The Corruption of a Champion.



"...I can sense him, something has happened to him, he just might be vulnerable enough to take over now. This is where I take my leave brother, but first…" the darkness he compelled be inside the many servants of this planet Namek were ripped forcefully from their bodies, taking their life forces with the shadows.


"He is now susceptible to my corruption… I will do so, and you may begin your attack on the next dragon, the one on the home he inhabits."


"I will also deal with her, let us begin then." The two of them transformed, into similar looking dragons, there appearances had changed, looking more alive, the dragon of Namek fed them it's essence, they would soon have enough power to dominate this reality and recreate it in their image. Remnant was a failed experiment; their next try will succeed.


"I'll be sure to thank the young man we stole from his original reality then, his memories for which we decided to enact this plan with has served us well-" his brother said when he responded quickly.


"-Yes, indeed the one we reincarnated forcefully into this reality has played a happy distraction, but the time for hiding is over. What of the angel and his pet?" he asked his brother, who remained unfazed.


"Until we've made our move and devour the rest of the dragons, we will need to continue to avoid them. But with our old champion… we might just have a chance to destroy them and assume the status of gods upon this realm. Now, let us leave this empty planet." His brother, shot away in his dragon form, at the speed of light, while he himself as a dragon sensed for the location of his champion, to begin corrupting him… for in time possessing him will be a simple task. The blind fool, how else had he ended in this world after his… hmm… 'untimely' demise. When they first read his mind, to learn how much he actually knew of their little experiment called Remnant, they found out about the dragon balls and more importantly, the dragons that were their guardians. They also learned about the four dragons their chosen reincarnate had known of, the one of Earth, the one of Namek for which they have now drained. There was also the red dragon, on earth… and the greatest at least, from what they could decipher, the golden dragon.


Devouring everyone, plus any other that they might find in between would grant them ultimate power to allow them to regain their own strength, and their divine power would be enough to allow them to ascend into beings unfathomable.


"...Now… time to inhabit my new body!" He growled out, blasting off through the emptiness of space, his midnight-inky dragon-serpentine body and distant stars the only thing nearby that glowed through the blackness of space.




Fighting against Raditz, she easily maneuvered to his side in a flicker, then launched a powerful blast forward toward him which in desperation, was able to take a hold of the blast with his hands, desperately fighting with every ounce of his strength to not allow the beam to overwhelm him. Not wanting to end his life, she stopped feeding the attack, merely observing how stronger Raditz had improved since the world Martial Arts tournament, though she found that he was still weaker than her.


The blast resulted in Raditz being blown fully down towards the ground and ending the bout. The resulting explosion lit up the sky in a bright, purple colored light and after dispersing, Raditz could be seen within the hole, damaged but alive and exhausted from the half hour bout, and an hour before that when they trained within Raditz and Launch's home, their Capsule-made ship with a built in gravity training facility, upgraded to Bulma's latest specifications since a week or so before the world martial arts tournament.


"Now then, Raditz. I will be leaving for the time being, I'll see you and your uh… expressive girlfriend Launch sometime tomorrow." she punched down upon his face, knocking him out as she smirked, that would be him for their first training session since after the Buu problem. She decided to leave and get something to eat, heading towards the Capsule Corporation as she wanted to get her hands on one of those training ships for herself, in the eventual problem when Raditz would get stronger as her, those Saiyan's and their ability for getting stronger through battle.


Landing, she seen Ursula, Jaina, Wylla and Blake in the backyard, so she decided to land nearby. They saw her, with Blake approaching her with a curios gaze, intent to find out why she was here, Zangya was sure.


"Is Bulma around, I'm in need of her expertise, to get me one of those gravity training devices for myself." she insisted, a stern glance towards one of Kron's concubines, Blake responded, Zangya could only grin back as the woman glared.


"Bulma is in her lab, Jaina! Go and get her please. As for you, you can come with me for the time being. You smell like sweat and dirt. Training I take it?" Zangya nodded, falling in line with the cat-like woman.


"Beating up the trash more like it, though Raditz will no doubt get stronger from our sparring matches, beating up a weakling isn't as fun as it used to be, not any more at least. If you know what I'm saying." Blake nodded, responding with a shake of her head once as she replied.


"I don't but good for you, as for Raditz… I don't like him as he has an attitude, especially when he wants something from Kron, but my husband has a soft spot for the guy. Don't ask, might because they are the last of their species or something. Raditz being Goku's brother doesn't hurt either. You don't want to take a shower or eat or drink something? While you wait?" Zangya placed her right hand on the side of her neck, rubbing out a knot idly while she replied.


"No, I am fine as is. I'll just need to see if Bulma will sell me one of those-"


"-Yeah, you said so. I was offering you to be nice but never mind. Not my house anyway, that is, for now. Have you seen Majin Buu, or those other guys hanging around. That one named Dabura, I'm not sure about him and the other one who attacked our home." Zangya replied, a little confused why she was speaking to her about those guys, Majin Buu was beyond her and Dabura too. She knew none of those other two either.


"I don't know. Here, look, your daughter is back. No Bulma though." Zangya said, a little annoyed, she wanted to speak with the woman-


"-Mom, Bulma said to just give this to Zangya. I'm going back inside now mother." Jaina walked away after handing over a capsule device to Blake, who shrugged as she held the device out to Zangya who then took a hold of it. Zangya shrugged, pocketing the device as Blake spoke.


"Well, Bulma is just giving it to you. So, take it. Here, I'll help you work it if you'd like, I have used it a few times and I also know where the instructions are, click the button on the capsule down and throw it towards the large lawn over there." Blake pointed, Zangya nodded, as Raditz was the one who used the gravity chamber controls whenever they got together to fight one another within. Zangya complied, they stood and watched as a large spherical ship appeared on the lawn, they approached it with quick strides together.




He and Videl met up just north of her place, they were going to orange star high school as school for them had started back up, now they would head there together, for they could fly there now and Vidal insisted that they would do, Gohan would have been worried that a lot of their friends now knew that he was one of those who fought against . Gohan decided to continue his training, also as Videl wanted to train with him he would keep it up but fighting… well, he wasn't really feeling fighting as a serious contender but training, he decided to keep it up. Also, clones made schoolwork, training and other activities as easy as beating his uncle Raditz in a bout, heh he heh… Uncle Raditz would be still hounding him he bet, his uncle liked fighting him these days.


It was better fighting his uncle, his father, Piccolo and Raven then any of the others, but at the moment for the time being, with his strength at its new height, he couldn't spar with his uncle, nor many of the others until he learned to pull his punches.


His thoughts distracted him but the silhouette of a person coming towards him, on closer observation he saw it was Videl, dressed in her normal, everyday outfit instead of the clothes she wore during the tournament. He gave her a toothy wave, as she waved in turn and sped for one another. Satan city, for which was where she came from, where the school orange star high school is located. Gohan called out as she neared to him, hovering closer towards him before wrapping him in a hug, she pulled away.


"Gohan, I waited for you just south of Satan city, but you I couldn't find you at our decided area where we would meet." She asked, stern a little, though her gaze soften while Gohan stuttered out an answer.


"Ah right, I was thinking on things…" he said, hiding some information, though from her reply, Gohan looked up in surprise.


"Ah… your worried about school huh, how everyone is going to see you now. Well, you shouldn't worry about that. Everyone our age recalls Cell, you and the one, the… that guy named Kron defeating Cell. Cell was a monster but was stopped by all you guys. If your worried about our friends… don't. I've spoken with Erasa and she… well, she was very excited to ask you questions- Don't think you have to if you don't want to-" Gohan shook his hands in front of him, interrupting her with a answer, a sigh escaped him as at least, one friend didn't mind his planet-crushing strength.


"-No, no! Erasa and Sharpner can ask me what they like! Is uh, what does Sharpner think?" Gohan asked, a bit shy under Videl's very soft glance towards him, she chuckled a second after, turning away from him as they continued to fly towards school, back the way she came.


"Sharpner… he thinks your cool… though mind he won't say it out loud. Expect that he will be keeping a close eye on you and any talks you happen to be in, Erasa or other curious students. He also wants to have a 'fight' against you- a friend spar that is-" Videl blinked as Gohan snorted for once, a similar notion to his uncle and foreign to Videl's ears. Gohan looked at her curios gaze, he spoke.


"Ah, well… as to fighting with Sharpner, that well… I'm afraid that if we were to get into a spar of any kind… they-" Videl pressed, a little impatient from his hesitance to speak.


"-They what? Gohan-" he replied as bluntly as he could put it.


"-They will be picking pieces of him off the arena we step inside- Not because I want to hurt him, it will be because as of now, my strength has increased by a lot recently and I'm still getting a hold of my newly increased strength. I've also got a note from my mother too, excluding me from any and all sports except for running as contact sports right now, or uh, baseball could be a mistake for me, I could kill even Krillin accidentally or Yamcha, any of the guys, let alone people like yourself, Sharpner and your father with my strength this way now. Even my dad is struggling, and he is one of the strongest guys I know!" he turned to her, her gaze locked onto his as she mulled what he told her over. They landed upon the roof where Sharpner and Erasa were waiting for them.




I felt more powerful than ever, something had changed within me now, that of my transformation had changed in a big way. Who knew my blood held the capability to ascend to the height I'd only witnessed once, both on television and with my own eyes. Broly dead and all, definitely… It came to me as shock when I witnessed my own aura, now a golden green, with bits of purple running through it. I had pushed the planet to the breaking point too during this first change, that was easy to see from the pools of red lava pools forming all over as far as the eyes can see, that of the planet was on its last legs but still, I hadn't carer all that much. An empty planet, at least in terms of sentient beings, I also witnessed a few PTO mother ships were heading for thew planet but, they paused and turned back round to possibly flee the incoming detonation of the planet.


I was no Frieza, I didn't have as much as planet detonations as he would have had on his belt so I wagered the planet would explode in five minutes, perhaps more but right now, witnessing that I've ascended to this level… A surprise to be sure, ha, but a welcome one at that.


"Hold up…" I willed the transformation off now. I was still a little bit bulkier than normal but not to the degree that made Broly a large giant that he was, I was still my same size only with more impressive physical bulk but not comparable to Broly when he transformed. and then I decided to transform into 'Super Saiyan one' once more, I was surprised though not as much when my transformation gained me a extras bit of bulk to my physical size, the new sight as that of my aura which engulfed around me, swirling in front of my eyes was that golden-green color with wisps of purple running through it.


"...It seems that it is permanent. That is good news… Also, my mind is my own still, no bit of madness though it is as much rage I can control as my first time in the 'Primal' form. Perhaps… Haaaaaaagh!!" I transformed, passing, 'Super Saiyan Two' and pushing through the new heated aura swirling aggressively as it now changed to a primarily red with bits of gold, green and purple running through it. The landscape suffered another explosion of lava, coming from out of the deep crater underneath me but, the Ki surrounding myself parted the lava like a barrier.


"Fucking hot… whew, but this is- this changes things… Fucking, Vegeta is going to be pissed, I can just hear him now-" The ships up above me, made to land, first one different, larger PTO mothership touched down on the planet, with the other two hovering nearby. The ships had alien grunts pouring out of the tops of the ships, while the one on the ground, the ramp opened up as a familiar red-headed, carrot top muscle man approached me, wearing similar armor but with a fucking cape of all things.


The smirk though, he cracked his knuckles at his approach as many of the grunts made their way to circling around me, most aiming handheld blasters or in battle stances, I got to say… they have some brass ones.


"You ought to get off this planet boys, I hear your mother is calling you lads." I joked, as Recoome, standing proud and tall, his smirk never wavering, replied.


"Ah, I ought to put you out of your misery for your snark-attitude traitor. I owe you for Namek, though you did spare my life, I will not condone the betrayal to our glorious Ginyu force. But I know you've had something do to with Frieza's death, much as my new leader denies it. You have a punchable face Kron, I would like to wipe that smirk off your mug but as I can see from your… unique appearance and that of the planet which as of an hour ago was a desert planet but is now a volcanic shit hole, you are beyond me. Hence why I've come to offer you this. My leader, the new emperor has asked that you come before him and-" I chuckled as he paused, seemingly annoyed. The big guy had changed much, but he and I were in different places now, I had no time to go play 'Planet Trade henchmen' anymore.


"-Yeah Recoome, I've got better things to do. Just tell your new 'emperor' to stay off of the planets Namek and the planet Earth, they are not under P.T.O authority and I guarantee that if you press the issue, your little empire will crumble around you. But it has been good seeing you Recoome, you still have a bigger punchable face than last, I seen you, but it-" We all paused, as a new presence made itself known, the shadow as I could or should call it, swirled forwards, the shape of a dragon of some sort, that reminded me of-


"-The h-heck- Grrrrhh-" I growled, as this large, shadowed dragon begun to suck itself inside me but as it did, it was pushed back out, I felt my eyes grow hot as fire, and I glared at the shadow dragon that could be the brother god of darkness or, a shadow dragon from this universe. It was barred from entry, as my Ki exploded around me, and I glared hatefully at its audacity to try and enter me by force. But my newly increased power, the new legendary status of that power and that fact, that it was in my 'primal' form was why it couldn't force its way into me.


I also made the wish for which I had immunity from negative effects inflicted to my mind, body or soul which possibly had done this also. But at the moment, I watched enraptured as the shadowed being forced its way down Recoome's throat, he couldn't even move as his eyes widened in panic and even while enemies, he looked to me to help him, but it was already over after its attempt on me. Then, tendrils of darkness shot out and forced their way down those soldiers, who hadn't already retreated to the mother ships, with two of them already in the air so they got away. It was when the third one made to take off that, Recoome's eyes had glowed a foul inky-purple, as a twinned-energy beams shot out of his eyes, the beams shot out towards me, then bending at close proximity to me at the same time, changing trajectory at angles that had the beams penetrating into the mother ship, then the two beams split up and targeted the other two mother ships, in quick succession.