Mira Attacks.

"Hmm? Speaking of this Dabura, he's moving towards where Kron is…" He should be fine, Vegeta is with him… but, their kids and Goku's child is there too. King Kai mused for but a second before concentrating, getting in touch with Kron. Connecting wasn't a problem though, he took some time to reach into Kron's mind, as he felt distracted by an incoming presence, or two presences to be precise, these beings didn't fell familiar not were they anyone seeking to train under Kin Kai himself as he would have been asked beforehand. These felt like two people were approaching too. He felt mindful of wasting time telepathically reaching for Kron and readied himself for his two new arrivals.


The two to arrive were… Uh, it was the grand Kai! The other… was no one of import, just one of the Kai bodyguards, the Grand Kai approached him with a swagger. Why was he here?


"Grand Kai sir, how may I help you?" the man coughed, still approaching him, wrapping an arm around him.


"I've heard a planet in your care has had a little trouble my man, lad you could have told me yeah, grand Kai would have come a' knocking! But on a serious note, that planet of yours have a gathering of strong fighters." King Kai scratched the back of his head, praised from his boss would up his prestige while giving him the rights to mock a certain other Kai, he coughed.


"The Earth is safe once more, that is all that matters. In terms of warriors, yes… Earth boast's a host of warriors, did you need something?" he pressed, the Grand Kai only chuckled, itching his beard before replying.


"Not as the moment, no. I've been summoned to the planet of the Kai's, seeing as this is under your jurisdiction, I would have you accompany me, to explain the situation of Buu. I even now can sense he is still on the planet, a cause for concern. Though little Kai, my sensing ability doesn't give off any evil vibes from the pink dude, seeing you know more I could use you to tell boss-man supreme Kai what's what." King Kai nodded, but he was sure the Supreme Kai, Shin as he introduced himself months ago would know already, this must be politics then. He replied with a nodded.


"Uh, let me tell my assistants that I'll be gone for a while." he made to prepare for a quick trip, never being before so telling Gregory to watch and be mindful of his home while telling Bubbles not to grab any of his fruit, King Kai set out by the grand Kai's and his bodyguard's side.




Whilst mediating with the elder kai, he heard that Buu was defeated by a combined team, his father included and that his training here would continue for longer. Indeed, Gohan had much to learn from this man, as his strength was still rising from the ritual the old man preformed, tapping into all his potential while mediating with the man, Gohan could still hear Shin and Kibito over nearby, watching or was watching, the bout that ended in the destruction of Evil Buu. But still, Shin was still concerned.


'That other Majin Buu, the fat one seems, as I've been hearing from their talk, he is still alive. Though he isn't a threat anymore, Shin seems to mistrust him still. Well, father and the others should be able to handle it, see where this Majin Buu's mind is set and what he wants to do.' Gohan heard as Shin once more spoke towards Kibito, then he turned to the supposed the Elder Kai.


"Perhaps now that the evil of Buu has been vanquished Gohan could learn another technique, encase this Majin Buu decides to go back to its past ways, Elder kai… do you know of any techniques that Gohan could learn after your ritual for releasing his potential has ended?" Gohan heard Elder Kai speak, the man seemed to be concentrating but after the second word, he snapped out of it.


"...Technique… well, I do know one technique, but first…" the Elder kai went back to mediating, as Gohan followed suite.


All Gohan knew that five or six hours passed by, since the end of the battle when the Elder kai called out to him suddenly called out to him, Gohan heard as he stood up nearby.


"OK Gohan, we're finished. You may stand. Shin, get the lad a meal. I dare say he is tired. Well, get something to eat. When you're ready, I want you to try using all your power and bring it out. Then, seeing that you're a Saiyan, use every transformation you can, and you'll see the difference in your power."


"OK Elder Kai, I'll get something to eat then. Kibito, you got something for me?" Kibito replied with a nod, walking around the area he was at, the crystal ball turned off as he used his abilities to conjure the meal. Shin looked up, looking like he was sensing someone. Gohan felt them too, but concerned himself with eating his meal, he sat as Kibito got to his master's side.


Gohan noted the three new arrivals, they were gathered further off so Gohan couldn't hear them, Elder kai stood nearby to him though, he spoke up while holding a hand up.


"Don't speak, eat your meal. It seems some of the other Kai's have come in order to report on Majin Buu. These youngsters, Well… it's not my job anymore young lad. Now eat up, this next technique requires some thought before you can use it." Gohan nodded, mouth full and continued to eat up.




"Alright dad, we're about to land. How'd you like the cockpit, pretty high tech huh." her father hummed in interest, managing the controls easily, while the actual pilot hovered over him nearby, at ease. Bulma and her parents took one of the last transports from the planet Sadala, the other transports over a span of five days done much to deliver the refugees back to Earth, sorting every transport to land in their designated cities, so Earth could get back to living.


"Yes dear, I'm impressed for what you and your uh, sister-wife-" Bulma grimaced, interrupting him.


"-Dad… stop, that sounds weird." she laughed a little, her father replied seemingly not hearing her, focused still on the ship controls and the landing itself.


"-Winter then." huh, he was listening. "That girl reminds me of myself sometimes, including her hectic work schedule. She should have come with us, but I understand her mindset." Upon touching down, the pilot took over, as her father took a long drag of his cigarette, placing a hand on her shoulder.


"Now then my dear, your mother and I will be going with you to your sister- Winter's villa, then will all go home. I have many ideas…" There he went again, Bulma sighed, a small smile on her face, she was happy to be back, to see her son Trunks… her husband Kron. With the Earth's latest big bad over and done with, they could all relax.


"Well, come now father. Let's go tell Kron, and Trunks the good news." she placed a hand on her stomach, her smile more radiant than ever. Being pregnant and all, Bulma hoped it would be a girl, of her own. Heading off the transport with the rest of the last of those who left planet Sadala, the refugees, now home in their home of west city went about their own business with company men, 'Schnee Industries Corporation' employees.


Taking out a capsule, throwing it to release a suitcase full of her capsules, he removed her airship, and her parents and Bulma prepped the ship, waiting for her parents to board. She would then fly to her other home.


"Bulma, take a rest daughter, you look like your about to collapse. Think on the little one now." her mom said, bubbly attitude that that threatened to have Bulma nod in agreement, she replied as her father took the pilot seat.


"I can rest when we get there, Oh Trunks would have missed me I bet. He will most likely have his father at beck and call, that guy needs to learn to say no" she laughed, knowing Kron now, the army that were his children listened more to their moms than him, he only knew how to discipline, train and surprisingly cook for them, a surprise for a Saiyan that is.


"OK mother, I'll take a seat here and close my eyes for a bit. Tell me when we land, I want to be the one to tell him that he's having another kid." she chuckled, smiling to herself and closed her eyes to rest.




Five days, nearly six days passed since Kid Buu was defeated for good. It was good to relax for once, no stress about Buu and his absorption ability, yesterday I spent some time in the hyperbolic time chamber with Vegeta, tomorrow I would head in there again. Dabura stayed nearby in the wilderness, awaiting our fight but honestly, he would be disappointed that he is no longer a threat to me, unless he spits on me that is.


Currently, I sat on the couch in the living room, six in the afternoon so Anthony, Achilles, Trunks and Ursula were busy out in the pool, Jaina upstairs with her half-sister Wylla. The wives, Blake was quietly reading near to me, Weiss and Pyrrha were doing their own thing, Pyrrha in the gym and Weiss drinking a glass of wine. I heard a ship touching down outside. Sensing that it felt like Bulma, I was confirmed as Trunks took to the sky from out of the pool, heading for his mother.


"Kron, be a dear and get the kids in yeah, I would do it but I have to cook dinner." Blake placed her book aside and stood as I did, I nodded, placing my left arm on her shoulder.


"I'll do that soon, Bulma has arrived. I'll go see how she is then I'll get the rest of my kids out. What's for dinner anyway, I am pretty hungry-" she smiled, amused but headed for the kitchen, her cat ears twitching as she replied.


"Hush you, now move your ass, husband." her mother looked on amused in her seat nearby, resting as she watched her grandchild Ursula in the pool.


Heading outside near to the pool, I took flight and then landed nearby on the land outside adjacent to the villa, where the landing zone was built, awaiting as the transport landing doors opened up.


Trunks stood nearby, turning to smile at me, a cheeky grin and he approached me with interest. Before he could say anything, his gaze was turned back as his grandfather and grandmother came out first, he rushed over to greet his grandparents and then his mother, Bulma came down the ramp last. She held herself a little more protectively, she headed for her son first and hugged him deeply, her parents making way for them to bond.


"Ah, lad. Will be over for dinner, don't worry son will relax here. Winter sends her regards too, she was a splendid mind to work with-" Dr. Briefs, my father in-law could yap, his wife even more but it was her who hushed him with a laugh, pushing him slowly towards the entrance of the villa via the landing zone.


"-Come dear, Bulma needs to speak with him. Kron Dear, I know you'll be happy to hear the news. Now go and embrace my daughter, son." She waved me off for a brief moment, before ushering her husband towards home. I looked on with a confused stare, turning my attention towards Bulma. Trunks stood nearby; an arm still wrapped around his shoulder. Bulma smiled, kissing me deeply, she laughed into the kiss as Trunks made a gagging sound, we parted, and she turned to Trunks then me.


"Trunks, Kron, I've got good news. Trunks, you're going to have another sibling! Kron, you're going to have another daughter, I have a good feeling it will be a daughter. I'll be staying here, Trunks you will like that, to stay here with the rest of your siblings-" my eyes narrowed, a Ki-blast came rushing downwards, I flickered Bulma and Trunks out of the way before rushing my power to the forefront, reflecting the blast, a harsh dark-red sphere of energy was reflected towards the hills in the distance, exploding as a bright red dome was erected in the distance.


"...Bulma, Trunks, get-" I created a clone quickly, the clone knew my intentions of course and hastily took the two of them inside the home, as I narrowed my gaze upon the floating figure in the air. It wasn't Dabura though, who I knew to be nearby… it was Mira, Towa wasn't in sight. His Ki was a harsh blue though, his eyes glowed red, indicating he has been enhanced by Towa, I think. My clone would go about gathering everyone before leaving the area via 'Instant Transmission' for now, I had to make Mira's target myself, which it is and make sure to engage in melee range, or else he will throw another Ki-blast at me, which could kill the others… my family…


Flickering towards him, now fully transformed to 'Super Saiyan two' enhanced with the 'Wrath State', I engaged him with quick jabs towards his defense, sensing as Piccolo arrived in the area looking on confused. Followed by Dabura, they might have been training together.


Mira, scowled, his power pelted out explosively, quickly surging higher than my current state. His energy begun to generate tremors around the earth, though I felt as my clone alone with everyone within the house left, heading for Capsule Corp. I heard as Dabura and Piccolo both spoke up, both at me while Mira continued to power up, I decided to transform once more, to 'Super Saiyan Four' or 'Primal' and took the offensive towards Mira, not allowing him to continue to gather more energy.




"Your Dabura then, and what are you doing here? This warrior one of your kin?" Piccolo asked with suspicion, Dabura only chuckled, a toothy smile as the two of them held themselves in place from the waves of explosive wind crashing into the two of them after every blow that connected between Kron and the blue-skinned warrior.


"I'm awaiting that one, he and I will have an impressive battle, not interrupted by any other. I was nearby of course awaiting him when I sensed that one there. My sister's servant, she is nearby somewhere annoying me with her attempt to take away a warrior of this caliber whose promised a battle with me. Though it seems Mira here, that is his name, has gotten much stronger than last I felt his presence." A sister, Piccolo gave a good look around the area, but couldn't pick up anyone nearby the area, they were alone now, just himself, Dabura, Kron and the now named Mira.


"Well-" Piccolo removed his weighted clothing, dropping it from the height he and Dabura floated at, the clothing was blown into Winter's Villa by the shock-waves of the bout, making Piccolo cough as if to say 'It wasn't my fault'. Piccolo and Dabura flickered to the side when Mira, encased in dark-red Ki energy surged out with his shout and a beam came assailing towards Kron from his mouth. Kron held back the beam, slowly being pushed towards the ground, he fought for every inch of ground, but the beam continued to rush out, steadily pushing Kron towards the roof of his home which, began to become undone from the tiles as the energy continued to try and engulf Kron in its blackened red light.


The house was blown out of proportion then from the bottom and up, as a crater formed from underneath from the energy generated, held back from obscuring him by the blast. His home was obliterated in an instant, though the blast hadn't exploded just yet, Piccolo seen as a purple-colored beam could now be seen in view, fighting desperately against the other, much larger blast. Kron, and another Kron could be seen laying punches into Mira's side, to try and stop him from feeding more into the blast, the other Kron which appeared to be the real one continued to pour more of his Ki into his own blast, Piccolo powered up and readied for his 'Special Beam Cannon', Dabura charged forwards. Dabura flickered to the attacker's side, before spitting towards him, before laying blow after blow into Mira's other side.


Piccolo's beam was ready but for added power, he used his maximum 'Kaio-Ken' multiplier to boost the power of the piercing blast before calling out, enough of a warning to the others.


"...'Special … … Beam … Cannon'!" His outstretched hand had thrust forward, the beam left the fingertips, an overwhelming size, it pierced through the air at radical speeds, Dabura flickered out of the way while the Clone of Kron dispelled, Kron could feed more Ki into his own blast now, Piccolo's piercing beam reached Mira.


Mira deflected it in a shocking turn of events, slapping the beam away. Piccolo's beam trajectory targeted a hill in the east, exploding on impact but the blast Kron continued to pump against Mira's own beam now beat back the larger beam.


Mira become engulfed from his own large sphere and Kron's own blast adding to the Mira's own. The explosion blinded everyone, Piccolo squinted as Mira came crashing through whilst looking bloodied, also hatred seen upon his face, he came towards Kron and Dabura.


"Y-Your spit didn't work Dabura-" Kron shouted out, defending himself while Dabura launched an downwards heal kick upon Mira's shoulder, Mira grabbed Dabura's leg and punched Dabura in the upper thigh, sending him careening uncontrollably towards the ground.


The others surrounded me, Piccolo and Dabura keeping an eye down there while Piccolo spoke directly to Kron floating nearby.


"What is this one's problem then Kron? What did you do to-" Dabura called out, as they scattered out of the way, a blast came from up above, sidelining Dabura, though he put up a hastily defense with his arms held protectively in front of him.


"Mira! Enough!" a blue-skinned woman dressed in red, wearing a scientist coat over that, floated nearby holding a large pike or staff. She looked quite intense, glaring towards Mira who now emerged from the debris that covered him.


"Ah, sister… what that was a cheap shot, how droll of you. Now, put a leash on your pet." Dabura glared, Piccolo gazed at the woman, when Kron flickered towards her, wrapping a hand around her throat.