Tournament Matches - Part One.



His sparring partner and dare he say it, ally was fighting one of Kron's mistresses. What a farce. He stood, overhearing the smart one of Kron's mistresses, seeing a familiar yet newly designed scouter sitting on her face whilst she idly clicked button after button on it for a second, seeing some kind of calculation running along the cyan-tinted see-through service. He checked his own, purple-tinted scouter, the same model, which he only used these days to check his progress numerically as that was more reliable for him than the guessing work of sensing Ki, which he could do but not yet to the point that Kakarot, Vegeta or Kron could achieve. The prince remarked to him one day that having begun to use a scouter once more was befitting a weakling of 'his' caliber, but Raditz just barred through the words with silent rage.


Clicking the buttons, Pyrrha and Zangya reached their starting positions quickly, his training partner arriving with a flourish while Pyrrha simply arrived, he waited for the bout to begin.


"...You may begin!" the shades -wearing clown yelled through his device, prompting the weakling-filled crowd watching to shout lively.


Pyrrha's Ki sky rocketed as her form became enshrouded in that familiar, red-colored Ki, blazing furiously around her, his scouter rushed to keep up with the new number before it settled on 2,732,859,136. She rushed forward in an instant, air pushed aside from the speed generated shook even his hair from where they stood on the outskirts of the arena, they met in the middle, neither one of them letting up as they met blow against blow, hit after hit shock waves could be seen, could be heard too erupting from both their forms.


Zangya was much more powerful though, landing more blows, and that smirk… that one she would get on blooding him had appeared on her smug mug, Pyrrha was struck from the side as Zangya flickered there, lashing out with a fast kick, swinging around, Pyrrha grabbed her leg though she took the hit, unflinchingly but begun to lay into Zangya's thigh, Zangya retaliated with using her other leg, a very impressive stretch with her other leg with her foot smashing into Pyrrha's face. The woman harshly connected onto the arena, lobbing up a few of the tiles from the impact, the red-headed mistress of Kron stood slowly whilst her blazing, Red-colored Ki intensified around her.


"...One last attack it seems like." Goku muttered nearby him, Raditz turned, seeing his nephew and that girl with him, along with green man standing with him close by, Raditz grunted replying to his comment.


"What do you mean Kakarot? That Pyrrha woman stands no chance in the long run." he looked on, Kakarot shook his head, agreeing with him for once, as he turned to reply quickly.


"Pyrrha is strong, her Ki is magnified to an impressive degree, but she still needs more training with 'Kaio-Ken', that technique should be only used either as a finisher or to keep up with someone stronger for a time, which is what she has done. But still, Zangya is no joke as she hasn't even learned that technique yet, but she is almost as powerful as that Bojack guy was before he transformed. This fight is almost over-" as he said over, Pyrrha and Zangya done just that with Pyrrha surging forward, she yelled loudly an unknown technique.


"'Argus Polarity' Harrrgh!!" she rushed forward as her Ki surged around her arms and legs more fiercely than around the rest of her, lashing each punch and kick with brutal impacts made against Zangya. His 'comrade' merely blocked these Ki-infused blows, though she looked mad, as the attacks hitting her managed to damage her, each blow pushing Zangya further backwards from her previous position.


Pyrrha's Ki surging around her had taken a harsh dip, colored red Ki changed back into her golden orange color she is known for having, and his scouter seen the dramatics happen numerically.


The fight was over though Pyrrha had yet to leave the ring-


-Zangya retaliated, flickering from side to side as she continued to push forwards towards Pyrrha, who barred her teeth through heavy breathing, the last clash was Zangya's fist, knocking her a ways backwards, much more gap between their powers now, the impact struck against this warrior-mistress of Kron had sent her quickly out of the arena, creating an impact crater as she slid across the grass.


"Wow! It is over folks! Pyrrha Nikos has left the arena! Give applause for the winner, Zangya!" the blonde ponce spoke aloud, though Raditz wasn't sure why as everyone must have seen what happened, no need for the idiot to repeat-


"The arena has taken a little dusting, but I call to the arena the next contestants. One of the officials will give the stage a quick brooming, for any loose pieces. Can't have trip hazards! Would Videl! The people's champions daughter! Please make your way to the stage dear, if folks remember previously, Videl Satan had won the last tournaments junior division tournament, which was the first time we've done a junior's division! Give applause folks!!" Raditz seen the girl nearby his nephew turn to the kid, as the quietly spoke some 'words' or such to one another, he looked on as she left for the stage, jumping on easily enough for a walking. He clicked his scouter, and smirked from being right, a smirk for which Gohan seen, speaking up with a frown.


"What's got you in a good mood… uncle?" Goku turned to them both as Raditz replied with a huff, speaking up.


"She has a pathetic power-level, certainly better than ninety-nine percent of this planet but for us, she is bound to get hurt or dare I say it-" Gohan glared through his glasses now, Zangya took a step beside Raditz arms folded but didn't bother to interrupt nor care for their squabbling. Gohan said through gritted teeth.


"-Say what? You should know the rules, we've gone over them and so has the announcer back when we were taking out them numbered balls. Videl will be fine." Gohan seemed sure, that is until her opponent, that big lummox of a thing stormed towards the stage with barely contained rage singing in his eyes. Veins sickeningly pulsating randomly over his bulky muscled form, this Spopovich brute didn't 'feel' strong to his senses. So, Raditz checked his scouter.


"... … …Blast, this thing isn't working-" Gohan interrupted him, now no longer glaring towards him but focused on the two up on stage, his 'female' friend than the monstrous-looking opponent.


"-Your scouter? It isn't working, that is strange, this guy doesn't feel that strong but, he also feels very weird, unlike anyone else I've felt before. I don't like this." Kakarot placed a hand onto his son's shoulder while Raditz watched on, seeing their bond once again.


"Relax son, Videl should be fine." Gohan nodded, Raditz clicked his scouter off, now fully committed to watching the bout that was to begin on stage.




Oh, now it was this fight, eh? Fucking unavoidable to the plot and all, I should warn them, which is what I did, in my own way without seeming to know what would most likely happen to the girl.


"That girl should just give up; she doesn't stand a chance." I said casually, cringing inside as that would only be ignored, I walked over towards Gohan, Goku, Piccolo and Tien standing nearby with Yang. Gohan turned, a small frown on his face.


"I don't sense much from her opponent though, what makes you so sure?" he remarked while crossing his arms, looking offended… Yikes, this kid has it bad., everything I would say he will take offense with. Hormones and all, I am not his father! I replied annoyed, looking towards the arena.


"I don't trust the two guys who have Piccolo spooked-" before Piccolo could take offense to that statement, I growled out, daring him to interrupt me. He only glared in turn as I continued.


"I will send for Dende to arrive, I fear my theory holds true, you might be down a girlfriend kid." Gohan frowned in reply, no words left his mouth as he fully turned to the arena while Goku gave me a small nod, to which I returned, a smirk on our faces, seeing Gohan swooning for a girl had the both of us rooting for him, for different reasons I'm sure.


Focusing my thoughts, I 'reached' out mentally for Dende, and I got a telepathic connection to say, as Dende replied mentally.

'I can't come to the tournament if you're worried, though it might be prudent for you to send a clone to get me there quicker. Also, I'd recommend seeing Mr. Korin and asking for his latest batch of Senzu beans.' I replied, asking something which had me thinking just now.


'Have you picked up any strange activity on the planet? A group of strangers or aliens hiding in plain sight? Someone who doesn't belong?' Dende didn't reply for a few minutes, making me think our mental conversation was over but reply at last he did.


'... … No, no one I can sense nor see, even while standing upon the lookout. The only strange phenoms I can pick up radiates from the four in your tournament. The two alien-like figures, the one fighting Gohan's friend and one other among the competitors like you are. Send me a clone to come here, I'll be ready to assist if you have need of me, though I still recommend those Senzu beans, Mr. Korin has had a good harvest ever since that wish on Namek you made, two years ago.' Dende's thoughts left me now, our connection link cut. The fight was about to begin it seems; the announcer howled out loudly.


"(Let)-the match begin!" I focused forward, as the match begun as I prepared to create a clone among everyone else, some confused by me, while others content to watch the fight ignoring my use of Ki.




A moment later, the clone of Kron, arrived. Nail, who was visiting Dende for a little bit of time away from the growing strong Namek turned to him also in greeting. The two stepped forwards to one another, arms raised as they gripped their hands tightly in a strong-looking handshake, Nail regarded the two of them silently before releasing Kron's hand and allowing Dende to speak.


"I'll be here, have you gone to Mr. Korin yet?" Dende asked, Kron's clone replied.


"No, not yet. Good seeing you Nail, we should catch up later." Dende stood forwards as Mr. Popo arrived not too soon after, a bag of beans in his hand, this one largely bulging from the amount that filled the bag.


"Here Kron, do you still need Dende's assistance?" Mr. Popo regarded the Saiyan with interest, as Dende looked on over, watching the two interact. Kron replied with a look his way, the words slowly leaving his mouth soon after.


"...I guess with the amount here… Dende, we might need your help later on so prepare to offer your healing services, but for now, you ought to keep an extra eye on any unscrupulous characters running around on Earth. I'll head back now, Bye Nail. Thanks, Dende, Mr. Popo." Kron prepared his 'Instant Transmission' heading back so suddenly for the world tournament where the rest of Dende's friends and allies were situated at.




That clone of Kron's had returned, a large bag of what was perhaps those Senzu beans Kakarot and his people were all too willing to abuse the hell out of, Vegeta watched for but a second further as the clone handed over the bag and dispelled, before his attention headed straight back at the for the moment one-sided beat down happening up on the arena.


"The girl is doing well, though it might be because this muscle-thickheaded 'Beringal' is either incompetent or insane." Raven commented to the side of him, Vegeta didn't know what a 'Beringal' is but nonetheless, agreed with her with a shrug.


The fight got to the point where the girl would beat up the 'Beringal' as his wife called him ,he would recover after getting a beating for the girl, getting back to his feet almost unnaturally healed up, it was then after a lucky viscous axe kick turned to sweeping kick that the fight was over, or so it seemed as the fools head had been spun from the force of the kick, completely forcefully rotating the large man's head as a sickening crunch could be heard. The announcer called out, loudly as the crowds around them begun to murmur softly, the man was killed which as Vegeta remembered, that it was a disqualification for the girl.


 "W-Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is a most tragic conclusion to this match. Videl has clearly beaten her opponent, but according to the rules of this tournament… as contestant Videl has killed her opponent, she is disqualified-" the man, no… freak of nature begun to rise once more suddenly, his his revival shocking all around them with either disgust, intrigue or fear from the rising hulking giant. The man got to his feet, before sickeningly snapping his neck back into place, which even Vegeta felt disgusted watching, though not as much as most of the woman around here, besides his wife who kept quiet next to him.


The man Spopovich used the shock-factor his 'revival induced into his opponent Videl in order to land a free hit, kicking her with an easily dodged kick though the girl only managed to snap out of her shock as the kick landed.


Spopovich now used the girl as a punching bag for a tense couple of minutes or more, the sight of the beating made Kakarot's son greatly angered, a lot of the others seemed angry too but none could interfere.


The girl's fate had seemed, was to die but fortunately for her, this guy's ally rushed to the edge of the ring, calling out to Spopovich to stop bloodying the girl further.


"Spopovich, finish it now. Don't get yourself disqualified or else. We've a far more important task to accomplish, you fool." this other tatted fool spoke, not too worried about all the stares.


"It's o-over, V-Videl has left the ring. Should I get a stretcher-" Gohan replied, worried for her.




"Damn that bastard! I ought to-" Piccolo heard Gohan growl out but it was Goku who calmed him down, placing a hand on his shoulder. Spopovich flung the girl unsparingly out of the arena, Piccolo gave that Shin character a look, his opponent nearby. The stranger with the weird feeling, that other one stood nearby while officials had come out to move the girl to safety-


"-Here Gohan, give her one of these. Courtesy of Korin." Kron floated nearby, though it was a clone as the 'real' one stood over there still. This must have been Kron's idea, to get the Senzu beans on standby. Gohan looked over and caught the bean, which was thrown towards him, Gohan went after the girl, who was already been taken away by the officials.


As she healed up, Piccolo took one look at the nearby whiteboard, seeing himself up next against this mysterious opponent, he headed up to the arena, now walking side by side with his opponent.


'Who is this guy?' Shin gave him a little smirk, and Piccolo become shocked when he heard a reply within his mind.


'You'll find out, in time Piccolo. Come, give me a good battle' A definite answer mentally, Piccolo got a grip on himself and strode forward away from Shin, between worried and surprised from the mental intrusion, he stood across from this guy.


"These two a-are next, Ma Junior and Shin! You may begin!" but Piccolo stood still, he continued to observe the individual in front of him with a healthy amount of caution, Shin's Ki felt far more-


-Piccolo couldn't bring himself to fight… whoever this is, because as he now understood it, this 'Shin' reminded him of the time he or rather 'Kami' met that giant, King Yemma… only more 'divine'-


-he begun to look on, in awe and shocked as Shin continued to peer into his eyes, Piccolo realized that he had been within his thoughts for a while, as the crowd had grown restless with waiting for the fight to begin, a fight for which Piccolo would not entertain them with.


"... … …I forfeit." Piccolo immediately turned to head off the arena, various faces of his allies stared right towards him but nevertheless he continued on unimpeded by his decision, stepping of the ring. The announcer stuttered, which was heard from the microphone as the man spoke aloud to the crowd. Why the heck would he be here-


'Don't worry about that Piccolo, you'll find out all in due time' Piccolo turned his head to lock eyes with the 'man' the divine being, t-the supreme Kai…?




That happened then, too bad about Piccolo and all, he never would get a chance to fight here but, now this is where the fights diverge. Tien and Yamcha were up next, a fight I was sure to enjoy seeing in person, Piccolo headed over and leaned against the wall, he looked very concerned with what happened but for now he stood silently.


Goku, Raven and Krillin approached him, each to ask him why he forfeited or such, showing their own way for concern. I ignored him for now as the announcer had finally stopped stuttering from the forfeit of Piccolo, someone I remembered that this announcer had witnessed Piccolo's prowess firsthand before so his surprise was hindering him from continuing the tournament… until now that is.


"That is, uh… Shin is the winner by default! Now, onto the next match! Tien versus Yamcha. Gentleman, head onto the arena!" the man yelled loudly, trying to hype the crowd for the next bout to begin though the was some restlessness from the crowd still circulating. The two headed up onto the arena quick enough, Yamcha dressed as he would normally be, same with Tien as they stopped on opposite sides of one another, showing a little concern for Piccolo. They didn't let that stop them though for as soon as the announcer was about to call out, Yamcha and Tien blasted forwards to one another, engaging in melee combat, shock waves of air blasting ever which way from their attacks.


"-Y-You may begin- Huh! Wow!" the announcer yelled as he was blown away from the stage, landing into Pyrrha who caught him.


"Hello. Ah, here sir!" Pyrrha said good naturedly, handing the man his microphone while I ignored him for the fight in front of me. Tien and Yamcha… it was-


"-Tien has a fighting power of 28,063,800 while Yamcha is of 21,000,097… Yamcha has let himself go hasn't he." Winter commented nearby, clicking her scouters button, turning off the device for now. Blake replied, eyes following along the speed of the fight with ease, reminding me of a cat following a laser, making me grin for a split second.


"Unless Yamcha pulls off something impressive, this fight should end in Tien's favor, my eyes…" she waved her long hair out of her eyes suddenly from the impact Tien and Yamcha continued to make, the airwaves blew outwards, getting Blake unluckily for her though it only enhanced her beauty for me, flinching cutely while she fixed her hair.


Neither of them decided to do anything flashy besides flying and moving at speeds that continued to gust outward, so in the end, twenty-five minutes after the fighting started, Tien got in a heavy blow through Yamcha's hastily put-up defense, knocking him from the ring. The fight ended with Tien winning, he landed on the arena as the announcer quickly responded, hyping the crowd of Tien's victory.


With Yamcha eliminated, he told Goku though I overheard that he would be watching the fights with us, he wanted a Senzu bean, but I told him to take some stone pills, he replied curiously.


"What are stone pills? I've never heard of them-" I chuckled loudly, anticipating his face as I replied, a small smirk on my face while I pocketed the large bag of Senzu beans.


"-Stone pills, get hard man. Now, walk it off mate." he replied, face scrunched up in confusion, though now it looked like something had clicked in his eyes as he chuckled in turn, speaking through a chuckle.


"Fine man, what a silly joke." he walked off, Goku looking more confused than Yamcha was but unlike him, he didn't understand-


"-Now! The next match is about to begin! Weiss Schnee… Hoh? Verses her older sister… Winter Schnee! Now, for those who don't know, Winter Schnee is the C.E.O of the 'Schnee Industries Corporation'. Not many know she has a younger sister, or younger brother and his married-" He stopped himself mid-speech and looked on, before getting to the point.


"Sister verses Sister, now… Begin the match!" he cried through the microphone, and I now noticed, missing their ascent onto the arena both Weiss and Winter in a standoff, peering calculatingly at one another.


"Hey Kron, who are you voting for, I mean… you've got to cheer for both, right?" Krillin approached, looking quite smug about something, he then nudged me in that way you'd nudge someone like a wingman would, though he did glance back as Eighteen gave him a stern look before her gaze headed back for the ring. Winter and Weiss begun to power up in unison, their cyan-colored Ki-aura inflamed around them both as the energy gathered begun to shake the area, which they then charged forward to meet one another in a more slow-paced battle, more of elegance than brute strength as they fought to try to ring-out the other.


Keeping up easily, it seemed the crowd was enjoying this sort of battle more for they too could keep up with the fight if only barely, the two woman fought with a new technique created by both of them, one I haven't learned yet, what it would do was created a sort of energy-like weapon, Winter wielded two swords while Weiss wielded one rapier, both see-through energy-based attacks which I believed were fed from their Ki.


"Wow! How'd they get weapons in there?" Yamcha asked aloud, very curious but Yang replied, eyes not leaving the arena.


"Those weapons are created by their Ki and shaped by their aura. I also created something similar with Weiss's help one summer ago, Ruby, Nora and Ren as well. A pity those two didn't come…" she said a little saddened, the fight continued on and Pyrrha whispered into my ear, more serious than normal.


"Winter's battling power is 23,848,000 while Weiss has a battling power of 25,986,890. With all the work Winter's been doing, she looks to have been surpassed by her younger sister. Maybe this will changer Winter's tune and she will accept more of my invites for training on the weekends, huh…"


The two Schnee wives of mine continued to fight with their conjured Ki-blades, when in a split second, Winter become engulfed in a more intense Ki, her cyan colored Ki become engulfed in the familiar red color of 'Kaio-Ken' and Winter struck with an open fist, the blow to Weiss's stomach made her forcefully bend on reflex before Winter finished off Weiss with a lightning-quick kick to Weiss's back, sending her out of the ring right towards our group.


Naturally, I caught her as Weiss went to bulldoze into Qrow of all people, flickering into the way and landing safely with her in my arms, she stepped down quickly on top the grass and the announcer called out.


"And Weiss Schnee is out! Winter Schnee is the winner!" the crowd gave her applause, as Winter landed in the middle of the ring, before heading our way as she powered down. Weiss seethed a little nearby, but she then huffed, speaking up as Winter approached.


"That was… a good battle, who know you'd trick me and use 'Kaio-Ken' though." Winter replied, looking not even bothered by her 'trick', saying as much.


"It's a match Weiss, I enjoyed the swordplay, but you forgot, this is a martial arts tournament. And seeing that you've gotten much stronger well, I needed an edge, good match though little sister." She walked away, not meeting any of our eyes as she left for the moment. Weiss pecked me on the lips quickly, before turning to leave, walking backwards as she yelled out.


"I'm going to speak with her for a bit, will be back soon." Weiss kept up with Winter and as I checked the whiteboard nearby, seeing Seventeen was up next and fighting Qrow.




'Why? Why were all these guys h-here?' Hercule continued to pace around in the room as the physician looked over his daughter Videl. She had been 'healed' as some punk who Videl seemed head-over heels for gave her some unknown drug... The physician turned to look to him and Videl finally stood up, to head back out to watch the tournament matches.


"Well, uh, Mr. Satan she is in perfect health, I c-can't explain how though." Hercule nodded, though his thoughts drifted back to the tournament, and he begun to worry one more. And then there's Spopovich…


"That punk! Videl should have been strong enough to beat that weakling! How did he get so much more skilled?" Hercule contemplated loudly, as the physician left Hercule to brood in his room in occasional silence.


"..." he took a seat as he looked out of the window of his room, worried about the matches to come.




"heh, so we're fighting huh slick. Let's make a good match of this though if you bore me-"


"-You talk too much man, now I've heard stories of you guys, androids I mean… so, let's just have a good fight. Win or lose I need a drink." his opponent Qrow removed a silver canteen and chugged on it, liquor? Heh, he like this guy already.


"OK, good luck and all that." Seventeen and this Qrow got into their own battle stances and the announcer told them they could begin the bout.



?? = power-level is rising after training but not checked.

?-? = Suppressed.


(Battle - Powers)

-Kron/MC = 90,084,062 Base Form. -|- Oozeru(X10) = 900,840,620 -|- Wrathful State(X10) = 900,840,620 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,504,203,100 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = X1,050 = 94,588,265,100 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,008,406,200 -|- Super Saiyan2(X100) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = X1,800 = 162,151,311,600 -|- Kaio-ken -X100 = 9,008,406,200 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Wrathful State(X10) = 500 = 45,042,031,000 -|- Super Saiyan4(Primal(X4000)) = 360,336,248,000


-Raditz = 56,240,880 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 1,912,189,920 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 562,408,800 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 2,812,044,000


-Trunks(Future) = 64,246,860 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 3,212,343,000 -|- Super Saiyan II (X100) = 6,424,686,000


-Trunks(Present) = 35,884,276 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 1,794,213,800


-Ursula = 35,745,345


-Achilles = 31,908,452


-Anthony = 32,145,108


-Jaina(FUTURE) = 2,800,000 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 140,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 280,000,000


-Jaina(Present) = 21,460,487 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 1,073,024,350


-Yang = 43,700,440 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,709,427,280


-Goku = 93,856,946 -|- Kaio-ken - X100 = 9,385,694,600 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,692,847,300 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = 1,050 = 98,549,793,300 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = 1,800 = 168,942,502,800


-Zangya - 6,400,000,000


-Winter = 23,848,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X48 = 1,144,704,000


-Krillin= 23,086,248 -|- Kaio-ken - X54 = 1,246,657,392


-Pyrrha = 42,700,924 -|- Kaio-ken - X64 = 2,732,859,136


-Gohan = 94,064,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 940,640,000 - Kaio-ken - x46 = 4,326,944,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,703,200,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,406,400,000


-Vegeta - 92,280,480 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,614,024,000 -|- Super Saiyan Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,228,048,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 922,804,800


-Raven = 40,240,620 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,494,918,440


-Blake = 26,084,460 -|- Kaio-ken - x49 = 1,278,138,540


-Weiss = 26,042,459 -|- Kaio-ken - x43 = 1,119,825,737


-Yamcha = 21,000,097 -|- Kaio-ken - x53 = 1,113,005,141


-Tien = 28,063,800 -|- Kaio-ken - x66 = 1,852,210,800


-Chiaotzu = 12,000,000


-Ruby = 6,400,000


-Piccolo = 2,450,000,000 (Weighted Clothes) -|- 3,000,000,000 ((Full Power) (Weighted Clothes Removed)) -|- Kaio-ken - x18 = 54,000,000,000


-Chichi = 8,000


-Sixteen - 2,880,860,048


-Seventeen - 2,246,084,200 -|- Kaio-ken - X36 = 80,859,031,200


-Eighteen - 2,242,870,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 76,257,580,000


-Qrow = 23,084,021 -|- Kaio-ken - X46 = 1,061,864,966

-Hercule = 600