Goku and Cell Fight.



Watching as his dad matched strike to strike, blow to blow while both him and Cell smiled towards one another had Gohan on edge.


'Father has yet to go all out… what is he waiting for?' Gohan thought, watching carefully. Father took a blow to his face, retaliating with his own hit to Cell which landed, thy sent one another aside but went back into each others personal space as they engaged again. Their movement after every strike would expel a lot of energy, shock waves of air fired in every direction, annoying Gohan's eyes but amusingly it also made those loudmouth guys over there quieten down while they struggled to stand.


His Father landed a lower abdomen kick through Cell's guard and followed up with a barrage of punches, Cell retaliated with a vicious right hook and his tail elongated, coming downwards onto his dad's head but missed, instead landing on his right shoulder. Their faces however shown that they were merely testing one another. His father is lasting much longer against Cell than Vegeta did, though unlike Vegeta, dad was not even at his full power, not what he shown during their training session together. Gohan watched more carefully as their speeds kicked up a notch, eyes following with practiced ease while those loudmouths floundered around in wonder.


Cell used the first use of Ki against his dad, blasting him but his father afterimaged behind, landing a right elbow, Cell flickered behind him and landed a punch towards the side, sending his father spiraling towards the marble arena. A loud sonic boom could be heard as his father stopped before hitting the ground, floating mere inches above the ground, afterimaging multiple times in quick succession, within Cell's range once more. They begun engaging once more, fiercer hits at one another… but still, Gohan only seen them smile, even with a little blood or not.


'...They are enjoying this fight!?' Gohan thought, frowning. He had enjoyed their joint training sessions, Piccolo's and Raven's training too but really, fighting wasn't this much as enjoyment for him as compared to what his father's face was showing during this.


"Man, look at them go… Goku is… smiling though, I hope he takes this seriously." Yamcha commented, Tien replied.


"Yeah, it looks like they are only testing the waters against one another, unlike with Vegeta-"


"-Shut it three-eyes." Vegeta growled out; Gohan noted that the prince's eyes remained transfixed on the fight. Tien glared but didn't reply, Raven did though with an amused expression.


"He's right Vegeta, your fight was pathetic. But don't worry Vegeta, I'll take you for a round, once this is all over." Gohan didn't know why Vegeta begun to redden, with that scowl and Raven's huff. Yang looked disgusted though and moved away. Gohan shook his head and focused back on the fight.

Cell and his dads, cautionary start made way for more serious attacks and the use of Ki barrages, their blasts landing shy of the arena. Cell seemed stronger though, the more the fight went on while Gohan felt his father's Ki reaching towards the maximum he felt within the hyperbolic time chamber.


"Heh… is that all you can dish out Goku, I am impressed. And you use your head, unlike your venerable prince." Cell said, tasking a blow which he guarded against, landing a retaliating blow which his father managed to get up his own guard.


"Kakarot isn't enough to stop this freak, if he continues to play around and smile through this fight." Kron replied to Vegeta, not even gracing the prince with a glance.


"Vegeta, when Kakarot is done. If none of the rest of you doesn't what to fight, I will be up next. I will show you how to fight with your head, if you're not enjoying Kakarot's bout-" Winter interrupted him, an even tone as she pointed.


"-Looks like the clowning around is over." Gohan's eyes widened when both Cell and Goku begun using the 'Kame Hame Wave' at one another, charging their own Ki in a similar way, lighting illuminating the sky between the two of them. Their Ki charged at different times but managed to launch each of their beams at the same time. The blue beams intercepted one another, the middle of them became a blinding light as both beams fought one another for dominance. Pushing either way, the powerful waves of Ki begun blowing howling, rippling off the Ki and even managing to make Gohan step back a few steps from the powerful forces fighting against each other.


Gohan shielded his eyes from the glow, watching carefully while the beams looked to be getting closer towards his father. Steadying himself, Gohan watched when his dad flickered out of the way, sensing his Ki up behind Cell when he launched a vicious counterattack at Cell's back, sending him into the end part of his own beam, the now freed 'Kame Hame Wave' beams exploded upon a hill further out from them.


Cell recovered, one arm blasted off of him but a smirk on his face when he appeared floating in the air, across from his father. They paused their bout when Cell spoke up loudly.


"Ah Goku, you really are an interesting opponent, you think, unlike your Saiyan prince yet… you have the sense to add a bit of game between us, our bout has been fun but now, we don't need that now-" Cell raised a hand, Ki formulating within while Gohan heard his father shout out.


"-Get back everyone! Cell is going to blow the ring!" everyone moved back, heading towards the hills behind them while those loudmouths didn't move yet. Before Gohan could act, he seen as Kron, Blake and Winter flickered towards them and then quickly took them all, Kron taking the fat one and the loudmouth, Blake taking the cameraman with his camera and Winter using 'Instant Transmission' while pushing down the blonde one onto the TV presenter man and the woman, teleporting towards where Blake and Kron were. Winter, Blake and Kron 'Instant transmission' back at them.




Landing on the hill, Hercule and his lot were out of the blast radius, and I watched as Cell annihilated the ring, leaving a massive hole where the arena used to be. Cell and Goku paused their bout, letting the smoking crater which obscured their vision of one another dissipate, Thought Cell didn't let that stop him.


"Here Goku!, let's turn this fight up another notch… can you handle four of me, I think you'll enjoy this one…" Cell then raised his arms up into a cross-guard he then yelled out.


"'Multi-form'." Cell split into four of himself, the technique smooth as three other 'Cell's' floated out of the original and lined up, all of them cackling, amused.


"Look at you, I can tell your excited for this." Yamcha said the obvious.


"Damn… he can use that technique as well! One of Tien's-"


"-We can see it." I interrupted. The technique was Tien's variant of the 'multi-form', not my own version luckily. Goku only replied, I could hear his excitement even when the Cell's begun to mimic one another, laughing as one.


"Well, here I am Cell. Let's see you bring it, though I'm warning you… this won't work." The Cell's rushed forward, flying right for Goku and their melee engagement resumed, four times quicker. Flickering, their speeds looked to be overwhelming Goku but from what my eyes watched with little difficulty, Goku easily held his own, moving and dodging in tune with every hit one of the Cells tried to land. Sure, Goku took a hit or three but, unlike the one-on-one previous bout before, Goku didn't look to be struggling with Cell.


The four Cell's disengaged from Goku, afterimaging into a kill-box, everyone of them at a different position around Goku. I watched as the four Cell's Ki were being circulated from within and one of the Cell's called out.


"Goku, well done. You must be somewhat aware of how strong I am now, roughly?" Cell yelled, Goku replied loudly. Ki danced around the four of them, the four begun charging up, two fingers placed on each of their foreheads as they begun to use Piccolo's 'Special Beam Cannon' technique, It didn't take long for each one of them to launch their own attacks as the collective voices of the clones sounded out.


"...'Special Beam… … Cannon'!!" and thew four piercing beams blasted forth from each of their extended fingers, heading for Goku in synchronization. The four beams didn't hit Goku, he easily dodged that pathetic attempt, the explosion as all four beams hit in the middle where Goku was previously only blinded the battlefield as they reengaged in combat once more. Goku proved his strength when he managed to gain the upper hand against one of them, though unlike what I remembered from the anime, Goku couldn't outright beat them as Cell is much stronger.


Goku landed a harsh blow onto one of the Cells, knocking him from the air while he took out another. The last two Cell's retaliated, moving in synchronization as they landed blow after blow upon Goku, my Saiyan friend managing to get up a decent armed guard at the end as he launched his own blows.


The Cells recovered, one of them hanged back and begun charging up his Ki, raising his hand high as A pink disc formed, throwing it with a tense arm whilst forming another, launching the second one. Now, Goku had to fight, retaliated blows, flicker and put up a guard while also keeping an eye on the Ki discs, I called out suddenly as, 'This' Goku hadn't seen this technique as I was the one who dealt with Frieza, not Goku.


"Goku! Those Ki Disc's can be controlled to follow their target!" I yelled out, Goku didn't turn to me, instead he paid extra attention to those attacks and the Cell controlling the two discs called out to me.


"Hey there Kron, you really should know better than to try and ruin my fun…" Cell smirked towards me, his eyes glowed as twin Ki beams fired down towards me, though a quick moved from me, I retaliated with my own Ki-blast from my quickly extended hands, blasting the attacks easily. The explosion nearby, in front of us obscured the battlefield for but a moment but cleared. Goku fought fiercely but seeing that he couldn't beat the four Cell's, they begun using more of those 'Death Slicer's', now two of them were throwing and controlling them, Goku had to be extra careful not to get trapped by the remaining Cell's fighting him in melee.


"Wow! Look at that, he is-" Krillin began but he was interrupted when Goku flickered right behind one of the Cell's controlling those 'Death Slicer's' and amusingly, that Cell was too slow or dumb to realize as the disc sliced right on through him, the other Cell gaped in surprise as the original Cell was sliced in two, Goku led the remaining two discs, the other one controlled by the now cut in half Cell had lost control, exploding into the ground. Goku hammered into the other Cell's back, while the 'Death Slicer's' followed, running through this Cell as well. This Cell dispelled while the other two clones of Cell rushed in forward, angry by the deceitful move Goku managed to pull.


The Cell that was cut in half began to growl out in anger, as his bottom half begun swirling around, Cells quickly forming his new replacements and then new legs shot forth from him, regenerated back and covered in disgusting biomass.


The remaining clones, the two of them landed nearby to the regenerated Cell, as the main Cell glared, speaking loudly while Goku landed a ways back from him.


"Impressive Goku, you managed to trick me-"


"-You won't beat me with clones, nor stolen techniques, thankfully Kron warned me about those 'Destructo Dics' which can home in on targets as I was of the mind they couldn't. Now, are you going to continue on or are you going to come at me with your full strength?" Goku teased, I could see the sneer on the Cell's faces, he looked to have nodded to the other two Cell's in which they then begun to dispel.


Cell charged forth, getting into Goku's personal space, their blows at speeds I was sure Blake and Weiss were starting to have trouble keeping up, Knowing that Cell had yet to use his 'other' clone technique, I whispered to the two of them, seeing that this could easily turn out like that timeline in which he uses them to decimate the rest of our group, them already ding worried me.


"...Winter, come here quickly." she turned around, curious expression on her face, she turned. Walking towards me, putting some loos strands of hair behind her ears as the fight over yonder begun getting more intense as rocks and debris begun to rise. Blake and Weiss glanced at me and Winter as she gotten in front of me, and I whispered.


"Winter, I need you to take Blake and Weiss back home for-" Weiss scowled, while Blake frowned while turning back top the fight happening in front. Goku and Cell were in front of one another, each tensing hard as they held each others' arms, outstretched in front of them while they tried to overwhelm the other. Weiss growled, whispering though her tone was picked up by a curious Gohan and I seen Piccolo's ears twitch.


"-We trained for this too you know, I can fight! You know that. Yet, you risk Winter." she looked at Winter, who nodded, sighing. Blake turned around again, replying.


"I think, we aren't ready to fight this monster. I wanted to get back on the horse, so to speak, but I know I'm not ready. Come on Weiss, we've died once already, let's trust in Kron to keep your sister safe, I'm sorry if your disappointed in me." Blake turned to Winter, the two nodded at one another while Weiss sighed, agreeing. Blake reached up, taking my lips with her own and Weiss followed suite while Winter nodded towards me, grabbing a hold of each of their arms. The three of them disappeared and I refocused back on the explosive bout. Winter returned a few minutes later, she wrapped my own right arm around her and turned, watching the fight in my arm.


"Uh, Kron, why did those two leave?" Yamcha asked, confused and I replied, not looking at him.


"Their hearts weren't in it, and I quite agree that they stay out of this fight. The mothers of my children should be safe from this freak, Winter can hold her own." I added when Yamcha made to reply, looking at Winter but he stopped when I spoke, Winter gave me a nod, turning back to the fight.


Cell landed a sucker punch onto Goku, taking him off-guard for a minute, finishing up with an axe kick brought down unto the heroic Saiyan, sending him crashing downwards, the dust kicked up from the impact, bits of rock and dust scattered quite high, though Goku's Ki flickered, he landed his own volley of punches upon Cell, landing hit after hit in a vicious cycle, Cell's body rocked side to side from every hit, Cell managed to get his own guard-up, flickering behind Goku, landing a retaliating punch to the side of Goku's shoulder. Goku afterimaged in turn, their speeds for their fight kicked up more intensely while shock waves of air manifested from every blow landed, large chunks of rocks and dust were sent every which way from such sonic boomed impacts striking around the two fighters.


"Goku isn't going to last much longer guys, he needs a Senzu bean." Krillin shouted to us, turning to look at me, holder of the beans. Piccolo replied, his tone brook no room for argument.


"No, stay out of Goku's way. He is a warrior; he would not appreciate his fight being interrupted for one of those beans." Vegeta scoffed, adding his own words.


"The Namekian is right, Kakarot is a Saiyan, even he has some pride in him. Though I'm not blind, Kakarot doesn't stand a chance against this monster, the bastard is toying with him, like he did me-"


"-Come off it Vegeta, you went in blind and was knocked out because you overestimated your chances." Yang said, amused at the glare sent her way from the prince. Piccolo replied.


"Quiet! Unless Goku calls for help, we make no moves to do anything! Now, just… support him, in spirit." Piccolo, in his own way of preparation, removed his heavy weighted cape and turban, they fell fast to the ground, rolling down the hill and leaving impact craters from their landings. The Namekian then folded his arms, watching as Goku and Cell continued to dance against one another in this fight, shock waves continuing to sound out, wrecking the landscape from the force of their attacks.




Kakarot continued to surprise him, sure he was losing to this freak but, he put up a much better fight than he did. Though sure, he did gain a decent boost in strength from his beating, Cell's strength eclipsed him still. Feeling like a weakling, Vegeta gripped a gloved hand, his left hand raised up and he yelled out.


"Kakarot! Destroy this abomination! Show us your pride as a Saiyan-" Vegeta flickered out of the way in time when a 'Death Beam', one signature technique Frieza would use on foolish PTO grunts in the past, the attack pierced through the ground, exploding from the bottom of the hill they stood on and Vegeta glared at Cell, who yelled out while engaging Goku in melee.


"Vegeta… Vegeta! Such arrogance, why don't you quieten down over there, you're best wasn't worth the Cell's of yours in my perfect being-" Cell took a punch to his spouting gob, putting a smirk on Vegeta's face, happy for Kakarot's shutting the freak up.