Cell Games Begin.



Waking up, lying on my soft bed, I felt Pyrrha pressing up on me in as comfortable way she could manage while heavily pregnant and I sighed in comfort. Her deep breathing soothing, seeing the time and that it was pretty early, I decided to relax for now whilst looking over her idly, still getting the sleep out of my eyes, for today was to be a busy day alright... Today was the day.


Cell's little tournament, I kept up training, but used most of my time once more in the Hyperbolic time chamber to get used to the 'Super Saiyan II' form. I didn't use 'Super Saiyan Primal' though it would be a fallback if I needed it, I did however spent the last few months within the room trying to remain inside that form which unlike 'Super Saiyan I & II', was an ongoing and very strenuous process, that form would require a lot of use to be able to get it to the norm I feel while just 'Super Saiyan'', II would take some work too but at least I felt I could use it without causing massive destruction both to my soundings, those around me caught in the crossfire and myself. The primal form would be a needed I'd figure, against those brother gods, for what my daughter from the future has mentioned of them, at least... that is, unless I actually did unlock said form and ended up dying anyway...

Leaving my thoughts from hearing a groan. I found myself holding Pyrrha while she squirmed in her sleep briefly, I would also forgo using 'Super Saiyan II' until needed, seeing as Vegeta would be fighting Cell first, I knew this time I should make sure that fucker also couldn't come back alive. If he did so again, he could easily grow in strength who knows how strong, since he's already done so before, Cell must have a strength definitely higher than 'Canon'. Cell, unlike everyone else preparing for the tournament hadn't moved from his arena, according to Dende.


Pyrrha woke, her grunts and a sharp intake of breath as she begun to move, eyes groggily adjust to the darkness, I reached up and guided her off the bed while she mumbled.


"Thanks love, I'm getting up. I need to pee." she held my hand as I stopped her from moving. Feeling her stomach for a bit, I replied while kissing her neck before letting her go.


"Winter's up, she and one of my clones are up. I've felt them going at it." I said with a smirk, Pyrrha nodded as she turned the light on and went into her adjacent bathroom, lights on when she replied.


"They fighting this early? I, well… i haven't felt anything." the door closed to the bathroom, and I chuckled, leaving the room. I meant that they were having sex, I left the room and headed down to the kitchen, seeing no one up yet. I made five clones and besides Pyrrha who I slept with; the others slept with each of my wives with the last clone was preparing my breakfast right now. I went to the dining room and seen my clone preparing my meal. I wasn't that good a cook, but I could cook basic food. Though for this meal I did have some meals already ready which I just heated up, thanks to my last fridge capsule.


My clone dispelled once he was finished, and I got to work eating as much as I possibly could. Seeing the widespread, I licked my lips and dug into my delicious feast fit for a king, consuming the entire meal within a reasonable amount of time for a Saiyan. Winter would be coming with me, Weiss and Blake though, I did speak with them as I thought them coming, even while they have been training wouldn't be a good idea. They of course, being stubborn told me they were coming, and while I could try to stop them, I didn't. They felt pretty strong now as they pushed themselves, they even had one day within the Hyperbolic time chamber together, which to my surprise they got through the entire time.


"...Winter, Weiss, Blake… They should be up soon, my clones I had with each of them have now dispelled. Oh, what fun they have been up to. God, I'm a lucky son." I said to myself, gathering the dishes and trekking them into the kitchen carefully.


I waited for the ladies accompanying me to arrive, sitting back on the couch for now. Unlike Goku, I felt him pretty close to Cell one of the days, I didn't meet the cunt so this would be the first time I seen him in his final form.




He woke up, shaking Raven immediately and to her annoyance, she woke up with a foul mouth.


"Vegeta, you ass-" Vegeta replied with a growl of his own, lightly shaking her shoulder more.


"Wake up woman, we need to go. I want to get some of them meals from Kron's woman, Bulma. I need a good meal and we need to drop off the brat at Kron's place. Move it" Vegeta suited up within the room and Raven shrugged, getting to her feet and preparing both herself and for Tarble's morning meal. His son… he slept soundly in the adjacent room of the ship they have been living inside, many more rooms were utilized for them, but Vegeta only used three. The bedroom, the training gravity chamber and the kitchen.


"Get the boy ready woman, I will meet you outside." Vegeta said loudly, Raven turned to scoff at him, and he headed out.




Up on the lookout, he along with Dende and Nail stood together. The day still dawning, Nail spoke.


"Piccolo, you and I… did you wasn't to combine once more? It would be a permanent this time since we've already combined before." Piccolo replied without looking at him, not really wanting to go that route again.


"No, it would be better if we had more time but right now, no. Another fighter is better than combining our strength again and Namek does need you to defend it encase any other fools want to try and take the dragon balls… like Frieza did." Nail hummed in agreement, Dende spoke as he concentrated on the surface below and the sun begun rising in the background.


"Guys, everyone should arrive here soon. Piccolo, did you want to head to Korin's tower? To pick up the Senzu beans. Also, remember that I am here, if need be one of those who can use that teleportation technique can head up here to heal." Dende said and Piccolo smiled at him kindly, the kid did have a good idea. Though he'd better grab them Senzu beans.


"Alright, Nail. You wait here for the others to arrive. I will be back in a moment or two." Piccolo jumped upwards and glided down the tower with all haste. He felt the Ki of Yamcha, Krillin flying towards the tower at impressive speeds while he glided down the lookout and followed the towers column. He reached the lower part, Korin's tower and landed, gliding over the hand railings. The cat was standing there with a handful of them beans, waiting with them while leaning on his cane. The fat man Yajirobe, he looked to be snoring while leaning against the other side of the railing.


"Piccolo, here are all the beans I could get ready. Good luck against Cell, yeah." he passed the bag over in a throw which Piccolo caught with no problem as he replied.


"...Thanks, we should have need of these. Get more ready won't you" Piccolo said, handling the bag as if to check how much was inside without looking. Korin relied.


"Heheha, right, I will get right on that. Senzu bean growing takes time to cultivate but yeah, smart ass. Anyway, beat Cell." Piccolo nodded, half smiling while he took to the skies, his speed as he blasted over Yajirobe had woken him up from his slumber to Korin's amusement.




He and his dad arrived at the lookout; dad used the 'Instant Transmission' to get here faster to meet everyone before they all headed towards where that monster Cell would be.


Piccolo, Nail and Dende were already there of course though he also felt the Ki of Yamcha and Krillin getting closer. The others would arrive soon, Piccolo held the bag of Senzu beans as well while his dad spoke up.


"Hey Piccolo, you ready for this? Nail." Gohan's dad nodded towards the other Saiyan while Piccolo replied with a smirk.


"Yeah Goku, I'm ready. So, what I really want to know is… are we actually going to allow Vegeta the first bout against Cell?" Gohan kept quiet as Nail chuckled, and his dad spoke.


"Yeah, why not. If he can do it, it would be fine with me. The rest of us are prepared for the fight if he isn't up for it." Goku said. Besides relaxing in their 'Super Saiyan' forms, he and his dad didn't train. Gohan did find some place to buy groceries for his mom though the town was run by a mob boss who thought his domed bunker, but Gohan flicked it with a finger and destroyed it. That was a busy day… Heaps of people were living in the day, fearing that this day… would be the last.


Appearing in a similar way to he and dad, Kron with three of his wives, Blake, Weiss and Winter appeared. Vegeta with Raven appeared along with them as they all arrived together. Piccolo spoke just as they all gathered around, Vegeta seemed quite unlike the last time they seen him, days ago. Gohan turned to listen to his mentor and friend.


"Alright, with everyone here. Let's get over there before Cell decides to destroy the planet. If anyone here wants to back out now, now's your chance." Piccolo said as he gazed at everyone assembled on the lookout minus Dende who continued to monitor the situation below. Gohan could tell everyone was serious, Vegeta especially who scoffed, speaking up.


"I will be quite happy for everyone here to watch me crush Cell, then Kakarot… you and Kron are next." Vegeta gloated arrogantly as he placed a hand on Raven's shoulder. Raven in turn placed her own hand on Kron's before she spoke up.


"Come on Kron, Winter… Goku. Use that ability already and get us down there." She looked at the three of them and everyone drifted off into groups, seemingly teleporting to the same area at the same time in but a blink.




Reappearing within sight of Cell, he stood motionless in the middle of his ring, the disgusting smirk on his face as he turned… I also sensed some Muppets nearby and I wanted to laugh in joy outward as the 'Great Hercule' heh… 'Mr. Satan' the badass trick saying meme on legs should be… ah, there he is over there. I looked at him more than Cell though I could sense Cell's and Vegeta's Ki fluctuating in different amounts of annoyance.


"Heh… we're not alone… Vegeta, looks like you'll have to get in line behind the 'champ'. I've… seen him fight on television a few times…" I nodded towards Hercule on the ring though everyone else bar Winter, Weiss and Blake had any clue who I meant as they also watched him with me in the past. Hercules, standing in the ring wrapped in his cloak and holding a microphone, with the presenter and cameraman near him, the presenter I could see flapping his gums into the microphone. Cell seemed happy to see us, the guy ignored Hercule. I also took note of Sixteen at the other side of the ring, he seen us and circled the ring to link up with us.


Cell, who smirked our way and ignored the 'champ' and the camera crew spoke in a confident tone, smirking our way.


"Welcome everyone." he especially smirked Goku's way, while glaring at me. After he gave Goku a good once over. Sixteen finally arrived on our side of the ring, when he got to us, I gave him greetings though I kept my gaze on the green bastard in front of me.


"Hey Sixteen." I said neutrally, he nodded and replied.


"I came to help; I had gotten some repairs though Cell feels powerful according to my scanners." Sixteen glared at Goku who came upon him and I as he spoke.


"Hello, I'm Goku." Sixteen tore his eyes from Goku's sight as the good-natured Saiyan approached Sixteen and extended his hand for a handshake, but Sixteen frowned, looking as if he was struggling to even say anything as he replied.


"...I know who you are. I had orders to destroy you though I have decided not to follow these orders anymore." I sighed. Goku turned to Vegeta and spoke just as he stood forward with a glare on his face, looking towards Cell. I then turned to my right and seen the guy with the mike speak aloud, still glancing our way confused.


"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not sure what to make of all these newcomers. I must say it's very intriguing." the 'champ' grumbled out words of his own.


"H-Hey, don't forgot about the Champ!" I snorted, turning as Goku spoke.


"let's get this thing started. You still up for it Vegeta?" Vegeta nodded, his gaze never leaving the Android Cell as he got closer to the ring.


"Yes, I am, and I will be the one who finishes him off so enjoy the show Kakarot…" he said, causing both Raven and Herucle to scoff with the 'champ' rushing towards the edge of the ring as he retorted. I smirked at Vegeta's words, though I noted that Cell stared very intensely at both me and from what I could gather, at Goku too.


Hercule distracted me then, the meme on legs retorted angrily to Vegeta's words and our 'supposed' intrusion to this event.


"Hey! I'm the champ guys, don't go making your own order in this fight! There is no need!" he growled out, honestly… I wanted to laugh at him, he was a big source of amusement in my past, but I couldn't laugh now… I was too much of a Saiyan to and he very likely could die this time… perhaps knocking him out would-


"-I will be fighting Cell! He will be crushed amateurs; you all just watch a good fight! Ho Ho! Argh… yeah!!" he growled out while posing as the presenter came forward, questioning the closest of us which happened to be Goku.


"Excuse me Sir, but I was wondering if you and your friends were thinking of competing in the 'Cell Games' here?" Yamcha replied, looking quite cocky as he spoke, though he did have experience speaking to the media what, from his baseball stardom.


"Yes, we are. We've got a good line-up of fighters all rearing to go at Cell and win this here tournament. Though only 'some' of us will be competing, the rest of us will be here for support or to uh, cheer for our fighters… Our uh, great fight Vegeta will fight first according to our line-up-" he glanced at Weiss and Blake, they weren't looking up for fighting after all, what with them each hanging off one of my arms as they got a good look at Cell and probably a good feel for his monstrous Ki. I couldn't blame them, they would be safer at home, but I didn't want to say anything as I quite enjoyed their fussing, Winter smirked at me as I met her gaze to which I returned. I held them around the shoulders and replied to them quietly.


"You know ladies, if you want to go home, I will make a clone and take-" Blake replied, narrowing her eyes as she held on tighter.


"I want to watch you beat him, when will you fight?" I replied, not sure. Goku would fight after Vegeta… and then there was Gohan or me. Perhaps Gohan would, who knows, though I wouldn't be surprised if I did after Goku.


"You heard Vegeta darling, we're here to watch him fight… and 'win' this tournament." I heard Weiss snicker while I glanced towards Vegeta who hadn't heard me. Hercule rushed forward while I was speaking to my wives, insulted or something as he pointed towards Cell.


"-Enough of this foolishness! This is not a game! I have had enough of your yapping, you ought to get clear of the area! This place is dangerous, and I can't have no two-bit hicks getting in the way of the fighting!" Krillin, funnily enough had spoken with a sneer, looking at Hercule as he shut him up.


"You ought to listen to your own advice and clear out of here… blowing a vein at us… you big grease-ball" Hercule stopped his yelling, looking towards Krillin all confused before he responded, firstly with a laugh.


"Now this is a surprise, to think that there were still some ignorant yokels out here in the sticks. I guess by your ignorant looks that you all don't know or haven't heard of the world champ! Well, here I am… Mr. Satan and I'm here to save the day!" I was met with some quiet giggles from Blake which was music to my ears while Winter, Tien, Piccolo, Yamcha, Gohan and Trunks looked confused while Krillin sighed loudly, Vegeta and Raven growled at his words and Goku chuckled. Yang meanwhile laughed, which looked to have infuriated Mr. Satan. The guy with the microphone hummed, coughing slightly as he spoke into his mic.


"And the other so-called challengers have been left uh, totally speechless! By the one, the only… martial arts champion of the world!!-" he walked off the ring and fell, cutting himself off. Ahhh… now this was some entertainment… though a part of me wanted to just blast them and get started, I held back that hostility as I chuckled loudly at the man's fall, getting surprised looks from my friends, even Vegeta was looking weirded out by me.




Krillin hummed in annoyance as he tore his eyes away from the news presenter and gave a slight chuckle along with me. The champ, Mr. Satan wasn't finished as he started to speak once more… all the while Cell continued to stand there and smirk our way. Still surprised he hadn't done these nuisances in…


"Seeing as you folk don't know who I am, I will show you-" he got into a ridiculous pose I happened to see before on television while at home with the kids and wives, and back in my life before all this, before being reincarnated here. Hercule on one leg, right arm stretched out to the sky while his other arm in a fist at his waist had yelled as he jumped upwards, landing off the ring and trying to appear menacingly as he looked at us, using his cape to enshroud himself… haaaaaa….


He took his right hand, extended it to the ground and with surprising strength for an earthling, he pulled the boulder clear out of the ground, impressing me for if only I could do that in my past life… sigh…


He tore the rock out and with a laugh, the boulder smashed against his own head as he growled fiercely and then he spoke while the boulder fell into pieces around him.


"See that? That is my strength!"


"The champion has these supposed challengers silent once more! Showing us her supreme strength, in no time these locals who have no idea about our champion will soon be believers! Hercule will show them against Cell!" Krillin interrupted, not in the least impressed by Hercule show of strength, speaking to Goku.


"Goku, Vegeta… we let them go first, it should be okay. Cell should take it easy on these yahoo's what, with all the rules of a martial arts tournament and all that and then we can fight." Goku replied while Vegeta looked quite upset, trying to speak but only coughing in reply… or scoffing, he looks pretty mad…


"...It's Time!" Cell called out, interrupting us all with his words.