The Princes All-Out Assault.



"Cell! You see these tiles on the ground! They are your future! I am going to smash you to pieces-" Vegeta had enough, his Ki exploding from his body as he got into a position to channel his explosive energy, growling loudly while transitioning into the 'Super Saiyan' form.


"I have had enough! Haaaaaaa Herrrrughhhhhh Reerrugggh- Now! Heeeeerrrrugh, Cell! You and Me! Rerrrrrugh- I will show you who among us who will destroy you!" Vegeta growled out loudly, yelling in a rough voice through his screams and Cell perked up, interested in his explosive Ki. Vegeta howled out, charging forward, at the same time, his Ki pushed an array of energy in the form of air-waves from his position which blasted the plebeian Hercule and his attempt at acting like a clown off of the ring.


Cell's eyes narrowed, smirking and they engaged as Vegeta struck first, laying a barrage of fast-strikes and controlled kicked towards Cell who reacted quicker for a guy who not long ago, was only just standing there watching him. It riled Vegeta up, the way he continued to act high and mighty, smirking while matching strike to strike from his superior Saiyan power.


"I've got to say Vegeta, you've definitely improved. I'm impressed-" Vegeta gave him a vicious knock to his head, making him flinch to the right, shutting his mouth. Cell smirked a second later, landing his own punch, a flashing attack that managed to get by Vegeta's guard and strike him in the gut. Vegeta flinched from the blow, spittle's flew out from his mouth while he was raised upwards, though Vegeta countered with his own, a lightning-fast kick that once more, struck true Cell's smug face.


Not about to be beaten, Vegeta let the momentum from Cell's punch and his own kick push him further upwards into the air, barraging the floor where Cell righted himself from Vegeta's kick with multiple, yellow-colored Ki-blasts. Pelting the arena which surprisingly held together even from his quick barrage, Cell flickered upwards into view but by then Vegeta had but a split second to stop his barrage and get up a hastily put-up guard. Cell smirked, laying blow after blow into Vegeta who grimaced but with a yell, Vegeta while taken a further few blows from Cell, held out his hands wide and a defensive Ki-aura formed, pushing Cell back from the energy. Vegeta then quickly moved both his hands in together and powered up again, quicker as his Ki bubble beneath the surface, already waiting to be used.


"...'Final Flash'- Haaaaaaaaaeeeeh!" the aura formulating in his hands quickly took shape while Cell halted being pushed back from Vegeta's previous use of Ki and seemingly waited for Vegeta's attack.


The resulting explosion spilled over Cell, like a blinding sun as the explosion expanded similar to the suns diameter, and Vegeta pressed on while adding more of his Ki. He heard that whiny voice of that pathetic Yamcha yell out while Kakarot called out to him but Vegeta paid them no mind as he cut off his power to his technique. Breathing a few times, caught up with his forgetting to breath, Vegeta watched as the fading smog from his attack clear, seeing Cell there, only with one arm removed and his face locked in pain.


"W-Why you!" Cell stuttered out, his remaining hand reaching for his stump with surprise and Vegeta barked out loudly, laughing in glee from his successful attack, pleased. Cell continued to reach for his stump, where a arm should, shock on his facial features while Vegeta laughed some more. Cell then tensed, before his look of outrage and shock gave way for a small smirk, which stopped Vegeta short, Vegeta's laughter died down when Cell mocked him and another arm, fresh and laced with his disgusting blood shot out of the stump.


"My, Vegeta, why, did you think you've gotten the upper hand on me- pardon my pun, you really are pathetic. Come now, round two." Cell blipped out of existence and Vegeta bent forward, gaping as he lost all breath from out of him, Cell's head was in range of his eyes and the small smirk plastered on Cell's face was the last thing he seen before he clenched shut his eyes in pain, the punch sending him downward like a missile, he landed on the arena, cracking one of the marble floor tiles and leaving an imprint though what shape, Vegeta couldn't gleam as his eyes were still shut. He felt Cell move and Vegeta used his strength to kick onto a marble tile, blasting off as Cell came down and landing where he once was. Vegeta opened one eye, blasting backwards but lost sight of Cell yet again-


"-Hrrrreeeeigh!!" Vegeta grunted loudly, another blow from Cell and this time from behind had shown just how fast Cell was compared to him and this time, Vegeta looked to be disqualified from this laughable excuse for Cell to mock him, this tournament as he managed to open his eyes, seeing that he was heading outside the arena.


Vegeta clenched his Ki and now engulfed in his Ki, he managed to use his energy to stop his fall, sharply stopping just above the ground when he afterimaged, landing on the arena in a bend, looking up with a glare. Vegeta wiped his face, particularly his mouth where he tasted blood and looked at it for a split second, keeping his eyes back on Cell who, besides some droplets of sweat and some liquid still remaining on his newly formed arm, he looked fine. Cell landed near to him, his metallic step as he stepped foot on the arena could be heard and Vegeta couldn't help but clench his hand and bare his teeth at the sight of Cell's mockery. Cell extended his new hand towards him, speaking up.


"Is that it, Vegeta I would have thought a Saiyan of you're caliber would be able to put in some work, especially with all the time I gave you in order to train. Now, killing in these sorts of tournaments, while quite rare also so happen. You can surrender, if you're pride allows you or continue to be but a mere bug I can swat away with nought any effort. So, round three?" Vegeta glared hatefully, replying while tensing his body as he powered up again, pushing 'Super Saiyan' to his maximum and Vegeta felt his body begin to bulk up and felt a little taller from the effort. His Ki, raging around him drowned a little noise so Vegeta yelled out.


"I will never give you the satisfaction! I won't some insect with my power within them to shit on me, my pride! I'll destroy you!" Vegeta raged, still in mind not to try and charge at Cell and engage him physically, his speed being slower within this bulky form. Instead Vegeta channeled everything he had and used one of his old techniques, his 'Galaxy Breaker' which was like Kron's own technique, his 'Tyrant's Wave' technique. With this and pouring every ounce of his maximum power into it, with Cell still smirking towards him which meant, at least Vegeta believe, that Cell would take his attack head on full of bravado. Vegeta clenched his jaw, his body covered with golden aura begun to radiate random flickers of White colored lighting bolts running up and down him randomly.


"Hrrrgh- 'Galaxy Breaker' Die Cell!" A golden wave with lightning running up it resonated towards Cell in a expanding wave, washing over him. Cell became obscured from his attack and Vegeta fell to one knee while his attack continued to climb higher as it spread further.


Blinding light flickered from the explosion and Vegeta turned in surprise, Cell standing there with a smirk in a bent formation-


-Vegeta was kicked upwards towards his own technique, and Vegeta hadn't much strength to stop him combing closer towards his own blast but Vegeta stopped suddenly when Kakarot flickered in front of him, stopping him by holding him steady. Vegeta didn't dare look at Kakarot's face for shame and his pride. Vegeta felt been flickered as Kakarot landed out of the ring and carefully put Vegeta onto the ground,, turning to Cell who walked slowly towards the middle of the ring, the freak begun laughing.






"-Be still Vegeta, Krillin. A Senzu bean, over here." Kakarot spoke, I turned at Vegeta, who avoided everyone's eyes in shame. Cell chuckled, watching before he spoke up in a calm tone of voice.


"Now, who is next… Will it be you Goku? Or-" Kakarot replied, nodding intently as he stepped forward.


"Yeah, I'm up next. Cell. You hurt killed my loving wife, you will no longer hurt anyone else after today!" Goku spoke with resolve, his face grim, eyes steel as he glared towards the smirking Cell, amused by his words. Cell, mockingly, barred his teeth in a grin while extending both hands wide, finger outstretched while he stepped backwards two to three steps in tandem. Ending up in a familiar poser, that of what Frieza usually would do in mocking fashion. To see it done by Cell, I knew he was staring at me, unfazed as Goku stepped up onto the ring.


He was mocking me too.


"Goku… Goku! I have been imprinted with many things, your techniques, feats and behavior the computer has been able to scavenge from every of your battles, to your way of life. Up here, you are no stranger, you are but a portion that is of my greatness!" Cell pointed towards his head whilst speaking, smirk on his face serving to antagonize Goku, who got to his fighting position with hands at the ready. With Goku taking this bout seriously, perhaps he stood a better chance in weakening him.


'Oh, right… he would end up giving him a Senzu Bean-'


"Krillin." he turned to me, replying with a raised eyebrow.


"Uh, yeah Kron. What's-"


"-The Senzu Beans, give me them." I asked, no, demanded with hand outstretched and a serious glint, at least I believed I was, towards his own face and Krillin slowly nodded. He replied as I caught the bean bag.


"Why'd you need them for? You seem to be good to go." Krillin asked and I replied, turning away from him.


"Because, as we've used the beans now, Cell has seen them and could get it in his mind to use them for himself. I don't really think he'd have any trouble taking them from you, unless… you'd rather hold on to them and defend-" Krillin waved two hands back and forth, nodding desperately while he replied, seeing from my perspective.


"No, no… right, good plan that someone stronger look after them. Good call." he said, turning back and watching seriously as Goku and Cell, who now had went into his own battle stance, stood a few steps apart in a sort of trance, waiting for the first to make a move.


Now, I should be good refusing to give that bastard a power-up. Even if Goku presses. They continued to stand there, the tension in the thick with anticipation which, unlike Vegeta and Cell, this seemed to be a sort of bout everyone was waiting for. Vegeta came to his feet and stood over alone, further away even from Raven who, I could see her little looks she sent towards the prince, laced with concern and also disgust.


"You know Goku, any time now…" Cell said, sneering towards Goku. They, plus us were interrupted when the 'champ' begun yelling out, laughing.


"-Don't worry! When I lace up my boots and have a short break, I will get back in the ring! I'm appalled at that guy in the rings uh, tanned brother over there who used some kind of trick to make me fall outside the ring. Fret not! I will get back in there! After this guy has his turn! Ho ho ho haha Yeah…."Hercule began to flex his muscles, and Vegeta look on shocked by his foolishness.


"T-That ridicules man hasn't realized his inept fighting power compared to the rest of us… is he some jester making a mockery out of this battle!?"Vegeta asked to my left, and I snorted, replying.


"Ignore him."


I glanced around once more as everyone seemed focused, waiting for either to move. I heard that man, the reporter speak once again and into that camera they are fond of. Besides them and the occasional wind, it pretty much is silent.


"Folks! People of the world, if you're tuning in now, there's is good news so rest at ease! Just moments ago, Mister Satan confided in me that he inadvertently slipped and landed out of the ring earlier, so once he ties his shoes he will be back to fight Cell once more! In the mean time, while our peoples champion is resting and prepping himself, one of those people from that nonsensical group, Cell's challenger is that cocky guy with the big hair. But, don't go far away from your seats folks! This little skirmish shouldn't take longer than the short one with the hair who lost before this bout!" the man earned a growl from those last words from Vegeta though he turned away and ignored them now, glancing at Kakarot and Cell. The presenter continued speaking loudly, making me silently laugh.


"in my professional opinion, this could get pretty ugly like the previous battle. These guys have no idea who they are up against! Cell is too much for the likes of them and only our champion will ever have the necessary skills to pull a victory… from the jaws of world annihilation! Hercule, what thoughts have you to share of this foolish but valiant warrior?" he droned on, everyone heard the boastful voice as Hercule replied with a chuckle.


"Utterly hopeless, just by looking at his stance… all I've got to say is you can tell he is a rank amateur who has no place fighting such a monster as Cell is. Such a wasted opportunity, he could have been so much more if only he but stepped aside and let me bring down Cell! I could show him a thing or two ahaha!!" Hercule yelled out, though none of us paid him anymore mind, his words mere annoyance for everyone else but to me, pure comedy.


"Goku's incredible, huh? So calm…" Yamcha blurted out, gaze fixed on the arena. I nodded but Tien replied, standing next to Yamcha.


"Y-Yeah… his stance… he's left nothing unguarded. It's flawless…" Krillin made a comment then.


"Yeah, just look at him. He is calm even now, standing naturally, as if he doesn't even fear Cell…" Piccolo seemed to be smirked from where I caught a glimpse of him, he spoke now.


"If anything, he seems like he's been waiting all day for this… " I heard Blake reply, wrapped in one of my arms.


"He really is impressive, he's unlike you and Vegeta huh, fighting-wise?" Blake turned to smile at me and I placed a kiss onto her lips, shutting her up while Trunks spoke up.


"And his 'Super Saiyan' form, his control is superb. He definitely is a candidate for defeating Cell." Vegeta turned to look at Gohan then, who was still in his 'Super Saiyan' form and then Vegeta and I locked eyes, he narrowed his before turning back around.


"-Well, if I was fighting that twerp, I would beat him in just two seconds tops-" I sighed, extending one finger and launching a technique similar to the 'Death Beam' over both Hercule and the reporters heads. The beam startled them and they fell to the ground as another explosion sounded out behind them, a smaller radius but they stopped speaking to look at the Ki-trail which led back to me. While I humored them this far, I'm pretty sure that Vegeta was about to pop a blood vessel listening to Hercule prattle on, still pissed about his all out 'assault' which got Vegeta nowhere in regards to Cell.


"Come." Cell simply said suddenly, and Goku took off, blasting forward while shocking the onlookers. Their speed as they tore apart the air, blasting towards one another and engaging in melee combat, coupled by their calm facades impressed everyone, even myself as I was watching this in person and not through a computer screen. These fights is what got my blood pumping.


(King Kai-POV


"Come on Goku…" King Kai said aloud, the arrogant voice nearby spoke up and almost interrupting his focus on the calamity fight on Earth between his student and the monster Cell.


"W-what are you blabbering on about now o-old man!?" King Kai frowned, replying quickly to shut up the arrogant brat of a Saiyan.


"Quiet Raditz, I'm trying to watch and support Goku-"


"-Kakarot!, that fool who had forgotten our birth right!?" Raditz got off the ground with difficulty and begun to approach him, seemingly interested even if he tried to hide behind his angry facade.


"Never mind your yapping, if you're interested in this fight, you need only lay a hand upon my shoulder, and I'll do the rest." King Kai spoke annoyed, glancing back at the rogue Saiyan who managed to sneak away from King Yemma and managed to fly all the way here. I surprise for sure, seeing this Saiyan still on the check-in station and consequentially, managing to traverse Snake way though he did have a fairly decent fighting power for a weakling. King Yemma must have forgotten about the guy who decided to try and fight Yemma and on a rare occurrence, Raditz got free, Arriving but a week ago and two days.


King Kai held no fear for him, the Saiyan seemed mellow compared to his compatriots and the prince Vegeta, more prone to get talkative than Kron too. He supposed, training him for now and seeing if he would progress to reforming the evil Saiyan into something that Goku and his friends could count on as an ally, though first he would need to train and set him on the path to redemption, something he already achieved to a degree with Raven Branwen…