Bojack Came, Bojack Saw…



I was on guard for now, waiting for those alien bastards to arrive. Leaving a clone with Bulma, Blake and Weiss in the stadium stands, and with Pyrrha and Winter in the actual tournament brawl. My position upon the top tower roof for where the millionaire X.S. Cash and his V.I.P members were for easy access to every part of the battlefield while I also held some binoculars for just viewing the actual fights while I wait.


I begun mumbling to myself one of the old Tupac rap songs I've kept to myself since I arrived in this world and sat back with some lunch, freshly packed by Pyrrha, so good of her to take lessons as she became really skilled in cooking.


"Look at that, Trunks is here too, they seem to be having fun but this-" I glanced at the meal, mouth watering.


"-Is too good to skip out on." watching for a while, the brawls begun to thin out as the weakling were picked off one by one, by other weaklings or my wives and friends or allies.


"Now, we get to the good part. Let's get prepared for them pirate aliens. Gohan is beating up Raven right now…" I watched their battle, where Pyrrha also came into their bout and attacked Gohan, Raven and she seemed to be allying temporarily with one another.




Dodging another blow from the smug kid, Gohan was able to manipulate his way around Pyrrha and herself with relative ease, his strength and speed even when not a 'Super Saiyan' was beyond their own Ki levels.


"Little twerp, take this!" she fired off a hastily charged 'Final Flash', aimed for if missed it would not detonate at the crowd stands or any of the other weaklings, she watched as Gohan took the blast head-on, manipulating it as Gohan easily held the blast in outstretched hands before kicking from underneath the blast, sending it upwards into the sky. Gohan flickered towards her, she put up a quick guard to fend off most of his melee blows while also launching her own while Pyrrha begun to come at him from the other side, forcing Gohan to using one hand for each of them either in an attack or defense. Limiting his options, Raven and Pyrrha were able to make Gohan stumble from their onslaught upon the boy, which Gohan used the momentum he created with two hastily created Ki-beams to blast himself out of stomping distance and to get to his feet.


"Haaaa… 'Masenko' … haaaa" Gohan launched two of them from each of his hands, they blasted towards the both of them for which they had to either try and reflect or overpower them with their own strength.


"'Royal Spear' haaaaa!" Pyrrha already managed to retaliate with her own Ki-blast, while Raven quickly maneuvered around the blast facing her,


(PLOT- ASK supreme kai about helping (Future Trunk) back to his own timeline, he would ask Supreme Kai of time for assistance. Pyrrha continued to feed Ki into her own attack as Gohan had broken off feeding Ki into the remaining blast, he aimed at Pyrrha, already moving into position to engage with Raven when she afterimaged into position behind him, now landing her own lighting quick blows at his rear. Gohan and Raven had to dodge the 'Royal Spear' blast as is assailed their position, pushing back Gohan's overwhelmed 'Mesenko' blast now that she had overpowered it and the two of them entered into Gohan's personal space, reengaging in melee combat at a fast pace. Raven and Pyrrha's teamwork were steadily but slowly able to overwhelm him, Pyrrha's Ki flashed crimson from use of 'Kaio-Ken', the same as her own but Gohan suddenly yelled out loudly, his Ki exploding from out of him and his hair changed to golden yellow.


"Heh, sorry you two but, mother is counting on me to win. Now-" he blitzed through their defenses with ease, kicking Raven out of the ring, following with a volley of Ki-blasts that followed her out, Pyrrha was slammed into the ground from where she could glimpse, though the Ki-blasts assailing her now blocked her vision whilst detonating on impact with her. A few seconds later, as her 'Kaio-Ken' was now turned off from exertion, she felt the cold water enveloping her, squirting out a good helping of salt water from out of her mouth so she could yell out.


"...S-Shit, that twerp is good…" her eyes were blinded from the seawater, though she slowly rose out as she knew she was out of the tournament. A splash a second later and Raven turned eyes closed for a brief moment when she heard Pyrrha's voice.


"...Pah! I'm going to need to intensify my training!" Raven snorted at Pyrrha's words, not offering any reply while she left to get cleaned up in the changing rooms at this facility.




Yamcha was a tough opponent, surprisingly with him playing baseball more then he trained but Krillin guessed he must put in an effort to steadily increase his strength while he had breaks or when it was off-season for his games. It was why that Krillin overcame him in the end, now that he seen Yamcha land into the water nearby from their bout.


"Shucks, look at that… Gohan is getting serious. Oh well, lets see…" he glanced around and found Tien and Yang fighting against Piccolo, Winter was heading for him so…


"Winter it is. Hey! Winter, you ready to get your-" he felt the kick from his side, looking over as Seventeen struck him from the side and send him upwards, Winter turned to Seventeen instead, engaging him while Krillin was able to halt his uncontrollable flight.


"Gee, that smarts… Well, I guess Seventeen is my target…" he powered up, slowly lowering to the ground and aiming for Seventeen while Winter engaged him in close combat.


"... …'Kame … Hame' … haaaaaaaa!" his blast targeted at Seventeen and aimed so if dodged would not harm any innocents, hit the back of Seventeen but didn't explode, instead pushing him upwards while Winter begun to gather her own Ki with some reprieve.


"...Phew, Yeah! Go on, hit the water-" Krillin's sight upon his blast forcing Seventeen downward was interrupted by a fast-acting kick which struck his face, he was laid into from the side by Raditz of all people, who until now was skirmishing with the likes of Piccolo or Tien. Being a Saiyan and possibly, the weakest among them on Earth plus someone Krillin really didn't like as of now, had him forget the bastard temporarily from all the fun he was having laying out the normal fighters and fighting against his friends or allies. His eyes clenched, he felt as the arrogant ass had chuckled within earshot of his left side and felt the barrage of punches Raditz laid into him while Krillin was forced to try and gather some space between them, using an afterimage which Raditz matched. Krillin clenched his right hand for but a second before he expanded his fingers wide and called upon one of his signature attacks in haste as he caught himself from falling any further from the strikes he took.


"Take this you asshole! 'Destructo Disc'-"


"Heh, 'Vacation Delete'" Raditz was surged with readied power by the looks of him, which Krillin now only noticed but Krillin managed to manipulate his disk into two smaller pieces and control them around a huge blob of purple-Ki slowly heading straight for the platform he now landed on. Krillin had some time as the blast was rather slow and so made sure his discs would at least, cut-off Raditz concentration so he could counter-attack.


Krillin blasted away from the large battlefield platform in time as the attack struck, seemingly blinding the entire field from the explosion, thankfully this platform was one that was the furthermost out from the stadium podiums that the viewers overlooked the entire battlefield from so no one would be hurt.


"..." Krillin scornfully watched the arrogant ass as he landed in front of him though Krillin then noticed as Winter landed nearby to him, not attacking him for now.


"We going to team up against this guy, I take it, Winter?" she replied, lightly bounding her feet into a fighting position whilst also answering, not taking her eyes off of Raditz as he folded his arms whilst smirking.


"For now, this guy has been as bad as us, that is, myself, and my fellow wives of Kron for how much time this guy takes up from him-" Krillin grinned from the jab at Raditz who didn't hear them, only that Krillin was laughing and in the Saiyan's direction. Winter added, in a serious tone that Krillin noted held some amusement laced in.


"Yeah, a most annoying pest, and that hairstyle of his…" she said more loudly and still Krillin chuckled though this time Raditz heard her mocking and removed his arms from their folded position, glaring towards them. Raditz arms started glowing from Ki running up and down them, slowly pulsing and he shouted out, sounding insulted for which Krillin and Winter readied themselves for what's was to come.


"W-Why you bald-punching bag! Take this, 'Double Sunday'!" he launched two double beams, colored purple towards the two of them but as soon as he did, he was interrupted as in a split second, Seventeen reappeared, his clothing slightly torn but he himself looked fine, he struck Raditz in the back which interrupted his attack and sent him careening off the platform he stood on. Seventeen followed up with a volley of blasts, each one small but easily catching up with Raditz and exploding in a continuous volley. Raditz was last seen by Krillin taking them explosions while trying to right himself but unfortunately for that guy, he landed harshly into the ocean as a huge wave of seawater erupted from the impact, the loud sound the smack upon the water heard from where Krillin and Winter stood.


"Now then Krillin, that was very annoying of you before, don't worry though, I'll leave your face alone. Sis would get annoyed and-" Winter launched what appeared to be a red-colored 'Royal Spear' her Ki surging around her went from white to red in an instant, Krillin charged forward while Winter's beam struck Seventeen who once more, grimaced as he held it at bay, kicking upwards with his right leg to knock it out of the trajectory it was on, only for Krillin to come in close range, shrouded in his own 'Kaio-Ken' engaging in close combat.




His soldiers and he arrived at the right planet, looking down upon it. It is definitely a pretty jewel, a symbol for which his reemergence into the galaxy would begin, down there. There were many strong powers right now feeling strenuous as they flexed either high or low from use. Some sort of battle was taking place, he could feel it.


"Galaxy soldiers! We will begin our conquest here! Those fools down below will not know what has hit them, not until it is too late…" he and his compatriots begun to power-up while also slowly lowering down into the planet's gravity, their senses focusing on the area with the most amount of activity with high powered-targets they would in a short time would take out.


Soon, their own Ki begun to fluctuate around themselves as they sent one huge, charged Ki-blast down towards the planet at their current height now within the planet's gravity-well. Five dark-green orbs begun to form within the five, their hands held at both sides as to feed more Ki into the orbs, they slowly grew, and they widened their hands to match the sizes.


Harsh sickly green orbs the size of their heads formed, hovering in front of them, he launched the first one with a grin, this would be fun to kill others once more. The others followed suite in tandem, launching their own attacks at the same target, the orbs circling around one another while they plummeted downwards quickly.


Clouds parted, spinning around the blasts when they formed into one large orb, careening down into the targeted area-


-A blast met their own, purple colored mixed with green in an instant, exploding high above their target and low enough from where the five of them currently were still descending from.


"Hmm, these fools have some bite. I like that. Galaxy soldiers! it is time!" they saluted him in unison, blasting downwards through the cloud of fire and dust accumulating where the explosion happened.




I was in the perfect position to intercept… that attempt to flatten everyone down here with, the orb of Ki was picked up from everyone else too, they were still eyeing it, while most normal people begun panicking from the intense fiery explosion happening above them. Calls to evacuate were in effect from announcers, some others, possibly the owner tried to assure people it was just apart of their tournament, mistaking it for fireworks. In other words, confusion of the highest order descended upon the crowds, while everyone I knew to be apart of the team or 'Earths Special Forces' unofficially, had risen into the air, eyeing the explosion or myself as I had jumped quite quickly to 'Super Saiyan' for my beam to counteract the large sphere launched upon us.


"H-Hey guys, I don't suppose that was just a stray meteorite that Kron took the initiative to blow up, Yeah? Guys?" Yamcha asked through awkward laughter, his face turning to everyone he could for any answers. Answers he got from Piccolo when the Namekian spoke sharply, snapping at him.


"Shut up! I'm picking up five powers descending fast! Unknown but they have the same energy as the orb Kron's blast exploded!" he tensed up, quickly removing his outfit, the weight clothing dropped to one of the platforms and broke off a piece of it, the piece of metal and his weighted clothing fell into the sea. Goku arrived a minute later, 'Instant Transmission' the cause of his arrival as he spoke up, eyeing with narrowed eyes upon the sky, feeling what all of us were picking up.


"...Huh, I can sense five of them at the least, four smaller powers, one of them is at least similar in power to Cell, though not as strong as he was. I don't know them, they aren't familiar to me… Piccolo, what do you think?" Goku called out to Piccolo, giving him a once over for which Piccolo replied first with a grunt.


"...I can see them!" he shouted suddenly, eyes widened, barring his sharp teeth while glaring. Raditz, the fool went to blast forward in a rush, his Ki spiked whilst he prepared a 'Vacation Delete' in his usual way, the blast of energy he threw upwards was decimated in an instant from what appeared to be that string-Ki ability of theirs, Raditz blast looked to be skewered into mini-cubicles before dispersing.


"W-What-" Yang interrupted Raditz, sneering at him for but a minute, which had him flinching, she being another he's trained and being beaten up against since his revival.


"Idiot, don't just rush into things. Gosh, you remind me of well… me, when I was a brat. Not counting your hairstyle-" Raditz took that insult for what it was and retaliated loudly, even getting his little brother Goku to sigh in exasperation from his antics. Before Raditz could continue his tangent, I interrupted him with a stern glare, though that was also when the five alien warriors descended upon us like locusts, targeting one or two of us each while the big 'bad' Bojack looked to be observing the battle for starters.


Gohan, Trunks, Pyrrha and Raditz become the first targets, with Yamcha and Krillin helping Raditz against the girl. Piccolo and Raven went in to assist Gohan while Tien and Yang helped Pyrrha against the weakest guy I felt him having the lowest Ki, luckily for Pyrrha. Goku and Winter assisted Trunks, and for reasons unknown, Trunks, Gohan and Goku were not even 'Super Saiyan' yet. Yeah, Trunks looked to be getting pissed off by the guy with the turban, who kept trying to trick Trunks while using that unique net-like Ki move on the three of them.


I took off towards the smug Bojack, surprising him though he did look pleased to be engaged directly, my first attack smeared his smug grin off of his face in an instant from the strike. He sneered down at me, barely flinching, my own punch only meant to goad him into fighting against me while I kept everyone else away from this prick. Our melee combat ensued; his strikes posed against me at speeds manageable while my own blows landed somewhere to begin angering this fool. The fight grew in intensity as he shouted loudly, his Ki exploded from within, trying but failing to blow me away, he looked to be transforming right this instant to fight me. Now, right now with only 'Super Saiyan', his strength eclipsed mine but as this neanderthal had changed from his dark-green color and his Ki raised whilst his body bulked up, I activated the 'Wrathful State' to match him, easily keeping up with his transformation speed with ease.


He sneered, or was that a smile as he blitzed forward, a sonic-boom slugging against me while I matched his own blow with a fist to his face, landing it while his own kick connected at my side. I wrapped my hands around his leg and spun him harshly, around in a circle, speeding up. He connected another kick with his other leg at my neck which I shrugged off, sending him careening towards the ocean in the opposite end for where the civilians were currently leaving the facility from. Flickering upon his uncontrolled descending, I landed an uppercut to the back of his head harshly changing his trajectory towards the clouds instead before flickering once more. He matched my flicker with one of his own, afterimaging behind me with his hands laid out upon my back, finger interlaced while he yelled in exertion, a blast of green instantly detonating upon my back. His blast sent me downwards instead, he launched a volley towards me, noting the other explosions in the area.


I was able to match his Ki-blasts with my own, the explosions had startled the civilians who annoyingly stayed put where they were, which Bojack heard, turning to them with a sneer. His eyes connected with mine and he grinned, raising a hand in the civilian's direction and firing off multiple small Ki-spheres in rapid succession, his blasts didn't even come close to them though when another appeared upon the battlefield.


"Kron, you didn't tell me there would be a few freaks on display here! I've come to fight against you once more, but these aliens will make for a good-" Bojack sent a more powerful blast towards Vegeta hastily charged and Vegeta took it head on, his Ki shot up as he shouted loudly, arms stretched out, a sphere of yellow Ki came from within him and bounced the blast into the opposite direction.


 Known KI-Move's Kron Knows.


 - (Tyrant's Wave) - Strong AOE Ki Technique.

 - (Royal Spear) - Strong Ki Technique.

 - (Double Sunday) - Ki Technique.

 - (Aura Sphere) - Passive.

 - (KI manipulation) - Passive.

 - (Kaio-Ken) - Power Multiplier Technique.

 - (Tri-Form) - Ki Manipulation Technique.

 -(Instant-Transmission) - Teleporter ability.

 -(Spirit-Control) - better control with Ki.

 -(Royal Slicer) - Advanced controlled Ki Technique.

 -(Kings Scepter) - Advanced Controlled Ki Technique.

 -(Tyrants Stance) - Strong, Piercing Ki Technique.