The 25th World Martial Arts Tournament.



The family arrived at the tournament, their family arrived alone as originally planned they were just going to appear at the entrance with his dad's use of 'Instant Transmission' but Chichi thought of it and decided to drive her new airship, encase appearing in thin air scared any of the people that saw.


"Now listen Goku, make sure you keep that Capsule I gave you. I've filled the fridge with plenty of meals, all labeled for the three of you. So, please, don't make a mistake and lose it." Chichi said, whilst driving, Goku chuckled as he sat in the front seat with her. Grandpa sat in the back, there was less room for him in the front, he would crush most of the tightly packed line of seats, so he was in the cargo holding area near the entrance.


"Ah, come on Chichi, I've got it right here, it will be fine. Are we the yet? Sitting here is boring me to death!" Goku whined, making Gohan chuckle, his mother replied.


"Almost dear, gosh. Goten dear, you've been quiet." she looked over to his little brother, Goten was sleeping, which she must have just realized. Mother hummed in contentment, smiling while focusing on driving the air car. A couple of minutes passed by when Gohan seen they were descending, his mom spoke whilst focusing on landing the transport.


"Alright Goku, Gohan, were landing. Gohan, wake up your brother." She asked, sending him an amused smile, turning to the sleeping Goten. Gohan shook his brother gently, as the ship powered down and their dad got up and out, placing a hand on Gohan's shoulder, sending him a smile as he quickly walked on through the center of the ship and out the back entrance.


"Gohan, wake up little brother, were here." Gohan thankfully didn't have to try very hard to wake Goten, he came out of it, jumping in shock a little from the push, possibly forgetting where he slept, definitely not his bed.


"-W-What- Huh? Gohan, are we there yet?" he yawned, asking while their mom replied, walking down the isle of large V.T.O.L.

"Yes, there right Goten, now, come. I need to store this ship quickly for other people landing, Gohan replied to Goten's confused face.


"Yeah, where here Goten, let's get going, perhaps get something to eat before the intermission period. We also need to sign in, up you go." They left the ship, while their mother hung back for a few seconds after everyone boarded off, Goku stood nearby, waiting for them and mother punched in some codes into the panel at the side of the ship, a security code before the capsule part of the ship activated, they watched on as Chichi picked up the capsule of the new family transport and walked to them.


"Alright you two, let's get going. We first need to sign in." Goku spoke, a little excitement escaped his composed form, and a bounce in his step had even Gohan and Goten's mother chuckling from their dad's behavior. There was someone standing nearby, Piccolo himself stood underneath a palm tree, seemingly waiting for them, his smile could be easily interpreted as such.


"Piccolo! you seem calm, it's good to see you!" their dad spoke up, Gohan sent Piccolo a nod, smiling as Piccolo replied, arms now no longer folded as he got into step with them. Their mother seemed no longer nervous with Piccolo's presence which didn't surprise him, Gohan did remember that mother had taken both Goku and Piccolo sometime in the past to both get their drivers license, which only dad had got, trying a second time.


"Yeah, I've been here for a while. Waiting for anyone else to show up, to stay out of the way encase my mug is recognized. Besides you all, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu and Yang has arrived." Piccolo nodded to the air, they all turned to glance upwards as Tien and his group arrived, just now as they touched down, Launch in Yamcha's arms. The blue haired woman kissed Yamcha on the lips and approached Chichi, the two of them begun a quiet conversation as Yang nodded at them all, joining the woman while Goku, Gohan and Piccolo approached the newly arrivals.


"Hey guys, man, this tournament is going to be the best fun I've had in a while, you all look strong, hey Chiaotzu, haven't seen you in a while." Goku spoke up excitedly, as Yamcha chucked, Piccolo added.


"I saw them last week, the fighting is going to be interesting, what with all the rules this tournament seems to have, though I remember breaking a fair share of said rules." Piccolo huffed, turning to leave, everyone except the ladies who got into a small group to chat had begun to head for the main building to sign in. Yamcha replied.


"I was of the mind to sit this tournament out, but I've gotten a lot stronger these days, and the prize money was too good to pass up!" Tien snorted, replying.


"Yeah, right. He's only joining to show off to his girlfriend, our friend, Launch." Yamcha chuckled, rubbing the back of his spiked-up hair, Gohan quietly chuckled at their interactions. Chiaotzu nudged gently his brother, getting a squeak out of him, as Goten fell down in fear, making them all laugh at the act. Their dad spoke gently to Goten, who now huddled behind his leg.


"Goten, these are our friends, some of them former rivals and now allies. Say hi Goten." Yamcha spoke up in shock, Tien looked surprised as Chiaotzu got a better look of him, Goten shyly nodded, Gohan watched him head to him to hide which got them bar Tien and Piccolo to chuckle.




He and Zangya touched down upon the pavement, gathering attention immediately from such a landing, he grunted, nodding towards the building as he could feel his brother's Ki, and others besides. Zangya glanced around sternly, sending a few glares towards others who looked towards them, speaking up quietly.


"I can feel others, high power levels that way you're taking me too. Well, let's get moving, I would rather begin fighting as soon as possible." She sneered at him, for which he returned in equal measure, clicking his new scouter for anyone else in the area, for which it pointed behind them, which Raditz fully turned to and used his own sense to feel the familiar Ki of Kron out.


"...Kron has arrived now, him and his many wives, and that army of kids he has." Raditz smirked, catching sight of a little fear in her beautiful features, though she did well to mask it soon after, as she replied with a huff.


"Right then, well, you can meet them after we get signed into this farce. Come along now, show me around this weakling-infested place, perhaps you'll catch sight of that blonde bimbo with the gun you've taken a liking too-" Raditz replied with a scoff, turning off his scouter.


"-Woman, you do remember that I too am pretty much a stranger on this weakling-infested planet too, or are you just trying to draw my ire, that blonde though... Look, lets head towards my brother, he's this way." Raditz pulled Zangya by the upper arm, underneath the armpit for which she followed along with a little bit of a struggle, though she 'let' him lead her, the two were merely friends though Raditz would call her an 'ally' the first time I mentioned if they were together.




He, Raven and Tarble flew at a leisurely pace towards the stadium, with regards to Vernal; as she too was flying by herself, though Raven kept an eye on her. They would arrive soon, Vernal's speed was the one they kept too as she was still a young girl. Vegeta really didn't mind, he did sense others, Kron among them, were arriving.


"Vegeta, we've got someone on our tail, I think it is Trunks." Raven called out to him, getting him to stop thinking, as Vegeta turned towards the incoming alternate future son his future counterpart had with Bulma, strange as that is.


"Ah, Trunks. It's good to see you, this is my son Tarble and my daughter, Vernal. Have you been keeping up your training… son?" Vegeta said 'son' quietly, to not confuse his actual children, Trunks nodded, smirking in reply before speaking.


"Yeah, I sure have. I was also looking for Jaina. That is, the alternate future version of Kron's eldest daughter, but so far, I've had no luck. I used a clone for looking of course, and another clone to get me a job here for the foreseeable future, until I can travel to my own timeline. Your kids… they seem, strong… you have a daughter?" Trunks regarded Vegeta's, his eyes turning to glimpse his daughter while Vegeta nodded, confirming it.


"Yes, she is mine. She's only three years old and already flying. Raven is watching her for now. Raven! I and Trunks will be speaking privately! We will be heading further in front of us. Tarble, you keep up with your mother." Tarble replied with a nod, while Raven spoke sarcastically.


"Yeah, sure. Fine. I'm only just keeping your daughter afloat over here, we should have taken a transport-" Vegeta huffed, knowing his daughter to be pretty strong for a brat, he spoke as Trunks followed him.


"Are you going to be entering this tournament, son. If you are, I will look forward with fighting you." Trunks chuckled, nodding as he replied.


"Ah, yeah. I was interested to see such an event, but to participate… that seems like a dream come true, the androids of my time destroyed any such gathering of people easily so there nothing of the sort back 'home'.


An uneasy silence began between them, and they slowed down for Raven, Tarble and Vernal to catch up. Soon enough, they seen the location on the horizon, the tournament grounds and Vegeta glared as he sensed both Kakarot, Gohan and Kron already there. His three targets he would work heard to fight against in this tournament, he could anticipate with glee, glaring down at the spot.


Soon enough, they all touched down and headed quietly towards the entrance, passing through as Raven led the way, knowing where they had to go, thanks to her friendships with Kron's wives and Kakarot's wife. He ended up carrying Vernal, who fell asleep after the flight over to the tournament's location, which he easily without no complaint, done so. Tarble followed after them while Trunks kept close, a little distant as he looked to be in his thoughts.


Stepping through towards a group of men, A huge group of people stood around as a red-colored transport landed nearby and the idiotic fool Hercule left the transport, shouting out whilst flexing, making those nearby shout in glee. They had to watch out as a few people tried to barge through them, with Raven turning to glare at a couple who tried to bum-rush through nearby her but couldn't Vegeta smirked from the glare she sent them, then to him as she now noticed him looking.


"I don't understand why that bum thinks he's all that, it wouldn't take me but a flick of my pinky to collapse the man's skull in two-" Raven elbowed him, making Vegeta grumble but to their surprise, they heard as Krillin called out, from behind them. Turning towards the cue-ball, his eyes drifted upwards to the small man's head, seeing that wig of hair… made Vegeta confused for a second, though seeing a newly fixed Sixteen, Seventeen and Eighteen standing with Krillin, along with a small blonde girl holding hands with Krillin and Eighteen had him blinking in a little surprise.


"Hey! Raven, Vegeta, Trunks! I thought that was you Trunks, the hairdo is as unique as mine! And that sword, you know bro, you can't use that here." Trunks nodded in greeting, Vegeta watched as Trunks eyed the androids with caution, Trunks tried to hid but easily Vegeta could see through him, seeing some of himself in the young man.


"Hey Krillin, this your daughter huh? Hello Eighteen, Seventeen. Sixteen, you're looking… fixed up." he said awkwardly, to which Sixteen smiled towards them, not replying as he went to walk past them. Behind them, where Sixteen walked towards, there were two elderly gentlemen behind a kind of red wooden table, and a umbrella which had a sign for 'Sign-In for Tournament' displayed on it. Vegeta turned around to follow on, while Krillin and Trunks stood around to chat, Raven, Tarble, the little blond girl and Eighteen stood of to the side and had small talk while Seventeen followed after Vegeta, speaking to him.


"Howdy. I just knew you would come, thinking of getting a win against me this time around huh? Well, will see. I've been training with Krillin, my sister and Sixteen-" Vegeta turned to grab him from the scruff of his scarf the fool still wore, but found him flickering to his other side, Vegeta growled out, annoyed by the condescending smirk.


"-Listen android, you and your little power increase, whatever that may entail, stands no chance for a Saiyan warrior, one who has reached such heights as-" Seventeen interrupted him, mimicking him with use of his left hand to infuriate Vegeta, whose patience was dropping. Another voice was heard then, the other one, the one who defeated him years back, Eighteen.


"Seventeen, shut your trap. Honestly, you need to stop riling up everyone in sight. Besides, if you want to prove your strength, do so in the ring. But don't forget, the prize money-" she trailed on, though Vegeta scowled, flickering away and knocking over some civilians in the process, he turned to glare at them in turn but stopped himself from acting out and instead made his way, daughter in hand who was naive of the conversation that just happened, only knowing his anger which made her uncomfortable. He turned to her; her gaze softened as he spoke.


"Remember Vernal, never let an enemy get into your head, especially in a battle. Also, never bring home anyone like that, I'd have to 'end' their breathing time in this dimension." She nodded, though her eyes widened from the nearby vendor selling food, which had Vegeta himself look on with hunger too, they, that is, Vegeta decided to grab himself and her something to eat before leaving to find the registration station somewhere around here.




My position in the middle of my family as we strolled through the heavy crowds of the event that is this tournament, we ended up finding the sign in booth and now stood in line. Winter came, leaving a clone at home, With Weiss and Blake managing the children like the fussy mothers they are. Pyrrha stood in front of me, ready for the combat that was to come, Anthony and Achilles stood hand in hand with her, lest the two wondered off, they too would be joining the fighting. Trunks, my son that is, was standing nearby with Bulma who currently, was on the phone arranging something with her father.


"Kron, you've come then, I will be looking forward to our battle to come." the voice of Vegeta could be heard behind me, as I turned, I noticed his brief look at Bulma, though he quickly met my eyes, awaiting my reply. Who am I to deny him some banter.


"Yeah, I'm looking forward to showing you whatever new strength you've obtained in the years since Cell, is still not at my level, Vegeta. Why, this must be Vernal, your daughter. Hello princess." I quickly changed the subject, instead interested in the young lass Vegeta had propped up against his shoulder, held securely with a hot-dog she munched on, inquisitive eyes looking around while ignoring me. Vegeta smirked, looking down fondly, before replying, just as Raven with Tarble, Krillin hand holding his daughter with Eighteen, Seventeen and the imposing newly fixed Sixteen following along beside them.


"Hmm, you will see that-" Vegeta's little speech ended before it could begin as the familiar voice of Goku could be heard. Coming from another path to my left, Vegeta's right which made us both turn to him with varying looks sent his way.


"Hey! So, you're all here then. Krillin, wow… that hair, you've changed, gotten stronger too." Goku, along with everyone else, including… Qrow and Ruby with them too had arrived, Tien with Chiaotzu and Yang, Yamcha… with Launch hand in hand and Puar nearby them, Piccolo and Gohan stood nearby Goku, with Chichi and Goten following along.


Trunks, the future one also approached us, nodding at a dew of us, including his 'father' and his mother, Bulma, coming towards her to speak and hug her, also confusing the hell out of my 'son' Trunks, who looked on confused.


The booth-line had dwindled in front of us, now that Pyrrha was ahead in line, I listened in at all the various conversations happening around me, but inside, my thoughts stirred for what was to come, this tournament was just the beginning as Buu, and whatever else problems were heading our way. I was pulled from my thoughts, my eyes eyeing up Pyrrha's rear end, as she had finished signing in our sons and herself, the junior division and the adult division respectively. One of the elderly men behind the booth called out to me, the man who pulled me out of my thoughts.


"Name, sir." he said with no nonsense, getting straight to the point.


"...Kron." I said simply, as the other man jotted down my name into the book and the man speaking nodded, waving me along. I headed inside, catching up to Pyrrha who waited nearby for us, the twins by her side, no longer holding her hands, thought I did hear her growl at them for trying to stir up trouble and try to wander off just now.


"Alright you two, listen to your mother or I'll take you for training instead of allowing you to play when we get home." I said, giving them a simple calm look, to which they both replied at the same time.


"OK dad-"


"-Alright dad."


"I'll take these two to their designated area, you might as well head in too, I'll see you there." Pyrrha gave me a quick peck, pushing back on my chest as she turned, adding whilst giving the two boys a look.


"Alright you two, let's get you two to the area you've got to wait at-" Bulma called out, stopping Pyrrha and me in our tracks, with my 'son' Trunks following along with her.


"-Wait up Pyrrha, you might as well wait for everyone of the kids participating, then you can take them all together. I'm heading up into the stands with Chichi and Puar." she turned to me, winking as she also gave me a quick peck on the lips, her hand interlaced with my left hand whilst doing so, before she pulled back.


"Good luck Kron, Pyrrha. I'll cheer for you all." she waved, leaving with Chichi, Roshi too who must have came, Oolong and Puar. With Bulma leaving, I gave Pyrrha a quick rub of her arm lovingly, getting her to smile as I left, heading for the tournament grounds proper.


"All contestants for the world marital arts tournament, please report to the warm-up pavilion. Preliminaries will begin with or without you!" the voice of a unknown official could be heard from the various speak towers scatter around the area, snapping me out from my thoughts, I continued to head for the-


"Hi, where are you from, what's your name!" a woman spoke to the side, as I turned to glance her way, a blonde with a cameraman filming our 'interaction' awaiting behind her. I replied, not stopping to talk.


"I'm from the planet Vegeta." I continued on unimpeded, walking towards the entrance to the pavilion, smirking from my answer given, done so because it should have gotten the woman to stop talking from confusion, effective. Entering the wide arena, a huge number of fighters gathered already, I got the feeling of intimidation from shyness, something I haven't really been able to kick since I 'arrived' into this world, I ignored everyone, some giving me looks while a huge majority ignored me, instead readying themselves in various ways for the fights to come.