Evil Within.


 "You do recall what I would do to you if you came back, do you not. But seeing as you are siblings with Dabura here, that is-" I squeezed a little tighter, angered by the blatant attack upon my home. "-I will spare you of your life, though your pet's life is forfeit." throwing her to the side, I charged down through the air and met with Mira head on, engaging the shit in melee, pulling all my power to the forefront.


Rattling his skull with a fierce blow to the head from my right elbow, dazing Mira, I placed my left hand upon Mira's abdomen as a blast, the 'Tyrant's Wave' expelled from my hand. The energy expelled washed over him an intense wave of purple colored Ki, though instead of penetrating him as I'd expect, it only blasted him downwards once towards the crater that once had been home.


His red glowing eyes, seemed to have returned to their normal red instead of glowing as something… some kind of dust or smoke begun to expel from them both, Mira squirmed on the ground covered in debris and smoke flowing out of him, it formed a silhouette that continued to concentrate the dust flowing of Mira, until a humanoid shape came forth, easily seen. Unlike Mira, there was no glowing eyes, a being formed with purple colored skin, horns… Though a minute later the being transformed once more, more specter than the humanoid form it possessed as it flew upwards at unfathomable speeds, leaving the planet in an instant, faster than any of us could keep up with.


Landing nearby to Mira, I continued to glance upwards, Piccolo had a look of shock from the being that left the planet, it's strength couldn't be sensed but it looked kind of familiar… not really, some spirit or something that used Mira as some means to confront us? My answers will have to come from this one, the one it controlled. My extended hand, swirling with a Ki-blast fluctuating with energy within momentarily glowed, that for which I was going to use to destroy Mira here and now, before i snuffed it out, information is more important for now.


"Hey Dabura, bring that sister of yours over here-" I called out, not looking at him, almost growling in anger. Though it wasn't Dabura, but Towa herself who replied, an angry scowl framed her otherwise beautiful features.


"-I can hear you fool, now you understand, Mira has been acting a little strange since-" I glared towards her, she shut her trap, and I continued.


"This fool might have answers for us, you will assist, or I will end you and his life. I've already spared you once before. Now, you owe me, even if it wasn't Mira attacking me and mine, not in mind if in body, that spectral form... I've seen it, somewhere- I cannot place it, though I also have an idea at who that is, it is better to hear from the neanderthal what he understands of his recent possession..." Dabura landed nearby with Towa, Piccolo touching down a further away from them both, looking on.


"Who… whatever that was, its power is unfathomable and not just power- their abilities are unique, I was unable to get anything from it. The ability to possess your enemies... whoever they are, they could pit ally against ally at their leisure. Now, get on its woman, we need to find out just what we will be up against." Piccolo conjured a new outfit, folding his arms as a calculable gaze came upon him. I nodded, agreeing with him as Dabura glanced towards Towa, who looked towards Mira with concern.


"Mira… can you stand my dear-" Mira coughed, looking normal although a little wounded, his wounds were healing quickly. His gaze turned to mine, glared, Towa's voice calling to him gained his attention.


"W-What… has happened? Why are they here, should I kill him now-" Towa interrupted him urgently, clapping to get his attention, she replied.


"Do you know how you ended up in this position? What do you recall of the last day? Come Mira, you must know something." She asked, Mira stood to his full height, eyeing Dabura, then Piccolo and I with varying degrees of hostility, his gaze turned to Towa while speaking.


"...I remember nothing, not until now. We're we in a fight… did I lose to this… Saiyan-" Dabura interrupted with a smirk while Mira looked to have gotten a headache, clutching his head in anger.


"-he appears to not know anything of the phantom that left his body, though whatever it wanted, must have been something to do with you Kron, after all, it did attack you in your home. Or am I wrong." Piccolo added, a wary gaze towards both Mira and Towa.


"Now get out of here but stay on the planet. We might need your help, and you've already proved that you can be possessed by… whatever that phantom was, better to have allies. Also, better to have you close encase your possessed again." Mira glared harder, Towa replied condescendingly.


"Thanks, Namekian, we will stay here, on the planet but do not call on us to help until you've figured out what that was… it felt… familiar, all I can tell you is that there might be one more of them as I remembered two of them- almost identical in looks but, they never showed themselves to us prior to now…" I looked at her, two of them. I guess she felt them if I have to guess, when she and Mira entered into this timeline. Though why the two Remnant gods have yet to show themselves as of yet, until now is a mystery. Towa and Mira took to the skies slowly, Towa calling out towards Dabura, now ignoring both Piccolo and me.


"Dabura, will you come-" Dabura narrowed his gaze at her, replying while getting annoyed.


"-I still seek to challenge this one, the arrogant one and now the green one too. But sure, I will accompany you for a time, I have questions to ask of you sister, among them why my spit technique didn't work..." the three took off to the north, Piccolo hummed in thought, speaking up while gazing towards my home, now in ruins.


"I'll go visit Goku, then Tien and Yamcha. Tell them to meet up on the lookout at… 12:00 a.m., it will be easier explaining to them all at once about the new threat, Kron, tell Vegeta and Raven, Raditz and that alien woman Zangya to come. Invite or don't invite those three as well, seeing that you're on speaking terms with the red one- Dabura." Piccolo indicated the three who just left, Dabura, his sister and Mira… Piccolo floated upwards at the same moment, adding as his white-colored Ki begun to engulf him.


"Until then Kron." he took off and I turned to view the mess that is my home, will have to get all this sorted out with the girls. Though Bulma did say we could use her place encase of emergencies.


"I better go to the girls, tell them that the home is a crater now." I said while placing two of my left hand's fingers to my forehead, now reappearing at Capsule Corp.




"Alright whippersnapper, gather all you power once again and hold it, try to match each other's power so that you both give off the same amount. You too Kibito." Elder Kai called towards Shin and Kibito resonated with their power feeling roughly the same size. The held their energy like that for a bit, as Gohan continued fighting against a clone of himself, his power so much more… and he wasn't even transformed as of yet. Impressive that Elder Kai's ritual and abilities helped to get him to this level, Gohan smirked before the two of them, he and his clone landed nearby to witness the next part as the Elder Kai spoke.


"Now, copy my actions Kibito, Shin you will mirror those actions in opposite to Kibito. Make sure to do so precisely… now repeat after me… 'Fusion… … haaa' expel air as you speak the word fusion. Make sure to touch your fingertips as you pronounce 'Fusion'. now, give it a try you two, Gohan, watch closely now lad."


The two of them called out in unison, testing out the movements and the word, a few times as each time they failed, Gohan looked on amused as the two Kai's struggled through the technique when at last, the technique succeeded, in a flash a dust cloud sprung up around the two of them, Gohan glanced towards it as he felt not two powers but one-


-The dust cloud cleared, a deformed being appeared from within, breathing steadily and loud. The being popped a second later, as Shin and Kibito reappeared once again, Elder Kai called out with annoyance.


"Again! Try to be in sync when you do so. Gohan, be sure to watch carefully, you'll be the one to train any of the others of your friends." Gohan nodded, not replying as he watched the two Kai's try once again.


Another thirty or so minutes went passed, the two Kai's combined another seven times. Their eighth attempt though succeeded this time, the being standing in front of Gohan intrigued him, as his strength was an impressive level. Gohan looked forward to a fight between them.


"This transformation lasts for a short while so while transformed be sure to use it wisely. Now Gohan, yes… you and uh… identity would you-" Gohan turned to the tall, imposing Kai with a small smirk, awaiting his response.


"...Just Call me… Ken." Gohan winced, seeing the now dubbed Ken look unsure of himself, scratching his cheek as Elder Kai continued to speak.


"Right… Ken. You and Gohan will spend the remaining time you've got in your fused state training. Both of you push yourselves to the limit, I am interested to see who fairs better in the bout. Ooh yes…" the Elder Kai removed a magazine from out of nowhere, before sitting down at beginning to read… porn.


"Off you go you two, get started. I'll be getting comfortable… yes, right." he giggled though Gohan only smirked towards Ken as he called himself, Ken smirked in turn as the two of them readied themselves for a fight.




Touching down at Goku's place, late in the night, he concentrated his power before sending a large but short burst of his Ki towards Goku, his concentrating and eyes closed. A few minutes of meditation Goku arrived, still looked to be half asleep, a look of concern marred on his face as he took Piccolo in his sight, blinking away the sleep with multiple attempts.


"Heu- hey Pillow- Piccolo. What brings you here, it is a bit ueh- a bit too late to have a fight-" Piccolo seen the state of him, a mess in a word and babbling, Piccolo took control of the conversation.


"-No Goku, I'm here to relay a message, come to the lookout tomorrow at dawn. There is another threat that has reared its ugly head, the earth is in the process of rebuilding, and another comes out of nowhere… Anyway, tell me you will go Goku. This problem needs to be told but I want to tell it only once, not again and again-" Goku coughed, shivering from the cold as he only come out with his pants on and no boots, but he smiled, replying quickly through chattering teeth.


"Sure n-no problem, Piccolo. I'll see you there, I am intrigued. But I need to sleep, until then Piccolo." He turned to leave, Goku leveled him with a smile unseen by Goku as he whispered.


"...yeah, see you Goku." Piccolo floated back up, sensing for Tien now, who should be where he usually was, finding him would be easy with Yang and Chiaotzu with him.


Taking flight, he blasted towards the general location where Tien and his cohort usually hung out around, somewhere in a valley nearby to a lake surrounded by hills.




He lay there, Tien admired the shapely rear of Yang while she slept nearby to him, though his mind wandered back to that power spike he felt some time ago. He felt Kron and Piccolo and another two powers in battle, a brief exertion and it was all over. Thought Tien felt Piccolo's power heading his way, so he minded himself as he got to his feet discreetly, minding Yang's slumber. Leaving their room, he headed out, grabbing a shirt and pressing the on button on the water jug, awaiting Piccolo in the kitchen.


Five minutes of idling in the kitchen, the jug continued to boil but he felt as Piccolo landed outside, seeing him from out of the window. He headed outside; Piccolo nodded towards him.


"Tien, there is going to be a meet up on the lookout, something happened. An attack against Kron and his own, something for which I want to tell once so come. Tomorrow, at 12: O'clock, be there if you want to hear the full story." Tien blinked, still a little tired, annoyed he was up still after he and Yang did it, Tien replied.


"Uh, sure… did anyone get hurt? That- what I sensed, felt like it came from Kron's place in particular. You know, a lot of potential innocents and the like, his family I meant." Tien asked, Yang was pretty good friends with the ladies of Kron's family, the guy with multiple wives didn't brag and it was a weird position, having that many women to please but the guy made it work… the bastard practically remade his own 'Multiform Technique' in order to do just that... His own technique... delegated to one of pleasing woman... But he is a friend, an ally and so were the rest of them, why he asked after them. Piccolo seemed annoyed, but sighed as he replied slowly, his gaze turned towards the door threat led into the house and Tien spotted Yang coming out, only a top on and rubbing her eyes. Piccolo blinked, turning around as he bent down as if to jump-


"-I will explain tomorrow, I've got others to invite to the meet up. Know that no one died, only collateral damage." Piccolo turned his back as he spoke, sparing Yang's modesty, she looked dead tired and her constant yawning showed so, Tien guessed she hadn't even seen Piccolo as the guy had hidden his power when he landed, Yang spoke up towards him.


"Baby, what the heck are you doing outside at this time- Huh? Was that Piccolo?" she seemed wide awake now, blinking out the sleep and Tien wrapped a hand around her shoulder, maneuvering her around while she grabbed the hem of her shirt and made so it stretched down to save what modesty she had left, though Piccolo was already long gone. Tien chuckled, replying.


"Something's happened, so you, me and Chiaotzu will be heading to the lookout tomorrow, to find out what. Piccolo will explain more, but until tomorrow, we can only speculate hon. Do you want some tea, I am partial to having some now. Will help to get you to sleep once again." Yang nodded, pressing the back of her right hand to her mouth as she yawned once more, replying a second later.


"Sure, I might as well, that jug has boiled. It woke me actually, so uh… did Piccolo see anything-" she said, her hands pointing as she made hand movements as to shape something… and Tien smirked.


"-No, you're good."


(Pyrrha Nikos-POV)


She, Bulma, Blake and Weiss sat in the kitchen, Kali and Salem were seated in another room drinking in Blake's mother's case while Salem seemed a little ill. Her boys along with Trunks we're also up though Bulma had come back down after telling them to go to bed while Blake and Weiss's daughters were given another room, Bulma and her mother helped to sort the rooms out and add more beds, it was late, and she and the others up waited for Kron to return.


Sipping her hot mug of hot chocolate, Bulma spoke up as their conversation quietened down, Bulma finished her cup and then went to stand.


"Alright ladies, I'll be heading to bed soon, you'll want me to show you girls the rooms' you'll be staying at. Might as well come with me, I'll show you. Ah, better get Kali and Salem then too." Pyrrha went to stand, not drinking or eating anything while Blake and Weiss stayed sitting.


"Will come up soon Bulma, Pyrrha, would you send a clone down, before you head off to bed. We're going to wait up, I might read until Kron arrives." Weiss went to stand, replying.


"Ah, actually, I'll come. Kron will be fine. And Blake, don't stay up too long, yes. Alright then ladies, Bulma dear, lead the way" Weiss playfully steered Bulma towards the next room and they stopped near to Blake's mother and Salem, as Bulma chuckled. Blake and Pyrrha were in the room still, she scratched her right eyebrow while taking a seat. The silence ended when Blake spoke up, facing her.


"You can go to be Pyrrha, I can wait up for him, if your tired-"


"-No No, it's fine. I uh, I'm fine." Blake turned back to her book when at the moment, Kron appeared at Blake's side, Pyrrha stalked forwards him and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tight as Blake shut her book and stood to her feet, watching them for a long minute.


"I'm here, though the house isn't-" Blake sighed, stepping forward as Pyrrha stood back a bit, Blake hugging him this time, as she spoke.


"The whole house huh, figures. Are you at least-" Blake went about checking him over with precision, something she's been doing for a long time, Pyrrha added as Blake silently checked him over.


"Kron, whom was the attacker, did the one called Majin Buu do this to us. Should we be concerned here too, the Capsule Corp is much larger and built to last, but it would be a much harder attempt in gathering everyone up if another attack should occur." Kron replied, Blake finishing up and giving him a small peck on the cheek before the Faunas stood back and listened.


"The attack wasn't from Majin Buu, another… annoyance, it was a possession of some kind. The full explanation will be tomorrow by Piccolo though I can tell you ladies what I know at least, he observed the fight more than I, as I only reacted to the threat. He might have seen more."


Intrigued, Pyrrha pulled Kron into the next room where Kali and Salem were relaxing previously by the hand as Blake followed, grabbing his other arm and nestled into him as they sat on one of the large couches. He sighed, telling them about the fight and some kind of spirit leaving the body of the inflicted fighter, the fight was short lived and Piccolo and this Dabura showed up to help… after their home was blown to bits and pieces, the one who was controlled survived the encounter only by Kron sparing him… while this shadow, spirit, whatever it was had escaped as easily as wind blew.


They sat there for a long while, Blake fell asleep at his side and Pyrrha decided she would make the first move, feeling kind of… expressive, hearing the good news from Bulma, that she was pregnant made her feel a little jealous but instead of taking it out on Bulma, she would go for the root of the problem… right here, though Blake would be a problem, leaning up against him as she did.


As for their home… well, most of it was material, all her most important items, she kept in a choker she wore, inside a custom-made Capsule or at Bulma's place anyway as she had a room here already, their boys like to spend the night with Trunks. She wasn't sure of the other girls but lucky for him, Kron kept tended to keep his stuff between homes. Pyrrha was a little tired, she shook Kron as she went to stand.


"Love, come to bed with me. My room is open, I think either Salem or Kali has your room tonight. Make love to me…" she enticed him with a look, he went to follow, Pyrrha hummed with mirth, enticing him was easy.


(Word Count for the Power List - 559)


?? = power-level is rising after training but not checked.

?-? = Suppressed.


(Battle - Powers)

-Kron/MC Base (AFTER HYBERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER (Against Majin Buu) = 126,800,200 Base Form. -|- Oozeru(X10) = 1,268,002,000 -|- Golden Oozeru(X500) = 63,400,100,000 -|- Wrathful State(X10) = 1,268,002,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 6,340,010,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = X1,050 = 133,140,210,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 12,680,020,000 -|- Super Saiyan2(X100) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = X1,800 = 162,151,311,600 -|- Kaio-ken -X100 = 12,680,020,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Wrathful State(X10) = X500 = 63,400,100,000 -|- Super Saiyan4(Primal(X4000)) = 507,200,800,000 -|- Super Saiyan4(Primal(X4000)) X Wrathful State(X10) = X40,000 = 5,072,008,000,000


-Raditz Base = 56,240,880 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 1,912,189,920 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 562,408,800 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 2,812,044,000


-(Future) - Trunks Base = 64,246,860 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 3,212,343,000 -|- Super Saiyan II (X100) = 6,424,686,000


-(Present) Trunks Base = 35,884,276 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 1,794,213,800


-Ursula Base = 35,745,345


-Achilles Base = 31,908,452


-Anthony Base = 32,145,108


-(FUTURE) - Jaina Base = 2,800,000 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 140,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 280,000,000


-(Present) - Jaina Base = 21,460,487 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 1,073,024,350


-Yang = 43,700,440 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,709,427,280


-Goku Base (AFTER HYBERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER (Against Majin Buu) = 148,980,080 -|- Kaio-ken - X100 = 14,898,008,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 7,449,004,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = 1,050 = 156,429,084,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 14,898,008,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = 1,800 = 268,164,144,000 -|- Super Saiyan-III(X400) = 59,592,032,000


-Zangya Base = 6,400,000,000


-Winter Base = 23,848,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X48 = 1,144,704,000


-Krillin Base = 23,086,248 -|- Kaio-ken - X54 = 1,246,657,392


-Pyrrha Base = 42,700,924 -|- Kaio-ken - X64 = 2,732,859,136


-Gohan Base = 96,068,000,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 960,680,000,000 - Kaio-ken - x46 = 4,419,128,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,803,400,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,606,800,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) X Kaio-ken - x18 = 1,800 = 172,922,400,000,000


-Vegeta Base (AFTER HYBERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER (Against Majin Buu) = 122,600,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 6,130,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan Saiyan-II(X100) = 12,260,000,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 1,226,000,000 -|- Golden Oozeru(X500) = 61,300,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan4(Primal(X4000)) = 490,400,000,000


-Raven Base = 40,240,620 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,494,918,440


-Blake Base = 26,084,460 -|- Kaio-ken - x49 = 1,278,138,540


-Weiss Base = 26,042,459 -|- Kaio-ken - x43 = 1,119,825,737


-Yamcha Base = 21,000,097 -|- Kaio-ken - x53 = 1,113,005,141


-Tien Base = 28,063,800 -|- Kaio-ken - x66 = 1,852,210,800


-Chiaotzu Base = 12,000,000


-Ruby Base = 6,400,000


-Piccolo Base (AFTER HYBERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER (Against Majin Buu) = 6,060,800,000 (Weighted Clothes) -|- 7,000,000,000 ((Full Power) (Weighted Clothes Removed)) -|- Kaio-ken - x66 = 462,000,000,000


-Chichi Base = 8,000


-Sixteen Base = 2,880,860,048


-Seventeen Base = 2,246,084,200 -|- Kaio-ken - X36 = 80,859,031,200


-Eighteen Base = 2,242,870,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 76,257,580,000


-Qrow Base = 23,084,021 -|- Kaio-ken - X46 = 1,061,864,966

-Hercule Max = 600

-Kibito Base = 90,000,000


-Shin Base = 4,200,000,000

-Dabura = 5,000,000 - Under Seals, also under control Of Babidi. -|-500,000,000 = Original Power Level with seals on power removed, No longer under Babidi's thrall. -|- 400,000,000,000 Empowered by Towa. (X800) 

-Majin Buu (Full Power) = 20,600,200,000,000

-Mira(S-Cells/Zenkai) - 24,000,000,000 -|- Towa Magically Empowering Mira(X800) - 19,200,000,000,000

-Towa - 600,000,000

-Kid Buu - 30,480,200,000,000 -|- Kaio-Ken(X2) - 60,480,200,000,000