Trouble On Planet Namek.



Heading back to planet Namek via 'Instant Transmission', he arrived back on his vibrant home in his dome residence. He glanced around though, feeling the wind though his senses were picking up many of his people in distress. His eyes narrowed, he flickered from the spot he was just at, his house blown to bits and he turned to his attacker. It was a Namekian, one of his own which confused him. His intentions were clear, though the motives weren't as the Namekian he knew as Ghred continued his assault, there were differences in his eyes as they were glowing, and his Ki flared a darker shade then normal.


Nail, being a warrior and the strongest of the planet, its guardian and defender of Moori, was able to knock the Namekian farmer from out of the sky with ease, he had to hold himself back to be able to keep the guy alive. It was when he got the farmer knocked out that smoke begun to leak from his eyes, his Namekian brother begun to cry out in intense pain as this dust or cloud started to poor from out his eyes, ears and mouth to the point a shape or silhouette begun to take shape.


"What are you-" more Namekian's rounded on his position, each of them exhibiting the same kind of scornful glances and dark, enshrouded auras as this one was, Nail then caught sight as the dragon was called forth, the sky darkened, and the dragon Porunga could be glimpsed in the distance. Before Nail or any of those present could continue the fight or question why the dragon was summoned, Porunga's booming voice could be heard from miles away as he begun to glimmer out of existence, the great Namekian dragon could be seen trying to resist the tendrils of both blackened and lightened wisps forcefully drilling into every part of the great dragon. Nails eyes widened though he once more had to maneuver easily around the battlefield he found himself in while those he considered his family resumed their mindless attacks, Porunga's size and energy became smaller and resistance futile as the energy was sapped right out of him. Nail noticed now that two large dragons, one of dark and of light could now be seen slowly growing larger as the energy they sapped from Porunga's continued to fuel their bodies and energy.


'I must retreat back to Earth, Namek is lost… w-ho- what is happening?' he thought, feeling for Dende's Ki, he got a lock on the young Namekian on Earth though before he could flicker out and instantaneously move to Earth, the shadow who Nail disregarded, the one that left his knocked out Namekian brother forcefully entered his own body. Nail found that he could no longer control anything, he was trapped within his own body. There was nothing he could do to escape this control; his Ki he tried to overwhelm the shadow with only seemed to fuel the beings control even more.


Nail found himself moving towards where Porunga was seen writhing in agony, still shrinking as the thin tendrils continued to feed off of him, draining into the two dragons. He along with his brothers, found themselves bowing on the grassy hill they landed on, Porunga shrunk so small that he basically blipped out of existence right then and there and the two dragons headed to the ground nearby, their new sizes shrinking in turn. These dragons done something that surprised Nail, even if he could no longer voice it or act on it. They transformed.


"Our energy is slowly returning to us, soon our power will be beyond that of which we had before we ripped Remnant and a large chunk of the surrounding space it sat inside into this dimensional plane." the golden glowing one said, horns upon his head, eyes glowing orbs of light and a aura that surrounded him. This one thought wasn't that one they bowed to, the other, a mirror of the golden on at least physically, though instead of golden light, this one is a shadowed mirror of the other, his… its Ki the same shade as the aura Nail and his brothers now sported, this was the one controlling them all… they at their dragon Porunga and enslaved them all.


Nail could only watch, nothing was in his power anymore, trapped in his own body at the whim of this enshrouded shadow dragon, now a humanoid…


The golden one glanced towards his counterpart, Nail couldn't discern any facial features, but he could hear him speak as if with words, though there seems to be no sign of a mouth which Is speaking.


"And about these Namekian's, we cannot take them with us. I… can feel the energy harvested within rejuvenating my own divine energy. That dragon has healed much of my power." The shadowed one replied, a handheld up as one at a time the shadows within Nails own brothers begun to be swallowed in a suction towards the being, one by one… Nail watched as his fellow Namekian kin fell to the ground… they were still breathing.


"Yes, I also feel my form being nourished richly by that wish granting dragon, It has been a long time, our sleep after our move to this dimension, then our sealing it, it is finally good to use our information we've gained from our champion- " Nail felt as the shadow was then sucked out of him, Nail fell unconscious.




Gohan took the time to flicker towards his father, launching a 'Mesenko' towards his father's own 'Kame Hame' blast, their beams met. Seeing them meet in the middle, a vicious power struggle hammered between the beams, but Gohan easily pushed up more energy into his beam, slowly overwhelming his father's bit by bit. The beams lightened up the sky while even though they were high up in the air, their beams energy attracted huge portions of the earth down below, making such rock formations slowly float up and disintegrate the closer such pieces of debris rose towards the beams, their power struggle ended as Gohan yelled out more, pushing in more energy, Gohan could even hear as his father struggled, a loud snarl from his dad told Gohan that his own father was taking this seriously, he felt as his dads Ki spiked much higher from behind the ongoing beam struggle.


Gohan, he was currently using his base form, no 'Super Saiyan' transformation, he and his dad checked out his readout with one of the scouters they were given by Kron as birthday presents ages ago, this day was the actual first time they had bothered to use such devices, not wanting to become beholden to using such a device. This time they had to check, as Gohan was so much stronger after the ritual elder kai had painstakingly used upon him, he didn't even get to use this newfound strength against Majin Buu, or that other Super Buu as they were already defeated by the time he got back home.


Lost in his thoughts briefly, Gohan mentally shook his head and concentrated as he focused on his father's side, he seemed to have transformed to that new transformation he unlocked, the, as father dubbed it, 'Super Saiyan Grade Three' or 'Super Saiyan Three', a form that currently, only his father has unlocked through hard work with his own training.


Gohan and his father's beam struggle ended as Gohan shouted loudly, a bulge of Ki forced its way up the beam and intensified the end of Gohan's beam where it met his fathers, pushing- no swallowing it piecemeal and Gohan felt his father's Ki shift as the elder Saiyan flickered off to the side, now visible to the naked eye. Gohan glanced at his beam and mentally projected a command order to the beam, exploding it on command far above their bout, as its trajectory would see it heading towards one of the planets with the solar system.


Gohan felt as his father flickered into position in front of him, they continued their bout in melee combat now, speeds unlike anything seen between them before though Gohan was able to outpace his father's fully transformed state, his own base form enough to handle his father with plenty of leg room energy-wise to keep hidden. His father and him begun this spar a few hours ago, Piccolo stood nearby with Raven, Raditz and Vegeta, observing from afar for safety. After the whole Majin Buu debacle, five days passed, and life resumed to move on. Gohan needed constant training at the moment, to get a suburb control over his own power, to be able to keep his newfound and unleashed potential within check so he could resume school.


Though it was the holidays for high school, he had plenty of time to get a handle over his Ki, he would enjoy ending his day with some study that he missed due to the tournament and training's he did beforehand. Father, Raditz, Piccolo and Vegeta were interested to see how far he had come since his power was further awakened by Elder Kai, Raven came too, they had a teacher/student formal relationship much like he and Piccolo did.


"Alright Gohan, you seem a little elsewhere, will end it here for now. Time for some lunch son, Goten would like to see us too, I'd bet." his serious tone his father spoke vanished halfway through him speaking as he transformed back down to his own base form and relaxed, catching his breath slightly, Gohan relaxed in turn and nodded, the two of them hovered all the way down where the others stood in silent observation. Father turned to Vegeta, speaking loudly.


"Alright, we're going to go home for lunch, you are all welcome to join us I'm sure uh, Chichi won't mind-" Raven huffed, interrupting his father, a small smirk etched upon her face as she folded her arms across her chest.


"-You really shouldn't invite a bunch of Saiyan's to your house for lunch Goku, especially if your wife isn't expecting it, she would turn you into a verbal punching back I'm sure, if she needed to feed this lot." she eyed Raditz and Vegeta, with Vegeta huffing in turn whilst not responding while Raditz only glared, which she returned.


"Yeah dad, Raven's right. Will return in a couple hours, I would like to fight Vegeta, Raditz, Piccolo and father all together next time, I assure you guys, I can handle it, I can't wait to see how much Kron is going to rise strength wise, Elder kai is very uh, good at tapping into a person's potential." Gohan waved towards them, adding.


"Alright you guys, Raven, I'll see you soon. Let's head back dad, I'm going to get some study in whilst home, I'll just use a clone too." father nodded, smiling as he replied.


"Right son, let's go. You guys will be back here in a couple of hours, at four. Catch you later guys!" father bid them a last wave, Raditz, Vegeta and Raven headed off in their own paths to their own homes while Piccolo continued to stand in place, no doubt he would just wait right there as he didn't really need to eat like them.


"What are you thinking about son? That strange shadow that Piccolo, Kron and that warrior Dabura mentioned? Will be keeping an eye out, but for now it seems like we are fine. Dende is the first line of defense still, he will keep us informed. I'm sure King Kai will also be keeping in contact with us, we should be alright for now. I don't feel anything wrong, how about you." Gohan glanced towards his father, replying slowly, as he turned to gaze in every which way, sensing as far as he could manage while on the move.


"...As far as I know, Earth is safe. I sense a lot of people still arriving onto the planet, but the majority have returned to their homes and the others will be wished back, tomorrow, was it? Along with Raditz getting his tail back-" Gohan felt his own tail wrapped around his waist and added eyeing his own father.


"Speaking of tail, you really should reacquire your own dad, I'm going to work hard and try and unlock that 'Super Saiyan primal' form as my next goal, I'm sure uncle Raditz will be gunning for such a transformation as well with his continued insistence of his own tail being wished back to him." Gohan watched as his father's gaze seemingly drooped downwards and looked unfocused, as if he was in thought within. A moment passed as Gohan awaited an answer then another minute and Gohan added concerned.


"Dad. You alright?" snapping out of his thoughts, father blinked a few times and smiled, his smile seemed hollow but next he replied, more as his normal happy self.


"Uh- the tail… I remember my own son, it was- that when I was young, I suppose I've told you how I transformed uncontrollably when I was young, the tail, even your own just brings back those memories, nothing you need to worry about son. As for wishing for my tail back… I'll think on it. Come on son, I'll race you, I'm getting pretty hungry, Chichi should be finished and will appreciate us arriving on time to eat while the meal is hot!" Gohan didn't forget the story of his namesake, his grandfather, not by blood but by choice. Grandpa Gohan. Which is where Gohan thought was what his father was thinking off briefly.


"Alright dad, you're on!" the two of them picked up in speed, reaching home within a few more minutes later, they reached home and found Goten was outside, waiting for them. His laughter brought a chuckle out of their dad and a smile to his own face.

((Future) Trunks-POV)

Trunks stayed on the Capsule Corp lawn, within a spare ship still. It was a little crowded now with Kron's immediate family staying at Capsule Corp too, but he didn't mind it. He heard of their plight, their home being destroyed in a battle, also attended the meeting on the lookout for Piccolo and Kron, along with that warrior Dabura explaining the situation to all those who came, he could only train within his ship for now and keep an eye on his mother and her new, extended family.


"Not now you two, I am about to leave and get something to eat." he turned to the twin brothers, Anthony and Achilles, the two of them snuck aboard to get him to play with them, they were inquisitive brat, he would give them that as he smirked down to them. They moaned in unison, the one on the right replied, dejected.


"Alright, hey Trunks, can we come with? We want to go to Goten's house, we will ask mother to let us go." the two of them smiled at their plan, Trunks chuckled in turn, replying.


"Go ask your mother then, let's go see her. I'll come with you two, be quick boys." his slow-paced steps easily kept up with the two energetic boys, they quickly rounded upon their mother, Pyrrha within a part of Capsule Corp, doing some training of her own, though instead with her fists she was shadow training with her spear and shield. As interesting as that was, she was definitely a skilled warrior, he couldn't watch her now but decided he would see if she wanted to fight against him, sword against sword later on sometime in the future. The boys looked to him now, they seemed to be quiet now, not wanting to interrupt their mother, focused as she is, Trunks noted that she did know the three of them, in particular the two boys, were all there. He decided to speak up then, hunger pangs weren't a fun feeling and he was feeling them now.


"Hey, Pyrrha. I'm going to take the boys out to lunch, they also have something to ask you." Trunks sent a stern gaze at the two of them, the boy on the right… uh, Achilles replied to his mother, egged on by the other.


"Mom, can we go stay at Goten's house for a few days. Could you ask for permission from his mom? We wanted to go do some things… Goten has some stuff he wanted to show us." he didn't elaborate, prompting Pyrrha to reply to the question with a question, she glanced at them skeptically as she spoke up.


"And? What does Goten have going on that has you two this excited hmm? Trunks, could you wait for a few minutes…" she pulled out her scroll, she maneuvered through the cell phone with ease, glancing down for a moment before placing it to her right ear. "I'm going to ask for Chichi's permission boys." Trunks nodded at her, he walked over to another area of the yard, waiting for her to finish up on the phone. She did so in a few minutes, waving Trunks back over, Anthony and Achilles Ki fluctuating in excitement, their tails wriggling.


"Yes, she has decided to let them stay a few nights. But you don't need to worry about taking them Trunks, go eat lunch. These two need to go back into the house and ask their 'aunt' Bulma for some supplies and such. I'll be helping them with the packing." Trunks responded with a nod, replying.


"Ah right, I don't suppose you guys have much in terms of camping equipment from the attack on your place. Mother would be glad to help, I'm sure. Alright then, I'll be off then. Catch you two kids later yeah." he gave a half-assed two finger salute to the three of them, they waved him off as he left.


Heading into the city outskirts, an hour after he left the restaurant stall he frequented here, Trunks felt a powerful spike in energy, feeling that it felt like Piccolo. He headed east into the direction and found himself in an area which has seen much carnage. The land was littered with craters the size of Capsule Corp, more or less and in the middle Piccolo could be seen… fighting against himself, or sparring in this case. Piccolo and the clone stopped mid-fight to glance up upon him, Trunks round in on the area above him and landed quickly nearby to the two of them, he sent Piccolo a nod and smile.


"Hey Piccolo, sparring huh? Mind if I join?" he pressed, he felt refreshed. Eaten his full and ready, he smirked at Piccolo in challenge, the Namekian replied with a smirk of his own, nodding somewhat vigorously at the challenge while the clone, also smirking dispersed in a blink of an eye.


"Hmm, fine. I'm feeling like a fight now. Though I need to warn you, I won't be holding back none and also that in an hour or two, Gohan, Goku, Raven, Vegeta and Raditz will be returning here. There will be a team versus Gohan battle, you'll probably be interested in that so until they arrive, we can fight some." As Piccolo finished speaking, the Ki surrounding him flared out to engulf him and reached high into the sky, forming a small crater under him. Now Trunks was strong, especially if he went 'Super Saiyan Two' but even in his base form, Piccolo's strength more than match Trunks at his best.


Trunks liked a challenge.


"Fine then, let's get at it then. I've been looking forwards to an excellent battle in a while, plus we all need to get stronger for whatever problem the earth is in now, what with the attack on Kron and his family." Piccolo nodded, a serious gaze replaced his smirk whilst the Namekian replied.


"Your right about that. I also know that you Saiyan's get much stronger when pressed against a fierce opponent-" Piccolo's enshrouding Ki turned from white to a blazing red, his visible muscles somewhat tensed and bulked up some to Trunks eyes, while Trunks himself quickly transformed into 'Super Saiyan Two' to match him as best as he could.


"-Alright then, I'm going to make it hurt then Trunks! Prepare yourself- Huuuuurrrrgghh!! haaaaaaarrrrrgh!" Piccolo blasted forwards, catching Trunk off guard by the difference in their strength and more importantly, his speed outpaced his own. Trunks was flung into the ground in a barrage of punches, his impact continued to drag him through the ground until he stopped. Trunks had to move quickly though as a golden or yellow colored volley of Ki blasts begun to impact at the area and around where Trunks lay, he flickered upwards to the sky but was intercepted by Piccolo afterimaging in front of him, a fist impacting trunks stomach which made him retch forwards as he was forcefully bent, Trunks caught an elbow in the face for his trouble.


Keep in mind that although the spar had just begun, Trunks was already on the back foot but he tried his hardest to make any of his attacks connect when he could, though they were few and far between the beating that Piccolo was laying against him. The 'Kaio-Ken', Trunks heard of it's usefulness in battle, most everyone of them except for a few like himself didn't know it yet. Trunks would have to rectify this, it was a most useful technique.


Piccolo bounded after him, the elbow blow had Trunks blinded for a brief moment, though he begun to power up as much as he could while blinded, instead of his eyes he felt for Piccolo's position. Trunks attempted to use 'Kaio-Ken', as he had just seen it being used, his attempt succeeded and he used this newfound energy which doubled his already impressive power to power up the technique he was already moving to launch next, his hands outstretched upwards as Piccolo loomed overheard.


"Haaaaaaa! 'Heat Dome Attack'! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" the blast launched right into Piccolo's whose eyes widened in brief surprise before Piccolo's hands went straight down, grabbing a hold of the oncoming blast of Trunks. Trunks continued to feed as much energy into the attack as possible, Piccolo could be heard above him grunting loudly as the beam continued to reach upwards, hitting into Piccolo's hands. With enough of his energy within the attack, Trunks flickered out of the where he stood while also no longer feeding energy into the attack of his, before he charged up another, smaller technique and lobbed it towards his own attack which Piccolo was no getting an upper hand of, his smaller attack detonated his previous 'Heat Dome Attack' on impact, Piccolo could be seen glancing his way from the smaller Ki-sphere impacting the dome of energy that continued to be held at bay by Piccolo, exploding it in a large blast that shook and blinded the general area in which this fight was taking place.


Trunks breathed loudly, the 'Kaio-Ken' released as he watched the explosion with a proud expression, he was well exhausted at this point, the bout lasting only about ten or so minutes but already, he was at his limit and the 'Kaio-Ken' times two he used added to the strain. Piccolo was just too strong at this point for him to even outclass him, his 'Heat dome Attack' hitting was just his finisher, Trunks felt Piccolo right next to him, sensing his Ki as he let out a loud sigh, breathing out and then chuckling afterwards.


"Alright then Piccolo, you might as well end the bout now and finish me off. I will be all the stronger for it… though I regret I will miss seeing Gohan versus all of you battling it out." Trunks felt a hand laid upon his shoulder, as Piccolo replied.


"I could do that now and you would miss the bout. Instead, I'll finish you off harshly as to see you increase in strength… after you've watched the coming bout." the hand on his shoulder, the nails pressing into his shoulder relaxed and the hand was removed, Trunks turned to him and nodded, replying.


"Sure thing, I'll enjoy watching how strong Gohan has become. Then you can land the finishing blow, I'll go find some place to watch the fight later when the others arrive." Piccolo nodded, the Namekian warrior added.


"Also, I'm impressed with you able to use 'Kaio-Ken' now, even with your 'Super Saiyan' transformation, I haven't seen you use it before Trunks. Is it a recent thing." trunks shrugged, he has a great understanding of techniques, most every technique Trunk didn't have a hand in creating, he learned from merely a glance. Trunks said as much then.


"I've seen the technique used enough, during the tournament and briefly before out fight. I've a pretty good understanding of techniques that require Ki, a glance or two is all I need really. Though this technique I could only use the basic use of it for now, it being the first time I've actually tried it. Man, I'm going to hurt tonight yeah, I already feel the intense pain from using that one." Trunks chuckled as Piccolo nodded, the Namekian warrior replied.


"...Yeah, but you'll be all the better for it." Trunks nodded in agreement.