of training and using the Hyperbolic time chamber.




Broly, Kron and now Trunks begun to release their Ki, from the Ki being released, the world begun to shake from the tension. Trunk's form expanded, physically he now was imposing, looking to be a similar size to Broly, lightning flickered randomly around his form, Gohan could hear the sharp sounds of the lightning dancing out from Trunks form from where he and his dad hovered in the air, watching. Kron, looked more intense, also with bolts of blue lightning flickering randomly off of his Ki aura. He seemed angrier, well more so than usual when it came to him. Broly looked bloodied, but otherwise still continued to smirk at them all like a feral wolf, his grin at Gohan's father made him uneasy.


Broly's face stopped grinning as he narrowed back on father and then he looked downright ferocious as Broly blasted forward, heading for his father once more and dad readied himself for Broly, his speed was unnatural with all that body-mass. A split second before he would have impacted with dad, Kron flickered in between him and lobbed him in the face with a vicious kick, followed by a volley of lighting quick punches which hammered Broly away.


Trunks begun charging up a blow, moving his hands in front of him swiftly before he launched a yellow beam of Ki towards Broly, the blast landed. Trunks went forward to engage in close combat while Gohan and his dad looked at one another. Kron, intercepted Broly who unfazed from Trunk's attack, almost clocked his head in but Kron intercepted the punch with his own face which bent up.


"Heh…" Kron grumbled out, within a split second he landed his own strike towards Broly, which sent the Saiyan downwards though he resisted, stopping mid-hit. Another blow though Broly continued to resist, floating down once more with a grunt. Kron's Ki swirled around himself in a flaring blaze as he held out both hands, one behind the other as a glint of light formed within his hand which expanded quite fast. Kron yelled out just as Broly recovered, coming in with his own punch in retaliation.


"...'Tyrant's… Wave' haaaaaaaaah!" A wave of yellow-colored Ki washed down on Broly; Gohan heard a loud grunt. The Ki engulfed Broly, Trunks floated nearby and launched his own attacks of Ki when Kron appeared in front of them, deflecting them with ease as he shouted out quite incensed.


"Knock it off, he's mine. Go… float over there…" he growled out, Trunks coughed loudly and blast backwards, still facing the fight. Vegeta arrived over where they were and Gohan seen his dad hold out his hands into the sky, looking focused but relaxed at the same time.


"What are you doing Goku?" Trunk asked as he arrived, the fight between Broly and Kron renewed and Broly looked more bloodied and singed from the last attack. Goku's closed his eyes in concentration, speaking up through some breaths.


"I'm gathering energy, I have a technique I haven't used yet. Taught by King Kai when I trained under him. The 'Spirit Bomb'. It looks… like Kron can handle Broly for now, though his Ki is steadily rising even now. Trunks, get Vegeta over her, I'm going to need his help as well. Gohan, come here son." Gohan nodded while Trunks slowly nodded.


"Gohan, I want you to power up to your maximum and then focus your Ki onto me, I will need you, Trunks and Vegeta's help with this. The 'Spirit Bomb' should be more than capable of defeating Broly. Kron should keep him busy until then. Now… focus, 'will' your Ki to me, you can do it." Gohan replied quickly, a volley of green-colored Ki blasts reined downwards upon Kron who afterimaged around everyone, the spheres travelled down and formed huge domes of explosions. Gohan powered up once more and focused his Ki swirling around him into his hands, sending at first small, tiny particles of Ki towards his father, his dads eyes clenched shut once again in concentration while Gohan realized that another light source begun shinning down onto the planet. He looked up to glimpse a ball sphere, illuminating the planet with a blue light. The sphere looked to be slowly gathering particles of Ki from the surrounding area too, even coming from out in space while the sphere slowly grew in size at a small pace.


"Kakarot- what the! What kind of technique is that!" Vegeta scowled at his dad before his attention was to the light hitting every one of them in the face. Gohan heard his dad reply while he continued to send his own Ki towards his dad.


"Vegeta, Trunks… I need both of you to send your Ki to me, Kron seems to be winning but Broly seems to be only getting stronger as the battle wages on, I have a technique I'd like to try on him, something I should consider for Cell as well. Trunks, Vegeta, concentrate you're Ki onto me, the more Ki gathered, the more power the 'Spirit Bomb' can inflict on Broly, who is nothing but evil." Vegeta didn't look to pleased but even he seen how much strong Broly and Kron are right now. He spoke up.


"Fine, but first Kakarot, do you see? Broly is the 'Saiyan of Legend' yet… Kron seems to be keeping up with him fine. I have no doubt now that Kron is in a whole another leg than even us. He truly has reached another plateau, pushing our Saiyan prowess to another height. You too… have noticed right, Kakarot." Gohan heard his dad reply.


"Yeah… I have. He has surpassed even you, Trunks and me in regard to the bulkier form of the 'Super Saiyan transformation'. But right now, I need your help, Vegeta. Help me and I will agree with you on fighting Cell first. My attack needs Ki, which I have been siphoning from the planet, the surrounding stars and planets… and from Gohan here. Trunks to now… What do you say, Vegeta?" another ruthless blow Kron took from Broly as the latter laughed in glee, launching a Ki blast point-blank after the melee assault happened in the background while Vegeta looked to be in a heated battle within himself. Scoffing, Vegeta's hair turned golden once more as he slowly floated to the other side of dad, Gohan watched surprised when he also begun transferring energy of his own.


"Fine Kakarot, though you better promise me you'll support my decision to fight Cell first, unlike Kron… I will be the one to defeat that disgusting bug. Going around using my own techniques and strategies… Cell will no longer be allowed to mock me! Haaaaaaaa!!" Vegeta' Ki intensified, the small particles leaving him became the size of tomatoes. So, Trunks, Vegeta and himself gathered around Gohan's father, watching as they focused both on the fight and on the ever-expanding Sphere of blue light above dad's head. Gohan figured that they would win this fight and defeat Broly, while the thing to do it continued to grow.




'Super Saiyan Two' made me pretty strong, almost as much as Broly is right now though I was confused by that as I thought I would have been much stronger than the prick. So… he might have been even more powerful than normal. But he was a little bit stronger, plus he shrugged off most psychical blows with nought any effort. Though the form did well by itself, I didn't use 'Kaio-ken' with it at this moment and I tried to use the 'Wrathful state' but I found that I couldn't… My Ki colour within 'Super Saiyan Two' had also changed, it matched similarly the greenish yellow hue of Broly's and I wondered if the 'Super Saiyan Two' and the Wrathful State joined together or something? Though if that was the case, I would be stronger than Broly, so I wasn't sure. Maybe it did and I only need to train within 'Super Saiyan Two' to master its power before I could go any higher… suffice to say the with the 'Super Saiyan Two' form, my emotions, hate, rage and annoyance went up quite high, higher than I've ever been in which did make me sloppy within this bout with the madman Broly.


I felt the Ki of Goku's swell with enormous power and I subtly checked over where he, Gohan, Trunks and now Vegeta were too. The technique he was using was one I hadn't seen in this timeline since I arrived on earth… The 'Spirit Bomb'. He didn't use it against anyone from what I could remember, not Vegeta and not Frieza. This would be his first trial run-


-I dodged with speed, Broly's punch and retaliated with a knee blow into his head while I flipped around, landing my other foot onto his head. Broly had since stopped to stare at Goku to try and rush him and kill him for our battle he was more focused on. I launched a volley while I righted myself up above him close range, but Broly smacked his way through the Ki-blasts, knocking them aside as he launched a right hook to which I took to my quickly put-up defensive guard. He continued to probe my guard, launching more harsh blows, a right kick got through my guard, but I flickered in time to counter, swinging a kick of my own towards his now turning to face me, face.


He gritted his teeth and clenched in anger, stopping his sudden fall and begun to power up, the landscape begun to shake while Broly growled out.


"Haaaaaaargh Rarrrrghhhh! Haaah!!" Broly's Ki swirled rather intensely and then his Ki flared out, into the green sickly glow of Broly's Ki begun to shrink and Broly yelled, holding out his right hand in anger. A continuous blast of dark-green Ki blasts begun to launch in quick succession, launching towards me.


I powered up myself too, letting the overconfident lunatic engulf me in his attacks but he kept on launching them. I flared my own Ki and launched my own technique within Broly's exploding energy.


"...Tyrant's Wave… …" I outstretched both hands in front of my own, eyes closed while I felt for Broly's signature, my technique expanded outward from me, hammering into his violent barrage of what I assumed was his 'Eraser Cannon'. My wave of Ki counterattacked with Broly's attack and the resulting explosion shook the entire area, even going so far as to rip up the surrounding landscape from the shock waves still been felt, strong enough to push both myself and-


-Broly came through, glaring hatefully but with a grin on his ugly mug while a fist landed, hitting my quickly brought up defensive guard. He also launched another attack within a punch, Broly yelled with a grin.


"'Eraser Cannon' die Kakarot!" the dumb ass landed a palm strike while holding another darkly green sphere of Ki, exploding me downwards like a missile on impact. I roughly and uncontrollably careened towards the cracked earth below. The impact ripped a new crater the size of a small lake around me, and I looked up, eyes twitch from the dirt in them and the bright light of both the 'Spirit Bomb' and from what I could see, the meteor coming towards this desolate rock.


Broly came down like a missile, I seen the whites of his eyes, his boot would have squashed my head if I hadn't afterimaged away. Coming in for my own attack, we engaged once more in close combat. He had me at an advantage with melee combat as he soaked in more blows, I could deliver than he delivered upon me, but I continued to attack him anyway. Sneaking in a Ki-blast of my own, his grunts as he became engulfed in the explosion only managed to stop him temporarily before he came out and headbutted my own head.


 I then, within our bout, heard Goku's voice within my own head and I got a quick glimpse upwards as the entire crater became enshrouded in the shade, the sun and the meteor no longer able to be seen while the 'Spirit Bomb' blotted out the sky. Goku spoke mentally.


'Kron, I'm ready with my technique, the 'Spirit Bomb'. Just, keep Broly busy and then try to launch him upwards. Then, get out of there!' I heard him say within my head, I responded mentally in kind.


'Alright, fine… get ready' I felt the link cut between Goku, and I while I focused back on the rumble with Broly. My Ki swelled a final time, I kicked back from Broly and used the space generated to power up a final time. I hit the ground hard as my Ki surrounded me and I yelled out as Broly charged forward without any fear while the Ki focusing within my hand expanded from the energy being fed inside my technique.


"... … … 'Royal Spear' Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!" This attack, I fed more of my Ki inside as it expanded in girth, hitting Broly head on. The 'Legendary Super Saiyan' was hit but my technique continued to push him backwards instead of blowing up. I could hear the lunatic grunting and growling in defiance. Broly didn't see it, but I could, the darkness as Goku's technique blotted out the sun had now begun moving down towards Broly without him realizing. I continued to put more power, no… all my current energy within my own 'Royal Spear' to push Broly out of the crater while I watched. Smirking as there was now no way Broly would survive this attack, I quickly felt for Goku's Ki in the sky and used the 'Instant Transmission'. The sight, now that I was no longer within the crater deprived of light from the sun, I could see as the attacks consumed Broly as they exploded., tearing apart the entire area and I focused with eyes closed to spare them the bright shine of the explosion…