Jumped By Chumps? Yeah Right.

"I'll be fighting after Eighteen over there, you're going to be in for a treat son." I spoke, looking towards Trunks who replied, an eager nod as he spoke up.


"Right, can I go find mom, I want to go hang out with my brothers and sisters." he asked, pleading really, I nodded at him, giving him a few words before he bounded upwards and sensed for Bulma and the others.


"Alright then son, give your mother a kiss from me-"


"-ew, no dad. See ya." he took off before I could reply, I only chuckled a little from the little scamp, before taking a seat and leaning on the wall. Goku approached me, taking a seat, he was having a serious discussion with Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin and Tien, he looked like he wanted to speak.


"Goku, what do you want? Don't ask me for any food, I've got enough only for my dinner and my kid's meals later on." Goku sighed, leaning against the wall, he spoke a little quietly, eyeing Kibito and Shin, those two continued to stand in their own little area outside the arena.


"Not food Kron, it's those four-" he turned to regard both groups, Shin, Kibito and Yamu and Spopovich. He took a seat next to me, Pyrrha turned to ask what we were discussing when the announcer called out, a mere time reminder.


" Five minutes until the tournament matches resumes folks!" Goku spoke through the announcer's loud voice.


"Eighteen will be fighting next, we need to be ready encase anything happens, like Gohan's friend Videl against that Spopovich fighter, there might be a need to act soon. Piccolo warned us though to not engage them, even tried to get Eighteen not to anger her opponent though that's…" he took a look, for which I followed his gaze, Eighteen stood eager, arms folded near the steps to the arena, waiting for the officials to finish building the ring for which their apparent speed was impressive for only having ten minutes or so, them having a crew of sixty plus workmen, also impressive.


Goku added, now getting back up.


"I'll go warn Vegeta now, he would like the challenge. We shouldn't engage this Shin and Kibito, but watch for those other two, somethings going on here…"


The fight was about to begin, the large workforce left in an orderly line, their tools held by them and the blonde-glasses wearing announcer came upon the arena, inspecting it and he yelled out into his microphone.


"Well folks! We've finished fixing the ring! Now, this next match, the fighters Eighteen and Kibito, you may come up onto the arena, prepare for the match!" Eighteen was already on the arena, she sought her opponent as her gaze swiveled around the rest of us, before setting on Kibito who slowly approached.


The two of them now upon the ring, the announcer called out once more.


"Alright, begin the match!" Eighteen took the first move, firing a pink-colored Ki-sphere quickly at the tall imposing guy, he vanished, flickering to the side of Eighteen though before Eighteen engaged she mentally took control of her blast, aiming it towards where she stood, before engaging in melee battle with Kibito, their speeds impressive. Kibito took the sphere in the back, though he shrugged it off, continuing to hammer against her.


Eighteen flickered upwards and launched another blast which turned into a volley, aiming for the ring where Kibito was. Kibito flickered upwards multiple times, each time dodging the blows and Eighteen continued to launch blast after blast, while also keeping a suitable distance between the two.


What Ki blasts that missed Eighteen expertly took control of and continued to send after Kibito, other blasts exploded within range of Kibito, an array of explosions continued to follow after Kibito, though in a blitz Eighteen took to flickering into Kitibo's back suddenly, lashing his back with a vicious kick. The kick failed as Kibito grabbed her leg and held it close, pulling her close before hurriedly bringing both his hands down upon her head, bombarding her downwards harshly, sent on a crashing path towards the ring. Eighteen slowed her forced descent, hands stretched forwards as she launched two beams for the ground, using them to finally stop her crashing course, she turned back upwards while landing on the arena.


Kibito attempted a wild haymaker, his larger size given him a lot of strength behind his attack, Eighteen took up a hurried defense to his blow, she flinched whilst the strong punch sent her out of the ring, her flying the only reason she was still in the match. Eighteen rose two hands, as two disks quickly formed, she threw them towards Kibito whose eyes widened, barely moved out of the way, he looked to have understood not to get hit by those two attacks.


"Eighteen is doing well, against this guy who looks much larger than you are Kron, but in regard to the fighter, size doesn't mean stronger." Pyrrha said near my right ear, I felt her warp her arm around me as she watched, Winter replied.


"Whoever that guy is, he seems tough, but I get a feeling he's not taking this fight seriously." Winter added, clicking her scouter.


"... … 2,242,870,000 for Eighteen, she seems to be fighting effortlessly. While the scouter is having a hard time… it's- the scouter isn't working on him. Too bad, but I can't be any stronger than Eighteen, in fact he seems to be on the defensive ever since the start, give or take one of his offensives." Winter clicked her scouter, Eighteen and Kibito continued to brawl in the ring, as another piece of the newly reconstructed arena came off, sliding off from its position. Eighteen lunged out with a right kick enhanced by 'Kaio-Ken' suddenly, as his strength rose dramatically, Kibito was hefted forcefully out of the arena, piercing the stadium brick and following out of the arena.




'Kibito, are you alright, you've taken a good amount of damage, come, rest.' Shin telepathically messaged Kibito, who after regaining his footing, his attendant stepped out of the brick wall as he replied telepathically.


"Yes, this one is also powerful, though I'm having a hard time picking up anything other than a flicker of her life, she along with two others are so inclined to hide their power from us, the taller one more than the other two. They at least will not be targeted by those two, they need someone they can read on that device of theirs.' Shin nodded, sending a gaze towards the whiteboard the mortals had put together, the list of names for the next fight, while also sending those 'two' a discreet look. The woman left the ring as the announcer had stepped up onto the stage, he called out.


"What a showing folks! Eighteen has done it, she moves onto the next round! Next up, we have… Killa! And he's fighting against, a newcomer, Kron! Come up onto the ring you two!"


The Saiyan headed up quickly enough, basically afterimaging into the ring, this had his opponent gawking at him with a healthy amount of fear. It was a shame, but Shin could see that this next match wouldn't exactly tell the capabilities of this fighter, the two waiting to absorb energy for their master would have to wait also. Though hos fears seemed unfounded as in a moment, Kron begun powering up, to the shock of his opponent who begun to stutter in fear, stepping backwards instinctively, the man then fell out of the arena from both him shambling backwards and from the earth as it begun to shake the arena, the Saiyan called Kron continued to power up even as the man named Killa had just started to stand up out of the ring. Killa slowly bid his way out of the area, unsettled.


Shin approached Goku, someone known by King Kai, to explain himself, to explain his purpose he was sure that Piccolo had figured he was here for some reason or another.


"Goku, we need to talk." he gestured to him, Piccolo looked on, with his hearing, Shin was sure he would also hear while Goku's son, his friend and Kibito were the only ones around this particular area they stood within, though a few of the other participants gave Goku a curious gaze, as the man had asked his questions with a loud voice.


"Listen, Kron, for whatever reason has decided to transform golden and more importantly, his strength has increased as a result, with his opponent having been dealt with easily enough, I have no reason as to why he has done so, but now he's made himself out to be bait. In but a moment, I am certain that Spopovich and Yamu will try to attack him-" Piccolo interrupted, a sense of urgency as he hurried over.


"-If that is your plan, to allow these two for whatever reason, to attack Kron during a tournament match, even if said match is over… I suggest you hurry, tell his wives, over there. Most likely, they will forgo any reason you make and make haste to try and 'save' Kron, though I believe any reason to attack him will fail. Whatever plan your concocting would easily be shredded to pieces if they all got involved." Shin replied hurriedly, bidding them to follow, he had to relay everything to everyone before those two attempted to take Kron's energy.


"Come." he discreetly guided who he knew to be Goku, Piccolo, Gohan, Videl, Tien and Krillin over to some others Piccolo had indicated, that of a group of women, who were bunch up in a small group, confused faces as they gawked at the arena where Kron continued to fluctuate with an enormous Ki-aura which blazed intensely, his life force continued to soar. Shin stopped short of them, before looking the tall, blonde one with the twin braids and a confident smirk on her face, speaking directly.


"Excuse me, I need to talk to you, you and all of the so-called wives of this Kron-" the blonde girl choked in a second, swallowing an amount of spit the wrong way or so, she couldn't reply though the woman with the large, long white-colored ponytail replied for her while whacking this blonde woman's back.


"Excuse me? Yang here isn't Kron's-" Shin interrupted, as those around him gathered around, more of them had done so making Shin a little nervous as he realized now that they all were, apart for a very small few, all known to one another, friends or family. Allies, yes, he supposed and with Kibito still sullen nearby him, Shin regarded them while before doing anything checked to see what Spopovich and Yamu were doing.


'Good, they are too busy watching Kron transform in the ring, I have time.' he thought.


"I need a favor, look this might sound strange or callous of me but I have need of everyone here, this Kron, the man in the arena is attracting attention. Attention that I have need of, I need everyone here to not interfere in the moment for I am afraid your friend or husband will soon be attacked. Please! Do not react at all-" the lady with Black hair and cat appendages coming off of the top of her head made to reply, a kind of suspicious glance seen on her face when Vegeta interrupted.


"-I'd like to see what will happen next, I just hope that whoever your mentioning will have the skills needed to fight a monster like Kron, even now, his Ki is enormous and by the look on your and you're silent stooge, you know as well." this Saiyan, Vegeta managed to some of the job, with cutting out some of the worried glances coming from some of these woman, among them, the only survivor of the Hera clan which Shin obviously had heard about from his subordinates.


"Obviously, Kron will be fine. I need two men, you will know them in but a moment, to make their way back to their master, only then will I explain anything further, I ask for your trust, a stranger though I may be, I have the best interests of you and your planet at heart." he gave the large group, some skeptical, some unsure though there were those like Goku, his son, Piccolo and surprisingly, the prince who seemed to have some trust for him or in case of the former Saiyan prince, an insatiable curiosity for what was about to happen next.




"Huh? There!, we've got someone that the read is going haywire for!" Spopovich pointed, the device continued to spin in an accelerated rate, Yamu smirked.


"Put that thing down, he's the one!" Yamu reached into the duffle bag nearby and pulled out the other device, the energy-stealing one before he readied himself, looking towards Spopovich again.


"Remember, you're holding that guy still! While I steal his power, alright!" he heard his counterpart reply with a growl, he shouted.


"Right!" The two of them blasted forward, Yamu held the energy-stealing device they needed to fill while Spopovich was to take that strong guy to make sure he doesn't move.




I continued to power up, making myself bait for those two guys, and I reached my 'Super Saiyan' form, then in but twenty-two seconds, 'Super Saiyan Two'. Ultimately, I wanted to become the bait, so I pretended that I was surprised with my opponent having already lost.


My senses picked up the movement of those two, they raced towards me, and I was about to fight them when I felt myself in a moment becoming impeded, though it wasn't Yamu or Spopovich. I shuddered, still but still I powered up, my goal? To reach my 'Primal form', to break out of Shins supposed telekinetic hold on me. Whilst I gathered my KI, even while held still telekinetically, Spopovich and Yamu blasted forwards, Spopovich with a white container with a spout coming out of it, the pointy end aimed for me. I exploded, my form briefly obscured even as I couldn't move still, bright white-light shone around me as my hair extended, fur grew over my body, red of color.




"Huh? What did you do to him? Shin?" Goku said seriously, while Shin now became the target of multiple glares, Goku would have laughed from all the energy gathered in this small part of the outside near the arena but seeing Kron's movements been suppressed, along with then seeing the two, Yamu and Spopovich blasting forwards towards Kron. He looked to be a sitting duck though for a moment Kron was still obscured, blinded really as he continued to power up even through whatever technique Shin was using. Shin looked to be struggling even to hold Kron, Goku though was now focused back on Kron.


Yamu and Spopovich landed around Kron's form, as the light died down enshrouding him as he finished transforming now and not into his 'Super Saiyan one or Two' form, Kron looked quite different, it was noticed even by Vegeta and himself for his drastic change in appearance, which looked more feral in nature.


"Lord Shin, what's going on, why are those two attacking Kron, more importantly… why are you allowing it?" Piccolo asked, a little seethed though he tried to sound respectful at least, to Goku's ears.


"Hrgh- Y-Yamu and Spopovich are being mind-controlled- I'll explain further a-after!" Shin said through gritted teeth, Kron briefly moved, his tail whipped around to smack Spopovich back into the wall behind him, while he… pulled the device into himself with a smirk, before he powered up once again, he felt ten times stronger, even stronger in this unknown form and while the energy drained from Kron, he looked to be fine, if not wincing from having something sharp lodged in his neck painfully. Yamu begun to absorb his power nervously which it is what it felt like was happening as Kron's Ki could be felt inside the little container those two held, while Spopovich had returned to grab Kron as he twisted his arm back into place from the damage Kron inflicted.


"Hrgh… Kron is much harder to keep still now, the energy he's… overwhelming!" Kron begun to growl loudly, more annoyance than pain Goku could feel as Kron he fought through having his almost limitless reserves drained, but it was now possible to note that his unimaginable power was dropping rapidly now, the longer the device was in use.


"T-That's enough!" Weiss was the first to act irrationally, as she begun to bend into a better posture aiming to leap forwards, to blast off towards the arena when Goku and surprisingly Pyrrha had each grabbed one each of her arms, Goku instantly released her a second after her glare while Pyrrha held on.


"Pyrrha, he needs our-" Winter interrupted through an annoyed scowl, eyes glued to Kron as she replied, interrupting her sister.


"-Weiss, calm down. If Piccolo and Goku is trusting him, there must be some counterattack planned, just wait for now. He won't die, or I'll take your head... whoever you are." Winter said facing Shin a second afterwards, the supreme Kai replied through a curios gaze while he watched on, still holding Kron in place telepathically.


"Y-Yes, they only want h-his power. He will be f-fine." Kron's power continued to swirl around him as that device continued to drain what it could, planted in Kron's neck, around his Saiyan armor.


"There finished, they are running-" Kron stood forward a little, now no longer being drained as the two of them had blasted up and out of the arena, now leaving the tournament.




?? = power-level is rising after training but not checked.

?-? = Suppressed.


(Battle - Powers)

-Kron/MC = 90,084,062 Base Form. -|- Oozeru(X10) = 900,840,620 -|- Wrathful State(X10) = 900,840,620 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,504,203,100 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = X1,050 = 94,588,265,100 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,008,406,200 -|- Super Saiyan2(X100) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = X1,800 = 162,151,311,600 -|- Kaio-ken -X100 = 9,008,406,200 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Wrathful State(X10) = 500 = 45,042,031,000 -|- Super Saiyan4(Primal(X4000)) = 360,336,248,000


-Raditz = 56,240,880 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 1,912,189,920 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 562,408,800 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 2,812,044,000


-Trunks(Future) = 64,246,860 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 3,212,343,000 -|- Super Saiyan II (X100) = 6,424,686,000


-Trunks(Present) = 35,884,276 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 1,794,213,800


-Ursula = 35,745,345


-Achilles = 31,908,452


-Anthony = 32,145,108


-Jaina(FUTURE) = 2,800,000 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 140,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 280,000,000


-Jaina(Present) = 21,460,487 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 1,073,024,350


-Yang = 43,700,440 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,709,427,280


-Goku = 93,856,946 -|- Kaio-ken - X100 = 9,385,694,600 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,692,847,300 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = 1,050 = 98,549,793,300 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = 1,800 = 168,942,502,800


-Zangya - 6,400,000,000


-Winter = 23,848,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X48 = 1,144,704,000


-Krillin= 23,086,248 -|- Kaio-ken - X54 = 1,246,657,392


-Pyrrha = 42,700,924 -|- Kaio-ken - X64 = 2,732,859,136


-Gohan = 94,064,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 940,640,000 - Kaio-ken - x46 = 4,326,944,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,703,200,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,406,400,000


-Vegeta - 92,280,480 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,614,024,000 -|- Super Saiyan Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,228,048,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 922,804,800


-Raven = 40,240,620 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,494,918,440


-Blake = 26,084,460 -|- Kaio-ken - x49 = 1,278,138,540


-Weiss = 26,042,459 -|- Kaio-ken - x43 = 1,119,825,737


-Yamcha = 21,000,097 -|- Kaio-ken - x53 = 1,113,005,141


-Tien = 28,063,800 -|- Kaio-ken - x66 = 1,852,210,800


-Chiaotzu = 12,000,000


-Ruby = 6,400,000


-Piccolo = 2,450,000,000 (Weighted Clothes) -|- 3,000,000,000 ((Full Power) (Weighted Clothes Removed)) -|- Kaio-ken - x18 = 54,000,000,000


-Chichi = 8,000


-Sixteen - 2,880,860,048


-Seventeen - 2,246,084,200 -|- Kaio-ken - X36 = 80,859,031,200


-Eighteen - 2,242,870,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 76,257,580,000


-Qrow = 23,084,021 -|- Kaio-ken - X46 = 1,061,864,966

-Hercule = 600

-Kibito = ??


-Shin = ??

-Spopovich = ??

-Yamu = ??