Two Superpowers Clash.



Gohan and now Cell were using Kaio-ken, not a surprise with Gohan as he was taught it but Cell… him inheriting that technique made him all the more dangerous, a real threat which needed to be dealt with…


'And I'd better make sure for real this time around, he needs to be exterminated down to the last Cell…' I thought, narrowing my eyes on the two of them, their fight picked up in speed and power, red Ki surged from both, and their forms barely were able to be glimpsed from their overwhelming speed but both at the same time flickered out of Kaio-ken.


"Man, just how strong is Gohan? He seems as stronger as you do Kron, maybe even more so." Yamcha commented, Tien added before I could reply.


"Even if it is so, Cell seems more than a match for him. You must have pushed him hard in the chamber, Goku." Goku nodded, as I replied.


"Well, seeing that he achieved the coveted 'Super Saiyan' form before he and you Goku had went inside, I bet you and him spent more time training with and mastering the transformation to a high degree of mastery. What else did you two get up too?" Goku replied, looking quite proud of his son, his tone portrayed it as he spoke aloud.

"We not only trained with 'Super Saiyan', but we also had Gohan use Kaio-ken, much like you do whenever you use them in tandem, he got up to 9 comfortably before we left the chamber, that ability took its toll on Gohan though, but he continued to push himself, he wanted to be able to use it like you do." I nodded, impressed that he went that route. Goku added.


"He also trained while as the great ape, it helped with channeling his anger too. He didn't try it while as a 'Super Saiyan', I thought he should first master that form, sleep in it, train in it and such. Eating though was a chore while he was that big!" Goku smiled briefly, a clash interrupted us as Gohan slammed into Cell, their fists met the other's face, sending both away from one another from the clash. Vegeta, arms folded grunted, turning to me while Gohan and Cell recovered themselves from the floor, returning to their melee dominated exchange.


"Kron, Gohan had of the mind to turn into a Saiyan's greatest weapon, our Oozeru form but you stopped it, why is this. And don't lie now, I will not forgive you for withholding information-" Winter, angry from his words interrupted the arrogant prince, she her place at my side with my arm around her to stand in front of me.


"-You show a lot of nerve Vegeta, my husband doesn't have to put up with your demanding here, Gohan is fighting for our lives down there and-" I placed a hand on her shoulder, wrapping my right arm around her, pulling her into to me once more as I calmly gazed at Vegeta who, seemed to have ignored Winter's outburst. I whispered in Winter's ear quietly.


"It's fine, Winter. Ignore him." I replied to Winter, then I turned to Vegeta.


"Vegeta, I will explain this… if Gohan transformed into an Oozeru while as a 'Super Saiyan' well… there would have been a chance he lost control of himself… believe me now, I've trained with both together and on a few different planets, all but one planet was turned into asteroid fields when I tried using both of these forms at the same time. Too bad Vegeta, you don't have a tail eh-" Vegeta growled, interrupted me with barred teeth, everyone on the hill braced ourselves when Gohan launched a Ki-blast, and it detonated like a nuke had gone off.


"-My Tail! Heh, that can be wished back I've had no doubt Kron-" Vegeta along with everyone else braced ourselves once more while Sixteen managed to stop Hercule and his bunch from being blasted off the hill. Focusing back on the fight, their bout was heating up to extreme levels, only their control kept potential devastation to a minimal. Cell called out, no longer smiling.


".'Kaio-ken' times twelve!" Cell's Ki blared almost uncontrollably whilst changing color to red, allowing Cell to blast forward and catch Gohan off guard by his increased power. Gohan was blasted deep into a fissure nearby, and Cell followed through with a volley of Ki-blasts, firing homing in blasts into the fissure. Erupting as more Ki fed the explosion, a flashing red-aura covered Gohan blasted out of the diameter of the explosion, moving upwards as Cell stopped his barrage. They then blasted forward once more, launching lighting quick melee attacks in their clash. Cell's Ki changer back to golden yellow, signifying his ending the 'Kaio-ken while Gohan begun to overwhelm him now, still within his own 'Kaio-ken aura. Gohan reacted with seconds to spare, yelling out too. From what I could see, Cell must have used eye beams next, as Gohan afterimaged into different point in the sky while Cell's head quickly moved in motion, twin beams blasted out of his head while Gohan continued to dodge.


Krillin spoke up, gulping a few times before he did so.


"Goku, are you sure you want Gohan fighting, he looks quite bloodied compared to Cell, from what I can see from here. Should, you know… send in Kron to deal with him, like before?" he looked questioningly towards Goku who only smiled towards the battlefield, Krillin looked towards me a few times, seeing if I would back him up. Piccolo also sent me a look, narrowed eyes as he wasn't comfortable with Gohan being out there, even with his power. I knew though that Gohan did have a chance to win, then there's his potential to unlock 'Super Saiyan Two', though I loathed to sacrifice Sixteen for it.


The two of them landed closely, down the hill from our position, they seemed to be talking quietly. Though from the twitching of Piccolo's ears, he was hearing their conversation clear enough. Piccolo's eyes met mine as he nodded, speaking up.


"Alright listen up, I will convey their words back to all of you. Gohan is telling Cell that he no longer wants to fight him while Cell is goading him on. Gohan doesn't want to lose control and kill him while Cell seems to be amused, harassing Gohan with words to man up and continue their fight. Cell is now telling Gohan that he will… kill the rest of us to push Gohan to fight him if he doesn't want to continue, saying that it is his right as the winner to exterminate the rest of us.




Breathing hard, he wiped his bottom lip of the blood and spat onto the ground, getting a grin from Cell as he spoke, egging him on.


"Come on Gohan, you were saying… about your 'hidden' strength? Well, you'll need it here and now, holding back is… bad for your planet. Not to mention, boring and all. Do you want to die?" Gohan narrowed his eyes on Cell, replying bluntly.


"If you push me, I will kill you. I don't want to kill you, -" Cell sneered, replying whilst cracking his knuckles, stepping forward closer to Gohan by a few steps.


"-You say that like you even have a shot my boy, you are very impressive, compared to Goku and that fool prince… but you're not a fighter, you lack the… aggression, are you even angry… for when I killed your mother-" Gohan surged Ki towards his hands, blasting multiple strong blasts in a burst of anger. Cell become engulfed in an explosion constantly fueled by more of his attacks, feeding the expanding bubble of energy. Cell blasted out of the energy dome, Gohan cut off his attacks, intercepting him once he entered range, exchanging blows-


-Gohan was struck hard as Cell's right knee with incredible speed, managed to almost knock him out, his head was ringing from the blow to the head, Gohan landed into the ground… hard, as Cell landed down hard. Smirking, Cell came down, but Gohan managed to move out of the way, flickering behind Cell and landing nearby. Cell turned, frowning from him pausing their bout once more, the android yelled out, a hint of irritation laced his tone.


"Come now Gohan, I thought you just threatened to kill me before, if I pushed you far enough. Though look at you boy, you're barely able to keep up with me. You sure you don't… want to go lie down?" Cell chuckled, but Gohan further explained.


"I will not be pushed Cell, you trying to anger me won't achieve nothing with me-" Cell afterimaged into his guard, laying into his face and chest. Multiple blows, Gohan was knocked to the ground while Cell continued to lay into him, now kicking his body with one foot while holding Gohan steady with his other.


"-Oh, but you are wrong Gohan, I have just started my attempt in getting you mad, you little brat. You don't want to fight no more? Well, let me see about that, I'll 'help' you out. Get angry, or should I go and kill your father over there." Cell laughed, laying into him.


 "You stubborn brat, stop holding out on me and man up!" Cell picked up Gohan, irritated as he begun to land punch after punch, every hit sent Cell followed through with another before Gohan could even recuperate.


Gohan was able to block one hit, retaliating with a left kick sweeping Cell's legs though he only jumped up to stop the kick connecting. Powering up, Gohan swirled Ki within his mouth, a technique taught to him by using Oozeru for years now and Gohan growled out as a beam concentrated from his mouth swept forward, catching Cell in the body. Cell growled out, blasted backwards from the blast but was able to grip into the ground, stopping him from further push-back, finally able to redirect the beam towards the sky.


(Winter Schnee-POV)


"Goku, are you going to stand for this!?" she said worried, as Cell continued to strike Gohan with kick after kick. Goku didn't reply, instead he was mumbling about 'get angry son'. Piccolo growled out, turning to Goku, Krillin too as the two of them spoke, one after the other.


"Goku! Gohan won't last long-" Piccolo stepped forward while hunched, interrupting Krillin who dodged to the side when Piccolo took his spot. Winter noted that the Namekian's Ki begun fluctuating, his face almost feral and Winter couldn't blame him for getting mad at Goku.


"-Dammit Goku, I won't stand by and watch this anymore! You can keep standing there all you want but I'm going to help Gohan!" Goku turned around, angrily replying.


"Wait, Piccolo! You know you won't stand any chance, he isn't someone you could handle currently, and you've gotten a bit weaker since you, Nail and Fargo split. Just wait a little longer… Gohan has the power to-"


"-He dying isn't worth any power boost you're hoping Gohan will get from Cell pushing Gohan to a boiling rage, he could die down there Goku!" Piccolo glared backwards, looking towards her… thought in actuality he was glaring towards her husband who, hadn't reacted at all to Gohan's beating. That alone had her incensed by his inaction though she hadn't said anything. Piccolo yelled towards Kron.


"And what the hell are you doing, waiting for an invitation? Go get Cell already, Gohan cannot cut it." Winter turned to Kron, his jawline tense as he gazed calmly at the beat-down Cell delivered to Gohan. Goku replied, seeing that Kron ignored Piccolo, making Piccolo turn back to him.


"Wait for Gohan, his strength just needs a little… nudge from Cell. Gohan can win this, unleashing his true power through his anger, like he has done in the past. Once that happens, you all just watch… he will have surpassed me in power." Piccolo's eye narrowed as he paused with his anger, looking to be deep in thought from Goku's words.


Winter turned back to Gohan, hearing his cries louder as Cell picked him up from the scruff of his shirt and then begun to squeeze him to death. Shocked by this monster's audacity, she powered up and stepped forward, blasting off from the hill, hearing the cries from the others as she blasted forwards, intent on stopping this madness. She sensed that Yang had also blasted forwards, backing her up which she felt grateful for, pissed at Kron for not doing so. Cell continued to squeeze Gohan, looking at them as they arrived, smirking towards them. Yang called out.


"Let him go asshole, fight me-" Cell fired off beams of Ki from his eyes, both Winter and Yang's eyes widened in surprise as the two beams shot towards them, making them both afterimage out of the way. Cell called out, as the two of them stood at new positions.


"I thought I killed you… Winter Schnee, yes? You'd best be off before I make your husband over there watch you die, he's here in person after all, unlike our last encounter. Why, it would be an exciting way to get him over here to fight instead of this little brat." Cell squeezed harder, making Gohan cry out more. Winter and Yang glanced at one another, not sure how to proceed.




Piccolo took off then, Goku turned to me.


"Kron, throw me a Senzu bean." I did so, taking one out while I took to the skies in order to get between Cell and Winter. Gohan was thrown to the side as Cell glanced towards Yang, Winter and the incoming Piccolo. I went straight for Cell, he seen me as he fired off a few 'Death Beam' attacks towards both me and Piccolo. Then, I noticed that from the back somehow, Sixteen had gotten the drop on pretty much everyone, he after all couldn't be sensed via Ki-sense, thought I wondered why no one actually seen him with our eyes but never mind, he is a sneaky red-headed giant. He took a hold of Cell, physically imposing his brute strength upon Cell from behind, grabbing hold quickly while Cell begun to resist. I, seeing Sixteen and landing in front of Winter, turned to them two while I took out another Senzu bean for myself.


"You two, get back." Yang gave me the stink eye, but Winter nodded, looking towards Yang, making her scowl but they pulled back while Piccolo went over to the downed Gohan. I threw Piccolo one of the beans, which Piccolo swiped from the air without looking, bending down to feed the young Saiyan. Cell seemed to be getting the upper hand of his forced captivity, flickering towards him I begun to lay in some heavy hits, using 'Kaio-Ken' times twelve with 'Super Saiyan' to weaken him for Sixteen who, nodded as he spoke.


"Thank you, Kron, now get back. I will finish this fight." Sixteen gripped the other android much more securely, my barrage of melee punches having a good effect upon the weaker Cell. If Gohan was to unlock 'Super Saiyan Two', Sixteen needed to play his part or someone else had to die, or however Vegeta managed to unlock it, I wasn't sure how he did so, training possibly for Vegeta in the time skip between Cell and Buu. Or Gohan can opt out and I would finish Cell, I was still stronger than him and having 'Super Saiyan Two' myself, I would utterly thrash this roach into paste.


'Though if I do that, I've already tried killing this rodent and he's survived once already… plus, there was another Cell not too long ago, another timeline or such, hopefully that one is dead and gone, I'd be better off asking King Kai about Cell later. No, this was Gohan's test, he needed to be stronger for the battles to come. There is also the fact that, Gohan was much more stronger according to my senses, his Ki seemed more denser than mine when he used 'Kaio-ken', at least with 'Super Saiyan' in conjunction.


"W-Why you, Sixteen you obsolete dustbin! Release me at once! Haaarrrghh! 'Kaio-Ken Times two'!" Cell became engulfed in red Ki suddenly, his power spiking up impressively high, easily breaking out of Sixteen's hold as he sent a powerful thrust of his right elbow, tearing through Sixteen's stomach, the older model android begun to malfunction at the point of Cell's elbow within his abdomen. The bio-Android followed through with a power sweeping kick, taking off Sixteen's head in one fell swoop as he landed, now free.


Sixteen's head landed in front of the now healed Gohan, the young eleven-year-old Saiyan's eyes widened in shock, and I sighed in regret, for Sixteen's sacrifice but, the boy needed this. Piccolo got to his feet, placing a hand onto Gohan's shoulder and Gohan snapped out of his funk, looking towards the Namekian. Cell laughed out, speaking towards them, glaring at me whilst sneering towards Piccolo, Gohan and the head of Sixteen.


"You see now boy, see that toaster of an android? His example will be for all of your friends. Kron, you'll die last, after I slaughter this child and your pretty wife once again-" Sixteen's voice interrupted Cell, speaking a metallic tone towards Gohan who, turned his attention to him, eyes widening as he listened.


"-G-Gohan, it is no sin to fight for what is right. There a-are those, like Cell who cannot be r-redeemed. Set yourself free of any guilt you might feel for taking out y-our anger out on t-that mon-monst-er. You are a gentle soul, I c-can see it in y-your e-eyes. I k-know h-h-how it feels, y-you j-just can't t-take it an-any l-longer. I know w-what's its l-like to h-hurt too, l-like you as I h-ha-have learned t-t-th-these feelings. B-but it is bec-becau-se y-you cherish l-life t-th-at you mu-st protect- protect it." Sixten managed to get out, heavy damage to him made wording his speech hard but Cell stepped over, still engulfed in his 'Kaio-ken, his face held a smirk, sneering down upon Sixteen.


"Gosh Sixteen, such good advice for one with a chip on your shoulders… ah, that is, before you lost your shoulders. Why, I ought to reward you for kind words, though it is not kindness that the young lad needs, it is rage." Piccolo stepped forward as Gohan continued to listen to Sixteen's words. All the while, I continued to watch, knowing that this was it, it would come to fruition… Sorry Sixteen. Sixteen added, fluctuating briefly, his power dropping.


"Please Gohan, p-protect the life we c-cherish. Drop you're re-straints, D-efend n-ature, the plan-et, you h-have it in you. Just… let it all out." Cell finally reached the head of Sixteen, eyeing it domineeringly, bringing up a leg whilst chuckling-


-Sixteen was no more, just blood, guts and parts which scattered or were crushed by Cell's left foot. Piccolo growled out, rushing forwards when Cell retaliated, flickering to the side, slashing him with a swift job of his right hand, sending Piccolo behind Cell at high speeds, he crashed into the hill where the rest were standing, still alive but hurt badly.


Gohan was in a state of shock, from Sixteen's death and Piccolo's harsh and easy brush off from Cell, the android stood there, eyeing Gohan and I, he narrowed his eyes as Gohan continued to zone out, speaking up.


"Kron, my, I didn't know you had it in you… to leave an ally so exposed, so easily dealt with and I know you have thew power, you only just proved it before when that foolish earlier model had me in a grappling hold. Yet, you lifted no finger when… I knew you could have easily did so. The boy is pathetic, not a fighter like his father., He lacks the courage and fighting spirit. But you… you are a ruthless Saiyan, you've only proved that even more now than I knew before. Oh look, the little brat looks betrayed. Heh." Cell begun to chuckle as Gohan turned, eyes filled with tears, face bloodied and in a state of shock, his eyes though… they held a hint of hurt and… betrayal in them, haaaa…. I sighed, turning away all the while Gohan's Ki begun to spike rapidly, he was on the edge of reaching that level… the level he can reach, that of 'Super Saiyan Two'. I only regret that Sixteen paid for it with his life. Cell stopped chuckling, he turned sharply towards Gohan but, with closed eyes and a smile, spoke loudly.


"Heh, boy. You've proven that you have some skill but, I have a real opponent now, someone I'd definitely like to kill now. But don't worry, once I've dealt with this warrior, like that defect Sixteen, I will finish you and your planet off in due time-" Gohan looked into the abyss, still out of it as he stopped glaring at either myself or Cell, his eyes full of tears while his Ki continued to climb, his teeth clenching as his anger spiked. Cell laughed loudly, getting into a fighting position, intent to take me on while his Ki blasted outward from him, the land begun to quake from him powering up and I followed suite, sending the still in shock Gohan a look when- !


-I felt Gohan's Ki shoot up as his Ki engulfed him in a burst, Cell did too as his head sharply zeroed in on the young Saiyan, eyes scrutinizing Gohan. My ears heard the manifestation of his Ki also, go from the calm wave-like swirls that become fiercer, electricity-bolts dancing up and down his form randomly, while the energy surging up and down him could be heard sharply. Gohan's hair became more pronounced, sharper in looks, his eyes too. He glared at me momentarily, pissed off with me no doubt for 'allowing' Sixteen to be destroyed but turned to Cell.


"You shouldn't have done that Cell, Kron… I hate you." my mouth opened agape, as I looked at the eleven-year-old with little traces of shock. But I calmed down, and stepped back, for the renewed fighting that would continue here-


-Gohan raised a hand in Cell's direction, speaking loudly so I could hear."


"Kron, get out of the way… Cell, prepare to die." Gohan snarled out, blasting a powerful blast at Cell, who managed to dodge the initial attack though the electrified beam only circled upwards, following Cell.