Fighting Dabura.

The time the two thugs made to break away from the stadium, was not enough as Kron gave chase. Goku watched as the other Saiyan had enough power still in his reserves to continue to stand, heck, that device hadn't put even a dent into Kron's power, Goku still felt that in a fight, he would be soundly beaten by Kron. It then happened high up in the air, above the arena as Yamu and Spopovich made to fly away, their aura's readying them to flee at high speeds. It wasn't meant to be for the larger one… as Spopovich was intercepted by Kron though, mid-air who even with his strength been sapped, Goku blinked for but a second but Kron had blasted Spopovich within that second, Spopovich was enshrouded in a massive explosion as the energy overwhelmed the large fighter, while the other one had escaped or was allowed to escape like it looked to be what happened because Kron could have gone after him next but stopped for a good half a second.


Kron reappeared nearby, he reached into his Saiyan armor and pulled out a capsule, using it he removed the bag of Senzu beans while putting the rest of his capsules away, back in the one he opened. Shin sighed, looked upwards.


"... You killed him, I'm glad you didn't also kill the other one-" Kron interrupted, turning to his wives, his red fur-colored arms reached out to Blake, he spoke.


"Weiss, Blake, Pyrrha, Winter… you stay here- don't argue, I'm going after that bastard." Shin replied after, nodding in approval.


"Good, I could use your help. I need to track that one to find out where he is going exactly. Kibito, let's go." Goku replied, just as Kron had at a Senzu bean.


"You're going after him? You two Kron. Huh…" Shin nodded, he took off into the skies and in the same direction as that man, while Kron turned to his wives once again.


"You stay here." Kron warned his wives once more, blasting up after Shin and that other guy. Once the Shin and Kron were but blips in the sky, Tien spoke while looking at Goku and Piccolo.


"So, are we going to? Kron doesn't want them coming, Yang, we've got a tournament to win and a prize worth winning, you stay here-" Yang frowned, about to reply when Vegeta interrupted, striding forwards to stand in front of Goku.


"With Kron out, and you about to be gone, I'm out as well. I only entered to fight Kron and Kakarot after all. None of these others can offer me a challenge-" Raven then stepped forwards, whacking Vegeta at the back of the head, shutting him up.


"-He can go then, I'll stay, with the others, there is money to be won. Everyone, hurry up and decide now, Kron might need backup, let alone that other guy and his silent guard dog, the less opponent i have, the better chance I have to win." Raven said while indicating Shin and Kibito with a side head nod, she turned to them all with a stern look, Yamcha replied now.


"Count me out guys, I'll hang back as a r-reserve member, like in baseball." Chiaotzu nodded towards Tien, speaking up.


"I'll go, just encase I can help though I am bummed I won't compete in the tournament. But this is more important. I might not be as strong as you all, but my psychic abilities might come in handy. That alright, Tien?" Tien frowned, before nodding slowly as Krillin then spoke.


"Eh, Eighteen, I'll be going to. If there's a fight, I could do my bit to assist the others, win this tournament, for me? And Marron-" Eighteen nodded as she yelled loudly, Goku noted that she was blushing.


"Yeah, alright. Just be careful… alright, don't get a swelled-up head thinking of me, make sure you don't die-" she turned her back on Krillin, hiding her face when Seventeen added just as Eighteen said 'die' while turning around as she faced an opposite direction Krillin was in, Seventeen stepping around her as took a few steps with her arms crossed.


"-...Could be fun, but seeing you all leaving… I'd reckon you'd have enough backup for now. Sixteen, what about you?" This time, Sixteen stepped forwards, his shoulder-length jacket swaying in the wind.


"I will help." Goku nodded at Sixteen as Gohan and Videl stepped forwards, Raven's brother and the girl related to Yang looked on. Gohan gave Goku a look before replying.


"I'll definitely help, let's go already." Videl added, nudging Gohan with her elbow which had Gohan chuckle awkwardly.


"Where Gohan goes, I'll follow." Raven glared towards Qrow who, had stepped forward.


"You're not going Qrow, you haven't been training with Vegeta and I as much for my liking nor Yang for long either, even if you've been training longer than Summer's daughter. Stay, have a drink, but stay out of this, I'd hate to see you make a fool of yourself and me." Raven, Vegeta, Tien, Chiaotzu and Piccolo took off, with Piccolo sending Goku a look, to hurry. Goku spoke.


"If we need help, I'll make sure you all know, until then, have fun! The tournament is a fun way to show off and have fun!" he, along with his son, Videl and Sixteen took off after Piccolo and the others, Goku then sensed where Kron, Kibito and Shin were, in order to follow them three. Then Raditz, who kept quiet had added on his own reply though at the moment, everyone had already begun to either mobilize or stay in the tournament.


"-Hey, wait! I'm coming, I'm not in this here stupid tournament due to that-" he stumbled, but didn't finish his conversation as Raditz blasted off behind them, he managed to catch up though as he was currently still in his 'Super Saiyan' form.




I continued to track my own energy within that suction device, slowing down to see if anyone had caught up but so far, only the Supreme Kai and his bodyguard were almost upon me.


"I'd better adjust my speed a bit more, though I do not want to speak with that supreme Kai, I should have made a wish to keep psychics out of my head…" I turned to focus back on Yamu, now again outpacing the two Kai's. They could speak with Goku and the rest, I will be the first to arrive, so I will have to make a choice soon…


"Go in blasting, or let Buu revive. Well, his good side becomes a hero and all that, oh! Right, that demon king's spit, turns people to stone, I could probably warn the others… yeah, might as well." I folded my arms, my thoughts rampaging for a little while longer before Yamu had begun flying closer to the ground, slowly losing altitude on me, he looked to be about to land.


I landed up on a hill, before creating a clone, to go harass the demon king, he can spit at my clone all he likes, I'd just send more of them as they force themselves to dispel.


"Alright then, get down there, fight a long engaging battle against the demon-" my clone retorted


"-Dabura, remember." my clone looked back down to where Dabura is, I nodded as I too could now recall the name as well. I continued, my clone now had half my strength naturally, and he too was of our 'Primal form' or 'Super Saiyan four' as it's known, he nodded before jumping off the cliff and gliding down, firing a single Ki-blast towards Dabura himself.


The little wizard, the one who looks like a cross between Frieza and an xenomorph guarded him while Yamu cowered behind the wizard and the other one, Dabura fought with my clone and on equal terms for now.


I stood there, watching while my clone gave Dabura a good fight and took it easy on his I might add, that is until after this bout had reached its ten-minute mark that my clone had been spat on. This was when smugly, for I would know myself even from the hill I stood on, watching on from afar that as the clone vanished in a blink while the stone magic fell to the ground while receding, I smirked happily when I confirmed my clone had vanished, dispelled without issue and I decided to make one more.


"...'Multi-Form'. have fun say I-"


"-Sure, thing me." my clone took off once again, reengaging the big bad demon boss.




"What, but my-" this strong warrior just smirked for it was the same one only he seemed not under his stone spit technique, his fur-covered fist striking him in the face and Dabura growled, they fought melee combat and at an equal measure though it seemed the guy held back his power while his master and the other two retreated within Master Babidi's spaceship. Though he seemed irked this guy had somehow survived his unique ability to turn those to stone- 'Stone Spit' he so thoughtfully called it… unoriginal but practical, he was surprised by his reappearance, fine and not covered in stone. He also was pleased by being able to finally fight against someone with enough power to keep up with him. He spoke then when his punch afforded him some breathing space and he smirked, a loud laugh as he continued to chuckle as his deep, booming voice was heard from this mysterious stranger.


"Come on then earthling, show me your power, it has been lackluster since my master and I had arrived at this planet of weak iniquity!" he laughed, bring down his head onto the warriors own, headbutting him roughly before he placed both his hands onto the man's chest, his energy already swirling within his hands.


'Dabura, make sure you don't kill this one yes…, Yamu has explained to me that it was this one that he and Spopovich had stolen all this energy from. We could use this one, drain him dry, for he even now has some more in his reserves we can use-' Dabura concentrated on the battle at hand, he replied mentally in his head a split second when he had a free moment to do so, while striking the warrior multiple times, getting hit in turn.


'-Master, what an excellent suggestion, though now that I'm fighting this one, I have come to realize that there is another, with the same energy signature standing up on the hill. I hazard to believe that this one might be some sort of apparition or dare I say, a clone. He's a strong contender, I almost regret ending this bout so soon-' Dabura smirked.


'Yes, yes… Dabura, you can have all the fun. A pity that the Supreme Kai hasn't arrived yet.' Dabura smirked again this time more ferally, for as his master mentally communicated with him and Dabura fended off the impressive fighter, more and more fighters with weaker signatures than this one had arrived. All of them were overkill in terms of the energy they would need in order to revive Majin Buu, his master's purpose would soon be realized.


'Master, more have arrived. I'd stake my sword on them being allies of this warrior. And master… your fears are unfounded, there are two for which I cannot sense, the Supreme Kai has come too.' Babidi replied mentally, Dabura could feel his maters excitement from the wizard's 'bond' he forcefully imprinted onto him.


'... lead them inside, will take them all, kill of those we needn't use while draining those of great power. I will greatly enjoy this, but Dabura, thin out their numbers to only the Supreme kai, and the three strongest warriors.' Dabura mentally agreed.




The Supreme Kai rushed forwards, looking quite cross with me, confused with the fight ongoing before I'd bet, his confusion would disperse when he realized my clone was fighting down there.


"You've finally arrived, I'm not a patient man and these unknown fools are-" Shin interrupted, hurriedly as he seemed worried about the battle.


"-This is a dangerous predicament, what is happening here. Who is that man- Dabura! He is a dangerous opponent, have you-" Shin begun to speak quickly, panic setting in at seeing the demon, though he slightly calmed at seeing my clone easily fighting the guy.


"-I've since learned that this demon lord has the ability to turn his foes to stone. I sure hope you would have mentioned this, had I stuck around to hear whatever information you've given Goku, Vegeta and the others." Shin gritted his teeth in frustration but nodded in thought, replying then.


"Stranger though you may be, I-" the others, that is, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin and Sixteen landed a moment later, eyes already glued to the battle happening down below, or more like my play-fight with Dabura. Raditz landed a half a minute after, a 'Super Saiyan'.

"We Must be careful not to the accidentally realize Majin Buu, you must stop fighting Dabura-"


"-I'm not accustomed to be spoken like that, even from someone of your high status. I'm afraid that Dabura needs to be dealt with, the rest of you, head inside, stop this Majin Buu. I won't need help with Dabura. Besides, fighting him with a clone is the safest way to deal with that guy, whose spit turns people to stone, power or not… I didn't account for whatever magic mumbo jumbo he uses." I said, Piccolo turned to Krillin, Tien and Chiaotzu.


"You three, stay here encase Kron is biting off more than he can chew, no matter how strong he is. Supreme Kai, lead the way. Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Sixteen, keep up." he barked out as Shin replied with a nod, he added.


"We need to make sure that any stray energy bolt doesn't accidentally reawaken Majin Buu, I trust Kron that you can defeat Dabura without energy waves-"


"-Sure I can, get moving, before the big bad reawakens or whatever, I need to concentrate encase I need to create another clone." Gohan spoke quickly after I interrupted Shin.


"Right, Piccolo." Goku only nodded while Vegeta clenched his teeth at me but snorted, taking off after Goku while Sixteen only gave me a quick nod.


"You two, stay back… I'd hate for you two to turn to stone." I gave them a quick glance, seeing Tien only narrow his eyes before he focused fully on the battle while Chiaotzu nodded. Raditz arrived soon after, he landed nearby but was about to rush forwards to the fight when I flickered in his way. He stepped back, speaking with an arrogant tone, perhaps emboldened by his 'Super Saiyan' form.


"Come on Kron, that's a clone fighting down there, where is your Saiyan pride, or a you playing commander-" Chiaotzu interrupted, pointing down at the battle.


"-According to Kron, that guy, Dabura has the ability to turn his foes to stone. I wouldn't risk it, you should-" Raditz scoffed snapping at Chiaotzu with a glare.


"-Shut up you little gremlin-"


"-mind your tone, Raditz. I'm not about to let you speak to Chiaotzu like that." having enough with their argument about nothing, I grabbed Raditz and squeezed his right shoulder, noting his discomfort.


"Raditz… don't go nowhere." he nodded, to which I released my grip.


Dabura seemed stressed as Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Sixteen and Kibito led by Shin headed inside the ship, Dabura couldn't do shit though, his focus was on me. He landed another punch though this warrior shrugged it off, before he made an attempt to head back inside the ship, but the fighter flickered in front of him. He afterimaged in turn, landing a kick to his face and with glee, he placed a hand down upon the man's head, readying a Ki-blast for him.

A split second, he took an elbow to his face as the warrior afterimaged to a high position than him, where his opponent struck with a volley of melee blows.

"Your friends aren't going to survive, my master will do away with the lot of them, and then there is one of them… I gather he was quite a doer of evil; I smelled it on him as he flew by-" another elbow to his head though Dabura only grinned, growling loudly as he connected a knee into the warrior's gut, he only took it in stride though.


"You've got moxie young one, impressive display. But I ought to end this right now." he flickered further away suddenly, gathering some distance between them, the fighter only hovered there, to arrogantly watch while he powered up. The fool will regret that.


Though he was interrupted when a dark miasma of energy radiated nearby to him, a recognizable energy to him, that of home. He narrowed his eyes when his young sister materialized nearby to him, and he narrowed his eyes at her, she never writes, and yet has the audacity to show up uninvited. She wielded her staff still, held delicately as another had materialized nearby to her. She smiled his way through Dabura only peered at her annoyed while giving the other a curious look.


"...Brother, my, you've let yourself go. To be controlled by someone of no consequence-"


"-What are you doing here, sister. You've made your stance on our realm clear, when you left. You're also interrupting my battle, I've never felt more alive-" she only laughed, though the warrior across from him, his opponent had become more guarded by seeing their appearance, Dabura only hummed, his booming voice as he waited for an answer from her.


"You look like you need a hand, and it so happens, that now that I've finally penetrated into this particular timeline… that I can help you-"


"-You know, I only become my masters servant because of boredom, I've forgotten almost how boring your poisoned words are sister, now… you and your ally, disperse and flee, lest you incite my wrath, sister or no." her gaze turned insidious, she waved her staff while his opponent flickered onwards over though the other one Towa brought with her had intercepted him, sending him back, his opponent puffed out of existence and Dabura glared at the unknown fighter while his form become wrapped around with a miasma of energy.