Bojack the Raider, Falls.

Vegeta didn't yet unlock 'Super Saiyan II', not yet. But his intensifying training schedule impressed me, he worked harder than I do. I try to work smart, but his climbing strength shows his tenacity to catch up to me and Goku. With Goku alive, Vegeta continued fighting in his heart.


 Now, as I floated across from Bojack who eyed Vegeta with no concern, the princely 'Super Saiyan' wasted no more time in charging forward, taking the fight to Bojack, engaging with him. Bojack seemed amused, easily retaliating against Vegeta, that gut punch had Vegeta spitting, the hammer-strike upon his back which sent him downwards even more spit. With him out of the way, Bojack turned to me, resuming our own fight.


Sending a twin-eye blast from my eyes, I singed Bojack's face where he proceeded to slug my own face with a right hook. Taking the hit without flinching, he landed a gut hit with his right knee and fired a barrage of his own eyebeams of his own for which I flickered out of the way, dodging them. Appearing behind him, my own attack missed when Bojack afterimaged out of the way in turn.


"Ah, pardon me but, that weak fool is coming back this way." Bojack's deep voice was heard, sounding amused. Not answering him, Bojack blasted towards the side of me, reaching around, I reacted quickly, elbowing him though he took it in stride as a sickly-green blast was fired towards Vegeta. It hit him and Vegeta was sent back in the direction he came from, Bojack now looked towards me once more with a sinister grin, now taking me head on, our melee combat renewing.




That big green bastard got him good; Vegeta gritted his teeth in anger but seen no way to beat that one for now. He breathed out roughly, turning to look at the over potential targets around there. With Raven and Piccolo helping Gohan, he turned to Raditz and scowled. Raditz the weakling being alive once more brought him mixed feelings. For now, he took off and swatted aside a blast from the alien with the goatee. Raditz glared at him for but a brief minute before the green-skinned alien woman smashed him downwards with ease, sending a Ki-blast down to where he crashed at.


Vegeta scoffed, if Raditz couldn't even handle a woman, he should stay out of his way. The tall alien with thew goatee took to his attack, switching from that woman of Kron's with murderous intent, engaging with Vegeta, the alien is stronger, but Vegeta could tell his strength is higher than this fool. He grinned, headbutting this alien with a sneer, the alien took the blow and flickered to the side of him, punching into the side of his waist. A cheap punch, Vegeta growled, taking the aliens arm before he could see fit to punch him further, swinging the tall alien around while also powering up for launching a Ki-blast. He launched the alien afar into the air as his yellow Ki surrounded him, getting ready for a 'Galaxy Breaker' to finish this one off when he felt his body become harder to move. The alien woman smirked at him, launching some kind of wire, Ki-technique at him, she was punched in the back of the head by Raditz, she didn't feel the blow and instead gave Raditz a backwards headbutt, continuing her technique enough for the other alien he was about to finish off to recover.


"Tch, pathetic Raditz-" the alien woman replied with a smirk, the other alien grinned whilst reengaging Vegeta in melee combat.


"-You'll do. Your friend… he is barely worth the energy to whack around. Bido, will deal with the two of them… together." the now named alien Bido grinned, nodding along with her while it appeared that Trunks, Goku and Winter split up to fight the other two guys, with only Goku coming to assist him against the two of these fools.


"Vegeta, let me deal with this one." Goku called out, while Raditz rose back into the air with them. The weakling was about to retort when the girl alien did instead, giving Raditz a mocking laugh.


"Oh look, you're got a big head coming back-" Raditz interrupted her, sending two blasts towards both her and the other one.


"-'Double Sunday', you dare! Mock me-" Vegeta sent a warning shot towards the loudmouth Raditz, barely any Ki in it but it did its job, snapping Raditz out of his tantrum and making him focus onto him, which Vegeta could spot some familiar look from him, from their past.




"Vegeta, I'll go after that one, you take out the woman." Kakarot interrupted their stare-down, snapping him back to his target as he noticed the two aliens sending them mocking smirks from his and Raditz little interaction.


"No, go ahead… fight each other-"the woman begun when Kakarot charged in, his Ki engulfed in red and golden yellow as he powered up, using both that annoying 'Kaio-Ken' technique and the 'Super Saiyan' transformation. Vegeta turned to the woman, gathering his Ki as he smirked for their coming battle when Raditz charged forward-


"-Raditz!" he snapped, like old times but the idiot ignored him, now getting manhandled by the woman alien with ease. Now normally, if this was the old days, he would see to it that 'Raditz the weakling' receive his punishment for ignoring him but now… he couldn't give an ounce of sweat for him. Let Kron keep him, the waste of space-


-Raditz become the prime target for the girl, so Vegeta turned to the other one and charged forward, interrupting Kakarot's bout by punching the guy in the back of the head, sending the alien towards Kakarot who in turn, struck the guy down with a fierce right-legged kick into the alien's abdomen.




The girl continued to 'play' with him, easily outmaneuvering him while giving him that damnable smirk. She easily overpowered him, landing upon him while he landed into the ground uncontrollably. He took another fist to his stomach, glaring at the woman while she continued to overpower him with ease.


Winter, one of Kron's females, came to his aid with Kakarot engaging the woman, she seemed stronger than Kakarot even as a 'Super Saiyan', he used this opportunity to gather enough Ki to blast her in the back when she turned, sending blasts out of both her hands towards himself and Winter, interrupting his attempt while Winter barely dodged her aimed attack.


Raditz took to the air, gritting his teeth as his anger continued to climb and he attempted once more to gather Ki. He howled loudly while the air around him begun to stir, his gathering Ki rising for one of his signature blasts, he raised one hand while his heightened Ki begun to spark randomly over his body, the woman noticed his Ki but only sent him but a wink, turning with haste. Her hair flicked around from the speed in which she moved, kicking Kakarot in the head at the same time while now facing him, raising both hands to send a blast his way before intercepting Winter's own purple-colored 'Royal Spear' Blast.


"-Shit-" Raditz fired off prematurely, his own 'Vacation Delete' was swallowed whole by the alien woman's own attack, it continued on unimpeded, but Raditz could move quickly out of the way, turning to gaze at the blast as it blew up in the water.


"Tough woman…" he turned back to the fight Kakarot was having, Winter remained on the defensive or sending long-range blasts. He peered upwards as the air continued to sonic boom around the strongest alien warrior and Kron, their battle hectic and chaotic.


"Shit, that bastard has been taking it easy on me." turning back to Kakarot, he floated in place while watching his younger brother doing a good job keeping up with the woman. Not having a lot of patience, he blasted forward for the woman to rejoin the battle, Kakarot noticed him while the alien woman blasted Kakarot away before sending another blast towards Winter's position.


"Did Kron teach you to use the 'Kaio-Ken' or 'Super Saiyan yet?" Winter's voice could be heard in his right ear, he turned to scowl at her while she only sent him an annoyed glare. He replied, turning as the woman sent a barrage of green-colored Ki blasts, they exploded in tandem, the alien woman continued to fire while Kakarot afterimaged multiple times as he maneuvered around in the air.




Fighting against this alien, he, Raven and Gohan overpowered him easily enough, with Gohan not even transforming even further. With the three of them keeping this powerful warrior within the three of them, Piccolo was able to almost finish off this one with an overpowered 'Special Beam Cannon', taking the man's arm off from the piercing blast. Gohan currently was the primary fighter against this one-armed alien, the alien continued to become frustrated with Gohan, the young hybrid-Saiyan had a height advantage and the alien having one arm made this fight a forgone conclusion.


Piccolo and Raven floated nearby while Gohan and the alien continued their bout, he turned to look at the other fights going on. He seen that Krillin and Yamcha went to the aide of Tien, though they finished off the alien they were battling against. Vegeta went after the small alien with the turban, with Trunks hanging back to watch his 'alternate timeline' father beat up or become frustrated by that alien's techniques. Kron continued to fight the strongest one, Piccolo wasn't worried as Kron had yet to power up to his 'maximum' for which he felt during his bout with Cell. The only female alien seemed to be humbling the fool Raditz, Goku seemed to be enjoying his fight with the woman.


Pyrrha hung back, Gohan now blasted the alien into oblivion. Vegeta got much angrier and ended up killing the midget alien. Now, with the girl and the one who appeared to be the leader left, everyone bar Goku, Winter and Raditz formed up with Gohan, Raven and himself, with Vegeta glaring intensely at the fight Kron was in. Yang turned to rejoin the battle when Pyrrha spoke out.


"Hey Yang, these guys are almost beat so, hang back, yeah." Raven's daughter replied boisterously, Piccolo tried to ignore her to watch the bout closer.


"But that weakling, Raditz is making us look like a joke-" Vegeta laughed, a very rare occurrence for him, Gohan flickered near to Piccolo while the others glanced at Vegeta with shocked faces. The prince replied through the laughter with annoyance, quickly stopping himself from his laugh, making a fool of himself.


"Don't laugh at me-" Piccolo's gaze turned when the alien fighting Kron created a huge blast, the attack easily becoming the size of the moon, heading towards Kron. The blinding light, waves of radiating off from the attack into every direction and the constant screeching noise created even stopped Goku, Raditz, Winter and the woman alien from their own bout. To no surprise to Piccolo, Kron's Ki spike sharply, he roared hoarsely while holding onto the attack while the alien fed more Ki into it, the attack hammering into Kron's hands, slowly pushing the Saiyan back. For only a minute, Kron was pushed from the technique before amazingly, the attack took a full turn, now going backwards towards the creator, the alien stopped feeding his Ki into the huge sphere of energy to create some space, flickering out of the way as the large sphere descended downwards, towards the tournament grounds. Gohan's Ki sharply spike nearby to Piccolo, blinding his eyes while Gohan disappeared from nearby him and Raven, reappearing on the underside of the large Ki-sphere, kicking it upwards into the sky. Gohan followed that with a 'Mesenko' in order to push the alien's technique into space. Gohan reappeared nearby to Piccolo, Piccolo gave his friend and sparring partner a grateful nod, their gazes turning back to the two bouts happening in tandem.




It was about time I went about finishing this guy off. His strength, while impressive, also he was much stronger than me while I only used 'Super Saiyan', he was no match for me when combining transformations. He could see that now his attacks I could easily maneuver around or retaliate much harder. His ugly mug, at first always smirking at me, was now displaying either a grimace or hate for me. Him transformed to his maximum was no match.


"Tch, die you bastard!" he called out from his position in the air, charging up another of his blasts. He rose both hands into the sky, the air around him begun to be sucked inwards between his hands until a green sphere formed, growing larger within about a minute before he growled out.


"'Cosmic Bomber', die you annoying piece of dead meat!" he hefted his blast forward with a growl, an overhead throw and the blast assailed for me, descending towards me with a good amount of speed for its size. That bastard fired off a barrage of smaller Ki-blasts, which came at both sides of the larger blast.


Barely any sooner than the small blasts had hit me, the larger blast engulfed me whole, exploding in a bright green light. I focused, using my 'Aura Sphere' technique fully powering it with Ki to soften the blow, the technique fully appeared, now a sphere surrounding me and dispersing the blast Bojack fired, his alternate attacks he now was firing upon me to feed the explosion.


"That stings, now it's my turn, dumb ass." I called out to him, his smirk vanished instantly. He charged forward, his arms glowing green as Ki surrounded them, taking a swipe at me with Ki-infused fists, I dodged easily for his swings were more brutish than with any technique, flickering upside down above the guy. Now reappeared, I flipped rather aggressively around with a right kick aimed at Bojack's head, kicking hard. My boot done a good amount of damage, judging from the yell and the way he now soared towards the ocean beneath us.


Flickering in front of the trajectory Bojack was on a crash course on, I kicked hard at his head once more, hoping to give the guy some brain damage, I followed through with disappearing, reappearing closer to him and sending a barrage of punches at the guy to further cripple this clown. He grunted in pain, I was powering up slowly during the melee hits I laid upon him, preparing to send him off in one more attack, eyeing the other battle happening nearby, turning my focus as I prepared to kill Bojack all the while my Ki smoldered from within. Preparing for my 'Royal Spear' but with one hand, I also prepared 'Instant Transmission' to be used with my free hand. The Ki I was gathering, readying this final attack was but a minute, Bojack managed to catch himself from further free-fall, he growled loudly, gathering Ki from one of his own attacks. Now ready, it was time to give Bojack this attack point blank, so using 'Instant transmission', I reappeared in front of him. Bojack's snarl had changed, his eyes widened when the blast I continued to feed was launched to him, the beam hit point-blank, his growls had made way for a manly scream, being consumed within the golden-purple blast of my attack. His yells were silenced within but a minute of the explosion, ultimately, he was consumed from the attack and I felt for his life-force, sensing for his Ki but nothing, now… with Bojack done for, I glimpsed at the last battle nearby, the girl alien versus Goku, Raditz… and my wife Winter assisting them at long range...




The blinding flash from Kron's massive blast at the strongest of these fighters had finally dispersed and with it, there was no evidence that the warrior he fought had existed further. This warrior, the last one here being a female, proved to be far stronger than him using 'Super Saiyan'. It was the perfect test, to put in his hard work, that of going down the same path that Kron has gone down. Meaning, he started training extensively with 'Kaio-Ken' while also using his perfectly trained 'Super Saiyan' transformation for starters.


Now, he could only go double for now, so he did so as the woman neared, his form became engulfed in the signature red-colored Ki, mixing with his golden aura and Goku was able to counterattack the aliens attempt in overwhelming him like she was pulling off prior.


"-H-How?" she asked though Goku realized she wasn't speaking of his jump up in power, the woman now just realized that her ally, that supposed strongest warrior that Kron was fighting with had been dealt the final blow, which killed the warrior. Goku continued to watch her unimpeded by her pause of their fight, she looked worried when she also realized that all her allies were gone. She turned back to Goku, a snarl on her face as she tried to sucker punch him though he was able to reflect the punch with an elbow. Goku used that same elbow to strike her against the face, she took the blow, striking back while Goku felt that Raditz was almost done powering up another Ki-attack to use.


"Little woman! Take my attack, 'Vacation Delete'." Goku sighed as his brother used his attack from where he floated, only for the alien woman to reflect it with a hastened kick, focusing her gaze back on Goku to fight. She then turned a fearful gaze towards Kron who floated downwards to where Gohan, and the rest of the group were situated in the air, she looked to have fled-


-Kron appeared to Goku's side, 'Instant Transmission' as he struck the woman in the stomach, having her bent over forwards when Goku called out, making a decision.


"Kron! Hold up. You… your friends, they are all been dealt with, you've all attacked us unprovoked. Since the fight is between me, Winter and Raditz-" he sent a backwards thumb pointing at his approaching fast brother, who looked to be in bloodlust, coming for the woman, Goku glared at Kron who, flickered further back behind Goku and thankfully, he stopped from further attack upon the woman. Goku continued.


"You have a choice, you can surrender and your life, you will live. As much as I like fighting, I hate killing and you've been a good contender to push me to my limit. So, your choice. Stop this madness, leave or-"


"-'Psycho Thread' I will surrender, for now…" she said, whilst pointing her hands towards Raditz who, now appeared to be tied up in threads, he struggled, replying to Goku while glaring at her.


"You weakling fool! Kakarot. She is mine-" Goku was about to respond when Vegeta appeared, flickering in behind the woman, about to land a melee blow at her rear head-


-Kron had appeared, flickering into place right behind the alien woman, touching back-to-back with her, she looked behind her fearfully while Vegeta growled in anger, his attempt had been blocked due to Kron, which Goku sighed in relief. A woman this strong, her agreeing to surrender meant she had a chance to change. Goku spoke then, turning to the girl whose technique continued to impede Raditz.


"Vegeta, enough. She's surrendered. Your name? Your pretty strong. My name is Goku-" Kron spoke up, pushing Vegeta backwards, making some space between the woman and himself.


"Raditz, enough! Kakarot, tell the woman to release your brother. She can then surrender. Vegeta… you're with me, we're leaving. You want to fight yeah, well… lets go find. Well, hurry up-"


"-W-Who are you, to speak to me that way-" Kron flickered behind Vegeta, grabbing him whilst readying 'Instant Transmission' the two of them vanished and the alien woman, now no longer threatened by Kron nor Vegeta, spoke up while release her technique.


"Fine, I will surrender. The weakling is free now." she smirked past Goku, he heard Raditz grinding his teeth, now nearby him and Goku turned to warn Raditz.


"Don't do anything Raditz." he only scoffed but complied.




Them guys, those crazy strong guys showed up to X.S. Crash's tournament!


"T-Them guys! Man, I'm not f-fighting them guys. I need to get out of here-" the battle up in the air, them tricks that blew wind out from wherever they managed to blast it out from... some machine or trick, pushed light in all sorts of direction, they had stalled. Hercule gave a quick look from the ramparts of the V.I.P room he was stuck inside in, the door being jammed-


"-Yeah… they have s-stopped fighting, n-now what?" he continued to watch, through the cracked sky-window, as those golden fighters and their goons all appeared to have flown away like jet-V.T.O.L transports. Hercule had done a pretty good job dodging the announcers, the owner of the tournament and various fans to make it to this room, watching the freaking light show in the air by those crazy-strong dudes with their tricks.


"I-I need to get out of here! Before they come to f-fight me!" he continued to try and pry open the door, which now that he could peek through the gap, see that it was blocked by debris.


 Known KI-Move's Kron Knows.


 - (Tyrant's Wave) - Strong AOE Ki Technique.

 - (Royal Spear) - Strong Ki Technique.

 - (Double Sunday) - Ki Technique.

 - (Aura Sphere) - Passive.

 - (KI manipulation) - Passive.

 - (Kaio-Ken) - Power Multiplier Technique.

 - (Tri-Form) - Ki Manipulation Technique.

 -(Instant-Transmission) - Teleporter ability.

 -(Spirit-Control) - better control with Ki.

 -(Royal Slicer) - Advanced controlled Ki Technique.

 -(Kings Scepter) - Advanced Controlled Ki Technique.

 -(Tyrants Stance) - Strong, Piercing Ki Technique.