Dabura's Family.

"So… you're trying to break that seal still… and it seems you've destroyed the spell Babidi had on me, how crass of you, way to ruin my fun, dear sister." she replied with a small smirk, though her smirk had vanished when her eyes narrowed in on the one, he was fighting prior to her arrival. Towa's self-assured aura vanished when she realized just how… eclipsed she was, she spoke to her subordinate hastily.'


"Come Mira, we're leaving. Brother, whatever that fool wizard and also your own seals you'd placed upon yourself that lowered your power, you should be happy to note I've restored it back to before he placed you under his spell- no… even higher... Though this warrior… I've not seen this one before- if only I could stay b-but, alas… this one would kill us. Bye Dabura." she laughed haughtily as she appeared suddenly in front of her subordinate before the two vanished.


Power up or no, the spell that held him beholden to Babidi being forcefully removed by her now freed him and even his own seals Dabura placed on himself to even 'be' controlled by such a weak being in the first place were forcefully removed too. Although she had left, Dabura could still sense her nearby somewhere, their familial bond wouldn't help her from his wrath.


"...Young warrior, please… your name?" he asked cordially as he peered towards him. The man replied, eyes looking around, perhaps for Towa and her unknown subordinate, this Mira…"


"...Kron, and you are-" Dabura bowed, courteous to his opponent though his eyes narrowed towards the warrior, Dabura's smirk only managing to annoy him.


"You may call me by my name, Dabura. Now little warrior… I'm afraid our bout will have to end; my original strength has been restored to me as is my mind. And do picture this young Kron… before I was using only but ten percent of my full power while sealed…, prepare to meet your end!"



"We've got to be careful inside here everyone, one misfired energy blast could accidentally awaken Majin Buu-" the earth begun to rumble, even the ship as their gazes sharply turned to where they could feel Kron and the warrior he fought against, this Dabura the supreme Kai mentioned.


"Never mind that bastard Kron- having all the fun. Where is this Majin Buu." Vegeta turned to Shin, who replied.


"With Dabura taken out of the equation, we will need to find a way to get to Babidi before he awakens Majin Buu. This ship of his is Babidi's territory though so be mindful of the danger we are now in. The magic that evil wields would overwhelm and destroy you if you're not careful. Kibito, had a look around, we're wasting time." Kibito replied.


"Right." the larger man went about the room while Gohan's dad replied with a smile, facing Shin.


"So, what happens if we-" Then there was a loud noise, Gohan and some of the others took a look as the hole they flew through to enter this ship begun to close, it sealed up in no time which was when Shin spoke aloud, a frown on his face.


"...Once inside this ship, there is no way out. Not in a normal sense as this ship is the creation of the Babidi, I wouldn't underestimate this place." he said seriously, turning to once again watch Kibito search. Their search though was unneeded as a door opened a second later


It was there that a figure could be seen as the door had slowly opened, revealing the same alien warrior whose appearance of protruding spikes and elongated head with green irisless-eyes made him look imposing.


"Ah, welcome all, you all look tough, bur uhm- where is Dabura-" Piccolo interrupted as he pointed upwards as the ground begun to shake once again, Gohan felt them go at it, that Dabura and Kron... his gaze focused on Piccolo.


"-Your ally is fighting our own ally, that shaking? That is them." the alien coughed, replying.


"...My master had thought Dabura had died, he can no longer connect to him. If that's the case and they are fighting… Well, allow me to give you fools the rundown of this area, stage one." Gohan replied, questioning him as the ground shook another time, though a little less on the magnitude scale.


"Stage one? What is this, some kind of game?" he watched as the alien gave a thoughtful glance towards him though he then turned as his father stepped forward so as to be seen by Gohan in his vision to his right. Father then asked.


"So, what is stage one? Explain, please." the alien nodded,


"Stage one? This is stage one. Master Babidi is on the very bottom floor-" he indicated this by pointing downwards. "-We currently are at the top level, floor one and seeing as you need to pass through my dead body to get to the lower level beyond this floor, this is stage one." The alien smiled, or more like sneered towards them all, already assured of its power. The alien then made to continue speaking, stepping forwards a step.


"But do not concern yourselves with getting to the lower stage's friends, for unfortunately for your considerable party, it is I who will stop you. Your rather impressive reserves of energy will be then forcefully taken from you, to be given to the master for Majin Buu's revival-" It was then that Vegeta scoffed rather loudly, flickering to the side of the being, a fast-connecting punch to the side of the alien's face sent the alien into the side of the ship. The impact of the alien, Gohan could hear bones break just from Vegeta connecting his punch, the side of the ship for where the alien impacted, a few more bone broke.


"-Enough vermin! I should have told Kron what for, and stole his opponent, you are not even half of my own maximum in my natural form, this freak is mine to destroy- I will not hear it Kakarot!" Gohan watched a little amused by his father's antics as he was about to protest Vegeta from his self-imposed choice to fight first, Gohan would let the agitated man his fight.


The alien slowly risen, careful as a few of his bones were fractured, he spat up blood and looked towards Vegeta hatefully, wiping what he could of the bile-like blood he secreted from his wounds.


"-Y-You dare-" Vegeta flickered to the alien, now standing right in front of him, now looking down on it, sneering down at him as he brought down his right boot.


"-I do dare, and squashing bugs like you used to be a past-time of mine, in my days working under the boot of Frieza, now… speaking of 'boot'" Vegeta's Ki had risen during his speech, every one of them bar Kron were hiding their power levels until now, Vegeta being the first one to reach his maximum, after Kron of course. The 'fight' had ended with Vegeta stomping hard upon the alien's head, the strength he casually used was enough to crush the aliens head into a thick, purple paste. Foul, but Gohan wouldn't cry for the creature, he didn't have to like it though.


"What a disappointment. Supreme Kai…bah…, I hope this Majin Buu is as strong as you say. If he is as easy as this bug, I would find I've wasted my time and so far… bar that red man outside fighting against Kron in his… unknown transformation, this venture is a not worth the effort of a prince such as I-" Shin, approached by Kibito who looked as if there was 'hope', Gohan wasn't sure of the look though it vanished a second later when Vegeta started talking arrogantly about the one that has Shin worried, Majin Buu…


"-You will do well to know, that if Majin Buu escapes, this whole planet could well and truly end in an instant, such is the power of that monster. Do not let your arrogance cost you and your friends everything." Shin explained, just as the circular door in the middle of the ground opened up.




"They had done away with Pui Pui like n-nothing. Oh, I'd better check up on Dabura, I cannot probe his mind no longer but…" he concentrated into his crystal ball, his mystic energies swirled until it shown the cause of the earthquakes, that of a feral-looking red-furred native, fighting against… Dabura-


"- Oh my, it appears my control on his mind has somehow been disrupted, oh but I should be able to fix that little minor detail easily. Hmm… yes, oh that energy-" he dispersed his crystal ball to its position, before heading down a way through his spaceship, towards the room he had the enclosed Majin Buu stored in. The energy he had stored, where was it…


"Yamu! Bring me that energy stealing device, I'd like to loosen the seal on Majin Buu's seal." Yamu nodded, looking a little tense as he hefted it over towards him, Babidi merely lifted it telekinetically from out of his hands, before speaking with a little giggle.


"Yamu, it appears I need another fighter slow those meddling fools and the supreme Kai down, get Yakon out and ready for the second level-" Yamu looked confused towards him, and Babidi realized that this one is a recent addition, and merely a pawn at that, Babidi only gazed at him before he connected to Yamu's mind, forcefully imprinting his orders unto his mind. Yamu howled from the pain inflicted and Babidi only chuckled more when he imprinted the orders he'd liked to be initiated, including what Yakon is to Babidi. Finally, after a mere two minutes, Yamu was ready, he stood to his feet while a hand rubbed his forehead, he nodded.


"...Y-Yes master, it will be done." Yamu went about doing his bidding all the while Babidi already reached the room where Majin Buu was in, he released his connection to Yamu for now and let him get on with it.


"Now, let's see…" He shoved the device into the seal, and was surprised from the intense transfer, why! He even noticed a bit of color returned to the casing!" Babidi watched transfixed as the power continued to pour out, greedily absorbed by the seal before at once, the transfer had ended, Babidi also made note that time had gone by, at least five minutes before the device was emptied.


"...Impressive Yamu… I was going to get rid of that one, but I'll allow him to serve me longer." The seal was almost ready, a little bit of time for the power to be properly absorbed by Babidi could feel it.


"...Soon… eh!, perhaps I ought to reestablish my control upon Dabura…:" he murmured to himself, time was now on his side.




A few members left, Hercule was confused but nevertheless he was a little glad some of those powerful energy throwing guy and gals left saving him the pain of figuring out how to get passed them. The tournament though may have lost some fighters, taking a blow to it's prestige, but Hercule knew he couldn't rest easily, there was still some really tough members, some he recognized and that was bad for him!


"Due to leaving, the following participants are disqualified. Chiaotzu, Tien Shinhan, Shin, Kron, Sixteen, Gohan, Krillin, Kibito, Goku Son, and Vegeta. The tournament will still proceed with the following changes, the champion will therefore skip his round and move on to the next stage as his opponent, Sixteen is disqualified. Now then, the next round, Raven Branwen will fight Zangya. This fight will begin in ten minutes! "the man shouted, the cheering crowds loud and had the blonde announcer pause.


"The next round, Winter Schnee will fight Seventeen and Blake Belladonna will go up against… Mr. B! The next match after that, Yang Xiao Long will fight be fighting against Eighteen! Due to there being not enough fighters, the peoples champion! Hercule Satan will move on to the next round without a fight! The winner of the first match will fight against the winner of the second match! While also the winner of the third and fourth matches will fight one another. We will then a half an hour break before having the last match which will be a three way with the champion in the fight also!" the announcer, Clyde Rodriguez called out through his microphone to the awaiting crowd, Hercule took one look at the woman he would be fighting, one who he seen punching the punching machine before.


He was screwed.


"D-Damn it! W-who are these p-people!?" he stuttered, standing in a safe and unnoticed outcropping between the wall and the amphitheater building roof, in the shade he looked on to those who remained. Though he had to fight last, two of these overpowered people could easily deal with him, before they fight one another!



"Eh- but t-they were- what s-should I do?" he stuttered once more, he looked on… as those remaining and still within the tournament along with some who'd lost stood with them.


((Future) Trunks-POV)


He, like the rest remaining in this tournament, waited for the next round. Though Trunks, using the alias 'Mr. B' contemplated leaving with Kron, Goku, Gohan… and his father, he ultimately decided to stay behind, until the tournament was over, before he would go and assist the others, though he wasn't sure they'd need it.


Ten minutes passed by, he watched as the tall, green-skinned alien woman stepped onto the arena while the woman Raven appeared up there in an afterimage, looking as though any more time wasted would set her off, these two were both dangerous women, he could see their gazes when they first arrived. While one was once a soldier of a genocidal maniac, the woman his father in this timeline got with had an similar look, though she didn't really look military from only her looks. Trunks stood alone, he glimpsed his own counterpart up top, nearby to 'their' mother, along with the rest of this Trunks siblings, Goten and this timelines Vegeta's son, Tarble. Giving his mother a nod, she waved towards him though he didn't want to be too suspicious to his alter-self, he made it brief before awaiting the next match.


The announcer yelled out, a little louder than the cheering crowd.


"And… you two may begin the match!" Raven already flickered towards Zangya, engaging the girl in hand-to-hand combat, overwhelming the girl. Though Ruby was putting up an impressive fight, Trunks hadn't really seen this girl overly much whenever he was training in the years since Cell, he heard from Weiss that this girl had led a simpler life and only begun training last year to the intensity that he and the rest of their clique trained at. Though Raven and Qrow were in their late 40's, they appeared to be in their late 20's from the training and their Ki helping to keep a youthful appearance, same with the rest of them.


Zangya more than kept up with Vegeta's wife, the two lodged blow after blow at one another, probing their defenses but kept the fighting to melee combat, their hand to hand a blitz of speed which only a few could keep up with. The wind coming off from their impacts made shockwaves that blasted towards the crowds, much of the other spectator's eyes were being forced shut by such wind, Trunks held up an arm to alleviate some of the forceful wind impacts, keeping an eye on the fight while the unlucky few below him were watering in the eyes from being hit by such gales.


Zangya however made short work of Raven even when the wife of his father used her maximum, she shouted at the top of her lungs 'Kaio-Ken' times sixty-two a split few seconds before, but Zangya continued to intercept her blows. Trunks blinked, thinking what the others were about to be up against, was it such that they had to leave this tournament to go to blows with those who stole Kron's energy, even if he got one of them?


Trunks removed himself from his wondering thoughts as the announcer called out, Raven had been blasted from the arena, she crash-landed into the ground, a crater opened up underneath her while Raven landed onto the arena.


"That is, it folks! It would seem Raven was too much for Zangya- uh, my eyes are watering-, this match is over by ring-out!" the cheering crowd. The two of them left, Raven looked pretty disappointed with herself, but she looked to have taken a bottle of alcohol from that fighter named Qrow that stood with her. She did put up a bit of a fight, Zangya was just too skilled, too strong compared to her and had an ruthlessness to her that didn't surprise Trunks much as she hadn't been with them long. Trunks wasn't surprised about how strong Raven was though, it made sense that'd his 'father' got with her instead of 'his' mother in this timeline… a woman who'd could keep up with you might seem much more appealing and then there's the whole Kron and 'his' mother thing.

Trunks lowered his hood that enshrouded his face, his face betrayed no emotion while he awaited the next match which if he wasn't mistaken and he wasn't, it was him versus Seventeen… the Seventeen of this timeline was more akin to just beat you up than kill you for sport, unlike the one still terrorizing his timeline… how Trunks wished he could head back, right wrongs, take a ship and revive those who were killed with the Namekian dragon balls, he even was to take an advance dragon radar, one that had an intergalactic range on it, so as to track down Namek. This and fixing his earth were just some of his future plans, he just needed to get rid of whatever signal had him blocked. Trunks turned to the sky, eyes peering while narrowed.


'It seems like there is some fighting in that direction, I'll go see soon. This tournament though, I've never seen it's like before… it's why I stayed behind, selflessness aside, I do believe that is Kron's Ki, against someone with a strong power-'


"Do you guys feel that? I wonder who Kron is fighting… perhaps we should have left with him, that other guy feels almost as strong as him." Raven, who walked past Pyrrha and snorted, though it was Seventeen who went about replying as Raven took a position nearby to them, facing the arena.


"You said 'almost', relax you loved sick girls, he should be fine. We've seen that guy fight, and you should hear Vegeta, he hates to admit it but Kron is the strongest on this planet f he gets serious, perhaps the strongest in the galaxy at this point… who knows." Seventeen added, skeptical looking, the infuriable smirk had Trunks almost narrowing at him, seeing the Seventeen from his timeline…


"He sure is… but it's my fight now, who knows… I might go see about joining in but now it is my match. Wish me luck ladies." he winked towards Pyrrha, Weiss and Winter who looked at him like he was insane, he also happened to have winked in the same direction as the woman Zangya, who just arrived back to where they were all are, a winner of the first round. Zangya scowled at Seventeen while he laughed as he headed onto the ring while Trunks watched as Winter Schnee followed suite as she was fighting this android- guy in the next round. Trunks noticed the announcer was about to speak, the next match was to begin.




Whatever that woman had done to Dabura, plus his mark 'M' on his forehead was gone, his strength skyrocketed. His aura also had dimmed to a inky blueish black color, but besides that, he was the same as I remembered.


I landed another blow to his face, before adding a vicious volley of blows, Dabura's howls of pain and his blood, the last blow inflicted upon him blasted Dabura into the ground, his impact causing a fair number of debris and dust to be kicked up, the earth shook briefly. What that blue woman had done, it wasn't enough, though it made Dabura a better opponent for me. I landed down on the cracked earth near to the ship, giving it a little look before I returned my vision towards where the dust was beginning to settle, I saw a glimmer of Dabura before he flickered to my side, launching a counterattack.


His axe-kick he'd aimed upon my head was caught in a split second, as I brought up and bent his leg inwards, hearing a sickening crack. Dabura howled in that menacing tone of his, impacting the side of my head with his other foot which while it hurt, didn't move me like he thought it would. He landed nearby, with a obvious limp as he applied pressure, 'fixing' his leg by putting it into its place with a loud intimating howl.


"Your i-intriguing mortal, to think that this planet has warriors of your caliber… perhaps I ought to retreat… but I a far too interested in my former masters pet monster to leave- haaaa!" he spat into my direction, three or so times for which I moved, afterimaging away out of his attempts to spit and turn me to stone, he fired another volley of his saliva before he caught his breath for a bit, adding on as he spoke.


"It wasn't honorable, but your too strong for me at this time… to think I'd be pushed to that, my strength… time to die my savage-looking adversary" he prepared himself, gathering his Ki which ignited around him, flickering of lighting surged from out of him, randomly distorting him and the ground begun to shake, ripping pillars of rock and dirt out of ground to float randomly. I wouldn't stand still as his power rose even higher, the feeling of it intensified to a large degree, I removed my scouter to check it while also focusing my own Ki, powering up in turn. Clicking the button on my scouter, I aimed it towards Dabura as my own strength begun to add to the reckoning that the planet was feeling and for smirked.


"... It's fluctuating… but the common number it's reading on my scouter seems to be roughly 400,000,000,000… a little higher than me… cool, this means I'm in for a fight. Dabura! Continue to show me your strength, I'll match you, you fool!" I yelled out, goading him on, though he only chuckled as he continued to power up, the ground around him becoming an electrified field as lightning bolts danced between the floating rock islands, the ground and Dabura himself. I intensified my own Ki, though Dabura shouted loud while stretching his hands outwards into the sky, blowing everything around him as a searing light engulfed the area around him in a dome, Dabura burst out of this dome of light, coming straight for me at impressive speeds.


I met him, the strength of my 'Super Saiyan Primal' form still rearing to go as I met him head-on. He lashed out with a sword, conjured in his hands he slashed out, using his good knee to try to hit me multiple places, he flickered around to my side while holding out his empty hand to fire a close-range, it didn't hit but the slash to my lower abdomen with his blade did so, the slash could have decapitated me… if my tail wasn't indestructible... which at that moment had took the hit instead of my back, my tail slamming into my back while sending me into the ground nearby. Imaginable pain from the sword slash to my invincible tail, I roared out while rubbing my tail a little, the pain would subside in time. Though right now, I used it to fuel me for another attack, being mindful of fighting a warrior with the same caliber of strength as I, something that hasn't been so in a long time so I should take extra care.



?? = power-level is rising after training but not checked.

?-? = Suppressed.


(Battle - Powers)

-Kron/MC = 90,084,062 Base Form. -|- Oozeru(X10) = 900,840,620 -|- Wrathful State(X10) = 900,840,620 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,504,203,100 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = X1,050 = 94,588,265,100 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,008,406,200 -|- Super Saiyan2(X100) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = X1,800 = 162,151,311,600 -|- Kaio-ken -X100 = 9,008,406,200 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Wrathful State(X10) = 500 = 45,042,031,000 -|- Super Saiyan4(Primal(X4000)) = 360,336,248,000


-Raditz = 56,240,880 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 1,912,189,920 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 562,408,800 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 2,812,044,000


-Trunks(Future) = 64,246,860 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 3,212,343,000 -|- Super Saiyan II (X100) = 6,424,686,000


-Trunks(Present) = 35,884,276 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 1,794,213,800


-Ursula = 35,745,345


-Achilles = 31,908,452


-Anthony = 32,145,108


-Jaina(FUTURE) = 2,800,000 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 140,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 280,000,000


-Jaina(Present) = 21,460,487 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 1,073,024,350


-Yang = 43,700,440 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,709,427,280


-Goku = 93,856,946 -|- Kaio-ken - X100 = 9,385,694,600 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,692,847,300 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = 1,050 = 98,549,793,300 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = 1,800 = 168,942,502,800


-Zangya - 6,400,000,000


-Winter = 23,848,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X48 = 1,144,704,000


-Krillin= 23,086,248 -|- Kaio-ken - X54 = 1,246,657,392


-Pyrrha = 42,700,924 -|- Kaio-ken - X64 = 2,732,859,136


-Gohan = 94,064,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 940,640,000 - Kaio-ken - x46 = 4,326,944,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,703,200,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,406,400,000


-Vegeta - 92,280,480 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,614,024,000 -|- Super Saiyan Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,228,048,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 922,804,800


-Raven = 40,240,620 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,494,918,440


-Blake = 26,084,460 -|- Kaio-ken - x49 = 1,278,138,540


-Weiss = 26,042,459 -|- Kaio-ken - x43 = 1,119,825,737


-Yamcha = 21,000,097 -|- Kaio-ken - x53 = 1,113,005,141


-Tien = 28,063,800 -|- Kaio-ken - x66 = 1,852,210,800


-Chiaotzu = 12,000,000


-Ruby = 6,400,000


-Piccolo = 2,450,000,000 (Weighted Clothes) -|- 3,000,000,000 ((Full Power) (Weighted Clothes Removed)) -|- Kaio-ken - x18 = 54,000,000,000


-Chichi = 8,000


-Sixteen - 2,880,860,048


-Seventeen - 2,246,084,200 -|- Kaio-ken - X36 = 80,859,031,200


-Eighteen - 2,242,870,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 76,257,580,000


-Qrow = 23,084,021 -|- Kaio-ken - X46 = 1,061,864,966

-Hercule = 600

-Kibito = ??


-Shin = ??

-Spopovich = Dead.

-Pui Pui = Dead.

-Yamu = ??

-Dabura = 5,000,000 - Under Seals, also under control Of Babidi. -|-500,000,000 = Original Power Level with seals on power removed, No longer under Babidi's thrall. -|- 400,000,000,000 Empowered by Towa.(X800)