Bojack, Inbound.



Taking care of his little brother Goten, his mother decided he should have his tail removed but for now, he still had it. Raditz, his uncle, that guy who kidnapped him once upon a time was still someone he didn't trust. His mother was loath to let him come to their house but seeing his dad giving him a chance, over the years since Cell had been defeated, Raditz was less a threat now that he got a second chance and he is still weaker than him, his father and all of their friends. Speaking of friends, Kron, Gohan had forgiven him… somewhat for setting up Sixteen. The android being destroyed and all, Gohan had horrible nightmares of that moment…


Even so, Gohan forgave Kron though he wouldn't forget his callousness in letting Sixteen die, Gohan was surprised when Bulma told her that Kron managed to salvage Sixteens memory banks. She was in the process of rebuilding him, using the stolen technology salvaged from Dr. Gero's laboratory. He had to thank Bulma for that, Sixteen deserved to live. He would keep track of her progress for the foreseeable future.


But right now, Gohan blinked and focused on the here and now, his brother Goten was looking for him, Gohan hid up in a tree in the forest nearby to their home, playing hide and seek, Gohan had his Ki flaring too, to see if Goten could pick him up via sensing but as of now, he had much to learn. Chuckling softly, Goten was swing trying to climb a tree, his tail waving around while trying look for him. Goten managed to climb up the tree, swing with his tail and Gohan called down to him, giving Goten an out.


"Hey Goten! Up here." Goten looked upwards, a smile slowly growing on his face, and he called out.


"Gohan! help me up." floating down, he picked his little brother up and flew back upwards onto the large tree branch, sitting down with Goten held securely. Giggling happily, Gohan sensed when his father had appeared, floating in front of them, Goten noticed then ad reached out to dad.


"Hey Goten, Gohan. Come here son." dad took a hold of Goten, looking at Gohan.


"Gohan, you up for some training? Piccolo and Raven were getting together to train, Piccolo wanted to see if you were interested. You up for it, son?" his father asked, playfully maneuvering Goten around in his grasp, while Goten tried to escape their dad's grasp.


"Alright dad, I'll just tell mother. Goten, you're going to have to stay home. I'll make a second clone, to play with you." Gohan smiled at Goten, the second clone was doing his homework, this second clone he would make would be for Goten. Goku nodded, replying.


"I'll make one too son, then our clones can take Goten fishing, get something for Chichi to cook for dinner! You want a big fish, Goten." he said playfully to Goten who, nodded while giggling. Gohan smiled softly, seeing that it was a good plan indeed, it would also be good to train once more with both Raven and Piccolo.


I was currently on the planet Sadala, the clone assigned to my wife Winter, helping her in the only way I could… either by blowing up mountains, asteroid fields for mining resources or if she was in the mood, I was only too glad to get intimate with her, especially in the office when she could be demanding… Sex aside, I also had access to a gravity chamber, latest in Capsule Corp technology for Winter to train on while we were on this planet, expanding the colony, building infrastructure, jobs and such.


As for Training… every Kron clone plus the original had come up with some new techniques, going with a naming style like two other two original techniques 'Tyrant Wave' and 'Royal Spear', the three new techniques created also had similar royal-like names.


The first new technique called 'Kings Scepter', this technique was my own version of the 'Death Beam' but it is much more versatile, could be fired with multiple fingers and also at a rapid pace. The second technique was a recreation of the 'Destructo Disk', the original Kron made, called the 'Royal Slicer', pretty much the same as Frieza's 'Death Slicer' though my ones done the same as Frieza's technique, recreating it and giving it a different name made it mine plus the name didn't scream 'edge lord' to me. These Ki discs also could be quickly dispersed, so as to not cut in half the user… thank Frieza for the idea, or at least, his anime-canon counterpart. The final technique, called the 'Tyrant's Stance', a huge beam-like blast which could pierce, much like Piccolo's 'Special beam Cannon' but fired instead from the entire arm thrust, aiming forward, it was advisable not to try and take it head-on for its piercing ability. That technique was also good for starting mines on this here planet, yep… I did want to be a miner in my previous life, so you could say I was living the dream, even more so.


"'Tyrant's Stance', haaaaaaa!" I watched as the large beam struck the hillside, the prospectors nearby to me were struggling to hold onto their positions from the force of the blast, the explosion shone out of the newly created hillside cave, this blast did it's job well, those prospectors nearby found signs of gold ore. Once the explosion died down, I turned to the recovering prospectors, workers for Winter's 'Schnee Industries Corporation'. The head honcho approached me, speaking up warily as he eyed the hold in the ground.


"That was a sight to see sir, this should make the new mine site easily set-up. Very impressive sir, well… will begin to set up the site sir." the elderly man said while waving over a few trucks, a Bullhead III V.T.O.L transport also blasted over to the sight, one of the new ones of Winter's company. It dropped off equipment and personnel to begin setting up the sight. I replied to the man, slowly floating up.


"No problem, be sure to tell the boss yeah, send over a messenger with a scouter if you need to find me or use a scroll." both products were being created by the company, the scroll was a recreation from Remnant, an advanced cell phone and a huge money maker on Earth. The newly created scouter didn't explode like the older models, made by Capsule Corp, Winter's company, those stationed here on the planet Sadala used them devices in order to find me, when I was training different techniques or mastering 'Super Saiyan Two' or the 'Primal State', my name for 'Super Saiyan Four', at least for now.




I was sitting up in the V.I.P section of the West City stadium, sitting across from Winter, she was currently in talks with the king of the planet, Mr. Furry as they were in discussion with the whole new planet colony, about who from the royal family would run it as monarch. I don't know the details, only that someone within King Furry's branch family wanted to be named prince of the planet while Winter was opposed to the monarch's family. I don't know, it was her business but from the angry look from the younger dog beast-man, the annoyance on King Furry's face at his distant relative and Winter's curt rejections, these talks were getting nowhere.


Pyrrha, with our boys at home for the night, along with Weiss and Blake were here too. Bulma was running late from a meeting back at Capsule Corp, but she would arrive soon. The children were at Capsule Corp, staying the night with Bulma's parents, as Kali was out on a date while Salem for once, was busy writing down more information she remembered from those two gods who cursed her.


The ball game, Yamcha was currently batting, down below and I heard as the younger, arrogant beast-man fumed as he stood up, leaving the room. Winter then stood, as the king nodded towards her, and she bowed formally. Winter headed over as the King left with his escorts, sighing whilst taking a seat on my right hand armrest.


Dressed in a black tuxedo, wearing the latest in line of Capsule Corp-made scouters, I took a look as Bulma came inside the V.I.P room, automatic doors opening to reveal her. She took a seat nearby Pyrrha, every one of the women of my life were all dressed to impress, wearing dresses of different fabrics, styles and colors. Blake in a black dress, Weiss in a gold dress, Winter in her white company business-skirt. Bulma dressed up nicely, wearing a red dress while Pyrrha wore an orange one.


They were dressed very high-fashioned, richly adorned with different types of jewels, necklaces and unique make-up styles that accentuated their features very well, every one of them come here to do something together, the extended family with myself as the glue to them.


"Watching Yamcha play baseball wasn't my idea of a good time." Bulma pointed out, taking a seat while Blake snorted. Winter replied, handing her one of the empty alcoholic beverages the girls were helping themselves too, while I was drinking something much weaker, watered out. Pyrrha replied first.


"Coming here was a last-minute decision, you did know Winter had a meeting with the king just ten minutes ago." she turned to me, giving me them 'fuck me' eyes as she playfully patted my right knee, standing up.


"I'm going to call it a night baby, I get you tonight-" Blake interrupted, quickly swallowing her glass and huffing.


"Someone wants more kids!" Weiss interrupted Blake's, my cat-faunas wife's mouth went agape, as no words came out, her ears twitching from Weiss's high-pitched yell and Pyrrha's giggle. Bulma joined in with them, once again, beating Blake to the punch.


"Does your clones work Kron, you know… their sperm, or-" I replied, she seemed amused, though from the look in her eyes, she was indeed curious. I replied.


"My clones can't impregnate you, that's my job Bulma. Why, you want another already?" I heard Blake snort, her drink coming out her nose while Winter laughed more reservedly.


Yeah… this was the life, beautiful woman who've given me more than their love, their trust… they have given me something I didn't even want in my previous life, for fear of not having enough money to support them. Children, my kids would surpass me, I would make it so… no god-like madmen will take them away from me, like King Theoden said back 'home', no parent should have to bury their child, that future that 'Jaina' had come from, that needs to be fixed certainly… but she wasn't here to receiving my training. Off on her own, I would ask King Kai for her location once more to get into contact with her, see what her plan is. I did feel ready to fight those two though, if I went all out, in order to gauge their power, that would help with training her for her own future when she returns…




Since his revival, he grew in battle power, eclipsing his former self with ease. Though but a mere drop compared to the earth's greatest fighters, he was once again someone who could fight with the best of them, at the cost of some bruising from the beat downs he would receive.


Though right now, he was on the receiving end of someone who called himself the greatest fighter on earth. The fool's name was a damned number-


"-You need to concentrate Saiyan, I dare say you are pretty arrogant compared to the rest of your kind, bar Vegeta of course." Seventeen smirked, arms folded as he hovered upside down with his right leg extended down, that kick Raditz received had blasted him into the ground hard, the crater he leveled into the ground had obscured his vision briefly. Raditz was still having trouble sensing other people without the scouter, he ran into this guy and the guy gave him lip so here they are now. Raditz thought the beating he would have given this earthling would be but a minute before he went on with his day, continue his training but the guy surprised him, easily out-maneuvering him with ease, easily getting under his skin with every barb he sent with every word.


"Y-You little punk! P-lay time is over-" Seventeen flickered in front of him, striking faster than he could mover, hitting his lower abdomen which sent him upwards from the impact, some air had been knocked right out of him, but Raditz didn't falter. The Ki in his hand begun to spark dangerously, flickering with random bolts of energy and the Ki-orb expanded to the size of someone's head, he threw it and awaited the result with a certain amount of glee.


His eyes widened when as the dust begun to dissipate, Seventeen stood with arms stretched far apart, fingers widened as a purple glow encircled him, some sort of energy defense. Frowning at the audacity of it, he powered up once again, ready to get into range when a voice called out to them from below.


"Seventeen! Look at whose made it back to us." a woman voice called out, Eighteen who was currently dating that bald cue-ball but the sight of another warrior entering the fray had paused both him and his opponent. Seventeen begun to descend slowly, landing nearby to his twin while Raditz followed, landing further from them, near a clone of Kron and Krillin. Another bulky warrior arrived in a whirlwind of speed, the man landing near to Seventeen and Eighteen.


"He's back then, gee Bulma has done a fab job don't you think, Kron?" Krillin said with some surprise, a small smile while the clone replied.


"Sure has, though it is a new look, he really is, in the sense of the word, an android. Though she had a headache sorting through all of Dr. Gero's bullshit, Bulma and Dr. Briefs managed it, no bomb included of course." Raditz frowned, frustrated from the pause of their bout but heard Krillin chuckle from Kron's reply.


"Speaking of Bulma, how do you make that work? You know that multiple wives gig, gee, if I tried that with Eighteen, I thinks she would well and truly maim me. Oh right, Tien called. Said there is a tournament being hosted by one of Hercules sponsors or something along the lines, says there could be cause for all of us entering that, seeing how our training has come along so far. Yamcha is entering according to Bulma, who said he was trying to keep it hush hush, so he could claim the one hundred million Zeni prize. I'm going to enter, would make dating Eighteen easier with more money-" Raditz interrupted, intrigued from the sound of a battle, this tournament he would definitely enter.


"-I will enter! I have to get enough money saved to buy one of those gravity chambers, this guy's wife Bulma won't just give me one, she still doesn't trust me for my past actions. I've got to work for food, for living… instead of just taking-"


"-Speaking of the prize, Krillin, I will come but, participating… I don't need the cash prize; I'm more interested in seeing how well the rest of you have gotten. Raditz, we still need more work for you to enter, but if you insist… well, don't shit on my training assistance." Raditz replied, scoffing at his words.


"Hey, they are coming over. Well, Raditz, go ahead and try to defeat Seventeen, like you said before the fight, heh." Krillin sassed, Raditz's turn to glare at him but heard as the footsteps got distinct enough to hear from where they stood. He turned to watch as Eighteen, Seventeen and this other guy approached them. Seventeen spoke smugly, finally at a close enough gap apart from himself and his group, speaking up.


"Well, Raditz. You ready to continue our practice? Well, your practice, I will still indulge you for a bit, until Eighteen is ready to leave. Well, come on now big guy, I haven't got all day to mind you." Raditz bent into a fighting position, holding his hands down near his thighs as purple Ki surged from them, he rose both hands at the ready and threw two large beams of purple forwards towards Seventeen who, dodged the first while the other went by unopposed, not in the least near to where Seventeen now was. The explosions set off one at a time, landing in the background and sweeping up a gust of strong wind-pushed dust towards them, their engagement into melee begun once more, trying his best while looking at this guy's smug face only made him angrier, but he kept his cool. Raditz was the one who used one-liners to irritate the enemy, not some punk kid. Keeping his right hand back while laying a series of punches with only his left hand, add both his legs into his combinations with strong kicks, he powered up his free hand with one of his signature attacks, 'Shining Friday'. The hand he held out at his side begun to electrify with orange-colored Ki, flaring harshly and he yelled out.


"Take this, 'Shining Friday' haaaaaaaa" the attack formed into a sphere of purple, small and compact, he thrust his hand forward with the orb-attack, within Seventeen's reach, blasting him away with the Ki-blast. The explosion only served Raditz to power up some more as minutes later, Seventeen, charged forward at speeds Raditz was still learning to anticipate, him being still the weakest of the Saiyan's, and most of the human fighters.


Seventeen landed an uppercut, kicking into his ribs, which sent him careening into the ground like a missile, the impact knocked air out of him, but he didn't let that faze him. Catching his breath while Seventeen blasted one of his pink-colored beams towards him, Raditz was able to outrun the blast on foot, he ended up being lifted from the explosion behind him.


"Hang on man, you throwing in the towel yet bro?" Seventeen mocked from his position in the air, smirking down at him, arms folded which was giving Raditz some flashbacks from his planet conquering days with Vegeta in place instead of Seventeen. He replied with his own smirk, trying to prod the loudmouth to attack him head on… while he began charging another Ki-blast in surprise.


"Heh… you're alright for a kid, but you are not of a warrior race, I will overcome you… sooner than you think you little shit." he sneered, his arrogance making a return though he shouldn't have reason for it, except to goad Seventeen though the guy must have seen through his attempt, not letting it affect him in the slightest.


 Known KI-Move's Kron Knows.


 - (Tyrant's Wave) - Strong AOE Ki Technique.

 - (Royal Spear) - Strong Ki Technique.

 - (Double Sunday) - Ki Technique.

 - (Aura Sphere) - Passive.

 - (KI manipulation) - Passive.

 - (Kaio-Ken) - Power Multiplier Technique.

 - (Tri-Form) - Ki Manipulation Technique.

 -(Instant-Transmission) - Teleporter ability.

 -(Spirit-Control) - better control with Ki.

 -(Royal Slicer) - Advanced controlled Ki Technique.

 -(Kings Scepter) - Advanced Controlled Ki Technique.

 -(Tyrants Stance) - Strong, Piercing Ki Technique.