It's in the Blood.



He regarded the young man in front of him, standing apart from him and the others. Vegeta also noticed that the son that never was, Trunks was also here though he looked to be in a disheveled state. He disregarded him for now, instead standing in a readied stance as this bout was to begin when all of them were ready. Raditz, with a tail once more, Kakarot, himself and Piccolo who looked to have already battled-


-Heh, Vegeta smirked… Trunks really impressed him, though only this version was his son, Kron would have a proved fighter in his own son Trunks… like his own sitting there, he should get to know him sometime... But Vegeta narrowed his gaze at Gohan, who stood tall, proud as he dressed in what was becoming his outfit he used to play the hero he was portraying himself as, without the mask and cape though, Vegeta wore a casual outfit which consisted of shorts and a red shirt, while his Saiyan armors were being repaired at Capsule Corp, free of charge. Piccolo and Kakarot wore their usual outfits while Trunks wore the same thing he had when he first arrived, minus his sword.


"Alright then, Trunks will be watching the fight as I've already given him a good thrashing prior to you all arriving. Gohan, call out when you're ready. I expect these three-" Piccolo eyed Kakarot, Raditz and himself. "-are rearing to go. Shall we Begin, Gohan." Vegeta watched silently, as Gohan with knuckles on his hips regarded them all for a moment before he hopped a bit, getting into his own battle stance.


"Is Raven not going to fight also, she didn't return." Gohan asked, Gohan turned to Vegeta as he asked this, Vegeta resisted the urge to scoff, replying to the hybrid Saiyan.


"No Gohan, she had to pick up Vernal, now, let us begin boy." Vegeta growled out, his power already fluctuating for a moment, a smirk appearing on his face as a chuckle left his lips. Kakarot and Raditz, also spoke then, at the same time with Raditz cutting Kakarot off.


"Vegeta's fired up-" Vegeta rolled his eyes, interrupting Raditz in turn.


"-Let's get this started then, I despise this holdup!" Gohan chuckled for a moment, his stance unwavering as he replied, bring a hand forward, tightened in a fist.


"Fine then you four, come at me then…" Vegeta, not one for jumping into a fight head on, regarded the others first. Piccolo of course, kept back for now as was his careful nature, Kakarot also did so-


"-'Vacation Delete' Haaaaaaaaa!" Raditz then, he blasted upwards, transforming into a 'Super Saiyan One', had outstretched as a blast of purple Ki enveloped Gohan's position in an instant. Gohan could be heard then, screaming loudly, though not in pain but as a show of force as a burst of white colored Ki engulfed all around Gohan in a sphere, pulsing out from out of him and blowing the purple-colored Ki blast of Raditz to pieces, dispersing it with ease.


Kakarot and Vegeta moved in then before Raditz the weakling could become knocked out by Gohan in the initial few seconds, already bursting forth into their own 'Super Saiyan' transformations, him 'Primal' and Kakarot 'Super Saiyan Two'. They begun to attack up close with melee blows upon Gohan, still in his base form as they moved across the ground at radical speeds. Vegeta and Kakarot easily kept up with Gohan as of now though Vegeta had the feeling that the Saiyan hybrid was getting stronger as the match progressed. Raditz and Piccolo appeared into the bout then, it was a slugging fest and for the four of them attacking Gohan, they had to also keep in mind that of each others next moves as to not hit their team members.


Vegeta afterimaged right up close at the side of Gohan, hands hovering over the side of Gohan's body as Ki circulated within his hands, he blasted two twin beams at close range, the beams knocked Gohan out of the sky though the young Saiyan managed to take a hold of them a few seconds after, kicking one of them upwards while flickering over the other one. Gohan's Ki begun rising off of him like heat waves, he looked to be charging up his Ki and a growl escaped him, while the world begun to shake from the intense Ki radiating off of him. Not to be outdone and not about to allow the powerful son of Kakarot the time to reach his maximum, instead sent Ki to his hands and powered up a 'Final Flash' and Piccolo also fired one of his own beams towards Gohan's powering up state.


Kakarot was heard whining about fairness while Raditz launched another 'Vacation Delete' n response to he and Piccolo's own beams, the three beams blasting towards Gohan at different speeds and sizes halted Gohan's powering up as he afterimaged multiple times to dodge the three initial large Ki-blasts. Raditz followed up his own attack with a barrage of Ki-blasts, which had Gohan easily flickering in place, dodging them with ease though they did keep Gohan distracted for the moment as he was no longer powering up.


Gohan suddenly stopped afterimaging, as Ki-blasts now pelted him, exploding upon him with no consequence, Gohan became engulfed in small explosions that didn't obscure his position and he shouted out whilst a large burst of Ki engulfed him, he transformed in an instant, electrical bolts randomly running up and down his transformed state, that of 'Super Saiyan Two'.


It was now that Gohan now outclassed them, all four of them not only in speed but also power, Gohan brutalized his own uncle on accident though Raditz only laughed before he went unconscious, Vegeta took the fight to Gohan where he could and landed blows along with Piccolo, Kakarot used some time they managed to gather to transform once more, into a new transformation of his called 'Super Saiyan Three'. The transformation made Goku seem much more serious, he mirrored Raditz in looks now except for the eyebrows disappearing but, in the end, Gohan proved more than a match for every one of them together at their best. Gohan beat Raditz the worse, with Vegeta giving it his all to push Gohan to also brutally defeat himself, while Kakarot and Piccolo knew when they were beaten and after a twenty-minute fight, the match was over.




I arrived on the planet with Shin a Kibito, the two of them decided to watch as I waited for the old Kai to arrive, he left briefly to look at some skirts or something along the lines, as Shin pointed out a bit embarrassed that his predecessor was horn dog. But thirty or so minutes in, I was bid by Shin to stop wandering around and eat enough for a long enough while the two of them went to get Old Kai, get him there to help me instead of whatever he was up to.


with the Elder Kai seemingly returning as the two Kai's left, he smirked and made very precise movements with his hands, indicating at least I think, that he was 'grabbing' tits in the air with such moments, laughing lecherously. He noted my looking towards him without reacting to his ways and so he adopted a more refined and calmer look, coughing slightly and by training, I meant that I sat on my ass while observing the man's ritual firsthand, he wasted nothing in his movements and seemed to move in rhythm for days, though it was only hours... It was one thing to see this ritual-styled dance up and close, I've got to give it to the old man, he is dedicated, that is for sure though I did my upmost best to keep from smirking at the ridiculous-


"-I can hear you pipsqueak; a clear mind will make this work faster youngster. So uh, keep a lid on that head of yours… if you don't want nor appreciate my help-" I cut him off, keeping still but learning my lesson fast, I had to say so.


"Right, clear head. Got that in one. Mind clearing, right this moment-" he mumbled under his breath, waving a hand in front of him before resuming his ritualized dance.


"-Yes, yes. Quiet." he chuckled a moment later, before his mumbling begun again and he continued the ritual in earnest.


Mediation… clear mind… I sat there for what seemed like a few days, that was my thought process, or what thoughts I did have… that of how long this would take but pretty soon the shuffling of movement that become sort of a rhythm to my ears stopped suddenly, a sigh not my own rang out crisp and clear for my ears. My eyes closed, I heard with sharp hearing as the Elder Kai sat down upon the grass in front of me, he spoke up.


"...Hmm, this time it was much shorter than young Gohan, but there is much… eh, potential within you too… also I feel something… more? Begging to be released, the rest of the ritual will take several hours, perhaps more or less... I had Gohan for a total of thirty hours when I helped him as seeing that you in fact, didn't need his help with Buu, for which he instead stayed here which I recommended to him at the time, so I'd was able to improve upon him and his power more refined. This part… you'll want to really focus on meditation for now, and don't interrupt me this time, I will need silence and peace for this next part." Elder Kai expressed with a wave of his hand, I nodded silently in agreement and got back down onto me rear, legs folded, and tail wrapped around my waist as I once again, cleared my head and… breathed…


Time seemed to either crawl to a halt or speed up at different intervals… when the stomach pangs happened more frequently, more the former than latter. But Old Kai kept it up, soft whispers and at times, he would giggle while looking at a magazine or five that kept on appearing at random times, the man kept on through this ritual and this time I kept silent, within the confines of my mind while trying not to think of my growing hunger.


The man clapped his hands, a magazine appeared in front of him, and he giggled lecherously, he eyed me for but a moment as he spoke, his voice laden with laughter.


"It is done brat, now on your feet. Now for the next part… I will need you to leave the planet, your potential while not as large as Gohan's, I've noticed a darker… aspect to it, I would appreciate it if you do not push yourself her on the sacred world of the Kai's. Now, as payment… I might possibly need your assistance in any future endeavors that may prop up, that is, Shin will-" Old Kai pointed as a tired Shin and huffing Kibito appeared in a burst of smoke, they blinked towards them in surprise, guess they were still looking for the Old Kai then-


"-We went all over the Earth, to many uh… unsavory places-" Kibito bluntly interrupted, an annoyed look though he didn't look that way too long to the elder kai as he is a servant after all, though his words couldn't be taken back.


"-Many strip clubs S-Supreme Kai. We followed a doppelganger of you around to many places sir." Kibito paused as Shin added.


"If you didn't want us here to view the ritual you could have said so!" these Kai's… I watched as Old Kai begun to chuckle a bit, turning to them as he responded.


"You two are too stiff, you need to see the worlds of milk and honey… that is, tits and booty! Kron, I would recommend you head to a barren planet of some sort and try to push everything in one single thrust, bring out all of your power and get a handle of it. If you need it, I have a technique that allows the user to breath in the vacuums of space. Otherwise, there might be a chance that your power as it is currently, could cause an explosion of a cataclysmic level." I replied quickly with a nod, speaking up whilst trying not to laugh at the three Kai's interacting as they are.


"I'm good on that front, I've created a technique to breath in space and under water, one of the first techniques I'd created myself-" The Old kai waved me off, a magazine flying into his hands from the ground in which he was just before was sitting.




With Kron gone once again, this time leaving no clones to assist, it meant it was up to her to sort that of the others living arrangements out and also help find another rather large residence to purchase within West City. Though she was thinking of just making an extension upon the home she has here, she would have to go about asking the others whether that appealed to them. Bulma herself wouldn't mind the place getting much larger, that way their kids could all be together all the time and be siblings. With Kron going to see someone important in order to get more stronger... yeah, as if he needed anymore strength instead of worrying where they would now live…


Though with whatever caused them to be attacked in the first place still be at large, she supposed having more power couldn't hurt.


"Hey, you two, why are you two still inside? Kali didn't see you there. I think my mother was looking for you." Bulma said, her gaze tore away from Weiss and Pyrrha to Blake's mother, the three of them in the kitchen. They were drinking tea, speaking of mundane and random things, among one another until they heard her footsteps in which it was Weiss who stood up but couldn't speak until after Bulma finished, Now, Weiss was able to reply, speaking her mind.


"We were just speaking about the loss of our home; my sister has been told by me over scroll. Though she seemed quiet as I relayed that our home was destroyed, it was enough for her to decide to come home and work from here… for now. She'll arrive sometime late tonight, wanting to finish more work before she leaves our mother and our younger brother in charge of the Sadala colonial and the 'Schnee Industries Corporation' expansion of our operations. Her words, not mine- she's more of a workaholic then even our father was." Bulma nodded, knowing how much tunnel vision her fellow wive of Kron was, though unlike her younger sister Weiss, Winter told Bulma the reasoning of her hard work. That of her barren womb, for which she couldn't conceive, though at the time Bulma had argued that there were the dragon balls.


Winter, of course was stumped, forgetting that… wondrous dragon balls and their ability to grant wishes from the power of their dragons, they could give her what she had sought deep in her work in her corporation. Though as of now, she hadn't yet asked, thinking that she was too old as of now but Bulma just shook her head and told her to get to it if and quickly if she wanted a child or children of her own.


That was a few years ago, Bulma sighed, grabbing some of the coffee being readied by Kali and took a deep sip, before replying.


"Weiss, your sister has ambition, but she is also headstrong, like Kron is, even more so. Give it time, I'm sure she will get happiness in time. Now- this is good coffee Kali, thanks. I'm off back to work. Also, Pyrrha, tell me when Winter arrives. There's something I want to ask you all, about living here and extending the Capsule Corp home location. Make sure to be in the dining area, at five for dinner tonight. I still need to ask father and uh, mother though I'm sure they will allow it. Until then ladies." She headed off, scratching her right ear briefly with oil-stained hands, before wiping her hands on her overalls.


Heading downstairs, she decided to continue work on designing an extension blueprint for Capsule Corp for her, practically her sisters, she shared Kron with. Making more rooms for them and their children, that would make staying here the easy choice and so ultimately, Bulma would have 'easier' access to Kron and his uhm… his-


"-Bulma my dear, now what's this here- oh! A blueprint… of Capsule-" Bulma, her thoughts had made her forget that her father was also working down here, continuing his own projects. She almost whacked the tool from out of his hand from her fright, as she pivoted around to her right to stare at her father.




I took a ship out into space, though instead of using the gravity chamber, I helped myself to everything with the fridge. Eating pretty much everything within, nothing was off of course, due by dates were fine, I instead mediated while heading out deep into space. The journey would take a few hours as I planned to leave my ship and return it to its capsule form in a day as I planned to sleep for normal hours after my mediation session, whilst my stomach settled from the feast I'd finished some hours before.


Once my stomach was calmed, I headed to the control center and made sure that I wouldn't drive through a sun or something or worse, a black hole before heading for the master bedroom, preparing for taking a long rest.


The Ships alarm awoke me, which was set for eight hours after I slept, going through the normal routine, shower, breakfast, brushing my teeth and then the toilet, I made sure to power down the ship deep in space. Once that was done, I headed out into space, sucked out whilst I had 'Aura Sphere' on and quickly headed for the outside panel and put the ship back in its capsule.


Powering up to 'Super Saiyan Two', I flew in a direction and hoped I would find a planet that I could land on. I was using a faster speed than the ship would have managed and found that I was approaching a planet in the distance which turned out to be a desert planet, eyeing it up as a kind of prize, I blasted forwards to land upon it. Though it may have been a planet with breathable air, the building that littered the areas, that the buildings were of similar make to the Planet Trade organization didn't put me off at all, there were numerous buildings and also warriors making their way in between these domed buildings now noticing my landing.


With my armor that of a similar make, though without the armored pauldron's for the shoulders or legs and instead only the upper body being similar of these guys, the aliens who appeared to be all sorts of different aliens-types, I spotted whatever aliens those avian aliens were called, that Vegeta was supposed to wipe out but I guess he never got around to it, Right, he never had the need to do so as he-


"Who are- it's a Saiyan! Kill him!" one of the aliens, which looked in appearance like an alligator-like with a stunted snout, an aggressive bastard which he proved he was as he rose his hand-gloved laser blaster, letting off a blast towards me, I breathed out and watched amused as the color drained from the aliens face, that of other aliens of the PTO begun to stutter in surprise when the blast changed trajectory by a burst of blowing breath that came out of my mouth. The blast continued out of the planet.


"Who is in charge around here, this planet is-" one alien, an alien that resembled Appule in species though was red instead approached, he also wore a cape and a purple scouter. He looked quite concerned with my presence here but unlike the others around, he had the guts to speak with little to no fear.


"Saiyan, the only Saiyan's yet alive, at least before the Emperor disappeared, Lord Cooler vanished and King Cold was killed on the planet Earth are Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta and Kron. Who are you?" The alien rasped out, some of the other aliens gotten a bit of their backbones back and approached the two of us, forming a circle.


"You should remember me as Kron-" the alien interrupted, surprise evident, as he yelled out.


"-Kron! Recoome has stated that you betrayed the emperor-"


"-Hey! Recoome, that idiot still alive huh? Well, that make's sense, i did spare the guy. He also wasn't on Earth when King Cold came, at least, from what I remember. Tell me, is he here?" The alien gulped, now knowing that I was once a part of the Ginyu force, that kind of reputation sticks with a guy, plus the part of 'betraying' the emperor too I suppose. The alien clicked his scouter, then his eyes widened in no small amount of fear, a healthy dose I would wager as he rasped loudly in shock.


" N-Nine hundred thousand! T-This can't- soldiers prepare to flee! We will need to abandon the outpost b-but I will apologize to Lord Recoome, and Overlord Sorbet! Retreat!" The flocks of alien soldiers, their dignities now through the mud, turned their backs on me in fear and retreated to the largest series of buildings.


"Gee, who knew Recoome was still alive- He made a name for himself? well, he must be smarter than he looks. No matter… they will clear off soon." I said with a little amusement, the largest domed superstructure that also as I gazed at it, appeared to be some kind of large hanger, confirmed when one- no two large ships similar in appearance to the mother ships Frieza owned, though these models were far sleeker and newer versions, the two ships took off in the same direction but I disregarded them after they fled the planet. Instead, I took a quick look around, as there would be plenty of technology to acquire, through the use of my capsule set, kept within the one Capsule that carried all the others, I could pick through the place at my leisure.


An hour of nitpicking through some of the left behind equipment, I unhooked two of the many healing systems and took many of their weapons within a few spare capsules, once done I cleared the area with one explosion casually tossed, as a large crater formed underneath.


"There, now, no use pussyfooting around like usual when I'm dealing with the PTO, now… let's see my… newfound power! Haaaaaaaaaaagh!!!" first came the shakes, as the planet practically begun to splinter, as the earthquakes begun with sheer force, opening fissures from around me. I was no longer standing upon the ground for the force of my power, now surging from out of me begun to dig deeper into the earth, piling up earth and debris further out from my position. I floated upwards a bit, as the dust of this desert planet, also stirred but I kept on releasing every amount of energy from within.


The planet splintered harshly, as streams of lava begun to bubble up from the cracks, the aura surrounding me become golden, though I wasn't transforming into 'Super Saiyan' one or two, it was then the golden aura forcefully swirling around me, ringing in my ears took on a greener hue, rushing in front of my eyes…


I blacked out momentarily as my body exploded, bulking up in size to a dramatic degree, feeling searing pain all around my bod briefly, the howls from out of me intensified before the end of the change, followed by laughter.


(Word Count for the Power List - 626)


?? = power-level is rising after training but not checked.

?-? = Suppressed.


(Battle - Powers)

(Battle - Powers)

(Legendary Super Saiyan Through S-Cells and Elder Kai Ritual increasing them.)

-Kron/MC Base = 84,804,200,000 Base -|- Oozeru(X10) = 848,042,000,000 -|- Golden Oozeru(X500) = 42,402,100,000,000 -|- Wrathful State(X10) = 848,042,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan(X150) = 12,720,630,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X150) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = X3,150 = 267,133,230,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan-II(X300) = 25,441,260,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan2(X300) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = X5,400 = 457,942,680,000,000  -|- Kaio-ken -X100 = 8,480,420,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan(X150) X Wrathful State(X10) = X1,500 = 127,206,300,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan4(Primal(X36,000)) = 3,052,951,200,000,000(Three Quadrillion Fifty-Two Trillion Nine Hundred Fifty-One Billion Two Hundred Million) -|- Legendary Super Saiyan4(Primal(X36,000)) X Wrathful State(X10) = X360,000 = 3.0529512e+16 (Thirty Quadrillion Five Hundred Twenty-Nine Trillion Five Hundred Twelve Billion)


-Raditz Base = 56,240,880 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 1,912,189,920 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 562,408,800 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 2,812,044,000


-(Future) - Trunks Base = 64,246,860 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 3,212,343,000 -|- Super Saiyan II (X100) = 6,424,686,000


-(Present) Trunks Base = 35,884,276 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 1,794,213,800


-Ursula Base = 35,745,345


-Achilles Base = 31,908,452


-Anthony Base = 32,145,108


-(FUTURE) - Jaina Base = 2,800,000 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 140,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 280,000,000


-(Present) - Jaina Base = 21,460,487 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 1,073,024,350


-Yang = 43,700,440 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,709,427,280


-Goku Base (AFTER HYBERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER (Against Majin Buu) = 148,980,080 -|- Kaio-ken - X100 = 14,898,008,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 7,449,004,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = 1,050 = 156,429,084,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 14,898,008,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = 1,800 = 268,164,144,000 -|- Super Saiyan-III(X400) = 59,592,032,000


-Zangya Base = 6,400,000,000


-Winter Base = 23,848,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X48 = 1,144,704,000


-Krillin Base = 23,086,248 -|- Kaio-ken - X54 = 1,246,657,392


-Pyrrha Base = 42,700,924 -|- Kaio-ken - X64 = 2,732,859,136


-Gohan Base = 96,068,000,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 960,680,000,000 - Kaio-ken - x46 = 4,419,128,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,803,400,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,606,800,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) X Kaio-ken - x18 = 1,800 = 172,922,400,000,000


-Vegeta Base (AFTER HYBERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER (Against Majin Buu) = 122,600,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 6,130,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan Saiyan-II(X100) = 12,260,000,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 1,226,000,000 -|- Golden Oozeru(X500) = 61,300,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan4(Primal(X4000)) = 490,400,000,000


-Raven Base = 40,240,620 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,494,918,440


-Blake Base = 26,084,460 -|- Kaio-ken - x49 = 1,278,138,540


-Weiss Base = 26,042,459 -|- Kaio-ken - x43 = 1,119,825,737


-Yamcha Base = 21,000,097 -|- Kaio-ken - x53 = 1,113,005,141


-Tien Base = 28,063,800 -|- Kaio-ken - x66 = 1,852,210,800


-Chiaotzu Base = 12,000,000


-Ruby Base = 6,400,000


-Piccolo Base (AFTER HYBERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER (Against Majin Buu) = 6,060,800,000 (Weighted Clothes) -|- 7,000,000,000 ((Full Power) (Weighted Clothes Removed)) -|- Kaio-ken - x66 = 462,000,000,000


-Chichi Base = 8,000


-Sixteen Base = 2,880,860,048


-Seventeen Base = 2,246,084,200 -|- Kaio-ken - X36 = 80,859,031,200


-Eighteen Base = 2,242,870,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 76,257,580,000


-Qrow Base = 23,084,021 -|- Kaio-ken - X46 = 1,061,864,966

-Hercule Max = 600

-Kibito Base = 90,000,000


-Shin Base = 4,200,000,000

-Dabura = 5,000,000 - Under Seals, also under control Of Babidi. -|-500,000,000 = Original Power Level with seals on power removed, No longer under Babidi's thrall. -|- 400,000,000,000 Empowered by Towa. (X800) 

-Majin Buu (Full Power) = 20,600,200,000,000

-Mira(S-Cells/Zenkai) - 24,000,000,000 -|- Towa Magically Empowering Mira(X800) - 19,200,000,000,000

-Towa - 600,000,000

-Kid Buu - 30,480,200,000,000 -|- Kaio-Ken(X2) - 60,480,200,000,000