Preparations For Peace.

Back on the lookout, careful placing down Eighteen and Seventeen, Krillin stood by while Dende and Mr. Popo walked up.


"Dende, Mr. Popo. We've come for the dragon balls, just one wish. I suppose we are set, or do we need to go pick up the four-star ball from Goku's?" Krillin said seriously, looking at Eighteen a little longer than what was appropriate but realized he was staring, and I noticed the blush on his face. Mr. Popo nodded, replying slowly.


"Ah, yes. No, we have every dragon ball accounted for Krillin. Kron, congratulations on saving the planet from Cell's tyranny." Dende added, a small smile as he nodded towards me.


"Yeah, I am happy you're here with me, even if I am the guardian, Cell would have squashed me like a bug. Oh right, let me call on the dragon." he went back inside the chamber of his lookout, Mr. Popo telekinetically followed after Dende, hurrying passed and within but a minute or two, he and Dende returned, the dragon balls floating behind them.


"There is still two wishes left guys, so you might as well use them." Dende added, raising his hands above the balls all gathered, now on the ground in a pile. We did use the dragon balls to wish back all those killed by Cell months ago. I remember Dende saying that the dragon has the ability to grant four wishes now, since he upgraded the dragon.


"I can never get over how majestic the dragon looks… don't you think so Kron." Krillin said with a small smile, as the Dende's quiet words over the balls called forth the dragon, flowing out of them, expanding to its full height and size. The big guy's eyes glowed red, his voice rumbled when he spoke.


"Ah, you have two more wishes to make. What is thy first one. Get on with it." the dragon insisted annoyed, Krillin spoke up, just as Seventeen and Eighteen woke up, still covered in mucus.


"I wish that Seventeen and Eighteen's bombs are removed from their bodies." the dragon rumbled, Seventeen stood up and helped Eighteen up, their confused faces took in the dragon's. The dragon bellowed out, speaking loudly.


"That can be done. And your final wish?" he growled out, impatience rising. Krillin looked towards me, then he turned to the dragon. He hesitated, before he spoke loudly.


"Uh, w-well. I wish uh-" Krillin hesitated, as the dragon grumbled louder, he turned towards Eighteen and Seventeen who were in the process of 'feeling' their stomachs, as the bombs were removed. Krillin spoke up, looking at me.


"I don't have anything Kron, I could uh, wish for money?" he begun laughing awkwardly, I replied, a small smirk on my face.


"Well-" King Kai's voice could be heard within my mind, shushing me from further comment to Krillin's words, he mentally spoke while I eyed the impatient dragon staring menacingly.


'Kron, might I ask for a favor. I have someone here for which I believe has been uh, rehabilitated enough to be revived. You recall your old friend Raditz? Well, he's been my guest since the death of King Cold. I believe it would be a good thing, having another capable Saiyan on Earth. Plus… he is eating me out of hearth and home!' I replied with a nod. It was as good a wish as any, Raditz being back would be at first, a problem for his last stint on this planet but, well… he should be that strong now. Plenty of time to give him a second chance at living. Plus, I still liked that asshole.


"Alright dragon. I wish that the Saiyan named Raditz is to be revived back to life, right here and now." the dragons eyes glowed, replying, his throaty voice booming.


"Ah… thy wish be granted-" suddenly, Raditz appeared right in front of us, looking shocked. Dressed in his old armor, he fell down to his knees as the dragon continued speaking over his shoulder.


"-So long Heh… Farewell." and in a burst of golden light, the dragons body begun to deteriorate from flesh into light, flashing upwards, as he slowly melded with the light, the dragon balls blasting upwards surrounded in that same golden glow before blasting outwards, all in different directions. Seventeen's voice could be heard, he finally got enough courage to speak, still wary from his stint inside Cell, smelling like a stomach.


"OK, Kron… what is going on here, where are we-" Eighteen, a disgusted look on her face, still wiping gunk from herself had interrupted him, remembering at least she has been here before.


"We are on some lookout above in the clouds. Where is Sixteen? W-what of that m-monster Cell? " she turned to glare at Krillin, who begun to stutter in response. Eighteen bared her teeth at him, irritated both from the mucus and Krillin's stuttering. Raditz yelled out, flying towards me with a laugh.


"Haha, Kron! I am alive-" I grabbed his face, pushing him away before the fool could land near me, pushing him back a way. Seventeen glared at Krillin and at Raditz being a loudmouth.


"Sister, perhaps we should ask the calmer man in the room? Kron, do we have you to thank for us being out of that monster's gullet? Well, you can forget it, I don't do thank You's. What of Sixteen?" he asked, Eighteen's eyes bored into mine, as Seventeen calmly eyed me while Krillin gulped, stepping back nearby Dende and Mr. Popo. Raditz near me, my hand still held up from pushing him before.


"Sixteen was destroyed, Cell got him. Also, Cell is destroyed now. You two have the rest of your lives to yourself. Also, be sure to thank Krillin on your way out off the lookout. He watched over you both, you more Eighteen as he has a crush on you-" Krillin waved his hands around laughing awkwardly as he yelled out.


"N-No wait, now I was j-just-" Eighteen replied to his mess of words, arms crossed.

"I hope you weren't expecting me to be grateful huh? Did you think you w-would get me to clasp my hands together and swoon for you. E-Even so, I uh… it was really nice of you." she took off into the air, adding.


"I need to dip myself under the ocean, this gunk all over my body… it disgusts me. Come on Seventeen." Seventeen shrugged, arms folded too, he replied, looking towards myself and Krillin.


"Thanks, for helping us Krillin, Kron. Tell Piccolo, I will be looking forward to a continuation of our previous bout-" Eighteen yelled out, annoyed.


"Come On Seventeen!" he smirked, blasting off after her sister, her impatience long gone as she blasted off the lookout and down below. I spoke to Krillin then, slapping him on the back to snap him out of it.


"Well, you've got a chance with her. Most definitely, though I'd expect you'll have to put up with her brother too." Krillin just smiled awkwardly, turning to Dende and Mr. Popo, eyeing Raditz suspiciously before he fully turned to the former two.


"Thanks for your help, do you need help with finding the dragon balls once more or?" Mr. Popo replied, nodding 'no'.


"No, I still have that marvelous device on hand, Bulma's creation." Raditz slowly walked towards me, quietly speaking to me.


"Uh, Dragon balls? Are-"


"-Raditz, will have to help you adjust to your new life, but for now my friend, you're on a need-to-know basis in regard to them. Now, Krillin. This is where I leave you. Me and Raditz will be off. Going to go see Kakarot, see if he would be averse to having his brother living nearby or not. Raditz, this is where we get off. Dende, Mr. Popo, see you."




Arriving on the ground harshly, Vegeta glared towards his and Raven's ship which housed both them and their gravity chamber and set about entering the code for reentry. The ship hissed, as salvo-locked opened his ship and he walked inside, heading for the cafeteria area.


"First, I'll get something good to eat, then I will train and catch up to that boy, Goku and… Kron." Taking a seat, he felt both Winter and Raven's Ki spike just outside, having used his own Ki, Winter must have transported them, plus his son Tarble here. Winter vanished from his senses soon after and Raven came inside, son held in a carry-on pram as she gazed at him.


"Training already huh? Well me and your son will be going to Bulma's tomorrow. She's throwing a party for the victory over Cell. There will be food… you know, if you want to come, think about it." she headed out of the cafeteria room, heading for their chambers or Tarble's, and Vegeta grunted, scarfing down more food, mulling it over silently in his head. He ate for a good half an hour, getting to his feet, sighing. He had a goal to reach, he would let nothing distract or interrupt him now.


'I have nothing but time, to become the very best I can push my limits beyond. Then there is my son, or sons…' he thought about the fact that, in another life he would have gotten with that loudmouth and hot head Bulma… creating such a fine and strong Saiyan-hybrid, a warrior he was proud of, even if he didn't say so. Then there was his 'actual' son, in terms to this time, with Raven.


"No matter, I will just have to train my son to that caliber Trunks has shown, I am going to be weirded out by the fact Kron is the father of 'his' Trunks, not the son I've grown to know and train with from an alternate future… Perhaps, I, I'd better go and see him, I have no clue when the boy is leaving-"


"-You can come with us tomorrow, like I said Vegeta. I've tucked your son into bed, fed him and now I'm ready." she strutted forward, hands on her hips, while Vegeta blinked in her direction. Seeing that look on her face, he hastily replied, though not stepping back as to give up ground from her long strides.


"W-What are you saying, I'm about to go and train. I have no time to fuck you-"


"-We can train together then, I still need to continue to hone my strength, it seems training with Ki has been a blessing in disguise, in terms of my body looking more younger, and don't backtalk me, you haven't married me yet so if I wanted to fuck, I could get-" he growled, stepping forward, assaulting this arrogant bitch he's came to treat as a mate, shutting her up with an aggressive lust-filled kiss, also getting a handful of her hair as to control her, for which she never fought back from. He looked at her, sneering as he pulled back.


"it's a good thing Kron has dealt with Cell then, I have time… I will… ....-" Raven smirked, head still held into place from his fisting her hair roughly, she watched him mumble. Vegeta grunted, repeating what he said much louder, more confident than before.


"I will marry you, in vows you earthlings have a need to label if it pleases-" Raven's eyes lit up, amused as she corrected him.


"Not an earthling, I'm from the planet Remnant, a much more… harsher reality than the place I have now come to call home. But yes, it is similar in terms to vows on this planet. Don't even ask me about Kron's situation, with that much wives, though every one bar Bulma are-" he shut her up once more, not really interested in how much woman Kron wastes his time with, married or not, he only needs this one, Raven, whose eyes reminded him only to well of his own, both filled with ruthlessness, callousness and pride he knew all too well.




Dad and him had arrived at home, finding fortune lady Baba leaving, she spoke to them while she hover outside on her crystal ball.


"The place is a mess, your wife Goku… well, until next I see you all." Goku replied, smiling while Gohan hurried inside.


"Thanks Baba, for taking care of my wife, she must have been worried watching us fight Cell." she hummed aloud, nodding, replying hurriedly.


"Yes yes, she is a spitfire, so in that, I warn you. She is mad-" Gohan's vision was blocked suddenly, as his mother had gathered him into her arms, hugging the living daylights out of him while she called out, or well, shouted over his head.


"Goku!, I well-" Gohan pushed away from her though his mom paced forward towards his dad and engulfed him in a fierce hug, sobbing. Goku quiet placated his mother while Gohan walked over to his grandfather, who gave him a quick hug, boasting loudly.


"My boy! You did pretty well against that monster, you've improved in leaps and I am proud of you son." Gohan smiled awkwardly, nodding with a small smile. His mother interrupted them, hugging him from behind, she sternly added.


"So, Gohan, with that beast of a monster gone you can now focus on your studies. Goku, you and Gohan can continue to train but I'd expect you to have at least a clone doing your school work- oh gosh… you're sure to get into a good school in the future!" she gushed, Gohan chuckled lightly with his father smiling at him, taping him on the shoulder playfully.




Kron led the way, Raditz followed after him. It was nice to fully stretch his legs, that small planet he ended up on was boring to fly around, though he did miss the training that portly guy King Kai offered. Grumbling, he finally managed the courage to speak to the silent Kron, flying leisurely in front of him.


"So, Kron, I gather Vegeta is still alive, you sure he would not take offense. I wouldn't want to get gutted by that arrogant prince-"


"-You should be fine, though I would stay away from Piccolo for now, you know, that one you were fighting last you were alive. Also, don't go and antagonize anyone. Though you've gotten stronger, unlike those on this planet, your not strong enough to survive. But luckily, you have family here, even if you tried to kill them last you were here. Don't push yourself, we will reacquaint you with Kakarot and Gohan, then you will come with me. My wife Bulma happens to have some spare housing capsules on hand." Kron said, Raditz gritted his teeth though he nodded, knowing just how strong Kron is, listening to him would also keep him alive.


"I will be grateful to live, also I wanted to improve my training while I live here. Fighting someone like you or my little brother Kakarot should help me improve to higher power. Yes, I will find living among these weakling- uh, your allies, will be an improvement to living with a monkey, talking cricket and a jester." Raditz laughed, he smirked while folding his arms in thought, Kron didn't reply until half an hour when over the horizon more mountainous areas became more common, the land quite plentiful from what he could see. Raditz could see it would be easy living it out among the indigenous species here, with this much lizard creatures bounding around in their little herds-


"-We're approaching mount Paozu, follow me down, near the foot of the mountain is Goku's house, though unlike you, I can sense both him and his son Gohan plus Chichi's meager power down there… ah, the Ox king is here too-"


"-Who is Chichi, and this Ox-King, they some sort of royalty here?" Raditz interrupted, glad that this flight was about to end. He followed down Kron who started to slowly descend, Raditz spotted the house for which he could guessed, house his little brother Kakarot and his brood inside.


 Landing down on the grass, Kron walked towards the front entrance, the door opened and a woman stood there, answering the door. She spoke, nodding towards Kron with a small smile.


"Kron, I suppose you already want to start training with my husband and Son…" she started scowling now, adding.


"Well, you should relax Kron. Take a break-" Kron snorted, interrupting her while Raditz waited awkwardly, watching this woman go off on Kron.


"-I will relax Chichi, I am just here to show Raditz around, could you get Goku here, his elder brother has come to visit. Don't look so glum Chichi." Kron said, as the woman slowly walked backwards, Raditz glowered at her then, liking her flee in fair from him but the woman called out loudly.


"Goku! Kron is here, he also brought that bastard with him!" she shouted, glowering towards him in turn, not in the least bit scared of him, which Raditz found amusing. Seeing her gaze back on him, Raditz side-stepped Kron and watched as Kakarot came outside, followed by his brat- Gohan, his nephew whose face was tightly wound by his and Kron's presence. The boy turned around and left while Kakarot stepped outside of his meager cottage, blinking at him in either confusion or apprehension… yeah, seeing as the last they met face to face Raditz had tried to subdue and strong-arm him and his son, dying in the process. Kakarot's clue full look vanished in an instant, eyeing him with suspicion. He turned to Kron, speaking cautious of Raditz position from him which he scoffed loudly about.


"...Raditz, I remember you, though they aren't fond memories, you tried to take my son. I died, why are you here?" his little brother said, words which didn't faze him in the slightest, not he, he took much more from Nappa and the prince in the past to get him to fire back verbally.


"What!? not in the least excited to see your big brother!-" Raditz extended his hands out wide, mockingly in the way someone would embrace someone in a hug, he'd seen plenty of those enslaved Cerealian females gush at you when you'd hire them-


"Not really, but if you aren't being a tyrant, attacking my friends, and uh, I mean, attempting to harm my friends, I'll have to sort you out, brother or no. For now, stay away from my family, I cannot in good conscious welcome you inside, not now. Kron, I'll spar with you tomorrow, after that party at Bulma's." Kakarot eyed him once more, Kron turned to look at them and nodded Raditz off, he clicked his teeth from being ordered but complied, he'd seen with help from King Kai Kron's prowess, and remembered his service to the Ginyu Force, Raditz was but a rain drop to the well that is the most weakest fighter on this here planet, until then, he would play ball and live. Though with Kron's semi-welcome, he seen a good chance he could get some regular spars from the powerful legendary Super Saiyan, staying away from the prince was a definite must and his brother… Well, he didn't want nothing to do with him at this point. Which is fine for him, Raditz folded his arms and waited patiently while Kron and Kakarot exchanged some pleasantries, Kron turned to him as Kakarot gave him one last look at his little cottage's door, entering and closing the door behind him.


"Will go get you a place to live, we will have to go to my wife Bulma's place, though when we arrive I will make a clone and help you get situated, show you around with said clone and also give you some of my currency I'd saved from my time in the Ginyu Force, believe me, I have plenty of spare change. Though I will need to ask Bulma first, seeing as I gave her and Winter half and half. I don't suppose you know how to shop around-" Raditz snorted, looking at Kron with irritation, he was the punching bag out of Nappa and Vegeta, meaning he had plenty of 'chores' to do while running around after those two, even right after their missions.


"-I know how to do business. I will have to make a trip and pick up my own money, the Arcosian's have my money saved in one of their intergalactic banking chains." Kron nodded, replying.


"Yeah, you can pay me back sometime. Though for now, until you've gotten strong enough to beat Krillin in a spar, take what I give you. Now, let's get going, seeing Chichi eyeing me warily from her front window is enough of a message as any." he took off, blasting into the sky, Raditz snorted, following after him at a reasonable speed.