Tournament Matches - Part Two.

Seventeen gave Qrow a smug look, to try and rile him up but the man just gave him a familiar look in turn, a look Seventeen had seen in the mirror, a mocking one like his own which had Seventeen's right eye twitch. This guy gave him a half-lidded stare, goading him in turn as Seventeen tried to hold in his annoyance.


"What's with that look man? Your goading attempts backfire or what, man, you're making me want to take a drink. We starting this or?" Qrow called out, as the continued to maneuver around the arena in opposite directions to the side.


"You maybe begin the match!" the announcer called out, the crowds yelling out excited. Seventeen flickered forward multiple times, gaining ground on Qrow. Qrow flickered in turn, dodging and Seventeen stopped mid-flicker, though he almost lost his footing in the process. Seventeen caught himself before he went over the arena edge, Qrow used this as a chance to launch multiple blows into his back but seventeen caught his leg of his last kick. Qrow got off another kick with his free leg, swing in the air, Seventeen took the blow with gusto as he peered at Qrow, but he almost lost his footing once again, managing to gain it in a split second Seventeen had to release Qrow while doing so.


'What the heck, I'm not usually this clumsy. What is going on here, I am definitely stronger but this guy, he's making a mockery of me… almost falling over, slipping… is this his doing?' Seventeen frowned, Qrow smirked as he spoke up while landing on his feet.


"You alright their kid? You look pale, like you need to eat a burger." the man had the audacity to take another sip from his canteen, Seventeen's eyes widened in surprise of his arrogance, but he chuckled slowly afterwards.


Seventeen raised a hand suddenly, launching a light volley of pink colored Ki spheres in his direction. The man comically dodged while hastily closing the lid on his canteen, flickering from place to place. The man stopped, coughing a bit of his alcohol out of his mouth, he spoke through one last cough.


"Heh, eh… oh right. Your stumbling, I think that's my fault kid. Eh… sorry about that, but if we keep this up I think something bad might happen to those schmucks out in the crowd, especially from all those Ki-blasts you're aiming my way. I forfeit kid-"


"-What? Huh? What are you on about old man-" Qrow chuckled though it sounded forced, he replied with a grin.


"Ah, it's one of my abilities, one I still haven't been able to control yet, even with this new energy I've been training with since I came to this planet. I'd figure I would try my luck in the tournament but… 'luck' isn't one of my strong suits. See ya later kid, I'll drink to your next match. Yeah." they man left the arena by jumping onto the grass, the announcer looked astonished by the forced forfeit but he recovered quickly, yelling through his microphone all the while, Seventeen continued to watch that guy, still trying to understand the why he had forfeited but, he didn't understand that drunk guy.




"That's too bad for uncle Qrow, his semblance was working through all that too. A pity… he trained much harder than I could, with Yang's mom of all people too." Ruby Rose commented nearby to her sister Yang, as Qrow approached them with a grin, a canteen in his hand. That's right, he had a bad luck semblance-


"-Yeah, but he did a good thing. Some of those Ki-blasts even while controlled by Seventeen were dangerously close to the crowd for our uncles liking." Yang replied loudly, Blake nodded at me, getting my attention.


"Looks like I'm up. Wish me luck." she said in a monotone kind of way, though instead of heading for the arena she only stood there, watching me snap out of my thoughts. Knowing what she wanted, I brought a hand up and placed it at the back of her head, guiding her closer while carefully holding her through her long hair, kissing her fiercely. I pulled back, squinting at the whiteboard.


"Go easy on this guy, he's a weakling." I said, looking towards the blonde man named Jewel who was already on the arena, waving at the crowd while also egging on the screaming, adoring woman in the crowd, riling them up with ridiculous murmurs and hand signals at the crowd.


Blake headed up onto the arena, she threw her long black coat onto my head, her small chuckle had me shaking my head in turn, she headed up there and the man Jewel turned his attention to my wife.


I couldn't hear what the long-haired ladies man said to my wife, but she didn't even deign him with an answer, she turned sideways and waited for the match to be called, for which the announcer begun to speak. Jewel approached Blake from the back and whispered something into her ear, the announcer called out once more.


"Begin the match contestants!" that was when in an instant, Blake powered up her Ki, blasting the dangerously close blonde man off of the arena without any effort physically on her part. The guy took a face full of grass with nought any effort, he was out.


"That was easy… Who is next to go?" Krillin said aloud, taking a look at the white board, he spoke for those around him to hear.


"Looks like… Mr. …B? is up next… uh, he is up against- huh> it's that guy." Krillin pointed towards where Spopovich and the other one, Yamu stood. Blake left the arena as the glasses wearing announcer called out loudly.


"W-Well, Blake Belladonna has one via ring-out! Uh, next up! Mr. B verses… Yamu. You two maybe head up onto the arena now." trunks approached the ring, and the other thug with pulsating veins all over his body did so too. This fight will go, well… I haven't got a clue what will happen, though Trunks should make mincemeat out of the guy, but how are you supposed to defeat someone with infinite Ki surging through their body? That much I did remember, anyway, Trunks and Yamu were up on stage, and my son 'Trunks' who had returned earlier nudged at my leg.


"Who is that guy dad, he looks… familiar?" Trunks asked, he blinked as he gazed at his alter-timeline self. Telling him though? Will that do something to the time-space continuum, is that what doc says? Eh, I better not tell him encase the universe blows up or something, you'd never know with time travel.


((Future) Trunks-POV)


This guy… Trunks stood opposite a strange-powered man, whose bodies veins pulsed inhumanely, which disgusted him just a bit from the unnaturalness of it, though he stood firm and peered into Trunks eyes. Unlike that other fight who'd almost killed that girl Videl that Gohan is with, this one stood calmer, composed on the arena marble tiles, watching him with unknown intent. Certainly not looking at Trunks as anything other than an annoyance, Trunk didn't care, in the end, this guy would be rung-out and he would move on in this tournament. He waited, like the other man for the announcer to call it, not too long as the man begun to yell, hyping up the crowd some more.


"You two, you may begin the match! Give us a good showing-" Trunks blitzed forwards, gliding through the air as his power easily took him forwards, his raised right fight meeting the man Yuma's face, though he tried to retaliate, subpar speed and strength, even while Trunks was fighting with but a fraction of his true power, as close as he could get through with Ki-control to that of someone just slightly stronger than what he felt from Hercules's Ki signature when he punched that punching machine earlier today.


The punch connected, and Trunks watched astounded as the guy was punched out of the ring with nought any effort on Trunks part, he looked on astounded though as though this Yamu had smacked into the wall, for which Trunks mentally cringed at the still over-powered punch he thought he had made to a similar level as this guy… it was Yamu himself, whose wounds, scrapes, whatever… they looked as if they didn't even matter to this guy in the slightest. Yamu just recovered with a grunt, standing back up on his feet, sending him a disdainful look but headed back towards his supposed ally in this contest-


"-W-Well that is that folks! Mr. B sure does have a strong arm, Yamu was sent careening into the side of the wall! A ring out folks, who couldn't see Yamu's point of impact with the wall! These fights are flying by easily, so I'll be announcing that we will be going into a twenty-minute break. Our officials have placed signs in appropriate places, so those who wonder to different areas can maneuver as quickly as they can to their destination, restrooms, food vendors, gift shops! Those who'd like to stay in the stands…" the man droned on for a bit longer, as movement in the crowd could be seen from out of the corner of the eye as some of the viewers had taken this man's advice to do what they needed to be done. Trunks arrived down to where majority of his allies, friends had taken as their area for waiting for the matches, Trunks gave the whiteboard a side eyed-glance and noted on it that after him and Yamu, it would be Yang and Goku's supposed to be dead brother, Raditz who will be fighting next.


"That was another easy fight, though looks like Tien's girl friend is up next-" Tien covered Krillin's mouth, Yang stood far away out of earshot and talking with Pyrrha, Blake, Winter, Weiss and another girl with shortened black-red hair, Eighteen just leaving their group as she approached them.


"Krillin, I'm going to see if Marron needs anything. Give me your card." she had her right hand out, the other on her hip as she waited for the 'card', which Krillin had hastily removed, pulled out of a wallet and Trunks hummed in knowing now, she wanted his credit card… reminds him of home…


"I'm going too guys, see if my mother needs help with anything while I wait, take my mind off things, that fight was disappointing." trunks said as Eighteen took to the skies, flying upwards to where she mostly likely would find her and Krillin's daughter… and man, didn't that surprise him. Trunks floated upwards as Yamcha replied, nodding as Tien gave him a quick smile and thumbs up.


"Sure man, say hi to your mom alright-" Trunks smirked, as Yamcha was quickly shut up by Krillin, Trunks seen Krillin pointing towards the direction in which his younger alter-self stood with Kron, whose presence Trunks guessed Yamcha forgot just how close they were to.




"Hah! Finally, that fool announcer is heading back on top of the arena, I can finally show of my new strength!" Raditz shouted out impulsively, his arms raised outwards, and he almost hit Zangya from doing so, she though hadn't replied yet. Raditz turned to her, seeing her discreetly looking over at Kron nearby, who was speaking with that strong son of his-


"-…You didn't hear anything I said huh… Are… are you still checking out Kron-" she surged forwards suddenly as fist landing into his lower abdomen as he lurched forwards over her, spittle leaving his mouth along with what little of air he had in his lungs at the time from laughing, Zangya replied with a sneer, though Raditz fell to his knees a moment later, eyes shut as he recovered.


"I heard you before man, stop shouting like a fool and get u-up there!" Raditz found himself being lifted up and thrown upwards, he recovered in time in the air and landed, still coughing a few times while he recovered air into his lungs. Yang headed up into the ring, a small smirk on her face and she spoke with a tone laced of mockery, something Raditz was used to from hearing Vegeta in the past.


"What? Troubles in paradise-"


"-We're friends, besides I'm dating that blonde named Launch, after she and your boy-toy finally broke up-" Yang laughed, a noise which annoyed Raditz greatly.


"-That woman… I suppose she had to have moved on, some woman just can't handle being in a harem and all, too bad and all. I like her but it didn't work out for her with Tien-"


"-I'm aware you idiot, I'm not here to get your advice on my love life nor hear about her old boyfriend, I'm here to pound you into the dust and move on with this tournament, to defeat Kron, Vegeta and-" yang interrupted him once more, but before she could reply the announcer called out with an air of excitement, which was mirrored from the crowd.


"Alright are you ready you two? Raditz and Yang Xiao Long, you may begin the match!" They gazed back at one another, both turning as they both turned to eye the announcer before, and their bout had begun.


(Raven Branwen-POV)


The earth begun to quake at the intense powering bursts that both her daughter and Goku's oath of a brother, things looked to be for a good showing in this contest. Raven had to focus just to stand tall and not fall on her ass, she turned to her kid and Goku's one who, last, she seen them they returned from whatever mischief brats can get up to here, she gave Tarble a stern look.


"Tarble, I want you to watch this over here, your sister is fighting-"


"-Half-sister, and she's as old as you are-" Raven's glare propelled him into moving his behind and coming up closer, Tarble gave Goten one look as he came with him, the fridge capsule quickly pocketed by her son.


"You've got an advantage over your sister; you are your fathers son. Let's see how much her training has paid off for her." Raven squinted when the dust begun to pick up in intensity, it seemed like Radtiz-


-Raditz hair had changed to that of golden yellow known for 'Super Saiyan' transformations but besides that and the now yellow-colored aura, nothing looked different, because of how long his hair is.


"Well now, Raditz 'the runt', he's finally made note of himself, still… he is paltry compared to me… Kek heh hah and that ridiculous hair!" Vegeta laughed aloud, smirking while standing was if all the force being pushed outward from Yang and Raditz in the form of wind didn't even phase him. Raven discreetly rolled her eyes, focusing back on Yang who blasted forwards suddenly, her own Ki now inflamed in red, their fight begun in earnest, melee blows as they flickered from place to place, the air forming circular shockwaves from every punch or kick.


They seemed even for a start, though that was how all these fights tended to go, Raven had a hand over forehead to block out the dramatic wind burst that raged all over the arena and beyond, their melee blows beginning to rupture the arena if the debris marble flying every which way, was any indication.




"Hrgh, them?" Spopovich asked more or less demanded through clenched teeth, the energy meter in his large hands while the point continued to flicker, Yamu shook his head.


"No. There are much stronger opponents we can choose; we only have one chance before they could overwhelm us. Be patient, this facade will be over soon, and our master would reap the rewards, for whatever goal he has need of us with so much energy." he squinted by the burst on energy-blown gale-winds being struck all over, a piece of the ring was caught by him as he crushed it to dust.


They made the energy meter fluctuate a good amount, but Yamu had a hunch that, an even stronger fighter existed here, he after all, like most of the planet had witnessed the so-called Cell games, and only the girl was a part of that group who stood in opposition of that monster, unlike the golden fighter in the arena matching blow to blow with her.


"For n-now, we wait. Spopovich, give me that, I will not need to fight unlike you. We need to keep up appearances." he sneered, Spopovich handed over both the energy meter and the other, the energy-suction device and they watched.


(Yang Xiao Long-POV)


"-Tch, you really need to cut that mop of hair, it's ugly and it gets everywhere, you-" she mentally laughed as Raditz had launched an uppercut into her chin, shutting her up while also sending her sky bound, their match had until now, taken place on the cracked marble flooring. Raditz blitzed upwards to meet her, but Yang readied 'Kaio-Ken' times sixty-two, her 'current' maximum. Yang flickered into his range, her new speed and strength managed to allow her to take the upper-hand as her right-legged kick struck into his face, sending backwards, impacting the arena, turning a part of it into a crater.


"... … Hrgh, 'Ram raid barrage' Haaaaaaaa!" she fired an intense volley of path-finding Ki-spheres downwards, they formed a small sphere where the explosion hammered into Raditz, now obscuring him from her vision, a portion of the arena as well. These Ki-blasts were one of new techniques, and seeing them hone in on and detonate upon only Raditz, and do minimal damage to the surrounding environment, Yang could see that her technique was a resounding success.


Yang of course had other techniques she's made over the years-


-From out the explosion, two yellow colored beams impacted against each and every bar a few of her barrage, causing her to reassess the situation when those beams finally reached her. A quick flicker, Yang had made it look easy with dodging them two beams but she felt a spike coming from Raditz, right behind her-


"- Keep your eye on the birdie, Blondie. 'Double Sunday'-" the orb exploded directly into her, knocking her a ways back, she felt as the detonation impacted her, her aura was able to absorb some of the damage but it shattered moments after. It was then that Yang's nose twitched, as the explosion dispersed and she got a good look at the smug Raditz, she reached up to her front fringe and noted that her fingers felt some singed bits-" then all hell broke loose, Yang's semblance absorbed enough of the damage sustain since the beginning of the bout and she charged forward, intent on putting a mongrel in his place.




"There she goes, her semblance activating-" Ruby muttered from nearby, as Blake replied, while Weiss hummed in agreement.


"This should be over-" Yang proved that her semblance had greatly increased in explosive power, and continued to do so as she continued to climb to reach new heights using Ki,Raditz would be feeling that as he collided into the arena at an angle, piercing through the marble and creating an impact crater on the grass nearby.


With Raditz's defeat, a funny sight for our resident prince, who continued to laugh even now, it would be… Eighteen and Kibito fighting, I squinted at the whiteboard to make sure, the announcer called out, he almost stumbled on stage from a loose piece of rock.


"We will be entering a little intermission, a ten-minute break to clean up the arena!" some in the crowd booed, though only a small minority, as others had gotten to their feet, to go about getting their needs sorted while they wait.