Three Attempts, Two Minds.



The next level, they encountered a monster it called itself Yakon which fed off of light energy. Dad was in the process of overpowering it, the beast gulped up as huge amount of the light energy radiating off father, though the monster begun to expand in size… his strength turned to a weakness. It was that at a certain point as his father continued to power up that Yakon had exploded, detonated self-inflicted by its insistent need to consume all light, it was no more, and the way was clear to continue.


"I was right to find you all, we've made good time in this ship, the path the Majin Buu is now clear." Shin pointed out, a little giddy as the door in the middle of the ships room, level two had opened loudly. Piccolo, Dad, Vegeta, Shin, Kibito and himself jumped down, ending up in another, similar room as before.


"What now?" Gohan spoke up, Vegeta turned to him, replying with as glare.


"Now, it will be fine if I could blow a hole into this ship, but this fool seems to think it's a bad idea. What next? Ask that clown." he pointed towards Shin, Kibito growled as he stepped forwards, but Shin replied to Vegeta, as well as placing a hand on Kibito's shoulder to stop him.


"We've gone far into this ship, a bit more and Majin Buu can be thwarted before it can be released by Babidi. We shan't act rashly now, all your lives and the lives of those you care for depend on it. Babidi! End this madness, surrender to my good judgement, you can yet repent from your downwards-spiraling path." he said loudly, looking any which way into the roof of the ship, sure that the wizard would be listening.




"No Supreme Kai, I have no more fighters to stop you… at least, not among my crew and slaves. But in your group…-" he glanced through his crystal ball, now down in the last level of his ship with the pulsating Majin Buu capsule, close to being released. Thanks to Dabura, even while his connection to him was gone, plus the energy that Yamu had returned from whence he acquired it, Majin Buu was so close to being released, the signs were clear.


"But… still, I have no subordinate to stop these fools and the Kai's from continuing… but perhaps…" If he didn't have anyone suitable, he could just 'take' them, plus there was Dabura too, yes…


'Dabura, I should take back my capable subordinate, but first… to slow down these very close, very annoying Supreme Kai and allies of his. Ah… this one, his heart feels very black to me-' Babidi stared, peering through the magic of his crystal ball towards the warrior who brutalized pour Pui Pui not so long ago.


"Yes! Let them see despair as they fight among their own number! Hahah yes!! I am a genius! Now…" he focused his magic prowess into the crystal ball, concentrating his magic upon his target, that stoic-looking warrior and watched with focused eyes as his magic had reached him, and his downfall from an independent being into his slave was a forlorn conclusion for him to fail to resist his magical ability.


The warrior became surrounded by allies and the meddling Supreme Kai, but Babidi wasn't finished and his magical power continued to affect the target, he laughed aloud.


"Good, my new slave! Come over to my side, yes. That is your purpose now, to serve me! My subordinates need to have a measure of brutality and capability to fend off my enemies, it would serve me well to restore you and your dark nature to the way it was before, I'll even draw out your hidden power too to be sure! Hah!" Babidi shouted out fiercely for his size as the crystal ball become saturated in his magical energy, surging towards the target of his minds eye, he shouted with fierce determination, accomplishing what he'd said he would to this new servant, to improve his chances, to make a suitable slave.


Magic swelled around him, orbs of energy flickered from the crystal ball orb, radiating off of it with an intensity, the magic became erratic, wisps of it flickered randomly over the orb all the while Babidi continued to concentrate on his slave.


Finally, he accomplished it and the warrior now taken over by his magical prowess could no longer resist his compulsion, forced upon his mind. This fighter now belonged to him, mind, body… and soul.


"Excellent!, now my mind slave, you need orders…" he mentally connected, compelling the warrior he could now know was named Vegeta, to attack and kill his allies.


'Vegeta, kill the Supreme Kai!, kill your allies-' he retched forwards and almost knocked over his crystal ball, though he'd taken this fighter, this powerful warrior for his own, this Vegeta's will was impressive to try and resist him.


'Now, Vegeta! I order you! Destroy them, kill them all!' he forced his compulsions upon him more harshly, forcefully concentrating to his mind, Babidi decided to move them away from the ship for the time being, such is his ability to do so… He sent them to the outside of his ship, to interface on the battle out there, allowing Babidi to be able to find more servants among the new talent this planet had for him, a giggle in doing so came out of his mouth.




Dabura was the fight I'd wanted for a while, and I noted some glaring weaknesses I had to rectify or were doing so whilst the battle drawn out, that of my own perceived invincibility, that of my high power level which made me so sure of my power, and the fact no one has come this far to nearing my strength, I'd been able to fight without worry to my own person, Dabura changed all of this with the increased power he was able to 'obtain' with help or otherwise.


Dabura no longer had an 'M', his Ki fluctuated with a dark-blue aura, he also had some magical abilities I had to be aware at all times of, his spit being one of them, making this a challenging fight, a heart-pounding excitement I hadn't felt for a long time.


"'Evil Flame'-" he shouted, firing a stream of flame-like energy towards me, I flickered upon the top of his head, bringing down my boot upon his head which slammed his jaws shut before slamming his entire body downwards. The impact, shattered a good amount of the landscape below, almost landing where Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin and Raditz stood too, as they after imagined further away. It was then that the battle was interrupted as Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Shin, Kibito and Vegeta appeared not unlike 'Instant Transmission but also what appeared was also a circular floor that they stood on, Dabura recovered as I landed in front of him while the remaining dust almost dispersed.


whatever that blue-colored woman done with Dabura, he's become quite the threat and a better target for me to fight with. He stopped to gawk at those watching, those shouting between themselves, they… oh… That's Vegeta, must have been mind raped just now…


"It seems we have a crowd, allow me to deal with them, lest they get in my way, their- oh! I suppose this is Babidi's doing, just like him to interfere." Dabura began with an smirk, Vegeta turned towards us and… he looked pretty arrogant to me.




"Look, down there. They just appeared, Kron and that red guy have stopped fighting too. Just look." Krillin pointed down from the cliff they stood on, Tien, Chiaotzu, Sixteen and Raditz. The red fighter Kron was fighting with charged up a blast of his own and aimed it towards Goku, Gohan and the others when Kron resumed their battle.


Vegeta blasted forwards from his hovering position, towards Goku-


"-What the heck problem does Vegeta have!" Tien shouted, as Vegeta begun to attack Goku who begun to fight back, Vegeta also blasted one of his signature attacks, the 'Gatlick Gun' towards Kron at the same time, whilst whacking away Goku easily, returning to engage with Goku after.


"Harrrrrrrgh W-What urghhhahhhhhhh!" Raditz begun to yell out suddenly, drawing his and the others gaze to him, shock waves erupted from out of him, as he fell to the floor, his Ki exploded out of him more erratically and he transformed into a 'Super Saiyan'. His Ki color was now a blend of Yellow, with red bolts of energy surging randomly- Krillin and Chiaotzu held up their arms while struggling to remain in place, they floated up as the hill they stood on began to erode by force while Tien yelled out, a bit closer to that idiot Raditz.


"Hey! What the-" Tien began though he was silenced as a bolt of Raditz Ki struck him, electrifying him on impact and Raditz begun to float upwards, shouting as he held his head.


"-G-Get out o-of my head you r-runt!" Raditz said as such and much more mumbled sentences to himself as he continued to power up, before long the energy that dissipated around his being started to calm down, meaning the shock waves begun to die down and Raditz lowered his head, a kind of tattoo of an 'M' magically imprinted onto his forehead. Sixteen looked stoically towards the battlefield but for now, kept back with the rest of them.


"haaaaarrrr!" Raditz launched his 'Double Sunday' towards himself with Chiaotzu nearby and the other beam towards Tien, Krillin and Chiaotzu managed to dodge the beam while Tien took it full force as he used 'Kaio-Ken' to marginalize the damage, Raditz blasted forwards, overpowering Tien with a fast-struck barrage of Kicks, the last kick hammering him into the ground. Raditz ignored them and blasted towards Kron, the other fight too to join their fight. Sixteen remained unscathed as he kept watching Kron battle, he looked to be wanting to join but he also kept an eye on Raditz, now fighting against us.


"...Let's see if Tien is alright, that last blow struck his head." Krillin said towards Chiaotzu who replied.


"Right, what was Raditz problem anyway? He was fine but a moment ago, his same old self but look at him." Krillin shook his head as they descended to the ground, as Tien begun to rise while seething, rubbing his sore head from the last blow.


"I'm not sure, but that tattoo he had suddenly, it appeared out of nowhere. I could guess but remember that Yamu guy and his partner Spopovich had them too, besides that, I couldn't tell you." The fight between Kron, and that red guy expanded as Raditz inserted himself into it, though he even while he felt stronger than the tournament, Raditz seemed to be but an disturbance to Kron and the other fighter.


Sixteen added, looking towards the battle ongoing, with Kron and the red demon dude, looking concerned.


"If the battle changes, I'll assist Kron, Raditz for you all should be an easy victory, I just might hurt him if I go about defeating him-" Raditz heard that, firing a blast of Ki towards the renewed android.


"-I heard that tin man!"




"Excellent!, now my slave, Raditz! Kill your allies." he said excited, this one seemed much less troublesome to control than Vegeta, but now it was time to retake Dabura, Babidi begun to concentrate once more, now focusing on Dabura, his magical energy surging once again and Babidi wiped his brow, this mind control business was a stamina-draining process too.


Concentrating, he focused his power onto usurping Dabura's will, but this process was hard to get a hold of him mentally to make a connection, Babidi gritted his teeth and focused harder. The process wasn't getting nowhere, which was a surprise to him, it wasn't Dabura's heart though… he was still evil… it confounded Babidi immensely.


"...Bah, well now… I'll just have to try when he is most vulnerable… The fighter Dabura is up against, he- gah?" he couldn't target this warrior for some strange reason, unlike others he could touch their minds with but focus but this one, had some kind of mental block, Babidi couldn't even connect to him if he tried his hardest.


"Oh well, two more is enough to keep them busy. And look and Majin Buu's encapsulated seal! It is showing more signs of releasing Majin Buu!" he smiled, chuckling, impressed that the energy collected had by Yamu had already achieved this much! He peered towards the brightly-colored shining Seal, it was pulsing much more faster and even wriggling! So close.




The voice, his new master- that slippery eel Babidi, for it was for sure it had been him, Vegeta seen those two earthlings, also heard from the crowd that prior to that tournament, they were but pathetic weaklings, Vegeta guessed and correctly that Babidi when taking someone over also empowers them. It was for this reason that Vegeta had 'allowed himself to be controlled, though even now he had that little gremlin whispering in his ear.


"Kakarot, your nothing to me! And when I've settled this thing with us, I'll take out Kron next. You two are not even of the royal bloodline and yet I've had to contend with a clown and a bastard who hoards his secrets like the bastard he is!" he laughed, his menacing smile enough to rile up Kakarot, who barely was able to dodge Vegeta's little volley of Ki-blasts. Vegeta then looked towards Kron, that self-assured guy who hadn't told him of this transformation before. But as he is, Vegeta also knew that he had no chance to win… so he tried something different.

"Kakarot, stay down you weak fool, I'll deal with you last-" Vegeta threw the 'Power Ball' towards the sky, and watched at the technique created by Kakarot's brilliant dead father begun doing its work, Vegeta ignored Babidi once more and he stared towards the artificial moon, absorbing its Blutz-waves greedily, a laugh leaving him as he felt the change, his 'Super Saiyan Two' form still activated.




"Vegeta has been taken by Babidi, his mind and body is now at Babidi's control. Though also that other warrior, heading towards Kron seems to also be in Babidi's control. Look!" Shin shouted out, they looked as Vegeta threw a orb towards the sky, as a moon appeared, Goku narrowed his eyes but Gohan called out.


"That technique, the 'Power Ball' I'm absorbing blutz-waves even now but I can easily resist the change. But that is definitely not what Vegeta is doing, he's changing!" Gohan called out, pointing. Vegeta's growls became feral, also Goku could spot Raditz transforming as well.


"Listen, Gohan, Piccolo, Shin and Kibito. You guys try and make your way to Babidi. Stopping him should be our number one priority. I'll stay here, Raditz looks to have a 'M' tattoo on his forehead as well." Shin nodded, replying quickly as he saw the urgency they all had with Vegeta and Raditz transforming.


"Alright then, we will stop him. But please, the more you fight with them, the more energy is siphoned off the battle- that Kron and Dabura are still going at it! We must make haste, Majin Buu could be released any moment!" Gohan and Piccolo gave him a wordless nod while Kibito followed after Shin, jumping down into the hole of the ship, which was teleported with them outdoors.


Two Great apes, Goku sped towards Raditz to fight his elder brother, he would let Kron handle Vegeta.




Vegeta and Raditz transformed into the Oozeru, I blasted that artificial moon apart but the damage, the damage they would inflict upon the planet… Vegeta had underestimated himself as his coordinated attacks gave way to him acting like a monkey, attacking indiscriminately, Raditz too. The two of them were a danger to blasting apart the planet with a single blast.


"Such power… they re but nothing to me but, they are a danger to themselves and more importantly, this planet." I said aloud, grabbing Dabura by the neck and chucking him towards Vegeta, he afterimaged in turn and then again as a beam came bellowing out of Vegeta's mouth, missing as the beam headed out into space. I powered up two 'Royal Slicer' Discs and launched them towards both Vegeta and Raditz tails, intent to remove them. I could try and teleport the two but, I had no clone in place, taking their tails would have to do.


Dodging Dabura once more, I powered up the 'Wrathful State' to combine with 'Super Saiyan Primal' and overpowered Dabura with a quickly timed jab to his face, knocking out some of his teeth, he impacted the ground in a split second as a crater quickly formed in the blink of an eye, widening by the second from his impact. I made sure to concentrate on the discs I thew towards Raditz and Vegeta where as Raditz was been handled quite well by Goku, my disc aimed to strike Raditz tail found its mark for which I dispersed the energy disc. The one after Vegeta missed though, he quickly maneuvered around it, I sent I back towards him though. Vegeta, showing some clarity in his current wild animalistic state, fired off a mouth beam towards the disc, the two attacks canceled each other out.


"Tch, I can do this all day Vegeta-" I flickered out of the way, Vegeta now directed his animalistic hatred onto me, I think he was also showing signs of himself in there, as he stopped randomly blasting everyone else or at random. He paused, Vegeta begun to grip his head in pain while I confirmed with my own eyes that Raditz had finished shrinking back down to his normal size, Dabura was on the ground still but recovering as he stood.


Vegeta continued to fight himself, Raditz blasted towards me but the idiot was intercepted by Goku while Dabura stood there, looking upwards at Vegeta, he also gave me a bloodied look.


"Stand still Vegeta, I'll try that again." I powered up another 'Royal Slicer' but Vegeta begun to power up while shouting, his Ki so condensed that it rolled off him like golden steam. Whatever he was doing, I begun to realize then that he was transforming once more.


The prince of all Saiyan's was fighting against the increased aggression and feral mindlessness that is the golden Oozeru form, and I watched on with widened eyes, something that took me a lot of planet-busting and here Vegeta was, using either his royal bloodline or something more silly… like that of a main character.


"Oh hells-" my loss of focus was all Dabura needed as he retaliated, attacking me from behind, flickering to each point I would have flown off too, he continued this for a little bit of time before his path of afterimages led me to the very same crater I left him in before, he followed through with a volley of dark-red Ki blasts that fired upon me like a rainstorm, obscuring my vision and doing some physical damage as I winced in pain. I blasted through the firestorm he created, engaging him in melee combat, the fierce onslaught we inflicted upon one another almost had me forget about Vegeta for a moment, who had transformed back down, into that of a familiar look.


'Super Saiyan Primal' as I call it, or 'Super Saiyan Four' as it is in certain 'other' timelines. He looked like I looked now, the red fur, the red fur on his chest and the red nearby to his eyes. Half his Saiyan armor was ruined from the fighting before, but most of it he still wore, including his boots and gloves. The golden vanished from his person as the only gold was his Ki-aura, flickering with red bolts of energy while I couldn't make it out… but it might be that the 'M' was also gone. His yellow eyes surrounded by the red tint I also had around my eyes, he stared at me with a big old grin.


I continued to fight with Dabura but Vegeta flickered into view, the black 'M' on his forehead actually still there, he grabbed Dabura and with a calm viciousness, bent back both his arms, slamming him down while breaking them and sending a red beam out of his mouth to follow Dabura down. The demons hoarse yell as he suffered a blast from Vegeta distracted me for but a moment when Vegeta brought down his head upon my own, my focus back onto him.


"So, this is the transformation eh, Kron! What do you call it? 'Super Saiyan Three'. This is the power you've hoarded for yourself-" he and myself engaged in a melee onslaught as a large part of the landscape, the air around us pulsated with red-colored energy, swirling with golden-yellow energy mixed in and random bolts of light-red energy bolts. The planet shook all the while, I blasted him with a 'Royal Spear' he met it head on.


"... … …'Final Flash' !!" the beams interconnected and the impact created a struggle but with my 'Wrathful State' activated in tow with 'Super Saiyan Primal', even if Vegeta too was one, the beam of his was easily overpowered.


He impacted the ground, swallowed by the sizable explosion that threatened to swallow everyone and even the ship but it barely reached that kind of size thankfully.


I heard Vegeta growl out as Dabura came upon him and they fought, I sighed before joining their fight, to put them both down, one permanently.