Goku surrenders.



Goku was doing a good job, but he wasn't going to win this… Cell is too stronger, stronger than normal, smart too. Goku gave as good as he got but he looked more bloodied than what I could remember from the anime, everyone among us, even Vegeta, showed concern for him while Cell… he definitely wasn't at his maximum, so… the question is… who is next to fight the freak? Gohan or me?


Giving Gohan a once over, yeah… sure he is strong but, is his strength enough? Gohan needed to at least try, or he might not get 'Super Saiyan II'. Goku had sent Gohan little looks through his fight… more and more as their bout dragged on. It seemed like it was a forgone conclusion, who among us is next.


Another intense skirmish against one another and Goku got some distance from Cell when Cell begun to charge a familiar technique… my own, which only made me angry from his insolence.


"... … Royal … … …-" Goku yelled out, shocked by Cell's callousness, the amount of Ki being pushed into that attack, could destroy the planet.


"-Cell! That attack could-"


"-Spear!" Cell said loudly, the beam with an arrows-head pulsated outward, blasting forward and Goku grabbed on, pushing against it to try and change the trajectory. Cell's beam continued to hammer away at Goku's attempt in changing the trajectory, being pushed backwards while weaves of Ki wafted off in waves.


"S-Shit, should we go and help him!?" Krillin called out, barely holding on as he slid off the cliff. I had a choice to make here and now, so I made do, powering up fully through to 'Super Saiyan II', Winter slid back from my Ki being shook out of me, ripping a hole in the cliff we stood on and I went in, punching the Beam with enough strength. The result was that the beams trajectory shot out, heading upwards into the sky. Goku and I along with Cell hovered in the air, I close to Goku, and he gave me a nod while he floated downwards. Cell gave me a strange look, shaking his head as he too floated down, ignoring me as he called out to Goku.


"You are finished Goku, a very good effort but… as you can see, the next contestant is quite eager." Cell gave me a smirk, pointing up at me as Goku replied.


"Kron, I want to allow my son to fight, do you think you can stand aside? I am spent, I won't be beating him, I am sure you'll do the right thing." he said, not even looking at me, looking towards Cell with a calculating look. Powering down, I replied, floating down as I spoke.


"Fine, but at the sign of trouble, I will be going next. You have no say." I said when Goku went to speak, he gaped but nodded. Cell gave a laugh, looking towards Goku, as he turned to look at Gohan.


"Gohan, eh? Your son, Goku? Do you want to kill your son Goku? He seems powerful but, a brat like that. He stands no chance, I wanted to fight Kron next-" Cell was ignored, to his annoyance as Goku continued to speak while looking towards Gohan, a smile plastered on his face, that or confidence for him, or both.


"-Gohan, come down here son. You are up next. Show us-" Cell flickered forward, punching Goku in the gut and sending him off, following off with a volley of Ki-blasts towards the far flung Saiyan.


Cell then continued the volley, sending more and more Ki towards the dome of energy which formed from the constant explosions, Goku I suppose, being inside. Though with a glint, I sensed two Goku's briefly and watched astounded as the one in the explosion dispelled, Goku with his Ki charged up fired his signature move, the 'Kame Hame Wave' at Cell's back. The shock laced on Cell's face, firing off his continuous Ki-volley at a redundant target, he turned in surprise when the beam Goku launched hit him dead on. Goku teleported there with the 'Instant Transmission' using the clone technique I taught him to get this far, and I nodded with a smirk. The explosion overwhelmed even those standing on the hill, I flinched from the brightness and awaited the ending.


"Hey! look!" Yamcha called out, he floated upwards and pointed, Cell or what was left of him, lay on the ground, covered by debris and rocks, only his lower abdomen and one leg. Though in that moment, I begun to power up when I looked on in shock as Cell, begun regenerating quite quickly compared to what I knew of him, usually he would take some time to but this… it was almost instantaneously. Goku stepped back in shock, getting some distance and I turned to Gohan.


"Kid, your father wants you to fight but… if you want to sit this one out, I can go instead. You don't need to fight." I said, Gohan, laced with shock as Cell begun regenerating as his leg already healed and the monster jumped to its feet as his upper body then regenerated. Gohan hesitated, mouth agape as he couldn't speak, not sure in the least and Goku kept watch as a arm sprouted from Cell's body. MY own Ki begun circulating as I readied myself but Gohan, finally looking resolute, replied as he powered up.


"I will f-fight, my father believes in me." He then floated upwards and Goku called out to him.


"Come down here son, Cell will heal soon. You can beat him-" Gohan fired up the 'Power Ball' technique into the air and looked towards it while in the 'Super Saiyan' transformation. I fired a blast towards the 'Power Ball' technique, blasting it out of the sky and stopping Gohan from transforming. Both he and Goku turned to me in surprise while the others gathered around me also turned to me. Cell's other arm finally grew back while Gohan called out.


"H-Hey, Kron! Why did you destroy my 'Power Ball' I wanted to go ape and stomp on Cell-" I replied, loudly so all could hear, and Cell looked on, confused by the situation he found himself in, now fully healed.

"Using 'Super Saiyan' and the 'Oozeru' forms together is a dangerous change, you need practice to even handle both these forms. Believe me Gohan, you're not ready, such a change if you're not ready, could end this planet like the original home world of the Saiyan's-" Vegeta interrupted, intrigued.


"-What sort of form Kron? You and I need to have a talk! And what of the original home planet, are you speaking of the legend? We already dealt with that 'legend' or have you forgotten?" Vegeta said, growling, Cell interrupted this time.


"Eh, as much as all this chit-chat intrigues me, I believe we have a fight to continue. So, Gohan… you are up next huh?" Gohan stood resolute near Goku while the elder Saiyan replied.


"Yes, my son. Now, hey Kron! Give me and Cell a Senzu bean-" ah god… this guy, I yelled out while those around me watched me warily, hoping I wouldn't go through with it.


"Yeah, no. Not happening Goku, I've got one for you, but Cell isn't your friend nor is he a potential ally-" Goku, continuing to be confident in his son, even if Cell healed too, cut me off.


"-Look, I know all that, but listen…-" Goku landed in front of Gohan, staring at me. Goku continued, now that everyone's attention was on him, to my own annoyance, as i glanced at Cell in the background, just floating there looking on.


"-Cell, I worn him out some. Gohan deserves to show you all his best, against an opponent who can push him to his best-" Cell yelled out, frustrated by not fighting.


"-Come on, any time now! Kron! Or whichever of you fools is next." he glared towards me, which I matched while Goku continued to speak, ignoring Cell.


"-Alright, if your sure… but listen, I need one of those beans too, I may not look it that much but, I did take quite a bit of damage in that fight, going all out does that to you." Goku smirked, I nodded and took one bean out, looking at it and then to Goku who, even with his smile I could tell was pretty badly fatigued and wounded from his bout. I threw the Senzu bean to him, he caught it as he turned to Gohan.


"Look, Gohan…good luck, remember that I put everything I had to even tire Cell out to this point so, no holding back son." Goku clapped Gohan on the shoulder, Gohan took to the skies and got closer to Cell, landing where once the ring was and Cell followed suite. Goku, grabbing the Senzu bean then made me question my choice in giving him one when he then called out to Cell.


"Hey Cell! Catch, this here is a Senzu bean!" he tossed it towards Cell, who with two fingers easily caught it. Everyone had looks of disbelief on their faces, even Gohan made a noise of surprise, heard even up on the cliff overlooking him and Cell. Goku then spoke, looking sheepish as he itched his neck, looking towards me.


"Uh, So, Kron… about that Senzu Bean, heh.. he he…" he laughed from all the looks he got; Krillin replied.


"Give him one Kron, he should get that much stronger from the looks of him, But Goku… why help Cell? You do remember he wants to destroy us all… right?" Krillin said, a little annoyed from his best friend and Vegeta added, glaring towards Goku.


"As much as I would like to beat on Kakarot, we just might need him, encase we need to make a last-ditch attempt to fight Cell, encase the brat doesn't win, or Kron either… though, I'm expecting a good show from my other Rival." Vegeta turned to me, nodding before turning to the battlefield, once more clenching his teeth, looking at Cell. I sighed, pulling one of those beans out and throwing it at Goku, aiming at his forehead, hitting my mark. He flinched from the hit, catching it on rebound a second later and consuming it with a crunch.


"Thanks Kron, now… Gohan needs our support." he turned to the battlefield, Gohan stripped out of his outfit, the weighted cloak the same as Piccolo's. Yamcha added, also annoyed by Cell getting his strength restored via Senzu bean.


"I hope you thought this through Goku… that is that monster android up there, and you son also." Tien added.


"Perhaps we ought to have made Kron fight next, he did defeat him once already-" Yang interrupted, punching Tien's shoulder with a glare.


"-Kron, he might have defeated him, but he didn't do a thorough enough job yeah, Go Gohan!" she cheered suddenly, accidentally whacking Tien in the face from her outstretched arms, Winter spoke.


"Quiet, they are starting." gripping the Senzu bean bag, I pocketed them securely within my armor, a little pocket within my upper-armor and turned my attention to Gohan and Kron, a little excitement welling up inside me, as I grinned for the fight that would remind me of simpler times, all in the past…




Gohan looked at Cell, holding the Senzu bean he received from his father, still reeling from disbelief that dad had given him one of them, Cell smirked towards him, turning to yell at Gohan's dad.


'Why thank you Goku, I will not hesitate to consume this, you utter fool. You will come to regret this decision in a while, once I put to sleep your son… permanently, like I did his mother!" Cell gloated, making Gohan growl in anger, narrowing his eyes as he beheld Cell in his arrogance, crunching into the Senzu bean, healing a few seconds later from its wondrous effects.


Tensing slightly, Cell healed in front of his eyes, flexing his arms while laughing towards him. Cell then spoke, chuckling as Gohan glared at him.


"Why, do not fret young man, you will soon join her." Gohan took a fighting position, not bothering to tell Cell that his mother, plus everyone 'Cell' killed had be revived. Cell took his own position of battle, smirking still. A tense silence, both of them stood there waiting for the moment to start. Finally, Cell spoke up.


"...Come get it, little Saiyan." Gohan continued to stand there, watching Cell for any movement, Cell's eyes narrowed in annoyance, though he continued to smirk. Gohan begun gathering his energy, Ki swirling around him, inflamed by his 'Super Saiyan' form, he cried out loudly as the ground begun to quake. The ground opened up in some places, boulders and dust picked up from the crater also begun to float into the air, Gohan dived forward at that moment, flickering across the field and knocking into Cell's head with a kick, swung from behind.


Cell keeled forward; Gohan didn't let up. Laying into Cell, who managed to pick up a rushed defense, reflecting some of his hits while others got in. Cell, now taking this bout seriously, tried to retaliate but Gohan had maneuverability and size on his side, Cell had to bend to even get a hit onto Gohan. Using his advantages, Gohan continued to flicker, afterimaging. Gohan yelled out, launching a volley of Ki-blasts right into Cell's face, hearing Cell grunt in pain made Gohan happy-


-Cell flickered to his side, an elbow hitting Gohan's right cheek, stopping his volley while Gohan used the momentum from the blow to kick upwards, flipping backwards and kicking off Cell's face. Up in the air, Gohan blasted him once more, gathering ground as Cell afterimaged in quick succession, dodging the volley of Ki-blasts. Stopping mid flicker, Gohan flickered to where he sensed Cell to be and laid into him, a vicious barrage of punches and Kicks, hammering into Cell's unguarded body and face.


Afterimaging for some distance, Gohan yelled out.


"...Masenko… … haaaaaa!" the beam of golden yellow trailed after Cell, who grabbed onto it, his Masenko threatened to spill and overwhelm Cell, but he floated resolute, slowly being pushed back by Gohan's attack. Gohan continued to pour more Ki into his beam, he then heard a howling yell from Cell who managed to kick the Masenko beam, changing the trajectory into the sky.


Gohan and Cell glanced at one another, as the beam heading upwards could no longer be seen, Cell called out.


"You've surprised me Gohan, very impressive. Now, shall we continue" Cell begun powering up, Gohan didn't just stand there, powering up in turn. Their Ki expanded as their aura's clashed, flickering together and their combined might shook up the planet, even as they hovered in the air. They charged at one another, their melee blows created sonic booms of air pressure, exchanging attacks at lightning speeds. Gohan found that he was doing much better than his father. He found Cell smirking at him again, which only caused Gohan to redouble his efforts to hurt this cretin, controlling his anger and not letting it control him-

-Gohan struck hard, a boot kick into the underside of Cell's chin, rocking Cell's head as his head was forced upwards, spittle's of spit forced out. Gohan continued his exchange, laying into his unprotected abdomen, quickly landing another couple of kicks into their too while Cell grunted in pain, blood now being spat out.


Cell begun coughing slightly, spitting some more blood while Gohan flickered to his side, an elbow about to hit Cell when he flickered out of the way, afterimaging behind Gohan. He in turn flickered, retaliating with more blows which this time Cell was able to catch with his guard, reflecting more of his attacks or guarding against them.


Gohan kicked into Cell's guard, but Cell was able to reflect it with his open palmed defense, before Cell yelled out arms outstretched as a barrier of Ki blasted all around him. The sphere hit into Gohan, pushing him back, Gohan afterimaged further back as the Ki-barrier expanded, outlining Cell in a dome of purple. Cell begun charging his Ki when the barrier subsided, electricity running up Cell's charging form with hands formulating Ki into a sphere and Gohan begun powering up, slowly speaking with narrowed eyes.


"... … …'Kame … … … Ha-… Me … … … … Haaaaaaaaaaaa!-" Cell yelled out, now obscured from Gohan's 'Kame Hame' attack, blinding as the beam headed towards the monster.


"-'Tyrant's Wave'- haaaaaaaaaa!" a large-scale wave of purple Ki, with random bolts of blue lightning running up it randomly spread out from Gohan's beam. The attack of Cell's- no, of Kron's was pushed back where Gohan's beam hit but seeing as this attack of Cell's was more of a area Ki-blast, the attack easily spilled over Gohan's beam, heading towards him, Gohan glared with wild eyes, filling more Ki into his beam which had managed to penetrate the attack of Cell's while Gohan had to flicker out of the way as Cell's attack threatened to engulf him. Gohan flickered upwards, then continuously until he could get a good glimpse at Cell, heading into the side to see.


Cell's attack subsided, spilling onto the landscape where those people were, but Gohan sensed that Winter and Kron had managed to get to them, moving them further away from there and closer to them on the hill. Gohan looked on as his Ki beam begun to dissipate, with Cell standing there, moved to the side in an attempt to dodge but his right arm was blasted off.


Gohan smirked; Cell was no longer smirking. No longer mocking him with that disgusting smile and Gohan smiled in turn, angering Cell more.


"What, are you finished yet Cell? Or shall we continue." Gohan mocked, copying some of the words sent to him in turn from Cell, the android glared with bared teeth, grunting while his arm already began to process to heal. Gohan charged forward, flickering towards Cell who growled out, trying to quickly heal up faster but Gohan landed a blow towards Cell's head, flickering above him and landing an axe kick on his shoulder, sending Cell blasting downwards like a quickly felled meteor.


Gohan glared down, his Ki flaring once more as he charged up his Ki once more while Cell laid sprawled on the ground, Cell glared up at him with one eye closed as he regrew his arm on the ground he laid in. Gohan went down, a burst of speed and bring his right knee down upon Cell when he engulfed in red Ki, moving faster than he was-


-Cell retaliated, Gohan felt a strong elbow striking him in the face which sent him spiraling into the ground, penetrating deep. Gohan came into part of the ground, which was opened up, a fissure from their Ki shattering the immediate landscape, landing into a cliff in the chasm.


"You've made me pull out my secret weapon, a technique you'll note that, unlike the Cell from Trunks timeline, I inherited this technique for use because of all those of you who use it. I will make good use of it, never you mind Gohan… so, come and get it!" Cell blasted a purple Ki-blast down into the chasm, an explosion erupted to a massive diameter, but Gohan retaliated, using his own Kaio-ken to move at speeds to outrun such a blast.