The Calls of a Hero.

It was a few days since I fought against Raditz, Piccolo, Tien, Yang and Chiaotzu, a good bout of which I was thoroughly challenged. A few hours since I awoke, and an hour of relaxing in the morning, I left. Blake went to take my girls and sons to school today, so I made a clone to go with her. Leaving home, heading for Capsule Corp for the day, as it was Bulma's turn for my attention today, she had some stuff for me today, besides keeping her company. Trunks, that is, my son Trunks would be going to the same school my three eldest daughters are schooling, enough about all that. On the other hand, they all, my four eldest could also transform into the 'Super Saiyan' transformation, I've been training them on the weekends, family training games, which they all enjoyed. Pyrrha's sons, my youngest and twins have been training with myself and Pyrrha, she has some kind of legacy she's been passing down to them, from her family which she wishes to pass on to them, training techniques and secret sword fighting techniques. Pyrrha came with us on weekends to help train them all, a unique family getaway into the mountains.


Yeah, my family being unique, with five wives, my kids all had four aunts from them all, all I will say is I am glad I had the clone technique, for which I've also train them all but Bulma as she doesn't fight of course, though there were other ways of 'fighting' for which I put her through her paces.


"Listen, love, I'll be going for a while, to see what Vegeta is doing. I'll leave a clone, love." I spoke to Weiss, who looked as if she had just gotten up from bed. She nodded, cupping my cheeks and kissing my lips so monotonously, while I returned. Jokingly, as she left, I replied whilst slapping her ass, which she barely even flinched, not even retaliating like usual.


"Heh, you need to brush Weiss, you can knock out a tyrannosaur with that breath" she turned, rubbing her eyes, now glaring towards me, a yawn escaped her mouth as she spoke annoyed.


"Shut up, anyway, leave a clone for me, I have some stuff to do today, I'll be needed some help with it. See you babe." she replied, with I smirking at her, when she waved me off, heading for the first floor. I left out the door once more and lifted up into the sky, heading for Vegeta's, his ship's current location.


Arriving within ten minutes, speed and all, I landed outside the new ship Vegeta has, made for him by Bulma, he usually moved it once in a while, so finding him could be difficult for anyone else who can't find him.


"Raven and their son aren't around then; she must be taking him to school somewhere else. Hey! Vegeta, you ready?" I called out, not getting an answer, so I headed on inside the ship which was left wide open. Vegeta's grunting could be heard inside, I headed for the room and seen the door was open, with Vegeta flickering around, fighting himself, a clone.


"Kron, you've arrived, let's get started then, instead of standing around." Vegeta's clone dispelled, and he went to turn off the gravity machine. He turned back to me, quickly walking past me and I followed, seeing that no one was here, I watched as he closed up his ship.


"Alright Kron, you'll forgive me if I am not pressed for time so, lead the way. I expect a good fight today, don't hold back. I want to see your fighting prowess." He smirked, taking flight behind me as I took off, heading for an area nearby, with no innocents to be getting in the way of our bout.


"Kron, you'll be impressed to note I've attained that level of power you've shown, you and Kakarot's brat. I'll be seeing Kakarot sometime next week for another bout, he never brings the boy along." Vegeta turned; arms crossed as we continued our flight. He growled lightly, adding.


"Also, Piccolo is getting more stronger than us both, what, with him training with that cheat-code you and Kakarot use, I will… I will need to keep up, so teach me this ability, this technique." Vegeta said seriously, for which I turned to him in surprise. He had an aversion to us using that technique, but I guess, with everyone getting stronger, he was upping his game in gathering power. I replied loudly, against the wind.


"Alright, will get on that today, though you better keep up. So, let's start with our fight, will then finish with training. "He nodded, I eyed a good landscape, an island so I started my descent, Vegeta trailed after me. Landing far apart, we wasted no time and got to our fight.




She, her brother, her daughter Marron and Krillin were flying in her family V.T.O.L when an explosion in a distant area reached them from there, their V.T.O.L shook a bit from the turbulence, Krillin held their daughter while Seventeen spoke, looking at the explosion while Eighteen was flying the vehicle.


"Gee, Eighteen, open the rear hatch. I'm going to check which of our new compadres are fighting nearby." Eighteen snorted, though she reached over a comforting hand upon her daughter, as she flinched from the explosion that happened once again in the same area. Krillin added, as Marron had calmed down now, and the turbulence had ended.


"Will be arriving at Kame house in a little bit, Seventeen can find us there easily, he's been before. I say, let him." Krillin turned to Seventeen who nodded in return, smirking at her as he turned back to Eighteen.


"Fine then, get going. But hurry back or you'll miss lunch. Sixteen will be meeting us there. Don't be late. This will be the first time we've seen him fully rebuilt." Eighteen glared at Seventeen, who only laughed in turn, nodding along at her words. Eighteen then pressed the right switch, opening the back door of the transport and Seventeen left casually, dropping out and free-falling, before heading for the large island. Krillin chuckled, speaking up and Eighteen's eyes snapped onto his, looking questioningly.


"Hey, at least he will be kept busy for a few hours Eighteen, also if I'm not mistaking, I think that there is Kron and Vegeta down there, Seventeen is going to receive a beating if he gets in the way of Vegeta's training, if that is what those two are doing down there." Eighteen gave the island one last look, turning back and focusing on her driving her airship.




More tremors could be felt, Seventeen had to come in low and he caught sight of Vegeta and Kron fighting among the island's tropical tree line, Kron appeared nearby to him, eyes zeroed on him. This was intriguing as Seventeen realized this Kron was a clone, as Vegeta was still fighting with the other Kron. He gave the clone a slight smirk, nodding towards him just as the two of them landed on the island close by to the ongoing fight between the Saiyan's.


"Hello, I, my sis, my niece and Krillin were in flight nearby when I caught sight of your little game going on. I am interested in joining, for a while. Putting in a sweat before a big lunch is as good as brawling. So, how about it." Kron replied, turning to glance at the battle as an explosion rang out.


"If you think you can handle it, I will fight you then. Vegeta is… well, he wouldn't appreciate your intruding. So, pick out one of these islands nearby, I'll amuse you for a bit, I've got a technique to train anyway, i learned a few days ago by someone who owed me." Seventeen took off in another direction, another island nearby while this Kron followed him.




A couple of weeks had passed, Gohan started school and for two weeks, has been schooling, training, spending time with Goten and… surprisingly, he also played at being a hero. A busy schedule, Goku kept out of his son's way and continued his own training, doing his own thing here and there… Chichi made him get a driver's license, among other things which kept him busy. Chichi was humming in the kitchen, expertly preparing a monster of a fish for dinner when Gohan's Ki was felt arriving home though he wasn't alone, looks like Kron's 'son' Trunks and his younger half-brothers Achilles and Anthony too. He went outside and looked towards them, Gohan dressed up in his cape outfit Bulma made for him while Goten met up with the other young boys.


"Hey boys, Gohan. You boys busy? How's your dad boys?" he strolled casually towards them, stretching a bit while the three boys decided to speak all at once, which got him to chuckle a little bit. Gohan turned to reply, as Goten was about to speak.


"Hey! Goten hold up, Dad, the boys I'll be taking out to do some group training. Also, I was wondering if you'll be entering the 25th world martial arts tournament. I'm being… I'll be entering, you in dad?" Gohan asked him, Goku blinked.


"You have to ask son? Of course! I'll be looking forward to it son. Goten, boys, make sure you follow Gohan's words while training. I'll be heading to Vegeta's to spread the word around if you'd like Gohan, more the merrier." Gohan nodded with a small smirk, replying.


"Alright, I'll be getting a visitor later on today, she wants me to teach her how to fly, so please tell mom to expect someone named Videl to arrive, tell her to give me a call, I'm bringing my scroll." he flashed his scroll, Winter's new social media d-uh, device and Goku replied.


"Sure, thing son, I'll do so now." Goku watched as the five boys, with Gohan leading them, left into the sky.




Another day, Kron continued to head to train with him, but a day ago Kakarot had arrived with some interesting tidings, a tournament for the world's greatest fighters. He would go of course, amusing as it sounded, he was interested to fight more than just Kron. Fighting him for real, fighting Kakarot… the others too, as he has heard from Raven or Kron about their strength to test himself out while also earning quite a bit of money for which Raven should appreciate and he wouldn't have to suffer being called a lazy bum who don't works for at least, a year. Speaking of Raven, she just arrived without his son, the boy went to spend some time with his friends, Goten, Goku's son and Kron's sons Anthony, Achilles and Trunks. Coming inside while Vegeta finished drying off his hair, she smirked towards him. Vegeta huffed, finishing on drying his hair when their daughter Vernal, dressed in pajamas came bounding towards Raven, who wrapped a hand around her comforting her, their daughter looked up towards Raven whilst speaking happily.


"Momma, daddy told me a scary story! About a monkey in space, he got giant and blew up a planet! Mommy, what is a planet?" Vegeta felt his cheeks get hot from the amused look sent his way from his wife, Raven replied, her gaze softening somewhat when she turned to Vernal and Vegeta hurried out of the room to get his new shirt and to finish drying his hair.


Done with getting dressed, Raven came into their room, speaking quietly.


"You giving her nightmares telling her about your monkey days blowing up planets I take it. She enjoyed the story but, don't give her ideas. Tonight's going to be a full-moon…" she trailed off, looking at the solid-glass paneled window of their room, of the ship and Vegeta replied, shrugging.


"Yes, she should be learning of her heritage, her tail… she needs to learn how to control her abilities. Preferably now, while she's young… and weak. Tarble too, now that I mention it." Raven nodded, replying as she folded her arms, accentuating her bust while she narrowed her eyes onto him, making Vegeta turn away.


"They can do that, when Vernal turns five, Tarble… you can get on that, but you've been holding it off with him so, why now?" Raven asked to which Vegeta replied with a scoff, speaking plainly.


"I will, in a few day's time, I'll take the boy out. Not that I need your permission. You know, I've heard you've had experience with Kakarot's eldest brat-" Raven interrupted, looking annoyed, speaking up.


"-I've been there, done that yeah, I wish not to repeat that. I've been close to death enough times while Kron and Piccolo trained a mindless transformed Gohan, ah yeah… that was the time you were coming with your friend, that bald fellow." Vegeta snorted, taking a seat while she mimicked him, sitting closely with him, leaning onto his shoulder.


"There's going to be a tournament, Kakarot told me and Kron the other day, during our training spars. Kakarot also mentioned a junior's division, so my son will be entering. I will be accelerating the boys training, with your help if you'd be so inclined." Vegeta felt her nod her head on his shoulder in agreement, her head and Vegeta awkwardly wrapped a hand around her waist, pulling her into him more.




"Here guys, will start here." Winter waved over some men, geologists for a potential mining site when she got another call, from her personal scroll, she answered right as the work of her survey team begun their work. It was her younger sister, Weiss ringing.


"Weiss, what do you want, I'm currently busy deciding whether or not to build a mining site in the Kanto region." she said sternly, Weiss replied quickly, as Winter waited.


"Just passing on a message. There's going to be another tournament, yes… not that we need the money, but it'll be interesting, if you take some time off work, you could enter, I'm inclined to do so, to put on a grand showing of my perfected abilities." Winter coughed, speaking.


"You know I'm going to be busy for months, I have no time for a tournament, otherwise-"


"-Yeah, I know Winter, your work. You've been on that planet since that alien pirate came, saw and then was killed. Perhaps you'd consider coming home, there's going to be a junior division, think on it will you, it'll be good to see you, mother and our brother, you remember them, yes? they will also be attending, to watch hopefully both of us and my children." Winter's scroll hung up and Winter, took the clipboard from one of her workers, getting back to work.


Another half hour, her husband's clone made his entrance overhead as multiple small, purple-colored explosions set off in the air, another part of the asteroid field was seen becoming comets. She awaited him as he touched down a few minutes later, her employees gave them a wide berth, scattering while she embraced him into her arms. Pulling apart, she spoke.


"I got a call from Weiss, she told me of a tournament, I'll need you to teach me this useful technique…" Kron's hands roamed, she smirked, adding whilst whispering in his ear.


"The cloning technique, I definitely see the usefulness of it. Teach me, every Saturday and Sunday for the foreseeable future-" she acted pretty indecent and in front of her subordinates but seeing him, she was feeling rather frustrated herself, feeling a little pent up and seeing him try to resist was amusing. Kron, a few seconds later found his composure, he inhaled her scent and leaned into her ear, he whispered.


"-What do I get Winter..., you know you've got me busy, breaking rocks in outer space." he said with a growl, which she smirked in turn, seeing his game, she 'replied' with a kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck.


(King Kai-POV)


Standing upon his planet like always, with no shoes on, touching grass he felt quite content. Bubbles and Gregory were off doing their own thing, but King kai's moment of peace and relaxation ended as he felt the unknown beings landed, nearby. He turned, glimpsing a Kai, one of his superiors standing with a much larger Kai, a warrior-type. But, to receive the supreme Kai, here? He bowed deeply, humbled. Righting himself, the godly supreme Kai only looked on, amused while his bodyguard only stood, a stoic look on his chiseled, defined face.


"H-Hello sir, what c-can I do for you?" he asked but he wished he would have been more professional and less stuttering. The Supreme Kai spoke, the smaller of the two while the bigger one remained silent.


"I'm here on urgent business North Kai, there is a viable plot unfolding, on one of your designated realms, the planet Earth so I've come to warn you ahead of time but I'll be getting my hands dirty, I didn't want to step on any toes so… here I am. Oh, my name is Shin, it's so good to meet you, North Kai." he extended out a hand to him, to which King Kai took hesitantly, this supreme Kai was very polite but him being so familiar with the supreme Kai might offend him. In the end, he swallowed his curiosity for the time being and shook hands, feeling a little output. Shin smiled, and after they shook, he stepped backwards or floated as he did, while King Kai coughed, replying to the supreme Kai.


"What is this about, that is, if you can tell me sir. If there is a problem to do with the earth, I uh, should be… you know, informed, sir. I've been searching for-"


"-Ah yes, two rogues, we've been looking into this case, another place of people not created by our grace into our galaxy isn't exactly common/// this planet Remnant..., but the problem you've referred to, the two rogue Kai's are still at large. No, this problem is to do with an old enemy of the supreme Kai's, my predecessors fought them and even I too, but in the end... we thought we dealt with the problem. I and my servant, Kibito here will have to impose on your planet, this Earth for it is the resting place of the being we need to stop. Please, do not take offense North Kai but we would like to go incognito, at least from the get-go. Do not inform any of your greatest fighters, for there is a plan in play for which we would like to pursue." King Kai wanted to press but, seeing that 'his' superior's 'superior' had come to him humbly, to inform him of some sinister plot that Supreme Kai Shin and his servant would try to stop whatever was to happen. King Kai pressed further a little.


"When will this… plot, you are trying to subvert begin? I've got apprentices on that planet, if you would please." he felt emboldened to ask Shin, for those he's trained have grown on him and he would feel guilty. Shin smiled, replying knowingly.


"Do not worry, we will be asking some of these people your worried about, to assist us in this, in time, perhaps though we might not need assistance and deal with this ourselves if we are blessed." King Kai nodded, placing his arms behind him in thought, he felt as conflicted but, in the end, agreed, speaking.


"OK supreme Kai, and… the rogue Kai's, will they appear also? Using this plot of yours to act out their own? What then?" Shin's smile vanished, he looked to be contemplating for an answer, though a few seconds only passed before he replied to him.


"They will be moved on, as they are acting out. We will keep an eye out, you need not worry, the Grand Kai has been set to task, to find these two." King Kai blinked, as in a blink Shin and the other, Kibito had vanished from their positions, he only felt their godly Ki, but it was growing faint.


"...This doesn't look good, for the people of Earth. At least the Supreme Kai will be acting directly to combat these threats coming forward. Then, there is Goku, Raven and Raditz, Blake and Weiss. My old students, who could also assist against whatever shadows the Supreme Kai is worried about now." he sighed, not sure in the least, it was way above him in regard to his rank but if he needed to, he would act and warn them.




Ever since the tournament was announced, months away, I have been doing less training myself and more helping out my children, the ones who wanted to enter. Besides my eldest Jaina, who wasn't really interested in fighting, which I have been trying to change without pushing her, my ten-year-old Ursula, my eight-year-old Trunks, and my two twin sons Achilles and Anthony, seven years of age would be entering. Their training, I took them on either with Pyrrha, Blake or by myself, teaching them how to control their Oozeru forms, my Ki-moves and from my time learning on Yardrat, Meditation and Ki-Control. Jaina also managed to transform in the 'Super Saiyan' transformation, through hard work.


Among other things, sparring with them or having them spar each other to give them more experience also strengthened their familial bonds, though there was childish pettiness or arguments, as a father I felt proud of their progress, and confident in their performance in the tournament to come. It was here, on the outskirts of civilization that I, Pyrrha, Bulma, Blake and Weiss brought all our kids, on a training outing, camping grounds set up nearby while I watched on while Ursula and Trunks fought one another, their sparring match drawing long into the twenty-minute range. Winter was a bit distant as of late, though it was work related and nothing personal, i still kept a clone with her to work for and help her out, seeing that she was working on planet Sadala, which now was also the fifth planet from the earths sun, only opposite to where Earth was in regard to orbiting the sun.


"Impressive display you two, now wrap it up. Weiss is finishing up with lunch." the two paused, Trunks replied first.


"Heh, sure thing dad!" blasting forwards, heading for the camp nearby while Ursula added.


"OK, dad." she followed after her younger half-brother, while Pyrrha spoke up nearby, as she just arrived.


"So, you knew I was coming to tell you about lunch huh, well, come on then. Will have a fight after lunch, to show the kids, you in? or do you want to take them hunting?" Pyrrha turned side-ways, smirking while I replied with a nod, slowly raising upwards.


"Yeah, sure thing to the spar and the hunt. I also want to teach them one last thing, but I can do that next week. Two more weeks until the games begin, I've got to be honest, I'm excited for the action." we took off at a leisurely pace and I removed my newly improved scouter, placing it onto my head, one that could read upwards to one trillion, sophisticated technology developed by my beautiful and intelligent wife, Bulma. Quickly accessing the settings, I calibrated it upon Pyrrha's power-level, reading I suppose, accurately at 42,700,924. We landed at the camp site, as Pyrrha head off to help organize lunch, I gave one look around at them all while removing my own lunch from my pocket, stored in a capsule. Blake read at 26,084,460 while Ursula read at 35,745,345 and Trunks at 35,884,276. Finally, I gave Weiss a look over, besides that summer dress she was wearing, her power sat at 26,042,459, Achilles sat at a 31,908,452 while his brother Anthony sat at 32,145,108. My eldest, Jaina while not training, except what I could get her to do, her power-level sat way above what the 'future' Jaina had, at 21,460,487 which gave me hope for the future, I pushed her more, even against her will at times though she had Saiyan blood in her so when I got her in that mindset, she could put up a decent fight for someone who hates it. Jaina already having 'Super Saiyan' form, this would be what I taught to the rest of them, next week.


 This scouter could also read my own fighting power, but I decided to not do so as currently I had five clones created, I didn't really want to do the math right now.


Sitting down, wrapping my tail around my waist, I threw my capsule idly near to me, calling on my fridge and took out one of my wife's plates and a large-cooked leg of meat I cooked via Ki-blast on one of the many dinosaurs on this Earth and got to feasting like a Saiyan. After my meal, I took a seat near the camp and my knee quickly became a seat for my eldest, who sat there while eating her own meal, I took the time to listen to them all, speaking about everything and anything or squabbling about some such. After minutes of listening to either my wives speaking about clothing, different cooking techniques or current events in West City, I heard that Trunks had just finished his meal and now was trying to pressure Ursula to continue their fight, right here and now when I called out, snapping him out of it, as he looked attentively towards me, hearing my short tone.


"Hey Trunks, son, come here. Jaina, here you go." I picked her up and sat her onto the seat near to mine, depositing her there while she ate in silence and I stood up, stepping towards Trunks. He replied quickly, seeing if he was in trouble but I placed a hand onto his head and spoke.


"Come with me, will let your sibling finish their lunch, I want to show you something." I pressed, nodding him to follow after me and Trunks replied eagerly.


"Oh right, cool, lead the way dad!" I looked to the rest of my children, speaking up to them all, eyeing each of them while their mothers or aunts looked on.


"Use your Ki-sense to find me and Trunks and all of you come to us when you're finished with your lunch. Trunks, follow me son." I blasted off with Trunks in tow, heading to our previous sight we were training at and landed upon the disrupted ground, cracked from previous bouts. Trunks landed eagerly after me and stepped back to look up at me, I told him to step back a bit.


"Alright son, I will be showing you something, do not be afraid. Keep a close eye." I said, giving him one stern look to which he nodded, I begun gathering my Ki right after. The ground rumbled, really briefly as I was used to transforming, my hair turned golden and the air around me got hot, as electricity danced occasionally around me, before bolts could be seen running up and down my form, to which Trunks stepped backwards from the Ki being generated. I jumped to 'Super Saiyan Two' to give my son a show, as my normal 'Super Saiyan' transformation was as quick as yawning, to give Trunks something to see-


"-Cool Dad! I can make my hair go blonde too! Watch this." his face begun concentrating and I looked on with both pride and surprise as my eldest son transformed right after me, Trunks then started laughing in glee, jumping up and down while shouting for joy.



?? = power-level is rising after training but not checked.

?-? = Suppressed.


(Battle - Powers)

-Kron/MC = 90,084,062 Base Form. -|- Oozeru(X10) = 900,840,620 -|- Wrathful State(X10) = 900,840,620 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,504,203,100 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = X1,050 = 94,588,265,100 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,008,406,200 -|- Super Saiyan2(X100) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = X1,800 = 162,151,311,600 -|- Kaio-ken -X100 = 9,008,406,200 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Wrathful State(X10) = 500 = 45,042,031,000 -|- Super Saiyan4(Primal(X4000)) = 360,336,248,000


-Raditz = 56,240,880 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 1,912,189,920 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 562,408,800 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 2,812,044,000


-Trunks(Future) = 64,246,860 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 3,212,343,000 -|- Super Saiyan II (X100) = 6,424,686,000


-Trunks(Present) = 35,884,276 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 1,794,213,800


-Ursula = 35,745,345


-Achilles = 31,908,452


-Anthony = 32,145,108


-Jaina(FUTURE) = 2,800,000 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 140,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 280,000,000


-Jaina(Present) = 21,460,487 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 1,073,024,350


-Yang = 43,700,440 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,709,427,280


-Goku = 93,856,946 -|- Kaio-ken - X100 = 9,385,694,600 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,692,847,300 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = 1,050 = 98,549,793,300 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = 1,800 = 168,942,502,800


-Zangya - 6,400,000,000


-Winter = 23,848,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X48 = 1,144,704,000


-Krillin= 23,086,248 -|- Kaio-ken - X54 = 1,246,657,392


-Pyrrha = 42,700,924 -|- Kaio-ken - X64 = 2,732,859,136


-Gohan = 94,064,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 940,640,000 - Kaio-ken - x46 = 4,326,944,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,703,200,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,406,400,000


-Vegeta - 92,280,480 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,614,024,000 -|- Super Saiyan Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,228,048,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 922,804,800


-Raven = 40,240,620 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,494,918,440


-Blake = 26,084,460 -|- Kaio-ken - x49 = 1,278,138,540


-Weiss = 26,042,459 -|- Kaio-ken - x43 = 1,119,825,737


-Yamcha = 21,000,097 -|- Kaio-ken - x53 = 1,113,005,141


-Tien = 28,063,800 -|- Kaio-ken - x66 = 1,852,210,800


-Chiaotzu = 12,000,000


-Ruby = 6,400,000


-Piccolo = 2,450,000,000 (Weighted Clothes) -|- 3,000,000,000 ((Full Power) (Weighted Clothes Removed)) -|- Kaio-ken - x18 = 54,000,000,000


-Chichi = 8,000


-Sixteen - 2,880,860,048


-Seventeen - 2,246,084,200 -|- Kaio-ken - X36 = 80,859,031,200


-Eighteen - 2,242,870,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 76,257,580,000


-Qrow = 23,084,021 -|- Kaio-ken - X46 = 1,061,864,966

-Hercule = 600