The Spirit Bomb, Goku’s first Use.

Looking towards Goku, who looked quite exhausted from his technique plus as I looked at the others, even Vegeta… they all felt quite weak too. Goku then laughed, as the explosion subsided, with no sight nor any signature of Broly to be sensed.


The lunatic was well and truly Dead. No, 'Bio-Broly'… heh, good…


"Now, let us leave this miserable rock and soon. That Meteor should hit sooner or later…" Vegeta scowled in annoyance while Goku, Gohan and Trunks continued to chuckle as we won. I powered down from 'Super Saiyan Two' and breathed a sigh of relief. Broly was well and truly dead.


"When we get back, we will have words Kron. You have been holding out on the rest of us. What was that form? It was much more intense than the 'Super Saiyan' transformation. Humming in annoyance, I turned to Goku as I spoke.


"Kakarot, you have any energy left. We need to go. We've got but a day before… that…" I pointed up while the others looked up and nodded. Trunks replied.


"It should be nothing we can't handle, it's only a rock. Besides, me and Gohan have found some kidnapped aliens on the planet, we can't just leave them here to die from that meteor." Trunks said, eyes narrowed and i heard Goku reply.


"It's a pity that I don't have any 'Senzu beans' but we should be fine to take it out within an hour. Then, we will help these guys you found and head back to Earth, We've got Cell to deal with now." Goku looked upwards seriously.


(Weiss Schnee-POV)


With the threat of Cell, Pyrrha due any week now and with her husband gone off into outer space, things were tense. Right now, she along with Blake and those who couldn't participate in the monsters tournament sat at home while training within one of the Capsule Corp gravity chambers they had scattered around the Villa. With most of the actual fighters preparing to abuse the 'Hyperbolic Time chamber', they still had access to these marvels of Bulma's genius. She would train as well, while Blake's mom and her mom along with Pyrrha would watch their children though participating in the tournament? They would go with Winter, and watch in person. Supporting Kron in person sounded much better than worrying about him and the rest while they stayed home and worried. It certainly wasn't doing Pyrrha any better than them, she couldn't come from being pregnant.


At first, Blake and Weiss were to go inside the chamber but Winter told them that the chamber, from what Kron and Mr. Popo told them, was a dangerous and peril-filled room that could and would break even the strongest warriors. Seeing as she and Blake hadn't really trained seriously ever since they became mothers, well… the thought better in entering and instead with Bulma's help, got a hold of the latest gravity chamber capsule. Winter, Yang, Tien, Krillin, Piccolo, Nail who defused with Piccolo after Cell's supposed demise, Raven and Yamcha would abuse the room until Goku, Gohan, Trunks, Vegeta and Kron return from their stint in space, doing who knows what.


Heading to her own room, she went through and headed to a locked area. Unlocking it, she opened the door and seen her rapier hung on display, dust long used but still in great condition. Her old huntress dress, long grown out of was also dress upon a lithe dummy for display, she gave them a once over before looking to her right and getting dressed in her sparring gear. The weights gifted to her by Kron she also begun to dress up in and looked at the mirror once dressed. Resolute in starting her training once more.




A day passed, how did he know? Well, it was to do with the door opening to the Hyperbolic time chamber. One day gone, they had nine left. Raven and Piccolo came out dressed in similar clothing, Raven's own outfit long discarded within and both of them felt more powerful than ever. Krillin watched as they stood aside, Piccolo looked quite calm while Raven also did but with a bit more of a scowl and her hair shorter. Not cut even either but hey, he could say without a doubt that Vegeta was a lucky son of a bitch.


Yang stepped forward, impressed by the Ki the both of them were allowing to be sensed and she turned to Tien while Piccolo and Raven stepped aside for Mr. Popo who like before, headed on inside for restocked what supplies he had to do.


"Let's go inside now, Mother… you look quiet cool in Piccolo's spare clothing." she said neutrally, more forced and Raven scowled more while replying.


"I needed clothing, Piccolo made me some. Now Yang, don't waste time. You and… Tien should be ready? Don't squander you're time inside like a fool." She took off suddenly, red Ki engulfing her from 'Kaio-ken while she left before Yang could reply though instead she sounded quiet… mad. Piccolo watched while Nail and Dende arrived, sensing him and he turned to Krillin as he spoke.


"Any word from Goku and Gohan. What of Kron? And that fool Vegeta?" Krillin replied just as Mr. Popo came outside with quick steps while Yang and Tien went inside.


"Not yet. As far as I know, they haven't returned yet. I can't sense them at any rate. Dende… your sensing ability should be the best on the planet as the guardian of the earth… I suppose you don't sense them?" Piccolo asked, folding his arms while the young Namekian replied solemnly.


"No, I would have felt it. I am sure they will arrive very soon-" and what do you know? Goku using the 'Instant Transmission' appeared, with Gohan, Trunks, Kron and what looked to be reluctantly, Vegeta too as they appeared with one hand each touching the shoulder of Goku in a sort of muddled circle. Vegeta instantly stood aside and looked towards the 'Hyperbolic time chamber with a scowl as the door finally finished closing, Yang and Tien securely inside. Kron looked around neutrally, looking towards Dende while the young Namek with Nail got closer to look over their obvious wounds. Vegeta growled, eyes narrowing on Piccolo.


"Who went inside the chamber?" Piccolo snorted but answered not looking at Vegeta, instead gazing towards Goku and then nodding towards Gohan.


"Yang and Tien, Krillin and Yamcha are next. You guys ought to sort out who you want to go inside next. Cell is beyond anything I've ever felt before, possibly even you… Kron, Goku… There is enough supplies?" he turned to look towards Mr. Popo who replied.


"Yes. I will be getting my hands on more." Kron replied, scratching his beard.


"I'll ask Bulma for some more food, seeing as she and Yang have gotten all my money… We should have enough. Is Winter heading inside, I would like to spend time with her, training her up-"


"-What!, your woman-" Krillin interjected which amused Goku, Gohan and Trunks, while causing Vegeta to scowl.


"-You mean 'one' of his woman-" Piccolo though replied, not in the least amused.


"-Knock it off. Goku, you and Gohan should go inside next. Followed by Vegeta and Trunks-"




Seeing the guys worried about Cell, I decided to check what the fuss was about in person at a later date. Though from here I could feel his strength he gloated with even now, even if it felt much higher than our last encounter I'd bet he was only showing just a fraction. Deciding to confront the slippery bastard right now, I felt the hand on my shoulder and turned, seeing Goku nodding, not to go through with it. The guy showing me her was much more perspective than I already knew him being.


"If you're heading to see Cell, I admit I'm also curious too. But for now, we should get something to eat." he said seriously, which comically made Vegeta and myself stutter at the same time from the way he said it as if eating was more important. Stopping my stuttering, I replied before Vegeta could.


"Right, I could eat… Saiyan's got to eat." I said smirking, instead of seeing Cell I took the scenic route of flying towards home. My flight was short lived, my speed being over the top. Seeing the familiar shape of my home, feeling the Ki signatures of my most of my family down below and I flared my own Ki a little, enough for them to feel it but not enough for Cell to feel it encase he got ideas.


Landing, I awaited as Kali came outside holding Ursula while Jaina came running over.


"Daddy is back!" I smiled a genuine smile as I took her up into my arms while placing a chaste kiss on Ursula's forehead. Pyrrha's erratic Ki I could feel, from the life-force inside her swollen belly and I hugged her one armed while kissing her on the lips,


I felt the Ki of Blake and Weiss on the other side of the house, seeing one of Bulma's gravity chambers being used by those two impressed me.


"Your back then, how was space? Why did you go anyway, with that monster still around?" Pyrrha asked, narrowing her eyes and Kali replied as I was about to.


"I'll take Jaina… you two can… talk, Pyrrha, take it easy with the baby, alright sweety." Kali spoke while I placed Jaina down even while she protested being put down. All the while as the three of them left, led by my mother in law that Pyrrha's gazing became more… heated, and I braced myself for either a earful or…




Landing at Winter's Villa, her flight there took long enough to agitate her but land she did before heading inside. Her son being here still, she felt him inside and- huh, Kron was also here too. Raven also noticed the shiny-new gravity chamber at the side of the place, also feeling Blake and Weiss's Ki within, fluctuating as they trained within.


Noting Kali within and sipping tea, she spoke as she remembered leaving her other stuff her too besides her sword.


"Your back. Your baby boy is upstairs in the third room on the right. But you look like shit, go shower and then join me for some tea." looking at the smug woman, her friend, Raven replied with a sigh.


"If your sure, I can sense Kron is back… So, that means Vegeta is too. I'll find him later, I'll be right back. Oh, I left my Capsule case here, I'll pick that up too. Did you end up using any of it, I left food supplies and stuff for Tarble." Raven spoke while Kali finished sipping her tea again as she spoke.


"No, it's fine. I have plenty of stuff here to use for your son, you forget how many children are here. Now hurry up and shower, you smell. Destroy those rags too." Raven grumbled at her smell 'comment' and headed for the first floor bathroom.




His son and him went home, to spend some time with Chichi and she made plenty of food for them, though her scolding about heading out into space on a 'fool's errand' he could have done without but he enjoyed his wife's fussing over him. He especially enjoyed her banquet she placed on the dining table, Gohan and he ate to their limit.


"Honestly Goku…" she said while gazing at him in amusement, and he laughed lightly though she playfully glared at him while speaking.


"Goku, eat with your mouth shut, you set a bad example for Gohan, and speaking of you young man… you ought to continue your studies, so-" Gohan nodded, swallowing his current mouth-full before speaking.


"-Sure mom, I'll make a clone After dinner I mean, I'll be going to bed too so can my clone use the dining room to study?" he asked, Goku is proud of Gohan's smarts, always getting stronger, and smarter too. Using the clone technique taught to him by Kron or was it Piccolo… well, it made things easier for Gohan to do both, fighting and studying. Though Goku also knew that unlike him, Gohan didn't really enjoy fighting still like he, Vegeta and possibly even Kron did too. Goku made sure he swallowed before speaking.


"Ah… Chichi, that was great… So, do you need anything? Any firewood or food for tomorrows dinner? I could go fishing-" Chichi replied, ;lightly glaring at him as she spoke.


"Hardly, I handled the firewood while you were away. Your going for a bath, you too Gohan. Gohan goes first, then you Goku. Then your off to bed mister. And what is with your hair you two? It is blonde! Did you two end up dying it or-" Goku chuckled, speaking. He powered down too, to better explain it.


"No Chichi, this is the 'Super Saiyan' form. We just have been getting used tho this form in order to get used to the excess Ki and strength so these forms are better used." he tried to explain and Gohan nodded in support as he too powered down briefly before reentering the transformation.




Another day had went by and Piccolo, still on the lookout, waited. Goku, Gohan and Trunks returned while Vegeta he felt, was somewhere near Kron, those two were flying towards the lookout at a slower pace. Krillin and Yamcha lightly spared on the lookout though they stopped once Goku and Gohan arrived.


It wouldn't be long, eight days given to them by that monster to prepare. Dende and Nail were talking while Goku, Gohan and Trunks came over to him as he sat in a meditative state, eyes closed.


"Piccolo, they not out yet then. Do you want to spar? We can set up a gravity chamber up on the lookout and go a few rounds." Goku said enthused for a fight, Piccolo blinked one eye open and scoffed.


"Not now, the time is almost up. We can fight after Cell is dealt with, this is no time for games. So, how did that thing Vegeta dragged you all into? Did it lead into anything or?" Piccolo asked, seemingly interested as the three of them felt a little bit stronger, not by much but there was improvement since they left, minuscule as it felt. Gohan replied, happy to answer. And Piccolo now noted that Goku and Gohan were still transformed into their 'Super Saiyan' forms which was interesting to see as the two of them made it look easy, no exertion whatsoever on their faces and their Ki appeared to be calm, not fluctuating like it would usually feel like.


Kron and Vegeta arrived a few minutes later, for once Vegeta seemed less antagonistic towards the other Saiyan though there still looked to be some tension, Piccolo turned as the sound of a door opened and watched as Tien and Yang came outside the room, outfits in different states of decay. They felt pretty powerful, but Piccolo wasn't sure it was enough… Perhaps they were more stronger, but now with the room, empty and eight days left of time before Cell expected them all to fight for our lives… shaking himself out of his thoughts, Piccolo stood to his full height and watched while Tien and Yang headed towards them while he seen Mr. Popo walk on passed them, supplies to be set within the room while Goku spoke first, nodding towards them both.


"Hey Tien, Yang. You've improved, I'm impressed." Goku said, giving them both a once-over with his eyes, Ravens daughter replied first as Mr. Popo arrived and proceeded to walk inside the room.


"Yeah, we've done some good inside. I can now push 'Kaio-ken' to seventy times, seventy-seven times if I go all out though that would wear me out. Tien here can also go up to Seventy-three. I'll be going home now, I need a… new clothes, and a haircut." she took to the skies, sending a two-finger salute to them while Tien sighed.


"I just hope it is enough for Cell. Well, who is going inside next-" Tien being interrupted by Vegeta was no surprise to Piccolo while he looked towards the Saiyan as he spoke with certainty.


"-I will be going inside, alone. I will not be held back this time, You rest can stay out of my way." he approached the room and waited, while Piccolo turned to anyone else who would insist he go inside with another. No one did.


Kron, standing further back, spoke just as Mr. Popo left the room, stocking of the hyperbolic time chamber being complete and Vegeta about to stroll inside.


"I'm going home, I have children I need to see and besides… I won't be going inside the chamber for Cell's tournament. Though Goku, you and your son should-" Goku replied with a nod, disagreeing. Vegeta ignored him and headed inside, the door closing behind him.


"I'm certain Gohan and I are also ready for Cell, but we will train outside of the room, I mean, I feel confident... Not to spit of Dende's hard work of removing the limit one can enter… that room is a testament to brutal training, which I believe Gohan and I have done enough for Cell. Right Son." he placed a hand on his shoulder, to which Gohan seemed to balk at all the eyes now affixed onto him. Gohan replied quietly, though Piccolo and indeed, all the Namekian's heard him loud and clear.


"...Yeah, perhaps…" though Goku only chuckled, ruffling Gohan's blonde hair and turning to Kron, who looked to be about to leave. Kron shrugged at Goku, speaking up.


"Alright, I'll see you all in a few days time." Kron used 'Instant Transmission' and disappeared, gone for now and Piccolo spoke to those remaining.


"Alright, those whose remaining here that will be using this room, I will also be entering alone. That is, unless Tien, will you go inside once more?" Tien looked towards him, Krillin replied for the first time since, having remained quiet with Yamcha in the back as they decided to eat after their spar.


"Yamcha, you and I will go in after Vegeta. Piccolo, you can wait for us to have our turn yeah, we'd like to train inside too." Yamcha nodded, still stuffing his face and Piccolo barred his fanged teeth as he growled.


"Fine, So, Tien… You going inside again?" Tien pondered the question thoughtfully and replied.


"Yeah, sure. I'm in the mood for getting much stronger. Hey Goku, are you guys sure? About not using the chamber once again? It is hard work but the more times we use it, The stronger we get in time for Cell's tournament, with the world in the balance… I'd thought you'd go for it." Tien said, Piccolo turned to Goku as the Saiyan smirked good-naturedly.


"Yep, like I said before, I am confident." Piccolo sighed, watching as Goku turned to the side while he continued speaking.


"Gohan and I will be heading home also. Good luck on your training. See you on the big day, Oh and make sure you bring 'Senzu beans'." Goku waved while placing a hand onto Gohan's shoulder, Gohan nodded towards Piccolo and Piccolo returned his nod with his own the two Saiyan's vanished.