Unleashed Eleven Year old.



He couldn't bear to look at Kron who, used Sixteen to bring him to this point. Sure, the power felt overwhelming and for the first time since he began his battle against that monstrous tyrant Cell, he felt strong enough to destroy it utterly. Faster, stronger with very little waste in terms of Ki, he also had access to 'Kaio-ken though Gohan knew abusing that would only lead him to problems long term during thew bout.


He would 'deal' with Kron and his inaction soon, once he utterly destroyed Cell's prideful arrogance, then after annihilating the parasite once and for all. Cell dodged his Ki-beam homing in on him in the sky, using continuous afterimaging movements, before the guided blast exploded in the air, managing to hit Cell only a little from the large blast radius. Gohan took flight, his incredible speed had him appearing momentarily into Cell's guard within but a few seconds, Cell slow to get his guard up as Gohan knocked him, sending a barrage of punches and kicks that Cell had trouble keeping up with. A sharp, spinning kick towards Cell's face staggered the monster. Sending him back from the blow, Gohan flickered to Cell's new forced destination, kicking him once again, sending Cell in the opposite direction, a little higher in the sky. Appearing once again, Gohan brought down both his fists like a sledge upon Cell's head, this time the android was knocked from the sky uncontrollably, crashing into the ground, digging out a massive crater in his forced landing.


Gohan could have had ample amount of time to follow through with a Ki-technique, the 'Kame Hame Wave' or 'Mesenko' but he didn't want to kill this piece of trash… just yet. Instead, Gohan casually landed, his speed easily got him down from so far high up towards the ground with a span of two or more seconds. He glared down into the hole, waiting for the monster to recover from the harsh crash landing, Cell did so with sheer rage whilst he stood to full height, now barring his teeth in his direction, eyes staring hatefully towards him.


Gohan was pleased from this, though he didn't show it, watching the beast as it jumped out of the large crater, landing on opposite sides to where Gohan stood.


"How dare you, you little brat." Gohan only glared towards him, his Ki energy fluctuated quite loudly, as his energy surged around him. Barely even winded from that exertion, Gohan watched as Cell begun growling, mad from his beating Gohan easily inflicted. Cell's Ki begun swirling in aggravation, slowly turning a dark red as his 'Kaio-ken activated, he blasted upwards in a burst of speed, enhanced from the use of 'Kaio-ken. Gohan watched, eyes easily following him whilst Cell continued to climb higher in the sky. Once where he wanted to be, Cell's Ki lost it red hue, turning back to golden yellow as he stopped far up. Gohan assumed he would try one of the many technique's this bastard had access to, in order to attempt to destroy him but surprised he was, when Cell's Ki could be felt, slowly doubling, he seen as silhouettes begun shooting out of Cell, a total of twenty new 'Cell's had emerged in quick succession from Cell's back, all circling him randomly although from here they looked like little ants compared to the original Cell, Gohan blasted upwards, catching a few of them as they made their way downwards, swarming him like wasps.


Gohan begun fighting multiple of them while Gohan could sense, quickly visually confirming it as Cell pumped out more of his miniature clones, possibly another twenty or so though Gohan only guessed from seeing them circling him, like before in similar numbers.


Theses ones blasted forth, though they completely blasted right past him, as the 'Cell' clones all become engulfed in the red Ki of 'Kaio-ken seemingly gaining more power, allowing them to put in some hits towards him.


Gohan took the little gremlin's seriously, taking out a few of them already, they were glass cannon's, shattering from his attacks, he was able to thin out their numbers, but the group going after his friends and dad had reached them. He was about to go and help them, these miniature clones were nearly as strong as Cell, formidable with 'Kaio-ken too, but it seemed the original Cell had come down, joining his miniatures in the bout, swarming in together and attacking him on mass. Gohan only glare in sheer determination, destroying a few more min-clones while fending off an enraged Cell and his minions.




Cell's little copies had reached them, while Gohan was swarmed with another set of these copies, and Cell himself. The ten miniature copies branched out, each one picking out and attacking each of them. Vegeta engaged against this little monster who went after him, holding his own until the thing used that technique most everyone else uses, the 'Kai-Ken' and got the better of him. Easily maneuvering around him, putting in hits that Vegeta was hard pressed to either dodge or take the hit and continue fighting, but that thing couldn't maintain that power-boosting technique for long, it's Ki lost that red flare, and Vegeta was able to take advantage. Locked into melee blows which the clone managed to trade back. Vegeta gritted his teeth; the thing had the advantage in being such a small target. Now at a more manageable pace, Vegeta slowly begun to outmaneuver the clone, its own technique seemingly backfired on it and Vegeta smirked viciously while gaining the upper hand-


-Vegeta eyed Kron picking apart both the one that targeted himself, as well as the one that went after his wife, Winter. Those two gone, they begun helping Yamcha, Yang and Raven. The little freak in front of him looked tired, managing that technique once more but it only gained but a fraction of a second of used before fluttering out of it, as the clone's stamina seemed to be drained. Vegeta didn't waste any more time, engulfed in his own Ki, his golden aura blazed wildly, and he went full power, his muscles bulking up in mass. His next few hits and a swift but slow axe kick from flickering just a bit higher than the short midget clone had landed as the clone was crushed harshly, brain splattered from the end of his right leg. He grimaced from the brain matter, turning to his 'Son' Trunks, as the boy managed to fend off his own 'Cell' clone, putting it on the defensive with much effort.


The one Vegeta fought was then defeated, he crushed the little vermin with much effort too, much to his shame but, he did better than the rest of these supposed defenders of this planet.


"Yamcha, you disgrace of a warrior!" Yamcha took a barrage of fists to his face, the little troll flickered above him, kicking him off the cliff. Vegeta charged in, taking on the one after Yamcha, saving the weakling some work while letting Vegeta take his frustration out on it.




I laid out the two Cell brats easily enough, Winter and I went and helped Raven soon after, since she was a mother, no need for her to die and leave her son an orphan, Yang too... I guess. Vegeta dealt with one, Trunk's was holding his own, though he was getting knocked around a bit too much for his liking. Goku, healed up from earlier, dealt with his one, going on to help Krillin while Piccolo and Tien were fighting defensively for now. Yang, she pulled out her 'Ember Cecelia' going overboard, 'Kaio-ken' swirling as she knocked her one around, and from her own damage inflicted to her, she only grew stronger thanks to her semblance, strengthening her too. I took off, heading for the ones hammering into Tien and Piccolo, picking one out of the group and engaging it. It swelled itself in 'Kaio-ken', I did the same and dismantled the thing, crushing its head with a swift kick to the dome. Looking towards the rest, the four left converged to gather and retreated, heading for the greater group of them Gohan was annihilating casually whilst also fighting Cell himself.


As much as I didn't want to 'show off', I begun powering up, further through 'Super Saiyan' as my swirling Ki become fiercer. Lightning bolts begun energizing my Ki, 'squeaking' in my and the other's ears as I did so, feeling my emotions, particularly my anger become more heightened, I calmed down. Locking on the group of ants helping Cell, I was about to head out when Vegeta growled out.


"K-Kron, y-you- you look just like Gohan does, that fierceness, that overwhelming strength… just what else have you been hiding from me-:" Goku interrupted, as everyone even my wife Winter were looking at me in awe… or annoyance.


"-Kron, if you had this much strength, why'd you let Gohan take the brunt of this bout, if I'd known… I can't say it would change my mind but, you could have-"


"-Perhaps, I only seen 'one' way to go about it, Gohan had to get angry, and we were pressed for time. Suffice to say, I was sure we had a chance to beat Cell but, I wasn't sure of those other two, that come later after Cell. I needed to make sure Gohan and therefore, everyone else were strong enough to help me fight these two, coddling the boy wouldn't have been a smart move. Anyway, let me help Gohan take out those other little dwarfs fighting him. I took off, targeting those remaining Cell junior's, fourteen left, the last four from attacking us adding to the ten remaining attacking Gohan.


This speed, I got there in no time, already blinking on out of existence with a swift punch through it head from behind, flickering to another one and firing off a fast Ki-blast powered up from my right hand. Another two, I got into between them and behind Gohan who, like Cell was confused by my increase in strength though from their looks, they must have come to some conclusion, albeit different ones but they got out of their funk, continuing to engage in melee combat.


The Ki focused inside my mouth became ready for use as three of them Cell juniors were in different stages of fight or flight, two of them flying off in the opposite direction from the Ki bubbling within me while the last tried to take the fight to me when I fired off the beam from my mouth. The first one was completely annihilated, the yellow-colored beam travelled towards the other two, but the little gremlins had some sense, kicking into each other to push each other away from one another, only getting their legs blasted off. Coupled with sheer speed and overwhelming strength, I flickered to them and easily dealt with each of them with but a punch each, as they exploded on impact. The remaining ones, Gohan dealt with while fighting Cell, easily manhandling Cell though the android continued to jump up in strength from use for 'Kaio-ken, his body looked wounded with blood running down his chin and random wounds that while healing, Gohan continued to inflict upon him. Gohan, now alone with Cell, was fine to fight him in his own terms while I watched them from close by-


-Cell flickered towards me, anger clear on his face and kicked down from above me, not even catching me off-guard as I easily moved opposite to where he was previously while Gohan looked at Cell with a glare.


"Y-You dare mock me, Kron! Using this brat to hurt me, while you all along have been more than ready to fight me, you use someone else to weaken me, and y-you've come to pick up the spoils!" Cell growled out, pissed off with me while Gohan only grunted in annoyance, replying for me.


"Shut up Cell, your fight is with me, now that those clones of you're dealt with Kron will no longer interfere, isn't that right, Kron." Gohan glared towards me then, his Ki become more heightened whilst bolts of energy aggressively run up and down him, his anger for both me and Cell clear to see. I replied, my pride usually would have goaded me say something else, but I had more sense but to care about it.


"You're right Gohan, stop playing with him and let's end this. You want to teach me a lesson after all this is over after all, so-" Gohan replied, now staring at Cell, who appeared to be more incensed, no, downright murderous about us ignoring the android.


"-Shut up Kron, you talk too much. Get out of my fight." he took off, catching Cell off guard with a series of quickly shot-off punches, strong enough to have the android on guard, the android became engulfed in red Ki, 'Kaio-ken' once more and now was able to match Gohan blow to blow for now, I used 'Instant Transmission' landing back where the others are.




Now alone once more, Gohan focused on beating up on Cell, the upper hand his. The temptation to just end this monster was there, but at the same time, making Cell suffer felt fairer than ending this now. Cell flickered out of the way, barred teeth and a hateful glare sent towards Gohan and Gohan didn't show it, mentally though he was pleased seeing Cell this frustrated.


"W-Where did you get that power!? Y-You're eyes, there like…him." Cell growled out loudly, Gohan didn't reply, continuing to look in contempt towards this waste of life. Cell, not getting an answer got into a position to which he could begin channeling his Ki, the earth begun quaking in tune with Cell, Gohan whispered.


"...That's it you freak; I want to destroy you at you're best." Gohan continued to glare ahead, not fazed by Cell's rising power.

(King Kai-POV)


"Hmm. What is that boy waiting for, he has a shot. Why is he only playing around?" King Kai said aloud to one in particular as he continued to watch the fight. King Kai watched as Cell begun blasting forward, attempting to attack Gohan who, was able to use his superior speed in order to keep ahead of Cell's melee assault. Gohan made easy work of Cell's assault, maneuvering around him with speed off the charts, faster than what Cell could manage out. Though Cell made up for his losing streak by bringing out what King Kai knew was twelve times of the 'Kaio-ken', for which Gohan matched with eight times in his own form.


"Just seeing that monster using my own move makes me downright mad but, at the same time, impressed with young Gohan for pushing himself and using it too. Though, they are going to feel the strain… at least, one of them will, once this is all over…" King Kai continued to concentrate, Raditz nearby with his hand on his shoulder could only stutter in shock, being doing that for the past few hours really, from the power being generated down below on earth.




Seeing that Gohan was still playing around, I continued to watch while still powered up in 'Super Saiyan Two'. I began to use my 'multi-form' technique, creating a clone of myself as I had an idea, to help encase Cell went the Frieza route and prepare to blow the planet up. There was also whether to spare Goku from dying or letting him do so, he did after all, manage to train and unlock 'Super Saiyan Three', but then there was the thought that I might need him against those two brother gods of Remnant who will be attacking sometime soon.


"Alright, Cell is on the back burner, both of them look to be tiring out too, using 'Kaio-ken' so recklessly is sapping their stamina down quicker. Though look at Gohan, he seems to be still rearing to go." My clone said aloud, Krillin replied, none of us taking our eyes off the renewed bout.


"Y-Yeah, Cell's getting stronger and stronger, though he isn't able to match with Gohan now." Tien replied, also impressed by Gohan's strength, easily heard in his tone of voice.


"Gohan is incredible, though Kron, you also had this in your arsenal. Why'd you rely on Gohan for, if you could have done something? Sixteen was destroyed for this-" Goku replied as he gazed at me with a stern look. Krillin interrupted him, a little less angered.


"-Y-Yeah, why push Gohan to these lengths-" Vegeta interrupted, pissed, cutting off Krillin and Goku as they looked towards him.


"-That other android helped Gohan to attain this power, something Kron has also done by not coddling the boy. Plus, that android was an enemy, if you don't recall. Even if in the end he came here to help, it was a machine, I would have done away with it afterwards!" Vegeta said, not in the least caring about Sixteen, which still made me feel some guilt but, it was for the best, he might be able to be repaired this time around, with the added technology Capsule Corp has access to.


"Clone me, be ready encase we need to assist Gohan." my clone nodded, as I took out a Senzu bean for Gohan, ready to feed him another. Goku looked my way, speaking up.


"What's the plan Kron, are you worried about Gohan, he's never been like this before..." I shook my head 'no', not worried as the boy was a powerhouse, I was worried for the increasingly frantic state Cell was being pushed into, his options were beginning to thin and knowing Frieza, unlike everyone bar Vegeta in 'this' timeline, none of them have seen him fight. I replied to explain my thoughts.


"Goku, you never got to fight Frieza, nor Cooler. King Cold, I suppose had taught them too but, they had an ability to breath in space, which I am sure Cell has inherited thanks to his cells from King Cold, this Cell from 'our' future-" I said looking towards the 'original' future Trunks, as I continued.


"-will no doubt use it in order to destroy the planet, without caring for loss of his own life, as he can easily survive such an explosion. I'm just going to be ready, for when Gohan decides to do away for Cell instead of mockingly beating down the freak, increasingly pushing Cell to such a mindset. Gohan right now, is angry, more so than any other time in his life and that is heightened by the 'Super Saiyan Two' transformation, believe me, I've had access to it for a while, enough to learn about it-" Vegeta this time scowled in my direction, not happy.


"-You hold back such a power for yourself? I will ascend to such a level, and 'You'll' help me, Kron." Vegeta sounded pissed, glaring towards me now. Piccolo spoke up, eyes widened as he shouted.


"Cell is blasting upwards, Kron, you sure he will not care about the planet?" he asked, sweat running down his brow as I replied.


"Yeah, no he doesn't have anything to worry about. Cell will not hesitate to destroy the planet if he thinks he's losing, and with no options left." I said, following along as a constant gust of wind blasted out from where Cell hovered in the sky, he begun jumping in strength and his Ki, from here I could see had changed from yellow to red, making his Ki jump once again.


The way Cell positioned himself, we could all tell he was about to use the 'Kame Hame Wave', even Goku knew as he spoke in shock.


"No, that bastard… He wouldn't-" Tien shouted in shock, mouth agape, eyes except for the third eye widened.


I eyed as the android's Ki begun to be absorbed into the last-ditch effort to attack, as Cell become obscured by his own attack, the diameter of the 'Kame Hame Wave' encompassing himself, then expanding into the size of a moon- no, even bigger. A brief tense minute passed as the sky lit up, everything blue colored as the massive body of Ki Cell gathered forth for his attack begun its long trek downwards, aimed right for Gohan's position. Everyone around me, I could even hear Hercule and his party panicking when the large bomb of a beam came down upon Gohan, I only smirked.


"W-What!" Vegeta and Piccolo called out at similar times, as the large bomb of Cell's 'Kame Hame Wave' shuttered, I could see as Gohan launched his own in retaliating, his easily blasting Cell's beam upwards, back to sender as the dumbfounded fool Cell stood still, he roared in fear, screaming really.


After about a minute as the blast exploded, and Cell could be seen with two less legs and one less arm, Gohan still stood upon the ground, only looking upwards. I'd imagine, the kid had a smirk on his face, but he was far way, I couldn't see but it was nice to imagine. The skies cleared, and Cell hovered there still, a small blip with his Ki frantically surging from what I could sense.


"Hey, Is Gohan going to finish the Job? He has the opportunity and yet, he is only just standing there! Remember he has my cells, what is he DOING!" Piccolo shouted out in alarm, Goku added, calling out to his son.


"G-Gohan! Finish him off right now!" Gohan, turned, hearing us as he replied, a condescending tone heard in his shout.


"Take him down now!? No, I think I'll wait a little longer!" Gohan turned away, watching Cell and I spoke to the guys, adding my own thoughts.


"Let him wait, there is a chance Cell could bounce back from this but, even while he regenerates, he does lose more of his stamina. At least, isn't that right, Piccolo?" I questioned, not in the least bothered, and it showed as Piccolo turned to look my way, replying.


"...Y-Yeah, now that you mention it, my people's regeneration does have some drawbacks in the short term, particularly while fighting. Fine! but you'll better jump in if Gohan is biting more than he can chew…" he growled out, turning his eyes upon Cell and Gohan, I nodded silently. Cell already seemed to heal, his Ki working overtime, as new limbs burst out of him simultaneously, though Cell did look winded, his Ki now calming down somewhat.



 Once Cell finished healing up, he took a breath, sending this little brat a hateful glare, the little shit would pay for hurting his perfection. He powered up as bit, calling on his newfound strength that even now, begun to increase from such a blast, his Saiyan and Namekian cells working in tandem to assert his perfection. White-hot rage boiled under the surface as Cell continued to look at the boy, whose only look in turn was to smirk upwards towards him-

"-This is over you little-" Gohan shut up his trash talking with a swift right upper-cut, following a brutal flurry of kick's of his left leg in place, flickering along as Cell continued to be pushed back by his rampant assault, Cell flickered out suddenly. Reappearing above in the air higher up, Cell called out as he placed his hands together, forming a triangle pattern.


"Take this! 'Tri-Beam'!!" Cell's beam, yellow become engulfed in red suddenly, the beam came down upon Gohan though with quick enough Ki channeling, Gohan become enshrouded in his own 'Kaio-ken' times eight, the maximum he believed he could achieve safely while a 'Super Saiyan ascended' or 'Super Saiyan Two'.


The blast hit Gohan like a sledge, though if he was more akin to his weaker self before transforming, it may have done considerable damage, Gohan right now only blinked while engulfed in the explosion, which only done bare minimum to tickle him.


"Yes! Take that you little mongol-" Gohan blitzed through,. flickering within Cell's range and engulfed in 'Kaio-ken' whilst Cell was not, punched him hard in the gut, sending the shocked mutant reeling, full-force towards the sky, flickering higher past Cell as Gohan laid in his foot where Cell's neck met the underside of Gohan's boot which stopped Cell in his path. Cell's face rocked forward from the prior impact from Gohan's gut punt, while Gohan held his right foot still extend where it impacted Cell's neck, Gohan heard a crack from said impact as Cell begun dry heaving. His eyes bloodshot red, spittle's of blood and spit left his mouth every breath the android tried to make, though he couldn't from his rocked stomach and shattered oesophagus. Gohan ended it with a final axe kick upon Cell's head, still shrouded in his burning red Ki, Gohan's leg came crashing down in an instant, he watched with cold eyes while Cell was forced harshly to the ground in an instant from the blow.


"Is that all you could muster Cell?" Gohan mocked, Cell tried to get to his feet and recover but couldn't stop coughing up bone marrow, blood and spit as he desperately tried to speak, no doubt in pain which, Gohan was pleased seeing this monster suffer for his crimes. Cell begun coughing more harsher now, one hand on his stomach while the other tried to cover his retching mouth, the bile and blood, spit and acid coming out uncontrollably now, forcing Cell to his knees while he tried to regain control of his faculties. Honestly, Gohan felt sick watching this monster, so he gave a quick few breaths, a little tired from use of 'Kaio-ken' and he charged up his last attack, his father's main technique… the 'Kame Hame Wave'.