Android’s Released.



"Seems Gohan is going to finish him off…" Piccolo said, pleased that this would all be over, I watched with a calculating glint, watching Cell dry heave and cough up bile even from this far away, Cell must have been hit too perfect enough for him to 'release' his prisoners from the confines of his very being. I sighed a relief, not wanting Android's Eighteen and Seventeen to bite a bullet, glad to see that at least, as far as 'canon' goes, they would survive. Though Gohan's Ki flickered harshly, indicating his charging up a finisher to destroy once and for all… Cell, he seemed to have paused, hands extended in familiar fashion to the 'Kame Hame Wave' as he stood in position nearby Cell. Said freak, started to contort, his form expanding. Turning into a giant, or three times his original size, he held his mouth while from here, his throat expanded as two large… bulges are being ejected forcefully from his body, his body shrinking as a Eighteen and Seventeen were puked out in front of him.


"H-Hey guys, ugh… those are the androids, the ones he absorbed!" Yamcha pointed out, disgusted.


"Yuck, should we-" I used 'Instant Transmission' teleporting to Gohan's position, scowling at the oversized bio-android, before forcing myself to grab one of each of Eighteen and Seventeen's arms, gripping them while holding them with my left arm and hand, skin contacted as I teleported back to the others. The two of them being covered in mucus, I gave one look around for any water but shrugged. They were out of it, unconscious, leaving them nearby. I turned my attention back to the fight as Cell shrunk back down. Giving my clone one look, I nodded towards him and said clone nodded back, waiting for further orders.


Now was the time to decide, whether Goku does this next part… or should I do so? A clone ready. Piccolo shouted out, surprise though he also sounds quite smug.


"Cell is nothing no more, he has taken a dip in his fighting power, he is changing back into that beaked freak he first had been." Krillin added, seriously.


"Well, is Gohan going to finish Cell off now? Cell is liable to try and reabsorb those androids, Eighteen... heh, eh! and her brother." he said, looking towards them two nearby, leaning against a rock together. I replied, knowing what was to come, if Gohan carried on like he is, humiliating Cell like he was, easily knocking him around, Cell would be liable to self-implode.


"Or he goes the way of Frieza and blow's up this planet, he has nothing to lose now-" everyone, even Vegeta concentrated back on the one-sided fight, Gohan continued to mess with Cell, easily outclassing him. Goku called out, yelling out to his son.


"Gohan! You've got to finish off Cell!" Gohan turned, glaring towards us, replying while easily fending off enraged Cell, who was then blasted into the ground by Gohan flaring his Ki harshly.


"Not yet, Cell should suffer more, for everyone he has killed, even if they were revived! He doesn't get away with that!" Gohan shouted out a reply, flickering towards Cell while the bio-android only managed now to get up from the dirt, Cell's shoulder being kicked, and the android flew uncontrollably towards the hill we were on.


The impact shook the ground and hill we stood on, Cell creating a crater on the side of the mountain, for which I watched as Gohan reappeared nearby, punching Cell's downed form ruthlessly.


"Gohan! Hurry up and finish him off!" Piccolo yelled out, pretty mad now, Gohan ignored him, finished with punching the living daylights out of Cell, the android got to his feet, using the hill's rocks and boulder sticking out of the rocky crater he rested inside to steady himself. Cell shouted, pissed off but did not charge into Gohan like before.


"Y-You little insect! How dare you mock me so! No, I won't stand for it! You haven't won, I am ending this right here and now, if I cannot beat you, then I will destroy your miserable planet, you fool, you Saiyan's are powerful, but you can't breathe in space!" Cell's remaining Ki began to rise, his yellow-green aura become red in an instant as Cell's form begun to expand into a bloated form, slowly growing larger from all the Ki he bloated himself with, 'Kaio-Ken' being used to augment his fluctuating power. My clone, Kron spoke up loudly.


"Hey, are we… going to…" he called out to me, as I looked on concerned. Fuck it, Goku doesn't deserve to die, nor does King Kai and his aides, the monkey and cricket. I nodded, pointing up and my clone blasted off, heading out into space, his Ki rose to new heights as I felt him 'transform', seeing the golden glow of my clone turn to red, not of the 'Kaio-Ken' but of 'Super Saiyan primal' or four, his speed would be unmatched and also a beacon, a beacon for me to use to travel towards using 'Instant Transmission', I wasn't planning on dying either. His speed making it hard to keep track of mentally, but I managed so far with little effort. I called out to Goku while Cell continued to expand.


"Goku, get in touch with King Kai, tell him to help me keep track of my clone. I have an idea." I said, an idea you would have come up with but, I was making it, so no one died. Goku nodded, Vegeta called out.


"I should just blast that disgusting create from here!" he gritted his teeth in anger, Cell heard though and laughed aloud, his voice much deeper from the oversized body.


"Heh! Do at your own risk you worthless Saiyan prince! Just a little love tap is enough now for me to detonate! Go on then-" Gohan replied angrily.


"Y-You monster!" I heard King Kai's voice within my mind as Gohan yelled in boiling rage, anger at himself too.


'Kron, I am currently tracking you- uh, your clone. I will now help you do so, adding my ability to yours temporarily. You have a p-plan then?' King Kai questioned, and I nodded, as I begun using the clone technique once again, creating just one more. Understanding dawned now on Piccolo's face, he didn't reply, instead looking upwards to where my other clone had entered into space and then this new clone of mine. Yang responded to me making another clone.


"Ah, that bastard is going to explode… what's the plan-" my clone flickered downwards, landing at where the big lump of Cell was and readied 'Instant Transmission" I mentally spoke, King Kai could hear me.


'King Kai help that clone sense where my clone in space is, quickly!' I said within the confines of my mind, now no longer feeling the link between us, I watched with a smile when my clone below and Cell seemingly vanished from where they were, and I waited for 'feeling' from my clones and their memories as they would momentarily be forcefully dispelled or do so of their own accord-


"-My clones have dispelled! My first clone made it as far away from any planet as possible and continued to fly in a random direction in the inkiness of space, away from any sort of planet or sun. My clone that was below with Cell, with King Kai's help was able to reach said clone and dispel themselves before that cretin detonated. He should be finished!" I yelled out, not quite sure if he was actually dead yet as he did survive in 'Canon' which I was sure he did so now after all, but this way, King Kai and Goku live. I took out one of the remaining Senzu beans and threw one towards Gohan who caught it, eating it straight away while I also grabbed the second last one.


"Eat up Gohan, you've done well but, you should have taken Cell more seriously. Playing around with someone who has nothing to lose, well… you've seen the lengths Cell would have gone to win. Think on that, boy." Goku walked over to his son, placing a hand on his shoulder and Gohan nodded, shame on his face as he glanced away from eye contract with his father. Trunks added, happy for Gohan.


"Your impressive Gohan, gaining the power boost my father and I have managed to acquire, along with that speed. That 'Super Saiyan Two' form is impressive. You'll have to help me reach that sort of level, it would come in handy when I ultimately return to my own timeline-" Raven replied, snorting.


"-Yeah... yeah, well if this is all over… I'm off." She floated over towards Winter, adding.


"Take me back to your place, my son should be awake by now." she gave me a quick once over, glaring over my shoulder to Vegeta when she spoke.


"You! Are you coming along Vegeta-"


"-J-Just see here W-woman! I am-" my focus still feeling for any appearance from Cell, felt as he reappeared suddenly, using 'Instant Transmission', he stood over where his fighting ring was prior to being destroy and kicked up dust in his brutal arrival, not used to that technique. Cell fired off a beam, small and purple, a 'Death Beam' which headed towards Goku, who only just now had felt it coming, everyone reacted slowly, but I was ready. I flickered over, 'Super Saiyan Two' still activated as I whacked the beam over yonder, it bent in an arc and exploded further out.


"-H-He survived! But h-how!" Yamcha called out, as I moved forward, it was now my turn to fight, I think.


"Gohan, it's my turn to fight now. Vegeta! Witness a Saiyan who has continued to surpass all boundaries... a will continue to do so..." Vegeta replied with a glare at me before tunring ot observe the newly overpowered Cell. Everyone's gaze was on the obscured Cell in shock, the dust slowly settling back as electricity flickered violently over Cell's 'perfect' form. He smirked towards us, as his prime perfected form glistened with random surges of electricity, his energy greatly rose.

"H-He's back in his final form, b-but... how?" Gohan asked, shocked too. Though healed up, Gohan could also feel Cell's new Ki, everyone could feel this monstrous strength Cell attained from self-destruction, the Saiyan cell within him improving him while Piccolo's cell restored him.


"Hah, lucky save Kron… are you now going to fight me? Gohan has been the best sparring partner but… that brat was too childish to commit to my death. I seek to now enact my revenge upon you, Kron, upon you... Prepare to die, I will enjoy this." he said smirking towards me, and I landed close by to him, I replied with sheer confidence as I begun to power-up.

"Don't get mad at me… when I make you eat those words Cell, now I admit, you've gotten stronger… but, not enough to topple me!" I yelled out the last few words, powering up, electricity danced around me more frequently as the planet shook with my strength, the Ki generated encompassing me extended into fierce golden waves and Cell smirked, also getting into a position to power-up his own Ki.


Our yells, howls as the combined might of both of us shook the planet much more fiercely than ever before, the very land around us cracked up into pieces, rising upwards as if inflicted with gravity.




Gohan stood nearby him, still a 'Super Saiyan Two', his power erratic while Cell showed off his returned power, while Kron also powered up opposite Cell. Cell then got into position, fully powered as he begun to power-up a 'Kame Hame Wave', for which Kron matched with his own 'Royal Spear', their beams were far from their normal colors of blue and purple, instead both blazed red. The beams struck one another and forming a dome of unstable energy, their attacks exploded, and their Ki could be felt further away suddenly. While the last explosion had calmed down, as rock and dust fell to the ground in random directions, Cell and Kron engaged one another in melee combat, fighting speeds harder to keep up with eyes. Vegeta growled out; shock laced his tone.


"T-This guy! How dare he hide this much power from me-" Krillin interrupted, pointing towards Kron.


"-L-Look, Kron's power spiked up again! Cell is being beaten back! Ah w-wait-" Cell begun to shroud himself in his 'Kaio-ken' his voice could be heard from here as the android shouted.


"'Kaio-ken' times twelve! Now, suffer you Saiyan! Behold! My overwhelming power!" Cell laughed loud while laughing nearby, Ki dancing around the both of them while they engaged. Gohan then added, when Cell begun to be overwhelmed even while powered up further.


"Kron is much stronger, even while Cell is pushing himself with his maximum and pushing his 'Kaio-ken' to his limit, just look!" Gohan pointed out, no longer worrying about Cell, now that Kron was taking that monster on. Krillin added, coughing.


"He's not uh- Messing around huh- no offense Gohan." Gohan replied, laughing lightly, his hair was playfully messed with by Goku as the man watched the fight in silence.


"No offense taken Krillin; I know I messed up…" Krillin was about to reply when Piccolo shouted.


"Quiet. Cell and Kron seem to be at the last part of this bout…" he narrowed his eyes, watching as they both begun preparing.




Activating my 'Wrath State' I quickly powered up more of my overwhelming Ki, stoking my last attack for Cell, while that fool powered up on last time too, though unlike me he didn't know that this fight was about to end, for good if I can help it.


'Super Saiyan Two', the 'Wrath State' and for now, I would use 'Kaio-ken' times eight, that will be the last bit of fuel for my powered up 'Royal Spear', Cell launched his 'Kame Hame Wave' towards my position, an overwhelming size, as large as a mountain blasted its way towards me so I unleashed my own 'Royal Spear'. The blue of his attack and my purple-colored attacks quickly formed a large dome, hammering against one another, the purple of the dome quickly engulfed the blue and my attack washed over Cell's, before finally… Cell was full encapsulated in the blast, his Ki slowly disintegrated, his loud screams could be heard too until they weren't... His Ki had vanished, washed away from my blast. I stood there, overlooking the blast radius and waiting for the smoke and leftover energy to disperse but yeah, Cell is definitely gone and for good this time. He was completely engulfed this time, his head, torso and appendages, there's nothing left of him to grow back from…


Staying in my 'Super Saiyan Two' form, powering down the rest of my 'add-on' power-ups, I hovered over towards my wife Winter, the rest too as they all watched me coming over. Gohan's eyes narrowed at me, though he seemed more calmer, powered out of his own 'Super Saiyan Two' form, standing with his father. Vegeta was the first one to speak up, scoffing towards me.


"I'll expect you to train with me for now on, I want much more spars with you and Kakarot from now on. Oh, and… congratulations on your win…show-off." he seethed at the last words he said, before taking off into the sky. Raven scoffed then, walking towards Winter.


"This time… I think we'd better get back to your place, you don't mind Kron. Me borrowing your wife." she didn't ask, pulling Winter away from me, the elder Schnee replied.


"Alright, I'll see you later on Kron… at home…" she smiled coyly, narrowing her eyes, before she and Raven vanished from the hilltop. Leaving Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, Yang, Goku, Gohan and I left. Tien then spoke up, sighing loudly, looking towards Gohan and me.


"You two have gotten stronger, I'm going to up mine own training... now that that Cell is gone, Yang and Chiaotzu's training. So, uh… I'll see you guys later, I'm going to be keeping an eye out, I'll head to the lookout once in a while for information on these other fighters, those two Jaina mentioned. Where is she anyway?" Tien asked, looking confused by her absence, I knew I was. She didn't show up for a while. Off on her own? Perhaps I'd better ask about her from King Kai. I'd do it now.

"In saying that Tien…" I held up a finger at him while mentally 'calling' King Kai, which amazingly, he heard soon enough. Though instead of mentally speaking within my mind, his voice could be heard speaking, the others could hear too.


"Kron! Cell is no doubt about destroyed! Last I heard about him, he was being judged right this moment by King Yemma. Though there is no doubt he is going down to Hell, that one is going to cause a lot of problems…" King Kai's voice was heard, everyone there nodding in relief that Cell is finally dead, even me for there was always a chance that bastard could somehow regenerate. I replied.


"I wanted to know if you have any idea where my daughter, Jaina from the future has gone to." King Kai's voice wasn't heard for a bit, though most likely because the man was checking for 'Future' Jaina.


"... … Hmm, well, no… she is most likely gone through that wormhole you used to get through to the galaxy at large, from that splintered-off area of space. No idea why, most like she will be heading to the planet known as Remnant, the one some of you are from. Also, as of now, there hasn't been any sign of these unknown's, these two beings your future daughter has mentioned about, I will keep an eye out, perhaps ask the other Kai's or the grand Kai. I will keep you lot posted, now I'm off." Goku replied, enthusiastically like he is.


"Thank you, King Kai." Goku nudged Gohan softly, before speaking to us.


"Well, will be off. Gohan and I will continue to train. Any of you will be welcome to come train with us." he looked around, Yamcha replied first.


"Now that Cell is dealt with, I'll be training and playing baseball. Got to earn some money to eat. But yeah, I'll come around when I can Goku, Gohan. Until then, later's Tien, Yang, Krillin. smell you later Kron." he waved, with Tien nodding while Yang replied, a small smirk on her face.


"Sure you will, anyway… I'll be going too, all this standing around while watching the fights has been a pain. I need to eat. Tien, see you at home." Tien nodded, as Yang went north-west from here, taking flight while Yamcha flew east. Goku and Gohan took off, Krillin giving me a nod as he walked on over to me, we being the last left, besides Eighteen and Seventeen.


"So, we going to uh, help these two?" Krillin looked towards Eighteen, a little smile on his face. I replied.


"Yeah, you eyeing the blonde huh? Not to be a hypocrite but, aren't you still with Maron." Krillin laughed shakily, replying as he blushed.


"Uh, nah… I realized that she was… not right for me, I- and she has a lot of boyfriends, not ex's mind you, a lot of guys... So, I'm uh, shall we? We should have their bombs removed, with the dragon, like Sixteen..." he got a solemn look for saying Sixteen which turned resolute, I nodded, replying.

"All good, I'll help you out. Dende should have the dragon balls, I'm not sure of the four-star ball though. If we have to, I'll head to Goku's to 'borrow' it." Krillin nodded, he extended his right hand towards Eighteen's unconscious left hand, while reaching out to grab my shoulder, I grabbed Seventeen, my free hand free to use the 'Instant Transmission technique, using it as I sensed for Dende.