Passage Of Time, Time To Prepare.

(Winter Schnee-POV)


Just one month after Cell was totally and utterly dismantled, Pyrrha Nikos gave birth to two sons. Happily, given birth, it was time for her to get her own place, one of her wishes which, Winter herself supported, her villa being a certain size and all. It was simple, they just built a home to her specifications nearby, so Pyrrha would have them for support, so Kron would not be far from his two new sons. The eldest born named by Pyrrha being a named after her grandfather, Achilles Nikos and Kron named the other one, Anthony Nikos, after his own grandfather.


After her place was done, Kron spent time with everyone easily enough while also being capable of training with that Saiyan Raditz, who he and Krillin revived on the behest of King Kai. Raditz lived further out of the city in a capsule home, though he moved ever closer with ease with such a mobile home, saving himself time to get food and supplies from west City was his answer for his ever encroachment on her home.


She herself, kept busy running her business and for the remainder of that year since Cell bit the dust, the island she brought rights for, building up her company headquarters for, 'Schnee Industries Corporation' could begin construction in earnest. Getting her wayward brother, mother and sister to join her new family business proved simple enough, hiring on competent scientists and engineers was a ongoing process, investment, well Bulma was able to take out Kron's massive gold reserve he had 'earned' with his time in that Frieza's Ginyu force, Kron's money was all their money, being married and all, he didn't care for it, stating he could easily get more if he wanted.


Winter added him to her company, a job, like the rest of her Schnee relatives, on the board. Another year of work, help from Capsule Corp as a sort of mother company, their island headquarters was finished construction. Seeing as Trunks, that is, the one from the future was still stuck in our time, Winter went ahead and hired him, in their Engineering department. With his engineering skill, her saved designs that she had copies for, they now had a viable ship, capable of spaceflight. Not gone the oval, egg design of Capsule Corp, these ships nonetheless had Capsule technology within them for storage only, their first ship house twenty personal, all knowledgeable in ore extraction which was a condition for hire on these ships, they would circumvent the planet in the company's first successful spaceflight. Her husband, Kron surprisingly had some good designs for ships, not technological mind you, but ship designs which their first ship, the Hammerhead Class, ship designed by handsome husband, being their primary mining-extractor ship class.


Another year of peace, the company had eleven of these ships and five warship, destroyer class patrol ships in the making here on dust island, the company's headquarters new name for the island. Mining rights was theirs, and new ores were discovered, named after the crew's exploration, it was reported by the crews that Kron readily helped them out, seeing him blasting out in space had weirded every ship and their crews out though. Sometimes he would train in space, his current opponent Raditz was taught his unique 'Aura Sphere' ability in order to help him survive in the coldness of space, they also worked to find new ore-rich asteroid belts or plants for which her company could begin extraction.


By the time the third year since Cell's defeat, humorously at the hands of Earth's 'greatest champion' 'Hercule', Kron had told her of a planet, suitable for colonization, one which he and Raditz would train on or nearby in space from, he led her and her companies fleet of Defender Class destroyer patrol ships, with four Hammerhead II Class ships on route to the planet, leading via flying at a reasonable tracking pace. The planet was a critical point for the 'Schnee Industries Corporation' to expand their influence, prestige and wealth here on Earth. And so, after ground teams not her husband, were able to actually verify that yes, this planet could support their people, support life, a new ship design was planned for, a colony ship deigns was in the works.


Winter also wanted to design a space station, capable of storing and even with a shipyard complement nearby to earth but, with Earth being such a hot spot for those who could easily blow such a space station up with ease, she decided to create it nearby the new planet, Kron said the planet being named 'Sadala'. An outpost would be set-up, using Capsule technology buildings for a start, as migrants moved to this new planet, family members of some of the crews also seen the advantage in this new frontier, opportunities to make it large on this new, purple and green-colored world. There lay in a problem with migrants to this 'Schnee Industries Corporation' sanctioned colony being constructed, the planet's gravity was much more intense, perhaps by ten times Earth's amount, so the people moving their found life more extreme in the every-day things that they would do, the building constructed, or the capsule placeholder buildings had to be adjusted for such harsh gravity. The buildings were all optimized for it, only the human-factor was the problem at this point, those living there need only time to adjust to the harsher climate, time they had.


By the fourth year since Cell was defeated, A fleet of Hammerhead II class mining ships, backed by appropriate compliments of Defender II Class destroyer ships were a common sight above both planet Earth and the fledgling Schnee Industries Corporation-controlled planet Sadala, more fierce-looking, dagger-like than Capsule Corps oval-shaped designs. Money was becoming a non-issue now, so much was wasted in research and development of new technologies, developing the planet Sadala further and feeding Kron and his half-Saiyan food-consuming children.




Four years of training, living and peace, I took advantage to continue to prepare for any problems that would come our way. Raditz improved by leaps, naturally from Zenkai boosts more than anything on his part, we did exchange some of our techniques when he seen that I could use 'Saturday Crash', something that both impressed him and pissed him off by me recreating it. By the fourth years end, he Raditz got to 2 million plus in battle power, he could also use the 'Kaio-ken' from King Kai's tutelage and his maximum in that was currently 11 times.


Besides him, my family had grown, two sons larger, with Pyrrha once again able to train. Blake was once more pregnant while Weiss helped to train Pyrrha up to her standard though my fierce warrior-queen wife was able to surpass Weiss and Blake easily enough, being a prodigy and all. My daughter Jaina was now eight, she was being sent to a prestigious school Bulma had sorted out for the family, a school which she would remain until eighteen, Ursula and Wylla also went to this school starting this year.


Currently, I have eight clones, one for each of my wife's whims, being a father to my children or in Winter's case, working for her in both a professional capacity and… more personal, intimate pursuits. I kept in touch with Goku, Piccolo and Vegeta regularly, I also seen Krillin sometimes, with Eighteen and Seventeen around. Didn't see much of Yang, Ruby, Tien or Chiaotzu though they would have kept up with their training and in Rubies case, she was still in Capsule Corps security firm, now with her uncle.


As for Raven, she, last I heard was once again pregnant with Vegeta's child, her son Tarble is four years old now, Vegeta begun training him too. Nora and Ren, they came around once in a while, in Nora's case, she begun training with Pyrrha while Ren now worked for Winter, as a scientist in the 'Schnee Industries Corporation'. I'd seen Yamcha… on television, he continued to be a world-renowned baseball player, a womanizer and hotshot in the news. Though at first, he wanted to renounce Hercule being the one who defeated Cell, I made the call that I would rather he get the fame for that, not in the least interested in having my personal life picked apart by the media.


Having six kids now, with another on the way, I learned much about being a parent. I considered being a father much harder than training, as any man should, though I was surprised that after Goten was born to Goku and Chichi, they went and had another child, this time a girl they named Gine, the name being suggested by Raditz to Goku, as they were on warmer terms now. Raditz told Goku much about Bardock and Gine, their parents since they had gotten better acquainted, to better bond, or when they weren't training together, Raditz is still bit of an asshole though not as bad as Vegeta.


Vegeta's regular visits were interesting, I taught him the 'Aura Sphere' technique so training or traveling in space was possible, even shown him the planet Sadala, telling him the significance it has to our race. Telling him that I also made the wish for planet Plant to be restored in its original position made him scoff. His place was on Earth now, he cared not when I made the suggestion to move the planet closer to Earth via a wish so that my wife's companies could flourish, as well as Earth by another potential planet.


Everyone was continuing with their training, Gohan did less these days, but since he had clones, he could do more than he did in canon. Last I heard from Dende a month ago, the new guardian had heard from Moori that Nail had killed an invader. This invader, the evil Namekian Lord Slug, was dealt with easily by Nail leading the Namekian warriors in defense of their planets greatest treasure, those dragon balls of theirs for which Slug tried to steal in order to make his wish.


Moori knew him, well, seeing as that Guru knew the evil Namek as one of the Namek's which now Moori knew from his and Guru's fusion. With Nail and Piccolo training their warriors I felt confident they wouldn't need help against beings strong as Frieza or Lord Slug was. Dende being able to communicate with Namek and with Namek being so much closer to Earth, though hidden in another star system, meant coming to their aide was a faster affair.


There were a few times in the last four years when everyone had come together, the get-together parties were fun, especially for everyone's ears as far as my sons were concerned, Gohan had mellowed out in regard to me and little Jaina would follow him around, seeing as he was another one with a tail and similar in stature to her though he was quickly growing into his teenager height. Little Trunks, Wylla, Ursula and the young Goten, became fast friends too, spending a lot of time together on times whenever we would gather like this or when everyone of my wives would gather at either Winter's Villa or Bulma's place, so as to make sure they spend time with their siblings. I always had a clone with them, and as they got to the age when it was necessary to train them in their Oozeru forms, they would become 'my' job and I would drop everything and go myself encase they manage, unlikely as it was, to dispel my clone while mindless beasts. I made the mistake in having Ursula, Wylla and Trunks all transformed at the same time and used clones to try and manage them, they quickly got out of hand and managed to knock out one of my clones by teamwork of all things, instinctively working together.


"Kron, Kron! I need to ask a favor of you!" I heard shouting, quickly pinpointing the voice as King Kai, he was panicking, a sense of urgency in his tone. I looked up, standing in the Savannah lands to the east Of Winter's place, training or I was until now.


"Yeah King Kai? What's happening now, are those two brother gods being found from whatever hole they've been hiding in on your side? I asked, curious, He replied, his tone stuttering.


"There is a possibility, that someone will be invading your planet soon. The west kai, that arrogant sot has been killed in an accident due to one of his fighters fighting an insurrection in Hell, Cell had escaped briefly but was easily laid low by West Kai's best warrior Pikkon. The fool had gone with him, to watch, the arrogant fool ended up being killed in an otherwise avoidable death. But in doing so, being killed, even if us Kai's don't really… die in the truest sense of the word, his 'death' has caused the seal to weaken on one of our most dangerous foes… Bojack, well, him and his remaining people now turned-soldiers, ruthless as him. He was sealed away in the past for his intent to conquer the known galaxy through total annihilation of anyone who stood in his and the people of Hera's path, genocide." I asked, confused as to why they would head here. He replied with a sigh, speaking loudly.


"So, why is he coming here? Wouldn't the idiot want to consolidate his power somewhere else first? He can't be much stronger than Cell was prior to his last revival. So why is that fool coming here?" I said, frustrated about how dumb this guy seems to be. King Kai replied in a hushed manner.


"H-He has an advanced Ki-sensing ability, much alike to us Kai's, he is possibly going to come to earth because of all the strong fighters here, to destroy you all, he would suffer no rivals to live in the ancient past when he was active and the only being who could have easily smite him was and is currently, asleep." three guess who he meant, heh.


"Alright, I'll keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. Could you send me some kind of mental protrusion of their images to me and the others, Goku, Vegeta, Krillin, whoever you think these aliens will target. Save us some guessing work." I prodded, waiting for a minute or two until my eyes flashed, seeing the mental images of 'Bojack', and his soldiers within my mind's eye.


"There, I will warn whoever else there is. Oh, the favor. Please, wish back the West kai back to live, that idiot will owe me a favor and I will no doubt give you one favor too. If you have some you wanted revived but can't, possibly because they are evil? I can speak with someone to help you. Want me to teach you some of my techniques? Besides 'Kaio-ken' of course, I am willing to offer guidance mentally. Anything else you need only ask, Kron. Now, until we next speak with one another. Stretching once more, I begun to ready myself for more training, primarily technique design and such, working my Ki to create some more abilities I could wield in battle.




Finally, he and his remaining Hera clan members were free from that star-prison of theirs, curse those Kai's and their magical mumble-jumbo, they would pay ten-fold for his enforced imprisonment, God or no. They would resume their conquest momentarily, though it was not much of a conquest for only five of them, what, with only one broodmare for producing pure, Hera-clan members. Zangya, said female of his current thoughts, had shuddered from his calculating glance, for which Bojack smirked, finding her discomfort pleasing. No, she was one of his warriors, there must be some kind of way to 'resurrect' his people, to bring the Hera clan-member's back from the brink of extinction.


Speaking of extinction, the planet they were currently raiding were of the old Cold clan's soldiers, though from word of mouth in their just finished and brief torture of the self-styled alien warlord who now was a dead corpse at his feet, they had some information as to of current events, namely said Cold clan's demise.


The planet they had landed on soon after breaking free of the nearby star was once a part of the Cold empire, before the ruling family, supposed powerful beings were deposed. Rumor have it, according to the now dead warlord of this quaint little sector of weaklings that a Saiyan had struck the finishing blow on the sons of the king while said king had gone to a planet called…


"...Earth. That might be our next destination. There, we should find all those who should prove strong enough to stop me. They will die first, then we must find a way to revive our race." Bujin, his small but capable scientist and fighter replied whilst bowing.


"My Lord, perhaps there might be a way for fulfilling your will… this fool who dared to stand up to you had also mentioned about a mystical power, called dragon balls for which a contingent of their finest men and their lord Frieza had been all killed, looking for them. The fool mentioned that when they were found out about, their lord Frieza had gone to collect them but died sometime after during the hunt for them." Bojack nodded, deep and menacing, he chuckled whilst taking to the air slowly. His soldiers followed suite, and they all took to the air, leaving this planet a parting gift… an energy ball with enough power to eradicate the entire planet.


"I can sense those high powers in the north of here…" they hovered in space, their backs heated from both the sun and the intense inferno from the planet, mere moments until its explosion had engulfed the entire planet. Bojack, his galaxy soldiers all surrounded by the technique 'Psycho Barrier', all blasted off in the same direction… to the northern quadrant in search of the Ki Bojack could feel.